
Rauschgiftlabor Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Rauschgiftlabor n
Rauschgiftlabors pl
ein geheimes Rauschgiftlabor ausheben
drug laboratory; drug lab
drug laboratories; drug labs
to dismantle a clandestine drug laboratory
Rauschgiftlabor n
Rauschgiftlabors pl
ein geheimes Rauschgiftlabor ausheben
drug laboratory; drug lab
drug laboratories; drug labs
to dismantle a clandestine drug laboratory
Crack n (Rauschgift)
Rauschgift n, Rauschmittel n
narcotic drug, drug, narcotic
Stoff m slang, Rauschgift n, Drogen pl
Rauschgift nehmen, Drogen nehmen
dope slang
to dope
betäuben, Rauschgift verabreichen
to dope
narcotic drug
Droge f; Rauschgift n; Suchtgift n Ă–s. pharm.
Drogen pl
Ermittlungsgruppe f
Ermittlungsgruppen pl
Gemeinsame Ermittlungsgruppe Rauschgift (Zoll Polizei) GER
investigation team
investigation teams
Joint Customs and Police Narcotics Investigation Team
Gewinnung f
Gewinnung einer Substanz aus einem natĂĽrlichen Rohstoff
zur Gewinnung von Trinkwasser Ă–l Gas Rauschgift
production of a substance from a natural resource
for the production of drinking water oil gas drugs
sich etw. zu Nutze zunutze machen
sich Synergien zunutze machen
Machen Sie sich unsere Erfahrung zu Nutze!
Die Bande machte sich die vorĂĽbergehende Lockerung der Cannabis-Bestimmungen zu Nutze um Rauschgift im Wert von 1 Mio. ins Land zu schaffen.
Diesen Umstand versuchen sich Terroristen zunutze zu machen.
to take advantage of sth.; to exploit sth.; to draw on sth.
to exploit synergies
Draw on our experience!
The gang took advantage of the temporary relaxation of cannabis laws to bring 1m worth of drugs into the country.
Terrorists are trying to turn this situation to their own advantage.
Rauchgerät n; Pfeife f für Tabak und Rauschgift; Bong f
bong; bing; billy; moof
Rauschgift n; Rauschmittel n
narcotic drug; drug; narcotic
Scheinkauf m (von Rauschgift durch Drogenfahnder)
controlled buy operation
Stoff m slang; Gift n slang (Rauschgift) pharm.
Rauschgift nehmen; Drogen nehmen
jdn. unter Drogen setzen
unter Drogen stehen
dope slang (narcotic drug)
to dope
to dope up () sb.
to be doped up
Verschnittmittel n (in gestrecktem Rauschgift) pharm.
Verschnittmittel pl
diluent (in a cut narcotic drug)
Zusatzstoff m (in gestrecktem Rauschgift) pharm.
Zusatzstoffe pl
adulterant (in a cut narcotic drug)
Rauschgift mit etw. strecken v
400 g Heroin auf 800 g strecken
Kokain mit einem Zusatzstoff strecken
Eine Droge zu strecken bedeutet sie mit einem pharmakologisch unwirksamen Stoff wie Stärkemehl zu verschneiden oder mit einem pharmakologisch wirksamen Zusatzstoff zu strecken.
to cut a narcotic drug with sth.
to cut 400 grs of heroin to create 800 grs
to adulterate cocaine
Cutting a narcotic drug means to dilute it with a substance that is not pharmacologically active such as starch or to adulterate it with a pharmacologically active substance.
jdm. etw. unterschieben v
Er behauptet man habe ihm das Rauschgift untergeschoben.
to plant sth. on sb.
He claims that the drugs were planted on him.
Entziehungskur f; Entzug m ugs (Alkohol, Rauschgift) med.
Entziehungskuren pl
Rauschgiftentziehungskur f
auf Entzug sein ugs.
withdrawal treatment; rehab (treatment for alcohol or drug)
withdrawal treatments; rehabs
drug withdrawal treatment; drug rehab
to be in rehab coll.
Ermittlungsgruppe f
Ermittlungsgruppen pl
gemeinsame Ermittlungsgruppe GEG (bestehend aus Vertretern von zwei oder mehreren Ländern)
Gemeinsame Ermittlungsgruppe Rauschgift (Zoll Polizei) GER
investigation team
investigation teams
joint investigation team JIT (made up of representatives of two or more countries)
Joint Customs and Police Narcotics Investigation Team
Freiheitsstrafe f; Gefängnis f in Zusammensetzungen (als Strafmaß) jur.
eine Freiheitsstrafe von 6 Monaten bis zu 2 Jahren
Wer Rauschgift in einer die Grenzmenge ĂĽbersteigenden Menge einem anderen anbietet oder verschafft, wird mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu fĂĽnf Jahren bestraft ist mit einer Freiheitsstrafe bis zu fĂĽnf Jahren zu bestrafen. (Strafbestimmung).
term of imprisonment; prison term (used to describe a penalty)
(a term of) imprisonment (ranging) from 6 months to 2 years between 6 months and 2 years
Anyone who offers to supply a narcotic drug to another person or procures it for another person in a quantity exceeding the threshold quantity shall be liable to (a term of) imprisonment of up to five years shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding five years. (penal provision)
sich etw. zu Nutze zunutze machen v
sich Synergien zunutze machen
Machen Sie sich unsere Erfahrung zu Nutze!
Die Bande machte sich die vorĂĽbergehende Lockerung der Cannabis-Bestimmungen zu Nutze, um Rauschgift im Wert von 1 Mio. ins Land zu schaffen.
Diesen Umstand versuchen sich Terroristen zunutze zu machen.
to take advantage of sth.; to exploit sth.; to draw on sth.
to exploit synergies
Draw on our experience!
The gang took advantage of the temporary relaxation of cannabis laws to bring 1m worth of drugs into the country.
Terrorists are trying to turn this situation to their own advantage.
StraĂźenhandel m
illegaler StraĂźenhandel (mit etw.)
offener StraĂźenhandel (mit Rauschgift)
street trading; street trade
illicit street trafficking (of in sth.)
open street dealing (in narcotic drugs)
Suchtmittel n; Rauschmittel n; Suchtgift n Ă–s.; Rauschgift n; Suchtstoff m; Droge f pharm.
Suchtmittel pl; Rauschmittel pl; Suchtgifte pl; Rauschgifte pl; Suchtstoffe pl; Drogen pl
Kaudrogen pl
bewusstseinsverändernde Droge
gestreckte Drogen
weiche Drogen
harte Drogen (führen zu körperlicher Abhängigkeit)
der Besitz und die Weitergabe von Rauschgift
mit Drogen handeln; dealen ugs.
Suchtmittel an andere weitergeben; Rauschmittel anderen ĂĽberlassen
addictive substance; addictive drug; narcotic substance; narcotic drug; narcotic; drug
addictive substances; addictive drugs; narcotic substances; narcotic drugs; narcotics; drugs
chewing drugs
smart drug
impure drugs
soft drugs
hard drugs (lead to physical addiction)
the possession and the transfer of narcotics
to deal in drugs; to deal drugs
to pass on addictive substances to others; to pass narcotic substances on to others
Rauschgift mit etw. strecken v
400 g Heroin auf 800 g strecken
Kokain mit einem Zusatzstoff strecken
Eine Droge zu strecken bedeutet, sie mit einem pharmakologisch unwirksamen Stoff wie Stärkemehl zu verschneiden oder mit einem pharmakologisch wirksamen Zusatzstoff zu strecken.
to cut a narcotic drug with sth.
to cut 400 grs of heroin to create 800 grs
to adulterate cocaine
Cutting a narcotic drug means to dilute it with a substance that is not pharmacologically active, such as starch, or to adulterate it with a pharmacologically active substance.
jdm. etw. unterschieben v
Er behauptet, man habe ihm das Rauschgift untergeschoben.
to plant sth. on sb.
He claims that the drugs were planted on him.
etw. versteckt aufbewahren lagern; verstecken v
versteckt aufbewahrend lagernd; versteckend
versteckt aufbewahrt gelagert; versteckt
Die Polizei bekam heraus, wo er das Rauschgift versteckt hatte.
Die Geschenke waren im Schrank versteckt.
Ich fragte mich, was sich in seinem Rucksack verbarg.
to stash sth.
The police found where he had stashed the drugs.
The gifts were stashed in the cupboard.
I wondered what he had stashed in his backpack.
abhängig (von etw.); süchtig (nach etw.) adj med. psych.
nicht sĂĽchtig
rauschgiftabhängig; rauschgiftsüchtig; drogenabhängig; drogensüchtig
von den sozialen Medien abhängig
von etw. abhängig werden; nach etw. süchtig werden
dependent (on sth.); addicted (to sth.)
dependent on drugs; addicted to drugs; drug-addicted
social-media addicted
to become dependent on sth.; to become addicted to sth.; to become a … addict
Rauschgiftdelikt n; Drogendelikt n; Suchtmitteldelikt n; Suchtgiftdelikt n Ă–s. jur.
Rauschgiftdelikte pl; Drogendelikte pl; Suchtmitteldelikte pl; Suchtgiftdelikte pl
(narcotic) drug offence Br.; (illicit) drug offence Br.; drug offence Br.; (narcotic) drug offense Am.; (illicit) drug offense Am.; drug offense Am.
drug offences; drug offences; drug offences; drug offenses; drug offenses; drug offenses
etw. (nach etw.) aufschlĂĽsseln; untergliedern; gliedern; trennen v
aufschlĂĽsselnd; untergliedernd; gliedernd; trennend
aufgeschlĂĽsselt; untergliedert; gegliedert; getrennt
schlĂĽsselt auf; untergliedert; gliedert; trennt
schlĂĽsselte auf; untergliederte; gliederte; trennte
Rauschgiftdelikte aufgeschlüsselt nach Staatsangehörigkeit nach Staatsangehörigkeit gegliedert getrennt
to break down () sth. (by sth.)
breaking down
broken down
breaks down
broke down
drug-related offences broken down by nationality
etw. (nach etw.) aufschlĂĽsseln; untergliedern; gliedern; trennen; herunterbrechen v
aufschlĂĽsselnd; untergliedernd; gliedernd; trennend; herunterbrechend
aufgeschlĂĽsselt; untergliedert; gegliedert; getrennt; heruntergebrochen
schlĂĽsselt auf; untergliedert; gliedert; trennt; bricht herunter
schlĂĽsselte auf; untergliederte; gliederte; trennte; brach herunter
Rauschgiftdelikte aufgeschlüsselt nach Staatsangehörigkeit nach Staatsangehörigkeit gegliedert getrennt
ohne die Kosten detailliert aufzuschlĂĽsseln
to break down () sth. (by sth.)
breaking down
broken down
breaks down
broke down
drug-related offences broken down by nationality
without providing detailed information on the costs
Rauschgiftdezernat n
narcotics squad
Rauschgiftdezernat n
Rauschgiftdezernate pl
narcotics squad
narcotics squads
Rauschgiftermittler m; Rauschgiftfahnder m; Suchtgiftfahnder m Ă–s.; Drogenermittler m; Drogenfahnder m
Rauschgiftermittler pl; Rauschgiftfahnder pl; Suchtgiftfahnder pl; Drogenermittler pl; Drogenfahnder pl
narcotics investigator; narcotics agent; nark Br. Austr. NZ coll.; narc Am. coll.
narcotics investigators; narcotics agents; narks; narcs
Drogenfahnder m, Rauschgiftfahnder m
nark Am.
Drogenfahnder m; Rauschgiftfahnder m; Suchtgiftfahnder m
Drogenfahnder pl; Rauschgiftfahnder pl; Suchtgiftfahnder pl
narcotics agent; narc Am.; nark Am.
narcotics agents; narcs; narks
Rauschgifthändler m
drug trafficker, dealer, pusher
Rauschgifthändler m; Drogenhändler m
Rauschgifthändler pl; Drogenhändler pl
drug trafficker; trafficker in drugs; dealer; pusher
drug traffickers; traffickers in drugs; dealers; pushers
Rauschgifthändler m
peddler Br.; drug peddler Am. (old-fashioned)
jdn. von einer Position einem Ort verdrängen v
einen Mitbewerber vom Markt verdrängen
Die Polizei versucht die Rauschgifthändler aus der Innenstadt zu verdrängen.
Otter sind zweimal so groß wie Nerze und verdrängen sie erfolgreich von den Flüssen.
to oust sb. from a position place
to oust a competitor from the market
Police are trying to oust drug dealers from the city centre.
Otters are twice as big as minks and are successfully ousting them from the rivers.
Rauschgifthändler m; Suchtgifthändler m Ös.; Drogenhändler m; Drogendealer m
Rauschgifthändler pl; Suchtgifthändler pl; Drogenhändler pl; Drogendealer pl
drug trafficker; trafficker in drugs; drug dealer; dealer; drug pusher; pusher; drug peddler; dope dealer slang
drug traffickers; traffickers in drugs; drug dealers; dealer; drug pushers; pushers; drug peddlers; dope dealers
jdn. von einer Position einem Ort verdrängen v
einen Mitbewerber vom Markt verdrängen
Die Polizei versucht, die Rauschgifthändler aus der Innenstadt zu verdrängen.
Otter sind zweimal so groß wie Nerze und verdrängen sie erfolgreich von den Flüssen.
to oust sb. from a position place
to oust a competitor from the market
Police are trying to oust drug dealers from the city centre.
Otters are twice as big as minks, and are successfully ousting them from the rivers.
Rauschgifthandel m
drug traffic
Rauschgifthandel m; Drogenhandel m; Suchtmittelhandel m; Suchtgifthandel Ă–s. (Straftatbestand)
(narcotic) drug trafficking; trafficking in narcotic illicit drugs (criminal offence)
illegaler Handel m (mit etw.) (als allgemeines Phänomen)
Frauenhandel m
Organhandel m
Rauschgifthandel m; Suchtgifthandel m; Suchtmittelhandel m adm.; Drogenhandel m
traffic; illicit trade; illegal trade (in sth.) (as a general phenomenon)
traffic in women; illicit trade in women
traffic in human body parts; illicit trade in organs; illegal organ trade
traffic in illegal drugs; illicit trade in drugs
Drogenkonsument m; Rauschgiftkonsument m med.
Drogenkonsumenten pl; Rauschgiftkonsumenten pl
intravenöser Rauschgiftkonsument
drug user
drug users
intravenous drug user
jdn. (über einen komplexen Sachverhalt) aufklären v
Kinder müssen über die Gefahren des Rauschgiftkonsums aufgeklärt werden.
Die Leute wurden über die Wirkungen des Medikaments falsch aufgeklärt.
to educate sb. (about in on complex facts)
Children need to be educated on the dangers of drug-taking.
People have been miseducated about the drug's effects.
jdn. (über einen komplexen Sachverhalt) aufklären v
Kinder müssen über die Gefahren des Rauschgiftkonsums aufgeklärt werden.
Die Leute wurden über die Wirkungen des Medikaments falsch aufgeklärt.
to educate sb. (about in on a complex situation)
Children need to be educated on the dangers of drug-taking.
People have been miseducated about the drug's effects.
Drogenkriminalität f; Rauschgiftkriminalität f; Suchtmittelkriminalität f; Suchtgiftkriminalität f Ös.
drug crime; drug-related crime; narcotics crime
Kriminalität f
Alterskriminalität f
Artenschutzkriminalität f
Arzneimittelkriminalität f
Begleitkriminalität f
Beschaffungskriminalität f
Beschaffungskriminalität f (für Drogenkonsum)
Computerkriminalität f
Drogenkriminalität f; Rauschgiftkriminalität f; Suchtmittelkriminalität f; Suchtgiftkriminalität f Ös.
Eigentumskriminalität f
Gesamtkriminalität f
Gewaltkriminalität f
Hasskriminalität f; Vorurteilskriminalität f
Internetkriminalität f
Jugendkriminalität f
Kleinkriminalität f
Schleuserkriminalität f; Schlepperkriminalität f Ös.; Schlepperunwesen n
Straßenkriminalität f
Umweltkriminalität f
Vermögenskriminalität f
Wirtschaftskriminalität f
allgemeine Kriminalität
organisierte Kriminalität f OK ; organisiertes Verbrechen n
elderly crime
wildlife crime
pharmaceutical crime; pharmacrime; crime involving medicines
accompanying crime
acquisitive crime
crime as a means of supporting your drug habits
computer crime
drug crime; drug-related crime; narcotics crime
crime against tangible property
overall crime; overall crime levels; overall crime numbers
violent crime
hate crime; bias-motivated crime
cyber-crime; cybercrime
juvenile crime; youth crime; juvenile delinquency
petty crime
organised immigration crime
street crime
environmental crime
crime against property
economic crime; white-collar crime; corporate crime
general crime; common crime
organized crime OC
Rauschgiftlabor n
Rauschgiftlabors pl
ein geheimes Rauschgiftlabor ausheben
drug laboratory; drug lab
drug laboratories; drug labs
to dismantle a clandestine drug laboratory
Rauschgiftmenge f fĂĽr den Eigenbedarf
drug quantity for personal use
Grenzmenge f (fĂĽr die Unterscheidung zwischen kleinen und groĂźen Rauschgiftmengen) jur.
threshold quantity (for distinguishing between small and large drug quantities)
Drogenmissbrauch m; Rauschgiftmissbrauch m; Suchtgiftmissbrauch n Ă–s.
schwerer Drogenmissbrauch; schwerer Suchtgiftmissbrauch Ă–s.
drug abuse
heavy drug abuse (consuming large quantities); aggravated drug abuse (under aggravating circumstances)
Drogenmissbrauch m; Rauschgiftmissbrauch m; Suchtgiftmissbrauch m Ă–s.
schwerer Drogenmissbrauch; schwerer Suchtgiftmissbrauch Ă–s.
drug abuse
heavy drug abuse (consuming large quantities); aggravated drug abuse (under aggravating circumstances)
Rauschgiftring f; Drogenring m
Rauschgiftringe pl; Drogenringe pl
drug trafficking ring; drug ring
drug trafficking rings; drug rings
Rauschgiftring m; Drogenring m
Rauschgiftringe pl; Drogenringe pl
einen Rauschgiftring zerschlagen
drug trafficking ring; drug ring
drug trafficking rings; drug rings
to smash a drug ring
Kurierfahrt f (zwecks Rauschgiftschmuggels)
drug mule operation
verbreitet; häufig (vorzufinden); gebräuchlich ling. adj
Verbreitung finden
ein bevorzugtes Durchzugsland fĂĽr Rauschgiftschmuggler
Fettleibigkeit ist in GroĂźbritannien viel weiter verbreitet als den meisten bewusst ist.
Der Ausdruck "inmitten" ist in der Standardsprache weniger gebräuchlich als "mitten unter".
widespread; common
to become widespread
a common transit country for drug smugglers
Obesity is much more common in Great Britain than most people realise.
The term "amongst" is less common in standard speech than "among".
verbreitet; häufig (vorzufinden); gebräuchlich ling. adj
am verbreitetsten; am gebräuchlichsten; meistgebräuchlich
die verbreitetsten Betriebssysteme
Verbreitung finden
ein bevorzugtes Durchzugsland fĂĽr Rauschgiftschmuggler
Fettleibigkeit ist in GroĂźbritannien viel weiter verbreitet als den meisten bewusst ist.
Der Ausdruck „inmitten“ ist in der Standardsprache weniger gebräuchlich als „mitten unter“.
widespread; common
most common; commonest
the most common operating systems
to become widespread
a common transit country for drug smugglers
Obesity is much more common in Great Britain than most people realise.
The term "amongst" is less common in standard speech than "among".
Unterbinden n verbotener Warensendungen Personenbewegungen durch Abfangen Anhalten
das Unterbinden Abfangen von Waffenlieferungen
das Unterbinden von Schlepperfahrten; das Abfangen von Schleusertransporten
das Anhalten die Anhaltung von Personen beim illegalen GrenzĂĽbertritt
Aktion zum Abfangen von Rauschgiftsendungen
(polizeiliche militärische) Straßensperre und Fahrzeugkontrolle
interdiction (interception of prohibited commodities people)
the interdiction of arms shipments
the interdiction of migrant smuggling operations
the interdiction of people illegally crossing the border
narcotics interdiction operation
vehicle interdiction operation
Größenordnung f math. phys.
um zwei Größenordnungen größer sein (= hundertmal größer)
Rauschgiftsicherstellungen im Kilobereich
order of magnitude; order; magnitude
to be two orders (of magnitude) greater (a hundred times)
narcotics seizures of the order of several kilograms
Rauschgiftsuchhund m; Drogensuchhund m
Rauschgiftsuchhunde pl; Drogensuchhunde pl
drug sniffer dog; drugs sniffer dog
drug sniffer dogs; drugs sniffer dogs
Suchhund m; PolizeispĂĽrhund m
Suchhunde pl; PolizeispĂĽrhunde pl
BanknotenspĂĽrhund m
Brandbeschleuniger-Suchhund m; Brandbeschleuniger-SpĂĽrhund m
Leichensuchhund m; LeichenspĂĽrhund m
Rauschgiftsuchhund m; Drogensuchhund m; DrogenspĂĽrhund m; Drogenhund m
Sprengstoffsuchhund m; SprengstoffspĂĽrhund m; Sprengstoffhund m
sniffer dog; detection dog
sniffer dogs; detection dogs
money-sniffing dog
(fire) accelerant detection dog
cadaver dog; decomposition dog; victim recovery dog
drug detection dog; narcotics detection dog; drug-sniffing dog; drug sniffer dog; drugs sniffer dog
explosive sniffer dog; explosive detection dog
Rauschgiftsucht f
drug addiction
drug addiction
Rauschgiftsucht f; Drogensucht f; Drogenabhängigkeit f med.
drug addiction; drug habit
Unfreiheit f; Gefangensein n; Knechtschaft f geh.
die Befreiung der Israeliten aus der ägyptischen Knechtschaft
das Korsett des häuslichen Lebens
ein Volk in Unfreiheit halten
sich aus der Umklammerung der Rauschgiftsucht befreien
bondage (formal)
the deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt's bondage
the bondage of domestic life
to hold keep a nation in bondage
to free oneself from the bondage of drug addiction
Unfreiheit f; Gefangensein n; Knechtschaft f geh.
die Befreiung der Israeliten aus der ägyptischen Knechtschaft
das Korsett des häuslichen Lebens
ein Volk in Unfreiheit halten
sich aus der Umklammerung der Rauschgiftsucht befreien
bondage formal
the deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt's bondage
the bondage of domestic life
to hold keep a nation in bondage
to free oneself from the bondage of drug addiction
drogensĂĽchtig; rauschgiftsĂĽchtig adj
drogensĂĽchtig sein; rauschgiftsĂĽchtig sein
drug-addicted; addicted to drugs
to be addicted to drugs

Deutsche Rauschgiftlabor Synonyme

Englische drug laboratory; drug lab Synonyme

drug  Adrenalin  Benzedrine  Dexamyl  Dexedrine  KO  Methedrine  Mickey Finn  aloes  ammonium carbonate  amphetamine  amphetamine sulphate  analgesic  anesthetic  anesthetize  anoint  antidepressant  article  article of commerce  article of merchandise  balm  balsam  bedaze  belladonna  benumb  benzoin  besot  bismuth  blunt  caffeine  chloroform  chocolate  cocaine  cocoa  coffee  coldcock  colocynth  commodity  cure  cure-all  deaden  desensitize  desoxyephedrine  dextroamphetamine sulfate  dope  dose  downer  drops  dull  electuary  elixir  embrocate  entrance  ergot  etherize  ethical drug  feature  freeze  generic name  hallucinogenic  herbs  hop  hypnotic  hypnotize  inhalant  item  kayo  knock out  knock senseless  knock stiff  knock unconscious  knockout drop  kola  kola nut  lay out  lead item  leader  lincture  linctus  loss leader  lull to sleep  magnetize  materia medica  medicament  medicate  medication  medicinal  medicinal herbs  medicine  mesmerize  methamphetamine hydrochloride  mixture  narcotic  narcotize  nonprescription drug  numb  obtund  officinal  oil  opiate  pain-killer  palsy  panacea  paralyze  patent medicine  pharmaceutical  pharmacon  physic  poison  powder  preparation  prescription drug  product  proprietary  proprietary medicine  proprietary name  psychedelic  put to sleep  put under  quinine  remedy  rock to sleep  sal ammoniac  salve  sassafras  seconds  sedate  sedative  simple  simples  sleeping pill  soporific  special  specific  standard article  staple  staple item  stimulant  strychnine  stun  stupefy  syrup  tea  theraputant  tisane  trance  tranquilizer  treat  treatment  upper  vegetable remedies  vendible  ware  
drug addict  LSD user  acidhead  addict  alcoholic  chain smoker  cocaine sniffer  cokie  cubehead  dipsomaniac  dope fiend  doper  drug abuser  drug user  drunkard  fiend  freak  glue sniffer  habitual  head  heavy smoker  hophead  hype  junkie  marijuana smoker  methhead  narcotics addict  pillhead  pothead  snowbird  speed freak  tripper  user  
drug addiction  a habit  acquired tolerance  acute alcoholism  addictedness  addiction  alcoholism  amphetamine withdrawal symptoms  barbiturate addiction  barbiturism  chain smoking  chronic alcoholism  cocainism  crash  craving  dependence  dipsomania  drug culture  drug dependence  habituation  nicotine addiction  physical dependence  psychological dependence  tolerance  withdrawal sickness  withdrawal symptoms  
drug culture  a habit  acquired tolerance  acute alcoholism  addictedness  addiction  alcoholism  amphetamine withdrawal symptoms  barbiturate addiction  barbiturism  chain smoking  chronic alcoholism  cocainism  crash  craving  dependence  dipsomania  drug addiction  drug dependence  habituation  nicotine addiction  physical dependence  psychological dependence  tolerance  withdrawal sickness  withdrawal symptoms  
drug user  LSD user  acidhead  addict  alcoholic  alternating personality  antisocial personality  chain smoker  cocaine sniffer  cokie  cubehead  dipsomaniac  disordered personality  disturbed personality  dope fiend  doper  double personality  drug abuser  drug addict  drunkard  dual personality  emotionally unstable personality  escapist  fiend  freak  glue sniffer  habitual  head  heavy smoker  hophead  hostile personality  hype  hypochondriac  hypochondriast  idiot  imaginary invalid  immature personality  inadequate personality  inferior personality  junkie  malade imaginaire  maladjusted personality  marijuana smoker  mentally defective personality  methhead  moral insanity  multiple personality  narcotics addict  neuropath  neurotic  neurotic personality  paranoid personality  perverse personality  pillhead  pothead  psychoneurotic  psychopath  psychopathic personality  psychotic  psychotic personality  schizoid  schizoid personality  seclusive personality  sexual psychopath  shut-in personality  snowbird  sociopath  speed freak  split personality  tripper  user  valetudinarian  valetudinary  weak personality  
drugged  affectless  anesthetized  apathetic  arctic  asleep  autistic  benumbed  blase  blunt  bored  cataleptic  catatonic  chill  chilly  cold  cold as charity  cold-blooded  coldhearted  comatose  cool  dead  debilitated  dispassionate  doped  dopey  dormant  dozy  dreamy  droopy  drowsy  drugged with sleep  dull  emotionally dead  emotionless  enervated  exanimate  frigid  frosted  frosty  frozen  half asleep  half-conscious  heartless  heavy  heavy with sleep  heavy-eyed  hebetudinous  high  hopped-up  icy  immovable  impassible  impassive  in a stupor  inanimate  inert  inexcitable  insusceptible  jaded  lackadaisical  languid  languorous  leaden  lethargic  lifeless  listless  lumpish  moribund  napping  narcoleptic  narcose  narcotized  narcous  nirvanic  nodding  nonemotional  numb  objective  oblivious  obtuse  oscitant  out  out cold  out of it  out of touch  passionless  phlegmatic  pooped  sated  sedated  self-absorbed  semiconscious  senseless  sleep-drowned  sleep-drunk  sleep-filled  sleep-swollen  sleepful  sleepy  slow  sluggish  slumberous  slumbery  snoozy  somnolent  soporific  soulless  spaced out  spaced-out  spiritless  stagnant  stagnating  stoned  stretchy  strung out  stultified  stuporose  stuporous  supine  torpid  unaffectionate  unconscious  unemotional  unfeeling  unimpassioned  unimpressionable  unloving  unpassionate  unresponding  unresponsive  unsusceptible  unsympathetic  untouchable  vegetable  vegetative  wan  weary  wiped out  world-weary  yawning  yawny  zonked  zonked out  
drugstore  antique store  apothecary  automobile showroom  bookstore  bootery  candy store  chemist  cigar store  clothiers  clothing store  confectionery  dispensary  dispensatory  dress shop  dry goods store  florists  fur salon  furniture store  gift shop  haberdashery  hardware store  hat shop  hobby shop  ironmongery  jewelers  jewelry store  leather goods store  liquor store  luggage shop  milliners  novelty shop  package store  pharmacy  saddlery  schlock house  schlock shop  secondhand shop  secondhand store  shoe store  smoke shop  specialty shop  sporting goods store  stationers  stationery store  sweater shop  sweet shop  thrift shop  tobacco store  tobacconists  toy shop  trimming store  used-car lot  
drugstore cowboy  TV-viewer  beholder  bird-watcher  bystander  eyewitness  gaper  gazer  gazer-on  girl-watcher  goggler  kibitzer  looker  looker-on  observer  ogler  onlooker  perceiver  percipient  seer  sidewalk superintendent  spectator  spectatress  spectatrix  televiewer  television-viewer  video-gazer  viewer  watcher  witness  

Rauschgiftlabor Definition

(a.) Conducted with secrecy
(v. t.) To strip or deprive of dress
(v. t.) To strip of furniture and equipments, guns, etc.
(v. t.) To disable
(v. i.) To drudge
(n.) A drudge (?).
(n.) Any animal, vegetable, or mineral substance used in the composition of medicines
(n.) Any commodity that lies on hand, or is not salable
(v. i.) To prescribe or administer drugs or medicines.
(v. t.) To affect or season with drugs or ingredients
(v. t.) To tincture with something offensive or injurious.
(v. t.) To dose to excess with, or as with, drugs.
(pl. ) of Laboratory
(n.) The workroom of a chemist

drug laboratory; drug lab / drug laboratories; drug labs / to dismantle a clandestine drug laboratory Bedeutung

drug bust
drugs bust
seizure of illegal drugs by the police
withdrawal drug withdrawal the termination of drug taking
ionic medication
electromotive drug administration
therapy that uses a local electric current to introduce the ions of a medicine into the tissues
substance abuse
drug abuse
excessive use of drugs
clandestine operation an intelligence operation so planned and executed as to insure concealment
drug traffic
drug trafficking
traffic in illegal drugs
drug war conflict between law enforcement and those who deal in illegal drugs
abortion-inducing drug
a drug (or other chemical agent) that causes abortion
disco biscuit
hug drug
street names for methylenedioxymethamphetamine
adrenergic drug
drug that has the effects of epinephrine
Air Force Research Laboratory
a United States Air Force defense laboratory responsible for discovering and developing and integrating fighting technologies for aerospace forces
antiarrhythmic drug
antiarrhythmic medication
a drug used to treat an abnormal heart rhythm
antibacterial drug
any drug that destroys bacteria or inhibits their growth
antibiotic drug
a chemical substance derivable from a mold or bacterium that can kill microorganisms and cure bacterial infections, when antibiotics were first discovered they were called wonder drugs
anticholinergic drug
a substance that opposes or blocks the action of acetylcholine
anticonvulsant drug
antiepileptic drug
a drug used to treat or prevent convulsions (as in epilepsy)
antidepressant drug
any of a class of drugs used to treat depression, often have undesirable side effects
antidiabetic drug
a drug used to treat diabetes mellitus
antidiarrheal drug
a drug used to control or stop diarrhea
antidiuretic drug
a drug that limits the formation of urine
antiemetic drug
a drug that prevents or alleviates nausea and vomiting
antihypertensive drug
a drug that reduces high blood pressure
anti-inflammatory drug
a medicine intended to reduce inflammation
antimalarial drug
a medicinal drug used to prevent or treat malaria
antineoplastic drug
cancer drug
any of several drugs that control or kill neoplastic cells, used in chemotherapy to kill cancer cells, all have unpleasant side effects that may include nausea and vomiting and hair loss and suppression of bone marrow function
antiprotozoal drug
a medicinal drug used to fight diseases (like malaria) that are caused by protozoa
antiviral agent
antiviral drug
any drug that destroys viruses
astringent drug
a drug that causes contraction of body tissues and canals
biology lab
biology laboratory
bio lab
a laboratory for biological research
brand-name drug
proprietary drug
a drug that has a trade name and is protected by a patent (can be produced and sold only by the company holding the patent)
chemistry lab
chemistry laboratory
chem lab
a laboratory for research in chemistry
club drug a controlled substance that is usually taken by young people at dance clubs and raves
cytotoxic drug any drug that has a toxic effect on cells, commonly used in chemotherapy to inhibit the proliferation of cancerous cells
defense laboratory a laboratory devoted to research and development for national defense
designer drug a psychoactive drug deliberately synthesized to avoid anti-drug laws, mimics the effects of a banned drug, law was revised in to ban designer drugs
diuretic drug
water pill
any substance that tends to increase the flow of urine, which causes the body to get rid of excess water
drug r a substance that is used as a medicine or narcotic
drug cocktail
highly active antiretroviral therapy
a combination of protease inhibitors taken with reverse transcriptase inhibitors, used in treating AIDS and HIV
drug of abuse
street drug
a drug that is taken for nonmedicinal reasons (usually for mind-altering effects), drug abuse can lead to physical and mental damage and (with some substances) dependence and addiction
fertility drug a drug used to increase a woman's fertility
fixedombination drug drug containing fixed amounts of two or more ingredients
gateway drug a habit-forming drug that is not addictive but its use may lead to the use of other addictive drugs, one college athlete recently called beer a gateway drug for young people
generic drug when the patent protection for a brand-name drug expires generic versions of the drug can be offered for sale if the FDA agrees, generic drugs are usually cheaper than brand-name drugs
hallucinogenic drug
psychedelic drug
psychodelic drug
a psychoactive drug that induces hallucinations or altered sensory experiences
hard drug a narcotic that is considered relatively strong and likely to cause addiction
immunosuppressive drug
immune suppressant drug
a drug that lowers the body's normal immune response
research lab
research laboratory
science lab
science laboratory
a workplace for the conduct of scientific research
lab bench
laboratory bench
a workbench in a laboratory
lab coat
laboratory coat
a light coat worn to protect clothing from substances used while working in a laboratory
lipid-lowering medicine
lipid-lowering medication
statin drug
a medicine that lowers blood cholesterol levels by inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase
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