
Rechnung Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

acc., acct. : account
offene Rechnung
open account
für Rechnung von
for account of
für Rechnung von
for the account of
Wert in Rechnung
value in account
bezahlte Rechnung
paid bill
bezahlte Rechnung
settled account
laufende Rechnung
running account
Proforma Rechnung
proforma invoice
stellt in Rechnung
auf eigene Rechnung
at his own expense
auf eigene Rechnung
for one's own account
auf eigene Rechnung
for own account
auf fremde Rechnung
for account of a third party
auf fremde Rechnung
for account of another
quittierte Rechnung
receipted bill
in Rechnung stellen
stellte in Rechnung
in offener Rechnung
in an open account
neue Rechnung anbei
enclosed you will find our corrected account
Saldo einer Rechnung
balance of an invoice
überfällige Rechnung
overdue invoice
Verkauf auf Rechnung
sale on account
in Rechnung stellen
to charge
in Rechnung stellend
die Rechnung bezahlen
foot the bill
für laufende Rechnung
on open account
eine Rechnung bezahlen
pay a bill
eine Rechnung bezahlen
pay an account
eine Rechnung bezahlen
settle a bill
cost-benefit calculation
Rechnung bitte doppelt
commercial invoice required in duplicate
Rechnung bitte dreifach
please send your invoice in triplicate
Rechnung bitte vierfach
commercial invoice in quadruplicate
Ausgleich einer Rechnung
settlement of an account
eine Rechnung ausstellen
make out an invoice
eine Rechnung begleichen
settle an account
eine Rechnung aufmachen
to work it out
abrechnen, Rechnung legen
render account
auf Rechnung wen es angeht
for account of whom it may concern
Begleichung einer Rechnung
settlement of an account
für Rechnung des Bezogenen
for account of the drawee
für Rechnung des letzteren
for the account of the latter
in Rechnung gestellte Ware
goods billed to customer
Prämie für eigene Rechnung
premium for own account
auf Rechnung von Mr. Jones
for account of Mr. Jones
bei Eingang Ihrer Rechnung
on receipt of your invoive
die Rechnung zusammenzählen
reckon up the bill
Das geht auf meine Rechnung
this is on me
unsere berichtigte Rechnung
our corrected account
eine Rechnung aufmachen v
to work it out
für Ihre Rechnung und Gefahr
for your account and risk
jemandem in Rechnung stellen
put down to sb.'s account
belasten, in Rechnung stellen
in Bezahlung unserer Rechnung
in payment of our account
Das geht auf meine Rechnung.
This is on me.
Arithmetik, rechnen, Rechnung
Rechnung, in Rechnung stellen
nach Zahlung unserer Rechnung
upon payment of our invoice
auf Rechnung des Auftraggebers
for the account of the principal
Wertstellung f der Rechnung
value date of invoice
Berechnung, Rechnung, Zaehlung
beim Überprüfen Ihrer Rechnung
on checking your invoice
für gemeinschaftliche Rechnung
for joint account
der in Rechnung gestellte Preis
the price invoiced
Rechnung f
Rechnungen pl
auf eigene Rechnung spekulieren
to speculate for own account
im Auftrag und auf Rechnung von
by order and for account of
in Bezahlung Ihrer Rechnung vom
in settlement of your invoice of ...
wie in Ihrer Rechnung angegeben
as stated in your invoice
Zahlung bei Erhalt der Rechnung
payment on invoice
Zahlung bei Erhalt der Rechnung
payment on receipt of invoice
auf Konto von; auf Rechnung von
account of (a o)
für Rechnung des Überseehändlers
for the overseas dealer's account
Geschäft auf gemeinsame Rechnung
business on joint account
unbezahlte Rechnung, Außenstände
outstanding money
Einnahmen-Ausgaben-Rechnung f
accounting on a cash basis
Teilbetrag m (einer Rechnung)
auf Konto von, auf Rechnung von
o : account of
unsere Rechnung beläuft sich auf
our invoice amounts to
nur für Rechnung des Begünstigten
account payee only
eine Kopie der Rechnung liegt bei
a copy of the invoice is enclosed
in Bezahlung unserer Rechnung Nr.
in settlement of our invoice No.
kaufen Sie das auf meine Rechnung
buy this for my account
weder Ware noch Rechnung erhalten
neither goods nor invoice have been received
Gesetzesvorlage, Rechnung, Wechsel
Rechnung über die verschiffte Ware
invoice of the goods shipped
Warenrechungen, stellt in Rechnung
anbei erhalten Sie unsere Rechnung
enclosed you will find our invoice
grobe Rechnung, Ãœberschlagsrechnung
rough calculation
mit nächster Rechnung zu verrechnen
for the next account
Kosten-Nutzen-Rechnung f econ.
cost-benefit calculation
Aufwand-Nutzen-Rechnung f econ.
costs-benefits evaluation
bitte kaufen Sie auf unsere Rechnung
please buy for our account
innerhalb von 30 Tagen nach Rechnung
payment within 30 days from date of invoice
Rechnung (US), Rechnung im Restaurant
eine Rechnung begleichen auch übtr.
to settle an account also fig.
Kauf (auf Rechnung), Erwerbung, kaufen
bitte verladen Sie auf unsere Rechnung
please ship for our account
Einnahmen Ausgaben-Rechnung f fin.
revenue and expenditure account; income and expenditure account
Einnahmen-Ausgaben-Rechnung f fin.
accounting on a cash basis
für Rechnung des auslämdischen Händlers
for the foreign dealer's account
erneut eine Rechnung ausstellen econ.
to reinvoice
Berechnung f; Rechnung f; Zählung f
Berechnung f, Rechnung f, Zählung f
dies soll Ihre Rechnung vom ... begleichen
this is to settle your invoice of
mit der Bitte um Berichtigung der Rechnung
requesting you to rectify the invoice
die Rechnung bezahlen und abreisen (Hotel)
to check out
ein Konto ausgleichen, eine Rechnung bezahlen
settle an account
Schnabel, Rechnung, Banknote, Plakat, Entwurf
mit jemandem für gemeinsame Rechnung arbeiten
to work on joint account with sb.
Rechnung f; Abrechnung f
Rechnungen pl
bill Br.; check Am.; tab Am.
bills; checks
die Rechnung bezahlen; die Rechnung übernehmen
to pick up the tab coll. eAm.
die Rechnung bezahlen und abreisen v (Hotel)
to check out
Rechnung f, Abrechnung f
Rechnungen pl
bill Br., check Am., tab Am.
bills, checks
berechnen, Rechnung ausstellen, Rechnung senden
to bill
Adressberechnung f; Adress rechnung f comp.
address computation; address arithmetics
Rechnung legen
Rechnung legend
Rechnung gelegt
to render account
rendering account
rendered account
die Suppe auslöffeln; die Rechnung bezahlen übtr.
to foot the bill fig.
jdm. einen Strich durch die Rechnung machen übtr.
to put a spoke in sb.'s wheel fig.
die Suppe auslöffeln, die Rechnung bezahlen übtr.
to foot the bill fig.
Das hat mir einen Strich durch die Rechnung gemacht.
That has upset my plans.
Zeche f; Rechnung im Wirtshaus
die Zeche bezahlen
bill Br.; check Am.
to foot the bill; to stand Sam coll.
Zeche f, Rechnung im Wirtshaus
die Zeche bezahlen
bill Br., check Am.
to foot the bill, to stand Sam coll.
Rechnung legen v
Rechnung legend
Rechnung gelegt
to render account
rendering account
rendered account
jdm. einen Strich durch die Rechnung machen v übtr.
to put a spoke in sb.'s wheel fig.
die Suppe auslöffeln; die Rechnung bezahlen v übtr.
to foot the bill fig.
Man soll die Rechnung nicht ohne den Wirt machen. Sprw.
Don't count your chickens before they are hatched. prov.
Das Wetter hat uns einen Strich durch die Rechnung gemacht.
The weather has scotched that.
die Antwort lautet
auf den Inhaber lauten (Rechnung)
to be, to read, to go
the answer is
to be payable to bearer
Sie hat die Frechheit bessessen, mir das in Rechnung zu stellen!
She had the temerity to charge me for that!
Rechnung f, Berechnung f
auf Rechnung
auf Rechnung kaufen
on account
to buy on account
Rechnung f, Zeche f übtr.
eine Rechnung begleichen, sich rächen
to settle a score
die Rechnung (für etw.) bezahlen; die Rechnung (für etw.) übernehmen v
to pick up the bill (for sth.) coll.
gesalzen (Preis); saftig (Geldstrafe) adj
eine saftige gepfefferte Rechnung
hefty (price; fine)
a hefty bill
unbezahlt adj
unbezahlten Urlaub nehmen
eine ausstehende unbezahlte Rechnung
to take unpaid leave
an unpaid invoice
Rechnung f; Zeche f übtr.
Ich habe mit ihm noch eine Rechnung zu begleichen.
I have to settle a score with him.
sinnigerweise adv iron. humor.
Ich hatte sinnigerweise die Rechnung zu Hause vergessen.
I had oh-so-cleverly forgotten the invoice at home.
Buchführung f auf Einnahmen- und Ausgabenbasis; Einnahmen-Ausgaben-Rechnung f econ. adm.
cash-basis accounting; accounting on a cash basis
Berechnung f, Rechnung f, Errechnung f
Berechnungen pl, Rechnungen pl, Errechnungen pl
Abrechnung f; Rechnung f econ. übtr.
Tag der Abrechnung (Tag des Jüngsten Gerichts) relig.
reckoning (bill; account) archaic
Day of Reckoning (Judgement Day)
Begleichung f
Begleichung einer Rechnung
nach Begleichung der Schulden
in Begleichung einer Schuld
settlement; acquittance
settlement of an account
after paying the debts
in payment of a debt
Begleichung f
Begleichung einer Rechnung
nach Begleichung der Schulden
in Begleichung einer Schuld
settlement, acquittance
settlement of an account
after paying the debts
in payment of a debt
Vortrag m; Ãœbertrag m fin. adm.
Vortrag aus der letzten Rechnung
Vortrag auf eine neue Rechnung
amount brought carried forward; balance brought carried forward; brought forward b f
amount balance brought forward from the last account
amount balance carried forward to a new account; carrying over
Vortrag m; Ãœbertrag m fin. adm.
Vortrag aus der letzten Rechnung
Vortrag auf eine neue Rechnung
amount brought carried forward; balance brought carried forward; brought forward b f
amount balance brought forward from the last account
amount balance carried forward to a new account; carrying over

Deutsche Rechnung Synonyme

belasten  Âberechnen  ÂRechnung  ausstellen  ÂRechnung  senden  
(Rechnung)  begleichen  Â(Rechnung)  bezahlen  Âsaldieren  
Berechnung  ÂKalkulation  ÂRechnung  ÂZählung  
abrechnen  Âeine  Rechnung  stellen  Âliquidieren  
Abrechnung  ÂBerechnung  ÂFaktur  ÂLiquidation  ÂRechnung  
(etwas)  erwarten  Âauf  der  Rechnung  haben  (umgangssprachlich)  Ârechnen  (mit)  
berechnen  ÂFakturen  ausstellen  Âfakturieren  Âin  Rechnung  stellen  
aus  dem  Weg  räumen  Âausbügeln  (umgangssprachlich)  Âausgleichen  Âbegleichen  (Rechnung)  Âins  Reine  bringen  Âwettmachen  Âwieder  gutmachen  
(einer  Sache)  Rechnung  tragen  Âberücksichtigen  Âeinberechnen  Âeinbeziehen  Âerwägen  Âin  Betracht  ziehen  Âin  Erwägung  ziehen  Âintegrieren  
(einer Sache) Rechnung tragen  berücksichtigen  einberechnen  einbeziehen  erwägen  in Betracht ziehen  in Erwägung ziehen  integrieren  
Weitere Ergebnisse für Rechnung Synonym nachschlagen

Englische account Synonyme

account  a reckoning of  account current  account for  account of  account rendered  account stated  accounting  accounts  acquaintance  acta  adjudge  adjudicate  advantage  aggregate  allow  allow for  allowance  amount  anecdotage  anecdote  annals  announcement  annual  answer for  approbation  approval  assessment  balance  bank account  bank balance  be judicious  benefit  bill  bill of account  bill of fare  bill of lading  blackmail  blood money  blue book  body count  books  box score  brief  briefing  bulletin  calculation  capitulation  carte  cash account  cast  catalog  census  census report  charge account  check  check of  checking account  chronicle  communication  communique  computation  consequence  consider  consideration  control account  conversion factor  correspondence  count  count of  credit  credit account  data  datum  deem  description  difference  directory  dispatch  documentation  dun  election returns  emolument  enlightenment  enumeration  epic  epos  esteem  estimation  evidence  exercise judgment  expense account  explain  explanation  express an opinion  face  face value  facts  factual information  familiarization  favor  fee  footing  form an opinion  gen  general information  guidebook  handout  hard information  head count  history  hold  honor  hush money  importance  incidental information  income account  info  information  initiation fee  instruction  intelligence  interest  inventory  invoice  itemized bill  judge  justify  knowledge  ledger  letters  light  list  manifest  market value  memorial  mention  menu  merit  message  mileage  minutes  narration  narrative  net worth  nose count  note  notice  notification  number  par value  pennyworth  pine  pipe roll  presentation  presume  proceedings  product  profit  promotional material  proof  provision account  publication  publicity  quantity  rate  recapitulation  recital  reckoning  record  recording  recount  recounting  regard  register  registry  rehearsal  relat  
account for  accredit with  accrete to  acknowledge  allegorize  apply to  ascribe to  assign to  attach to  attribute to  blame  blame for  blame on  bring home to  charge on  charge to  clarify  clear  clear up  confess  connect with  crack  credit with  cry sour grapes  decipher  demonstrate  demythologize  destigmatize  do justice to  elucidate  enlighten  euhemerize  exculpate  exemplify  explain  explain away  explicate  exposit  expound  fasten upon  father upon  fix on  fix upon  give reason for  give the meaning  hang on  illuminate  illustrate  impute to  justify  lay to  make clear  make plain  pin on  pinpoint  place upon  point to  popularize  purge  rationalize  refer to  rehabilitate  reinstate  restore  saddle on  saddle with  set down to  settle upon  shed light upon  show  show how  show the way  simplify  solve  spell out  throw light upon  unfold  unlock  unravel  vindicate  warrant  
accountable  Englishable  alleged  amenable  answerable  ascribable  assignable  attributable  attributed  chargeable  charged  construable  credited  definable  derivable from  derivational  derivative  describable  due  explainable  explicable  imputable  imputed  interpretable  liable  obligated  obliged  owing  putative  referable  referred to  renderable  responsible  responsible for  to blame  traceable  translatable  
accountant  CA  CPA  abacist  accountant general  actuary  amanuensis  archivist  auditor  bank accountant  bank examiner  bookkeeper  bursar  calculator  cashier  cashkeeper  certified public accountant  chamberlain  chartered accountant  clerk  comptroller  computer  controller  cost accountant  cost keeper  curator  depositary  depository  documentalist  engraver  estimator  figurer  filing clerk  financial officer  journalizer  librarian  liquidator  marker  notary  notary public  paymaster  prothonotary  purse bearer  purser  receiver  reckoner  record clerk  recorder  recordist  register  registrar  scorekeeper  scorer  scribe  scrivener  secretary  statistician  stenographer  steward  stonecutter  timekeeper  treasurer  trustee  
accounting  account  account rendered  accountancy  acta  analysis  annual  audit  auditing  automatic electronic navigation  bookkeeping  braking  brief  bulletin  census  census report  computation  coordination  cost accounting  cost system  cost-accounting system  counting  dactylonomy  double-entry bookkeeping  election returns  enumeration  fact distribution  foliation  forecasts  inspection  inventorying  manipulation  measurement  minutes  monetary arithmetic  nonlinear calibrations  numbering  numeration  output measurement  pagination  proceedings  processing  quantification  quantization  record keeping  report  returns  single-entry bookkeeping  statement  steering  supersonic flow detection  tally  tallying  telling  the record  transactions  yearbook  

Rechnung Definition

(n.) A reckoning
(n.) A registry of pecuniary transactions
(n.) A statement in general of reasons, causes, grounds, etc., explanatory of some event
(n.) A statement of facts or occurrences
(n.) A statement and explanation or vindication of one's conduct with reference to judgment thereon.
(n.) An estimate or estimation
(n.) Importance
(v. t.) To reckon
(v. t.) To place to one's account
(v. t.) To value, estimate, or hold in opinion
(v. t.) To recount
(v. i.) To render or receive an account or relation of particulars
(v. i.) To render an account
(v. i.) To give a satisfactory reason
Account book
() A book in which accounts are kept.

account Bedeutung

account the quality of taking advantage, she turned her writing skills to good account
account importance or value, a person of considerable account, he predicted that although it is of small account now it will rapidly increase in importance
theoretical account
a hypothetical description of a complex entity or process, the computer program was based on a model of the circulatory and respiratory systems
pension plan
pension account
retirement plan
retirement savings plan
retirement savings account
retirement account
retirement program
a plan for setting aside money to be spent after retirement
individual retirement account
a retirement plan that allows you to contribute a limited yearly sum toward your retirement, taxes on the interest earned in the account are deferred
written record
written account
a written document preserving knowledge of facts or events
a record or narrative description of past events, a history of France, he gave an inaccurate account of the plot to kill the president, the story of exposure to lead
bill account invoice an itemized statement of money owed for goods shipped or services rendered, he paid his bill and left, send me an account of what I owe
open account an unpaid credit order
short account the aggregate of short sales on an open market
news report
story account write up
a short account of the news, the report of his speech, the story was on the o'clock news, the account of his speech that was given on the evening news made the governor furious
a statement that makes something comprehensible by describing the relevant structure or operation or circumstances etc., the explanation was very simple, I expected a brief account
report account the act of informing by verbal report, he heard reports that they were causing trouble, by all accounts they were a happy couple
grounds, don't do it on my account, the paper was rejected on account of its length, he tried to blame the victim but his success on that score was doubtful
account executive
account representative
registered representative
customer's broker
customer's man
someone in charge of a client's account for an advertising agency or brokerage or other service business
an idle worthless person
brokerage account a fund that a customer has entrusted to a securities brokerage, you can't get a brokerage account unless you have $,
cash account an account with a securities brokerage whose transactions are settled on a cash basis
custodial account a brokerage firm account that parents have created for a minor
margin account an account with a securities brokerage in which the broker extends credit
account accounting
account statement
a statement of recent transactions and the resulting balance, they send me an accounting every month
capital account (finance) an account of the net value of a business at a specified date
capital account (economics) that part of the balance of payments recording a nation's outflow and inflow of financial securities
bank account a fund that a customer has entrusted to a bank and from which the customer can make withdrawals, he moved his bank account to a new bank
giro account an account at a post office that can be used in similar ways to an account at a bank
savings account trust
savings bank trust
trust account
trustee account
Totten trust
a savings account deposited by someone who makes themselves the trustee for a beneficiary and who controls it during their lifetime, afterward the balance is payable to the previously named beneficiary
checking account
chequing account
current account
a bank account against which the depositor can draw checks that are payable on demand
savings account a bank account that accumulates interest
time deposit account
deposit account
a savings account in which the deposit is held for a fixed term or in which withdrawals can be made only after giving notice or with loss of interest
dormant account a savings account showing no activity (other than posting interest) for some specified period, the dormant account reverted to the state under escheat laws
passbook savings account a savings account in which deposits and withdrawals are recorded in the depositor's passbook
reserve account
reserve fund
funds taken out of earnings to provide for anticipated future payments
valuation reserve
valuation account
allowance allowance account
a reserve fund created by a charge against profits in order to provide for changes in the value of a company's assets
open-end credit
revolving credit
charge account credit
a consumer credit line that can be used up to a certain limit or paid down at any time
credit account
charge account
open account
credit extended by a business to a customer
revolving charge account a charge account that does not have to be paid to zero balance
account book
book of account
a record in which commercial accounts are recorded, they got a subpoena to examine our books
control account an account that shows totals of amounts entered in a subsidiary ledger
profit and loss
profit and loss account
an account compiled at the end of an accounting period to show gross and net profit or loss
suspense account an account used temporarily to carry doubtful receipts and disbursements or discrepancies pending their analysis and permanent classification
current account that part of the balance of payments recording a nation's exports and imports of goods and services and transfer payments
audited account
an inspection of the accounting procedures and records by a trained accountant or CPA
expense account
travel and entertainment account
an account to which salespersons or executives can charge travel and entertainment expenses
business relationship
a formal contractual relationship established to provide for regular banking or brokerage or business services, he asked to see the executive who handled his account
short account a brokerage account of someone who sells short (sells securities he does not own)
account payable
a liability account showing how much is owed for goods and services purchased on credit, the problem was to match receivables and payables in the same currency
take account c
be fully aware of, realize fully, Do you appreciate the full meaning of this letter?
take into account
allow or plan for a certain possibility, concede the truth or validity of something, I allow for this possibility, The seamstress planned for % shrinkage after the first wash
answer for
furnish a justifying analysis or explanation, I can't account for the missing money
account for give reasons for, Can you account for all these absences?
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