
Regenbogenpflanzen Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Regenbogenpflanzen pl (Byblis) (botanische Gattung) bot.
rainbow plants (botanical genus)
Regenbogenpflanzen pl (Byblis) (botanische Gattung) bot.
rainbow plants (botanical genus)
Regenbogen m
Regenbögen pl
Regenbogen m meteo.
Regenbögen pl
Mondregenbogen m
Nebelbogen m
lunar rainbow; moonbow; white rainbow
fog bow; white rainbow
Regenbogenfamilie f soc.
Regenbogenfamilien pl
LGBT family; rainbow family
LGBT families; rainbow families
regenbogenfarben, regenbogenfarbig adj
regenbogenfarben; regenbogenfarbig adj
irisierend, schillernd, regenbogenfarbig adj
bunt schillernd; regenbogenfarbig; irisierend adj
iridescent; chatoyant; allochroic
Lachsroter Regenbogenfisch m (Glossolepis incisus) zool.
red rainbowfish
Regenbogenfisch m (Melanotaenia spp.) zool.
rainbow fish
Regenbogenforelle f zool.
Regenbogenforellen pl
rainbow trout
rainbow trouts
Regenbogenforelle f zool.
Regenbogenforellen pl
rainbow trout
rainbow trout
Iritis f, Entzündung der Regenbogenhaut med.
Regenbogenhaut n, Iris f anat.
Iritis f; Entzündung der Regenbogenhaut med.
Regenbogenhaut f; Iris f anat.
Regenbogenhauteinkippung f; Irisinversion f; Irisentropium n med.
inversion of the iris; iridentropium
Uveitis f; Regenbogenhautentzündung f; Entzündung der Augenhaut med.
Regenbogenhautverengerer m; Iriskonstriktor m med.
Regenbogenpapagei m ornith.
Regenbogenpflanzen pl (Byblis) (botanische Gattung) bot.
rainbow plants (botanical genus)
Regenbogenpitta ornith.
Rainbow Pitta
Pittas pl (Pittidae) (zoologische Familie) ornith.
Graubrust-Ameisenpitta m
Bartstreif-Ameisenpitta m
Strichelkopf-Ameisenpitta m
Olivrücken-Ameisenpitta m
Blakeameisenpitta m
Blaßschnabel-Ameisenpitta m
Tachiraameisenpitta m
Rostkehl-Ameisenpitta m
Weißkehl-Ameisenpitta m
Kastanienameisenpitta m
Rotohr-Ameisenpitta m
Großameisenpitta m
Riesenameisenpitta m
Graunacken-Ameisenpitta m
Schuppenkopf-Ameisenpitta m
Braunrücken-Ameisenpitta m
Rotrücken-Ameisenpitta m
Bandameisenpitta m
Rotkopf-Ameisenpitta m
Punaameisenpitta m
Bergameisenpitta m
Rostkappen-Ameisenpitta m
Zweifarben-Ameisenpitta m
Einfarb-Ameisenpitta m
Schuppenbauch-Ameisenpitta m
Königsameisenpitta m
Watkinsameisenpitta m
Salomonenpitta m
Angolapitta m (Pitta angolensis)
Rotkopfpitta m (Pitta arcuata)
Rotrückenpitta m (Pitta baudii)
Bengalenpitta m; Neunfarbenpitta m (Pitta brachyura)
Riesenpitta m (Pitta caerulea)
Blaupitta m (Pitta cyanea)
Schmuckpitta m (Pitta elegans)
Elliotpitta m
Rotbauchpitta m (Pitta erythrogaster)
Granatpitta m (Pitta granatina)
Blauschwanzpitta m
Goldkehlpitta m (Pitta gurneyi)
Regenbogenpitta m (Pitta iris)
Luzonpitta m
Halmaherapitta m
Blauflügelpitta m (Pitta moluccensis)
Blaunackenpitta m (Pitta nipalensis)
Nymphenpitta m (Pitta nympha)
Braunkopfpitta m (Pitta oatesi)
Sichelpitta m
Grünbrustpitta m (Pitta reichenowi)
Schneiderpitta m (Pitta schneideri)
Kappenpitta m (Pitta sordida)
Blaubürzelpitta m (Pitta soror)
Blaubauchpitta m (Pitta steerii)
Mohrenpitta m
Schwarzscheitelpitta m
Lärmpitta m (Pitta versicolor)
pittas (zoological family)
white-throated antpitta
moustached antpitta
stripe-headed antpitta
santa marta antpitta
chestnut antpitta
pale-billed antpitta
tachira antpitta
ochre-striped antpitta
elusive antpitta
chestnut-brown antpitta
rufous-faced antpitta
great antpitta
giant antpitta
grey-naped antpitta
scaled antpitta
plain-backed antpitta
bay-backed antpitta
brown-banded antpitta
chestnut-naped antpitta
puna antpitta
tawny antpitta
chestnut-crowned antpitta
bicoloured antpitta
rufous antpitta
undulated antpitta
variegated antpitta
Watkin's antpitta
black-faced pitta
African pitta
blue-banded pitta
blue-headed pitta
blue-winged pitta
giant pitta
blue pitta
elegant pitta
Elliot's pitta
red-breasted pitta
garnet pitta
blue-tailed pitta
Gurney's pitta
rainbow pitta
Koch's pitta
great pitta
blue-winged pitta; moluccan pitta
blue-naped pitta
fairy pitta
fulvous pitta
Phayre's pitta
green-breasted pitta
Schneider's pitta
hooded pitta
blue-backed pitta
Steere's pitta
superb pitta
black-crowned garnet pitta
noisy pitta
die Boulevardpresse f; die Regenbogenpresse f; die Skandalpresse f; die Journaille f geh.; die Yellow Press f ugs.
the tabloids; the tabloid press; the scandal-mongering press; the red tops Br.; the gutter press Br.; the yellow press Am. hist.
vor dem Haus auf ein Interview warten (Journalist)
Sie wurde von der Regenbogenpresse zu Hause belagert.
to doorstep Br. coll. (journalist)
She was being doorstepped by the tabloids.
Nutzen m; Kapital n
aus etw. Nutzen ziehen; aus etw. Kapital schlagen; aus etw. etwas herausholen ugs.
Er hat aus seiner Freundschaft mit dem Gouverneur schon großen Nutzen gezogen.
Die Opposition versuchte, aus dem Skandal politisches Kapital zu schlagen.
Die Regenbogenpresse wollte aus der Geschichte so viel wie möglich herausholen.
mileage; milage fig.
to get gain make mileage out of sth.
He has got a lot of mileage out of his friendship with the governor.
The Opposition tried to make political mileage out of the scandal.
The tabloids wanted to get as much mileage out of the story as they could.
vor dem Haus auf ein Interview warten v (Journalist)
Sie wurde von der Regenbogenpresse zu Hause belagert.
to doorstep Br. coll. (journalist)
She was being doorstepped by the tabloids.
Regenbogenschüsselchen n
rainbow cup
Regenbogensehen n med.
rainbow vision
Regenbogenspint m ornith.
Austalian Bee Eater

Deutsche Regenbogenpflanzen Synonyme

Englische rainbow plants Synonyme

rainbow  Amytal  Amytal pill  Dalmatian  Demerol  Dolophine  H  Luminal  Luminal pill  M  Mickey Finn  Nembutal  Nembutal pill  Seconal  Seconal pill  Tuinal  Tuinal pill  alcohol  amobarbital sodium  analgesic  angry clouds  anodyne  anthelion  antigorite  antisun  aura  aureole  barb  barbiturate  barbiturate pill  black cat  black clouds  black stuff  blue  blue angel  blue devil  blue heaven  blue velvet  broken mirror  butterfly  calmative  candy cane  chameleon  cheetah  chimera  chloral hydrate  chromatic  chrysotile  circle  codeine  codeine cough syrup  cold  colorific  coloring  confetti  cool  corona  countersun  crazy quilt  depressant  depressor  dichromatic  dolly  downer  dream  fantasy  firedog  gathering clouds  glory  glowing  goofball  halcyon bird  halo  hard stuff  harlequin  harmonious  heroin  hop  horse  hypnotic  illusion  iridescence  iris  jaguar  junk  knockout drops  laudanum  leopard  liquor  lotus  lunar corona  lunar halo  mackerel  mackerel sky  many-colored  marble  marbled paper  matching  medley  meperidine  methadone  mock moon  mock sun  moire  monochromatic  monochrome  monochromic  moon dog  morphia  morphine  mother-of-pearl  mother-of-pearl cloud  motley  nacre  nacreousness  narcotic  nimbus  ocelot  opal  opalescence  ophite  opiate  opium  owl  pacifier  pain killer  paraselene  paregoric  parhelic circle  parhelion  parti-colored  patchwork quilt  peacock  pearliness  pen yan  phenobarbital  phenobarbital sodium  pigmentary  pipe  polychromatic  prismatic  purple heart  quietener  raven  red  ring  scag  secobarbital sodium  sedative  serpentine  serpentine marble  shit  shooting star  shot silk  sleep-inducer  sleeper  sleeping draught  sleeping pill  smack  sodium thiopental  solar corona  solar halo  somnifacient  soother  soothing syrup  soporific  spectral  spectrum  storm clouds  stormy petrel  sun dog  tar  thundercloud  thunderhead  tinctorial  tingent  toning  tortoise shell  tranquilizer  turps  variegated  war  
rainbowlike  burele  chatoyant  iridal  iridescent  iridial  iridian  irisated  irised  moire  mother-of-pearl  nacre  nacred  nacreous  nacry  opalescent  opaline  opaloid  pavonian  pavonine  pearl-like  pearlish  pearly  rainbowy  tortoise-shell  

Regenbogenpflanzen Definition

(a.) Of or pertaining to botany
(n.) A class of objects divided into several subordinate species
(n.) An assemblage of species, having so many fundamental points of structure in common, that in the judgment of competent scientists, they may receive a common substantive name. A genus is not necessarily the lowest definable group of species, for it may often be divided into several subgenera. In proportion as its definition is exact, it is natural genus
(n.) A bow or arch exhibiting, in concentric bands, the several colors of the spectrum, and formed in the part of the hemisphere opposite to the sun by the refraction and reflection of the sun's rays in drops of falling rain.

rainbow plants (botanical genus) Bedeutung

herbal therapy
botanical medicine
the use of plants or plant extracts for medicinal purposes (especially plants that are not part of the normal diet)
form genus an artificial taxonomic category established on the basis of morphological resemblance for organisms of obscure true relationships especially fossil forms
genus Heliobacter
a genus of helical or curved or straight aerobic bacteria with rounded ends and multiple flagella, found in the gastric mucosa of primates (including humans)
bacteria genus a genus of bacteria
genus Aerobacter
aerobic bacteria widely distributed in nature
genus Rhizobium
the type genus of Rhizobiaceae, usually occur in the root nodules of legumes, can fix atmospheric oxygen
genus Agrobacterium
small motile bacterial rods that can reduce nitrates and cause galls on plant stems
genus Bacillus type genus of the Bacillaceae, includes many saprophytes important in decay of organic matter and a number of parasites
genus Clostridium anaerobic or micro-aerophilic rod-shaped or spindle-shaped saprophytes, nearly cosmopolitan in soil, animal intestines, and dung
genus Nostoc type genus of the family Nostocaceae: freshwater blue-green algae
genus Trichodesmium a genus of blue-green algae
genus Pseudomonas
type genus of the family Pseudomonodaceae
genus Xanthomonas
a genus of bacteria similar to Pseudomonas but producing a yellow pigment that is not soluble in water
genus Nitrobacter
rod-shaped soil bacteria
genus Nitrosomonas
ellipsoidal soil bacteria
genus Thiobacillus a genus of bacteria
genus Spirillum a genus of bacteria
genus Vibrio a genus of bacteria
genus Bacteroides
type genus of Bacteroidaceae, genus of Gram-negative rodlike anaerobic bacteria producing no endospores and no pigment and living in the gut of man and animals
genus Calymmatobacterium
a genus of bacterial rods containing only the one species that causes granuloma inguinale
genus Francisella
a genus of Gram-negative aerobic bacteria that occur as pathogens and parasite in many animals (including humans)
genus Corynebacterium the type genus of the family Corynebacteriaceae which is widely distributed in nature, the best known are parasites and pathogens of humans and domestic animals
genus Listeria a genus of aerobic motile bacteria of the family Corynebacteriaceae containing small Gram-positive rods
genus Escherichia a genus of bacteria
genus Klebsiella a genus of bacteria
genus Salmonella a genus of bacteria
genus Serratia
a genus of motile peritrichous bacteria that contain small Gram-negative rod
genus Shigella a genus of bacteria
genus Erwinia a genus of bacteria
genus Rickettsia can cause typhus and Rocky Mountain spotted fever in humans
genus Chlamydia type genus of the family Chlamydiaceae: diseaseausing parasites
genus Mycoplasma type and sole genus of the family Mycoplasmataceae
genus Actinomyces type genus of the family Actinomycetaceae
genus Streptomyces type genus of the family Streptomycetaceae
genus Mycobacterium nonmotile Gram-positive aerobic bacteria
genus Polyangium
type genus of the family Polyangiaceae: myxobacteria with rounded fruiting bodies enclosed in a membrane
genus Micrococcus
type genus of the family Micrococcaceae
genus Staphylococcus includes many pathogenic species
genus Lactobacillus type genus of the family Lactobacillaceae
genus Diplococcus a genus of bacteria
genus Streptococcus a genus of bacteria
genus Spirochaeta
the type genus of the family Spirochaetaceae, a bacterium that is flexible, undulating, and chiefly aquatic
genus Treponema type genus of Treponemataceae: anaerobic spirochetes with an undulating rigid body, parasitic in warm-blooded animals
genus Borrelia small flexible parasitic spirochetes having three to five wavy spirals
genus Leptospira very slender aerobic spirochetes, free-living or parasitic in mammals
protoctist genus any genus of Protoctista
genus Amoeba protozoan inhabiting moist soils or bottom vegetation in fresh or salt water
genus Endamoeba
the type genus of the family Endamoebidae
genus Globigerina type genus of the family Globigerinidae
genus Arcella type genus of the Arcellidae
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Byblis liniflora