
Reibungsbahn Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Reibungsbahn f; Adhäsionsbahn f (Bahn)
adhesion railway Br.; adhesion railroad Am.
Reibungsbahn f; Adhäsionsbahn f (Bahn)
adhesion railway Br.; adhesion railroad Am.
Ankerschraube f; Anker m techn.
Ankerschrauben pl; Anker pl
Gebirgssanker m
Hinterschnitt-Schlaganker m
Keilhülsenanker m
Spreizanker m
Verbundanker m; Klebeanker m; Reibungsanker m
anchor bolt; anchor
anchor bolts; anchors
rock bolt
undercut expanding anchor; undercut anchor
wedge-type expansion anchor; wedge anchor
self-anchoring expansion bolt; expansion anchor
bonded anchor; adhesive anchor; chemical anchor
Reibungsantrieb m (Bahn)
adhesion traction (railway)
Arbeit f phys.
mechanische Arbeit
Reibungsarbeit f
Prinzip der virtuellen Arbeit
mechanical work
work consumed by friction
principle of virtual work
gleitfähig; reibungsarm adj techn. textil.
gleitfähiger Stoff
reibungsarmes Material
low-friction fabric
low-friction material
Reibungsbahn f; Adhäsionsbahn f (Bahn)
adhesion railway Br.; adhesion railroad Am.
Reibungskoeffizient m; Reibungsbeiwert m; Reibungszahl f phys.
Reibungsbeiwert der Bewegung
Reibungsbeiwert der Ruhe
friction coefficient; coefficient of friction; coefficient of kinetic friction
dynamic(al) friction coefficient
static friction coefficient
Reibungsbrekzie f geol.
friction breccia; fault breccia; fresh breccia; crush breccia; tectonic breccia
Reibungsbremse f techn.
Reibungsbremsen pl
friction brake
friction brakes
Reibungsdämpfer m
Reibungsdämpfer pl
friction type damper
friction type dampers
Reibungselektrizität f phys.
frictional electricity
Reibungsfeder f mach.
Reibungsfeder pl
friction spring
friction springs
Reibungsfläche f
friction surface
Reibungsfläche f übtr.
source of friction
friction surface
Reibungsfläche f phys.
friction surface
Reibungsfläche f; Reibungsflächen pl übtr.
Reibungsflächen bieten (Sache)
source of friction fig.
to be a source of friction (of a thing)
reibungsfrei adj
reibungsfrei adv
smooth; frictionless; fluent
smoothly; frictionlessly; fluently
Reibungsgesetz n
law of friction, friction law
Reibungsgesetz n
law of friction; friction law
Reibungsgewicht n
adhesive weight
Reibungskoeffizient m phys.
coefficient of friction, coefficient of kinetic friction
Reibungskraft f
frictional force, friction
friction force
Reibungskraft f
frictional force; friction
Friktionskupplung f, Reibungskupplung f techn.
friction clutch
Friktionskupplung f; Reibungskupplung f techn.
friction clutch
Tribologie f, Reibungslehre f phys. mach.
Tribologie f; Reibungslehre f; Verschleißforschung f phys. mach.
Tribologie f; Reibungslehre f; Verschleißforschung f phys.
tribology; study of friction, wear, and lubrication
Reibungsleistung f
friction power
friction power
Lokomotive f; Lok f ugs. (Bahn)
Lokomotiven pl; Loks pl
Abdrücklokomotive f
Batterielokomotive f; batteriebetriebene Lokomotive f
Bergbahnlokomotive f; Gebirgsbahnlokomotive f
Bremslokomotive f
Dampflokomotive f; Dampflok f
Dampflokomotive mit Ölfeuerung
Dampfspeicherlokomotive f; feuerlose Lokomotive f
Diesellokomotive f; Diesellok f
dieselelektrische Lokomotive; Diesellokomotive mit elektrischer Kraftübertragung
dieselhydraulische Lokomotive; Diesellokomotive mit hydraulischer Kraftübertragung
Diesellokomotive mit hydromechanischer Kraftübertragung
Diesellokomotive mit mechanischer Kraftübertragung
Diesellokomotive mittlerer Leistung
Direktauspuff-Lokomotive f
Direktmotorlokomotive f; Lokomotive mit Wechselstrommotor
Direktmotorlokomotive f; Lokomotive mit unmittelbarem Antrieb mit Wechselstrommotor
Doppel-Lokomotive f
Drehgestell-Lokomotive f
Drehstromlokomotive f
Dreifachlokomotive f
Dreistromlokomotive f
Drillingslokomotive f; Lokomotive mit drei Zylindern
Einphasenwechselstromlokomotive f
Einrahmenlokomotive f
elektrische Lokomotive mit rotierendem Umformer
Elektrodiesellokomotive f
Elektrolokomotive f; elektrische Lokomotive f; E-Lok f
Exzitronlokomotive f; Lokomotive mit Exzitron
ferngesteuerte Lokomotive
Gasturbinenlokomotive f (mit elektrischer Kraftübertragung)
Gelenklokomotive f; Gliederlokomotive f; Lenkachslokomotive f; Lokomotive mit einstellbaren Achsen
Gleichrichterlokomotive f
Güterzuglokomotive f
Kleinlokomotive f; K-Lok f; Traktor m Schw.
Lokomotive mit einfacher Expansion
Lokomotive mit dreifacher Expansion
Lokomotive mit gesteuerten Gleichrichtern
Mehrzwecklokomotive f; Lokomotive für gemischten Bahnverkehr
Reibungslokomotive f; Adhäsionslokomotive f
Tenderlokokomotive f
Turbodiesellokomotive f; Diesellokomotive f mit Turboaufladung
Verbundlokomotive f; Lokomotive mit zweistufiger Expansion
Verschiebelokomotive f; Verschiebelok f ugs.; Rangierlokomotive f; Rangierlok f ugs.
Zwillingslokomotive f; Lokomotive mit zwei Dampfzylindern
kleine Dampflokomotive; kleine Dampflok hist.
Lokomotive mit Innenrahmen
Leerfahrt f einer Lokomotive; Lok-Leerfahrt f; Fahrt als Lokzug Schw.
Ausbau der Treibstangen einer Lokomotive
eine Dampflok anheizen
eine Lokomotive unter Dampf setzen
locomotive; loco coll.; railroad engine Am.; engine Am. (railway)
locomotives; locos; railroad engines; engines
hump locomotive
battery-operated locomotive
mountain locomotive; mountain engine Am.; Alpine locomotive; Alpine engine Am.
brake locomotive
steam locomotive; steam engine Am.; steam traction unit
oil-burning locomotive
fireless steam locomotive; locomotive without firebox
diesel locomotive; diesel engine Am.
diesel-electric locomotive
diesel-hydraulic locomotive
diesel-hydromechanical locomotive
diesel-mechanical locomotive
small shunting locomotive
non-condensing steam locomotive
direct-drive locomotive
direct-drive locomotive; gearless locomotive
double locomotive
bogie locomotive
locomotive with single-phase three-phase converter set
triple locomotive
three-system locomotive
three-cylinder locomotive
single-phase locomotive; alternating current locomotive
locomotive with single underframe
rotary converter locomotive
electro-diesel locomotive
electric locomotive
excitron locomotive
slave locomotive
gas-turbine locomotive (with electric transmission)
articulated locomotive
rectifier locomotive; locomotive with a.c. d.c. motor converter set
goods locomotive Br.; freight locomotive Am.
small-power locomotive; small shunting locomotive; light rail motor tractor
simple-expansion locomotive
triple expansion locomotive
controlled rectifier locomotive
universal locomotive; mixed-traffic locomotive; mixed-traffic engine Am.
adhesion locomotive
tank locomotive
gas-turbine diesel locomotive
compound locomotive
shunting locomotive; shunting engine Am.; shunter; switcher; switch engine Am.; wildcat Am.
dual-cylinder locomotive; two-cylinder locomotive
pug locomotive Br.; pug Br.
inside framed engine
light running of a locomotive; locomotive running light
removal of locomotive rods
to fire a steam locomotive
to put an engine in steam under steam
fließend, reibungslos adv
problemlos, mühelos, reibungslos, ruhig adj
trouble-free, troublefree
reibungslos adj
reibungslos adj
außer etw.; bis auf etw.; abgesehen von etw. prp
abgesehen davon
Sieht man von diesen Problemen ab läuft alles reibungslos:
Ich habe alles bis auf das Dessert außer dem Dessert gegessen. Abgesehen vom Dessert habe ich alles gegessen.
except sth.; apart from sth.
apart from that
These problems apart everything runs smoothly.
I ate everything apart from except the dessert.
fließend; reibungslos adv
flüssig sprechen
flüssig Englisch sprechen
to speak fluently
to speak fluent English
problemlos; mühelos; reibungslos; ruhig adj
trouble-free; troublefree
reibungslos adv; ohne Probleme
Alles läuft glatt. ugs.
Es läuft wie am Schnürchen. ugs.
Es läuft wie geschmiert. ugs.
Alles verläuft reibungslos.
swimmingly {adv} coll.
Everything goes swimmingly. coll.
Everything goes swimmingly. coll.
Everything goes swimmingly. coll.
Everything goes swimmingly. coll.
Hürde f; Komplikation f; Schwierigkeit f
Hürden pl; Komplikationen pl; Schwierigkeiten pl
Komplikation in letzter Minute
einige technische Schwierigkeiten
Es lief alles reibungslos.
hitch (small problem delaying sth.)
last-minute hitch
some technical hitches
Everything went without a hitch.
außer etw.; bis auf etw.; abgesehen von etw. prp
abgesehen davon
Sieht man von diesen Problemen ab, läuft alles reibungslos:
Ich habe alles bis auf das Dessert außer dem Dessert gegessen. Abgesehen vom Dessert habe ich alles gegessen.
except sth.; apart from sth.
apart from that
These problems apart, everything runs smoothly.
I ate everything apart from except the dessert.
glatt; reibungslos; wie geschmiert; wie am Schnürchen adv
smoothly; swimmingly; like clockwork
reibungslos; problemlos; einwandfrei adj
trouble-free; problem-free
reibungslos adj übtr.
reibungslose Lieferung
smooth delivery
tadellos; makellos; einwandfrei; reibungslos adv
makellos sauber
einwandfrei reibungslos funktionieren
etw. tadellos vortragen
flawlessly; spotlessly; stainlessly rare
spotlessly cleaned
to work flawlessly
to spotlessly perform sth.
Funktionsfähigkeit f; das Funktionieren (von etw.)
die volle Funktionsfähigkeit; das reibungslose Funktionieren
the functioning (of sth.)
the proper functioning
Wartung f; Service m
Wartungen pl
Wartung f nach Aufwand
laufende Wartung
planmäßige Wartung
vorbeugende Wartung
unterbrechungsfreie Wartung
Eine regelmäßige Wartung ist für den reibungslosen Betrieb unerlässlich.
attention; maintenance; service
per-call maintenance
routine maintenance
scheduled maintenance
corrective maintenance; preventive maintenance
on-line maintenance
Regular maintenance is essential for the proper operation.
Wartung f; Unterhaltung f Dt.; Unterhalt f Schw.; Instandhaltung f; Servicierung f Ös. (von technischen Anlagen) techn.
fehlerbehebende Wartung; Instandsetzung f
laufende Wartung
planmäßige Wartung
unterbrechungsfreie Wartung
vorbeugende Wartung
Vor-Ort-Wartung; Vor-Ort-Servicierung
Wartung f nach Aufwand
Eine regelmäßige Wartung ist für den reibungslosen Betrieb unerlässlich.
maintenance; servicing (of technical facilities)
corrective maintenance
routine maintenance
scheduled maintenance
on-line maintenance
corrective maintenance; preventive maintenance
field servicing; field service
per-call maintenance
Regular maintenance is essential for the proper operation.
Reibungsmessgerät n; Tribometer n
Reibungsmessgeräte pl; Tribometer pl
Reibungsmessgerät n; Tribometer n (bei Gleitbeanspruchung) techn.
Reibungsmessgeräte pl; Tribometer pl
friction measuring instrument; tribometer (in sliding)
friction measuring instruments; tribometers
Laufachse f (Bahn)
Laufachsen pl
hintere Laufachse
Lokomotive ohne Laufachsen; laufachslose Lokomotive; Lokomotive mit vollständiger Reibungsnutzung
running axle; carrying axle; idle axle (railway)
running axles; carrying axles; idle axles
trailing axle
locomotive engine providing total adhesion
Reibungsstoßdämpfer m auto
Reibungsstoßdämpfer pl
Reibungsstoßdämpfer m techn.
Reibungsstoßdämpfer pl
friction shock absorber
friction shock absorbers
die schlimmsten Reibungsursachen
the worst causes of friction
Reibungsverlust m
Reibungsverluste pl
friction loss
friction losses
Pistole f mil.
Pistolen pl
automatische Pistole; Selbstladepistole f
Deringer f; Deringerpistole f
Dienstpistole f
Gaspistole f
Hochleistungspistole f
Kipplaufpistole f
Luftpistole f; Druckluftpistole f; Luftdruckpistole f
Magazinpistole f
hahnlose Pistole
mehrläufige Pistole
Parabellumpistole f
Perkussionspistole f hist.
Radschlosspistole f hist.
Scheibenpistole f; Meisterschaftspistole f
Terzerol n
Pistole mit Drehlauf
Pistole mit Federverschluss
Pistole mit halbstarrer Verriegelung
Pistole mit mehreren parallel liegenden Läufen
Pistole mit Reibungsverriegelung
Pistole mit Schlagbolzenschloss
Reiterpistole f
Repetierpistole f
Scheibenpistole f
Schlagringpistole f
Schnellfeuerpistole f
Schreckschusspistole f
Selbstauswerferpistole f
Sportpistole f
Vorderladepistole f
Westentaschenpistole f; Taschenpistole f
mit vorgehaltener Pistole
jdm. die Pistole auf die Brust setzen übtr.
wie aus der Pistole geschossen übtr.
automatic pistol; autoloading pistol
Philadelphia Deringer; Deringer; Derringer
service pistol
gas-powered pistol; gas pistol; gas gun
high-power pistol
tip-up pistol; top-break pistol
air pistol; air gun; pellet pistol; pellet gun
magazine pistol
concealed hammer pistol
muliple-barrelled pistol
luger pistol
percussion pistol
wheel-lock pistol
target pistol; match pistol; schuetzen pistol rare
terzerol; terzerole
rotating-barrel pistol
blowback pistol
locked-breech pistol; delayed blowback pistol
multiple-parallel-barrelled pistol
unlocked-breech friction delayed pistol
striker-fired pistol
horse pistol
repeating pistol
match pistol; target pistol
knuckle duster
rapid-fire pistol
alarm pistol; blank-firing pistol; blank pistol
self-ejecting pistol
sporting pistol; sport pistol
muzzle-loading pistol
vest pocket pistol; pocket pistol
at pistol point
to hold a pistol on to sb.'s head fig.
quick like a shot fig.
Reibungswärme f techn.
frictional heat
Reibungswiderstand m
frictional resistance
frictional resistance
Reibungswinkel m
friction angle, angle of friction
friction angle
Reibungswinkel m
friction angle; angle of friction

Deutsche Reibungsbahn Synonyme

Englische adhesion railway ; adhesion railroad Synonyme

Reibungsbahn Definition

(n.) The action of sticking
(n.) Adherence
(n.) Agreement to adhere
(n.) The molecular attraction exerted between bodies in contact. See Cohesion.
(n.) Union of surface, normally separate, by the formation of new tissue resulting from an inflammatory process.
(n.) The union of parts which are separate in other plants, or in younger states of the same plant.
(n.) Alt. of Railway
(n.) A road or way consisting of one or more parallel series of iron or steel rails, patterned and adjusted to be tracks for the wheels of vehicles, and suitably supported on a bed or substructure.
(n.) The road, track, etc., with all the lands, buildings, rolling stock, franchises, etc., pertaining to them and constituting one property

adhesion railway [Br.]; adhesion railroad [Am.] Bedeutung

Underground Railroad
Underground Railway
secret aid to escaping slaves that was provided by abolitionists in the years before the American Civil War
attachment adherence
faithful support for a cause or political party or religion, attachment to a formal agenda, adherence to a fat-free diet, the adhesion of Seville was decisive
apple maggot
railroad worm
Rhagoletis pomonella
larvae bore into and feed on apples
cable railway
funicular railway
a railway up the side of a mountain pulled by a moving cable and having counterbalancing ascending and descending cars
car railcar
railway car
railroad car
a wheeled vehicle adapted to the rails of railroad, three cars had jumped the rails
cog railway
rack railway
railway for steep mountains, a cogwheel on the locomotive engages cogs on a center rail to provide traction
elevated railway
elevated railroad
overhead railway
a railway that is powered by electricity and that runs on a track that is raised above the street level
line railway line
rail line
the road consisting of railroad track and roadbed
engine locomotive engine
railway locomotive
a wheeled vehicle consisting of a self-propelled engine that is used to draw trains along railway tracks
railroad bed a bed on which railroad track is laid
railroad flat an apartment whose rooms are all in a line with doors between them
railroad track
railroad railway
a line of track providing a runway for wheels, he walked along the railroad track
railroad tunnel a tunnel through which the railroad track runs
railroad line
railway line railway system
line that is the commercial organization responsible for operating a system of transportation for trains that pull passengers or freight
railway junction a junction where two or more railway lines meet or cross
railway station
railroad station
railroad terminal
train station
train depot
terminal where trains load or unload passengers or goods
scenic railway small railway in an amusement park
siding railroad siding
turnout sidetrack
a short stretch of railroad track used to store rolling stock or enable trains on the same line to pass
tie railroad tie
one of the cross braces that support the rails on a railway track, the British call a railroad tie a sleeper
railroad train
public transport provided by a line of railway cars coupled together and drawn by a locomotive, express trains don't stop at Princeton Junction
yard railway yard
an area having a network of railway tracks and sidings for storage and maintenance of cars and engines
the property of sticking together (as of glue and wood) or the joining of surfaces of different composition, the mutual adhesiveness of cells, a heated hydraulic press was required for adhesion
adhesion a fibrous band of scar tissue that binds together normally separate anatomical structures
railroad ticket
train ticket
a ticket good for a ride on a railroad train
adhesion contract
contract of adhesion
a contract that heavily restricts one party while leaving the other free (as some standard form printed contracts), implies inequality in bargaining power
engineer locomotive engineer
railroad engineer
engine driver
the operator of a railway locomotive
railroad man
railway man
an employee of a railroad
railroad vine
beach morning glory
Ipomoea pesaprae
a prostrate perennial of coastal sand dunes Florida to Texas
adhesion abnormal union of bodily tissues, most common in the abdomen
railroad transport by railroad
railroad supply with railroad lines, railroad the West
sandbag railroad
compel by coercion, threats, or crude means, They sandbagged him to make dinner for everyone
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