
Reibungsbrekzie Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Reibungsbrekzie f geol.
friction breccia; fault breccia; fresh breccia; crush breccia; tectonic breccia
Reibungsbrekzie f geol.
friction breccia; fault breccia; fresh breccia; crush breccia; tectonic breccia
Ankerschraube f; Anker m techn.
Ankerschrauben pl; Anker pl
Gebirgssanker m
Hinterschnitt-Schlaganker m
Keilhülsenanker m
Spreizanker m
Verbundanker m; Klebeanker m; Reibungsanker m
anchor bolt; anchor
anchor bolts; anchors
rock bolt
undercut expanding anchor; undercut anchor
wedge-type expansion anchor; wedge anchor
self-anchoring expansion bolt; expansion anchor
bonded anchor; adhesive anchor; chemical anchor
Reibungsantrieb m (Bahn)
adhesion traction (railway)
Arbeit f phys.
mechanische Arbeit
Reibungsarbeit f
Prinzip der virtuellen Arbeit
mechanical work
work consumed by friction
principle of virtual work
gleitfähig; reibungsarm adj techn. textil.
gleitfähiger Stoff
reibungsarmes Material
low-friction fabric
low-friction material
Reibungsbahn f; Adhäsionsbahn f (Bahn)
adhesion railway Br.; adhesion railroad Am.
Reibungskoeffizient m; Reibungsbeiwert m; Reibungszahl f phys.
Reibungsbeiwert der Bewegung
Reibungsbeiwert der Ruhe
friction coefficient; coefficient of friction; coefficient of kinetic friction
dynamic(al) friction coefficient
static friction coefficient
Reibungsbrekzie f geol.
friction breccia; fault breccia; fresh breccia; crush breccia; tectonic breccia
Reibungsbremse f techn.
Reibungsbremsen pl
friction brake
friction brakes
Reibungsdämpfer m
Reibungsdämpfer pl
friction type damper
friction type dampers
Reibungselektrizität f phys.
frictional electricity
Reibungsfeder f mach.
Reibungsfeder pl
friction spring
friction springs
Reibungsfläche f
friction surface
Reibungsfläche f übtr.
source of friction
friction surface
Reibungsfläche f phys.
friction surface
Reibungsfläche f; Reibungsflächen pl übtr.
Reibungsflächen bieten (Sache)
source of friction fig.
to be a source of friction (of a thing)
reibungsfrei adj
reibungsfrei adv
smooth; frictionless; fluent
smoothly; frictionlessly; fluently
Reibungsgesetz n
law of friction, friction law
Reibungsgesetz n
law of friction; friction law
Reibungsgewicht n
adhesive weight
Reibungskoeffizient m phys.
coefficient of friction, coefficient of kinetic friction
Reibungskraft f
frictional force, friction
friction force
Reibungskraft f
frictional force; friction
Friktionskupplung f, Reibungskupplung f techn.
friction clutch
Friktionskupplung f; Reibungskupplung f techn.
friction clutch
Tribologie f, Reibungslehre f phys. mach.
Tribologie f; Reibungslehre f; Verschleißforschung f phys. mach.
Tribologie f; Reibungslehre f; Verschleißforschung f phys.
tribology; study of friction, wear, and lubrication
Reibungsleistung f
friction power
friction power
Lokomotive f; Lok f ugs. (Bahn)
Lokomotiven pl; Loks pl
Abdrücklokomotive f
Batterielokomotive f; batteriebetriebene Lokomotive f
Bergbahnlokomotive f; Gebirgsbahnlokomotive f
Bremslokomotive f
Dampflokomotive f; Dampflok f
Dampflokomotive mit Ölfeuerung
Dampfspeicherlokomotive f; feuerlose Lokomotive f
Diesellokomotive f; Diesellok f
dieselelektrische Lokomotive; Diesellokomotive mit elektrischer Kraftübertragung
dieselhydraulische Lokomotive; Diesellokomotive mit hydraulischer Kraftübertragung
Diesellokomotive mit hydromechanischer Kraftübertragung
Diesellokomotive mit mechanischer Kraftübertragung
Diesellokomotive mittlerer Leistung
Direktauspuff-Lokomotive f
Direktmotorlokomotive f; Lokomotive mit Wechselstrommotor
Direktmotorlokomotive f; Lokomotive mit unmittelbarem Antrieb mit Wechselstrommotor
Doppel-Lokomotive f
Drehgestell-Lokomotive f
Drehstromlokomotive f
Dreifachlokomotive f
Dreistromlokomotive f
Drillingslokomotive f; Lokomotive mit drei Zylindern
Einphasenwechselstromlokomotive f
Einrahmenlokomotive f
elektrische Lokomotive mit rotierendem Umformer
Elektrodiesellokomotive f
Elektrolokomotive f; elektrische Lokomotive f; E-Lok f
Exzitronlokomotive f; Lokomotive mit Exzitron
ferngesteuerte Lokomotive
Gasturbinenlokomotive f (mit elektrischer Kraftübertragung)
Gelenklokomotive f; Gliederlokomotive f; Lenkachslokomotive f; Lokomotive mit einstellbaren Achsen
Gleichrichterlokomotive f
Güterzuglokomotive f
Kleinlokomotive f; K-Lok f; Traktor m Schw.
Lokomotive mit einfacher Expansion
Lokomotive mit dreifacher Expansion
Lokomotive mit gesteuerten Gleichrichtern
Mehrzwecklokomotive f; Lokomotive für gemischten Bahnverkehr
Reibungslokomotive f; Adhäsionslokomotive f
Tenderlokokomotive f
Turbodiesellokomotive f; Diesellokomotive f mit Turboaufladung
Verbundlokomotive f; Lokomotive mit zweistufiger Expansion
Verschiebelokomotive f; Verschiebelok f ugs.; Rangierlokomotive f; Rangierlok f ugs.
Zwillingslokomotive f; Lokomotive mit zwei Dampfzylindern
kleine Dampflokomotive; kleine Dampflok hist.
Lokomotive mit Innenrahmen
Leerfahrt f einer Lokomotive; Lok-Leerfahrt f; Fahrt als Lokzug Schw.
Ausbau der Treibstangen einer Lokomotive
eine Dampflok anheizen
eine Lokomotive unter Dampf setzen
locomotive; loco coll.; railroad engine Am.; engine Am. (railway)
locomotives; locos; railroad engines; engines
hump locomotive
battery-operated locomotive
mountain locomotive; mountain engine Am.; Alpine locomotive; Alpine engine Am.
brake locomotive
steam locomotive; steam engine Am.; steam traction unit
oil-burning locomotive
fireless steam locomotive; locomotive without firebox
diesel locomotive; diesel engine Am.
diesel-electric locomotive
diesel-hydraulic locomotive
diesel-hydromechanical locomotive
diesel-mechanical locomotive
small shunting locomotive
non-condensing steam locomotive
direct-drive locomotive
direct-drive locomotive; gearless locomotive
double locomotive
bogie locomotive
locomotive with single-phase three-phase converter set
triple locomotive
three-system locomotive
three-cylinder locomotive
single-phase locomotive; alternating current locomotive
locomotive with single underframe
rotary converter locomotive
electro-diesel locomotive
electric locomotive
excitron locomotive
slave locomotive
gas-turbine locomotive (with electric transmission)
articulated locomotive
rectifier locomotive; locomotive with a.c. d.c. motor converter set
goods locomotive Br.; freight locomotive Am.
small-power locomotive; small shunting locomotive; light rail motor tractor
simple-expansion locomotive
triple expansion locomotive
controlled rectifier locomotive
universal locomotive; mixed-traffic locomotive; mixed-traffic engine Am.
adhesion locomotive
tank locomotive
gas-turbine diesel locomotive
compound locomotive
shunting locomotive; shunting engine Am.; shunter; switcher; switch engine Am.; wildcat Am.
dual-cylinder locomotive; two-cylinder locomotive
pug locomotive Br.; pug Br.
inside framed engine
light running of a locomotive; locomotive running light
removal of locomotive rods
to fire a steam locomotive
to put an engine in steam under steam
fließend, reibungslos adv
problemlos, mühelos, reibungslos, ruhig adj
trouble-free, troublefree
reibungslos adj
reibungslos adj
außer etw.; bis auf etw.; abgesehen von etw. prp
abgesehen davon
Sieht man von diesen Problemen ab läuft alles reibungslos:
Ich habe alles bis auf das Dessert außer dem Dessert gegessen. Abgesehen vom Dessert habe ich alles gegessen.
except sth.; apart from sth.
apart from that
These problems apart everything runs smoothly.
I ate everything apart from except the dessert.
fließend; reibungslos adv
flüssig sprechen
flüssig Englisch sprechen
to speak fluently
to speak fluent English
problemlos; mühelos; reibungslos; ruhig adj
trouble-free; troublefree
reibungslos adv; ohne Probleme
Alles läuft glatt. ugs.
Es läuft wie am Schnürchen. ugs.
Es läuft wie geschmiert. ugs.
Alles verläuft reibungslos.
swimmingly {adv} coll.
Everything goes swimmingly. coll.
Everything goes swimmingly. coll.
Everything goes swimmingly. coll.
Everything goes swimmingly. coll.
Hürde f; Komplikation f; Schwierigkeit f
Hürden pl; Komplikationen pl; Schwierigkeiten pl
Komplikation in letzter Minute
einige technische Schwierigkeiten
Es lief alles reibungslos.
hitch (small problem delaying sth.)
last-minute hitch
some technical hitches
Everything went without a hitch.
außer etw.; bis auf etw.; abgesehen von etw. prp
abgesehen davon
Sieht man von diesen Problemen ab, läuft alles reibungslos:
Ich habe alles bis auf das Dessert außer dem Dessert gegessen. Abgesehen vom Dessert habe ich alles gegessen.
except sth.; apart from sth.
apart from that
These problems apart, everything runs smoothly.
I ate everything apart from except the dessert.
glatt; reibungslos; wie geschmiert; wie am Schnürchen adv
smoothly; swimmingly; like clockwork
reibungslos; problemlos; einwandfrei adj
trouble-free; problem-free
reibungslos adj übtr.
reibungslose Lieferung
smooth delivery
tadellos; makellos; einwandfrei; reibungslos adv
makellos sauber
einwandfrei reibungslos funktionieren
etw. tadellos vortragen
flawlessly; spotlessly; stainlessly rare
spotlessly cleaned
to work flawlessly
to spotlessly perform sth.
Funktionsfähigkeit f; das Funktionieren (von etw.)
die volle Funktionsfähigkeit; das reibungslose Funktionieren
the functioning (of sth.)
the proper functioning
Wartung f; Service m
Wartungen pl
Wartung f nach Aufwand
laufende Wartung
planmäßige Wartung
vorbeugende Wartung
unterbrechungsfreie Wartung
Eine regelmäßige Wartung ist für den reibungslosen Betrieb unerlässlich.
attention; maintenance; service
per-call maintenance
routine maintenance
scheduled maintenance
corrective maintenance; preventive maintenance
on-line maintenance
Regular maintenance is essential for the proper operation.
Wartung f; Unterhaltung f Dt.; Unterhalt f Schw.; Instandhaltung f; Servicierung f Ös. (von technischen Anlagen) techn.
fehlerbehebende Wartung; Instandsetzung f
laufende Wartung
planmäßige Wartung
unterbrechungsfreie Wartung
vorbeugende Wartung
Vor-Ort-Wartung; Vor-Ort-Servicierung
Wartung f nach Aufwand
Eine regelmäßige Wartung ist für den reibungslosen Betrieb unerlässlich.
maintenance; servicing (of technical facilities)
corrective maintenance
routine maintenance
scheduled maintenance
on-line maintenance
corrective maintenance; preventive maintenance
field servicing; field service
per-call maintenance
Regular maintenance is essential for the proper operation.
Reibungsmessgerät n; Tribometer n
Reibungsmessgeräte pl; Tribometer pl
Reibungsmessgerät n; Tribometer n (bei Gleitbeanspruchung) techn.
Reibungsmessgeräte pl; Tribometer pl
friction measuring instrument; tribometer (in sliding)
friction measuring instruments; tribometers
Laufachse f (Bahn)
Laufachsen pl
hintere Laufachse
Lokomotive ohne Laufachsen; laufachslose Lokomotive; Lokomotive mit vollständiger Reibungsnutzung
running axle; carrying axle; idle axle (railway)
running axles; carrying axles; idle axles
trailing axle
locomotive engine providing total adhesion
Reibungsstoßdämpfer m auto
Reibungsstoßdämpfer pl
Reibungsstoßdämpfer m techn.
Reibungsstoßdämpfer pl
friction shock absorber
friction shock absorbers
die schlimmsten Reibungsursachen
the worst causes of friction
Reibungsverlust m
Reibungsverluste pl
friction loss
friction losses
Pistole f mil.
Pistolen pl
automatische Pistole; Selbstladepistole f
Deringer f; Deringerpistole f
Dienstpistole f
Gaspistole f
Hochleistungspistole f
Kipplaufpistole f
Luftpistole f; Druckluftpistole f; Luftdruckpistole f
Magazinpistole f
hahnlose Pistole
mehrläufige Pistole
Parabellumpistole f
Perkussionspistole f hist.
Radschlosspistole f hist.
Scheibenpistole f; Meisterschaftspistole f
Terzerol n
Pistole mit Drehlauf
Pistole mit Federverschluss
Pistole mit halbstarrer Verriegelung
Pistole mit mehreren parallel liegenden Läufen
Pistole mit Reibungsverriegelung
Pistole mit Schlagbolzenschloss
Reiterpistole f
Repetierpistole f
Scheibenpistole f
Schlagringpistole f
Schnellfeuerpistole f
Schreckschusspistole f
Selbstauswerferpistole f
Sportpistole f
Vorderladepistole f
Westentaschenpistole f; Taschenpistole f
mit vorgehaltener Pistole
jdm. die Pistole auf die Brust setzen übtr.
wie aus der Pistole geschossen übtr.
automatic pistol; autoloading pistol
Philadelphia Deringer; Deringer; Derringer
service pistol
gas-powered pistol; gas pistol; gas gun
high-power pistol
tip-up pistol; top-break pistol
air pistol; air gun; pellet pistol; pellet gun
magazine pistol
concealed hammer pistol
muliple-barrelled pistol
luger pistol
percussion pistol
wheel-lock pistol
target pistol; match pistol; schuetzen pistol rare
terzerol; terzerole
rotating-barrel pistol
blowback pistol
locked-breech pistol; delayed blowback pistol
multiple-parallel-barrelled pistol
unlocked-breech friction delayed pistol
striker-fired pistol
horse pistol
repeating pistol
match pistol; target pistol
knuckle duster
rapid-fire pistol
alarm pistol; blank-firing pistol; blank pistol
self-ejecting pistol
sporting pistol; sport pistol
muzzle-loading pistol
vest pocket pistol; pocket pistol
at pistol point
to hold a pistol on to sb.'s head fig.
quick like a shot fig.
Reibungswärme f techn.
frictional heat
Reibungswiderstand m
frictional resistance
frictional resistance
Reibungswinkel m
friction angle, angle of friction
friction angle
Reibungswinkel m
friction angle; angle of friction

Deutsche Reibungsbrekzie Synonyme

Englische friction breccia; fault breccia; fresh breccia; crush breccia; tectonic breccia Synonyme

friction  Discordia  Eris  abrading  abrasion  animosity  antagonism  antipathy  argument  attrition  backlash  bad blood  belligerence  bickering  caressing  chafing  clash  clashing  collision  competition  conflict  confutation  contention  contradiction  contraposition  contrariety  contrariness  controversy  counteraction  counterposition  counterworking  crankiness  cross-purposes  crotchetiness  despitefulness  disaccord  disaffinity  disagreement  discord  discordance  discordancy  disharmony  dispute  dissension  dissent  enmity  erosion  feeling  fingering  fractiousness  fretting  fricative  frictional  frottage  grating  handling  hate  hatred  hostility  ill feeling  ill will  incompatibility  incompatibleness  inharmoniousness  inharmony  inimicalness  interference  jangle  jar  kick  malevolence  malice  malignity  manipulation  mischief  negativeness  nonconformity  noncooperation  obstinacy  open conflict  opposition  opposure  oppugnance  oppugnancy  palpation  perverseness  petting  pressure  quarrelsomeness  reaction  recalcitrance  recoil  refractoriness  renitency  repercussion  repugnance  resistance  revolt  rivalry  rub  rubbing  scraping  spite  spitefulness  strained relations  strife  stroking  swimming upstream  tension  touching  uncooperativeness  unharmoniousness  unpleasantness  vying  wrangling  
frictionless  accordant  agreeable  agreeing  akin  amicable  at one  attuned  compatible  concordant  congenial  corresponding  easy-flowing  easy-running  empathetic  empathic  en rapport  harmonious  in accord  in concert  in rapport  in tune  inharmony  like-minded  of one mind  peaceful  smooth-running  sympathetic  together  understanding  united  well-oiled  

Reibungsbrekzie Definition

(n.) A rock composed of angular fragments either of the same mineral or of different minerals, etc., united by a cement, and commonly presenting a variety of colors.
(v. t.) To press or bruise between two hard bodies
(v. t.) To reduce to fine particles by pounding or grinding
(v. t.) To overwhelm by pressure or weight
(v. t.) To oppress or burden grievously.
(v. t.) To overcome completely
(v. i.) To be or become broken down or in, or pressed into a smaller compass, by external weight or force
(n.) A violent collision or compression
(n.) Violent pressure, as of a crowd
(n.) Defect
(n.) Anything that fails, that is wanting, or that impairs excellence
(n.) A moral failing
(n.) A dislocation of the strata of the vein.
(n.) In coal seams, coal rendered worthless by impurities in the seam
(n.) A lost scent
(n.) Failure to serve the ball into the proper court.
(v. t.) To charge with a fault
(v. t.) To interrupt the continuity of (rock strata) by displacement along a plane of fracture
(v. i.) To err
(n.) One who makes a practice of discovering others' faults and censuring them
(n.) The act of finding fault or blaming
(superl) Possessed of original life and vigor
(superl) New
(superl) Lately produced, gathered, or prepared for market
(superl) Youthful
(superl) In a raw, green, or untried state
(superl) Renewed in vigor, alacrity, or readiness for action
(superl) Not salt
(n.) A stream or spring of fresh water.
(n.) A flood
(n.) The mingling of fresh water with salt in rivers or bays, as by means of a flood of fresh water flowing toward or into the sea.
(v. t.) To refresh
(a.) Unpracticed.
(a.) Of, pertaining to, or living in, water not salt
(a.) Accustomed to sail on fresh water only
(a.) Unskilled
(n.) One who seeks out faults.
(a.) Of or pertaining to building or construction

friction breccia; fault breccia; fresh breccia; crush breccia; tectonic breccia Bedeutung

error fault
a wrong action attributable to bad judgment or ignorance or inattention, he made a bad mistake, she was quick to point out my errors, I could understand his English in spite of his grammatical faults
double fault (tennis) two successive faults in serving resulting in the loss of the point
the act of crushing
fault (sports) a serve that is illegal (e.g., that lands outside the prescribed area), he served too many double faults
effort expended in moving one object over another with pressure
cone clutch
cone friction clutch
a friction clutch in which the frictional surfaces are cone-shaped
friction clutch a clutch in which one part turns the other by the friction between them
friction tape
insulating tape
a wateresistant adhesive tape used to insulate exposed electrical conductors
friction match
lighter consisting of a thin piece of wood or cardboard tipped with combustible chemical, ignites with friction, he always carries matches to light his pipe, as long you've a lucifer to light your fag
slip clutch
slip friction clutch
a friction clutch that will slip when the torque is too great
fault responsibility for a bad situation or event, it was John's fault
the quality of being inadequate or falling short of perfection, they discussed the merits and demerits of her novel, he knew his own faults much better than she did
plate tectonics
plate tectonic theory
the branch of geology studying the folding and faulting of the earth's crust
crustal movement
tectonic movement
movement resulting from or causing deformation of the earth's crust
breath of fresh air a welcome relief, the new management was like a breath of fresh air
fault (electronics) equipment failure attributable to some defect in a circuit (loose connection or insulation failure or short circuit etc.), it took much longer to find the fault than to fix it
puppy love
calf love
temporary love of an adolescent
fresh food
fresh foods
food that is not preserved by canning or dehydration or freezing or smoking
fresh bean beans eaten before they are ripe as opposed to dried
fruit juice
fruit crush
drink produced by squeezing or crushing fruit
a dense crowd of people
fault line (geology) line determined by the intersection of a geological fault and the earth's surface
Denali Fault a major open geological fault in Alaska
geological fault
(geology) a crack in the earth's crust resulting from the displacement of one side with respect to the other, they built it right over a geological fault, he studied the faulting of the earth's crust
inclined fault a geological fault in which one side is above the other
normal fault
gravity fault
common fault
an inclined fault in which the hanging wall appears to have slipped downward relative to the footwall
San Andreas Fault a major geological fault in California, runs from San Diego to San Francisco, the source of serious earthquakes
strike-slip fault a geological fault in which one of the adjacent surfaces appears to have moved horizontally
thrust fault
overthrust fault
reverse fault
a geological fault in which the upper side appears to have been pushed upward by compression
cannon fodder
fresh fish
soldiers who are regarded as expendable in the face of artillery fire
fresh breeze wind moving - knots, on the Beaufort scale
the resistance encountered when one body is moved in contact with another
adhesive friction
the friction between a body and the surface on which it moves (as between an automobile tire and the road)
fresh gale wind moving - knots, on the Beaufort scale
no fault insurance
no fault automobile insurance
a system of automobile insurance where a party who is injured in an automobile accident recovers damages up to a specific amount against his own insurance company regardless of who was responsible for the accident, the amount of litigation resulting from minor accidents is reduced by no fault insurance
coefficient of friction the ratio of the weight of an object being moved along a surface and the force that maintains contact between the object and the surface
a state of conflict between persons
an imperfection in an object or machine, a flaw caused the crystal to shatter, if there are any defects you should send it back to the manufacturer
fresh start
clean slate
tabula rasa
an opportunity to start over without prejudice
breccia a rudaceous rock consisting of sharp fragments embedded in clay or sand
crushed leather
leather that has had its grain pattern accentuated
fresh water
water that is not salty
crush break into small pieces, The car crushed the toy
stub out
crush out
extinguish press out
extinguish by crushing, stub out your cigar
crush become injured, broken, or distorted by pressure, The plastic bottle crushed against the wall
put or pin the blame on
blame find fault a pick harass with constant criticism, Don't always pick on your little brother
beat out
shell trounce
come out better in a competition, race, or conflict, Agassi beat Becker in the tennis championship, We beat the competition, Harvard defeated Yale in the last football game
break down
make ineffective, Martin Luther King tried to break down racial discrimination
jam crush crush or bruise, jam a toe
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