
Reinigungsarbeiten Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Reinigungsarbeiten pl
cleaning; cleaning work; cleaning efforts; cleaning operations
Reinigungsarbeiten pl
cleaning; cleaning work; cleaning efforts; cleaning operations
Reinigen n, Reinigung f, Säuberung f
chemische Reinigung
cleaning, cleansing, cleanup
Reinigung f
Reinigung f
Reinigung f
chemische Reinigung f
dry cleaner
chemische Reinigung
chemische Reinigung
dry cleaner
chemische Reinigung
dry cleaning
dry cleaner's
Beständigkeit f; Echtheit f (von Materialen gegenüber oberflächlicher Einwirkung von Licht Flüssigkeit Reibung)
Beständigkeit gegen chemische Reinigung gegenüber chemischer Reinigung
Beständigkeit gegen(über) Sonnenlicht
Beuchechtheit f textil.
Blutechtheit f (Farbe)
Bügelechtheit f textil.
Bügelechtheit f (Färbung)
Dämpfechtheit f textil.
Entbastungsechtheit f textil.
Farbbeständigkeit f gegen Licht
Farbechtheit f
Karbonisierechtheit f textil.
Lichtechtheit f; Lichtbeständigkeit f; Beständigkeit gegen Lichteinwirkung
Lösungsmittelechtheit f
Merzerisierechtheit f textil.
Pottingechtheit f textil.
Reibechtheit f textil.
Salzwasserechtheit f; Meerwasserechtheit f (Färbung)
Schweißechtheit f textil.
Trockenhitzeechtheit f textil.
Trockenlichtechtheit f textil.
Überfärbeechtheit f textil.
Walkechtheit f textil.
Waschechtheit f textil.
Wasserechtheit f
Wassertropfenechtheit f (Färbung)
Wetterechtheit f textil.
fastness (of materials to the action of light liquids friction on their surface)
fastness to dry-cleaning
fastness to sunlight; sunlight fastness
fastness to bucking; fastness to kier-boiling
fastness to bleeding (paint)
fastness to ironing; fastness to pressing
colour Br. color Am. fastness to hot pressing (dye)
fastness to steaming
fastness to degumming; degumming fastness
colour Br. color Am. fastness to light
colour Br. color Am. fastness
fastness to carbonizing
fastness to light; light-fastness
fastness to solvents
fastness to mercerizing
fastness to potting
fastness to rubbing
fastness to saltwater (dye)
fastness to perspiration
fastness to dry heat
fastness to light in dry state
fastness to cross-dyeing
fastness to fulling
fastness to washing
fastness to water
fastness to water drops; fastness to water spotting (dye)
fastness to weathering
Klärung f; Reinigung f chem.; Aufreinigung f biochem.
Reinigen n; Reinigung f; Säuberung f
cleaning; cleansing; cleanup
chemische Reinigung f; Textilreinigung f; Reinigung ugs.; Putzerei f Ös. ugs. (Firma)
Diese Hose muss in die Reinigung Putzerei Ös. gebracht werden
dry cleaners; cleaner's
Those trousers need to be taken to the dry cleaners.
Reinigungsvorgang m; Reinigung f
Reinigungsvorgänge pl; Reinigungen pl
natürliche Selbstreinigungsvorgänge
natural self-purification
chemische Reinigung f; Chemisch-Reinigen n; Textilreinigung f textil.
dry cleaning
Reinigung f
Abschaltzeit f (für die Reinigung bei der Wiederaufbereitung) (Kerntechnik) techn.
turnaround time (nuclear engineering)
Beständigkeit f; Echtheit f (von Materialien gegenüber oberflächlicher Einwirkung von Licht, Flüssigkeit, Reibung)
Beständigkeit gegen chemische Reinigung gegenüber chemischer Reinigung
Beständigkeit gegen(über) Sonnenlicht
Beuchechtheit f textil.
Blutechtheit f (Farbe)
Bügelechtheit f textil.
Bügelechtheit f (Färbung)
Dämpfechtheit f textil.
Entbastungsechtheit f textil.
Farbbeständigkeit f gegen Licht
Farbechtheit f
Karbonisierechtheit f textil.
Lichtechtheit f; Lichtbeständigkeit f; Beständigkeit gegen Lichteinwirkung
Lösungsmittelechtheit f
Merzerisierechtheit f textil.
Pottingechtheit f textil.
Reibechtheit f textil.
Salzwasserechtheit f; Meerwasserechtheit f (Färbung)
Schweißechtheit f textil.
Trockenhitzeechtheit f textil.
Trockenlichtechtheit f textil.
Überfärbeechtheit f textil.
Walkechtheit f textil.
Waschechtheit f textil.
Wasserechtheit f
Wassertropfenechtheit f (Färbung)
Wetterechtheit f textil.
fastness (of materials to the action of light, liquids, friction on their surface)
fastness to dry-cleaning
fastness to sunlight; sunlight fastness
fastness to bucking; fastness to kier-boiling
fastness to bleeding (paint)
fastness to ironing; fastness to pressing
colour Br. color Am. fastness to hot pressing (dye)
fastness to steaming
fastness to degumming; degumming fastness
colour Br. color Am. fastness to light
colour Br. color Am. fastness
fastness to carbonizing
fastness to light; light-fastness
fastness to solvents
fastness to mercerizing
fastness to potting
fastness to rubbing
fastness to saltwater (dye)
fastness to perspiration
fastness to dry heat
fastness to light in dry state
fastness to cross-dyeing
fastness to fulling
fastness to washing
fastness to water
fastness to water drops; fastness to water spotting (dye)
fastness to weathering
Glasreiniger m
Glasreiniger für streifenfreie Reinigung
glass cleaner
non-streaking glass cleaner; no-streak glass cleaner
Gleisbett n; Gleisbettung f; Bettung f (unterhalb der Schienen) (Bahn) constr.
geschottertes Gleisbett; geschottertes Gleis; beschottertes Gleisbett; Schotterbett n; Schotterbettung f; Kiesbett n; Kiesbettung f; Schotteroberbau m
Sandbettung f; Sandbett n
Schlackenbett n; Schlackenbettung f
Absetzen auf Bettung
Abnutzung der Bettung; Schotterbettabnutzung
Auflockerung der Bettung; Bettungsauflockerung
Dicke der Bettung; Bettungsdicke; Höhe der Bettung; Bettungshöhe
Elastizität der Bettung; Elastizität des Schotterbetts
Erneuerung der Bettung
Fuß der Bettung; Bettungsfuß m
Krone der Bettung; Bettungskrone; Schotterkrone; Bettungsschulter
Querschnitt der Bettung; Bettungsquerschnitt
Reinigung der Bettung; Bettungsreinigung; Schottersiebung; Bettungsumbau
Sohle der Bettung; Bettungssohle
Verkrustung der Bettung; Verschlammung der Bettung
Tiefe der Schotterbettreinigung; Tiefe der Schotterreinigung
erstes Schotterbett
zweites Schotterbett
die Bettung verdichten
track bed; road bed (railway)
ballasted track bed; ballasted road bed; ballast bed; gravelled track bed; crushed-stone bed
asbestos residue ballast
sand ballast
slag ballast
placing on the ballast
weakening of the ballast
scarification of ballast
depth of ballast
elasticity of the ballast; resilience of the ballast
renewal of the ballast
toe of ballast
crown of ballast; top of ballast; ballast shoulder
ballast profile; ballast section
cleaning of the ballast; ballast cleaning; screening of the ballast; ballast screening; sifting of the ballast; ballast sifting
base of ballast; bed of ballast
incrustation of the ballast; choking of the ballast; fouling of the ballast
depth of screening
bottom ballast
top ballast
to tamp the ballast
Katharsis f; Reinigung f (von Körper oder Seele) phil. hist.
catharsis; purgation (of the body or soul)
Putzen n; Reinigen n; Säubern n; Reinigung f +Gen.
cleaning (of sth.)
Reinigen n; Reinigung f; Säubern n (Körperteil, Wunde)
cleansing (of a body part or wound)
in-depth cleansing; deep cleansing
Waschen n; Wäsche f mit Shampoo (Haare); Reinigung f (Textilien) mit Schaumreiniger
Haarwäsche f
zwischen den Haarwäschen
Waschen, Schneiden, Föhnen (beim Friseur)
Waschen und Legen (beim Friseur)
shampoo; shampooing (of hair or textiles)
hair schampoo
between hair shampoos
Shampoo, Cut and Blow-dry (at the hair salon)
Shampoo and Set (at the hair salon)
reinigend adj; Reinigungs...
purificatory Am.
Schotterbett-Reinigungs- und Auflockerungsmaschine f (Bahn)
Schotterbett-Reinigungs- und Auflockerungsmaschinen pl
ballast scarifier and screening machine (railway)
ballast scarifier and screening machines
reinigend adj; Reinigungs…
purificatory Am.
Reinigungsanlage f; Kläranlage f techn.
Reinigungsanlagen pl; Kläranlagen pl
purification plant
purification plants
Reinigungsanlage f envir.
Reinigungsanlagen pl
pollution abatement facility
pollution abatement facilities
Reinigungsarbeiten pl
cleaning; cleaning work; cleaning efforts; cleaning operations
Bleibad n (bei Kupfer); Elektrolyt-Reinigungsbad n chem. techn.
liberator; liberation cell; liberation cell (electrolysis)
Reinigungsbad n chem.
Reinigungsbäder pl
rinsing bath
rinsing baths
Das ist reinigungsbedürftig.
This wants cleaning.
das ist reinigungsbeduerftig
this wants cleaning
Reinigungsbeize f chem.
acid derust
Lösungsbenzin n; Reinigungsbenzin n; Waschbezin n; Fleckbenzin; Lackbenzin n; Terpentinölersatz m; Terpentinersatz m chem.
light naphta; solvent naphtha; white spirit Br.; mineral spirit Am. Can.; mineral turpentine Austr. NZ; turpentine substitute, petroleum spirit, light gasoline Am.; Stoddard solvent; paint thinner coll.
Reinigungscreme f
cleansing cream
Creme f (Kosmetik)
Cremes pl; Cremen pl Ös. Schw.
Abdeckcreme f
Antifaltencreme f
Aufbaucreme f
Enthaarungscreme f
Fettcreme f
Feuchtigkeitscreme f
Gesichtscreme f
Handcreme f
Hautcreme f
Pflegecreme f
Rasiercreme f
Reinigungscreme f
Schutzcreme f; Hautschutzcreme f
Sonnencreme f
cream (cosmetics)
blemish cream
anti-wrinkle cream
regenerative cream
depilatory cream
rich skin cream
moisturizing cream; moisturising cream Br.; moisturizer; moisturiser Br.; hydrating cream
face cream; facial cream
hand cream
skin cream
body cream
shaving cream
cleansing cream
barrier cream
sun cream; sun lotion; sunblocker; sunscreen
Reinigungsdienst m
valet service
Reinigungsdocht m
cleaning wick
Reinigungseffekt m (durch Zusätze) chem.
scavenger effect
Reinigungsfähigkeit f
Reinigungsfirma f econ.
Reinigungsfirmen pl
cleaning company; cleaners
cleaning companies
Reinigungsgel n (Körperpflege)
gel cleanser (grooming)
Schmutzhahn m; Reinigungshahn m (Ablasshahn für Schmutzwasser)
Schmutzhähne pl; Reinigungshähne pl
mud cock; mud drain
mud cocks; mud drains
Reinigungsholz n
wooden cleaner
Reinigungskissen n; Pfannenreiniger m (Abwasch)
Reinigungskissen pl; Pfannenreiniger pl
scouring pad; scourer (dish washing)
scouring pads; scourers
Reinigungskraft f (Person)
Reinigungskräfte pl
cleaning person; cleaner Br.
cleaning persons; cleaners
cleaning cloth
Reinigungslösung f
rinsing solution
Reinigungsmaschine f
cleaning machine
Bettungsreinigungsmaschine f; Schotterbett-Reinigungsmaschine f (Bahn)
Bettungsreinigungsmaschinen pl; Schotterbett-Reinigungsmaschinen pl
ballast-cleaning machine; ballast-screening machine; ballast screener (railway)
ballast-cleaning machines; ballast-screening machines; ballast screeners
Reinigungsmittel n; Reiniger m; Putzmittel n; Reinigungsmedium n
Reinigungsmittel pl; Reiniger pl; Putzmittel pl; Reinigungsmedien pl
chemische Reinigungsmittel
Wo kann ich die Reinigungsmittel finden?
cleaning agent; cleaner; cleaning medium
cleaning agents; cleaners; cleaning media
chemical cleaning agents
Where I can find the cleaning materials?
Reinigungsmethode f
Reinigungsmethoden pl
mechanische Reinigungsmethoden
cleaning method
cleaning methods
mechanical cleaning methods
Reinigungsmittel n
Reinigungsmittel pl
chemische Reinigungsmittel
cleaning agent
cleaning agents
chemical cleaning agents
Reinigungsmittel n
Reinigungsmittel n, Waschmittel n, Spülmittel n
Reinigungsmittel pl
cleaning agent
Reinigungsmittel n; Reiniger m
Reinigungsmittel pl; Reiniger pl
chemische Reinigungsmittel
Wo kann ich die Reinigungsmittel finden?
cleaning agent; cleaner
cleaning agents; cleaners
chemical cleaning agents
Where I can find the cleaning materials?
Reinigungsmittel n; Waschmittel n; Spülmittel n
Reinigungsmittel pl

Reinigungsarbeiten Definition

Bantam work
() Carved and painted work in imitation of Japan ware.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Clean
(n.) The act of making clean.
(n.) The afterbirth of cows, ewes, etc.
(n.) Artificial and ornamental rockwork in imitation of a grotto.
(n.) See Handiwork.
Sabrina work
() A variety of applique work for quilts, table covers, etc.
Sorrento work
() Ornamental work, mostly carved in olivewood, decorated with inlay, made at or near Sorrento, Italy. Hence, more rarely, jig-saw work and the like done anywhere.
(n.) Work done by the piece, as in nonmetaliferous rock, the amount done being usually reckoned by the fathom.
(n.) Exertion of strength or faculties
(n.) The matter on which one is at work
(n.) That which is produced as the result of labor
(n.) Specifically: (a) That which is produced by mental labor
(n.) Structures in civil, military, or naval engineering, as docks, bridges, embankments, trenches, fortifications, and the like
(n.) The moving parts of a mechanism
(n.) Manner of working
(n.) The causing of motion against a resisting force. The amount of work is proportioned to, and is measured by, the product of the force into the amount of motion along the direction of the force. See Conservation of energy, under Conservation, Unit of work, under Unit, also Foot pound, Horse power, Poundal, and Erg.
(n.) Ore before it is dressed.
(n.) Performance of moral duties
(n.) To exert one's self for a purpose
(n.) Hence, in a general sense, to operate
(n.) Hence, figuratively, to be effective
(n.) To carry on business
(n.) To be in a state of severe exertion, or as if in such a state
(n.) To make one's way slowly and with difficulty
(n.) To ferment, as a liquid.
(n.) To act or operate on the stomach and bowels, as a cathartic.
(v. t.) To labor or operate upon
(v. t.) To produce or form by labor
(v. t.) To produce by slow degrees, or as if laboriously
(v. t.) To influence by acting upon
(v. t.) To form with a needle and thread or yarn
(v. t.) To set in motion or action
(v. t.) To cause to ferment, as liquor.

cleaning; cleaning work; cleaning efforts; cleaning operations Bedeutung

work flow
progress (or rate of progress) in work being done
the act of making something clean, he gave his shoes a good cleaning
dry cleaning the act of cleaning (fabrics) with a solvent other than water
work activity directed toward making or doing something, she checked several points needing further work
work load
work that a person is expected to do in a specified time
active work of little value, while he was waiting he filled the days with busywork
welfare work
social service
an organized activity to improve the condition of disadvantaged people in society
line of work
the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money, he's not in my line of business
the occupation for which you are paid, he is looking for employment, a lot of people are out of work
electrical work the craft of an electrician
sheet-metal work the craft of doing sheet metal work (as in ventilation systems)
tool-and-die work the craft of making special tools and dies
police work
police investigation
the investigation of criminal activities
detection detecting
detective work
a police investigation to determine the perpetrator, detection is hard on the feet
operations research research designed to determine most efficient way to do something
field work an investigation carried out in the field rather than in a laboratory or headquarters
time and motion study
time-and-motion study
time-motion study
motion study
time study
work study
an analysis of a specific job in an effort to find the most efficient method in terms of time and effort
undercover work
the act of keeping a secret watch for intelligence purposes
mission missionary work the organized work of a religious missionary
scut work
trivial, unrewarding, tedious, dirty, and disagreeable chores, the hospital hired him to do scut work
work-study program an educational plan in which students alternate between paid employment and formal study
chemical warfare
chemical operations
warfare using chemical agents to kill or injure or incapacitate the enemy
trading operations
financial transactions at a brokerage, having to do with the execution of trades and keeping customer records
work-in occasion when workers continue to work as a protest against e.g. proposed dismissal or closure of the factory
social work any of various services designed to aid the poor and aged and to increase the welfare of children
work to rule a job action in which workers cause a slowdown by doing only the minimum amount required by the rules of the workplace
work stoppage
a group's refusal to work in protest against low pay or bad work conditions, the strike lasted more than a month before it was settled
work animal an animal trained for and used for heavy labor
base base of operations installation from which a military force initiates operations, the attack wiped out our forward bases
work shoe
a thick and heavy shoe
cleaning implement
cleaning device
cleaning equipment
any of a large class of implements used for cleaning
cleaning pad a pad used as a cleaning implement
work body of work
the total output of a writer or artist (or a substantial part of it), he studied the entire Wagnerian oeuvre, Picasso's work can be divided into periods
piece of work
a product produced or accomplished through the effort or activity or agency of a person or thing, it is not regarded as one of his more memorable works, the symphony was hailed as an ingenious work, he was indebted to the pioneering work of John Dewey, the work of an active imagination, erosion is the work of wind or water over time
work bench
a strong worktable for a carpenter or mechanic
a horizontal board that provides a supported surface for manual work
work camp
prison camp
prison farm
a camp for trustworthy prisoners employed in government projects
work in progress a piece of work that is not yet finished
work of art art that is a product of one of the fine arts (especially a painting or sculpture of artistic merit)
a place where work is done, he arrived at work early today
work-shirt heavy-duty shirts worn for manual or physical work
work surface a horizontal surface for supporting objects used in working or playing games
work table
a table designed for a particular task
study work applying the mind to learning and understanding a subject (especially by reading), mastering a second language requires a lot of work, no schools offer graduate study in interior design
literary composition
literary work
imaginative or creative writing
reference book
reference reference work
book of facts
a book to which you can refer for authoritative facts, he contributed articles to the basic reference work on that topic
working papers
work papers
work permit
a legal document giving information required for employment of certain people in certain countries
dramatic composition
dramatic work
a play for performance on the stage or television or in a movie etc.
work song a usually rhythmical song to accompany repetitious work
work force
the force of workers available
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