
Reparaturblech Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Reparaturblech n auto
replacement panel; service panel Am.
Reparaturblech n auto
replacement panel; service panel Am.
reparieren, Reparatur
Reparatur f, Instandsetzung f
in Reparatur
misslungene Reparatur
under repair
failed repair
Reparatur f
Reparaturen pl
Reparatur f, Korrektur f
Reparatur f mit Pfropfen
plug repair
reparieren, Reparatur, Korrektur, ausbessern
in Reparatur
under repair
Kulanz f econ.
Garantie und Kulanz
in aus auf Kulanz; auf dem im Kulanzweg; kulanzhalber; kulanzweise
Die Reparatur geht auf Kulanz.
courtesy; accommodation; goodwill; fairness
guarantee and policy
on an ex gratia basis Br.; as an act of courtesy goodwill; as a gesture of goodwill; to accommodate your customers
The repair will be covered by the company as an ex-gratia gesture.
Reparatur f; Instandsetzung f
in Reparatur
misslungene Reparatur
Reparatur f mit Pfropfen (Reifen)
geringfügige Reparaturen
Die Straße wird gerade ausgebessert.
under repair
failed repair
plug repair
minor repairs
The road is under repair.
Reparatur...; Korrektur...
Schweißverbindung f techn.
Schweißverbindungen pl
Reparatur f von Schweißverbindungen
welded connection; welded joint
welded connections; welded joints
repair of welded connection
klein; gering adj
kleiner; geringer
am kleinsten; am geringsten
geringe Temperatur
trotz der geringen Mitarbeit
in Anbetracht des geringen finanziellen Schadens
Eine Reparatur lohnt sich aufgrund des geringen Werts des Autos nicht.
low temperature
despite the low level of participation
in view of the low level of financial losses
The repair is not worthwhile due to the car's low value.
Baureparaturen m; Reparatur an Gebäuden constr.
building repairs
Anlagenmechaniker m; Monteur m
Anlagenmechaniker pl; Monteure pl
Anlagemechaniker im Bereich Apparate- und Behälterbau; Apparatetechniker m; Apparatemonteur m
Anlagenmechaniker im Bereich Wartung und Instandhaltung; Wartungsmechaniker m; Wartungsmonteur m
Anlagenmechaniker für Rohrleitungstechnik; Rohrleitungsmonteur m
Anlagenmechaniker für Schweißtechnik; Reparatur- und Instandhaltungsschweißer m
Anlagenmechaniker für Sanitär-, Heizungs- und Klimatechnik; SHK-Anlagenmechaniker
plant fitter; fitter
plant fitters; fitters
apparatus fitter
maintenance fitter
piping fitter
maintanance welder
contractor technician for heating, ventilation; air conditioning and plumbing services; mechanical contractor for HVAC and plumbing services Am.
Leihgerät n; Leihwagen m (für die Dauer der Reparatur)
Leihgeräte pl; Leihwagen pl
loaner Am. (provided for the duration of the repair)
Reparatur f; Instandsetzung f
in Reparatur
Schiffsreparatur f
Reparatur vor Ort
Reparatur in der Außenstelle (einer Firma)
geringfügige Reparaturen
misslungene Reparatur
Reparatur f mit Pfropfen (Reifen)
Die Straße wird gerade ausgebessert.
under repair
ship repair
on-the-spot repair
depot repair
minor repairs
failed repair
plug repair
The road is under repair.
Reparatur f (biologische Reaktion im DNS-Molekül nach Bestrahlung) biochem.
reparaturanfällig adj
prone to break down
Reparaturanfälligkeit f techn.
low reliability
Anleitung f (zu etw.)
Anleitungen pl
Bastelanleitung f
Reparaturanleitung f; Reparaturhinweise f
laut Anleitung; nach Anleitung
Unser Lehrer gab uns Anleitungen zum Bau des Modells wie wir das Modell bauen sollten.
instruction; instructions (for sth.)
craft instructions
repair instructions; repair guide
as per instructions; according to instructions
Our teacher gave us instructions for building the model on how to build the model.
Handbuch n; Leitfaden m; Anleitung f; Fibel f veraltend
Handbücher pl; Leitfäden pl; Anleitungen pl; Fibeln pl
dokumentiertes Handbuch
Reparaturhandbuch n; Reparaturanleitung f
ein Handbuch erstellen
Lies das Handbuch! (Chat-Jargon)
Lies das feine verdammte Handbuch! (Chat-Jargon)
Lies das feine verdammte Handbuch noch einmal! (Chat-Jargon)
handbook hdbk ; manual
handbooks; manuals
documented manual
repair manual
to prepare a handbook
Read the manual! RTM (chat jargon)
Read the fine fucking manual! RTFM (chat jargon)
Read the fine fucking manual again! RTFMA (chat jargon)
Reparaturarbeiten pl
repair work
Dock n (zum Trockensetzen von Schiffen bei Reparaturarbeiten) naut.
Docks pl
anfallen v; sich ergeben v (Arbeiten)
anfallend; sich ergebend
angefallen; sich ergeben
anfallende Reparaturarbeiten am Haus
to come up; to crop up
coming up; croping up
come up; cropped up
house repairs that crop up
Dock n (zum Trockensetzen von Schiffen bei Reparaturarbeiten) naut.
Docks pl
Pontondock n
Reparaturdock n
pontoon dock
repair dock; repairing dock
Reparaturarbeiten pl; Ausbesserungsarbeiten pl; Instandsetzungsarbeiten pl; Instandstellungsarbeiten pl Schw. auto constr. techn.
Reparaturarbeiten an Baumaschinen
repair work; repair jobs
repair work on construction machines; construction machine repair work
(durch Abwohnen) notwendige Reparaturarbeiten pl an einem Mietobjekt
dilapidations Br.
anfallen v; sich ergeben v (Arbeiten)
anfallend; sich ergebend
angefallen; sich ergeben
anfallende Reparaturarbeiten am Haus
to come up; to crop up
coming up; cropping up
come up; cropped up
house repairs that crop up
umfangreich; umfassend; umfänglich geh. adj
nicht umfassend
eine umfassende Reform
eine umfangreiche Sammlung besitzen
eine umfangreiche Wunschliste haben
über ein umfangreiches umfassendes Wissen über etw. verfügen
umfassende Befugnisse haben
mit jdm. ein umfassendes Abkommen abschließen
größere Reparaturarbeiten notwendig machen
Das Haus musste umfassend renoviert werden, bevor es vermietet werden konnte.
comprehensive; extensive; wide-ranging
a comprehensive reform
to hold a comprehensive extensive wide-ranging collection
to have a comprehensive an extensive wish list
to have an extensive a wide-ranging knowledge of sth.
to have wide-ranging powers
to sign a wide-ranging agreement with sb.
to necessitate more comprehensive more extensive repair work
The house needed an extensive facelift before it could be rented.
Reparaturauftrag m
Reparaturaufträge pl
repair order
repair orders
Reparaturausrüstung f
repair outfit
reparaturbedürftig adj
in need of repair
in need of repair
reparaturbedürftig adj
in need of repair; in want of repair
Reparaturbericht m
repair report
Reparaturblech n auto
replacement panel; service panel Am.
Reparaturdauer f
maximale Reparaturdauer
mittlere Reparaturdauer
time to repair (TTR)
maximum time to repair, maximum TTR
mean time to repair (MTTR)
Reparaturdauer f; Reparaturzeit f techn.
maximale Reparaturdauer; maximale Reparaturzeit
mittlere Reparaturdauer; mittlere Reparaturzeit
repair time; time to repair TTR
maximum time to repair; maximum TTR
mean time to repair MTTR
Reparaturdauer f; Reparaturzeit f techn.
maximale Reparaturdauer; maximale Reparaturzeit
mittlere Reparaturdauer; mittlere Reparaturzeit
repair time; time to repair TTR
maximum time to repair; maximum TTR
mean time to repair MTTR
Reparaturservice n; Reparaturdienst m
repair service
geringfügige Reparaturen
minor repairs
laufende Reparaturen
maintenance repairs
Anfahrtspauschale f; Fahrtpauschale f; Fahrtenpauschale f (bei Reparaturen vor Ort)
call-out charge; call-out fee (for on-site repair work)
Enzym n; Ferment n frühere Bezeichnung biochem.
Enzyme pl; Fermente pl
DNS-spaltendes Enzym
adaptives Enzym
allosterisches Enzym
isodynamisches Enzym
konstitutives Enzym
manganhaltiges Enzym
pektisches Enzym
Reparaturenzym n
Ektoenzym n; sekretorisches Enzym
intrazelluläres Enzym; Zellenzym; Endoenzym
enzyme; ferment former name
enzymes; ferments
adaptive enzyme
allosteric enzyme
isoenzyme; isozyme
constitutive enzyme
manganese enzyme
pectic enzyme
repair enzyme
intracellular enzyme; cellular enzyme; endoenzyme
reparierbar; reparabel; reparaturfähig; instandsetzbar geh. adj techn.
irreperabel sein; nicht mehr zu reparieren sein ugs.
to be beyond repair
Reparaturfähigkeit f (einer Sache)
repair capability (of a thing)
Instandhaltungsrücklage f; Reparaturrückstellung f; Reparaturfonds m (für eine Liegenschaft) adm.
sinking fund (for real property)
Instandhaltungsrücklage f; Reparaturrückstellung f; Reparaturfonds m (für eine Immobilie) adm.
sinking fund (for real property)
reparaturfreundlich; instandsetzungsfreundlich geh. adj techn.
easy to repair
Reparaturfreundlichkeit f; Instandsetzungsfreundlichkeit f geh. techn.
ease of repair
Wagenausbesserungsgleis n; Ausbesserungsgleis n; Ausbesserungsgeleise pl Schw.; Reparaturgleis n; Reparaturgeleise pl Schw.; Wagenausbesserungsstelle f; Visiteurposten m Schw. (Bahn)
Anlage für Schnellausbesserungen; Anlage für Schnellreparaturen
maintenance siding; repair siding; track for vehicles in repair (railway)
rapid repair sidings
Arbeitsgrube f; Reparaturgrube f auto
Arbeitsgruben pl; Reparaturgruben pl
working pit; repair pit; inspection pit; engine pit
working pits; repair pits; inspection pits; engine pits
Reparaturhaken m constr.
Reparaturhaken pl
roof hook
roof hooks
Reparaturhandwerker m
Reparaturhandwerker pl
repairer; shopman Am.
repairers; shopmen
Reparaturhauer m min.
Reparaturhauer pl
top ripper; repair man; repairer; waste man
top rippers; repair men; repairers; waste men
Reparatursatz m; Reparaturset n; Reparaturkasten m veraltet techn.
Reparatursätze pl; Reparatursets pl; Reparaturkästen pl
repair kit; repairing kit; repair set; repairing set; service package Am.; repair outfit dated
repair kits; repairing kits; repair sets; repairing sets; service packages; repair outfits
Reparaturkit n
repair outfit
Reparaturkitt m (Keramik)
plugging compound (ceramics)
repair crew
cost of repairs
repairing charges
Reparaturkosten pl
repair costs {pl}
Krach m; Krawall m
Er hat wegen der Reparaturkosten Krach geschlagen.
rumpus Br.; ruckus Am.
He raised a rumpus ruckus over the cost of the repairs.
Reparaturkosten pl; Instandsetzungskosten pl; Instandstellungskosten pl Schw.; Instandsetzungsaufwand m; Instandstellungsaufwand m Schw.
repair costs; expenditure for repairs
etw. auszählen; zusammenrechnen; zusammenzählen v
auszählend; zusammenrechnend; zusammenzählend
ausgezählt; zusammengerechnet; zusammengezählt
die Stimmen zählen auszählen v pol.
die Punkte zusammenzählen
die Reparaturkosten zusammenrechnen
to tally sth.; to tally up sth.
tallying; tallying up
tallied; tallied up
to tally the votes
to tally up the points
to tally up the cost of the repairs
repair load
Reparaturlast f
repair load
Reparaturmanschette f für Reifen
tyre gaiter Br.; tire gaiter Am.

Reparaturblech Definition

Bond service
() The condition of a bond servant
Bord service
() Service due from a bordar
Knight service
() A tenure of lands held by knights on condition of performing military service. See Chivalry, n., 4.
(n.) A sunken compartment with raised margins, molded or otherwise, as in ceilings, wainscotings, etc.
(n.) A piece of parchment or a schedule, containing the names of persons summoned as jurors by the sheriff
(n.) A prisoner arraigned for trial at the bar of a criminal court.
(n.) Formerly, a piece of cloth serving as a saddle
(n.) A board having its edges inserted in the groove of a surrounding frame
(n.) One of the faces of a hewn stone.
(n.) A slab or plank of wood upon which, instead of canvas, a picture is painted.
(n.) A heap of dressed ore.
(n.) One of the districts divided by pillars of extra size, into which a mine is laid off in one system of extracting coal.
(n.) A plain strip or band, as of velvet or plush, placed at intervals lengthwise on the skirt of a dress, for ornament.
(n.) A portion of a framed structure between adjacent posts or struts, as in a bridge truss.
(v. t.) To form in or with panels
(n.) The act of replacing.
(n.) The removal of an edge or an angle by one or more planes.
() Alt. of Service
() A name given to several trees and shrubs of the genus Pyrus, as Pyrus domestica and P. torminalis of Europe, the various species of mountain ash or rowan tree, and the American shad bush (see Shad bush, under Shad). They have clusters of small, edible, applelike berries.
(n.) The act of serving
(n.) The deed of one who serves
(n.) Office of devotion
(n.) Hence, a musical composition for use in churches.
(n.) Duty performed in, or appropriate to, any office or charge
(n.) Useful office
(n.) Profession of respect
(n.) The act and manner of bringing food to the persons who eat it
(n.) The act of bringing to notice, either actually or constructively, in such manner as is prescribed by law
(n.) The materials used for serving a rope, etc., as spun yarn, small lines, etc.
(n.) The act of serving the ball.
(n.) Act of serving or covering. See Serve, v. t., 13.

replacement panel; service panel [Am.] Bedeutung

service the performance of duties by a waiter or servant, that restaurant has excellent service
curb service service provided to customers who remain in their vehicles
self-service the practice of serving yourself (as in a grocery or cafeteria)
the act of furnishing an equivalent person or thing in the place of another, replacing the star will not be easy
inspection and repair
periodic maintenance on a car or machine, it was time for an overhaul on the tractor
service serving
service of process
the act of delivering a writ or summons upon someone, he accepted service of the subpoena
service cutback the act of reducing service
(sports) a stroke that puts the ball in play, his powerful serves won the game
service work done by one person or group that benefits another, budget separately for goods and services
consulting service service provided by a professional advisor (e.g., a lawyer or doctor or CPA etc.)
advisory service a consulting service in which a CPA develops findings and conclusions and recommendations that are presented to the client for consideration and decision making
attestation service
attestation report
a consulting service in which a CPA expresses a conclusion about the reliability of a written statement that is the responsibility of someone else
national service compulsory service in the military during peacetime
service (law) the acts performed by an English feudal tenant for the benefit of his lord which formed the consideration for the property granted to him
military service land tenure by service in the lord's army
knight's service land tenure by service to the lord as a knight
welfare work
social service
an organized activity to improve the condition of disadvantaged people in society
service employment in or work for another, he retired afteryears of service
public service employment within a government system (especially in the civil service)
hormone replacement therapy
hormoneeplacement therapy
hormones (estrogen and progestin) are given to postmenopausal women, believed to protect them from heart disease and osteoporosis
service abroad
shipboard duty
naval service aboard a ship at sea
the act of mating by male animals, the bull was worth good money in servicing fees
extension service
university extension
an educational opportunity provided by colleges and universities to people who are not enrolled as regular students
service religious service
divine service
the act of public worship following prescribed rules, the Sunday service
church service
a service conducted in a house of worship, don't be late for church
prayer meeting
prayer service
a service at which people sing hymns and pray together
chapel service
a service conducted in a place of worship that has its own altar, he was late for chapel
committal service service committing a body to the grave, the committal service will be held next Monday
draft selective service
compulsory military service
service an act of help or assistance, he did them a service
ill service
ill turn
an act intended to help that turns out badly, he did them a disservice
community service an unpaid service for the benefit of the public that is performed by lawbreakers as part (or all) of their sentence
community service public service a service that is performed for the benefit of the public or its institutions
inter-service support action by one military service to provide logistic (or administrative) support to another military service
service call a trip made by a repairman to visit the location of something in need of service
cable cable television
cable system
cable television service
a television system that transmits over cables
control panel
instrument panel
control board
board panel
electrical device consisting of a flat insulated surface that contains switches and dials and meters for controlling other electrical devices, he checked the instrument panel, suddenly the board lit up like a Christmas tree
delivery truck
delivery van
panel truck
a van suitable for delivering goods or services to customers
dialog box
(computer science) a small temporary window in a graphical user interface that appears in order to request information from the user, after the information has been provided the user dismisses the box with `okay' or `cancel'
dinner service
dinner set
a table service for serving dinner
display panel
display board
a vertical surface on which information can be displayed to public view
flat panel display
a type of video display that is thin and flat, commonly used in laptop computers
freight elevator
service elevator
an elevator designed for carrying freight
frontage road
service road
a local road that runs parallel to an expressway and allows local traffic to gain access to property
garage service department a repair shop where cars and trucks are serviced and repaired
a piece of cloth that is generally triangular or tapering, used in making garments or umbrellas or sails
peaked cap
service cap
yachting cap
a cap with a flat circular top and a visor
panel sheet that forms a distinct (usually flat and rectangular) section or component of something
panel a soft pad placed under a saddle
panel heating heating system consisting of wall or floor or baseboard or ceiling panels containing electric conductors or heating pipes
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