
Rettungsmittel Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Rettungsmittel pl
live-saving equipment; live-saving appliances
Rettungsmittel pl
live-saving equipment; live-saving appliances
lifesaving ...
Rettungs- und Bergungsgerät n aviat.
crash equipment
Rettungshubschrauber m; Rettungs-Transport-Hubschrauber m RTH aviat.
Rettungshubschrauber pl
rescue helicopter
rescue helicopters
lifesaving …
Rettungsaktion f
rescue operation
in Aktion treten; loslegen; rasch aktiv werden; zum Einsatz kommen (Person); sich in Bewegung setzen; zum Einsatz kommen (Dinge); anlaufen (Vorgang) v
Sobald der Chef zur Tür hereinkam entfalteten alle eine plötzliche Betriebsamkeit.
Feuerwehr- und Rettungsfahrzeuge setzten sich in Bewegung.
Wir sind bereit jeden Augenblick loszulegen.
In der Früh springt sie immer gleich aus dem Bett und legt los.
Die Rettungsaktion lief unverzüglich an.
to go into action; to spring into action; swing into action; to leap into action
As soon as the boss came in the door everyone sprang into action.
Fire and rescue vehicles swung into action.
We are ready to leap into action at a moment's notice.
Every morning she jumps out of bed and springs into action.
The rescue operation went swung into action immediately.
Rettungsaktion f
Rettungsaktionen pl
rescue operation
rescue operations
Rettungsaktion f; Rettung f (vor drohendem Konkurs); Notankauf m econ.
Rettungsplan (bei drohendem Konkurs)
bailout plan
etw. aufgeben; abbrechen; einstellen v
aufgebend; abbrechend; einstellend
aufgegeben; abgebrochen; eingestellt
einen Grundsatz aufgeben
ein Geschäft aufgeben
einen Plan aufgeben
alle Hoffnung aufgeben fahren lassen
ein Spiel abbrechen
eine Rettungsaktion abbrechen einstellen
seine Gesangskarriere beenden
to abandon sth.
to abandon a principle
to abandon a business
to abandon a plan
to abandon all hope
to abandon a game
to abandon a salvage operation
to abandon your singing career
dramatisch; aufregend; packend; spannungsgeladen adj
eine dramatische Rettungsaktion
a dramatic rescue operation
in Aktion treten; loslegen; rasch aktiv werden; zum Einsatz kommen (Person); sich in Bewegung setzen; zum Einsatz kommen (Dinge); anlaufen (Vorgang) v
Sobald der Chef zur Tür hereinkam, entfalteten alle eine plötzliche Betriebsamkeit.
Feuerwehr- und Rettungsfahrzeuge setzten sich in Bewegung.
Wir sind bereit, jeden Augenblick loszulegen.
In der Früh springt sie immer gleich aus dem Bett und legt los.
Die Rettungsaktion lief unverzüglich an.
to go into action; to spring into action; swing into action; to leap into action
As soon as the boss came in the door, everyone sprang into action.
Fire and rescue vehicles swung into action.
We are ready to leap into action at a moment's notice.
Every morning, she jumps out of bed and springs into action.
The rescue operation went swung into action immediately.
Rettungsaktion f
Rettungsaktionen pl
Bergrettungsaktion f
rescue operation
rescue operations
mountain rescue operation
Rettungsaktion f; Rettung f (vor drohendem Konkurs); Notankauf m econ.
Notanker m, Rettungsanker m
Notanker pl, Rettungsanker pl
sheet anchor
sheet anchors
Rettungsanker m
Notanker m; Rettungsanker m
Notanker pl; Rettungsanker pl
sheet anchor
sheet anchors
Notanker m; Rettungsanker m naut.
Notanker pl; Rettungsanker pl
sheet anchor
sheet anchors
Rettungsanker m (für jdn.) übtr.
lifeline (for sb.) fig.
Rettungsanker m übtr.; Fels in der Brandung übtr. Retter in der Not
sheet anchor fig.
Rettungsgerät n; Rettungsapparat m
Rettungsgeräte pl; Rettungsapparate pl
Grubenrettungsapparat n
rescue apparatus
rescue apparatuses
rescue apparatus for mines
Rettungsgerät n; Rettungsapparat m
Rettungsgeräte pl; Rettungsapparate pl
Grubenrettungsapparat m
rescue apparatus
rescue apparatuses
rescue apparatus for mines
Rettungsassistent m, Rettungsassistentin f
Rettungsassistenten pl, Rettungsassistentinnen pl
Rettungsassistent m; Rettungsassistentin f; Sanitäter m; Sanitäterin f; Ersthelfer m; Ersthelferin f med.
Rettungsassistenten pl; Rettungsassistentinnen pl; Sanitäter pl; Sanitäterinnen pl; Ersthelfer pl; Ersthelferinnen pl
Sanitäter m vor Ort SvO SanvO ; Helfer vor Ort HvO
paramedic; first-aid attendant
paramedics; first-aid attendants
First Responder FR
Rettungsassistent m; Rettungsassistentin f; Sanitäter m; Sanitäterin f; Ersthelfer m; Ersthelferin f med.
Rettungsassistenten pl; Rettungsassistentinnen pl; Sanitäter pl; Sanitäterinnen pl; Ersthelfer pl; Ersthelferinnen pl
Sanitäter m vor Ort SvO SanvO ; Helfer vor Ort HvO
paramedic; first-aid attendant
paramedics; first-aid attendants
First Responder FR
Rettungsausgabe f (automatische Datensicherung bei Störfällen) comp.
rescue dump (automatic data saving in cases of system fault)
Rettungsbake f telco.
Rettungsbaken pl
rescue beacon
rescue beacons
Rettungsbeihilfe f
rescue aid
Such- und Rettungsbereich m mil. aviat.
Such- und Rettungsbereiche pl
search and rescue region
search and rescue regions
Rettungsboje f, Rettungsring m
Rettungsbojen pl, Rettungsringe pl
Rettungsboje f; Rettungsring m
Rettungsbojen pl; Rettungsringe pl
Rettungsboot n
Rettungsboote pl
live boat
Rettungsdecke f, Isoliermatte f
Rettungsdecken pl, Isoliermatten pl
space blanket
space blankets
Rettungsdecke f; Isoliermatte f
Rettungsdecken pl; Isoliermatten pl
space blanket
space blankets
Rettungsdienst m
rescue service
Such- und Rettungsdienst m mil.
Search and Rescue (service) (SAR)
Hilfsfrist f (Rettungsdienst; Feuerwehr)
response time
Rettungsdienst m; Ambulanzdienst m; Rettung f Ös.; Sanität f Schw. med.
ambulance service; ambulance
Rettungsdienst m; ärztlicher Notdienst m; Sanitätsdienst m Schw. med.
emergency medical service EMS ; emergency health service EHS Can.
Such- und Rettungsdienst m SAR aviat. naut. mil.
search and rescue service SAR
Hilfsfrist f (Rettungsdienst; Feuerwehr)
response time (ambulance service; fire brigade)
Rettungsdienst m; ärztlicher Notdienst m; Sanitätsdienst m Schw. med.
emergency medical service EMS ; emergency health service EHS Can.
Rettungsdienst m; Rettung f (in Zusammensetzungen) (zur Bergung von Personen aus einer gefährlichen Lage)
Bergrettungsdienst m; Bergrettung f; Bergwacht f
Flugrettungsdienst m; Flugrettung f; Luftrettungsdienst m
Pistenrettungsdienst m; Pistenrettung f
rescue service (for the removal of persons from a dangerous situation)
mountain rescue service
airborne rescue service; air rescue service
ski rescue service; ski rescue; piste rescue service Br.; piste rescue Br.
Such- und Rettungsdienst m SAR aviat. naut. mil.
search and rescue service SAR
Rettungseinsatz m
Rettungseinsätze pl
Flugrettungseinsatz m
einen Rettungseinsatz fliegen
rescue operation; rescue mission
rescue operations; rescue missions
airborne rescue operation; airborne resuce
to fly a rescue mission
Rettungseinsatz- und Koordinierungsstelle f
Rescue and Coordination Center (RCC)
Rettungseinsatz-Koordinierungsstelle f; SAR-Leitstelle f aviat. naut.
Rettungseinsatz- und Koordinierungsstellen pl; SAR-Leitstellen pl
rescue coordination centre Br. center Am. RCC ; SAR centre center
rescue and coordination centres centers; SAR centres centers
Such- und Rettungseinsatz m; SAR-Einsatz m aviat. mil.
search and rescue mission; SAR mission
Rettungseinsatz-Koordinierungsstelle f; SAR-Leitstelle f aviat. naut.
Rettungseinsatz- und Koordinierungsstellen pl; SAR-Leitstellen pl
rescue coordination centre Br. center Am. RCC ; SAR centre center
rescue and coordination centres centers; SAR centres centers
Rettungseinsatzfahrzeug n REF auto med.
non-transporting response vehicle; non-transporting EMS vehicle
Rettungswagen m; Krankenwagen m; Sanitätskraftwagen m; Sanka m Dt. ugs.; Sanitätswagen m; Sanitätsfahrzeug n; Ambulanz f Bayr. Schw. Südtirol; Unfallwagen m Dt. ugs.; Rettung f Ös. ugs.; Spitalauto n Schw. ugs.
Rettungswagen pl; Krankenwagen pl; Sanitätskraftwagen pl; Sankas pl; Sanitätswagen pl; Sanitätsfahrzeuge pl; Ambulanzen pl; Unfallwagen pl; Rettungen pl; Spitalautos pl
Intensivtransportwagen m ITW
Krankentransportwagen m KTW
Notarztwagen m NAW
mit dem Rettungsfahrzeug ins Krankenhaus gebracht mit der Rettung ins Spital gebracht Ös. mit der Ambulanz ins Spital überbracht Schw. werden
mobile intensive care unit MICU
patient transport ambulance PTA
physician-staffed ambulance
to be taken by ambulance to the hospital
Rettungsfloß n
Rettungsflöße pl
raft, life raft
rafts, life rafts
Rettungsfloß n
Rettungsflöße pl
raft; life raft
rafts; life rafts
Rettungsflug m
Rettungsflüge pl
rescue flight
rescue flights
Rettungsflug m
Rettungsflüge pl
Rettungsflugzeuge pl
rescue flight
rescue flights
rescue aircraft; rescue planes
Rettungstransport m; Rettungsflug m; Ausfliegen n von Verwundeten Verunglückten aviat. mil.
medevac Am.; medivac Am.
Rettungsflugzeug n aviat.
Rettungsflugzeuge pl
rescue aircraft, rescue plane
rescue aircraft, rescue planes
Rettungsflugzeug n aviat.
Rettungsflugzeuge pl
rescue aircraft; rescue plane
rescue aircraft; rescue planes
Flugzeug n; Flieger m ugs.; Maschine f ugs. aviat.
Flugzeuge pl; Flieger pl; Maschinen pl
Berge- und Sanitätsflugzeug mil.
Kurzstartflugzeug n; Kurzstarter m
Motorflugzeug n
Propellerflugzeug n; Propellermaschine f ugs.
Rettungsflugzeug n; Ambulanzflugzeug n
Seenotrettungsflugzeug n; Seenotflugzeug n
Wetterflugzeug n meteo.
ein Flugzeug überziehen
ein Flugzeug zum Absturz bringen
aeroplane Br.; airplane Am.; plane
aeroplanes; airplanes; planes
medevac aircraft Am.; medivac aircraft Am.; medevac plane Am.; medivac plane Am.
short take-off and landing aircraft STOL
power-driven aircraft; power-driven aeroplane Br.; power-driven airplane Am.
propeller-driven plane; airsrew-driven plane
rescue aircraft; rescue plane; air ambulance
air-sea rescue aircraft
meteorological plane
to stall a plane; to put a plane into a stall
to down a plane
Rettungsgasse f auto
eine Rettungsgasse bilden (bei Verkehrsstau)
path corridor for emergency vehicles
to clear a path for emergency vehicles (in the case of a traffic jam)
Rettungsgerät n
live-saving equipment
Rettungsgrabung f
rescue excavation
Rettungsgurt m, Rettungsgürtel m
Rettungsgurte pl, Rettungsgürtel pl
Rettungsgurt m; Rettungsgürtel m
Rettungsgurte pl; Rettungsgürtel pl

Deutsche Rettungsmittel Synonyme

Englische live-saving equipment; live-saving appliances Synonyme

Rettungsmittel Definition

(n.) The act of equipping, or the state of being equipped, as for a voyage or expedition.
(n.) Whatever is used in equipping
(a.) Saving labor
(a.) That saves life, or is suited to save life, esp. from drowning
(v. i.) To be alive
(v. i.) To pass one's time
(v. i.) To make one's abiding place or home
(v. i.) To be or continue in existence
(v. i.) To enjoy or make the most of life
(v. i.) To feed
(v. i.) To have a spiritual existence
(v. i.) To be maintained in life
(v. i.) To outlast danger
(v. t.) To spend, as one's life
(v. t.) To act habitually in conformity with
(a.) Having life
(a.) Being in a state of ignition
(a.) Full of earnestness
(a.) Vivid
(a.) Imparting power
(n.) Life.
(n.) A plant (Sedum Telephium) with fleshy leaves, which has extreme powers of resisting drought
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Save
(a.) Preserving
(a.) Avoiding unnecessary expense or waste
(a.) Bringing back in returns or in receipts the sum expended
(a.) Making reservation or exception
(participle) With the exception of
(n.) Something kept from being expended or lost
(n.) Exception

live-saving equipment; live-saving appliances Bedeutung

recovery or preservation from loss or danger, work is the deliverance of mankind, a surgeon's job is the saving of lives
an act of economizing, reduction in cost, it was a small economy to walk to work every day, there was a saving ofcents
the activity of protecting something from loss or danger
face saver
face saving
an act that avoids a loss of face (of dignity or prestige)
topminnow poeciliid fish
small usually brightlyolored viviparous surface-feeding fishes of fresh or brackish warm waters, often used in mosquito control
badminton equipment equipment for playing the game of badminton
baseball equipment equipment used in playing baseball
basketball equipment sports equipment used in playing basketball
bowling equipment equipment used in bowling
boxing equipment equipment used in boxing
cleaning implement
cleaning device
cleaning equipment
any of a large class of implements used for cleaning
communication system
communication equipment
facility consisting of the physical plants and equipment for disseminating information
cricket equipment sports equipment used in playing cricket
croquet equipment sports equipment used in playing croquet
electronic equipment equipment that involves the controlled conduction of electrons (especially in a gas or vacuum or semiconductor)
equipment an instrumentality needed for an undertaking or to perform a service
game equipment equipment or apparatus used in playing a game
golf equipment sports equipment used in playing golf
live axle
driving axle
the axle of a self-propelled vehicle that provides the driving power
live load
a variable load on a structure (e.g. a bridge) such as moving traffic
naval equipment equipment for a navy
off-line equipment
auxiliary equipment
electronic equipment not in direct communication (or under the control of) the central processing unit
photographic equipment equipment used by a photographer
radiotherapy equipment equipment used to treat diseases with xays or radioactivity
recorder recording equipment
recording machine
equipment for making records
rescue equipment equipment used to rescue passengers in case of emergency
robotics equipment equipment used in robotics
Sabin vaccine
oral poliovirus vaccine
trivalent live oral poliomyelitis vaccine
an oral vaccine (containing live but weakened poliovirus) that is given to provide immunity to poliomyelitis
sports equipment equipment needed to participate in a particular sport
telecommunication system
telecom system
telecommunication equipment
telecom equipment
a communication system for communicating at a distance
television equipment
video equipment
electronic equipment that broadcasts or receives electromagnetic waves representing images and sound
test equipment equipment required to perform a test
saving grace a redeeming quality or characteristic, her love of music remains her one saving grace, her sense of humor has to be a saving grace, the saving grace for both developments is that they are creating jobs
live body the body of a living animal or person
live birth the birth of a living fetus (regardless of the length of gestation)
damage equipment casualty loss of military equipment
breakdown equipment failure a cessation of normal operation, there was a power breakdown
eager beaver
busy bee
live wire
sharpie sharpy
an alert and energetic person
sensitive plant touch-me-not shame plant
humble plant
action plant
Mimosa pudica
prostrate or semi-erect subshrub of tropical America, and Australia, heavily armed with recurved thorns and having sensitive soft grey-green leaflets that fold and droop at night or when touched or cooled
live oak any of several American evergreen oaks
coast live oak
California live oak
Quercus agrifolia
highly variable often shrubby evergreen oak of coastal zone of western North America having small thick usually spiny-toothed dark-green leaves
canyon oak
canyon live oak
maul oak
iron oak Quercus chrysolepis
medium-sized evergreen of southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico with oblong leathery often spiny-edged leaves
southern live oak
Quercus virginiana
medium-sized evergreen native to eastern North America to the east coast of Mexico, often cultivated as shade tree for it wide-spreading crown, extremely hard tough durable wood once used in shipbuilding
interior live oak
Quercus wislizenii
Quercus wizlizenii
a small shrubby evergreen tree of western North America similar to the coast live oak but occurring chiefly in foothills of mountain ranges removed from the coast, an important part of the chaparral
Sedum telephium
perennial northern temperate plant with toothed leaves and heads of small purplish-white flowers
saving grace
state of grace
(Christian theology) a state of sanctification by God, the state of one who is under such divine influence, the conception of grace developed alongside the conception of sin, it was debated whether saving grace could be obtained outside the membership of the church, the Virgin lived in a state of grace
live steam steam coming from a boiler at full pressure
daylight-saving time
daylight-savings time
daylight saving
daylight savings
time during which clocks are set one hour ahead of local standard time, widely adopted during summer to provide extra daylight in the evenings
know experience
have firsthand knowledge of states, situations, emotions, or sensations, I know the feeling!, have you ever known hunger?, I have lived a kind of hell when I was a drug addict, The holocaust survivors have lived a nightmare, I lived through two divorces
live over
experience again, often in the imagination, He relived the horrors of war
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