
Rhein Main Donau Kanal Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Rhein-Main-Donau-Kanal m geogr.
Rhine-Main-Danube Canal
über den Kanal
across the Channel
Kanal m
Kanäle pl
canal, duct
canals, ducts
Kanal m
Kanäle pl
den Kanal voll haben übtr.
to be sloshed, to be fed up to here
(schmaler) Kanal m, Wasserrinne f
Kanäle pl, Wasserrinnen pl
Kanal-Tragfläche f, Kanal-Flügel m, Röhrenflügel m aviat.
Kanal-Tragflächen pl, Kanal-Flügel pl, Röhrenflügel pl
channelwing, channel wing
channelwings, channel wings
Leitung f, Kanal m
Lüftungskanal m, luftführender Kanal
Lüftungskanäle pl, luftführende Kanäle
air duct
air ducts
Scheitelhöhe f (Kanal)
summit, summit level
angrenzend, benachbart, anliegend, nebenliegend, anschließend adj
angrenzendes Feld, nachfolgendes Feld
benachbarte Kanten
benachbarter Kanal
adjacent cell
adjacent edges
adjacent channel
unterirdischer Kanal, unterirdische Wasserleitung f
unterirdische Kanäle, unterirdische Wasserleitungen
zappen (von einem TV-Kanal zum anderen)
to zap, to channel-surf Am., to surf (from one TV channel to another)
Donau f geogr.
Nord-Ostsee-Kanal m geogr.
Kiel Canal
Rhein m geogr.
Frankfurt am Main (Stadt in Deutschland)
Frankfurt am Main (city in Germany)
a.M. : am Main
on the Main
a.Rh. : am Rhein
on the Rhine
benachbarter Kanal
adjacent channel
Frankfurt am Main
Frankfurt on the Main
Eingabe Ausgabe-Kanal m; Ein- Ausgabe-Kanal m; E A-Kanal m comp.
Eingabe Ausgabe-Kanäle pl; Ein- Ausgabe-Kanäle pl; E A-Kanäle pl
input output channel; I O channel
input output channels; I O channels
Kanal m
Kanäle pl
canal; duct
canals; ducts
den Kanal voll haben übtr.
to be sloshed; to be fed up to here
(schmaler) Kanal m; Wasserrinne f
Kanäle pl; Wasserrinnen pl
Kanal-Tragfläche f; Kanal-Flügel m; Röhrenflügel m aviat.
Kanal-Tragflächen pl; Kanal-Flügel pl; Röhrenflügel pl
channelwing; channel wing
channelwings; channel wings
Kanalweiche f; Ausweichstelle f in einem Kanal (Wasserbau)
Kanalweichen pl; Ausweichstellen pl in einem Kanal
lay-by (water engineering)
Leitung f; Kanal m
Luftkanal m; luftführender Kanal m auto constr. techn.
Luftkanäle pl; luftführende Kanäle pl
air duct
air ducts
Raum-Zeit-Kanal m phys.
Raum-Zeit-Kanäle pl
space-time throat
space-time throats
Scheitelhöhe f (Kanal)
summit; summit level
angrenzend; anliegend; nebenliegend; benachbart adj geogr.
angrenzendes Feld; nachfolgendes Feld
das angrenzende Land
benachbarte Kanten
benachbarter Kanal
angrenzender Meeresstreifen
Staaten mit aneinandergrenzenden Küsten
adjacent cell
the adjoining country
adjacent edges
adjacent channel
adjactent belt of sea
states with adjacent coasts
etw. durchschwimmen (See Kanal) v
to swim sth. (lake channel)
eine Sendung einen Sender einschalten v (Radio TV)
einen Kanal eingestellt haben
to tune in to a broadcast broadcaster (radio TV)
to be tuned in to a channel
(sich) etw. überlegen; etw. erwägen; in Erwägung ziehen; in Betracht ziehen; andenken
überlegend; erwägend; in Erwägung Betracht ziehend; andenkend
überlegt; erwogen; in Erwägung Betracht gezogen; angedacht
überlegt; erwägt; zieht in Erwägung Betracht; denkt an
überlegte; erwog; zog in Erwägung Betracht; dachte an
sich etw. reiflich überlegen
Er hielt einen Augenblick inne um zu überlegen bevor er antwortete.
Ich habe ernsthaft überlegt erwogen zurückzutreten.
Wir überlegen nach wie vor wo wir hinziehen sollen.
Wir haben niemals daran gedacht dass der Plan schiefgehen könnte.
Daher müssen alternative Maßnahmen angedacht werden.
Man könnte auch andenken Kinder an der Planung zu beteiligen.
Darüber hinaus sollte ernsthaft angedacht werden für das Tragen eines Messers eine Mindeststrafe einzuführen.
Es ist angedacht den Kanal auszubauen.
Häusliche Sauerstofftherapie auf Rezept ist geplant oder zumindest angedacht.
to consider sth.; to ponder sth.; to give consideration to sth.
considering; pondering; giving consideration to
considered; pondered; given consideration to
considers; ponders
considered; pondered
to consider ponder sth. carefully
He paused a moment to consider before responding.
I seriously considered pondered resigning.
We are still considering where to move to.
We never considered the possibility that the plan could fail.
Hence alternative measures will need to be considered.
Consideration might also be given to having children participate in the planning.
Furthermore serious consideration should be given to the idea of introducing a minimum sentence for carrying a knife.
Plans are being considered for the expansion of the canal.
Prescription of home oxygen therapy is planned or at least being considered.
etw. umleiten (von nach zu); (Geld) abzweigen; (das Telefon) umstellen v
umleitend; abzweigend; umstellend
umgeleitet; abgezweigt; umgestellt
Der Kanal leitet das Wasser vom Fluss in den See.
Der Wasserlauf wurde ins Ackerland geleitet.
Die Park Avenue ist gesperrt und der Verkehr wird über die Nebenstraßen umgeleitet.
Unser Flug wurde wegen des Sturms zum nahegelegenen Militärflughafen umgeleitet.
Die Erlöse aus Waffenverkäufen wurden zu den Rebellen umgeleitet.
Die Grünen forderten dass Ressourcen von der Straße auf die Schiene umverteilt werden.
Er hat öffentliche Gelder für den Privatgebrauch abgezweigt.
Denk daran dein Telefon umzustellen wenn du nicht im Büro bist.
to divert sth. (from to)
The canal diverts water from the river into the lake.
The stream was diverted towards the farmland.
Park Avenue is closed and traffic is being diverted through the side streets.
Our flight was diverted to the nearby military airport because of the storm.
The proceeds from arms sales were diverted to the rebels.
The Greens demanded that resources be diverted from roads into railways.
He diverted public funds for private use.
Remember to divert your phone when you're out of office.
unterirdischer Kanal; unterirdische Wasserleitung f
unterirdische Kanäle; unterirdische Wasserleitungen
zappen v (von einem TV-Kanal zum anderen)
durch die Kanäle zappen
to zap; to channel-surf Am.; to surf (from one TV channel to another)
to flick channels
etw. zerhacken; etw. verwürfeln v telco.
zerhackend; verwürfelnd
zerhackt; verwürfelt
verwürfelter Kanal
to scramble sth.
scrambled channel
Donau f (Fluss) geogr.
Danube (river)
Kaledonischer Kanal m geogr.
Caledonian Canal
Main m geogr. (Fluss in Deutschland)
am Main (a.M.)
Main (river in Germany)
on the Main
Rhein m (Fluss) geogr.
am Rhein (a.Rh.)
Niederrhein m
Oberrhein m
Rhine (river)
on the Rhine
Lower Rhine
Upper Rhine
Rhein-Main-Donau-Kanal m geogr.
Rhine-Main-Danube Canal
Frankfurt am Main; Mainhattan humor. (Stadt in Deutschland) geogr.
Frankfurt am Main; Frankfurt on the Main (city in Germany)
Kanal m fig. (Verbindungen zw. Institutionen Personen)
conduit fig.
Ãœberlauf m (Wasser; Kanal)
escape; wasteway; spill-over (of a dam)
Ableitungskanal m; Ableitungsgraben m; Drän-Kanal m; Drängraben m; Drän m (Wasserbau)
Ableitungskanäle pl; Ableitungsgräben pl; Drän-Kanäle pl; Drängraben pl; Dränen pl
Faschinendrän m
drainage channel; drain (water engineering)
drainage channels; drains
fascine drain
Delta n; Flussdelta n geogr.
Deltas pl; Delten pl; Flussdeltas pl; Flussdelten pl
Donau-Delta n
delta; river delta
deltas; river deltas
Danube Delta
Kanal m (Wasserstraße oder künstlicher Wasserlauf) envir. transp.
Kanäle pl
channel; canal (waterway or artificial watercourse)
channels; canals
den Kanal voll haben v übtr.
to be sloshed; to be fed up to here
Kurpfalz f; Kurfürstentum Pfalz f; Pfalzgrafschaft bei Rhein hist.
Electoral Palatinate; Electoral Palatinate of the Rhine; County Palatine of the Rhine
Limski-Kanal m geogr.
Lim canal
die Loreley f; die Lorelei f (Schieferfelsen am Rhein)
the Lorelei (slate rock on the river Rhine)
Rhein m (Fluss) geogr.
am Rhein (a. Rh.)
Niederrhein m
Oberrhein m
Rhine (river)
on the Rhine
Lower Rhine
Upper Rhine
Schiff n naut.
Schiffe pl
Ausflugsschiff n; Rundfahrtschiff n
Fabrikschiff n
Großraumschiff n
Lotsenschiff n; Lotsenversetzboot n; Lotsenboot n
Wartungsschiff n
Werkstattschiff n
Wetterbeobachtungsschiff n
ab Schiff
ein Schiff aufgeben; ein Schiff verlassen
ein brennendes Schiff verlassen
Das Schiff fährt in die Karibik fährt auf der Donau.
ship; boat
ships; boats
excursion ship; sightseeing boat; tour boat; tourist vessel
factory ship
large capacity ship; large capacity carrier
pilot boat; pilot vessel
maintenance ship
repair ship
ocean weather ship; weather ship
ex ship
to abandon a ship
to abandon a burning ship
The ship sails for the Caribbean sails on the Danube river.
Verbindung f; Kanal m übtr. (zwischen Personen, Organisationen usw.)
conduit fig. (between persons; organizations etc.)
angrenzend; anliegend; danebenliegend; benachbart adj geogr.
angrenzendes Feld; nachfolgendes Feld
das angrenzende Land
angrenzendes Gebiet; Nachbarbereich m
benachbarte Kanten
benachbarter Kanal
angrenzender Meeresstreifen
Staaten mit aneinandergrenzenden Küsten
adjacent cell
the adjoining country
adjacent area
adjacent edges
adjacent channel
adjacent belt of sea
states with adjacent coasts
etw. durchschwimmen (See, Kanal) v
to swim sth. (lake, channel)
eine Sendung einen Sender einschalten v (Radio, TV)
einen Kanal eingestellt haben
to tune in to a broadcast broadcaster (radio, TV)
to be tuned in to a channel
(sich) etw. überlegen; etw. erwägen; in Erwägung ziehen; in Betracht ziehen; andenken v
überlegend; erwägend; in Erwägung ziehend; in Betracht ziehend; andenkend
überlegt; erwogen; in Erwägung gezogen; in Betracht gezogen; angedacht
überlegt; erwägt; zieht in Erwägung; zieht in Betracht; denkt an
überlegte; erwog; zog in Erwägung; zog in Betracht; dachte an
sich etw. reiflich überlegen
Er hielt einen Augenblick inne, um zu überlegen, bevor er antwortete.
Ich habe ernsthaft überlegt erwogen, zurückzutreten.
Wir überlegen nach wie vor, wo wir hinziehen sollen.
Wir haben niemals daran gedacht, dass der Plan schiefgehen könnte.
Daher müssen alternative Maßnahmen angedacht werden.
Man könnte auch andenken, Kinder an der Planung zu beteiligen.
Darüber hinaus sollte ernsthaft angedacht werden, für das Tragen eines Messers eine Mindeststrafe einzuführen.
Es ist angedacht, den Kanal auszubauen.
Häusliche Sauerstofftherapie auf Rezept ist geplant oder zumindest angedacht.
to consider sth.; to give consideration to sth.; to ponder sth.; to contemplate sth.
considering; giving consideration to; pondering; contemplating
considerred; given consideration to; pondered; contemplated
considers; gives consideration; ponders; contemplates
considered; gave consideration; pondered; contemplated
to consider ponder sth. carefully
He paused a moment to consider before responding.
I seriously considered pondered resigning.
We are still considering where to move to.
We never considered the possibility that the plan could fail.
Hence, alternative measures will need to be considered.
Consideration might also be given to having children participate in the planning.
Furthermore, serious consideration should be given to the idea of introducing a minimum sentence for carrying a knife.
Plans are being considered for the expansion of the canal.
Prescription of home oxygen therapy is planned or at least being considered.
etw. umleiten (von nach, zu); (Geld) abzweigen; (das Telefon) umstellen v
umleitend; abzweigend; umstellend
umgeleitet; abgezweigt; umgestellt
Der Kanal leitet das Wasser vom Fluss in den See.
Der Wasserlauf wurde ins Ackerland geleitet.
Die Park Avenue ist gesperrt und der Verkehr wird über die Nebenstraßen umgeleitet.
Unser Flug wurde wegen des Sturms zum nahegelegenen Militärflughafen umgeleitet.
Die Erlöse aus Waffenverkäufen wurden zu den Rebellen umgeleitet.
Die Grünen forderten, dass Ressourcen von der Straße auf die Schiene umverteilt werden.
Er hat öffentliche Gelder für den Privatgebrauch abgezweigt.
Denk daran, dein Telefon umzustellen, wenn du nicht im Büro bist.
to divert sth. (from to)
The canal diverts water from the river into the lake.
The stream was diverted towards the farmland.
Park Avenue is closed and traffic is being diverted through the side streets.
Our flight was diverted to the nearby military airport because of the storm.
The proceeds from arms sales were diverted to the rebels.
The Greens demanded that resources be diverted from roads into railways.
He diverted public funds for private use.
Remember to divert your phone when you're out of office.
Main m geogr. (Fluss in Deutschland)
am Main (a. M.)
Main (river in Germany)
on the Main
Offenbach am Main; Offenbach a. M. (Stadt in Deutschland) geogr.
Offenbach am Main (city in Germany)
Breisach am Rhein (Stadt in Baden-Württemberg) geogr.
Breisach (town in Baden-Württemberg, Germany)

Rhein Main Donau Kanal Definition

(n.) An artificial channel filled with water and designed for navigation, or for irrigating land, etc.
(n.) A tube or duct
Canal coal
() See Cannel coal.
(n.) A hand or match at dice.
(n.) A stake played for at dice.
(n.) The largest throw in a match at dice
(n.) A match at cockfighting.
(n.) A main-hamper.
(v.) Strength
(v.) The chief or principal part
(v.) The great sea, as distinguished from an arm, bay, etc.
(v.) The continent, as distinguished from an island
(v.) principal duct or pipe, as distinguished from lesser ones
(a.) Very or extremely strong.
(a.) Vast
(a.) Unqualified
(a.) Principal
(a.) Important
(a.) Very
(n.) The dagger held in the left hand, while the rapier is held in the right
(n.) A hamper to be carried in the hand
Main yard
() The yard on which the mainsail is extended, supported by the mainmast.
(n.) A water course

Rhine-Main-Danube Canal Bedeutung

surprise attack
coup de main
an attack without warning
Caledonian Canal a canal in northern Scotland that links North Sea with the Atlantic Ocean, runs diagonally between Moray Firth at the northeastern end and Loch Linnhe at the southwestern end, now little used
Caloosahatchee Canal a canal that connects Lake Okeechobee with the Caloosahatchee River in southern Florida to form part of the Cross-Florida Waterway
canal long and narrow strip of water made for boats or for irrigation
canal boat
narrow boat
a long boat that carries freight and is narrow enough to be used in canals
electric main a main that distributes electricity
gas main a main that distributes gas
Gota Canal a canal for small oceangoing ships to enter Lake Vanern in Sweden
headquarters central office
main office
home office
home base
(usually plural) the office that serves as the administrative center of an enterprise, many companies have their headquarters in New York
main road
a major road for any form of motor transport
main a principal pipe in a system that distributes water or gas or electricity or that collects sewage
main course a square mainsail
main deck
second deck
the uppermost sheltered deck that runs the entire length of a large vessel
main drag the main street of a town or city
main line the principal route of a transportation system
main rotor rotor consisting of large rotating airfoils on a singleotor helicopter that produce the lift to support the helicopter in the air
main street
high street
street that serves as a principal thoroughfare for traffic in a town
main-topmast the topmast next above the mainmast
main-topsail a topsail set on the mainmast
main yard yard for a square mainsail
Panama Canal a ship canalmiles long across the Isthmus of Panama built by the United States (-)
riser riser pipe
riser pipeline
riser main
a vertical pipe in a building
sewer main
sewer line
a main in a sewage system
ship canal
a canal large enough for seagoing vessels
water main main (a pipe or conduit) for conveying water
birth canal a passage in the uterus and vagina through which a fetus passes during vaginal birth
auditory meatus
acoustic meatus
ear canal
auditory canal
external auditory canal
either of the passages in the outer ear from the auricle to the tympanic membrane
spinal canal
vertebral canal
canalis vertebralis
the canal in successive vertebrae through which the spinal cord passes
epithelial duct
a bodily passage or tube lined with epithelial cells and conveying a secretion or other substance, the tear duct was obstructed, the alimentary canal, poison is released through a channel in the snake's fangs
canal of Schlemm
Schlemm's canal
sinus venosus sclerae
a circular canal in the eye that drains aqueous humor from the anterior chamber of the eye into the anterior ciliary veins
root canal the passage in the root of a tooth through which its nerve and blood vessels enter the pulp cavity
semicircular canal one of three tube loops filled with fluid and in planes nearly at right angles with one another, concerned with equilibrium
Haversian canal any of the many tiny canals that contain blood vessels and connective tissue and that form a network in bone
inguinal canal
canalis inguinalis
oblique passage through the lower abdominal wall, in males it is the passage through which the testes descend into the scrotum and it contains the spermatic cord, in females it transmits the round ligament of the uterus
cervical canal
canalis cervicis uteri
a spindle-shaped canal extending from the uterus to the vagina
alimentary canal
alimentary tract
digestive tube
digestive tract
gastrointestinal tract
GI tract
tubular passage of mucous membrane and muscle extending about . meters from mouth to anus, functions in digestion and elimination
citation form
main entry word
entry word
the form of a word that heads a lexical entry and is alphabetized in a dictionary
main clause
independent clause
a clause in a complex sentence that can stand alone as a complete sentence
master file
main file
(computer science) a computer file that is used as the authority in a given job and that is relatively permanent
main course
the principal dish of a meal
Rhine wine
any of several white wines from the Rhine River valley in Germany (`hock' is British usage)
main diagonal
principal diagonal
the diagonal of a square matrix running from the upper left entry to the lower right entry
Main Street any small town (or the people who inhabit it), generally used to represent parochialism and materialism (after a novel by Sinclair Lewis), Main Street will never vote for a liberal politician
Grand Canal an inland waterway miles long in eastern China, extends from Tianjin in the north to Hangzhou in the south
Panama Canal Zone
Canal Zone
a zone consisting of a strip of land across the Isthmus of Panama that contains the Panama Canal
Frankfurt on the Main
a German city, an industrial and commercial and financial center
Grand Canal the major waterway in Venice, Italy
Suez Canal a ship canal in northeastern Egypt linking the Red Sea with the Mediterranean Sea
Cape Cod Canal a canal connecting Cape Cod Bay with Buzzards Bay
Erie Canal an artificial waterway connecting the Hudson river at Albany with Lake Erie at Buffalo, built in the th century, now part of the New York State Barge Canal
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