
Ruhestandsgehalt Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Ruhestandsgehalt n; Ruhegehalt n; Ruhestandsbezüge pl (von Beamten) fin.
retirement pay; retirement salary (of civil servants)
Ruhestandsgehalt n; Ruhegehalt n; Ruhestandsbezüge pl (von Beamten) fin.
retirement pay; retirement salary (of civil servants)
bei Eintritt in den Ruhestand
upon retirement
Bevölkerung im Ruhestand
retired population
in den Ruhestand treten
in Ruhestand gehen, sich zur Ruhe setzen
vorgezogener Ruhestand
early retirement
vorzeitig in Ruhestand gehen
retire early
Pensionierung f, Versetzung f in den Ruhestand
Ruhestand m
vorgezogener Ruhestand
im Ruhestand
bei Eintritt in den Ruhestand
early retirement
upon retirement
in Ruhestand gehen, in den Ruhestand treten, sich zur Ruhe begeben
in Ruhestand gehend
vorzeitig in Ruhestand gehen
to retire
to retire early
pensioniert, im Ruhestand
to superannuate
i.R. : im Ruhestand
ret., retd. : retired
Person im Ruhestand
retired person
in den Ruhestand gehen
Pensionierung f; Versetzung f in den Ruhestand
in Rente gehen Dt.; in Pension gehen Ös.; in den Ruhestand treten adm.; sich berenten Dt. pensionieren Ös. lassen
vorzeitig in Rente gehen; vorzeitig in den Ruhestand treten; sich vorzeitig pensionieren lassen Ös. Schw.
als Lehrer in Rente gehen
to retire (from your job)
to retire early
to retire as a teacher; to retire from teaching
Ruhestand m
vorgezogener Ruhestand
im Ruhestand i.R. ; außer Dienst a.D.
Beamte im Ruhestand
bei Eintritt in den Ruhestand
early retirement
retired ret.; retd.
retired officials
upon retirement
jdn. berenten Dt.; pensionieren Ös.; in den Ruhestand versetzen adm.
berentend; pensionierend; in den Ruhestand versetzend
berentet; pensioniert; in den Ruhestand versetzt
aus gesundheitlichen Gründen berentet werden
to retire sb.
to be retired on medical grounds
pensioniert; im Ruhestand
pensioniert werden
to be superannuated
jdn. überreden etw. zu tun v
Versuch bitte sie zu überreden.
Ich konnte sie schließlich überreden mit mir auszugehen.
Lass dich nicht dazu überreden Dinge zu kaufen die du nicht brauchst.
Es brauchte viel Überredungskunst um ihn aus dem Ruhestand zurückzuholen.
to persuade sb. to do sth. into doing sth.
Please try and persuade her.
I finally managed to persuade her to go out with me.
Don't let yourself be persuaded into buying things you don't need.
He took a lot of persuading to come out of retirement.
Altersgrenze f; Alterslimite f Schw. (Höchstalter bei Erwachsenen) pol. soc.
Altersgrenzen pl; Alterslimits pl
bei Erreichen der Altersgrenze in den Ruhestand treten
die Altersgrenze für den Renteneintritt Dt. Schw. Pensionsantritt Ös. erreichen
age limit
age limits
to retire upon reaching the age limit
to be due for retirement
in Rente gehen Dt.; in Pension gehen Ös.; in den Ruhestand treten adm.; sich berenten Dt. pensionieren Ös. lassen v
vorzeitig in Rente gehen; vorzeitig in den Ruhestand treten; sich vorzeitig pensionieren lassen Ös. Schw.
als Lehrer in Rente gehen
to retire (from your job)
to retire early
to retire as a teacher; to retire from teaching
Versetzung f in den Ruhestand; Pensionierung f; Verrentung Dt. Schw.
vorgezogene Pensionierung; vorzeitige Pensionierung
in Rente in Pension gehen
retirement; superannuation Br. dated
early retirement
to go into retirement; to retire; to start drawing your pension; to superannuate Br. dated
Ruhestand m; Rente f Dt. Schw.; Pension f Ös.
Teilzeitrente f; Teilzeitpension f
vorgezogener Ruhestand
im Ruhestand i. R. ; außer Dienst a. D.
Beamte im Ruhestand
bei Eintritt in den Ruhestand
partial retirement
early retirement
retired ret.; retd.
retired officials
upon retirement
jdn. berenten Dt.; pensionieren Ös.; in den Ruhestand versetzen v adm.
berentend; pensionierend; in den Ruhestand versetzend
berentet; pensioniert; in den Ruhestand versetzt
aus gesundheitlichen Gründen berentet werden
to retire sb.
to be retired on medical grounds
pensioniert adj; im Ruhestand
pensioniert werden
to be superannuated
jdn. überreden, etw. zu tun v
Versuch bitte, sie zu überreden.
Ich konnte sie schließlich überreden, mit mir auszugehen.
Lass dich nicht dazu überreden, Dinge zu kaufen, die du nicht brauchst.
Es brauchte viel Überredungskunst, um ihn aus dem Ruhestand zurückzuholen.
to persuade sb. to do sth. into doing sth.
Please try and persuade her.
I finally managed to persuade her to go out with me.
Don't let yourself be persuaded into buying things you don't need.
He took a lot of persuading to come out of retirement.
flexibles Ruhestandsalter
flexible pension age
Ruhestandsalter, Pensionierungsalter
retirement age
Ruhestandsalter, Pensionierungsalter
retiring age
Ruhestandsgehalt n; Ruhegehalt n; Ruhestandsbezüge pl (von Beamten) fin.
retirement pay; retirement salary (of civil servants)
Pensionseinkünfte pl; Ruhestandseinkünfte pl (von Beamten) fin.
retirement income; retirement earnings (of civil servants)
rentenfähiges Alter, Ruhestandsgrenze
retirement age
rentenfähiges Alter, Ruhestandsgrenze
retiring age
Altersversorgung f; Altervorsorge f; Alterssicherung f; Ruhestandsversorgung f; Pensionsvorsorge f Ös.
betriebliche Altersversorgung
provision for old age; old-age pension scheme
occupational pension provision: occupatonal retirement provision Am.
Altersversorgung f; Altervorsorge f; Alterssicherung f; Ruhestandsversorgung f; Pensionsvorsorge f Ös.; Altersversicherung f
betriebliche Altersversorgung
provision for old age; old-age pension scheme
occupational pension provision; occupational retirement provision Am.

Deutsche Ruhestandsgehalt Synonyme

Englische retirement pay; retirement salary Synonyme

retirement  Jim Crow  abandonment  abdication  abstention  abstinence  acquitment  acquittal  acquittance  aloofness  amortization  amortizement  anonymity  apartheid  apartness  backwardness  bashfulness  binder  blankness  cash  cash payment  cashiering  chilliness  clearance  closed meeting  coldness  confidentiality  confidentialness  conge  constraint  convenience  coolness  debt service  decampment  deconsecration  defrayal  defrayment  defrocking  demission  departure  deposal  deposit  deposition  deprivation  desuetude  detachment  dethronement  disbarment  disbarring  disbursal  discharge  discreetness  discretion  discrownment  disemployment  disengagement  disenthronement  dismissal  displacement  displacing  distance  disuse  doling out  down payment  drumming out  earnest  earnest money  ease  egress  emeritus status  escape  evacuation  excommunication  executive session  exit  exodus  expressionlessness  expulsion  fallback  firing  flight  forced resignation  forced separation  free time  freedom  frigidity  frostiness  furloughing  getaway  going  goof-off time  guardedness  hegira  hire purchase  hire purchase plan  iciness  idle hours  impassiveness  impassivity  impeachment  impersonality  inaccessibility  incognito  installment  installment plan  interest payment  introversion  isolation  isolationism  kicking upstairs  layoff  leaving  leisure  liquidation  modesty  monthly payments  never-never  nonemployment  nonprevalence  nonuse  obsolescence  obsoleteness  obsoletion  obsoletism  odd moments  ousting  overthrow  overthrowal  parting  passing  paying  paying off  paying out  paying up  payment  payment in kind  payoff  pensioning off  pink slip  prepayment  privacy  private conference  privatism  privatization  pullback  pullout  purge  quarantine  quarterly payments  quittance  recedence  receding  recess  recession  reclusion  reculade  regular payments  relinquishment  remittance  remoteness  removal  repose  repression  reserve  reserv  

Ruhestandsgehalt Definition

(a.) Pertaining to a city or state, or to a citizen in his relations to his fellow citizens or to the state
(a.) Subject to government
(a.) Performing the duties of a citizen
(a.) Having the manners of one dwelling in a city, as opposed to those of savages or rustics
(a.) Pertaining to civic life and affairs, in distinction from military, ecclesiastical, or official state.
(a.) Relating to rights and remedies sought by action or suit distinct from criminal proceedings.
(n.) The act of retiring, or the state of being retired
(n.) A place of seclusion or privacy
(a.) Saline
(n.) The recompense or consideration paid, or stipulated to be paid, to a person at regular intervals for services
(v. t.) To pay, or agree to pay, a salary to

retirement pay; retirement salary (of civil servants) Bedeutung

retirement retreat withdrawal for prayer and study and meditation, the religious retreat is a form of vacation activity
retirement withdrawal from your position or occupation
civil death
cancellation of civil rights
pay cut
salary cut
the act of reducing a salary
civil wrong
(law) any wrongdoing for which an action for damages may be brought
civil censorship military censorship of civilian communications (correspondence or printed matter of films) entering or leaving of circulating within territories controlled by armed forces
civil defense activities organized by civilians for their own protection in time of war or disaster
civil war a war between factions in the same country
civil marriage a marriage performed by a government official rather than by a clergyman
civil disobedience a group's refusal to obey a law because they believe the law is immoral (as in protest against discrimination), Thoreau wrote a famous essay justifying civil disobedience
civil contempt a failure to follow a court order that benefits someone else
civil suit a lawsuit alleging violations of civil law by the defendant
civil action legal action to protect a private civil right or to compel a civil remedy (as distinguished from criminal prosecution)
American Civil War
United States Civil War
War between the States
civil war in the United States between the North and the South, -
English Civil War civil war in England between the Parliamentarians and the Royalists under Charles I, -
Spanish Civil War civil war in Spain in which Franco succeeded in overthrowing the republican government, during the war Spain became a battleground for fascists and socialists from all countries, -
rise wage hike
wage increase
salary increase
the amount a salary is increased, he got a % raise, he got a wage hike
civil right right or rights belonging to a person by reason of citizenship including especially the fundamental freedoms and privileges guaranteed by the th and th amendments and subsequent acts of Congress including the right to legal and social and economic equality
civil liberty fundamental individual right protected by law and expressed as immunity from unwarranted governmental interference
pension plan
pension account
retirement plan
retirement savings plan
retirement savings account
retirement account
retirement program
a plan for setting aside money to be spent after retirement
individual retirement account
a retirement plan that allows you to contribute a limited yearly sum toward your retirement, taxes on the interest earned in the account are deferred
civil engineering the branch of engineering concerned with the design and construction of such public works as dams or bridges
Roman law
Justinian code
civil law jus civile
the legal code of ancient Rome, codified under Justinian, the basis for many modern systems of civil law
International Civil Aviation Organization
the United Nations agency concerned with civil aviation
civil service government workers, usually hired on the basis of competitive examinations
civil law the body of laws established by a state or nation for its own regulation
Civil Rights movement movement in the United States beginning in the s and led primarily by Blacks in an effort to establish the civil rights of individual Black citizens
retirement community
retirement complex
a planned community for residents who have retired from an active working life
civic leader
civil leader
a leader in municipal affairs
civil engineer an engineer trained to design and construct and maintain public works (roads or bridges or harbors etc.)
civil libertarian a libertarian who is actively concerned with the protection of civil liberties
civil rights leader
civil rights worker
civil rights activist
a leader of the political movement dedicated to securing equal opportunity for members of minority groups
civil servant a public official who is a member of the civil service
civil authority
civil officer
a person who exercises authority over civilian affairs
pay earnings
something that remunerates, wages were paid by check, he wasted his pay on drink, they saved a quarter of all their earnings
old-age pension
retirement pension
retirement check
retirement benefit
retirement fund
a monthly payment made to someone who is retired from work
Civil List a sum of money voted by British Parliament each year for the expenses of the British royal family
civil death the legal status of a person who is alive but who has been deprived of the rights and privileges of a citizen or a member of society, the legal status of one sentenced to life imprisonment
retirement the state of being retired from one's business or occupation
civil union a voluntary union for life (or until divorce) of adult parties of the same sex, parties to a civil union have all the same benefits, protections, and responsibilities under Vermont law as spouses in a marriage
civil order
the form of government of a social organization
civil liberty
political liberty
one's freedom to exercise one's rights as guaranteed under the laws of the country
civil time
standard time
local time
the official time in a local region (adjusted for location around the Earth), established by law or custom
calendar day
civil day
a day reckoned from midnight to midnight
calendar year
civil year
the year (reckoned from January to December ) according to Gregorian calendar
civil of or in a condition of social order, civil peoples
civil-libertarian having or showing active concern for protection of civil liberties protected by law
not rude, marked by satisfactory (or especially minimal) adherence to social usages and sufficient but not noteworthy consideration for others, even if he didn't like them he should have been civil- W.S. Maugham
civil (of divisions of time) legally recognized in ordinary affairs of life, the civil calendar, a civil day begins at mean midnight
civil applying to ordinary citizens as contrasted with the military, civil authorities
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