
Sand Torpedobarsch Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Sand-Torpedobarsch m; Band-Torpedobarsch m (Malacanthus latovittatus) zool.
blue torpedo goby
Sand-Torpedobarsch m, Band-Torpedobarsch m (Malacanthus latovittatus) zool.
blue torpedo goby
Abstrahlen n (mit Sand usw.)
Sand m
tonhaltiger Sand
goldhaltiger Sand
gesiebter Sand
clayey sand
auriferous sand
sifted sand
im Sand verlaufen übtr.
to end in talk, to come to nothing
etw. in den Sand setzen, etw. vermurksen ugs.
to muck sth. up
jdm. Sand in die Augen streuen übtr.
to throw sand into sb.'s eyes
Sand ins Getriebe streuen übtr.
to throw a spanner in the works fig. (to sabotage an operation)
wie Sand am Meer übtr.
a ten a penny Br., a dime a dozen Am. fig., thousands, countless
Sand-Kies-Gemisch n
Sand-Skulpturen-Künstler m, Sand-Skulpturen-Künstlerin f, Carver m
Sieb n (für Sand)
riddle screen
abstrahlen v (mit Sand usw.)
to blast
Blaukopf-Torpedobarsch m, Starcks Torpedobarsch m (Hoplolatilus starcki) zool.
blue head tilefish
Chamäleon-Torpedobarsch m (Hoplolatilus chlupatyi) zool.
flashing tilefish
Gestreifter Torpedobarsch m (Malacanthus brevirostris) zool.
banded torpedo goby
Marcos' Torpedobarsch m (Hoplolatilus marcosi) zool.
skunk tilefish
Purpur-Torpedobarsch m (Hoplolatilus purpureus) zool.
purple tilefish
Sand-Torpedobarsch m, Band-Torpedobarsch m (Malacanthus latovittatus) zool.
blue torpedo goby
Torpedobarsch m (Malacanthidae) zool.
im Sand verlaufen
to end in talk
allgegenwärtige Sonnne, See und Sand
ubiquitous sun, sea and sand
Abbau m (von Sand Kies Steinen) im Tagebau; Tagebau m; Abraumbau m min.
Absanden n (von etw.) (Einwalzen von Sand) constr.
sanding (of sth.)
Blaukopf-Torpedobarsch m; Starcks Torpedobarsch m (Hoplolatilus starcki) zool.
blue head tilefish
Getriebe n
Getriebe pl
stufenloses Getriebe
Getriebe mit gekreuzten Wellen
Sand im Getriebe übtr.
gear; gearbox; gearing; gear unit; gearing mechanism; transmission; gearcase
gears; gearboxes; gearings; gear units; gearing mechanisms; transmissions; gearcases
continuously variable gearbox; continuously variable transmission CVT ; infinitely variable transmission IVT
skew gears
sand in the machinery fig.
Hinweis m (auf jdn. etw.); Ansatzpunkt m; Spur f (zu jdm. etw.)
Ermittlungsansätze pl
Es gibt immer noch keine Hinweise auf den Verbleib des entführten Reporters.
Die Ermittler verfolgen in dem Mordfall mehrere Spuren.
Die wenigen Spuren die die Polizei verfolgte sind im Sand verlaufen.
lead (on sb. sth.)
investigative leads
There are still no leads on the whereabouts of the kidnapped reporter.
Investigators are working on several leads in the murder case.
The few leads pursued by police have evaporated.
Kopf m; Haupt n poet.
Köpfe pl
von Kopf bis Fuß
ein klarer Kopf
der hellste Kopf ugs.
auf dem Kopf stehen
einen kühlen Kopf behalten übtr.
jdn. vor den Kopf stoßen übtr.
jdm. zu Kopfe steigen
über Kopf
den Kopf (zur Seite) neigen
sich etw. in den Kopf setzen
pro Kopf; pro Person
mit dem Kopf durch die Wand wollen übtr.
seinen Kopf Willen durchsetzen
wie vor dem Kopf geschlagen sein
den Kopf in den Sand stecken übtr.
Sein früher Erfolg stieg ihm zu Kopf(e).
from head to foot; from head to toe
a clear brain
brightest bulb in the box fig.
to stand on one's head; to be upside down
to keep a clear head
to kick sb. in the teeth fig.
to go to sb.'s head
to cock your head
to set one's mind on sth.
per head; for by each person
to wish for the impossible
to get your way; to get your own way
to be paralyzed by surprise
to hide bury one's head in the sand fig.
His early success went to his head.
Rieselmarke f; Rippelmarke f; Riffel f (im Sand bei Tideablauf)
Rieselmarken pl; Rippelmarken pl; Riffel pl
rill mark
rill marks
(grobes) Rüttelsieb n; Schüttelsieb n; Rätter m; Durchwurf m (für Erde Sand)
Rüttelsiebe pl; Schüttelsiebe pl; Rätter pl; Durchwürfe pl
Erzwäschesieb n min.
Rüttelsieb mit Rücklaufrinne
shaking screen; riddle screen; riddle sieve; riddle sifter Am.; riddler
shaking screens; riddle screens; riddle sieves; riddle sifters; riddlers
shaking screen for ore
riddle sifter with return chute
Sand m min. constr.
bindiger Sand
durchtränkter Sand
feinster Sand
fossilführender mariner Sand
gasführender Sand
gesiebter Sand
goldhaltiger Sand
grubenfeuchter Sand
gut durchlässiger Sand
kalkhaltiger Sand
pyroklastischer Sand
saugender Sand
schlammiger Sand
schwer durchlässiger Sand
tonhaltiger Sand
toniger Sand
windtransportierter Sand
Sand streuen
Sand verdichten techn.
etw. mit Sand bestreuen; besanden
Dachpappe mit Sand bestreuen techn.
etw. in Sand gießen
heavy sand
impregnated sand
finest sand
gas-carrying sand
sifted sand
auriferous sand
freshly quarried sand
open sand
calcareous sand
ashy grit
thief sand
miry sand
tight close sand
clayey sand
argillaceous sand
millet-seed sand
to sand
to ram
to sand sth.
to mineralize roofing felt
to sand-cast sth.
(mit) Sand spielen; sandeln; sändeln Schw. v
to play with sand
(mit) Sand malen v
to paint with sand
im Sand(e) verlaufen; ins Leere laufen gehen; ergebnislos bleiben
to come to nothing
etw. in den Sand setzen; etw. vermurksen ugs.
to muck up () sth.
im Sand vorkommend gedeihend adj bot.
arenaceous; arenicolous
wie Sand am Meer vorhanden sein v übtr.
Bücher wie dieses gibt es wie Sand am Meer.
to be two a penny Br.; to be ten a penny Br.; to be a dime a dozen Am.
Books like this are ten a penny a dime a dozen.
Sand-Skulpturen-Künstler m; Sand-Skulpturen-Künstlerin f; Carver m
Sand-Torpedobarsch m; Band-Torpedobarsch m (Malacanthus latovittatus) zool.
blue torpedo goby
Torpedobarsch m (Malacanthidae) zool.
Torpedobarsche pl
Ãœbergangsbereich m
Ãœbergangsbereiche pl
im Ãœbergangsbereich zwischen Schlamm und Sand
transitional area
transitional areas
in the transitional area between mud and sand
Vergissmeinnicht pl; Vergißmeinnicht pl alt (Myosotis) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Alpen-Vergissmeinnicht n (Myosotis alpestris)
Acker-Vergissmeinnicht n (Myosotis arvensis)
Bunt-Vergissmeinnicht n; buntes Vergissmeinnicht n (Myosotis discolor)
Hügel-Vergissmeinnicht n; raues Vergissmeinnicht n (Myosotis ramosissima)
Rasen-Vergissmeinnicht n; schlaffes Vergissmeinnicht n (Myositis laxa)
Sand-Vergissmeinnicht n; aufrechtes steifes Vergissmeinicht n; kleinblütiges Vergissmeinnicht n (Myosotis stricta)
Bodensee-Vergissmeinnicht n; Rehsteiners Vergissmeinnicht n (Myosotis rehsteineri)
Sumpf-Vergissmeinnicht n (Myosotis scorpioides)
Wald-Vergissmeinnicht n (Myosotis sylvatica)
forget-me-nots (botanical genus)
Alpine forget-me-not
field forget-me-not
changing forget-me-not; yellow and blue forget-me-not
early forget-me-not
bay forget-me-not; tufted forget-me-not
blue scorpion grass; strict forget-me-not; small-flowered forget-me-not
Lake Constance forget-me-not
water forget-me-not; true forget-me-not
wood forget-me-not; woodland forget-me-not
Werkstein m; Haustein n (allseitig gleich spaltender Stein bes. Sand- und Kalkstein) geol.
Brennenden Phosphor mit Wasser löschen und die Dämpfe nicht einatmen. Nach dem Löschen des Feuers mit feuchtem Sand oder feuchter Erde abdecken. (Sicherheitshinweis)
Drench burning phosphorus with water and avoid breathing fumes. When fire is extinguished cover with wet sand or earth. (safety note)
Sand in die Augen bekommen
to get an eyeful of sand
Abbau m (von Sand, Kies, Steinen) im Tagebau; Tagebau m; Abraumbau m min.
Gemisch n (von Stoffen) chem. phys.
Butan-Luft-Gemisch; Butan Luft-Gemisch
Sand-Kies-Gemisch; Sand Kies-Gemisch
mixture (of substances)
butane-air mixture; butane air mixture
sand-gravel mixture; sand gravel mixture
spezifisches Gewicht n; Wichte f (Quotient aus dem Gewicht und Volumen eines Stoffs) phys.
spezifisches Gewicht unter Wasser unter Auftrieb (Boden, Sand usw.)
specific weight; unit weight (weight per unit volume of a substance)
submerged unit weight; buoyant unit weight (of soil, sand etc.)
Hinweis m (auf jdn. etw.); Ansatzpunkt m; Spur f (zu jdm. etw.)
Ermittlungsansätze pl
eine Spur verfolgen
Es gibt immer noch keine Hinweise auf den Verbleib des entführten Reporters.
Die Ermittler verfolgen in dem Mordfall mehrere Spuren.
Die wenigen Spuren, die die Polizei verfolgte, sind im Sand verlaufen.
lead (on sb. sth.)
investigative leads
to chase up a lead Br.; to chase down a lead Am.
There are still no leads on the whereabouts of the kidnapped reporter.
Investigators are working on several leads in the murder case.
The few leads pursued by police have evaporated.
Pflasterstein m constr.
Pflastersteine pl
Großpflasterstein m (aus Granit oder Beton)
Betongroßpflasterstein m; Betonstein m
Betonpflasterstein m; Betonstein m; Gehwegplatte f aus Beton
Betonpflasterstein m ohne Verbundwirkung
Betonpflasterstein m mit Basaltsplittvorsatz; Betonstein m mit Basaltsplittvorsatz
Betonpflasterstein m mit Verschleißvorsatz; Betonschwerlastpflasterstein m
Betonpflasterstein ohne Natursteinvorsatz; Betonstein ohne Natursteinvorsatz
Betonpflasterstein mit Natursteinvorsatz; Betonstein mit Natursteinvorsatz
eingefärbter Betonpflasterstein; eingefärbter Betonstein; eingefärbte Betonplatte
Granitgroßpflasterstein m; Kopfstein m; Katzenkopf m ugs.
Kleinpflasterstein m
Mosaikpflasterstein m
Naturpflasterstein m; Pflasterstein aus Naturstein
Quaderpflasterstein m; rechteckiger Pflasterstein m (aus Sandstein oder Granit)
Verbundpflasterstein m (aus Beton); Verbundbetonstein m
Pflastersteine in Mörtel verlegen; in Mörtel pflastern; in Mörtel pflästern Schw.
Pflastersteine in Sand verlegen; in Sand pflastern; in Sand pflästern Schw.
Pflastersteine ins Gefälle verlegen
paving stone; paving block, paving unit; paving slab Br.; paviour Br.; paver Am.
paving stones; paving block, paving units; paving slabs; paviours; pavers
large-sized paving stone; Belgian block paver Am. (of granite or concrete)
large-sized concrete paving stone; large-sized concrete paving sett Br. Austr. NZ; large-sized concrete pavestone Am.; large-sized concrete paver Am.
concrete paving stone with exposed crushed basalt; concrete sett with exposed crushed basalt Br. Austr. NZ; concrete paver with exposed crushed basalt Am.
standard (non-interlocking) concrete paving block; standard (non-interlocking) concrete paver Am.
concrete paving stone with exposed crushed basalt; concrete sett with exposed crushed basalt Br. Austr. NZ; concrete paver with exposed crushed basalt Am.
concrete paving stone with hard-wearing surface layer Br. Austr. NZ; concrete paver with protective coating Am.
standard concrete paving block without exposed aggregate
exposed aggregate paving block; exposed aggregate paving unit; paver with exposed aggregate Am.
coloured paving stone Br.; coloured paving block Br.; tinted concrete paver Am.
large-sized natural paving stone; large-sized granite sett Br. Austr. NZ; large-sized natural pavestone Am.; large-sized cobblestone Am.; jumbo cobblestone Am.
small paving stone; small paving sett Br. Austr. NZ; cube Br. coll.; small stone paver Am.
mosaic paving stone; mosaic paving sett Br. Austr. NZ; mosaic paver Am.
natural stone sett Br. Austr. NZ; random sett Br. Austr. NZ; cobblestone Am.; cobble Am.
paving set; paving sett Br. Austr. NZ (of sandstone or granite)
interlocking (concrete) paving block; interlocking (concrete) paving unit; interlocking (concrete) paver Am.
to lay setts on mortar Br. Austr. NZ; to lay pavers on mortar Am.
to lay setts on sand Br. Austr. NZ; to lay pavers on sand Am.
to lay setts to falls Br. Austr. NZ; to lay pavers to slope Am.
Radgetriebe n; Rädergetriebe n; Getriebe n techn.
Radgetriebe pl; Rädergetriebe pl; Getriebe pl
stufenloses Getriebe n; Variatorgetriebe n; Variator m auto
Getriebe mit gekreuzten Wellen
Zyklinderschraubradgetriebe n
Sand im Getriebe übtr.
gear; gearbox; gearing; gear unit; gearing mechanism; transmission; gearcase
gears; gearboxes; gearings; gear units; gearing mechanisms; transmissions; gearcases
continuously variable transmission CVT ; variable pulley transmission; continuously variable gearbox; variator; gearless transmission; stepless transmission
skew gears
spiral gear
sand in the machinery fig.
(grobes) Rüttelsieb n; Schüttelsieb n; Rättersieb n; Rätter m; Durchwurfsieb n; Durchwurfgitter n (für Erde Sand) agr. constr.
Rüttelsiebe pl; Schüttelsiebe pl; Rättersiebe pl; Rätter pl; Durchwurfsiebe pl; Durchwurfgitter pl
Erzwäschesieb n min.
Rüttelsieb mit Rücklaufrinne
shaking screen; riddle screen; riddle sieve; riddle sifter Am.; riddler (for earth or sand)
shaking screens; riddle screens; riddle sieves; riddle sifters; riddlers
shaking screen for ore
riddle sifter with return chute
im Sand(e) verlaufen; ins Leere laufen gehen; ergebnislos bleiben v
to come to nothing
etw. in den Sand setzen; etw. vermurksen v ugs.
to muck up () sth.
einem Gegner Sand in die Augen werfen v
to throw sand in an adversary's eyes
Sand ins Getriebe streuen v übtr.
to throw a spanner in the works fig. (to sabotage an operation)
wie Sand am Meer vorhanden sein v übtr.
Bücher wie dieses gibt es wie Sand am Meer.
to be two a penny Br.; to be ten a penny Br.; to be a dime a dozen Am.
Books like this are ten a penny a dime a dozen.
Sand- oder Aschenbahn f für Motorradrennen sport
speedway Br.
etw. in den Sand setzen; (sich) etw. vermasseln v
sich seine Chancen vermasseln
Wenn das Auto eine Panne hat, sind wir erledigt.
to sink sth. {sank, sunk; sunk} fig.
to sink your chances
If the car breaks down, we'll be sunk.
Spaten m; Grabescheit n obs.; Grabscheit n obs.
Spaten pl; Grabescheite pl; Grabscheite pl
Klappspaten m
ein Spaten voll
einen Spaten (voll) Sand
folding spade
a spadeful of sand
manschen; rummanschen v ugs.
manschend; rummanschend
gemanscht; rumgemanscht
Als Kind habe ich gern mit Wasser und Sand gemanscht.
to mess about
messing about
messed about
As a child, I liked to mess about with water and sand.
sandig; sandhaltig; sandhältig Ös.; Sand… adj
am sandigsten
sandy; containing sand; arenaceous
jdm. etw. vormachen; jdm. ein X für ein U vormachen; jdm. blauen Dunst vormachen veraltend; jdm. Sand in die Augen streuen v
Sie ist zu clever, um sich etwas vormachen zu lassen.
Er lässt sich kein X für ein U vormachen.
to pull the wool over sb.'s eyes; to put one over on sb.
She is too clever to let him her them pull the wool over her eyes.
You can't put anything over on him.
Brennenden Phosphor mit Wasser löschen und die Dämpfe nicht einatmen. Nach dem Löschen des Feuers mit feuchtem Sand oder feuchter Erde abdecken. (Sicherheitshinweis)
Drench burning phosphorus with water and avoid breathing fumes. When fire is extinguished, cover with wet sand or earth. (safety note)

Deutsche Sand Torpedobarsch Synonyme

Haufen  aus  Sand  ÂHaufen  Sand  ÂSandhaufen  
üppig  Âen  masse  Âim  Ãœberfluss  Âin  Hülle  und  Fülle  (umgangssprachlich)  Âmassenhaft  Âreich  Âreichhaltig  Âreichlich  Âunbegrenzt  Âviel  Âwie  Sand  am  Meer  (umgangssprachlich)  Âzahlreich  
falsch  machen  Âin  den  Sand  setzen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âverbocken  (umgangssprachlich)  Âvergeigen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âversauen  (derb)  
Haufen aus Sand  Haufen Sand  Sandhaufen  
sand dune  anthill  barrow  brae  butte  down  drumlin  dune  fell  foothills  
sand  backbone  breccia  buff  burnish  debris  detritus  dress  emery  file  
Weitere Ergebnisse für Sand Synonym nachschlagen

Englische blue torpedo goby Synonyme

blue  Alice blue  Amytal  Amytal pill  Brunswick blue  Caelus  Capri blue  Chinese blue  Copenhagen blue  Demerol  Dolophine  Dresden blue  Fescennine  French blue  Gobelin blue  H  Luminal  Luminal pill  M  Mickey Finn  Nembutal  Nembutal pill  Persian blue  Pompeian blue  Prussian blue  Rabelaisian  Saxe blue  Seconal  Seconal pill  Tuinal  Tuinal pill  Wedgwood blue  X  absolute  air  alcohol  amobarbital sodium  analgesic  aniline blue  anodyne  aquamarine  atrabiliar  atrabilious  azo blue  azulene  azure  azure-blue  azure-colored  azurean  azured  azureness  azureous  azurite blue  baby blue  bad  barb  barbiturate  barbiturate pill  bawdy  benzoazurine  beryl  beryl-blue  berylline  bice  black  black stuff  bleu celeste  blue angel  blue devil  blue heaven  blue sky  blue turquoise  blue velvet  blueness  blueprint  bluish  bluishness  brine  briny  broad  cadaverous  cadet blue  caelum  calamine blue  calmative  canopy  canopy of heaven  cerulean  ceruleous  cerulescent  chloral hydrate  ciba blue  coarse  cobalt  codeine  codeine cough syrup  cold-type proof  color proof  complete  computer proof  cope  cornflower  corpselike  crestfallen  cyan  cyanean  cyanine blue  cyanosis  dark-blue  deadly  deathlike  deathly  deathly pale  deep  deep-blue  dejected  delft blue  depressant  depressed  depressor  despondent  dirty  disconsolate  dismal  dispirited  dolly  down  downcast  downer  downhearted  downright  drink  eerie  empyrean  erotic  ether  filthy  firmament  foul  foul-mouthed  foul-spoken  foul-tongued  foundry proof  fulsome  funky  galley  galley proof  garter blue  ghastly  ghostlike  ghostly  glaucous blue  gloomy  glum  goofball  grisly  gruesome  haggard  hard stuff  heaven  heavens  heroin  hop  horse  hyacinth  hyaline  hypnotic  improper  impure  indecent  indelicate  indigo  indigo white  infernal  isamine blue  ithyphallic  jouvence blue  junk  knockout drops  lapis lazuli blue  laudanum  lavender blue  lewd  lift  lifts  light-blue  lig  
blue blood  Brahman  ancestry  archduke  aristocracy  aristocrat  aristocraticalness  armiger  baron  baronet  birth  blood  carnage  count  daimio  distinction  duke  earl  elite  esquire  flower  genteelness  gentility  gentleman  gentry  grand duke  grandee  hidalgo  honorable descent  lace-curtain  laird  landgrave  lord  lordling  magnate  magnifico  margrave  marquis  nobility  noble  noble birth  nobleman  nobleness  optimate  palsgrave  patrician  peer  quality  rank  royalty  seigneur  seignior  silk-stocking  society  squire  swell  thoroughbred  upper class  upper-cruster  viscount  waldgrave  
blue book  Almanach de Gotha  Congressional Record  Hansard  Red Book  Royal Kalendar  Social Register  account  acquaintance  announcement  audition  briefing  bulletin  communication  communique  data  datum  directory  dispatch  enlightenment  evidence  exam  examen  examination  facts  factual information  familiarization  final  final examination  gazette  gen  genealogy  general information  great go  green book  guidebook  handout  hard information  hearing  honors  incidental information  info  information  instruction  intelligence  knowledge  light  mention  message  midsemester  midterm  notice  notification  official journal  oral  oral examination  pedigree  prelim  presentation  promotional material  proof  publication  publicity  quiz  release  report  sidelight  state paper  statement  studbook  take-home examination  test  the dope  the goods  the know  the scoop  transmission  trial  tripos  viva  white book  white paper  word  written  written examination  yellow book  
blue chip  assessable stock  authorized capital stock  blue chip stock  borrowed stock  capital stock  common stock  convertible preferred stock  corporate stock  cumulative preferred stock  cyclical stock  defensive stock  deferred stock  eighth stock  equities  equity  equity security  fancies  floating stock  glamour issue  growth stock  guaranteed stock  high-flier  hot issue  hypothecated stock  inactive stock  income stock  issued capital stock  letter stock  loaned stock  long stock  nonassessable stock  nonvoting stock  ordinary shares  pale blue chip  participating preferred stock  penny stock  preference stock  preferred stock  protective stock  quarter stock  rails  reverse split  seasoned stock  share ledger  shares  short stock  special situation stock  specialty stock  speculative stock  split  standard stock  steels  stock  stock ledger  stock list  stock split  stocks  ten-share unit stock  treasury stock  unissued capital stock  utilities  voting stock  
blue collar worker  breadwinner  casual  casual laborer  common laborer  day laborer  employee  factory worker  flunky  free lance  free-lancer  full-time worker  hand  industrial worker  jobber  jobholder  laborer  laboring man  menial  migrant  moiler  navvy  office temporary  proletarian  roustabout  salaried worker  self-employed person  servant  stiff  temporary  toiler  wage earner  wage slave  wageworker  worker  workgirl  workhand  working girl  workingman  workingwoman  workman  
blue devil  Amytal  Amytal pill  Demerol  Dolophine  H  Luminal  Luminal pill  M  Mickey Finn  Nembutal  Nembutal pill  Seconal  Seconal pill  Tuinal  Tuinal pill  alcohol  amobarbital sodium  analgesic  anodyne  barb  barbiturate  barbiturate pill  black stuff  blue  blue angel  blue heaven  blue velvet  calmative  chloral hydrate  codeine  codeine cough syrup  depressant  depressor  dolly  downer  goofball  hard stuff  heroin  hop  horse  hypnotic  junk  knockout drops  laudanum  liquor  lotus  meperidine  methadone  morphia  morphine  narcotic  opiate  opium  pacifier  pain killer  paregoric  pen yan  phenobarbital  phenobarbital sodium  purple heart  quietener  rainbow  red  scag  secobarbital sodium  sedative  shit  sleep-inducer  sleeper  sleeping draught  sleeping pill  smack  sodium thiopental  somnifacient  soother  soothing syrup  soporific  tar  tranquilizer  turps  white stuff  yellow  yellow jacket  
blue devils  blahs  blue Johnnies  blues  dismals  dods  doldrums  dolefuls  dorts  dumps  frumps  grumps  megrims  mopes  mulligrubs  mumps  pink elephants  pink spiders  pouts  snakes  sulks  sullens  the beezie-weezies  the heebie-jeebies  the jimjams  the screaming meemies  the shakes  
blue in the face  abandoned  amok  bellowing  berserk  carried away  delirious  demoniac  distracted  ecstatic  enraptured  feral  ferocious  fierce  frantic  frenzied  fulminating  furious  haggard  hog-wild  howling  hysterical  in a transport  in hysterics  intoxicated  mad  madding  maniac  orgasmic  orgiastic  possessed  rabid  raging  ramping  ranting  raving  ravished  roaring  running mad  storming  transported  uncontrollable  violent  wild  wild-eyed  wild-looking  
blue language  bad language  billingsgate  colorful language  cursing  cussing  dirty language  dirty talk  dysphemism  evil speaking  filth  filthy language  foul language  obscenity  profane swearing  profanity  ribaldry  scatology  strong language  swearing  unparliamentary language  unrepeatable expressions  vile language  vulgar language  
blue movie  Rabelaisianism  X-rated movie  bawdiness  bawdry  dirt  dirtiness  dirty movie  erotic art  erotic literature  erotographomania  fescenninity  filth  filthiness  foulness  iconolagny  lewdness  nastiness  obscenity  offensiveness  pornographic art  pornographic literature  pornographomania  pornography  ribaldry  salaciousness  salacity  scurrility  sexploitation  skin flick  smut  smuttiness  soft-core pornography  stag film  vileness  
blue pencil  abbreviate  abridge  amend  blot out  bowdlerize  cancel  censor  correct  cross out  cut  delete  edit  edit out  emend  emendate  erase  expunge  expurgate  kill  omit  recense  rectify  redact  redraft  rescind  revamp  revise  rework  rewrite  rub out  strike  strike off  strike out  void  work over  
blue ribbon  acme  authority  authorization  be-all and end-all  championship  command  control  cordon  cordon bleu  decoration  decoration of honor  directorship  dominion  effectiveness  first place  first prize  garter  gold star  grand cordon  headship  hegemony  height  highest  imperium  influence  jurisdiction  kingship  leadership  lordship  management  mastership  mastery  maximum  most  ne plus ultra  new high  order  ornament  palms  paramountcy  power  presidency  primacy  record  red ribbon  riband  ribbon  rule  say  sovereignty  star  supremacy  sway  top spot  zenith  
blue streak  antelope  arrow  blue darter  cannonball  courser  dart  eagle  electricity  express train  flash  gazelle  greased lightning  greyhound  hare  jet plane  light  lightning  mercury  quicksilver  rocket  scared rabbit  shot  streak  streak of lightning  striped snake  swallow  thought  thunderbolt  torrent  wind  
blue velvet  Amytal  Amytal pill  Demerol  Dolophine  H  Luminal  Luminal pill  M  Mickey Finn  Nembutal  Nembutal pill  Seconal  Seconal pill  Tuinal  Tuinal pill  alcohol  amobarbital sodium  analgesic  anodyne  barb  barbiturate  barbiturate pill  black stuff  blue  blue angel  blue devil  blue heaven  calmative  chloral hydrate  codeine  codeine cough syrup  depressant  depressor  dolly  downer  goofball  hard stuff  heroin  hop  horse  hypnotic  junk  knockout drops  laudanum  liquor  lotus  meperidine  methadone  morphia  morphine  narcotic  opiate  opium  pacifier  pain killer  paregoric  pen yan  phenobarbital  phenobarbital sodium  purple heart  quietener  rainbow  red  scag  secobarbital sodium  sedative  shit  sleep-inducer  sleeper  sleeping draught  sleeping pill  smack  sodium thiopental  somnifacient  soother  soothing syrup  soporific  tar  tranquilizer  turps  white stuff  yellow  yellow jacket  
bluejacket  AB  Ancient Mariner  Argonaut  Dylan  Flying Dutchman  Naval Reservist  Neptune  OD  Poseidon  Royal Marine  Seabee  Varuna  able seaman  able-bodied seaman  boot  buccaneer  cadet  deep-sea man  fair-weather sailor  fisherman  frogman  gob  hearty  horse marine  jack  jack afloat  jack-tar  jacky  jolly  limey  lobsterman  marine  mariner  matelot  midshipman  midshipmite  naval cadet  navigator  navy man  pirate  privateer  sailor  salt  sea dog  sea rover  seafarer  seafaring man  seaman  shipman  swabbie  tar  viking  water dog  whaler  windjammer  windsailor  
blueprint  Photostat  Xerox  Xerox copy  agenda  alphabet  approach  arrange  arrangement  art  attack  batting order  bill  bill of fare  blow up  blowup  blue  blueprinting  brouillon  budget  calculation  calendar  card  carte du jour  cartoon  cast  catalog  catalogue raisonne  charactering  characterization  chart  charting  choreography  cold-type proof  color proof  computer proof  conception  contact printing  contrivance  conventional representation  copy  cyanotype  dance notation  delineation  demonstration  depiction  depictment  design  develop  device  devise  diagram  disposition  docket  dope out  draft  drama  drawing  ebauche  elevation  enlarge  enlargement  enterprise  envisagement  esquisse  exemplification  figuration  figure  figuring  foresight  forethought  foundry proof  galley  galley proof  game  game plan  glossy  graph  graphing  ground plan  guidelines  hieroglyphic  hologram  house plan  ichnography  iconography  idea  ideogram  illustration  imagery  imaging  intention  lantern slide  lay off  lay out  layout  letter  limning  lineup  list of agenda  logogram  logograph  long-range plan  map  map out  mapping  mark off  mark out  master plan  matte  menu  method  methodology  microcopy  microprint  musical notation  notation  operations research  organization  outline  page proof  pattern  photocopy  photogravure  photostatic copy  pictogram  picturization  plan  planning  planning function  plate proof  playbill  plot  plot out  portraiture  portrayal  positive  prearrangement  prefigurement  presentment  press proof  print  printing  procedure  process  profile  program  program of action  program of operation  programma  progressive proof  project  projection  projection printing  proof  proof sheet  prospectus  protocol  pull  rationalization  realization  rendering  rendition  representation  repro proof  revise  roster  rough  schedule  schema  schematism  schematization  scheme  scheme of arrangement  score  script  semi-matte  
blues  Brautlied  Christmas carol  Kunstlied  Liebeslied  Volkslied  alba  anthem  art song  aubade  ballad  ballade  balladry  ballata  barcarole  blahs  blue devils  bluegrass  blues song  boat song  border ballads  bridal hymn  brindisi  calypso  canso  canticle  canzone  canzonet  canzonetta  carol  cavatina  chanson  chant  chantey  city blues  country blues  country music  country-and-western music  croon  croon song  dejection  depression  dirge  dismals  ditty  dods  doldrums  dolefuls  dorts  drinking song  dumps  epithalamium  ethnic music  field holler  folk song  folk songs  frumps  gloom  grumps  heavyheartedness  hymeneal  lay  lied  lilt  love song  love-lilt  matin  megrims  melancholia  melancholy  minstrel song  minstrelsy  mopes  mulligrubs  mumps  national anthem  old-time country music  pouts  prothalamium  serena  serenade  serenata  song  sulks  sullens  the blues  theme song  torch song  unhappiness  war song  wedding song  western swing  
bluestocking  bibliophagic  book-fed  book-learned  book-loving  book-minded  book-read  book-wise  bookish  booky  donnish  formalist  inkhorn  literary  pedant  pedantic  precieuse  precieux  precisian  precisionist  purist  scholastic  

Sand Torpedobarsch Definition

(superl.) Having the color of the clear sky, or a hue resembling it, whether lighter or darker
(superl.) Pale, without redness or glare, -- said of a flame
(superl.) Low in spirits
(superl.) Suited to produce low spirits
(superl.) Severe or over strict in morals
(superl.) Literary
(n.) One of the seven colors into which the rays of light divide themselves, when refracted through a glass prism
(n.) A pedantic woman
(pl.) Low spirits
(v. t.) To make blue
Blue bonnet
(n.) Alt. of Blue-bonnet
(n.) A broad, flat Scottish cap of blue woolen, or one wearing such cap
(n.) A plant. Same as Bluebottle.
(n.) The European blue titmouse (Parus coeruleus)
Blue book
() A parliamentary publication, so called from its blue paper covers.
Blue book
() The United States official "Biennial Register."
(n.) The blue-cheeked honeysucker of Australia.
(a.) Having blue eyes.
Blue-eyed grass
() a grasslike plant (Sisyrinchium anceps), with small flowers of a delicate blue color.
Blue grass
() A species of grass (Poa compressa) with bluish green stems, valuable in thin gravelly soils
Blue jay
() The common jay of the United States (Cyanocitta, or Cyanura, cristata). The predominant color is bright blue.
(n.) A name given to fluor spar in Derbyshire, where it is used for ornamental purposes.
(a.) Having blue veins or blue streaks.
(n.) One of several species of small marine fishes of the genus Gobius and allied genera.
(n.) See Saunders-blue.
(n.) A kind of color prepared from calcined lapis lazuli
Sevres blue
() A very light blue.
(a.) Having the blue color of the sky
(a.) Deep blue, like smalt.
(n.) Any one of numerous species of elasmobranch fishes belonging to Torpedo and allied genera. They are related to the rays, but have the power of giving electrical shocks. Called also crampfish, and numbfish. See Electrical fish, under Electrical.
(n.) An engine or machine for destroying ships by blowing them up.
(n.) A quantity of explosives anchored in a channel, beneath the water, or set adrift in a current, and so arranged that they will be exploded when touched by a vessel, or when an electric circuit is closed by an operator on shore.
(n.) A kind of small submarine boat carrying an explosive charge, and projected from a ship against another ship at a distance, or made self-propelling, and otherwise automatic in its action against a distant ship.
(n.) A kind of shell or cartridge buried in earth, to be exploded by electricity or by stepping on it.
(n.) A kind of detonating cartridge or shell placed on a rail, and exploded when crushed under the locomotive wheels, -- used as an alarm signal.
(n.) An explosive cartridge or shell lowered or dropped into a bored oil well, and there exploded, to clear the well of obstructions or to open communication with a source of supply of oil.
(n.) A kind of firework in the form of a small ball, or pellet, which explodes when thrown upon a hard object.
(v. t.) to destroy by, or subject to the action of, a torpedo.
(a.) Of inflexible honesty and fidelity
(n.) A person of inflexible integrity or fidelity.
Turnbull's blue
() The double cyanide of ferrous and ferric iron, a dark blue amorphous substance having a coppery luster, used in dyeing, calico printing, etc. Cf. Prussian blue, under Prussian.

blue torpedo goby Bedeutung

blue wall of silence
blue wall
wall of silence
the secrecy of police officers who lie or look the other way to protect other police officers, the blue wall cracked when some officers refused to take part in the cover-up
blue-green algae
predominantly photosynthetic prokaryotic organisms containing a blue pigment in addition to chlorophyll, occur singly or in colonies in diverse habitats, important as phytoplankton
bonito shark
blue pointed
Isurus glaucus
common blue-grey shark of southwest Pacific, sport and food fish
blue shark
great blue shark
Prionace glauca
slender cosmopolitan, pelagic shark, blue body shades to white belly, dangerous especially during maritime disasters
electric ray
any sluggish bottom-dwelling ray of the order Torpediniformes having a rounded body and electric organs on each side of the head capable of emitting strong electric discharges
blue jay
Cyanocitta cristata
common jay of eastern North America, bright blue with grey breast
blue mockingbird
Melanotis caerulescens
mockingbird of Mexico
blue tit
Parus caeruleus
widely distributed European titmouse with bright cobalt blue wings and tail and crown of the head
blue-headed vireo
Vireo solitarius solitarius
common vireo of northeastern North America with bluish slaty-grey head
Cooper's hawk
blue darter
Accipiter cooperii
bluish-grey North American hawk having a darting flight
western fence lizard
swift blue-belly
Sceloporus occidentalis
common western lizard, seen on logs or rocks
blue racer
Coluber constrictor flaviventris
bluish-green blacksnake found from Ohio to Texas
blue peafowl
Pavo cristatus
peafowl of India and Ceylon
blue-winged teal
Anas discors
American teal
blue goose
Chen caerulescens
North American wild goose having dark plumage in summer but white in winter
blue point
small edible oyster typically from the southern shore of Long Island
blue crab
Callinectes sapidus
bluish edible crab of Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of North America
great blue heron
Ardea herodius
large American heron having bluish-grey plumage
little blue heron
Egretta caerulea
small bluish-grey heron of the western hemisphere
blue whale
sulfur bottom
Balaenoptera musculus
largest mammal ever known, bluish-grey migratory whalebone whale mostly of southern hemisphere
Kerry blue terrier an Irish breed of medium-sized terriers with a silky blue-grey coat
blue fox a variety of Arctic fox having a pale grey winter coat
blue point Siamese Siamese cat having a bluish creamolored body and dark grey points
blue any of numerous small butterflies of the family Lycaenidae
blue bull
Boselaphus tragocamelus
large Indian antelope, male is blue-grey with white markings, female is brownish with no horns
blue catfish
blue cat
blue channel catfish
blue channel cat
a large catfish of the Mississippi valley
coho salmon
blue jack
silver salmon
Oncorhynchus kisutch
small salmon of northern Pacific coasts and the Great Lakes
blue pike
blue pickerel
blue pikeperch
blue walleye
Strizostedion vitreum glaucum
variety inhabiting the Great Lakes
blue runner
Caranx crysos
fish of western Atlantic: Cape Cod to Brazil
small spiny-finned fish of coastal or brackish waters having a large head and elongated tapering body having the ventral fins modified as a sucker
sleeper goby
tropical fish that resembles a goby and rests quietly on the bottom in shallow water
blue marlin
Makaira nigricans
largest marlin, may reach pounds, found worldwide in warm seas
aerial torpedo a torpedo designed to be launched from an airplane
amobarbital sodium
blue angel
blue devil
the sodium salt of amobarbital that is used as a barbiturate, used as a sedative and a hypnotic
bangalore torpedo a metal pipe filled with explosive, used to detonate land mines or to clear a path through barbed wire
Big Blue
a reliable and deadly ,-pound fragmentation bomb that explodes just above ground with a large radius, the largest conventional bomb in existence, used in Afghanistan
blue blue clothing, she was wearing blue
blue chip a blue poker chip with the highest value
homing torpedo a torpedo that is guided to its target (as by the sound of a ship's engines)
jean blue jean
(usually plural) close-fitting trousers of heavy denim for manual work or casual wear
PT boat
mosquito boat
mosquito craft
motor torpedo boat
a small fast unarmored and lightly armed torpedo boat, P(atrol) T(orpedo) boat
submarine torpedo a torpedo designed to be launched from a submarine
torpedo armament consisting of a long cylindrical self-propelled underwater projectile that detonates on contact with a target
torpedo a small explosive device that is placed on a railroad track and fires when a train runs over it, the sound of the explosion warns the engineer of danger ahead
torpedo a small firework that consists of a percussion cap and some gravel wrapped in paper, explodes when thrown forcefully against a hard surface
torpedo an explosive device that is set off in an oil well (or a gas well) to start or to increase the flow of oil (or gas)
torpedo boat small high-speed warship designed for torpedo attacks in coastal waters
torpedo-boat destroyer small destroyer that was the forerunner of modern destroyers, designed to destroy torpedo boats
torpedo tube a tube near the waterline of a vessel through which a torpedo is fired
bluish green
blue green
a blue-green color or pigment, they painted it a light shade of bluish green
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Sand ist ein natürlich vorkommendes, unverfestigtes Sediment, das sich überwiegend aus Mineralkörnern mit einer Korngröße von 0,063 bis 2 mm zusammensetzt. Sand ist also im Mittel gröber als Schluff und feiner als Kies . Sand zählt außerdem zu den nicht bindigen Böden.

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