
Sauerstoff Aufblaskonverter Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Sauerstoff-Aufblaskonverter m; Blaskonverter m (Metallurgie)
basic oxygen furnace BOF (metallurgy)
Sauerstoff-Aufblaskonverter m; Blaskonverter m (Metallurgie)
basic oxygen furnace BOF (metallurgy)
flüssiger Sauerstoff
oxygenieren, mit Sauerstoff behandeln
to oxygenate
Sauerstoff m chem.
Aufblaskonverter m techn.
blow converter
chemische Affinität f; Affinität f chem.
die Affinität von Hämoglobin für zu Sauerstoff
chemical affinity; affinity
the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen
Aufblaseverfahren n; Sauerstoff-Blasverfahren n; Linz-Donawitz-Verfahren n; LD-Verfahren n (Metallurgie) techn.
top blowing; Linz-Donawitz process; LD process (metallurgy)
Biogasanlage f envir.
Biogasanlagen pl
Biogasanlage f (ohne Sauerstoff)
biogas plant
biogas plants
anaerobic digester (without oxygen)
Gärungsprozess m
Gärungsprozesse pl
Der Gärungsprozess läuft unter Ausschluss von Sauerstoff.
process of fermentation; digestion process
processes of fermentation; digestion processes
The digestion process is run under exclusion of oxygen.
Messsonde f; Meßsonde f alt techn.
Messsonden pl; Meßsonden pl
Sauerstoff-Messsonde f
measuring probe; probe
measuring probes; probes
oxygen probe; oxygen sensor
etw. mit Sauerstoff anreichern; etw. oxygenieren v (Blut etc.)
mit Sauerstoff anreichernd; oxygenierend
mit Sauerstoff angereichert; oxygeniert
ohne Sauerstoff
to oxygenate sth.; to oxygenize sth. (blood etc.)
oxygenating; oxygenizing
oxygenated; oxygenized
einer Sache Sauerstoff entziehen v
to deoxydize sth.
Sauerstoff-Aufblaskonverter m; Blaskonverter m (Metallurgie)
basic oxygen furnace BOF (metallurgy)
Sauerstoff-Aufblasstahl m; Sauerstoffblasstahl m; Sauerstoffstahl m (Metallurgie)
basic oxygen steel; oxygen steel (metallurgy)
Sauerstoff-Aufblasverfahren n; Sauerstoffblasverfahren n (Metallurgie)
basic oxygen process (metallurgy)
Sauerstoff entziehend; desoxidierend adj chem.
Sauerstoff-Bleichmittel n textil.
oxygen bleaching agent
Sauerstoff-Fernleitung f
oxygen pipeline
Sauerstoffflasche f; Sauerstoff-Stahlflasche f
Sauerstoffflaschen pl; Sauerstoff-Stahlflaschen pl
oxygen bottle; oxygen cylinder; oxygen flask; oxygen tank
oxygen bottles; oxygen cylinders; oxygen flasks; oxygen tanks
Sauerstoff-Kaltbleiche f textil.
oxygen cold bleaching
Sauerstoff-Lichtbogenschneidgerät n; Sauerstoffschneidvorrichtung f techn.
oxygen arc cutting device
Sauerstoff-Sparregler m aviat.
Sauerstoff-Wasserstoff-Mikroschweißgerät n techn.
water welder
Stahl m
Stähle pl
nichtrostender Stahl; rostfreier Stahl; Edelstahl m; VA-Stahl m; Nirosta
alterungsbeständiger Stahl
aufgekohlter Stahl
bandbeschichteter Stahl
chromhaltiger Kohlenstoffstahl
durchhärtbare Stähle
gezogener Stahl
halbberuhigter Stahl
hochfester Stahl
kohlenstoffarmer niedrig gekohlter weicher Stahl
kohlenstoffreicher Stahl
unlegierter Werkzeugstahl; Kohlenstoffstahl m; C-Stahl m
legierter Stahl
lufthärtende Stähle
verzugsfreier Stahl
witterungsbeständiger Stahl
mit Sauerstoff besprühter Stahl
sauerstoffgefrischter Stahl; O2-Stahl
den Stahl kohlenstoffarm machen
stainless steel SS ; corrosion-resistant steel CRES
non-ageing steel; non-aging steel
carburized steel
coil-coated steel
carbon-chrome low-alloy steel
through-hardening steels
case-hardening steels
tensional steel
semi-killed steel
high-tensile steel; high-strength steel
low-carbon steel; LC steel
high-carbon steel
unalloyed carbon steel; plain carbon steel; carbon steel
alloyed steel
air-hardening steels
non-warping steel
weathering steel; patinable steel
spray steel
oxygen-refined steel
nitriding steels
to convert the steel into mild steel
Wasserstoff-Sauerstoff-Schweißen n techn.
oxyhydrogen welding OHW
letztlich; letztendlich; schlussendlich; letzten Endes; im Endeffekt ugs. adv
für etw. letztverantwortlich sein
Letztlich siegt das Gute über das Böse.
Letzendlich bin ja doch ich für alles verantwortlich.
Letztlich ist es eine Frage des persönlichen Geschmacks.
Alles Leben hängt letzen Endes von Sauerstoff ab.
Im Endeffekt ist es Glückssache was dabei herauskommt.
Im Endeffekt ist es doch egal wer an der Spitze der Regierung steht.
Darauf läuft es letztendlich hinaus.
in the end; in the last final analysis; ultimately; at the end of the day coll.
to be ultimately responsible for sth.
In the end good overcomes evil.
In the end last analysis I'm responsible for all of this.
In the final analysis it's a matter of personal taste.
All life depends ultimately on oxygen.
In the end ultimately it's a question of luck how it turns out.
Ultimately it really does not matter who heads the government.
That's what it comes down to in the end.
Sauerstoff m O chem.
atmosphärischer Sauerstoff; Sauerstoff der Luft
flüssiger Sauerstoff
gelöster Sauerstoff
molekularer Sauerstoff
verfügbarer Sauerstoff
Sauerstoff in gasförmigem Zustand
atmospheric oxygen
liquid oxygen; LOX
dissolved oxygen DO ; water oxygen
molecular oxygen
available oxygen
gaseous oxygen; gox
Aufblasstelle f (im Sauerstoff-Blasverfahren) (Metallurgie) techn.
impingement area (in top blowing) (metallurgy)
Brenngas-Sauerstoff-Gemisch n (Schweißen)
oxyfuel gas (welding)
Gas-Brennschneiden n; Brennschneiden n (Schweißen) techn.
Brennschneiden mit Acetylen
Brennschneiden mit Benzin; Benzin-Sauerstoff-Schneiden
gas cutting; flame cutting; oxygen cutting; oxy-cutting; oxyfuel cutting OFC (welding)
oxyacetylene cutting; acetylene cutting
oxy-petrol cutting Br.; oxy-gasoline cutting Am.
Gesichtsmaske f; Maske f
Gesichtsmasken pl; Masken pl
Gesichtsschutzmaske f
über eine Gesichtsmaske Sauerstoff einatmen
face mask; mask
face masks; masks
protective face mask
to breathe oxygen through a face mask
etw. mit Sauerstoff anreichern; etw. oxygenieren v (Blut usw.)
mit Sauerstoff anreichernd; oxygenierend
mit Sauerstoff angereichert; oxygeniert
ohne Sauerstoff
to oxygenate sth.; to oxygenize sth. (blood etc.)
oxygenating; oxygenizing
oxygenated; oxygenized
Sauerstoff-Aufblaskonverter m; Blaskonverter m (Metallurgie)
basic oxygen furnace BOF (metallurgy)
Stahl m
Stähle pl
nichtrostender Stahl; rostfreier Stahl; Edelstahl m; VA-Stahl m; Nirosta
alterungsbeständiger Stahl
aufgekohlter Stahl
bandbeschichteter Stahl
chromhaltiger Kohlenstoffstahl
durchhärtbare Stähle
gezogener Stahl
halbberuhigter Stahl
hochfester Stahl
kohlenstoffarmer niedrig gekohlter weicher Stahl
kohlenstoffreicher Stahl
Primärstahl m
unlegierter Werkzeugstahl; Kohlenstoffstahl m; C-Stahl m
legierter Stahl
lufthärtende Stähle
Schnellarbeitsstahl m
Tiegelgussstahl m; Tiegelstahl m; Gussstahl m
verzugsfreier Stahl
witterungsbeständiger Stahl
mit Sauerstoff besprühter Stahl
sauerstoffgefrischter Stahl; O2-Stahl
den Stahl kohlenstoffarm machen
stainless steel SS ; corrosion-resistant steel CRES
non-ageing steel; non-aging steel
carburized steel
coil-coated steel
carbon-chrome low-alloy steel
through-hardening steels
case-hardening steels
tensional steel
semi-killed steel
high-tensile steel; high-strength steel
low-carbon steel; LC steel
high-carbon steel
primary steel
unalloyed carbon steel; plain carbon steel; carbon steel
alloyed steel
air-hardening steels
high speed steel
crucible cast steel; crucible steel
non-warping steel
weathering steel; patinable steel
spray steel
oxygen-refined steel
nitriding steels
to convert the steel into mild steel
Wasserstoff-Sauerstoff-Schweißen n techn.
oxyhydrogen welding OHW
eine Schmelze beruhigen; abstehen lassen v (Sauerstoff entziehen) (Metallurgie) techn.
alluminiumberuhigter Stahl
beruhigt vergossener Stahl; beruhigter Stahl
to kill a melt (deoxidize) (metallurgy)
steel killed by alluminium
killed steel
sich neu formieren; sich neu verbinden v
sich neu formierend; sich neu verbindend
sich neu formiert; sich neu verbunden
Kohlenhydrate können mit Sauerstoff eine neue Verbindung eingehen.
to recombine
Carbohydrates can recombine with oxygen.
letztlich; letztendlich; schlussendlich Ös. Schw.; letzten Endes; in letzter Konsequenz geh.; im Endeffekt ugs. adv
für etw. letztverantwortlich sein
Letztlich siegt das Gute über das Böse.
Letzendlich bin ja doch ich für alles verantwortlich.
Letztlich ist es eine Frage des persönlichen Geschmacks.
Alles Leben hängt letzten Endes von Sauerstoff ab.
Im Endeffekt ist es Glückssache, was dabei herauskommt.
Im Endeffekt ist es doch egal, wer an der Spitze der Regierung steht.
Darauf läuft es letztendlich hinaus.
in the last final analysis; ultimately; in the end; at the end of the day coll.
to be ultimately responsible for sth.
In the end, good overcomes evil.
In the end last analysis, I'm responsible for all of this.
In the final analysis, it's a matter of personal taste.
All life depends ultimately on oxygen.
In the end ultimately it's a question of luck how it turns out.
Ultimately, it really does not matter who heads the government.
That's what it comes down to in the end.
Sauerstoff m O chem.
atmosphärischer Sauerstoff; Sauerstoff der Luft
flüssiger Sauerstoff
gelöster Sauerstoff
molekularer Sauerstoff
verfügbarer Sauerstoff
Sauerstoff in gasförmigem Zustand
atmospheric oxygen
liquid oxygen; LOX
dissolved oxygen DO ; water oxygen
molecular oxygen
available oxygen
gaseous oxygen; gox
etw. entströmen v geh.
Der Sauerstoff entströmte dem defekten Schlauch.
to pour out of sth.; to gush out of sth.
The oxygen escaped from the porous tube.

Deutsche Sauerstoff Aufblaskonverter Synonyme

aerob  Âmit  Sauerstoff  
Sauerstoff  ÂSauerstoffgas  
anaerob  Âohne  Sauerstoff  
mit  Sauerstoff  behandeln  Âoxygenieren  
Oxid  ÂSauerstoff-Verbindung  
Sauerstoff  Sauerstoffgas  
mit Sauerstoff behandeln  oxygenieren  

Englische basic oxygen furnace BOF Synonyme

basic  ab ovo  aboriginal  acid  alkali  austere  bare  basal  basilar  bedrock  biochemical  bottom  capital  central  chaste  chemical  chemicobiological  chemicoengineering  chemicomineralogical  chemicophysical  chemurgic  chief  constituent  constitutive  copolymeric  copolymerous  crucial  dimeric  dimerous  electrochemical  element  elemental  elementary  embryonic  essential  focal  foundational  fundamental  generative  genetic  germinal  gut  heteromerous  homely  homespun  homogeneous  in embryo  in ovo  indispensable  indivisible  irreducible  isomerous  key  life-and-death  life-or-death  macrochemical  main  material  mere  metameric  monolithic  monomerous  nonacid  of a piece  of the essence  of vital importance  original  part and parcel  photochemical  physicochemical  phytochemical  plain  polymeric  pregnant  primal  primary  prime  primeval  primitive  primordial  principal  pristine  protogenic  pure  pure and simple  radical  radiochemical  root  rudiment  rudimentary  seminal  severe  simon-pure  simple  single  spare  stark  substantial  substantive  thermochemical  unadorned  uncluttered  underlying  undifferenced  undifferentiated  uniform  vital  
basic training  apprenticeship  arrangement  breaking  breeding  briefing  clearing the decks  conditioning  cultivation  development  discipline  drill  drilling  equipment  exercise  familiarization  fetching-up  fixing  fostering  foundation  grooming  groundwork  housebreaking  improvement  in-service training  makeready  making ready  manual training  manufacture  military training  mobilization  nurture  nurturing  on-the-job training  planning  practice  prearrangement  preliminaries  preliminary  preliminary act  preliminary step  prep  preparation  preparatory study  preparing  prepping  prerequisite  pretreatment  processing  propaedeutic  provision  raising  readying  rearing  rehearsal  sloyd  spadework  training  treatment  trial  tryout  upbringing  vocational education  vocational training  warm-up  

Sauerstoff Aufblaskonverter Definition

Almond furnace
() A kind of furnace used in refining, to separate the metal from cinders and other foreign matter.
(n.) Alt. of Ash-oven
(a.) Relating to a base
(a.) Having the base in excess, or the amount of the base atomically greater than that of the acid, or exceeding in proportion that of the related neutral salt.
(a.) Apparently alkaline, as certain normal salts which exhibit alkaline reactions with test paper.
(a.) Said of crystalline rocks which contain a relatively low percentage of silica, as basalt.
(n.) The act or art precipitating a metal electro-chemical action, by which a coating is deposited, on a prepared surface, as in electroplating and electrotyping
(n.) An inclosed place in which heat is produced by the combustion of fuel, as for reducing ores or melting metals, for warming a house, for baking pottery, etc.
(n.) A place or time of punishment, affiction, or great trial
(n.) To throw out, or exhale, as from a furnace
(n.) The art of working metals, comprehending the whole process of separating them from other matters in the ore, smelting, refining, and parting them
(n.) A colorless, tasteless, odorless, gaseous element occurring in the free state in the atmosphere, of which it forms about 23 per cent by weight and about 21 per cent by volume, being slightly heavier than nitrogen. Symbol O. Atomic weight 15.96.
(n.) Chlorine used in bleaching.
Pernot furnace
() A reverberatory furnace with a circular revolving hearth, -- used in making steel.

basic oxygen furnace BOF (metallurgy) Bedeutung

basic training the initial period of training for new military personnel, involves intense physical activity and behavioral discipline
(usually plural) a necessary commodity for which demand is constant
basic point defense missile system a shipboard missile system
blast furnace a furnace for smelting of iron from iron oxide ores, combustion is intensified by a blast of air
electric furnace any furnace in which the heat is provided by an electric current
furnace an enclosed chamber in which heat is produced to heat buildings, destroy refuse, smelt or refine ores, etc.
furnace lining
lining consisting of material with a high melting point, used to line the inside walls of a furnace
furnace room a room (usually in the basement of a building) that contains a furnace for heating the building
gas furnace a furnace that burns gas
oil burner
oil furnace
a furnace that burns oil
open-hearth furnace a furnace for making steel in which the steel is placed on a shallow hearth and flames of burning gas and hot air play over it
oxygen mask a breathing device that is placed over the mouth and nose, supplies oxygen from an attached storage tank
reverberatory furnace a furnace in which the material that is being treated is heated indirectly by flames that are directed at the roof and walls of the furnace
solar dish
solar collector
solar furnace
a concave mirror that concentrates the rays of the sun, can produce high temperatures
Stassano furnace
electric-arc furnace
an electric furnace in which an electric arc provides the source of heat for making steel
tank furnace furnace into one end of which a batch of measured raw materials is shoveled and from the other end molten glass is obtained
oxygen deficit temporary oxygen shortage in cells resulting from strenuous exercise
basic cognitive process cognitive processes involved in obtaining and storing knowledge
fundamental principle
basic principle
principles from which other truths can be derived, first you must learn the fundamentals, let's get down to basics
basic assumption
self-evident truth
an assumption that is basic to an argument
metallurgy the science and technology of metals
powder metallurgy the metallurgy of powdered metals, how to produce solid metal objects from powdered metal by compaction and sintering
Basic English a simplified form of English proposed for use as an auxiliary language for international communication, devised by C. K. Ogden and I. A. Richards
BASIC a popular programming language that is relatively easy to learn, an acronym for beginner's all-purpose symbolic instruction code, no longer in general use
oxygen debt a cumulative deficit of oxygen resulting from intense exercise, the deficit must be made up when the body returns to rest
atomic number
a nonmetallic bivalent element that is normally a colorless odorless tasteless nonflammable diatomic gas, constitutes percent of the atmosphere by volume, the most abundant element in the earth's crust
liquid oxygen
a bluish translucent magnetic liquid obtained by compressing gaseous oxygen and then cooling it below its boiling point, used as an oxidizer in rocket propellants
basic dye
basic color
basic colour
a dye that is considered to be a base because the chromophore is part of a positive ion
basic iron pig iron containing a high percentage of phosphorus, used in making steel by a process that removes the phosphorus
basic slag slag produced in making steel, low in silica but having large amounts of calcium phosphate, useful as fertilizer
oxygen acid
any acid that contains oxygen
basic of or denoting or of the nature of or containing a base
basic introductory serving as a base or starting point, a basic course in Russian, basic training for raw recruits, a set of basic tools, an introductory art course
basic pertaining to or constituting a base or basis, a basic fact, the basic ingredients, basic changes in public opinion occur because of changes in priorities
reduced to the simplest and most significant form possible without loss of generality, a basic story line, a canonical syllable pattern
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