
Schichtebene Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Schichtebene f geol.
Schichtebenen pl
plane of bedding
planes of bedding
Schichtebene f geol.
Schichtebenen pl
plane of bedding
planes of bedding
Schichtebene f geol.
Schichtebenen pl
plane of bedding
planes of bedding
Schichtarbeit, Arbeiten in Schichten
shift working
soziale Mobilität zwischen den Schichten
social mobility
Delamination f, Schichtablösung f, Ablösung von (Laminat-) Schichten
Hülle f, Decke f, Lage f, Schicht f
Hüllen pl, Decken pl, Lagen pl, Schichten pl
Schicht f
Schichten pl
Schicht f geol.
Schichten pl
gasführende Schicht
strata (stratums)
gas-bearing stratum, gas stratum
Schicht f, Arbeitsschicht f
Schichten pl, Arbeitsschichten pl
Schichten bilden, sich aufschichten
to stratify
beschichten, schichten v
beschichtend, schichtend
beschichtet, geschichtet
beschichtet, schichtet
beschichtete, schichtete
to laminate
to stratify
to layer
stapeln, schichten v
stapelnd, schichtend
gestapelt, geschichtet
stapelt, schichtet
stapelte, schichtete
to pile
beschichten, schichten
Delamination f; Delaminierung f; Schichtablösung f; Ablösung von (Laminat-) Schichten; Schichtspaltung f
Erdschicht f; Schicht f geol.
Erdschichten pl; Schichten pl
abbauwürdige Schicht
aufgerichtete Schicht
aufliegende Schicht
ausstreichende Schicht
dünne Schicht
durchgehende Schicht
durchlässige Schicht
einfallende Schicht
eingelagerte Schicht
eingeschobene Schicht
einschließende Schicht
einseitig aufgerichtete Schicht
einseitig geneigte Schicht
erdölspeichernde Schicht
faltbare Schicht
feste Schicht
flachliegende Schicht
gasabgebende Schicht
gasführende Schicht
gebogene Schicht
gekippte Schicht
gestauchte Schicht
gestörte Schicht
hangende Schicht
kohleführende Schicht
liegende Schicht
obere Schicht
oberste Schicht
schallharte Schicht
schallharte dünne Schicht
tiefere Schicht
überlagernde Schicht
unberührte Schicht
unterlagernde Schicht
unterste Schicht
verbogene Schicht
verfestigte Schicht
versetzte Schicht
verwitternde Schicht
verworfene Schicht
wasserdurchlässige Schicht
wasserführende Schicht
Aufrichtung der Schichten
stratum; layer; bed
strata; layers; beds (stratums)
workable bed
upturned bed; ridged-up bed; ended-up bed; straightened-up layer
superposed bed
outcropping bed; exposed stratum
sheet; lamina
persistent stratum
permeable bed; permeable layer; pervious bed; pervious stratum
dipping bed
interstratified bed
intercalated bed
enclosing bed
homoclinal bed
oil storer
foldable layer
rough sheet
flat-lying stratum
gas-bearing stratum; gas stratum
bent stratum
tilted stratum
contorted bed; convoluted bed
dislocated bed
capping bed
coal measure
subjacent bed
superstratum; cledge
top layer; uppermost bed
high-speed layer
superimposed bed stratum; high-angle dipping stratum; stratum; cover; capping; superficial layer
virgin layer
subjacent stratum; underlayer; sublayer
lowermost bed; bench floor
warped stratum; flexed stratum; crumpled stratum
concretionary horizon
displaced stratum
weathering layer
disrupted bed; faulted stratum
permeable stratum
water-bearing layer; water-bearing bed; water-bearing formation; water-bearing horizon; water-bearing stratum; carrier of water
uplift of strata
Film m; Schicht f; (dünner) Belag m
Filme pl; Schichten pl; Beläge pl
film; coat
films; coats
Flöz n; Schicht f; Nutzschicht f min.
Flöze pl; Schichten pl; Nutzschichten pl
Liegendes n; Sohle f; Strosse f
basal part of a seam
Hülle f; Decke f; Lage f; Schicht f
Hüllen pl; Decken pl; Lagen pl; Schichten pl
Pankarditis f; Entzündung aller Schichten der Herzwand med.
Quadermauerwerk n constr.
regelmäßiges Quadermauerwerk; Quadermauerwerk in gleichen Schichten
ashlar masonry; ashlar stonework; ashlaring; ashlar; rockwork; regular rubble in courses Am.
regular-coursed ashlar; coursed ashlar; rangework Am.
Schicht f; Arbeitsschicht f
Schichten pl; Arbeitsschichten pl
Schichten bilden; sich aufschichten
to stratify
Schichtenpappe f; Pappe f aus Schichten; zusammengeklebte Pappe f
Stichprobe f +Gen. statist.
Stichproben pl
einfache Stichprobe
repräsentative Stichprobe
Ein-Stichproben-Test m
eine Stichprobe (auf Schichten) aufteilen
Theorie der großen Stichproben
sample (of sth.)
simple sample
adequate sample; average sample
one sample test
to allocate a sample
theory of large samples
Ãœbergreifen n der Schichten; Transgression f geol.
transgression; overlap of strata
Verhältnisse pl; Herkunft f
aus armen Verhältnissen stammen
jds. religiöse Prägung
Unser Institut nimmt Kinder aus allen Schichten auf.
Er kommt aus ärmlichen Verhältnissen.
Was wissen wir über das Vorleben der Hauptfigur?
to be come from a poor background
sb.'s religious background
Our institute takes children from all backgrounds.
He comes from a background of poverty.
What do we know about the background of the main character?
Verteilung f; Aufteilung f
Aufteilung einer Stichprobe (auf Schichten)
Aufteilung der verfügbaren Arbeit
allocation of a sample
allocation of available work
Verwerfung f; Verwurf m geol.
Verwerfung aufwärts
abnorme Verwerfung
kleine Verwerfung
periphere Verwerfung
tätige Verwerfung; tätiger Bruch
Verwerfung des Flözes min.
Verwerfung die mit den Schichten in gleicher Richtung streicht
fault; faulting; dip-slip fault; throw; shift(ing); dislocation (of strata); displacement; upslide
upcast; uptake
thrust fault
circumferential fault
active fault
fault of the vein
strike fault
interparietal; zwischen (zwei) Wänden Schichten (liegend gelegen) adj anat.
kohlenstoffhaltig; kohlenstoffhältig Ös. adj; Kohlen... chem. geol.
Kohlensäureanhydratase f; Kohlensäureanhydrase f chem.
Steinkohlenformation f; kohleführende Schichten geol.
carbonic acid anhydrase
carbonic formation; carbonic series
etw. laminieren; schichten; aus Platten übereinanderschichten v techn.
laminierend; schichtend; aus Platten übereinanderschichtend
laminiert; geschichtet; aus Platten übereinandergeschichtet
laminiert; schichtet
laminierte; schichtete
geschichteter Kern; Blechkern
geschichtetes Phenolharz
geschichteter Vorformling
to laminate sth.
laminated core
phenolic laminate
laminated preform
etw. schichten v
geschichtete Sprache
geschichtete Zufallsprobe techn.
to stratify sth.
stratified language
stratified random sample
schichten v
to layer
stapeln; schichten v
stapelnd; schichtend
gestapelt; geschichtet
stapelt; schichtet
stapelte; schichtete
to pile
Ablösung f
Ablösung der Schichten
Ablösung des Gebirges
glatte lettige Ablösung
schalenförmige Ablösung
bed separation
slacking of the walls
soapy back
scaling; flakes
Aufwölbung f geol.
Aufwölbung der Sohle
Aufwölbung im Torfmoor
Aufwölbung von Schichten
periklinale Aufwölbung
weitspannige Aufwölbung
(up)arching; upward; arching; updoming; (upward) doming; (domal) uplift; upbowing; upward bowing; bowing-up; buckling; upbulge; tumescence
flow-lift (in a mine); floor heave
peat hillock
uparching of strata
warping (tectonics)
Aufzeichnung f (von Messdaten)
Aufzeichnung der durchfahrenen Schichten
statistische Aufzeichnung
recording; plotting (of measuring data)
record of the rocks penetrated
statistical record
durchkreuzen v geol. (z. B. Schichten)
to cut through
stark adj (Schichten) min.
'G'schichten aus dem Wienerwald' (von Strauß Werktitel) mus.
'Tales from the Vienna Woods' (by Strauss work title)
Ablösung f; Loslösung f; Abscherung f geol.
Ablösung der Schichten
Ablösung des Gebirges
glatte lettige Ablösung
schalenförmige Ablösung
detachment; decollement
bed separation
slacking of the walls
soapy back
scaling; flakes
neue Arbeitsschicht f; Ablösung f (Arbeitsrecht)
in Schichten arbeiten; in Schicht arbeiten Ös. Schw.
relay (labour law)
to work in relays
Bodenschicht f; Erdschicht f; Schicht f; Bodenhorizont m geol.
Bodenschichten pl; Erdschichten pl; Schichten pl; Bodenhorizonte pl
aufgerichtete Schicht
aufliegende Schicht
einseitig geneigte Schicht
fossiler Bodenhorizont
Grundwasserhorizont m
verfestigte Schicht
verworfene Schicht
wasserführende Schicht
ground layer; layer; ground stratum; stratum; bed; ground formation; formation; soil horizon; horizon
ground layers; layers; ground strata; strata; beds; ground formations; formations; soil horizons; horizons
upturned bed; ridged-up bed; ended-up bed; straightened-up layer
superposed bed
homoclinal bed
groundwater horizon; water-bearing horizon
concretionary horizon
disrupted bed; faulted stratum
water-bearing layer; water-bearing stratum; water-bearing bed; water-bearing formation; water-bearing horizon; carrier of water
Delamination f; Delaminierung f; Schichtablösung f; Lagentrennung f; Ablösung von (Laminat-) Schichten; Schichtspaltung f
Gesellschaftsschicht f; Schicht f soc.
Gesellschaftsschichten pl; Schichten pl
stratum of society; social stratum; stratum
strata of society; social strata; strata
Gesteinsschicht f; Schicht f geol.
Gesteinsschichten pl; Schichten pl
aufgerichtete Schicht
aufliegende Schicht
ausstreichende Schicht
darüberliegernde Schicht
darunterliegende Schicht
dünne Gesteinsschicht
durchgehende Schicht
durchlässige Schicht; wasserdurchlässige Schicht
erdölführende Schicht; ölführende Schicht
gasführende Schicht
steil einfallende Schicht
steil aufgerichtete Schicht
schwach einfallende Schicht
schwach gefaltete Schicht
schwach geneigte Schicht; schwebende Schicht
umschließende Schicht
obere Schicht
oberste Schicht
untere Schicht
unterlagernde Schicht
unterste Schicht
eine tiefere Schicht; eine tiefer liegende Schicht
refraktierende Schicht
ruhende Gesteinsschicht
übergreifende Schicht; transgredierende Schicht
Aufrichtung der Schichten
layer of rock; rock layer; layer; rock stratum; stratum; rock bed; bed; rock formation; formation
layers of rock; rock layers; layers; rock strata; strata; rock beds; beds; rock formations; formations
straightened-up layer; ridged-up bed; ended-up bed
superposed layer; superposed bed
outcropping bed; exposed stratum
superjacent layer; superimposed stratum
subjacent stratum; subjacent formation
sheet of rock; lamina
persistent stratum
permeable layer; permeable stratum; permeable bed; pervious stratum; pervious bed
oil-bearing layer; oil-bearing stratum; oil storer rare
gas-bearing stratum; gas stratum
steeply inclined layer; strong-dipping layer; steep-dipping stratum; high-angle dipping bed
steeply tilted-up layer; steeply upturned stratum
slightly inclined layer; slightly inclined bed
slightly folded layer; slightly folded stratum; slightly folded bed
flat-dipped layer; flat-dipping layer; low-dipping stratum; gentle-dipping bed
enclosing layer
upper stratum; superstratum; upper bed
uppermost layer; topset stratum; top bed
sublayer; underlayer
lowermost layer; basal stratum
a lower layer
refractive layer; refractive bed
rock layer of no motion
transgressive stratum
uplift of strata
Gesteinsverwerfung f; Verwerfung f; Verwurf m geol.
Gesteinsverwerfungen pl; Verwerfungen pl; Verwürfe pl
Verwerfung aufwärts
abnorme Verwerfung
kleine Verwerfung
periphere Verwerfung
tätige Verwerfung; tätiger Bruch
Verwerfung des Flözes min.
Randverwerfung f
Verwerfung, die mit den Schichten in gleicher Richtung streicht
rock fault; fault; faulting; dip-slip fault; throw; shift; shifting; dislocation (of strata); displacement; upslide
rock faults; faults; faultings; dip-slip faults; throws; shifts; shiftings; dislocations; displacements; upslides
upcast; uptake
thrust fault
circumferential fault
active fault
fault of the vein
boundary fault
strike fault
Schichten bilden v; sich aufschichten v
Schichten bildend; sich aufschichtend
Schichten gebildet; sich aufgeschichtet
to stratify
Steinkohleflöz m; Kohleflöz m; Steinkohleschicht f; kohleführende Schicht f; Kohlelager n min.
Steinkohleflöze pl; Kohleflöze pl; Steinkohleschichten pl; kohleführende Schichten pl; Kohlelager pl
coal seam; seam of coal; coal bed; coal measure
coal seams; seams of coal; coal beds; coal measures
Stichprobe f +Gen. statist.
Stichproben pl
einfache Stichprobe
bewusst gewählte Stichprobe
repräsentative Stichprobe
Eichstichprobe f; Normstichprobe f
Ein-Stichproben-Test m
Klumpenstichprobe f; Neststichprobe f; Clusterstichprobe f
Stichprobe mit systematischem Fehler
eine Stichprobe (auf Schichten) aufteilen
Theorie der großen Stichproben
sample (of sth.)
simple sample
purposive sample
adequate sample; average sample
norm sample; norming sample
one sample test
cluster sample
biased sample
to allocate a sample
theory of large samples
Verhältnisse pl; Herkunft f
aus armen Verhältnissen stammen
aus einfachen bescheidenen Verhältnissen stammen kommen
jds. religiöse Prägung
Unser Institut nimmt Kinder aus allen Schichten auf.
Er kommt aus ärmlichen Verhältnissen.
Was wissen wir über das Vorleben der Hauptfigur?
to be come from a poor background
to be come from a modest background
sb.'s religious background
Our institute takes children from all backgrounds.
He comes from a background of poverty.
What do we know about the background of the main character?
Verteilung f; Aufteilung f
Aufteilung einer Stichprobe (auf Schichten) statist.
Aufteilung der verfügbaren Arbeit
allocation of a sample
allocation of available work
kohlenstoffhaltig; kohlenstoffhältig Ös. adj; Kohlenstoff… chem.
Kohlensäureanhydratase f; Kohlensäureanhydrase f chem.
Steinkohlenformation f; kohleführende Schichten geol.
carbonic; containing carbon (postpositive)
carbonic acid anhydrase
carbonic formation; carbonic series
etw. laminieren; schichten; aus Platten übereinanderschichten v techn.
laminierend; schichtend; aus Platten übereinanderschichtend
laminiert; geschichtet; aus Platten übereinandergeschichtet
laminiert; schichtet
laminierte; schichtete
geschichtetes Phenolharz
geschichteter Vorformling
to laminate sth.
phenolic laminate
laminated preform
'G'schichten aus dem Wienerwald' (von Strauß Werktitel) mus.
'Tales from the Vienna Woods' (by Strauss work title)
Schichtenaufbau m geol.
stratigraphical arrangement
Schichtenaufbau m von Straßen Wegen; Straßenaufbau m; Wegeaufbau m constr.
paving structure; pavement structure; pavement system
Vegetationsschichtung f; Schichtung f der Vegetation; Schichtenaufbau m der Vegetation geogr.
stratification of plant communities; layering of plant communities
Schichtenbildung f soc.
anhaeufend, schichtend
Bohrlochabweichung f min.
Bohrlochabweichung mit dem Schichtenfallen
zulässige Bohrlochabweichung
well dip
down structure deflection of the hole
allowable maximum of hole deviation
Schichtenfolge f geol.
sequence of strata; stratigraphic sequence; stratigraphic succession; succession of beds; sequence of bedding; strat series

Deutsche Schichtebene Synonyme

Englische plane of bedding Synonyme

plane  aeroplane  aircraft  airliner  airplane  alabaster  amount  aspire  avion  beading plane  become airborne  bench plane  billiard table  block plane  bowling alley  bowling green  caliber  capping plane  claw skyward  compass  core-box plane  cut  dab  dado plane  dead flat  dead level  degree  dovetail plane  downy  drag  dress  dub  earth  edge plane  equalize  esplanade  even  extent  flat  flatland  flatten  flattened  float  floor  flush  fly  fly aloft  flying machine  fore plane  gain altitude  glabrate  glabrescent  glabrous  glass  glide  grade  grease  grooving plane  ground  hang  harrow  heavier-than-air craft  height  homaloid  homaloidal  horizontal  horizontal axis  horizontal fault  horizontal line  horizontal parallax  horizontal plane  horizontal projection  hover  ice  interval  ivory  jack plane  jet plane  jointer  kite  lay  leap  leave the ground  ledge  leiotrichous  level  level line  level plane  lubricate  mahogany  marble  mark  mean sea level  measure  mow  notch  nuance  oil  parterre  pas  peg  period  pitch  plain  planer  planing machine  planish  plaster  plateau  platform  point  poise  prairie  proportion  rabbet plane  range  ratio  reach  reed plane  regular  remove  rolled  round  routing plane  rung  sash plane  satin  scale  scope  scraper plane  scrub plane  sea level  sea of grass  shade  shadow  shave  ship  silk  skate  skid  skim  slide  slip  smooth  smooth down  smooth out  smooth-shaven  smooth-textured  smoothed out  smoothen  smoothened  soar  space  spire  squashed  squashed flat  stair  standard  step  steppe  stint  suave  table  tabloid  tabular  take off  tennis court  terrace  thumb plane  tread  trenching plane  trodden  trodden flat  trying plane  unbroken  uniform  uninterrupted  unrough  unroughened  unruffled  velvet  water level  zoom  
planet  Earth  Jupiter  Mars  Mercury  Neptune  Pluto  Saturn  Uranus  Venus  asteroid  globe  inferior planet  major planet  minor planet  planetoid  secondary planet  solar system  superior planet  terrestrial planet  wanderer  world  
planetarium  Cassegrainian telescope  Newtonian telescope  OAO  OSO  astronomical observatory  astronomical telescope  coelostat  coronagraph  coronograph  heliostat  observatory  orrery  radar telescope  radio observatory  radio telescope  reflector  refractor  spectrograph  spectroheliograph  spectrohelioscope  spectroscope  telescope  
planetary  Antaean  Cynthian  aberrant  aberrative  all-comprehending  all-comprehensive  all-covering  all-embracing  all-encompassing  all-filling  all-including  all-inclusive  all-pervading  allover  anagalactic  asteroidal  astral  astrologic  astrologistic  astrologous  astronomic  astrophysical  catholic  celestial  circuitous  circumplanetary  cislunar  colossal  cosmic  cosmopolitan  country-wide  cyclopean  departing  desultory  deviant  deviating  deviative  deviatory  devious  digressive  discursive  ecumenic  ecumenical  elephantine  empyreal  empyrean  enormous  equinoctial  errant  erratic  excursive  extragalactic  galactic  gigantic  global  heaven-wide  heavenly  heliacal  immense  indirect  intercosmic  international  interplanetary  intersidereal  interstellar  jumbo  labyrinthine  lunar  lunary  lunate  lunular  lunulate  mazy  meandering  meteoric  meteoritic  monumental  national  nebular  nebulose  nebulous  nondenominational  nonsectarian  out-of-the-way  planetal  planetarian  planetesimal  rambling  roving  semilunar  serpentine  shifting  sidereal  snaky  solar  sphery  star-spangled  star-studded  starry  stellar  stellary  stray  swerving  terrestrial  total  turning  twisting  undirected  universal  uranic  vagrant  veering  wandering  winding  world-wide  worldwide  zigzag  zodiacal  

Schichtebene Definition

Banding plane
() A plane used for cutting out grooves and inlaying strings and bands in straight and circular work.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Bed
(n.) A bed and its furniture
(n.) The state or position of beds and layers.
Capping plane
() A plane used for working the upper surface of staircase rails.
(a.) Convex on one side, and flat on the other
(n.) Any tree of the genus Platanus.
(a.) Without elevations or depressions
(a.) A surface, real or imaginary, in which, if any two points are taken, the straight line which joins them lies wholly in that surface
(a.) An ideal surface, conceived as coinciding with, or containing, some designated astronomical line, circle, or other curve
(a.) A block or plate having a perfectly flat surface, used as a standard of flatness
(a.) A tool for smoothing boards or other surfaces of wood, for forming moldings, etc. It consists of a smooth-soled stock, usually of wood, from the under side or face of which projects slightly the steel cutting edge of a chisel, called the iron, which inclines backward, with an apperture in front for the escape of shavings
(a.) To make smooth
(a.) To efface or remove.
(a.) Figuratively, to make plain or smooth.
(a.) Having opposite surfaces exactly plane and parallel, as a piece of glass.
Plane table
() See under Plane, a.
Plane tree
() Same as 1st Plane.
Scabbard plane
() See Scaleboard plane, under Scaleboard.

plane of bedding / planes of bedding Bedeutung

plane r
an aircraft that has a fixed wing and is powered by propellers or jets, the flight was delayed due to trouble with the airplane
beading plane a plane with a concave blade for making moulding with beadwork
bed clothing
coverings that are used on a bed
bedding material
bedding litter
material used to provide a bed for animals
block plane a small plane used on end grains of wood
bullnosed plane
a small carpenter's plane with the cutting edge near the front
chamfer plane a plane that makes a beveled edge
circular plane
compass plane
a plane with a flexible face that can plane concave or convex surfaces
combination plane a woodworking plane that has interchangeable cutters of various shapes
dado plane a plane for making a dado groove
double-propeller plane
a propeller plane with an engine that drives two propellers in opposite directions (for stability)
dovetail plane a woodworking plane designed to make the grooves for dovetail joints
pontoon plane
a seaplane equipped with pontoons for landing or taking off from water
fore plane a carpenter's plane intermediate between a jack plane and a jointer plane
inclined plane a simple machine for elevating objects, consists of plane surface that makes an acute angle with the horizontal
jack plane a carpenter's plane for rough finishing
jet plane
jet-propelled plane
an airplane powered by one or more jet engines
jointer plane
jointing plane
long plane
a long carpenter's plane used to shape the edges of boards so they will fit together
match plane
tonguing and grooving plane
a plane having cutters designed to make the tongues and grooves on the edges of matchboards
multiengine airplane
multiengine plane
a plane with two or more engines
openside plane
rabbet plane
a woodworking plane designed to cut rabbets
carpenter's plane
woodworking plane
a carpenter's hand tool with an adjustable blade for smoothing or shaping wood, the cabinetmaker used a plane for the finish work
plane planer
planing machine
a power tool for smoothing or shaping wood
plane seat a seat on a commercial airliner
plane table surveying instrument consisting of a drawing board and a ruler that are mounted on a tripod, used to sight and map topographical details
propeller plane an airplane that is driven by a propeller
turbo-propeller plane
an airplane with an external propeller that is driven by a turbojet engine
reconnaissance plane a military airplane used to gain information about an enemy
router plane a woodworking plane with a narrow cutting head that will make grooves with smooth bottoms
scrub plane a narrow woodworking plane used to cut away excess stock
single prop
single-propeller plane
a propeller plane with a single propeller
ski-plane an airplane equipped with skis so it can land on a snowfield
smooth plane
smoothing plane
a small plane for finish work
tanker plane an airplane constructed to transport chemicals that can be dropped in order to fight a forest fire
military plane
an aircraft designed and used for combat
plane geometry the geometry of -dimensional figures
plane ticket
airplane ticket
a ticket good for a trip on an airplane
plane section
(geometry) the area created by a plane cutting through a solid
fish geranium
bedding geranium
zonal pelargonium
Pelargonium hortorum
an upright geranium having scalloped leaves with a broad color zone inside the margin and white or pink or red flowers
family Platanaceae
plane-tree family
coextensive with the genus Platanus: plane trees
plane tree
any of several trees of the genus Platanus having thin pale bark that scales off in small plates and lobed leaves and ball-shaped heads of fruits
London plane
Platanus acerifolia
very large fast-growing tree much planted as a street tree
American sycamore
American plane
Platanus occidentalis
very large spreading plane tree of eastern and central North America to Mexico
oriental plane
Platanus orientalis
large tree of southeastern Europe to Asia Minor
bedding plant
an ornamental plant suitable for planting in a flowerbed
(mathematics) an unbounded two-dimensional shape, we will refer to the plane of the graph as the X-Y plane, any line joining two points on a plane lies wholly on that plane
Cartesian plane a plane in which all points can be described in Cartesian coordinates
facet plane the plane of a facet of an object (as of a cube)
orbital plane (astronomy) the plane on which a body is orbiting
picture plane the plane that is in the foreground of a drawing or painting, coextensive with but different from the objective surface of the work
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