
Schichtenverzeichnis Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Schichtenverzeichnis n geol.
well-log; drill-log; boring record
Schichtenverzeichnis n geol.
well-log; drill-log; boring record
Schichtebene f geol.
Schichtebenen pl
plane of bedding
planes of bedding
Schichtarbeit, Arbeiten in Schichten
shift working
soziale Mobilität zwischen den Schichten
social mobility
Delamination f, Schichtablösung f, Ablösung von (Laminat-) Schichten
Hülle f, Decke f, Lage f, Schicht f
Hüllen pl, Decken pl, Lagen pl, Schichten pl
Schicht f
Schichten pl
Schicht f geol.
Schichten pl
gasführende Schicht
strata (stratums)
gas-bearing stratum, gas stratum
Schicht f, Arbeitsschicht f
Schichten pl, Arbeitsschichten pl
Schichten bilden, sich aufschichten
to stratify
beschichten, schichten v
beschichtend, schichtend
beschichtet, geschichtet
beschichtet, schichtet
beschichtete, schichtete
to laminate
to stratify
to layer
stapeln, schichten v
stapelnd, schichtend
gestapelt, geschichtet
stapelt, schichtet
stapelte, schichtete
to pile
beschichten, schichten
Delamination f; Delaminierung f; Schichtablösung f; Ablösung von (Laminat-) Schichten; Schichtspaltung f
Erdschicht f; Schicht f geol.
Erdschichten pl; Schichten pl
abbauwürdige Schicht
aufgerichtete Schicht
aufliegende Schicht
ausstreichende Schicht
dünne Schicht
durchgehende Schicht
durchlässige Schicht
einfallende Schicht
eingelagerte Schicht
eingeschobene Schicht
einschließende Schicht
einseitig aufgerichtete Schicht
einseitig geneigte Schicht
erdölspeichernde Schicht
faltbare Schicht
feste Schicht
flachliegende Schicht
gasabgebende Schicht
gasführende Schicht
gebogene Schicht
gekippte Schicht
gestauchte Schicht
gestörte Schicht
hangende Schicht
kohleführende Schicht
liegende Schicht
obere Schicht
oberste Schicht
schallharte Schicht
schallharte dünne Schicht
tiefere Schicht
überlagernde Schicht
unberührte Schicht
unterlagernde Schicht
unterste Schicht
verbogene Schicht
verfestigte Schicht
versetzte Schicht
verwitternde Schicht
verworfene Schicht
wasserdurchlässige Schicht
wasserführende Schicht
Aufrichtung der Schichten
stratum; layer; bed
strata; layers; beds (stratums)
workable bed
upturned bed; ridged-up bed; ended-up bed; straightened-up layer
superposed bed
outcropping bed; exposed stratum
sheet; lamina
persistent stratum
permeable bed; permeable layer; pervious bed; pervious stratum
dipping bed
interstratified bed
intercalated bed
enclosing bed
homoclinal bed
oil storer
foldable layer
rough sheet
flat-lying stratum
gas-bearing stratum; gas stratum
bent stratum
tilted stratum
contorted bed; convoluted bed
dislocated bed
capping bed
coal measure
subjacent bed
superstratum; cledge
top layer; uppermost bed
high-speed layer
superimposed bed stratum; high-angle dipping stratum; stratum; cover; capping; superficial layer
virgin layer
subjacent stratum; underlayer; sublayer
lowermost bed; bench floor
warped stratum; flexed stratum; crumpled stratum
concretionary horizon
displaced stratum
weathering layer
disrupted bed; faulted stratum
permeable stratum
water-bearing layer; water-bearing bed; water-bearing formation; water-bearing horizon; water-bearing stratum; carrier of water
uplift of strata
Film m; Schicht f; (dünner) Belag m
Filme pl; Schichten pl; Beläge pl
film; coat
films; coats
Flöz n; Schicht f; Nutzschicht f min.
Flöze pl; Schichten pl; Nutzschichten pl
Liegendes n; Sohle f; Strosse f
basal part of a seam
Hülle f; Decke f; Lage f; Schicht f
Hüllen pl; Decken pl; Lagen pl; Schichten pl
Pankarditis f; Entzündung aller Schichten der Herzwand med.
Quadermauerwerk n constr.
regelmäßiges Quadermauerwerk; Quadermauerwerk in gleichen Schichten
ashlar masonry; ashlar stonework; ashlaring; ashlar; rockwork; regular rubble in courses Am.
regular-coursed ashlar; coursed ashlar; rangework Am.
Schicht f; Arbeitsschicht f
Schichten pl; Arbeitsschichten pl
Schichten bilden; sich aufschichten
to stratify
Schichtenpappe f; Pappe f aus Schichten; zusammengeklebte Pappe f
Stichprobe f +Gen. statist.
Stichproben pl
einfache Stichprobe
repräsentative Stichprobe
Ein-Stichproben-Test m
eine Stichprobe (auf Schichten) aufteilen
Theorie der großen Stichproben
sample (of sth.)
simple sample
adequate sample; average sample
one sample test
to allocate a sample
theory of large samples
Ãœbergreifen n der Schichten; Transgression f geol.
transgression; overlap of strata
Verhältnisse pl; Herkunft f
aus armen Verhältnissen stammen
jds. religiöse Prägung
Unser Institut nimmt Kinder aus allen Schichten auf.
Er kommt aus ärmlichen Verhältnissen.
Was wissen wir über das Vorleben der Hauptfigur?
to be come from a poor background
sb.'s religious background
Our institute takes children from all backgrounds.
He comes from a background of poverty.
What do we know about the background of the main character?
Verteilung f; Aufteilung f
Aufteilung einer Stichprobe (auf Schichten)
Aufteilung der verfügbaren Arbeit
allocation of a sample
allocation of available work
Verwerfung f; Verwurf m geol.
Verwerfung aufwärts
abnorme Verwerfung
kleine Verwerfung
periphere Verwerfung
tätige Verwerfung; tätiger Bruch
Verwerfung des Flözes min.
Verwerfung die mit den Schichten in gleicher Richtung streicht
fault; faulting; dip-slip fault; throw; shift(ing); dislocation (of strata); displacement; upslide
upcast; uptake
thrust fault
circumferential fault
active fault
fault of the vein
strike fault
interparietal; zwischen (zwei) Wänden Schichten (liegend gelegen) adj anat.
kohlenstoffhaltig; kohlenstoffhältig Ös. adj; Kohlen... chem. geol.
Kohlensäureanhydratase f; Kohlensäureanhydrase f chem.
Steinkohlenformation f; kohleführende Schichten geol.
carbonic acid anhydrase
carbonic formation; carbonic series
etw. laminieren; schichten; aus Platten übereinanderschichten v techn.
laminierend; schichtend; aus Platten übereinanderschichtend
laminiert; geschichtet; aus Platten übereinandergeschichtet
laminiert; schichtet
laminierte; schichtete
geschichteter Kern; Blechkern
geschichtetes Phenolharz
geschichteter Vorformling
to laminate sth.
laminated core
phenolic laminate
laminated preform
etw. schichten v
geschichtete Sprache
geschichtete Zufallsprobe techn.
to stratify sth.
stratified language
stratified random sample
schichten v
to layer
stapeln; schichten v
stapelnd; schichtend
gestapelt; geschichtet
stapelt; schichtet
stapelte; schichtete
to pile
Ablösung f
Ablösung der Schichten
Ablösung des Gebirges
glatte lettige Ablösung
schalenförmige Ablösung
bed separation
slacking of the walls
soapy back
scaling; flakes
Aufwölbung f geol.
Aufwölbung der Sohle
Aufwölbung im Torfmoor
Aufwölbung von Schichten
periklinale Aufwölbung
weitspannige Aufwölbung
(up)arching; upward; arching; updoming; (upward) doming; (domal) uplift; upbowing; upward bowing; bowing-up; buckling; upbulge; tumescence
flow-lift (in a mine); floor heave
peat hillock
uparching of strata
warping (tectonics)
Aufzeichnung f (von Messdaten)
Aufzeichnung der durchfahrenen Schichten
statistische Aufzeichnung
recording; plotting (of measuring data)
record of the rocks penetrated
statistical record
durchkreuzen v geol. (z. B. Schichten)
to cut through
stark adj (Schichten) min.
'G'schichten aus dem Wienerwald' (von Strauß Werktitel) mus.
'Tales from the Vienna Woods' (by Strauss work title)
Ablösung f; Loslösung f; Abscherung f geol.
Ablösung der Schichten
Ablösung des Gebirges
glatte lettige Ablösung
schalenförmige Ablösung
detachment; decollement
bed separation
slacking of the walls
soapy back
scaling; flakes
neue Arbeitsschicht f; Ablösung f (Arbeitsrecht)
in Schichten arbeiten; in Schicht arbeiten Ös. Schw.
relay (labour law)
to work in relays
Bodenschicht f; Erdschicht f; Schicht f; Bodenhorizont m geol.
Bodenschichten pl; Erdschichten pl; Schichten pl; Bodenhorizonte pl
aufgerichtete Schicht
aufliegende Schicht
einseitig geneigte Schicht
fossiler Bodenhorizont
Grundwasserhorizont m
verfestigte Schicht
verworfene Schicht
wasserführende Schicht
ground layer; layer; ground stratum; stratum; bed; ground formation; formation; soil horizon; horizon
ground layers; layers; ground strata; strata; beds; ground formations; formations; soil horizons; horizons
upturned bed; ridged-up bed; ended-up bed; straightened-up layer
superposed bed
homoclinal bed
groundwater horizon; water-bearing horizon
concretionary horizon
disrupted bed; faulted stratum
water-bearing layer; water-bearing stratum; water-bearing bed; water-bearing formation; water-bearing horizon; carrier of water
Delamination f; Delaminierung f; Schichtablösung f; Lagentrennung f; Ablösung von (Laminat-) Schichten; Schichtspaltung f
Gesellschaftsschicht f; Schicht f soc.
Gesellschaftsschichten pl; Schichten pl
stratum of society; social stratum; stratum
strata of society; social strata; strata
Gesteinsschicht f; Schicht f geol.
Gesteinsschichten pl; Schichten pl
aufgerichtete Schicht
aufliegende Schicht
ausstreichende Schicht
darüberliegernde Schicht
darunterliegende Schicht
dünne Gesteinsschicht
durchgehende Schicht
durchlässige Schicht; wasserdurchlässige Schicht
erdölführende Schicht; ölführende Schicht
gasführende Schicht
steil einfallende Schicht
steil aufgerichtete Schicht
schwach einfallende Schicht
schwach gefaltete Schicht
schwach geneigte Schicht; schwebende Schicht
umschließende Schicht
obere Schicht
oberste Schicht
untere Schicht
unterlagernde Schicht
unterste Schicht
eine tiefere Schicht; eine tiefer liegende Schicht
refraktierende Schicht
ruhende Gesteinsschicht
übergreifende Schicht; transgredierende Schicht
Aufrichtung der Schichten
layer of rock; rock layer; layer; rock stratum; stratum; rock bed; bed; rock formation; formation
layers of rock; rock layers; layers; rock strata; strata; rock beds; beds; rock formations; formations
straightened-up layer; ridged-up bed; ended-up bed
superposed layer; superposed bed
outcropping bed; exposed stratum
superjacent layer; superimposed stratum
subjacent stratum; subjacent formation
sheet of rock; lamina
persistent stratum
permeable layer; permeable stratum; permeable bed; pervious stratum; pervious bed
oil-bearing layer; oil-bearing stratum; oil storer rare
gas-bearing stratum; gas stratum
steeply inclined layer; strong-dipping layer; steep-dipping stratum; high-angle dipping bed
steeply tilted-up layer; steeply upturned stratum
slightly inclined layer; slightly inclined bed
slightly folded layer; slightly folded stratum; slightly folded bed
flat-dipped layer; flat-dipping layer; low-dipping stratum; gentle-dipping bed
enclosing layer
upper stratum; superstratum; upper bed
uppermost layer; topset stratum; top bed
sublayer; underlayer
lowermost layer; basal stratum
a lower layer
refractive layer; refractive bed
rock layer of no motion
transgressive stratum
uplift of strata
Gesteinsverwerfung f; Verwerfung f; Verwurf m geol.
Gesteinsverwerfungen pl; Verwerfungen pl; Verwürfe pl
Verwerfung aufwärts
abnorme Verwerfung
kleine Verwerfung
periphere Verwerfung
tätige Verwerfung; tätiger Bruch
Verwerfung des Flözes min.
Randverwerfung f
Verwerfung, die mit den Schichten in gleicher Richtung streicht
rock fault; fault; faulting; dip-slip fault; throw; shift; shifting; dislocation (of strata); displacement; upslide
rock faults; faults; faultings; dip-slip faults; throws; shifts; shiftings; dislocations; displacements; upslides
upcast; uptake
thrust fault
circumferential fault
active fault
fault of the vein
boundary fault
strike fault
Schichten bilden v; sich aufschichten v
Schichten bildend; sich aufschichtend
Schichten gebildet; sich aufgeschichtet
to stratify
Steinkohleflöz m; Kohleflöz m; Steinkohleschicht f; kohleführende Schicht f; Kohlelager n min.
Steinkohleflöze pl; Kohleflöze pl; Steinkohleschichten pl; kohleführende Schichten pl; Kohlelager pl
coal seam; seam of coal; coal bed; coal measure
coal seams; seams of coal; coal beds; coal measures
Stichprobe f +Gen. statist.
Stichproben pl
einfache Stichprobe
bewusst gewählte Stichprobe
repräsentative Stichprobe
Eichstichprobe f; Normstichprobe f
Ein-Stichproben-Test m
Klumpenstichprobe f; Neststichprobe f; Clusterstichprobe f
Stichprobe mit systematischem Fehler
eine Stichprobe (auf Schichten) aufteilen
Theorie der großen Stichproben
sample (of sth.)
simple sample
purposive sample
adequate sample; average sample
norm sample; norming sample
one sample test
cluster sample
biased sample
to allocate a sample
theory of large samples
Verhältnisse pl; Herkunft f
aus armen Verhältnissen stammen
aus einfachen bescheidenen Verhältnissen stammen kommen
jds. religiöse Prägung
Unser Institut nimmt Kinder aus allen Schichten auf.
Er kommt aus ärmlichen Verhältnissen.
Was wissen wir über das Vorleben der Hauptfigur?
to be come from a poor background
to be come from a modest background
sb.'s religious background
Our institute takes children from all backgrounds.
He comes from a background of poverty.
What do we know about the background of the main character?
Verteilung f; Aufteilung f
Aufteilung einer Stichprobe (auf Schichten) statist.
Aufteilung der verfügbaren Arbeit
allocation of a sample
allocation of available work
kohlenstoffhaltig; kohlenstoffhältig Ös. adj; Kohlenstoff… chem.
Kohlensäureanhydratase f; Kohlensäureanhydrase f chem.
Steinkohlenformation f; kohleführende Schichten geol.
carbonic; containing carbon (postpositive)
carbonic acid anhydrase
carbonic formation; carbonic series
etw. laminieren; schichten; aus Platten übereinanderschichten v techn.
laminierend; schichtend; aus Platten übereinanderschichtend
laminiert; geschichtet; aus Platten übereinandergeschichtet
laminiert; schichtet
laminierte; schichtete
geschichtetes Phenolharz
geschichteter Vorformling
to laminate sth.
phenolic laminate
laminated preform
'G'schichten aus dem Wienerwald' (von Strauß Werktitel) mus.
'Tales from the Vienna Woods' (by Strauss work title)
Schichtenaufbau m geol.
stratigraphical arrangement
Schichtenaufbau m von Straßen Wegen; Straßenaufbau m; Wegeaufbau m constr.
paving structure; pavement structure; pavement system
Vegetationsschichtung f; Schichtung f der Vegetation; Schichtenaufbau m der Vegetation geogr.
stratification of plant communities; layering of plant communities
Schichtenbildung f soc.
anhaeufend, schichtend
Bohrlochabweichung f min.
Bohrlochabweichung mit dem Schichtenfallen
zulässige Bohrlochabweichung
well dip
down structure deflection of the hole
allowable maximum of hole deviation
Schichtenfolge f geol.
sequence of strata; stratigraphic sequence; stratigraphic succession; succession of beds; sequence of bedding; strat series

Deutsche Schichtenverzeichnis Synonyme

Englische well-log; drill-log; boring record Synonyme

Schichtenverzeichnis Definition

Air drill
() A drill driven by the elastic pressure of condensed air
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Bore
(n.) The act or process of one who, or that which, bores
(n.) A hole made by boring.
(n.) The chips or fragments made by boring.
(v. t.) To pierce or bore with a drill, or a with a drill
(v. t.) To train in the military art
(v. i.) To practice an exercise or exercises
(n.) An instrument with an edged or pointed end used for making holes in hard substances
(n.) The act or exercise of training soldiers in the military art, as in the manual of arms, in the execution of evolutions, and the like
(n.) Any exercise, physical or mental, enforced with regularity and by constant repetition
(n.) A marine gastropod, of several species, which kills oysters and other bivalves by drilling holes through the shell. The most destructive kind is Urosalpinx cinerea.
(v. t.) To cause to flow in drills or rills or by trickling
(v. t.) To sow, as seeds, by dribbling them along a furrow or in a row, like a trickling rill of water.
(v. t.) To entice
(v. t.) To cause to slip or waste away by degrees.
(v. i.) To trickle.
(v. i.) To sow in drills.
(n.) A small trickling stream
(n.) An implement for making holes for sowing seed, and sometimes so formed as to contain seeds and drop them into the hole made.
(n.) A light furrow or channel made to put seed into sowing.
(n.) A row of seed sown in a furrow.
(n.) A large African baboon (Cynocephalus leucophaeus).
(n.) Same as Drilling.
Drill press
() A machine for drilling holes in metal, the drill being pressed to the metal by the action of a screw.
(v. t.) To recall to mind
(v. t.) To repeat
(v. t.) To preserve the memory of, by committing to writing, to printing, to inscription, or the like
(v. i.) To reflect
(v. i.) To sing or repeat a tune.
(v. t.) A writing by which some act or event, or a number of acts or events, is recorded
(v. t.) An official contemporaneous writing by which the acts of some public body, or public officer, are recorded
(v. t.) An authentic official copy of a document which has been entered in a book, or deposited in the keeping of some officer designated by law.
(v. t.) An official contemporaneous memorandum stating the proceedings of a court of justice
(v. t.) The various legal papers used in a case, together with memoranda of the proceedings of the court
(v. t.) Testimony
(v. t.) That which serves to perpetuate a knowledge of acts or events
(v. t.) That which has been, or might be, recorded
(v. t.) That which has been publicly achieved in any kind of competitive sport as recorded in some authoritative manner, as the time made by a winning horse in a race.

well-log; drill-log; boring record Bedeutung

record track record the sum of recognized accomplishments, the lawyer has a good record, the track record shows that he will be a good president
record an extreme attainment, the best (or worst) performance ever attested (as in a sport), he tied the Olympic record, coffee production last year broke all previous records, Chicago set the homicide record
track record the fastest time ever recorded for a specific distance at a particular racetrack, the track record for the mile and a half at Belmont is minutes seconds held by Secretariat since
world record the best record in the whole world
drill (military) the training of soldiers to march (as in ceremonial parades) or to perform the manual of arms
exercise practice drill
practice session
systematic training by multiple repetitions, practice makes perfect
fire drill an exercise intended to train people in duties and escape procedures to be followed in case of fire
military drill training in marching and the use of weapons
close-order drill (military) military drill of troops in standard marching (shoulder-to-shoulder)
oil production
the act of drilling a hole in the earth in the hope of producing petroleum
drilling boring the act of drilling
Mandrillus leucophaeus
similar to the mandrill but smaller and less brightly colored
drill hole
a hole or passage made by a drill, usually made for exploratory purposes
bore bit
rock drill
stone drill
a drill for penetrating rock
breast drill a portable drill with a plate that is pressed against the chest to force the drill point into the work
core drill a drill that removes a cylindrical core from the drill hole
dentist's drill
burr drill
a high speed drill that dentists use to cut into teeth
drill a tool with a sharp point and cutting edges for making holes in hard materials (usually rotating rapidly or by repeated blows)
electric drill a rotating power drill powered by an electric motor
drilling bit
drill bit
a bit used in drilling for oil
drill press a machine tool with a separate, upright stand, an electric drill is pressed into the work automatically or with a hand lever
drill rig
drilling rig
oil rig
rig used in drilling for oil or gas
drill site workplace that is the site of a drill hole
hand drill
handheld drill
a small portable drill held and operated by hand
phonograph album
record album
an album for holding phonograph records
phonograph record
phonograph recording
disk disc platter
sound recording consisting of a disk with a continuous groove, used to reproduce music by rotating while a phonograph needle tracks in the groove
pneumatic drill a power drill powered by compressed air
power drill a power tool for drilling holes into hard materials
record changer
an automatic mechanical device on a record player that causes new records to be played without manual intervention
record jacket the jacket for a phonograph record
record player
machine in which rotating records cause a stylus to vibrate and the vibrations are amplified acoustically or electronically
record sleeve
record cover
a sleeve for storing a phonograph record
star drill a steel rock drill with a star-shaped point that is used for making holes in stones or masonry, it is operated by hitting the end with a hammer while rotating it between blows
straight flute
straight-fluted drill
a rock drill with flutes that are straight
twist bit
twist drill
a bit or drill having deep helical grooves
criminal record
a list of crimes for which an accused person has been previously convicted, he ruled that the criminal record of the defendant could not be disclosed to the court, the prostitute had a record a mile long
written record
written account
a written document preserving knowledge of facts or events
won-lost record (sports) a record of win versus losses
Congressional Record a published written account of the speeches and debates and votes of the United States Congress
medical history
medical record
the case history of a medical patient as recalled by the patient
historical document
historical paper
historical record
writing having historical value (as opposed to fiction or myth etc.)
chronological record
a chronological account of events in successive years
record album
one or more recordings issued together, originally released on -inch phonograph records (usually with attractive record covers) and later on cassette audiotape and compact disc
record record book
a compilation of the known facts regarding something or someone, Al Smith used to say, `Let's look at the record', his name is in all the record books
record anything (such as a document or a phonograph record or a photograph) providing permanent evidence of or information about past events, the film provided a valuable record of stage techniques
graphical record
a visual representation of the relations between certain quantities plotted with reference to a set of axes
record hop
an informal dance where popular music is played
record company a company that makes and sells musical recordings
drill master
drill instructor
a noncommissioned officer who instructs recruits in military marching and discipline
someone who breaks a record
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Ein Schichtenverzeichnis ist das Protokoll der Bodenschichten, die bei einer Bohrung im Untergrund angetroffen werden.