
Schienenoberkante Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Schienenoberkante f (Bahn) transp.
über Schienenoberkante
rail top edge; rail level
above rail top edge; above rail
Schienenoberkante f (Bahn) transp.
über Schienenoberkante
rail top edge; rail level
above rail top edge; above rail
Gleis n, einzelne Schiene f
Gleise pl, einzelne Schienen
Gleitschiene f, Schiene f
Gleitschienen pl, Schienen pl
Schiene f (Eisenbahn)
Schienen pl
Schienen legen
to lay track
Schiene f med.
Schienen pl
geschient sein
to be in splints
Schienen pl
to splint
Gleis, Schienen
Briefwechsel m; Briefkontakt m; Korrespondenz f; Schriftwechsel m adm.; Schriftverkehr m adm. (mit jdm.)
In der Geschäftskorrespondenz wird eher förmlich formuliert.
Wir haben telefonisch und schriftlich kommuniziert.
Wir haben jahrelang einen Briefwechsel aufrechterhalten.
Unsere Zeitschrift kann keinen Schriftverkehr über medizinische Fragen führen.
Wir sollten vermeiden den Schriftverkehr auf zwei Schienen parallel abzuwickeln.
Sie stehen seit Monaten in Briefkontakt brieflichem Kontakt.
Zu unserem bisherigen Schriftverkehr Zu unserer Vorkorrespondenz übermitteln wir weitere Angaben zu diesem Projekt.
correspondence; exchange of letters (with sb.)
A rather formal tone is used in business correspondence.
We communicated by telephone and correspondence.
We kept up a correspondence maintained an exchange of letters for many years.
Our magazine is unable to enter into any correspondence on medical matters.
We should avoid conducting correspondence through two parallel channels.
They have been in correspondence for months.
Further to our previous correspondence please find an update on this project.
Eisenbahnschiene f; Schiene f (Bahn)
Eisenbahnschienen pl; Schienen pl
Schienen legen
rail (railway)
to lay track
Fahrleitungsschiene f; Stromschiene f; dritte Schiene f (Bahn)
Fahrleitungsschienen pl; Stromschienen pl; dritte Schienen pl
conductor rail (railway)
conductor rails
Schienen pl
Schotterbett n; Kiesbett n; Kiesbettung f; Gleisbettung f; Bettung f (unterhalb der Schienen) (Bahn) constr.
erstes Schotterbett
zweites Schotterbett
Bettungsfuß m
Bettungshöhe f
track bed; road bed; ballast of the track; track ballast; gravel ballast (railway)
bottom ballast
top ballast
toe of the ballast
depth of ballast
Spurweite f; Spur f (Abstand zweier Schienen eines Gleises) (Bahn)
rail gauge; gauge (distance between the rails of a track) (railway)
entgleisen; aus den Schienen springen v (Bahn)
ist war entgleist
Der Zug entgleiste schließlich.
to be derailed; to jump the rails; to go off the rails (railway)
being derailed; jumping the rails; going off the rails
been derailed; jumped the rails; gone off the rails
is derailed; jumps the rails; goes off the rails
was derailed; jumped the rails; went off the rails
has had been derailed; has had jumped the rails; has had gone off the rails
The train eventually ran off the rails track.
Briefwechsel m; Briefverkehr m; Briefkontakt m; Korrespondenz f; Schriftwechsel m adm.; Schriftverkehr m adm. (mit jdm.)
ein reger Schriftwechsel
In der Geschäftskorrespondenz wird eher förmlich formuliert.
Wir haben telefonisch und schriftlich kommuniziert.
Wir haben jahrelang einen Briefwechsel aufrechterhalten.
Unsere Zeitschrift kann keinen Schriftverkehr über medizinische Fragen führen.
Wir sollten vermeiden, den Schriftverkehr auf zwei Schienen parallel abzuwickeln.
Sie stehen seit Monaten in Briefkontakt brieflichem Kontakt.
Zu unserem bisherigen Schriftverkehr Zu unserer Vorkorrespondenz übermitteln wir weitere Angaben zu diesem Projekt.
Ich muss meine Briefschulden begleichen.
correspondence; exchange of letters (with sb.)
an intense correspondence
A rather formal tone is used in business correspondence.
We communicated by telephone and correspondence.
We kept up a correspondence maintained an exchange of letters for many years.
Our magazine is unable to enter into any correspondence on medical matters.
We should avoid conducting correspondence through two parallel channels.
They have been in correspondence for months.
Further to our previous correspondence please find an update on this project.
I have to catch up on my correspondence.
Eisenbahngleis n; Bahngleis n; Gleis n; Geleise pl Ös. veraltend; Geleise n Schw. (Verbindung aus Schienen und Schwellen)
Eisenbahngleise pl; Bahngleise pl; Gleise pl; Geleise pl
Gleise pl
Bahnhofsgleis n
Triebfahrzeugverkehrsgleis n; Lokomotivverkehrsgleis n; Lokomotivgeleise n Schw.
gebogenes Gleis
gerades Gleis
Gleis im Gefälle
Gleis mit zwei Spurweiten; doppelspuriges Gleis
Gleis mit drei Spurweiten
dreischieniges Gleis; Dreischienengleis
das Gleis frei machen
Der Zug sprang aus dem Gleis aus den Geleisen.; Der Zug sprang aus den Schienen.
line of rails; railway line Br.; railroad line Am.; rails; track; tracks (line of rails on sleepers)
lines of rails; railway lines; railroad lines; railses; tracks; trackses
lines of rails; lines; rails; tracks
station rails; station track
locomotive rails; locomotive track; engine rails Am.
curved track
straight track
downgrade track Am.
mixed-gauge track
triple-gauge track
mixed-gauge track with three rails
to clear the line; to clear the track
The train ran off the rails jumped the rails.; The train was derailed.
Eisenbahnschiene f; Schiene f (Bahn)
Eisenbahnschienen pl; Schienen pl
Doppelkopfschiene f; Suhlschiene f
Führungsschiene f; Führschiene f; Führungsbahn f
Rillenschiene f; Rinnenschiene f
Vollschiene f
Schienen legen
rail (railway)
double-headed rail; double-head rail; bullheaded rail; bullhead rail; chair rail
guidance rail; check rail
grooved rail
filled section rail
to lay track
Eisenbahnweiche f; Gleisweiche f; Weichenanlage f; Weiche f (Gleisabschnitt bestehend aus festen Schienen, Zungenschienen, Herzstück und Weichenantrieb) (Bahn)
Eisenbahnweichen pl; Gleisweichen pl; Weichenanlagen pl; Weichen pl
Außenbogenweiche f ABW
Bogenweiche f
Doppelweiche f; Dreiwegweiche f selten
Dreiwegeweiche f mit versetzten Zungenspitzen (Magnetbahn)
einfache Weiche
einfache Rechtsweiche f
einfache Linksweiche f
fernbediente Weiche
Flachweiche f
Innenbogenweiche f
symmetrische Außenbogenweiche f; symmetrische Weiche; zweiseitige Weiche; Y-Weiche f
eine Weiche ausbauen
rail turnout; railway turnout Br.; railroad turnout Am.; turnout (track section composed of fixed rails, the point rails, the cross frog, and the point mechanism) (often wrongly: points Br.; switch Am.) (railway)
rail turnouts; railway turnouts; railroad turnouts; turnouts
turnout curved away from the diverging route
curved turnout (often wrongly: curved switch)
double turnout; three-throw turnout
tandem turnout (maglev guideway)
single turnout (often wrongly: ordinary points)
right-hand turnout
left-hand turnout
remote-controlled turnout
turnout with a flat-angle crossing
turnout curved towards the diverging route
wye turnout; equilateral turnout Am.
to dismantle a turnout
Fassen n; Greifen n (von Schrauben, Rädern) techn.
Fassen der Räder; Eingreifen der Räder auf den Schienen (Bahn)
Walzenangriff m; Kaliberdruck m (Walzwerk)
bite (of screws, wheels)
bite of the wheels (railway)
roll bite (rolling mill)
Gleisbett n; Gleisbettung f; Bettung f (unterhalb der Schienen) (Bahn) constr.
geschottertes Gleisbett; geschottertes Gleis; beschottertes Gleisbett; Schotterbett n; Schotterbettung f; Kiesbett n; Kiesbettung f; Schotteroberbau m
Sandbettung f; Sandbett n
Schlackenbett n; Schlackenbettung f
Absetzen auf Bettung
Abnutzung der Bettung; Schotterbettabnutzung
Auflockerung der Bettung; Bettungsauflockerung
Dicke der Bettung; Bettungsdicke; Höhe der Bettung; Bettungshöhe
Elastizität der Bettung; Elastizität des Schotterbetts
Erneuerung der Bettung
Fuß der Bettung; Bettungsfuß m
Krone der Bettung; Bettungskrone; Schotterkrone; Bettungsschulter
Querschnitt der Bettung; Bettungsquerschnitt
Reinigung der Bettung; Bettungsreinigung; Schottersiebung; Bettungsumbau
Sohle der Bettung; Bettungssohle
Verkrustung der Bettung; Verschlammung der Bettung
Tiefe der Schotterbettreinigung; Tiefe der Schotterreinigung
erstes Schotterbett
zweites Schotterbett
die Bettung verdichten
track bed; road bed (railway)
ballasted track bed; ballasted road bed; ballast bed; gravelled track bed; crushed-stone bed
asbestos residue ballast
sand ballast
slag ballast
placing on the ballast
weakening of the ballast
scarification of ballast
depth of ballast
elasticity of the ballast; resilience of the ballast
renewal of the ballast
toe of ballast
crown of ballast; top of ballast; ballast shoulder
ballast profile; ballast section
cleaning of the ballast; ballast cleaning; screening of the ballast; ballast screening; sifting of the ballast; ballast sifting
base of ballast; bed of ballast
incrustation of the ballast; choking of the ballast; fouling of the ballast
depth of screening
bottom ballast
top ballast
to tamp the ballast
Gleiskörper m; Bahnoberbau m; Oberbau m (Schienen, Schwellen und Gleisbett) (Bahn)
Asphaltgleiskörper m; Asphaltoberbau m
Betongleiskörper m; Betonoberbau m
schwellenloser Oberbau
fester Gleiskörper; schotterloser Gleiskörper; schotterloser Oberbau; Plattenoberbau
Schwellenrahmenoberbau m
Stuhlschienengleiskörper m; Stuhlschienenoberbau m
Tragplattengleiskörper m; Tragplattenoberbau m
permanent way; railway track Br.; railroad track Am.; track superstructure (railway)
asphalt track; asphalt superstructure
concrete track; concrete superstructure
sleeperless track Br.; sleeperless superstructure Br.; tieless track Am.; tieless superstructure Am.
rigid track; rigid superstructure; ballastless track
frame-type superstructure
chaired track; chaired superstructure
concrete slab track; concrete slab superstructure
Planierpflug m; Planiermaschine f (für die Bettung unterhalb der Schienen) (Bahn)
ballast plough Br.; ballast plow Am. (railway)
vom Schicksal bestimmt adj
das Schicksal wollte es, dass …
Wir schienen füreinander bestimmt zu sein.
it was fated that …
It seemed fated that we should get married.
Steg m (an Hohlziegeln, Schienen, Profilstahl) constr.
Stege pl
web (of air bricks, rails, steel sections)
etw. schienen v
to splint sth.; to put sth. in a splint; to put sth. in splints
Ausziehstoß m; Schienenauszugsvorrichtung f (Bahn)
feathered joint; expansion device for continuously welded rails (railway)
Schienenbagger m
rail-mounted excavator; rail-mounted dredger
Schienenbahn f
Schienenbahnen pl
track railway
track railways
track railway
Schienenbahn f min.
Schienenbahnen pl
rail line; tram way; tram road
rail lines; tram ways; tram roads
Weiche f (die verstellbaren Teile einer Weichenanlage) (Bahn)
Weichen pl
Abzweigungsweiche f; Einmündungsweiche f; Anschlussweiche f; Trennungsweiche f; Verbindungsweiche f
Biegeweiche f (Magnetbahn)
aufgeschnittene Weiche (die für spitze Befahrung eingestellt war, aber stumpf befahren wurde)
bivalente Weiche (sowohl für Schienenbahn als auch für Magnetbahn ausgelegt)
Drehweiche f (Magnetbahn)
Dreiwegeweiche f (Magnetbahn)
Einfahrweiche f (erste spitz befahrene Weiche beim Einfahren in einen Bahnhof)
Entgleisungsweiche f; Schutzweiche f
elektrische Weiche; Weiche mit elektrischem Weichenantrieb
gekuppelte Weichen
fahrzeuggesteuerte Weiche (Magnetbahn)
Federrückfallweiche f; Rückfallweiche f mit Feder
Handweiche f; handbediente Weiche
motorgetriebene Weiche
Schleppweiche f
spitzbefahrene Weiche f
stumpfbefahrene Weiche f
gerader Strang einer Weiche
krummer Strang; ablenkender Strang einer Weiche
Weiche, die im Notfall manuell entriegelt werden kann
Weiche mit Einzelbedienung
Weiche mit hydraulischem Weichenantrieb
Weiche mit Doppelbedienung
Weiche mit federnder Zunge
Bedienpanel für lokale Weichen
Entriegelung einer Weiche
die Weichen stellen
die Weichen umlegen
die Weichen auffahren aufschneiden
die Weiche spitz befahren; die Weiche gegen die Spitze befahren
die Weiche stumpf befahren
point switch; set of (railway) points Br.; pair of points Br.; railway points Br.; points Br.; railroad switch Am.; track switch Am.; switch Am. (the movable parts of a turnout) (railway)
point switches; sets of points; pairs of points; railway pointses; points; railroad switches; track switches; switches
junction points Br.; junction switch Am.
deflexion points; deflexion switch (maglev guideway)
trailed point (which has been run through in the trailing direction when the switches were set differently)
bivalent points; bivalent switch (designed for both rail and maglev trains)
rotating points; rotating switch (maglev guideway)
three-way points; three-way switch; double-throw points; double-throw switch (maglev guideway)
entry point switch (first facing point switch in a station, run over by an arriving train)
derailing points Br.; catch points Br.; derailing switch Am.; safety switch Am.
electric-motor operated points Br.; electric-motor operated switch Am.
coupled points Br.; coupled switches Am.
vehicle-controlled switch (Maglev guideway)
spring point switch; spring points Br.; spring switch Am.
hand-operated point switch; hand-operated points Br.; points operated by hand Br.; hand-operated switch Am.
powered point switch; powered points Br.; powered switch Am.
stub points; stub switch
facing points
trailing points
main section; through section; through track of points switches
deflecting section; switching section of points switches
emergency-released point switch
individual points switches
hydraulically operated points Br.; hydraulically operated switch Am.
dual control switch
flexible points Br. switch Am.
local point operating panel
release of a point switch
to make the road; to throw the points Br.; to throw the switches Am.
to reverse the points
to split the points
to pass over the points Br. the switch Am. in the facing direction; to negotiate the facing points Br.
to trail the points Br.; to trail the switch Am.; to pass over the points Br. the switch Am. in the trailing direction
track railways
Rippenunterlagsplatte f; Rippenplatte f (Schienenbefestigung) (Bahn)
Rippenunterlagsplatten pl; Rippenplatten pl
grooved baseplate; ribbed baseplate; ribbed plate (rail fastening) (railway)
grooved baseplates; ribbed baseplates; ribbed plates
Schienenbefestigung f (Bahn)
elastische Schienenbefestigung
fest angezogene Schienenbefestigung
lose Schienenbefestigung
Anziehen der Schienenbefestigung(en)
Maschine zum Auswechseln der elastischen Schienenbefestigungen
rail fastening; fastening fixing of the rail to the sleeper (railway)
elastic rail fastening; elastic rail fastener; spring rail fastening; spring rail fastener
tight rail fastening
loose rail fastening
tightening-up of fastenings; tightening of fastenings
machine for replacing elastic rail fastenings; equipment for replacing sprint rail fasteners
geriefte Zwischenlage f (Schienenbefestigung) (Bahn)
grooved rail pad; grooved pad (rail fastening) (railway)
Schienenbremsbacke f; Gleisbremsbacke f (Bahn)
track-brake jaws; retarder jaws (railway)
Schienenbremse f; Gleisbremse f (Bahn)
elektromagnetische Schienenbremse
track brake (railway)
electromagnetic track brake
Schienenbus m
Schienenbusse pl
rail bus
rail buses, rail busses Am.
rail bus
Schienenbus m
Schienenbusse pl
railbuses; railusses Am.
Triebwagen m (einzelner, selbstfahrender Wagen, der Fahrgäste oder Fracht befördert) (Bahn) transp.
Triebwagen pl; Triebwägen pl Süddt. Ös.
elektrischer Speichertriebwagen m; Akkumulatorentriebwagen m
Aussichtstriebwagen m
Dampftriebwagen m
Fernverkehrstriebwagen m
Gasturbinentriebwagen m; Turbinentriebwagen m
Gepäcktriebwagen m
Leichtbau-Triebwagen m; Schienenbus m
Nahverkehrstriebwagen m
Posttriebwagen m
Straßenbahntriebwagen m
Turmtriebwagen m; Fahrleitungsbeobachtungswagen m; Oberleitungsrevisionswagen m
motor train unit; motor coach Br.; railcar Br.; motor car Am. (single, self-propelled carriage conveying passengers or goods) (railway)
motor train units; motor coaches; railcars; motor cars
battery railcar motor car; accumulator railcar motor car
observation railcar Br.; observation motor car Am.
steam railcar Br.; steam motor car Am.
long-distance railcar Br.; long-distance motor car Am.
gas-turbine motor unit; gas-turbine railcar Br.; gas-turbine motor car Am.
motor luggage van Br.; motor baggage car Am.
short-distance railcar Br.; short-distance motor car Am.
mail railcar Br.; mail motor car Am.
tramway motor unit
MENTOR coach (mobile electrical network testing observation and recording coach); overhead-line observation coach
schienend, schienende
Drilling m; Dreiläufer m (Jagdgewehr mit drei Läufen für Schrotschuss und Kugelschuss) mil.
Drillinge pl; Dreiläufer pl
Bockdrilling m (zwei Kugelläufe unterschiedlichen Kalibers und ein Schrotlauf)
Büchsdrilling m
Doppelbüchsdrilling m (zwei Kugelläufe, ein Schrotlauf)
Flintendrilling m (zwei Schrotläufe und ein Kugellauf)
Schienendrilling m (ein Schrotlauf über zwei Kugelläufen)
Schrotdrilling m (drei Schrotläufe)
triple-barrelled rifle-shotgun; three-barrelled rifle-shotgun
triple-barrelled rifle-shotguns; three-barrelled rifle-shotguns
rifle-shotgun with two rifle barrels of different calibre and a shot barrel
three-barrelled rifle-shotgun
rifle-shotgun with two shot barrels and a rifle barrel
rifle-shotgun with two rifle barrels and a shot barrel
rifle-shotgun with two shot barrels below a rifle barrel
shotgun with three shot barrels
Schienendurchführung f electr.
bar lead-in
Schienenersatzverkehr m
replacement busses, replacement bus service
Schienenersatzverkehr m
replacement busses; replacement bus service
Schienenersatzverkehr m; Ersatzbeförderung f (Bahn) transp.
Schienenersatzverkehr mit Bussen
rail replacement service (railway)
replacement bus service; replacement busses
Schienenfahrzeug n
Schienenfahrzeuge pl
track vehicle
track vehicles
Fahrzeug n transp.
Fahrzeuge pl
Altfahrzeuge pl envir.
Gelenkfahrzeug n
landwirtschaftliches Fahrzeug
Militärfahrzeug n
Schienenfahrzeug n
Straßenfahrzeug n
end-of-life vehicles
articulated vehicle
farm vehicle; agricultural vehicle
military vehicle
rail-bound vehicle; rail vehicle; railway vehicle Br.; railroad vehicle Am.
road vehicle
Radscheibe f; Scheibe f des Scheibenrads (Straßenfahrzeug, Schienenfahrzeug)
disc wheel centre Br.; disk wheel center Am.; centre of a disc wheel Br.; center of a disk wheel Am. (road vehicle, rail vehicle)
verwendungsfähig; betriebsfähig; gebrauchsfähig adj
verwendungsfähiger Zustand
betriebsfähig abgestelltes Schienenfahrzeug (Bahn)
serviceable condition
rail vehicle stored serviceable (railway)
Fahrmotor m (Schienenfahrzeugbau) techn.
Fahrmotoren pl
traction motor
traction motors
Schienenfahrzeuge pl
rolling stock
railed vehicles
Spurkranz m (auf dem Rad eines Schienenfahrzeugs) (Bahn)
wheel flange (on a rail vehicle) (railway)
Stauchgerüst n; Staucher m; Schienenflachstich m; Rund- und Verteilgesenk n (Walzwerk)
Stauchgerüste pl; Staucher pl; Schienenflachstiche pl; Rund- und Verteilgesenke pl
edger; roller (rolling mill)
edgers; rollers
Schubladenführung f; Ladenführung f; Auszugsführung f; Schienenführung f
Schubladenführungen pl; Ladenführungen pl; Auszugsführungen pl; Schienenführungen pl
drawer slide; drawer guide
drawer slides; drawer guides
Schienenfuß m (Bahn)
patten of the rail (railway)
schienengebunden; gleisgebunden adj (Bahn)
railbound; railborne (railway)
Eisenbahnverkehr m; Bahnverkehr m; Schienenverkehr m; schienengebundener Verkehr m transp.
Fernsteuerung des Bahnverkehrs; zentrale Bahnverkehrssteuerung
rail traffic; railway traffic Br.
centralized rail traffic control; centralized traffic control CTC
schienengeführt adj techn.
schienengeführter Stapler
rail-mounted stacker
Bahnsteig m; Perron m Schw. (Personenbeförderung im öffentlichen Raum) transp.
Bahnsteige pl; Perrons pl
Bahnsteig mit Überdachung; überdachter Bahnsteig; überdeckter Bahnsteig
Bahnsteig ohne Ãœberdachung; unbedachter Bahnsteig
Abfahrtsbahnsteig m; Abfahrtbahnsteig m
Ankunftsbahnsteig m; Ankunftbahnsteig m
Außenbahnsteig m
Dienstbahnsteig m
Endbahnsteig m (einer Nebenlinie)
Gepäckbahnsteig m
hoher Bahnsteig
Inselbahnsteig m
Mittelbahnsteig m
niedriger Bahnsteig
Notbahnsteig m
Zwischenbahnsteig m
Zugang zum Bahnsteig
schienengleicher Zugang zum Bahnsteig
platform (passenger traffic in public areas)
covered platform
open platform
departure platform; out-track platform Am.
arrival platform; in-track platform Am.
side-boarding platform
service platform
bay platform Br.
luggage platform Br.; baggage platform Am.
high platform; elevated platform
island platform
centre platform Br.; center platform Am.
low platform
emergency platform
intermediate platform
access to platform
crossing between platforms
(höhengleicher schienengleicher) Bahnübergang m; Eisenbahnkreuzung f Ös.; Niveauübergang m Schw. (Bahn)
Bahnübergänge pl; Eisenbahnkreuzungen pl; Niveauübergänge pl
beschrankter Bahnübergang
unbeschrankter Bahnübergang
Bahnübergang mit Schranken, die in Grundstellung geöffnet sind
Bahnübergang mit Schranken, die in Grundstellung geschlossen sind
level crossing Br.; railroad crossing Am.; grade crossing Am. (railway)
level crossings; railroad crossings; grade crossings
gated level crossing; gated railroad crossing
level crossing without gates; grade crossing without gates
level crossing normally open; railroad crossing normally open
level crossing normally closed; grade crossing normally open
höhengleiches schienengleiches Bahnübergangssystem n (Bahn)
internes externes Bahnübergangssystem
level crossing system Br.; grade crossing system Am. (railway)
external internal level crossing system
Bahnstrecke f; Gleisstrecke f; Schienengleis n; Schienenstrang m; Gleisstrang m; Bahngleis n (Bahn)
Bahnstrecken pl; Gleisstrecken pl; Schienengleise pl; Schienenstränge pl; Gleisstränge pl; Bahngleise pl
track (railway tram)
Schienenhängebahn f techn.
Schienenhängebahnen pl
overhead track conveyor
overhead track conveyors
Schienenhalter m
Schienenhalter pl
rail holding clamp
rail holding clamps

Deutsche Schienenoberkante Synonyme

Englische rail top edge; rail level Synonyme

rail  L  attack  baluster  balustrade  banister  bar  barrier  bawl out  berate  bottle up  boundary  box up  branch  bulkhead in  cable railway  cage  censure  check  chew out  cloister  cog railway  condemn  confine  constrain  coop  coop in  coop up  cork up  crib  criticize  decry  denounce  detain  el  electric railway  elevated  elevated railway  embankment  encage  enclose  feeder  feeder line  fence  fence in  fulminate  gravity-operated railway  gruel  handrail  hedge  hem  hem in  hold  hold in custody  hold in restraint  horse railway  immure  impound  inhibit  jaw  junction  keep in  keep in custody  keep in detention  lath  light railroad  line  main line  mere shadow  metro  mew  mew up  monorail  pale  palisade  paper  pen  pen up  picket  pound  rack railway  rack-and-pinion railway  rail in  rail line  railing  railroad  railway  rake  rate  restrain  restrict  revile  roadbed  roadway  rod  scold  seal up  shackle  shadow  shaving  shut in  shut up  sidetrack  siding  skeleton  slat  slip  soup  splinter  stone wall  streak  street railway  streetcar line  subway  switchback  terminal  terminus  tongue-lash  track  tram  tramline  trestle  trolley line  trunk  trunk line  tube  turnout  underground  upbraid  vein  vituperate  vociferate  wafer  wall  wall in  
rail at  abuse  bark at  barrack  berate  betongue  blacken  chaff  cut at  dig at  dump on  execrate  fleer  flout  fulminate against  gibe  jab  jab at  jape  jaw  jeer  load with reproaches  mock  pooh  pooh-pooh  put down  rag  rally  rank out  rate  rave against  revile  scoff  scout  slam  slap at  sneer  sneer at  swipe  taunt  thunder against  tongue-lash  twit  vilify  vituperate  yell at  yelp at  
railing  balustrade  banister  bantering  barrier  booing  boundary  catcalling  chaffing  derisive  derisory  fence  fleering  flippant  fooling  grinning  hissing  hooting  jeering  joshing  kidding  leering  mocking  panning  quizzical  ragging  rail  rallying  razzing  ridiculing  roasting  scoffing  smart  smart-alecky  smart-ass  smirking  sneering  snickering  sniggering  snorting  stone wall  taunting  teasing  twitting  wall  
raillery  badinage  banter  booing  catcalling  chaff  chaffing  derision  exchange  fleering  flippancy  fooling  fooling around  frivolity  give-and-take  good-natured banter  grinning  harmless teasing  hissing  hooting  invective  jape  jeering  jest  jesting  jive  joke  joking  josh  joshing  kidding  kidding around  leering  levity  mockery  panning  persiflage  pleasantry  ragging  rallying  razzing  repartee  ridicule  roasting  scoffing  smart-aleckiness  smartness  smirking  sneering  snickering  sniggering  snorting  sport  taunting  teasing  twit  twitting  vituperation  
railroad  L  accelerate  branch  browbeat  bulldoze  bully  bullyrag  bundle  bustle  cable railway  coerce  cog railway  compel  constitute  crowd  decree  dispatch  dragoon  drive on  el  electric railway  elevated  elevated railway  embankment  enact  enact laws  expedite  feeder  feeder line  filibuster  force  forward  get the floor  gravity-operated railway  haste  hasten  hasten on  have the floor  hector  hie on  horse railway  hurry  hurry along  hurry on  hurry up  hustle  hustle up  intimidate  junction  kill  lean on  legislate  light railroad  line  lobby through  logroll  main line  metro  monorail  ordain  pass  pigeonhole  pocket  precipitate  press  pressure  push  push on  push through  put in force  put through  quicken  rack railway  rack-and-pinion railway  rail  rail line  railroad through  railway  roadbed  roadway  roll logs  rush  rush along  sidetrack  siding  speed  speed along  speed up  spur  squeeze  stampede  street railway  streetcar line  subway  switchback  table  take the floor  terminal  terminus  track  tram  tramline  trestle  trolley line  trunk  trunk line  tube  turnout  tyrannize  underground  urge  veto  whip  whip along  yield the floor  
railroad man  baggage man  bakehead  brakeman  brakie  butcher  conductor  dispatcher  fireman  footplate man  guard  lineman  porter  railroader  redcap  smoke agent  stationmaster  stoker  switchman  trainboy  trainman  trainmaster  yardman  yardmaster  
railroader  baggage man  bakehead  brakeman  brakie  butcher  conductor  dispatcher  fireman  footplate man  guard  lineman  porter  railroad man  redcap  smoke agent  stationmaster  stoker  switchman  trainboy  trainman  trainmaster  yardman  yardmaster  
railway  L  branch  cable railway  cog railway  el  electric railway  elevated  elevated railway  embankment  feeder  feeder line  gravity-operated railway  horse railway  junction  light railroad  line  main line  metro  monorail  rack railway  rack-and-pinion railway  rail  rail line  railroad  roadbed  roadway  sidetrack  siding  street railway  streetcar line  subway  switchback  terminal  terminus  track  train  tram  tramline  trestle  trolley line  trunk  trunk line  tube  turnout  underground  
railway car  Pullman  Pullman car  baggage car  boxcar  caboose  car  carriage  chair car  coach  coal car  covered waggon  day coach  diner  dinghy  dining car  drawing room  flat  flatcar  gondola  local  luggage van  mail car  mail van  palace car  parlor car  passenger car  reefer  refrigerator car  roomette  sleeper  smoker  smoking car  stockcar  tank  tender  truck  van  waggon  
railway express  air express  airfreight  airlift  asportation  bearing  carriage  carry  carrying  cartage  conveyance  drayage  expressage  ferriage  freight  freightage  haulage  hauling  lighterage  lugging  packing  portage  porterage  shipment  shipping  telpherage  toting  transport  transportation  transshipment  truckage  waft  waftage  wagonage  

Schienenoberkante Definition

Air level
() Spirit level. See Level.
(v. t.) The thin cutting side of the blade of an instrument
(v. t.) Any sharp terminating border
(v. t.) Sharpness
(v. t.) The border or part adjacent to the line of division
(v. t.) To furnish with an edge as a tool or weapon
(v. t.) To shape or dress the edge of, as with a tool.
(v. t.) To furnish with a fringe or border
(v. t.) To make sharp or keen, figuratively
(v. t.) To move by little and little or cautiously, as by pressing forward edgewise
(v. i.) To move sideways
(v. i.) To sail close to the wind.
(n.) The thin, new growth around the edge of a shell, of an oyster.
(n.) Any thin, as on a board or a razor.
(a.) Alt. of Gilt-edged
(n.) A piece of steel sharpened to an acute edge or angle, and resting on a smooth surface, serving as the axis of motion of a pendulum, scale beam, or other piece required to oscillate with the least possible friction.
(n.) A line or surface to which, at every point, a vertical or plumb line is perpendicular
(n.) A horizontal line or plane
(n.) An approximately horizontal line or surface at a certain degree of altitude, or distance from the center of the earth
(n.) Hence, figuratively, a certain position, rank, standard, degree, quality, character, etc., conceived of as in one of several planes of different elevation.
(n.) A uniform or average height
(n.) An instrument by which to find a horizontal line, or adjust something with reference to a horizontal line.
(n.) A measurement of the difference of altitude of two points, by means of a level
(n.) A horizontal passage, drift, or adit, in a mine.
(a.) Even
(a.) Coinciding or parallel with the plane of the horizon
(a.) Even with anything else
(a.) Straightforward
(a.) Well balanced
(a.) Of even tone
(v. t.) To make level
(v. t.) To bring to a lower level
(v. t.) To bring to a horizontal position, as a gun
(v. t.) Figuratively, to bring to a common level or plane, in respect of rank, condition, character, privilege, etc.
(v. t.) To adjust or adapt to a certain level
(v. i.) To be level
(v. i.) To aim a gun, spear, etc., horizontally
(n.) An outer cloak or covering
(v. i.) To flow forth
(n.) A bar of timber or metal, usually horizontal or nearly so, extending from one post or support to another, as in fences, balustrades, staircases, etc.
(n.) A horizontal piece in a frame or paneling. See Illust. of Style.
(n.) A bar of steel or iron, forming part of the track on which the wheels roll. It is usually shaped with reference to vertical strength, and is held in place by chairs, splices, etc.
(n.) The stout, narrow plank that forms the top of the bulwarks.
(n.) The light, fencelike structures of wood or metal at the break of the deck, and elsewhere where such protection is needed.
(v. t.) To inclose with rails or a railing.
(v. t.) To range in a line.
(v.) Any one of numerous species of limicoline birds of the family Rallidae, especially those of the genus Rallus, and of closely allied genera. They are prized as game birds.
(v. i.) To use insolent and reproachful language
(v. t.) To rail at.
(v. t.) To move or influence by railing.

rail top edge; rail level / above rail top edge; above rail Bedeutung

terrain flight
low level flight
flight at very low altitudes
blood-oxygenation level dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging
functional magnetic resonance imaging that relies on intrinsic changes in hemoglobin oxygenation
rail technology
the activity of designing and constructing and operating railroads
rail any of numerous widely distributed small wading birds of the family Rallidae having short wings and very long toes for running on soft mud
land rail
Crex crex
common Eurasian rail that frequents grain fields
Abney level a surveying instrument consisting of a spirit level and a sighting tube, used to measure the angle of inclination of a line from the observer to the target
carpenter's level a straight bar of light metal with a spirit level in it
deckle edge
rough edge left by a deckle on handmade paper or produced artificially on machine-made paper
Dumpy level a surveyor's level having a short telescope fixed to a horizontally rotating table and a spirit level
edge a sharp side formed by the intersection of two surfaces of an object, he rounded the edges of the box
edge the outside limit of an object or area or surface, a place farthest away from the center of something, the edge of the leaf is wavy, she sat on the edge of the bed, the water's edge
edge tool any cutting tool with a sharp cutting edge (as a chisel or knife or plane or gouge)
fife rail the railing surrounding the mast of a sailing vessel
floor level storey
a structure consisting of a room or set of rooms at a single position along a vertical scale, what level is the office on?
fore edge
the part of a book that faces inward when the book is shelved, the part opposite the spine
ground floor
first floor
ground level
the floor of a building that is at or nearest to the level of the ground around the building
horizontal surface
a flat surface at right angles to a plumb line, park the car on the level
knife edge
cutting edge
the sharp cutting side of the blade of a knife
leading edge forward edge of an airfoil
spirit level
indicator that establishes the horizontal when a bubble is centered in a tube of liquid
level crossing
grade crossing
intersection of a railway and a road on the same level, barriers close road when trains pass
line railway line
rail line
the road consisting of railroad track and roadbed
mason's level a level longer than a carpenter's level
picture rail rail fixed to a wall for hanging pictures
plate rail rail or narrow shelf fixed to a wall to display plates
plumb level a carpenter's level with a plumb line at right angles to it
rail a horizontal bar (usually of wood or metal)
rail short for railway, he traveled by rail, he was concerned with rail safety
rail fence a fence (usually made of split logs laid across each other at an angle)
a barrier consisting of a horizontal bar and supports
razor edge an edge that is as sharp as the cutting side of a razor
safety rail
a railing placed alongside a stairway or road for safety
split rail
fence rail
a rail that is split from a log
surveyor's level surveying instrument consisting basically of a small telescope with an attached spirit level rotating around a vertical axis, for measuring relative heights of land
third rail a rail through which electric current is supplied to an electric locomotive
towel rail
towel bar
a horizontal bar a few inches from a wall for holding towels
track rail rails
a bar or pair of parallel bars of rolled steel making the railway along which railroad cars or other vehicles can roll
trailing edge the rear edge of an airfoil
water level a water gauge that shows the level by showing the surface of the water in a trough or U-shaped tube
brightness brightness level
the quality of being luminous, emitting or reflecting light, its luminosity is measured relative to that of our sun
a position on a scale of intensity or amount or quality, a moderate grade of intelligence, a high level of care is required, it is all a matter of degree
amplitude level the level on a scale of amplitude
signal level the amplitude level of the desired signal
noise level
background level
the amplitude level of the undesired background noise
intensity strength intensity level the amount of energy transmitted (as by acoustic or electromagnetic radiation), he adjusted the intensity of the sound, they measured the station's signal strength
threshold level the intensity level that is just barely perceptible
acoustic power
sound pressure level
the physical intensity of sound
knife-edge a narrow boundary, he lived on a knife-edge between genius and insanity
level best
the greatest possible degree, he tried his utmost
level height above ground, the water reached ankle level, the pictures were at the same level
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