
Sedimentationszyklus Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Sedimentationszyklus m geol.
cycle of sedimentation; sedimentary cycle
Sedimentationszyklus m geol.
cycle of sedimentation; sedimentary cycle
Sediment n
Sedimente pl
Gehalt an Sediment
sediment content
sedimentär adj, Sediment...
Ablagerungsgestein n; Schichtgestein n; Sedimentgestein n; Sediment n geol.
eisenhaltiges Ablagerungsgestein
sedimentary rock; stratified rock; bedded rock; sedimentite
red beds
Sediment n geol.
Sedimente pl
bindiges Sediment
chemisches Sediment
klastisches Sediment
organisches Sediment
Bachsediment n
Gehalt an Sediment
cohesive sediment
chemical rock
clastic rock
organic rock
creek sediment
sediment content
durch Sedimentablagerungen entstanden; sedimentär adj; Sediment... geol.
endobenthisch; im Sediment lebend adj biol. geol.
flussartig; fluvial; fluviatil adj; Fluss...
fluviatiles Sediment; Flussablagerungen pl
fluvial; riverine
fluvial sediment; riverine sediment
durch Sedimentablagerungen entstanden; sedimentär adj; Sediment… geol.
flussartig; fluvial; fluviatil adj; Fluss…
fluviatiles Sediment; Flussablagerungen pl
fluvial; riverine
fluvial sediment; riverine sediment
Sedimentation f, Ablagerung f, Sedimentablagerung f
sedimentary deposition
Sedimentablagerung f; Sedimentakkumulation f (abgelagertes Lockergestein) geol.
die Bildung von Ablagerungen verhindern
Ablagerung auf dem Schelf
Ablagerung terrestrischer Herkunft
allochtone Ablagerung
alluviale Ablagerung
eisenhaltige Ablagerung
eiszeitliche Ablagerung
glaziale Ablagerung
heutige Ablagerung
salzige Ablagerung
sediment deposit; sediment accumulation; sediment
to prevent deposit build-up
earthformed sediment
allochtonous deposit
geest; wash
ochreous deposit
cover of glacial till
glacial deposit
recent formation
saline lick
Sedimentablagerung f; Sedimentakkumulation f; Sedimentbildung f; Sedimentation f (Vorgang) geol.
Ablagerung in Meeren
Ablagerung von Sedimenten unter Landbedingungen
gleichzeitige Ablagerung von etw.
sedimentary deposition; sedimentary accumulation; sedimentation
marine sedimentation
terrestrian sedimentation
co-sedimentation of sth.
Feststoffablagerung f; Sedimentablagerung f; Ablagerung f; Sedimentakkumulation f; Akkumulation f (abgelagertes Lockergestein) geol.
Flussablagerung f; Flussanschwemmung f; alluviale Ablagerung f; Alluvion f
Geschiebeablagerung f
Murablagerung f; Murenablagerung f; Murschutt; Murgangablagerung Schw.; Ãœbermurung f Schw.
Wildbachablagerung f
die Bildung von Ablagerungen verhindern
Ablagerung terrestrischer Herkunft
allochthone Ablagerung
eisenhaltige Ablagerung
eiszeitliche Ablagerung; glaziale Ablagerung
sediment deposit; deposit; sediment accumulation; accumulation; sediment
river deposit; fluvial deposit; alluvial deposit; alluvium
bedload deposit; bedload accumulation
mudslide deposit; mudflow deposit; debris flow deposit
torrent deposit; torrential deposit
to prevent deposit build-up
earthformed sediment
allochthonous deposit
ochreous deposit
glacial deposit; drift deposit; glacial accumulation
Geschiebemergel m; Till m (eiszeitliche Sedimentablagerung) geol.
boulder-clay Br.; glacial till Am.; till Am. (glacial sediment deposit)
kalkig; kalkartig; kalkhaltig; halthältig Ös.; Kalk... adj
kalkhaltiger Eisenoolith; kalkige Minette
kalkiges Sedimentärgestein
calcic; calcareous; calciferous
calciferous iron stone; calcareous minette
calcic sedimentary rock
kalkig; kalkartig; kalkhaltig; kalkhältig Ös.; Kalk… adj
kalkhaltiger Eisenoolith; kalkige Minette
kalkiges Sedimentärgestein
calcic; calcareous; calciferous
calciferous iron stone; calcareous minette
calcic sedimentary rock
Sedimentation f, Sedimentbildung f
Sedimentationsanalyse f geol.
size analysis by sedimentation
Sedimentbecken n; Sedimentationsbecken n geol.
Sedimentbecken pl; Sedimentationsbecken pl
sedimentary basin; sedimentation basin
sedimentary basins; sedimentation basins
Sedimentationsgeschwindigkeit f geol.
rate of sedimentation; rate of deposition
Sinkgeschwindigkeit f; Sedimentationsgeschwindigkeit geol.
settling velocity; settling rate; sedimentation velocity; sedimentation rate
Sedimentationslücke f geol.
kleine Sedimentationslücke
interruption of sedimentation
Sedimentationszyklus m geol.
cycle of sedimentation; sedimentary cycle
Sedimentbecken n geol.
sedimentary basin
breites Sedimentbecken n geol.
Sedimentbilanz f
sediment balance
Geschiebe n (Sedimente in Flüssen)
Anlagerung f; Aufschüttung f; Anwachsen n (von Land durch Sedimente) geol.
Geschiebe n (Sedimente in Flüssen) geol.
bed load
Fließen n geol.
Fließen unverfestigter Sedimente
laminares Fließen
viskoses Fließen
sheet flow
viscous flow; creeping flow
Klärkessel-Sedimente pl (Zuckerherstellung) agr.
clarifier underflow (sugar production)
Auswehung f; Auswaschung f (von Sedimenten) geol.
entrainment (of sediments)
Verfestigung f geol.
Verfestigung durch Impaktmetamorphose
Verfestigung mit Zement
Verfestigung von Sedimenten
Verfestigung zu Konglomerat
chemische Verfestigung
diagenetische Verfestigung
consolidation; solidification; bonding (of the rock)
shock lithification
cement stabilization
consolidation of sediments
chemical grouting
induration; lithifaction
Feststofffracht f; Sedimentfracht f geol.
total sediment load
Felsblock m; Felsbrocken m; Gesteinsbrocken m; Geröllblock m; Feldstein m (größte Korngröße bei Sedimentgesteinen) geol.
Felsblöcke pl; Felsbrocken pl; Gesteinsbrocken pl; Geröllblocken pl; Feldsteine pl
boulder (unit of largest size in sedimentary rocks)
Sedimentquelle f; Sedimentherd m geol.
Sedimentquellen pl; Sedimentherde pl
sediment source
sediment sources
to sediment
etw. ablagern; absetzen; sedimentieren v geol.
ablagernd; absetzend; sedimentierend
abgelagert; abgesetzt; sedimentiert
wieder ablagern
to deposit; to aggrade; to sediment sth.
depositing; aggrading; sedimenting
deposited; aggraded; sedimented
to redeposit
sedimentieren v geol.
to sediment
Sedimentkonzentration f geol.
sediment concentration
Sedimentlast f geol.
load of sediments; burden of sediments
Sedimentmantel m geol.
sedimentary mantle
Sedimentmarke f geol.
hieroglyph in sediments
Sedimentologie f geol.
sedimentologisch adj geol.
Sedimentpartikel n geol.
Sedimentpartikel pl
sediment particle
sediment particles
Sedimentpetrographie f geol.
sediment petrography
(beschreibende) Gesteinskunde f; Petrografie f; Petrographie f; Lithologie f geol.
Sedimentpetrographie f
die Petrographie eines Landes
petrography; lithology
sediment petrography
the petrology of a country
Sedimentremanenz f geol.
depositional remanent magnetization
Sedimentrohr n geol.
Sedimentrohre pl
sludge barrel
sludge barrels
Sedimentrolle f geol.
Sedimentrollen pl
flow roll; slump ball; spiral ball
flow rolls; slump balls; spiral balls
Sedimentschicht f geol.
Sedimentschichten pl
sediment layer
sediment layers
Mächtigkeit f (einer Gesteinsschicht Sedimentschicht) min. geol.
Mächtigkeit der Schicht
geringe Mächtigkeit
wahre Mächtigkeit
thickness; depth (of a rock or sediment layer)
thickness of layer; thickness of stratum
slight thickness
actual thickness; true thickness
Lücke f
Lücken pl
Schichtlücke f (Lücke im Alter von Sedimentsschichten) geol.
stratigraphic hiatus; stratigraphic gap; stratigraphic break (discontinuity in the age of strata)
Sedimenttransport m
sediment transport
Sedimenttransport m; Sedimentumlagerung f geol.
sediment transport
Strandversetzung f; Küstenversetzung f geogr. geol.
Strandversetzung durch küstenparallelen Sedimenttransport
shifting of shores; coastal drifting
longshore drift
Feststofftransport m; Sedimenttransport m; Sedimentumlagerung f geol.
sediment transport; sediment discharge
Sedimentzusammensetzung f geol.
sediment distribution

Deutsche Sedimentationszyklus Synonyme

Englische cycle of sedimentation; sedimentary cycle Synonyme

cycle  AC  AF  CPS  DC  EHF  HF  Hz  Indian file  Kekule formula  MF  O  Platonic year  RF  SHF  UHF  VHF  VLF  absorption current  active current  aeon  age  alternate  alternating current  ambit  annular muscle  annulus  annus magnus  areola  array  arsis  articulation  atomic cluster  audio frequency  aureole  bank  be here again  beat  benzene ring  bicycle  bicycle-built-for-two  bike  bout  branched chain  bus  buzz  carrier frequency  catch a train  catena  catenation  chain  chain reaction  chaining  chaplet  chauffeur  chopper  circle  circuit  circuiteer  circulate  circumambulate  circumference  circummigrate  circumnavigate  circumvent  circus  close the circle  closed chain  closed circle  come again  come and go  come around  come full circle  come round  come round again  come up again  compass  compound radical  concatenation  conduction current  connection  consecution  continuum  convection current  corona  coronet  course  crown  cycle of indiction  cycles  date  day  delta current  descent  describe a circle  diadem  diastole  dielectric displacement current  direct current  discus  disk  displacement current  downbeat  drive  drone  eddy current  electric current  electric stream  emission current  encircle  encompass  endless belt  endless round  entrain  eternal return  exciting current  extremely high frequency  fairy ring  file  filiation  flank  free alternating current  frequency  frequency spectrum  full circle  galvanic current  gamut  garland  generation  girdle  girdle the globe  glory  go about  go around  go by rail  go round  go the round  gradation  great year  gyre  halo  hertz  heterocycle  high frequency  high-frequency current  homocycle  hum  idle current  indiction  induced current  induction current  intermediate frequency  intermit  ionization current  iron  joyride  juice  kilocycles  kilohertz  lap  lasso  lattice  line  lineage  logical circle  loop  looplet  low frequency  low-frequency current  lower frequencies  magic  

Sedimentationszyklus Definition

(n.) An imaginary circle or orbit in the heavens
(n.) An interval of time in which a certain succession of events or phenomena is completed, and then returns again and again, uniformly and continually in the same order
(n.) An age
(n.) An orderly list for a given time
(n.) The circle of subjects connected with the exploits of the hero or heroes of some particular period which have served as a popular theme for poetry, as the legend of Arthur and the knights of the Round Table, and that of Charlemagne and his paladins.
(n.) One entire round in a circle or a spire
(n.) A bicycle or tricycle, or other light velocipede.
(v. i.) To pass through a cycle of changes
(v. i.) To ride a bicycle, tricycle, or other form of cycle.
(a.) Of or pertaining to sediment
(n.) The act of depositing a sediment

cycle of sedimentation; sedimentary cycle Bedeutung

wheel cycle
a wheeled vehicle that has two wheels and is moved by foot pedals
cycle rickshaw
a tricycle (usually propelled by pedalling), used in the Orient for transporting passengers for hire, boys who once pulled rickshaws now pedal pedicabs
cycle of rebirth (Hinduism) repeated rebirth in new forms
cycle oscillation a single complete execution of a periodically repeated phenomenon, a year constitutes a cycle of the seasons
cardiac cycle the complete cycle of events in the heart from the beginning of one heart beat to the beginning of the next, an electrical impulse conducted through the heart muscle that constricts the atria which is followed by constriction of the ventricles, the cardiac cycle can be shown on an electrocardiogram
Carnot cycle
Carnot's ideal cycle
a cycle (of expansion and compression) of an idealized reversible heat engine that does work without loss of heat
cycle a periodically repeated sequence of events, a cycle of reprisal and retaliation
business cycle
trade cycle
recurring fluctuations in economic activity consisting of recession and recovery and growth and decline
cycle a series of poems or songs on the same theme, Schubert's song cycles
the phenomenon of sediment or gravel accumulating
food web
food cycle
(ecology) a community of organisms where there are several interrelated food chains
life cycle a series of stages through which an organism passes between recurrences of a primary stage
carbon cycle a thermonuclear reaction in the interior of stars
carbon cycle the organic circulation of carbon from the atmosphere into organisms and back again
Krebs cycle
Krebs citric acid cycle
citric acid cycle
tricarboxylic acid cycle
in all plants and animals: a series of enzymatic reactions in mitochondria involving oxidative metabolism of acetyl compounds to produce high-energy phosphate compounds that are the source of cellular energy
life cycle the course of developmental changes in an organism from fertilized zygote to maturity when another zygote can be produced
nitrogen cycle the circulation of nitrogen, nitrates from the soil are absorbed by plants which are eaten by animals that die and decay returning the nitrogen back to the soil
vicious circle
vicious cycle
one trouble leads to another that aggravates the first
sedimentary rock rock formed from consolidated clay sediments
sedimentary clay clay soil formed by sedimentary deposits
erythrocyte sedimentation rate
sedimentation rate
sed rate
the rate at which red blood cells settle out in a tube of blood under standardized conditions, a high rate usually indicates the presence of inflammation
cycle per second

the unit of frequency, one hertz has a periodic interval of one second
an interval during which a recurring sequence of events occurs, the never-ending cycle of the seasons
menstrual cycle a recurring cycle (beginning at menarche and ending at menopause) in which the endometrial lining of the uterus prepares for pregnancy, if pregnancy does not occur the lining is shed at menstruation, the average menstrual cycle is days
cycle recur in repeating sequences
cycle bike
ride a bicycle
ride a motorcycle
cycle pass through a cycle, This machine automatically cycles
cycle on come to the starting point of a cycle
cycle cause to go through a recurring sequence, cycle the laundry in this washing program
produced by the action of water
sedimentary resembling or containing or formed by the accumulation of sediment, sedimentary deposits
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