
Selbstmordaktion Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Selbstmordaktion f (Terrorismus) pol.
Selbstmordaktionen pl
suicide operation (terrorism)
suicide operations
Selbstmordaktion f (Terrorismus) pol.
Selbstmordaktionen pl
suicide operation (terrorism)
suicide operations
Selbstmörder m, Selbstmörderin f
Selbstmörder pl, Selbstmörderinnen pl
Selbstmörder m; Selbstmörderin f
Selbstmörder pl; Selbstmörderinnen pl
Selbstmörder m; Selbstmörderin f
Selbstmörder pl; Selbstmörderinnen pl
self-murderer; suicide
self-murderers; suicides
selbstmörderisch adj
selbstmörderisch adv
selbstmoerderisch, selbstmoerderischen
geradezu selbstmörderisch; in fast selbstmörderischer Weise adv
Abschiedsbrief m (eines Selbstmörders)
Abschiedsbriefe pl
suicide note
suicide notes
Selbstmördertür f ugs. (hinten angeschlagene Fahrzeugtür) auto
suicide door
Selbstmord m
Selbstmord begehen, Selbstmord verüben
suicide, self-inflicted death
to commit suicide
Suizid m, Freitod m, Selbstmord m
Suizide pl, Freitode pl, Selbstmorde pl
wegen Suizidgefährdung unter Beobachtung stehen, wegen Selbstmordgefährdung unter Beobachtung stehen
to be on suicide watch
Freitod, Selbstmord
Selbstmord begehen
to commit suicide
Beihilfe f (zu einer Straftat); Mitwirkung f (an einer Straftat)
Mitwirkung am Selbstmord
aiding and abetting (a criminal offence)
aiding and abetting suicide
Selbstmord m; Freitod m; Suizid m
Selbstmorde pl; Freitode pl; Suizide pl
Selbstmord begehen; Selbstmord verüben
seinen Selbstmord ankündigen psych.
wegen Suizidgefährdung Selbstmordgefährdung unter Beobachtung stehen
versuchter Suizid; versuchter Selbstmord
suicide; self-inflicted death
suicides; self-inflicted deaths
to commit suicide
to threaten suicide; to make a suicide threat
to be on suicide watch
Selbstmord-Bombenanschlag m (Terrorismus) pol.
Selbstmord-Bombenanschläge pl
suicide bombing (terrorism)
suicide bombings
Selbstmord m; Freitod m; Selbsttötung f; Suizid m
Selbstmorde pl; Freitode pl; Selbsttötungen pl; Suizide pl
Massenselbstmord m; Massensuizid m
erweiterter Suizid jur.
Selbstmord begehen; Selbstmord verüben; sich das Leben nehmen
seinen Selbstmord ankündigen psych.
wegen Suizidgefährdung Selbstmordgefährdung unter Beobachtung stehen
versuchter Suizid; versuchter Selbstmord
suicide; self-murder; self-inflicted death
suicides; self-murders; self-inflicted deaths
mass suicide
murder suicide
to commit suicide; to suicide; to take your own life; to take your life
to threaten suicide; to make a suicide threat
to be on suicide watch
Selbstmordabsicht f psych.
Selbstmordabsichten pl
suicidal intent
suicidal intents
Selbstmordaktion f (Terrorismus) pol.
Selbstmordaktionen pl
suicide operation (terrorism)
suicide operations
Selbstmordankündigung f psych.
Selbstmordankündigungen pl
suicide threat
suicide threats
Sprengstoffanschlag m
Sprengstoffanschläge pl
Selbstmordanschlag m; Selbstmordattentat n (mit einem Sprengkörper)
bomb attack; bombing attack; attack with explosives
bomb attacks; bombing attacks; attacks with explosiveses
suicide bomb attack
Sprengstoffanschlag m
Sprengstoffanschläge pl
Selbstmordanschlag m; Selbstmordattentat n (mit einem Sprengkörper)
bomb attack; bombing attack; attack with explosives
bomb attacks; bombing attacks; attacks with explosives
suicide bomb attack
Selbstmordattentäter m, Selbstmordattentäterin f
Selbstmordattentäter pl, Selbstmordattentäterinnen pl
suicide attacker, suicide bomber
suicide attackers, suicide bombers
Selbstmordattentäter m; Selbstmordattentäterin f
Selbstmordattentäter pl; Selbstmordattentäterinnen pl
suicide attacker; suicide bomber
suicide attackers; suicide bombers
sich an einen Ort schleichen; sich in etw. einschleichen
sich in ein Haus (ein)schleichen
Ein Selbstmordattentäter hatte sich in die Mitte einer Menschenmenge geschlichen.
to inveigle yourself your way into sth.
to inveigle oneself into a house
A suicide bomber had inveigled his way into the middle of a crowd.
sich an einen Ort schleichen; sich in etw. einschleichen v
sich in ein Haus (ein)schleichen
Ein Selbstmordattentäter hatte sich in die Mitte einer Menschenmenge geschlichen.
to inveigle yourself your way into sth.
to inveigle oneself into a house
A suicide bomber had inveigled his way into the middle of a crowd.
vielleicht (auch); ja auch; auch (Ausdruck einer möglichen Denkvariante für einen unbekannten Sachverhalt)
Ich weiß nicht, wo er ist. Vielleicht ist er gekidnappt worden.
Es hat Millionen gekostet, vielleicht (waren es) auch Milliarden.
Ich habe das in Indien, Thailand und Vietnam gesehen, und im restlichen Südostasien wird es auch nicht viel anders sein.
Vielleicht hat sie ja auch schon eine andere Arbeit angenommen.
Niemand stellte ihm Fragen, niemand durchsuchte ihn. Er hätte auch ein Schmuggler oder Selbstmordattentäter sein können.
Da muss ich nachfragen. Sie könnten ja auch ein Zeitungsfritze sein. Weiß ich, ob Sie nicht vielleicht ein Zeitungsfritze sind? ugs.
Das kann natürlich auch sein.
for all you know; for ought aught you know archaic (usually + could may might)
I don't know where he is. He could have been kidnapped for all I know.
It cost millions. It could be billions for all I know.
I've seen this in India, Thailand and Vietnam, and for all I know, it's the same in the rest of Southeast Asia.
She may have already accepted another job, for all we know.
Nobody asked him any questions, nobody searched him. He could have been a smuggler or a suicide attacker for all anyone knew.
I'll have to check. You might be from the newspapers, for all I know.
It could be, for all I know.
Selbstmordattentat n
Selbstmordattentate pl
suicide assassination, suicide bombing
suicide assassinations, suicide bombings
Selbstmordattentat n
Selbstmordattentate pl
suicide attack; suicide assassination; suicide bombing
suicide attacks; suicide assassinations; suicide bombings
Selbstmordauftrag m (Terrorismus) pol.
Selbstmordaufträge pl
suicide mission (terrorism)
suicide missions
Selbstmordbomber m mil.
suicide bomber
Selbstmorddrang m psych.
suicidal mania; autophonomania; thanatomania
Selbstmorde, Selbstmorden
Kamikaze m; (japanischer) Selbstmordflieger mil.
Kamikazeflugzeug n; (japanischer) Selbstmordflieger m mil. hist.
kamikaze aircraft; kamikaze
Selbstmordgedanke m, Suizidgedanke m
Selbstmordgedanken pl, Suizidgedanken pl
sich mit Selbstmordgedanken tragen
thought of suicide
thoughts of suicide
to contemplate suicide
Selbstmordgedanke m; Suizidgedanke m
Selbstmordgedanken pl; Suizidgedanken pl
sich mit Selbstmordgedanken tragen
thought of suicide
thoughts of suicide
to contemplate suicide
selbstmordgefährdet adj
potentially suicidal
selbstmordgefährdet; suizidgefährdet adj psych.
suizidgefährdete Menschen
(potentially) suicidal
people at risk of (committing) suicide
Selbstmordgefährdung f; Suizidgefährdung f; Suizidalität f geh. psych.
suicidal tendencies; suicidality
Sprengstoffgürtel m; Sprenggürtel m; Selbstmordgürtel m; Sprengstoffweste f
Sprengstoffgürtel pl; Sprenggürtel pl; Selbstmordgürtel pl; Sprengstoffwesten pl
explosive belt; suicide belt; explosive vest; suicide vest
explosive belts; suicide belts; explosive vests; suicide vests
Selbstmordkommando n
Selbstmordkommandos pl
suicide squad
suicide squads
japanisches Selbstmordkommando n mil. hist.
kamikaze squad
Selbstmordterrorismus m pol.
suicide terrorism
Selbstmordterrorist m; Selbstmordterroristin f pol.
Selbstmordterroristen pl; Selbstmordterroristinnen pl
suicide terrorist
suicide terrorists
Selbstmordversuch m
Selbstmordversuche pl
attempted suicide
attempted suicides
Selbstmordversuch m
Selbstmordversuche pl
suicide attempt; attempted suicide
suicide attempts; attempted suicides
verwundbar; verletzbar; verletzlich; schutzbedürftig adj (Person)
sich verwundbar fühlen
die Schwächsten unserer Gesellschaft
Sie sah sehr verletzlich aus als sie so alleine dastand.
Er ist schutzbedürftig da er in der Vergangenheit Selbstmordversuche unternommen hat.
vulnerable (person)
to feel vulnerable
the most vulnerable members of our society; the most vulnerable groups in our society
She looked very vulnerable standing there on her own.
He is vulnerable as he has a history of suicide attempts.
verwundbar; verletzbar; verletzlich; schutzbedürftig adj (Person)
besonders schutzbedürftige Personen
sich verwundbar fühlen
die Schwächsten unserer Gesellschaft
Sie sah sehr verletzlich aus, als sie so alleine dastand.
Er ist schutzbedürftig, da er in der Vergangenheit Selbstmordversuche unternommen hat.
vulnerable (of a person)
particularly vulnerable persons
to feel vulnerable
the most vulnerable members of our society; the most vulnerable groups in our society
She looked very vulnerable standing there on her own.
He is vulnerable as he has a history of suicide attempts.

Selbstmordaktion Definition

(n.) The act or process of operating
(n.) The method of working
(n.) That which is operated or accomplished
(n.) Effect produced
(n.) Something to be done
(n.) Any methodical action of the hand, or of the hand with instruments, on the human body, to produce a curative or remedial effect, as in amputation, etc.
(adv.) The act of taking one's own life voluntary and intentionally
(adv.) One guilty of self-murder
(adv.) Ruin of one's own interests.
(n.) The act of terrorizing, or state of being terrorized
(n.) The practise of coercing governments to accede to political demands by committing violence on civilian targets

suicide operation (terrorism) / suicide operations Bedeutung

suicide pill a poison pill with potentially catastrophic implications for the company it is intended to protect
the act of killing yourself, it is a crime to commit suicide
assisted suicide suicide of a terminally ill person that involves an assistant who serves to make dying as painless and dignified as possible
physician-assisted suicide assisted suicide where the assistant is a physician
operation the activity of operating something (a machine or business etc.), her smooth operation of the vehicle gave us a surprisingly comfortable ride
operation a planned activity involving many people performing various actions, they organized a rescue operation, the biggest police operation in French history, running a restaurant is quite an operation, consolidate the companies various operations
rescue operation an operation organized to free from danger or confinement
undercover operation an operation involving secret work within a community or institution
buy-and-bust operation an undercover operation by narcotics detectives to catch unsuspecting drug dealers
suicide squeeze play
suicide squeeze
the runner on third base starts home as the pitcher delivers the ball
operation procedure a process or series of acts especially of a practical or mechanical nature involved in a particular form of work, the operations in building a house, certain machine tool operations
operations research research designed to determine most efficient way to do something
surgery surgical operation
surgical procedure
surgical process
a medical procedure involving an incision with instruments, performed to repair damage or arrest disease in a living body, they will schedule the operation as soon as an operating room is available, he died while undergoing surgery
eye operation
eye surgery
any surgical procedure involving the eyes
sexhange operation
transsexual surgery
surgical procedures and hormonal treatments designed to alter a person's sexual characteristics so that the resemble those of the opposite sex
Shirodkar's operation
purse-string operation
a surgical procedure in which a suture is used to close the cervix in a pregnant woman, is performed when the cervix has failed to retain previous pregnancies
suicide mission
martyr operation
sacrifice operation
killing or injuring others while annihilating yourself, usually accomplished with a bomb
act of terrorism
terrorist act
the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature, this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear
biological terrorism
terrorism using the weapons of biological warfare
chemical terrorism terrorism using the chemical agents of chemical warfare, can undermine the personal security of citizens, a good agent for chemical terrorism should be colorless and odorless and inexpensive and readily available and not detectable until symptoms are experienced
an assault on electronic communication networks
domestic terrorism terrorism practiced in your own country against your own people, the bombing of a federal building in Oklahoma City was an instance of domestic terrorism
ecological terrorism
ecological warfare
violence carried out to further the political or social objectives of the environmentalists
international terrorism terrorism practiced in a foreign country by terrorists who are not native to that country
nuclear terrorism the use of a nuclear device by a terrorist organization to cause massive devastation or the use (or threat of use) of fissionable radioactive materials, assaults on nuclear power plants is one form of nuclear terrorism
state-sponsored terrorism terrorism practiced by a government against its own people or in support of international terrorism
sting operation a complicated confidence game planned and executed with great care (especially an operation implemented by undercover agents to apprehend criminals)
riot control
riot control operation
the measures taken to control a riot
mathematical process
mathematical operation
(mathematics) calculation by mathematical methods, the problems at the end of the chapter demonstrated the mathematical processes involved in the derivation, they were learning the basic operations of arithmetic
arithmetic operation a mathematical operation involving numbers
matrix operation a mathematical operation involving matrices
operation military operation activity by a military or naval force (as a maneuver or campaign), it was a joint operation of the navy and air force
combined operation a military operation carried out cooperatively by two or more allied nations or a military operation carried out by coordination of sea, land, and air forces
maneuver manoeuvre simulated military operation a military training exercise
chemical warfare
chemical operations
warfare using chemical agents to kill or injure or incapacitate the enemy
suicide bombing a terrorist bombing carried out by someone who does not hope to survive it
peacekeeping mission
peacekeeping operation
the activity of keeping the peace by military forces (especially when international military forces enforce a truce between hostile groups or nations)
amphibious operation a military operation by both land and sea forces
intelligence activity
intelligence operation
the operation of gathering information about an enemy
clandestine operation an intelligence operation so planned and executed as to insure concealment
exfiltration operation a clandestine rescue operation to bring a defector or refugee or an operative and family out of danger
psychological operation
military actions designed to influence the perceptions and attitudes of individuals, groups, and foreign governments
covert operation an intelligence operation so planned as to permit plausible denial by the sponsor
black operation a covert operation not attributable to the organization carrying it out
overt operation the collection of intelligence openly without concealment
operation a business especially one run on a large scale, a large-scale farming operation, a multinational operation, they paid taxes on every stage of the operation, they had to consolidate their operations
field of operation
line of business
a particular kind of commercial enterprise, they are outstanding in their field
trading operations
financial transactions at a brokerage, having to do with the execution of trades and keeping customer records
Meuse River
Argonne Forest
Meuse-Argonne operation
an American operation in World War I (), American troops under Pershing drove back the German armies which were saved only by the armistice on November
Operation Desert Storm the United States and its allies defeated Iraq in a ground war that lasted hours ()
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