
Signalstellwerk Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Signalstellwerk n; Weichenstellwerk n; Stellwerk n (Bahn)
Signalstellwerke pl; Weichenstellwerke pl; Stellwerke pl
Ablaufstellwerk n
Ablaufstellwerk n mit Ablaufspeicherung
Befehlsstellwerk n
Drucktastenstellwerk n; Dr-Stellwerk n
Einzelbedienungshebelstellwerk n; Einzelhebelstellwerk n; Stellwerk mit Einzelbedienung (von Weichen und Signalen)
Einzeltastenrangierstellwerk n; Stellwerk mit Einzelbedienungstasten
elektrisches Stellwerk
elektrisches Stellwerk mit Einzelbedienungshebeln; elektrisches Stellwerk mit Einzelbedienung (der Weichen und Signale)
elektrohydraulisches Stellwerk
elektromechanisches Stellwerk
elektronisches Stellwerk ESTW
elektropneumatisches Stellwerk; Elektrodruckluftstellwerk n
Fahrstraßenstellwerk n mit Teilabschnittsbedienung
Kraftstellwerk n
mechanisches Stellwerk
rechnergesteuertes Relaisstellwerk n; rechnergestütztes Relaisstellwerk n; Hybridstellwerk n
Rechnerstellwerk n
Reiterstellwerk n
Relaisstellwerk n; Stellwerk mit elektrischen Verschlüssen
Relaisstellwerk n mit abschnittsweiser Fahrstraßenauflösung
Relaisstellwerk n mit Einzelbedienungshebeln
Spurplan-Drucktasten-Stellwerk n; Sp-Dr-Stellwerk
Stahlkugelrangierstellwerk n; Rangierstellwerk n mit Weichenumstellung über Stahlkugeln
Stellwerk mit Fahrstraßenhebeln
Stellwerk mit frei beweglichen Bedienungshebeln; Stellwerk mit freien Ein- und Ausfahrhebeln
Stellwerk mit Gleisbedienungshebeln
Stellwerk mit statischen Bauteilen
Zentralstellwerk n; Streckenstellwerk n; Fernstellwerk n Schw.
signal box Br.; signal cabin Br.; interlocking cabin Br.; signal tower Am.; switch tower Am.; interlocking tower Am. (railway)
signal boxes; signal cabins; interlocking cabins; signal towers; switch towers; interlocking towers
yard signal box Br.; hump control cabin Br.; hump control tower Am.
programmable route-setting box
master signal box Br.; master signal tower Am.
signal box Br. signal tower Am. with push-button route-setting
signal box with individual levers Br.; signal tower with individual switch control Am.
push-button signal box Br.; signal cabin with individual push-button control Br.; push-button signal tower Am.; switch tower with individual push-button control Am.
all-electric interlocking cabin Br.; all-electric interlocking signal tower Am.
signal box with individual electric levers Br.; signal tower with individual electric switches Am.
hydroelectric signal box Br.; hydroelectric signal tower Am.
electromechanical signal box Br.; electromechanical signal tower Am.
electronic signal box Br.; electronic signal tower Am.
electropneumatic signal box Br.; electropneumatic signal tower Am.
signal box Br. signal tower Am. with route-setting
power-operated signal box Br.; power-operated signal tower Am.
mechanical interlocking cabin Br.; mechanical interlocking tower Am.
computer-controlled relay interlocking; computer-controlled all-relay interlocking
computerized signal box Br.; computerized signal tower Am.
bridge signal box Br.; gantry-style signal box Br.; bridge switch tower Am.
all-relay interlocking box Br.; all-relay interlocking tower Am.; all-relay interlocking
all-relay interlocking with sectional route release
all-relay interlocking box with individual control switches Br.; all-relay interlocking tower with individual control switches Am.
push-button and track-diagram signal box Br.; push-button and track-diagram signal tower Am.
marshalling yard cabin using steel-ball humping machine Br.; marshalling yard tower using steel-ball humping machine
route-lever signal box Br.; route-lever signal tower Am.
free switch signal box Br. signal tower Am.; entrance-exit free-lever signal cabin Br. switch tower Am.; N-X type free lever signal cabin Br. switch tower Am.
signal box Br. signal tower Am. with individual track switches
solid state interlocking signal box Br.; solid state interlocking signal tower Am.; solid state interlocking SSI
traffic control office; CTC office
Signalstellwerk n; Weichenstellwerk n; Stellwerk n (Bahn)
Signalstellwerke pl; Weichenstellwerke pl; Stellwerke pl
Ablaufstellwerk n
Ablaufstellwerk n mit Ablaufspeicherung
Befehlsstellwerk n
Drucktastenstellwerk n; Dr-Stellwerk n
Einzelbedienungshebelstellwerk n; Einzelhebelstellwerk n; Stellwerk mit Einzelbedienung (von Weichen und Signalen)
Einzeltastenrangierstellwerk n; Stellwerk mit Einzelbedienungstasten
elektrisches Stellwerk
elektrisches Stellwerk mit Einzelbedienungshebeln; elektrisches Stellwerk mit Einzelbedienung (der Weichen und Signale)
elektrohydraulisches Stellwerk
elektromechanisches Stellwerk
elektronisches Stellwerk ESTW
elektropneumatisches Stellwerk; Elektrodruckluftstellwerk n
Fahrstraßenstellwerk n mit Teilabschnittsbedienung
Kraftstellwerk n
mechanisches Stellwerk
rechnergesteuertes Relaisstellwerk n; rechnergestütztes Relaisstellwerk n; Hybridstellwerk n
Rechnerstellwerk n
Reiterstellwerk n
Relaisstellwerk n; Stellwerk mit elektrischen Verschlüssen
Relaisstellwerk n mit abschnittsweiser Fahrstraßenauflösung
Relaisstellwerk n mit Einzelbedienungshebeln
Spurplan-Drucktasten-Stellwerk n; Sp-Dr-Stellwerk
Stahlkugelrangierstellwerk n; Rangierstellwerk n mit Weichenumstellung über Stahlkugeln
Stellwerk mit Fahrstraßenhebeln
Stellwerk mit frei beweglichen Bedienungshebeln; Stellwerk mit freien Ein- und Ausfahrhebeln
Stellwerk mit Gleisbedienungshebeln
Stellwerk mit statischen Bauteilen
Zentralstellwerk n; Streckenstellwerk n; Fernstellwerk n Schw.
signal box Br.; signal cabin Br.; interlocking cabin Br.; signal tower Am.; switch tower Am.; interlocking tower Am. (railway)
signal boxes; signal cabins; interlocking cabins; signal towers; switch towers; interlocking towers
yard signal box Br.; hump control cabin Br.; hump control tower Am.
programmable route-setting box
master signal box Br.; master signal tower Am.
signal box Br. signal tower Am. with push-button route-setting
signal box with individual levers Br.; signal tower with individual switch control Am.
push-button signal box Br.; signal cabin with individual push-button control Br.; push-button signal tower Am.; switch tower with individual push-button control Am.
all-electric interlocking cabin Br.; all-electric interlocking signal tower Am.
signal box with individual electric levers Br.; signal tower with individual electric switches Am.
hydroelectric signal box Br.; hydroelectric signal tower Am.
electromechanical signal box Br.; electromechanical signal tower Am.
electronic signal box Br.; electronic signal tower Am.
electropneumatic signal box Br.; electropneumatic signal tower Am.
signal box Br. signal tower Am. with route-setting
power-operated signal box Br.; power-operated signal tower Am.
mechanical interlocking cabin Br.; mechanical interlocking tower Am.
computer-controlled relay interlocking; computer-controlled all-relay interlocking
computerized signal box Br.; computerized signal tower Am.
bridge signal box Br.; gantry-style signal box Br.; bridge switch tower Am.
all-relay interlocking box Br.; all-relay interlocking tower Am.; all-relay interlocking
all-relay interlocking with sectional route release
all-relay interlocking box with individual control switches Br.; all-relay interlocking tower with individual control switches Am.
push-button and track-diagram signal box Br.; push-button and track-diagram signal tower Am.
marshalling yard cabin using steel-ball humping machine Br.; marshalling yard tower using steel-ball humping machine
route-lever signal box Br.; route-lever signal tower Am.
free switch signal box Br. signal tower Am.; entrance-exit free-lever signal cabin Br. switch tower Am.; N-X type free lever signal cabin Br. switch tower Am.
signal box Br. signal tower Am. with individual track switches
solid state interlocking signal box Br.; solid state interlocking signal tower Am.; solid state interlocking SSI
traffic control office; CTC office
Signalstärke f
hohe Signalstärke
signal strength; signal power
high signal strength
Standort m der Signale; Signalstandort m; Signalpositionierung f (Bahn)
positioning of signals (railway)
Signalstellwerk n; Weichenstellwerk n; Stellwerk n (Bahn)
Signalstellwerke pl; Weichenstellwerke pl; Stellwerke pl
Ablaufstellwerk n
Ablaufstellwerk n mit Ablaufspeicherung
Befehlsstellwerk n
Drucktastenstellwerk n; Dr-Stellwerk n
Einzelbedienungshebelstellwerk n; Einzelhebelstellwerk n; Stellwerk mit Einzelbedienung (von Weichen und Signalen)
Einzeltastenrangierstellwerk n; Stellwerk mit Einzelbedienungstasten
elektrisches Stellwerk
elektrisches Stellwerk mit Einzelbedienungshebeln; elektrisches Stellwerk mit Einzelbedienung (der Weichen und Signale)
elektrohydraulisches Stellwerk
elektromechanisches Stellwerk
elektronisches Stellwerk ESTW
elektropneumatisches Stellwerk; Elektrodruckluftstellwerk n
Fahrstraßenstellwerk n mit Teilabschnittsbedienung
Kraftstellwerk n
mechanisches Stellwerk
rechnergesteuertes Relaisstellwerk n; rechnergestütztes Relaisstellwerk n; Hybridstellwerk n
Rechnerstellwerk n
Reiterstellwerk n
Relaisstellwerk n; Stellwerk mit elektrischen Verschlüssen
Relaisstellwerk n mit abschnittsweiser Fahrstraßenauflösung
Relaisstellwerk n mit Einzelbedienungshebeln
Spurplan-Drucktasten-Stellwerk n; Sp-Dr-Stellwerk
Stahlkugelrangierstellwerk n; Rangierstellwerk n mit Weichenumstellung über Stahlkugeln
Stellwerk mit Fahrstraßenhebeln
Stellwerk mit frei beweglichen Bedienungshebeln; Stellwerk mit freien Ein- und Ausfahrhebeln
Stellwerk mit Gleisbedienungshebeln
Stellwerk mit statischen Bauteilen
Zentralstellwerk n; Streckenstellwerk n; Fernstellwerk n Schw.
signal box Br.; signal cabin Br.; interlocking cabin Br.; signal tower Am.; switch tower Am.; interlocking tower Am. (railway)
signal boxes; signal cabins; interlocking cabins; signal towers; switch towers; interlocking towers
yard signal box Br.; hump control cabin Br.; hump control tower Am.
programmable route-setting box
master signal box Br.; master signal tower Am.
signal box Br. signal tower Am. with push-button route-setting
signal box with individual levers Br.; signal tower with individual switch control Am.
push-button signal box Br.; signal cabin with individual push-button control Br.; push-button signal tower Am.; switch tower with individual push-button control Am.
all-electric interlocking cabin Br.; all-electric interlocking signal tower Am.
signal box with individual electric levers Br.; signal tower with individual electric switches Am.
hydroelectric signal box Br.; hydroelectric signal tower Am.
electromechanical signal box Br.; electromechanical signal tower Am.
electronic signal box Br.; electronic signal tower Am.
electropneumatic signal box Br.; electropneumatic signal tower Am.
signal box Br. signal tower Am. with route-setting
power-operated signal box Br.; power-operated signal tower Am.
mechanical interlocking cabin Br.; mechanical interlocking tower Am.
computer-controlled relay interlocking; computer-controlled all-relay interlocking
computerized signal box Br.; computerized signal tower Am.
bridge signal box Br.; gantry-style signal box Br.; bridge switch tower Am.
all-relay interlocking box Br.; all-relay interlocking tower Am.; all-relay interlocking
all-relay interlocking with sectional route release
all-relay interlocking box with individual control switches Br.; all-relay interlocking tower with individual control switches Am.
push-button and track-diagram signal box Br.; push-button and track-diagram signal tower Am.
marshalling yard cabin using steel-ball humping machine Br.; marshalling yard tower using steel-ball humping machine
route-lever signal box Br.; route-lever signal tower Am.
free switch signal box Br. signal tower Am.; entrance-exit free-lever signal cabin Br. switch tower Am.; N-X type free lever signal cabin Br. switch tower Am.
signal box Br. signal tower Am. with individual track switches
solid state interlocking signal box Br.; solid state interlocking signal tower Am.; solid state interlocking SSI
traffic control office; CTC office
Signalstift m für eingelegte Patronen (Schusswaffe) mil.
round indicator (gun)
Störung f (Beeinträchtigung der Funktionsweise)
Störungen pl
Störung des Zellstoffwechsels
Gleichgewichtsstörung f
ionosphärische Störung; Ionosphärenstörung f
Richtkraftstörung f
Synchronisationsstörung f
Die meisten Störungen können durch Verstellen der Antenne leicht ausgeregelt werden.
Änderungen können ohne Störung des Gesamtsystems vorgenommen werden.
Der Empfänger arbeitet mit Radiofrequenzen und verursacht daher bei anderen elektronischen Geräten nur minimale Signalstörungen.
disturbance (disruption of normal functioning)
disturbance of cellular metabolism
disturbance of equilibrium
ionospheric disturbance
disturbance of the directional force
disturbance of synchronism
Most disturbances can easily be corrected by adjusting the antenna.
Changes can be made without disturbance to the overall system.
The receiver works on radio frequencies and hence causes minimum disturbance to the signals of other electronic devices.
Verhältnis n Nutzsignal-Störsignal n; Nutzstörabstand m; Signalstörverhältnis n; Störverhältnis n; Störabstand m; Geräuschspannungsabstand m; Geräuschabstand m; Signal-Rausch-Verhältnis n; Signalrauschabstand m; Rauschabstand m; Rauschabstandsmaß n electr.
signal-to-noise ratio; signal noise ratio; S N ratio SNR
Botenstoff m; Signalstoff m; Mediator m; Semiochemikalie f biochem.
Botenstoffe pl; Signalstoffe pl; Mediatoren pl; Semiochemikalien pl
Signalstrom m telco.
marking current

Deutsche Signalstellwerk Synonyme

Englische signal box ; signal cabin ; interlocking cabin ; signal tower ; switch tower ; interlocking tower Synonyme

signal  ALGOL  COBOL  CRT spot  DM display  Doppler signal  EDP  FORTRAN  IF signal  IM display  RF echoes  Roman candle  Teletype  Wirephoto  aid to navigation  alarm  alert  alphabetic data  alphanumeric code  amber light  angular data  announce  arresting  assembler  astonishing  badge  balefire  banner  beacon  beacon fire  beam  beat signal  beat the drum  beckon  bell  bell buoy  binary digit  binary scale  binary system  bit  blink  blinker  blips  blue peter  bounces  broad hint  broadcast  bug  buoy  byte  caution light  celebrated  channel  character  characteristic  clue  command pulses  commands  communicate  communication  communication explosion  communication theory  communicational  communications  compiler  computer code  computer language  computer program  consequential  conspicuous  control signals  controlled quantity  convey  correcting signals  cue  data  data retrieval  data storage  decoding  device  differentia  dip  dip the ensign  display  disseminate  distinctive  distinguished  double-dot display  dress ship  earmark  echo  echo signal  egregious  electronic data processing  eminent  encoding  entropy  error  error signals  esteemed  estimable  exceptional  exchange colors  extraordinary  fabulous  facsimile  famous  fantastic  feedback pulses  feedback signals  film data  flag  flag down  flare  flash  fog bell  fog signal  fog whistle  foghorn  formidable  gentle hint  gesticulate  gesture  get across  get over  give  give a signal  give the nod  give word  glance  glimmer  glimmering  go light  goad  gong buoy  green light  hail  hail and speak  half-mast  hallmark  hand on  heliograph  hexadecimal system  high sign  hint  hoist a banner  idiosyncrasy  illustrious  image  impart  impetus  implication  important  incitement  incredible  index  indicant  indicate  indication  indicator  individual  information  information explosion  information theory  inkling  innuendo  input data  input quantity  insignia  insinuation  instructions  
signal light  Very flare  balefire  beacon fire  beacons  flare  flare-up  fusee  lighthouse  lightship  magnesium flare  occulting light  pharos  rocket  signal beacon  signal flare  signal lamp  signal rocket  skyrocket  watch fire  
signalize  adorn  approve  argue  attest  beat the drum  bespeak  bestow honor upon  betoken  blow the trumpet  breathe  celebrate  commemorate  confer distinction on  connote  demonstrate  denote  dignify  dip  display  distinguish  dress ship  evidence  evince  exchange colors  exhibit  express  fire a salute  flag  flag down  flash  furnish evidence  gesture  give a signal  give indication of  give the nod  glance  go to show  grace  hail  hail and speak  half-mast  hallow  hoist a banner  hold jubilee  honor  illustrate  imply  indicate  individualize  individuate  involve  jubilate  jubilize  keep  kick  leer  maffick  make a sign  make merry  manifest  mark  memorialize  motion  nod  nudge  observe  point to  poke  qualify  raise a cry  salute  set forth  show  show signs of  sign  signal  signify  solemnize  solemnly mark  sound a fanfare  sound an alarm  sound the trumpet  speak  speak for itself  speak volumes  suggest  symptomatize  tell  tend to show  touch  unfurl a flag  wave  wave a flag  wave the hand  wink  
signalizing  connotative  demonstrative  denominative  denotative  designative  diagnostic  emblematic  evidential  exhibitive  expressive  figural  figurative  identifying  ideographic  idiosyncratic  implicative  indicating  indicative  indicatory  individual  meaningful  metaphorical  naming  pathognomonic  peculiar  representative  semantic  semiotic  significant  significative  signifying  suggestive  symbolic  symbolistic  symbological  symptomatic  symptomatologic  typical  

Signalstellwerk Definition

Bachelor's button
() A plant with flowers shaped like buttons
Baggage master
() One who has charge of the baggage at a railway station or upon a line of public travel.
(n.) Any round or roundish body or mass
(n.) A spherical body of any substance or size used to play with, as by throwing, knocking, kicking, etc.
(n.) A general name for games in which a ball is thrown, kicked, or knocked. See Baseball, and Football.
(n.) Any solid spherical, cylindrical, or conical projectile of lead or iron, to be discharged from a firearm
(n.) A flaming, roundish body shot into the air
(n.) A leather-covered cushion, fastened to a handle called a ballstock
(n.) A roundish protuberant portion of some part of the body
(n.) A large pill, a form in which medicine is commonly given to horses
(n.) The globe or earth.
(v. i.) To gather balls which cling to the feet, as of damp snow or clay
(v. t.) To heat in a furnace and form into balls for rolling.
(v. t.) To form or wind into a ball
(n.) A social assembly for the purpose of dancing.
(n.) An ornament resembling a ball placed in a circular flower, the petals of which form a cup round it, -- usually inserted in a hollow molding.
Bessemer steel
() Steel made directly from cast iron, by burning out a portion of the carbon and other impurities that the latter contains, through the agency of a blast of air which is forced through the molten metal
Booking office
() An office where passengers, baggage, etc., are registered for conveyance, as by railway or steamship.
Booking office
() An office where passage tickets are sold.
(pl. ) of Box
(n.) A structure, usually of wood, stone, brick, or iron, erected over a river or other water course, or over a chasm, railroad, etc., to make a passageway from one bank to the other.
(n.) Anything supported at the ends, which serves to keep some other thing from resting upon the object spanned, as in engraving, watchmaking, etc., or which forms a platform or staging over which something passes or is conveyed.
(n.) The small arch or bar at right angles to the strings of a violin, guitar, etc., serving of raise them and transmit their vibrations to the body of the instrument.
(n.) A device to measure the resistance of a wire or other conductor forming part of an electric circuit.
(n.) A low wall or vertical partition in the fire chamber of a furnace, for deflecting flame, etc.
(v. t.) To build a bridge or bridges on or over
(v. t.) To open or make a passage, as by a bridge.
(v. t.) To find a way of getting over, as a difficulty
(n.) A bridge keeper
(n.) The principal ward of a key.
Burring machine
() A machine for cleansing wool of burs, seeds, and other substances.
(n.) A knob
(n.) A catch, of various forms and materials, used to fasten together the different parts of dress, by being attached to one part, and passing through a slit, called a buttonhole, in the other
(n.) A bud
(n.) A piece of wood or metal, usually flat and elongated, turning on a nail or screw, to fasten something, as a door.
(n.) A globule of metal remaining on an assay cupel or in a crucible, after fusion.
(n.) To fasten with a button or buttons
(n.) To dress or clothe.
(v. i.) To be fastened by a button or buttons
(n.) A cottage or small house
(n.) A small room
(n.) A room in ship for officers or passengers.
(v. i.) To live in, or as in, a cabin
(v. t.) To confine in, or as in, a cabin.
Cast steel
() See Cast steel, under Steel.
(n.) One who computes.
Conning tower
(n.) The shot-proof pilot house of a war vessel.
(n.) A duplicate book, register, or account, kept to correct or check another account or register
(n.) That which serves to check, restrain, or hinder
(n.) Power or authority to check or restrain

signal box [Br.]; signal cabin [Br.]; interlocking cabin [Br.]; signal tower [Am.]; switch tower [Am.]; interlocking tower [Am.] (railway) / signal boxes; signal cabins; interlocking cabins; signal towers; switch towers; interlocking towers / yard signal box [Br.]; hump control cabin [Br.]; hump control tower [Am.] / programmable route-setting box / master signal box [Br.]; master signal tower [Am.] / signal box [Br.] signal tower [Am.] with push-button route-setting / signal box with individual levers [Br.]; signal tower with individual switch control [Am.] / push-button signal box [Br.]; signal cabin with individual push-button control [Br.]; push-button signal tower [Am.]; switch tower with individual push-button control [Am.] / all-electric interlocking cabin [Br.]; all-electric interlocking signal tower [Am.] / signal box with individual electric levers [Br.]; signal tower with individual electric switches [Am.] / hydroelectric signal box [Br.]; hydroelectric signal tower [Am.] / electromechanical signal box [Br.]; electromechanical signal tower [Am.] / electronic signal box [Br.]; electronic signal tower [Am.] / electropneumatic signal box [Br.]; electropneumatic signal tower [Am.] / signal box [Br.] signal tower [Am.] with route-setting / power-operated signal box [Br.]; power-operated signal tower [Am.] / mechanical interlocking cabin [Br.]; mechanical interlocking tower [Am.] / computer-controlled relay interlocking; computer-controlled all-relay interlocking / computerized signal box [Br.]; computerized signal tower [Am.] / bridge signal box [Br.]; gantry-style signal box [Br.]; bridge switch tower [Am.] / all-relay interlocking box [Br.]; all-relay interlocking tower [Am.]; all-relay interlocking / all-relay interlocking with sectional route release / all-relay interlocking box with individual control switches [Br.]; all-relay interlocking tower with individual control switches [Am.] / push-button and track-diagram signal box [Br.]; push-button and track-diagram signal tower [Am.] / marshalling yard cabin using steel-ball humping machine [Br.]; marshalling yard tower using steel-ball humping machine / route-lever signal box [Br.]; route-lever signal tower [Am.] / free switch signal box [Br.] signal tower [Am.]; entrance-exit free-lever signal cabin [Br.] switch tower [Am.]; N-X type free lever signal cabin [Br.] switch tower [Am.] / signal box [Br.] signal tower [Am.] with individual track switches / solid state interlocking signal box [Br.]; solid state interlocking signal tower [Am.]; solid state interlocking SSI / traffic control office; CTC office Bedeutung

a human being, there was too much for one person to do
state the way something is with respect to its main attributes, the current state of knowledge, his state of health, in a weak financial state
dealings traffic social or verbal interchange (usually followed by `with')
record track record the sum of recognized accomplishments, the lawyer has a good record, the track record shows that he will be a good president
the act of entering, she made a grand entrance
exit the act of going out
Underground Railroad
Underground Railway
secret aid to escaping slaves that was provided by abolitionists in the years before the American Civil War
track record the fastest time ever recorded for a specific distance at a particular racetrack, the track record for the mile and a half at Belmont is minutes seconds held by Secretariat since
gaining control
the act of forcibly dispossessing an owner of property
bait and switch a deceptive way of selling that involves advertising a product at a very low price in order to attract customers who are then persuaded to switch to a more expensive product
liberation release freeing the act of liberating someone or something
ball a pitch that is not in the strike zone, he threw nine straight balls before the manager yanked him
change-of-pace ball
off-speed pitch
a baseball thrown with little velocity when the batter is expecting a fastball
curve curve ball
breaking ball
a pitch of a baseball that is thrown with spin so that its path curves as it approaches the batter
passed ball a pitch that the catcher should have caught but did not, allows a base runner to advance a base
submarine ball
submarine pitch
a pitch thrown sidearm instead of overhead
foul shot
free throw
penalty free throw
charity toss
charity throw
charity shot
an unhindered basketball shot from the foul line, given to penalize the other team for committing a foul
the act of applying force in order to move something away, he gave the door a hard push, the pushing is good exercise
fire control preparation for the delivery of shellfire on a target
fair ball (baseball) a ball struck with the bat so that it stays between the lines (the foul lines) that define the width of the playing field
foul ball (baseball) a ball struck with the bat so that it does not stay between the lines (the foul lines) that define the width of the playing field
fly ball
(baseball) a hit that flies up in the air
ground ball
(baseball) a hit that travels along the ground
free kick (soccer) a place kick that is allowed for a foul or infringement by the other team
the act of interlocking or meshing, an interlocking of arms by the police held the crowd in check
fast track a rapid means of achieving a goal, they saw independence as the fast track to democracy, he took a fast track to the top of the corporate ladder, the company went off the fast track when the stock market dropped
the act of changing one thing or position for another, his switch on abortion cost him the election
change of state the act of changing something into something different in essential characteristics
release tone ending (music) the act or manner of terminating a musical phrase or tone
release waiver
a formal written statement of relinquishment
discharge firing liberation release sack
the termination of someone's employment (leaving them free to depart)
accession rise to power the act of attaining or gaining access to a new office or right or position (especially the throne), Elizabeth's accession in
jump ball (basketball) the way play begins or resumes when possession is disputed, an official tosses the ball up between two players who jump in an effort to tap it to a teammate
push an effort to advance, the army made a push toward the sea
relay the act of passing something along from one person or group to another, the relay was successful
power dive a dive of an airplane that is accelerated both by gravity and by the power of the engine
the act of allowing a fluid to escape
lever hang a hang performed on the rings with the body stationary in a horizontal position
track and field participating in athletic sports performed on a running track or on the field associated with it
the act of participating in an athletic competition involving running on a track
computer game
video game
a game played against a computer
ball game
a field game played with a ball (especially baseball)
ball the game of baseball
wrong 'un
bosie ball
a cricket ball bowled as if to break one way that actually breaks in the opposite way
no ball unlawfully delivered ball in cricket, the umpire called it a no ball
post office a children's game in which kisses are exchanged for pretended letters
bridge any of various card games based on whist for four players
bridge whist the earliest form of bridge, the dealer could name the trump suit
auction auction bridge a variety of bridge in which tricks made in excess of the contract are scored toward game, now generally superseded by contract bridge
contract contract bridge a variety of bridge in which the bidder receives points toward game only for the number of tricks he bid
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