
Spannungsberechnung Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Spannungsberechnung f; Spannungsanalyse f; Spannungsanalytik f; Kräftebestimmung f (Mechanik) techn.
stress analysis (mechanics)
Spannungsberechnung f; Spannungsanalyse f; Spannungsanalytik f; Kräftebestimmung f (Mechanik) techn.
stress analysis (mechanics)
Spannung abbauen
relieve tension
Ungewissheit, Spannung
Anfahren n
Anfahren am Berg
das Anfahren am Berg üben
Anfahren mit reduzierter Spannung electr.
to practise a hill start
partial voltage starting
Beanspruchung f, Spannung f, Zug m
Belastungszyklus m (Spannung) techn.
Belastungszyklen pl
stress cycle
stress cycles
Dehnung f, Verdehnung f, (verformende) Spannung f
(elektrische) Spannung f electr.
angelegte Spannung
impressed voltage
Spannung f, Spannungsbogen m (Buch, Film)
Spannung f, Tension f
Spannungen pl
Spannung f, Befestigungsorgan n
Spannung f, Belastung f, Spannungszustand
hydrostatischer Spannungszustand
hydrostatic (state of) stress
Strom m
Ströme pl
elektrischer Strom
hohe Ströme
hoher Strom bei geringer Spannung
electric current
high currents
high current at low voltage
Tonus m, Spannung f med.
Toni pl
ableiten v (Spannung)
to bleed off
bleeding off
bleeded off
anzapfen (Telefonleitung), Spannung abgreifen, anschließen, anklemmen
anzapfend, abgreifend, anschließend, anklemmend
angezapft, abgegriffen, angeschlossen, angeklemmt
nicht angezapft
to tap
spannungsgeladen adj, voller Spannung
fraught with tension
ableiten (Spannung)
bleed off
Spannung, Befestigungsorgan
phase-to-neutral voltage
Spannung (el.)
Abgreifen n; Abgriff m (Signal; Spannung) electr.
sensing; picking-off (signal; voltage)
Anfahren n
Anfahren am Berg auto
das Anfahren am Berg üben
Anfahren mit reduzierter Spannung electr.
hill-starting; starting on hill
to practise a hill start
partial voltage starting
Außenleiterspannung f; Leiter-Leiter-Spannung f electr.
line-to-line voltage
Beanspruchung f; Spannung f; Zug m
Dehnung f; Verdehnung f; (verformende) Spannung f
Dramatik f (Spannung) übtr.
die Dramatik des Augenblicks
eine hochdramatische Nacht
einer Sache Dramatik verleihen
Unfälle geborstene Leitungen und anderen Haushaltskatastrophen
Er macht aus allem immer ein Drama.
jemand der um alles viel Theater macht
Mach doch nicht so ein Theater darum!
drama fig.
the drama of the moment
a night of high drama
to lend drama to sth.
accidents burst pipes and other domestic dramas
He always makes such a drama out of everything.
drama queen
Stop being such a drama queen!
Druckbewehrung f constr.
Spannung f in der Druckbewehrung
compressive reinforcement
stress of the compression reinforcement
Flussspannung f; Vorwärtsspannung f; Durchlassspannung f; Spannung f in Durchlassrichtung electr.
forward voltage; forward bias
Leiter-Leiter-Spannung f electr.
line voltage line-line-voltage
(elektrische) Spannung f electr.
angelegte Spannung
anstehende Spannung
impressed voltage
applied voltage
Spannung f; Spannungsbogen m (Buch; Film)
Spannung f; Tension f
Spannungen pl
Spannung f; Belastung f; Spannungszustand
hydrostatischer Spannungszustand
hydrostatic (state of) stress
Spannungsabfall m; Abfall der Spannung; Spannungsverlust m electr.
kurzer Spannungsabfall
induktiver Spannungsabfall
Spannungsabfall infolge Ãœbergangswiderstand
Spannungsabfall in einem Verbraucher
Spannungsabfall bei Selbstentladung Entladung (Akku)
fall of potiential; potential drop; drop of voltage; voltage drop
inductive drop; reactance drop
contact drop
voltage across a consumer
time fall (accumulator)
Steuerspannung f; Wehnelt-Spannung f
bias voltage; wehnelt voltage; control voltage
Strom m
Ströme pl
elektrischer Strom
hohe Ströme
hoher Strom bei geringer Spannung
auslaufender Strom
einlaufender Strom
nacheilender Strom
unbeeinflusster Strom m electr.
electric current
high currents
high current at low voltage
outgoing current
incoming current
lagging current
prospective current
Tonus m; Spannung f med.
Toni pl
ableiten v (Spannung)
to bleed off
bleeding off
bled off
etw. anlegen; zuführen; einspeisen v (Spannung; Signal; Feld) electr.
to apply; to input; to inject (tension signal field)
anzapfen (Telefonleitung); Spannung abgreifen; anschließen; anklemmen v
anzapfend; abgreifend; anschließend; anklemmend
angezapft; abgegriffen; angeschlossen; angeklemmt
nicht angezapft
jds. Telefonleitung anzapfen
to tap
to tap sb.'s telephone (line)
eingefrorene Spannung f techn.
frozen in strain
(Spannung) hochtransformieren; hinauftransformieren; erhöhen v electr.
to step up (voltage)
spannungsführend; unter Spannung stehend adj electr.
live; alive
spannungsgeladen adj; voller Spannung
fraught with tension
sprunghaft ansteigen v
sprunghaft ansteigend
sprunghaft angestiegen
Die Spannung stieg sprunghaft an.
to surge
The voltage surged.
warten v (auf; bis)
er sie wartet
ich er sie wartete
er sie hat hatte gewartet
gespannt warten
auf etw. mit angehaltenem Atem mit Spannung warten
jdn. warten lassen
Ich kann nicht länger warten.
Auf Peter wartet ein Freund.
Warte bis ich komme!
Da kannst du lange warten! übtr.
to wait (for; until)
he she waits
I he she waited
he she has had waited
to wait in suspense
to wait for sth. with baited breath
to keep sb. waiting
Wait up! coll.
I can't wait any longer.
Peter has a friend waiting to see him.
Wait until I come.
You can whistle for it! Br. coll.
Dramatik f (Spannung) übtr.
die Dramatik des Augenblicks
eine hochdramatische Nacht
einer Sache Dramatik verleihen
Unfälle, geborstene Leitungen und anderen Haushaltskatastrophen
Er macht aus allem immer ein Drama.
jemand, der um alles viel Theater macht
Mach doch nicht so ein Theater darum!
drama fig.
the drama of the moment
a night of high drama
to lend drama to sth.
accidents, burst pipes, and other domestic dramas
He always makes such a drama out of everything.
drama queen
Stop being such a drama queen!
Leiter-Leiter-Spannung f electr.
line voltage, line-line-voltage
Lockerwerden n; Nachlassen n der Spannung techn.
relaxation (of tension); tension release; release of tension; removal drop of pressure stress
elektrische Spannung f; Stromspannung f ugs.; Spannung f electr.
angelegte Spannung
anstehende Spannung
Berührungsspannung f
linear ansteigende Spannung; Sägezahnspannung f; Kippspannung f
mittlere Spannung
Stehstoßspannung f
Zwischen den Kontaktstiften 1 und 2 muss eine 12V-Spannung anliegen.
electric tension; electric pressure; voltage
impressed voltage
applied voltage
contact voltage; touch voltage
ramp voltage; sawtooth voltage
medium voltage
withstand impulse voltage; withstand surge voltage
Between pin 1 and pin 2 a 12 V voltage has to be applied.
Spannung f; Gespanntheit f psych.; Spannungsbogen m (Buch; Film)
jdn. im Ungewissen in Unwissenheit lassen; jdn. auf die Folter spannen
Macht es nicht so spannend, Leute!
to keep sb. in suspense
Don't keep us in suspense guys!
Spannung f; Tension f phys.
Spannungen pl
Spannungsabfall m; Abfall der Spannung; Spannungsverlust m electr.
Spannungsabfälle pl; Spannungsverluste pl
kurzer Spannungsabfall
induktiver Spannungsabfall
Spannungsabfall infolge Ãœbergangswiderstand
Spannungsabfall in einem Verbraucher
Spannungsabfall bei Selbstentladung Entladung (Akku)
fall of potential; potential drop; drop of voltage; voltage drop
falls of potential; potential drops; drops of voltage; voltage drops
inductive drop; reactance drop
contact drop
voltage across a consumer
time fall (accumulator)
Straffheit f; Spannung f textil.
elektrischer Strom m; Strom m electr.
Ströme pl
nachlaufender Strom
Einraststrom m (Thyristor)
Wellenstrom m; Mischstrom m
hohe Ströme
hoher Strom bei geringer Spannung
auslaufender Strom
einlaufender Strom
nacheilender Strom
unbeeinflusster Strom m electr.
electric current; current
follow-on current
latching current (thyristor)
ripple current
high currents
high current at low voltage
outgoing current
incoming current
lagging current
prospective current
etw. anlegen; zuführen; einspeisen v (Spannung; Signal; Feld) electr.
to apply; to input; to inject (tension, signal, field)
erst, wenn; erst (nur dann)
Sie kommt erst, wenn du sie einlädst.
Der Mensch nimmt statische Entladungen erst ab einer Spannung von 3.000 Volt wahr.
Erst wenn du weißt, was du tust, kannst du tun, was du willst. (Feldenkrais)
only when, not … unless
She won't come unless you invite her.
People are aware of electrostatic discharges only when the voltage exceeds 3,000V.
When you know what you do, you can do what you want. (Feldenkrais)
gespanntes Verhältnis n; Spannung f (zwischen jdm.) pol. soc.
internationale Spannungen
strained relationship; tension (between sb.)
international tensions
jeweilig; entsprechend adj (+Mehrzahl) (im Einzelfall zutreffend)
den (jeweiligen) Umständen entsprechend
Die Größe der Schrauben und Muttern ist in den jeweiligen entsprechenden Normen festgelegt.
Bei entsprechenden Prüfungen wird die Spannung, Dauerfestigkeit und andere Belastbarkeitskriterien ermittelt.
respective (+ plural)
as the circumstances may require
The size of nuts and bolts is specified in the respective standards.
Respective tests determine stresses, fatigue limits and other criteria of strength.
vor lauter (+ Substantiv) adv
vor lauter Aufregung
Vor lauter Jahreszahlen schwirrt mir der Kopf.
Vor lauter Angst konnte er nicht klar denken.
Ich halte es vor lauter Spannung nicht mehr aus!
in all the (+ noun); with all the (+ noun); to be so (+ adjective) that …
in all the excitement; with all the excitement
My head gets dizzy with all the dates.
He was so afraid that he could not think clearly.
I can't stand the suspense!
warten v (auf; bis)
er sie wartet
ich er sie wartete
er sie hat hatte gewartet
gespannt warten
auf etw. mit angehaltenem Atem mit Spannung warten
jdn. warten lassen
Ich kann nicht länger warten.
Auf Peter wartet ein Freund.
Warte, bis ich komme!
Bitte warten Sie einen Augenblick!
Ich wartete, doch niemand kam.
Da Darauf kannst du lange warten!; Das kannst du dir abschminken! ugs. übtr.
Lisa wartete auf Paul länger als eine Stunde.
Ron wartet schon seit drei Stunden.
Max wartet auf Annas Anruf.
to wait (for; until)
he she waits
I he she waited
he she has had waited
to wait in suspense
to wait for sth. with baited breath
to keep sb. waiting
Wait up! coll.
I can't wait any longer.
Peter has a friend waiting to see him.
Wait until I come.
Please wait a little!
I waited, but nobody came.
You can whistle for it! Br. coll.
Lisa waited for Paul more than an hour.
Ron has waited for three hours already.
Max is waiting for Anna to call.
weichen; schwinden v (aus etw.)
weichend; schwindend
gewichen; geschwunden
Die Farbe wich aus ihren Wangen.
Langsam wich die Spannung.
to drain away; to disappear (from sth.)
draining away; disappearing
drained away; disappeared
The color drained from her cheeks.; The color disappeared from her cheeks.
Gradually the tension drained away.
Heizwertspannung f; thermoneutrale Spannung f chem.
thermoneutral voltage
Spannungabfall-Temperaturkoeffizient m (Röhre) electr.
temperature coefficient of voltage drop (tube)

Deutsche Spannungsberechnung Synonyme

Englische stress analysis Synonyme

stress  Alexandrine  accent  accentuate  accentuation  ache  aching  adverse circumstances  adversity  affliction  aggravation  ambivalence  ambivalence of impulse  amphibrach  amphimacer  anacrusis  anapest  anguish  annoyance  antispast  anxiety  arsis  assault  bacchius  bear  bear upon  bearing  beat  belabor  blight  blow  boost  buck  bull  bulldoze  bummer  bump  bump against  bunt  burden  butt  butt against  cadence  caesura  care  catalexis  chloriamb  chloriambus  clutch  colon  compulsion  concern  concernment  conflict  consequence  consequentiality  consideration  constraint  counterpoint  cram  cramp  cretic  crisis  cross  crowd  crunch  curse  cut  dactyl  dactylic hexameter  decompensation  diaeresis  difficulties  difficulty  dig  dimeter  dipody  distress  disturb  dochmiac  dolor  downer  drive  dwell on  elbow  elegiac  elegiac couplet  elegiac pentameter  emergency  emotional shock  emphasis  emphasize  epitrite  excellence  exigency  external frustration  feature  feminine caesura  focus on  foot  force  forcefulness  frustration  give emphasis to  goad  grief  harass  hard knocks  hard life  hard lot  hardcase  hardship  harp on  haul  head  heave  heptameter  heptapody  heroic couplet  hexameter  hexapody  high order  high pressure  high rank  highlight  hurt  hurtle  hustle  iamb  iambic  iambic pentameter  ictus  imperativeness  import  importance  impulse  impulsion  injury  insistence  interest  ionic  irk  irritation  italicize  jab  jam  jingle  jog  joggle  jolt  jostle  lesion  level of stress  lilt  mark  masculine caesura  materiality  measure  mental shock  mental strain  merit  meter  metrical accent  metrical foot  metrical group  metrical unit  metrics  metron  molossus  moment  mora  movement  nasty blow  nervous strain  nervous tension  note  nudge  numbers  overaccentuate  overemphasize  overexert  overexertion  overextend  overextension  overstrain  overstress  overtax  overtaxing  paeon  pain  pang  paramountcy  passion    
stressed  accented  accentuated  alveolar  apical  apico-alveolar  apico-dental  articulated  assimilated  back  barytone  bilabial  broad  cacuminal  central  cerebral  checked  close  consonant  consonantal  continuant  decided  dental  dissimilated  dorsal  emphasized  emphatic  flat  forceful  forcible  front  glide  glossal  glottal  guttural  hard  heavy  high  in red letters  intonated  italicized  labial  labiodental  labiovelar  lateral  lax  light  lingual  liquid  low  mid  monophthongal  muted  narrow  nasal  nasalized  occlusive  open  oxytone  palatal  palatalized  pharyngeal  pharyngealized  phonemic  phonetic  phonic  pitch  pitched  pointed  positive  posttonic  punctuated  retroflex  rounded  semivowel  soft  sonant  starred  stopped  strong  surd  syllabic  tense  thick  throaty  tonal  tonic  twangy  unaccented  underlined  underscored  unrounded  unstressed  velar  vocalic  vocoid  voiced  voiceless  vowel  vowellike  weak  wide  
stressful  adverse  antagonistic  conflicting  contrary  counter  counteractive  detrimental  difficult  draining  exhausting  fatiguesome  fatiguing  grueling  hard  harmful  hostile  in opposition  inimical  killing  miserable  not easy  opposed  opposing  opposite  punishing  rigorous  sinister  straining  tiresome  tiring  toilsome  troublesome  troublous  trying  unfavorable  untoward  weariful  wearing  wearisome  wearying  wretched  

Spannungsberechnung Definition

(n.) A resolution of anything, whether an object of the senses or of the intellect, into its constituent or original elements
(n.) The separation of a compound substance, by chemical processes, into its constituents, with a view to ascertain either (a) what elements it contains, or (b) how much of each element is present. The former is called qualitative, and the latter quantitative analysis.
(n.) The tracing of things to their source, and the resolving of knowledge into its original principles.
(n.) The resolving of problems by reducing the conditions that are in them to equations.
(n.) A syllabus, or table of the principal heads of a discourse, disposed in their natural order.
(n.) A brief, methodical illustration of the principles of a science. In this sense it is nearly synonymous with synopsis.
(n.) The process of ascertaining the name of a species, or its place in a system of classification, by means of an analytical table or key.
(n.) That science, or branch of applied mathematics, which treats of the action of forces on bodies.
(n.) Distress.
(n.) Pressure, strain
(n.) The force, or combination of forces, which produces a strain
(n.) Force of utterance expended upon words or syllables. Stress is in English the chief element in accent and is one of the most important in emphasis. See Guide to pronunciation, // 31-35.
(n.) Distress
(v. t.) To press
(v. t.) To subject to stress, pressure, or strain.

stress analysis (mechanics) Bedeutung

the technical aspects of doing something, a mechanism of social control, mechanisms of communication, the mechanics of prose style
airplane mechanics the craft of building and repairing airplanes
auto mechanics the craft of building and repairing automobiles
analysis an investigation of the component parts of a whole and their relations in making up the whole
market analysis marketing research that yields information about the marketplace
chemical analysis
qualitative analysis
the act of decomposing a substance into its constituent elements
quantitative analysis
quantitative chemical analysis
chemical analysis to determine the amounts of each element in the substance
colorimetric analysis
quantitative chemical analysis by color using a colorimeter
volumetric analysis quantitative analysis by the use of definite volumes of standard solutions or reagents
volumetric analysis determination of the volume of gases (or changes in their volume) during combination
gravimetric analysis quantitative analysis by weight
cost analysis breaking down the costs of some operation and reporting on each factor separately
fundamental analysis
fundamentals analysis
(stock exchange) the use of fundamentals as an investment strategy
technical analysis
technical analysis of stock trends
(stock exchange) analysis of past price changes in the hope of forecasting future price changes
spectroscopic analysis
spectrum analysis
spectrographic analysis
the use of spectroscopes to analyze spectra
analysis depth psychology
a set of techniques for exploring underlying motives and a method of treating various mental disorders, based on the theories of Sigmund Freud, his physician recommended psychoanalysis
self-analysis the application of psychotherapeutic principles to the analysis of your own personality
critical appraisal
critical analysis
an appraisal based on careful analytical evaluation
stress test a test measuring how a system functions when subjected to controlled amounts of stress
analytic thinking
the abstract separation of a whole into its constituent parts in order to study the parts and their relations
cost-benefit analysis an analysis of the cost effectiveness of different alternatives in order to see whether the benefits outweigh the costs
systems analysis analysis of all aspects of a project along with ways to collect information about the operation of its parts
trend analysis analysis of changes over time
a penetrating examination of your own beliefs and motives
numerical analysis (mathematics) the branch of mathematics that studies algorithms for approximating solutions to problems in the infinitesimal calculus
analysis a branch of mathematics involving calculus and the theory of limits, sequences and series and integration and differentiation
Fourier analysis
harmonic analysis
analysis of a periodic function into a sum of simple sinusoidal components
analysis situs
the branch of pure mathematics that deals only with the properties of a figure X that hold for every figure into which X can be transformed with a one-to-one correspondence that is continuous in both directions
multivariate analysis a generic term for any statistical technique used to analyze data from more than one variable
regression analysis the use of regression to make quantitative predictions of one variable from the values of another
correlational analysis the use of statistical correlation to evaluate the strength of the relations between variables
factor analysis any of several methods for reducing correlational data to a smaller number of dimensions or factors, beginning with a correlation matrix a small number of components or factors are extracted that are regarded as the basic variables that account for the interrelations observed in the data
analysis of variance
a statistical method for making simultaneous comparisons between two or more means, a statistical method that yields values that can be tested to determine whether a significant relation exists between variables
celestial mechanics the branch of astronomy concerned with the application of Newton's laws of motion to the motions of heavenly bodies
mechanics the branch of physics concerned with the motion of bodies in a frame of reference
wave mechanics the modern form of quantum theory, an extension of quantum mechanics based on Schrodinger's equation, atomic events are explained as interactions between particle waves
classical mechanics
Newtonian mechanics
the branch of mechanics based on Newton's laws of motion
statistical mechanics the branch of physics that makes theoretical predictions about the behavior of macroscopic systems on the basis of statistical laws governing its component particles
quantum mechanics the branch of quantum physics that accounts for matter at the atomic level, an extension of statistical mechanics based on quantum theory (especially the Pauli exclusion principle)
fluid mechanics
study of the mechanics of fluids
cladistic analysis
a system of biological taxonomy based on the quantitative analysis of comparative data and used to reconstruct cladograms summarizing the (assumed) phylogenetic relations and evolutionary history of groups of organisms
methodology methodological analysis the branch of philosophy that analyzes the principles and procedures of inquiry in a particular discipline
analysis a form of literary criticism in which the structure of a piece of writing is analyzed
Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System
relational database of the United States National Library of Medicine for the storage and retrieval of bibliographical information concerning the biomedical literature
stress mark a mark indicating the stress on a syllable
analysis the use of closedlass words instead of inflections: e.g., `the father of the bride' instead of `the bride's father'
stress emphasis
the relative prominence of a syllable or musical note (especially with regard to stress or pitch), he put the stress on the wrong syllable
word stress
word accent
the distribution of stresses within a polysyllabic word
sentence stress the distribution of stresses within a sentence
stress (physics) force that produces strain on a physical body, the intensity of stress is expressed in units of force divided by units of area
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