
Spannungsbereich Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Spannungsbereich m electr.
voltage range
Spannungsbereich m electr.
voltage range
Spannung abbauen
relieve tension
Ungewissheit, Spannung
Anfahren n
Anfahren am Berg
das Anfahren am Berg üben
Anfahren mit reduzierter Spannung electr.
to practise a hill start
partial voltage starting
Beanspruchung f, Spannung f, Zug m
Belastungszyklus m (Spannung) techn.
Belastungszyklen pl
stress cycle
stress cycles
Dehnung f, Verdehnung f, (verformende) Spannung f
(elektrische) Spannung f electr.
angelegte Spannung
impressed voltage
Spannung f, Spannungsbogen m (Buch, Film)
Spannung f, Tension f
Spannungen pl
Spannung f, Befestigungsorgan n
Spannung f, Belastung f, Spannungszustand
hydrostatischer Spannungszustand
hydrostatic (state of) stress
Strom m
Ströme pl
elektrischer Strom
hohe Ströme
hoher Strom bei geringer Spannung
electric current
high currents
high current at low voltage
Tonus m, Spannung f med.
Toni pl
ableiten v (Spannung)
to bleed off
bleeding off
bleeded off
anzapfen (Telefonleitung), Spannung abgreifen, anschließen, anklemmen
anzapfend, abgreifend, anschließend, anklemmend
angezapft, abgegriffen, angeschlossen, angeklemmt
nicht angezapft
to tap
spannungsgeladen adj, voller Spannung
fraught with tension
ableiten (Spannung)
bleed off
Spannung, Befestigungsorgan
phase-to-neutral voltage
Spannung (el.)
Abgreifen n; Abgriff m (Signal; Spannung) electr.
sensing; picking-off (signal; voltage)
Anfahren n
Anfahren am Berg auto
das Anfahren am Berg üben
Anfahren mit reduzierter Spannung electr.
hill-starting; starting on hill
to practise a hill start
partial voltage starting
Außenleiterspannung f; Leiter-Leiter-Spannung f electr.
line-to-line voltage
Beanspruchung f; Spannung f; Zug m
Dehnung f; Verdehnung f; (verformende) Spannung f
Dramatik f (Spannung) übtr.
die Dramatik des Augenblicks
eine hochdramatische Nacht
einer Sache Dramatik verleihen
Unfälle geborstene Leitungen und anderen Haushaltskatastrophen
Er macht aus allem immer ein Drama.
jemand der um alles viel Theater macht
Mach doch nicht so ein Theater darum!
drama fig.
the drama of the moment
a night of high drama
to lend drama to sth.
accidents burst pipes and other domestic dramas
He always makes such a drama out of everything.
drama queen
Stop being such a drama queen!
Druckbewehrung f constr.
Spannung f in der Druckbewehrung
compressive reinforcement
stress of the compression reinforcement
Flussspannung f; Vorwärtsspannung f; Durchlassspannung f; Spannung f in Durchlassrichtung electr.
forward voltage; forward bias
Leiter-Leiter-Spannung f electr.
line voltage line-line-voltage
(elektrische) Spannung f electr.
angelegte Spannung
anstehende Spannung
impressed voltage
applied voltage
Spannung f; Spannungsbogen m (Buch; Film)
Spannung f; Tension f
Spannungen pl
Spannung f; Belastung f; Spannungszustand
hydrostatischer Spannungszustand
hydrostatic (state of) stress
Spannungsabfall m; Abfall der Spannung; Spannungsverlust m electr.
kurzer Spannungsabfall
induktiver Spannungsabfall
Spannungsabfall infolge Ãœbergangswiderstand
Spannungsabfall in einem Verbraucher
Spannungsabfall bei Selbstentladung Entladung (Akku)
fall of potiential; potential drop; drop of voltage; voltage drop
inductive drop; reactance drop
contact drop
voltage across a consumer
time fall (accumulator)
Steuerspannung f; Wehnelt-Spannung f
bias voltage; wehnelt voltage; control voltage
Strom m
Ströme pl
elektrischer Strom
hohe Ströme
hoher Strom bei geringer Spannung
auslaufender Strom
einlaufender Strom
nacheilender Strom
unbeeinflusster Strom m electr.
electric current
high currents
high current at low voltage
outgoing current
incoming current
lagging current
prospective current
Tonus m; Spannung f med.
Toni pl
ableiten v (Spannung)
to bleed off
bleeding off
bled off
etw. anlegen; zuführen; einspeisen v (Spannung; Signal; Feld) electr.
to apply; to input; to inject (tension signal field)
anzapfen (Telefonleitung); Spannung abgreifen; anschließen; anklemmen v
anzapfend; abgreifend; anschließend; anklemmend
angezapft; abgegriffen; angeschlossen; angeklemmt
nicht angezapft
jds. Telefonleitung anzapfen
to tap
to tap sb.'s telephone (line)
eingefrorene Spannung f techn.
frozen in strain
(Spannung) hochtransformieren; hinauftransformieren; erhöhen v electr.
to step up (voltage)
spannungsführend; unter Spannung stehend adj electr.
live; alive
spannungsgeladen adj; voller Spannung
fraught with tension
sprunghaft ansteigen v
sprunghaft ansteigend
sprunghaft angestiegen
Die Spannung stieg sprunghaft an.
to surge
The voltage surged.
warten v (auf; bis)
er sie wartet
ich er sie wartete
er sie hat hatte gewartet
gespannt warten
auf etw. mit angehaltenem Atem mit Spannung warten
jdn. warten lassen
Ich kann nicht länger warten.
Auf Peter wartet ein Freund.
Warte bis ich komme!
Da kannst du lange warten! übtr.
to wait (for; until)
he she waits
I he she waited
he she has had waited
to wait in suspense
to wait for sth. with baited breath
to keep sb. waiting
Wait up! coll.
I can't wait any longer.
Peter has a friend waiting to see him.
Wait until I come.
You can whistle for it! Br. coll.
Dramatik f (Spannung) übtr.
die Dramatik des Augenblicks
eine hochdramatische Nacht
einer Sache Dramatik verleihen
Unfälle, geborstene Leitungen und anderen Haushaltskatastrophen
Er macht aus allem immer ein Drama.
jemand, der um alles viel Theater macht
Mach doch nicht so ein Theater darum!
drama fig.
the drama of the moment
a night of high drama
to lend drama to sth.
accidents, burst pipes, and other domestic dramas
He always makes such a drama out of everything.
drama queen
Stop being such a drama queen!
Leiter-Leiter-Spannung f electr.
line voltage, line-line-voltage
Lockerwerden n; Nachlassen n der Spannung techn.
relaxation (of tension); tension release; release of tension; removal drop of pressure stress
elektrische Spannung f; Stromspannung f ugs.; Spannung f electr.
angelegte Spannung
anstehende Spannung
Berührungsspannung f
linear ansteigende Spannung; Sägezahnspannung f; Kippspannung f
mittlere Spannung
Stehstoßspannung f
Zwischen den Kontaktstiften 1 und 2 muss eine 12V-Spannung anliegen.
electric tension; electric pressure; voltage
impressed voltage
applied voltage
contact voltage; touch voltage
ramp voltage; sawtooth voltage
medium voltage
withstand impulse voltage; withstand surge voltage
Between pin 1 and pin 2 a 12 V voltage has to be applied.
Spannung f; Gespanntheit f psych.; Spannungsbogen m (Buch; Film)
jdn. im Ungewissen in Unwissenheit lassen; jdn. auf die Folter spannen
Macht es nicht so spannend, Leute!
to keep sb. in suspense
Don't keep us in suspense guys!
Spannung f; Tension f phys.
Spannungen pl
Spannungsabfall m; Abfall der Spannung; Spannungsverlust m electr.
Spannungsabfälle pl; Spannungsverluste pl
kurzer Spannungsabfall
induktiver Spannungsabfall
Spannungsabfall infolge Ãœbergangswiderstand
Spannungsabfall in einem Verbraucher
Spannungsabfall bei Selbstentladung Entladung (Akku)
fall of potential; potential drop; drop of voltage; voltage drop
falls of potential; potential drops; drops of voltage; voltage drops
inductive drop; reactance drop
contact drop
voltage across a consumer
time fall (accumulator)
Straffheit f; Spannung f textil.
elektrischer Strom m; Strom m electr.
Ströme pl
nachlaufender Strom
Einraststrom m (Thyristor)
Wellenstrom m; Mischstrom m
hohe Ströme
hoher Strom bei geringer Spannung
auslaufender Strom
einlaufender Strom
nacheilender Strom
unbeeinflusster Strom m electr.
electric current; current
follow-on current
latching current (thyristor)
ripple current
high currents
high current at low voltage
outgoing current
incoming current
lagging current
prospective current
etw. anlegen; zuführen; einspeisen v (Spannung; Signal; Feld) electr.
to apply; to input; to inject (tension, signal, field)
erst, wenn; erst (nur dann)
Sie kommt erst, wenn du sie einlädst.
Der Mensch nimmt statische Entladungen erst ab einer Spannung von 3.000 Volt wahr.
Erst wenn du weißt, was du tust, kannst du tun, was du willst. (Feldenkrais)
only when, not … unless
She won't come unless you invite her.
People are aware of electrostatic discharges only when the voltage exceeds 3,000V.
When you know what you do, you can do what you want. (Feldenkrais)
gespanntes Verhältnis n; Spannung f (zwischen jdm.) pol. soc.
internationale Spannungen
strained relationship; tension (between sb.)
international tensions
jeweilig; entsprechend adj (+Mehrzahl) (im Einzelfall zutreffend)
den (jeweiligen) Umständen entsprechend
Die Größe der Schrauben und Muttern ist in den jeweiligen entsprechenden Normen festgelegt.
Bei entsprechenden Prüfungen wird die Spannung, Dauerfestigkeit und andere Belastbarkeitskriterien ermittelt.
respective (+ plural)
as the circumstances may require
The size of nuts and bolts is specified in the respective standards.
Respective tests determine stresses, fatigue limits and other criteria of strength.
vor lauter (+ Substantiv) adv
vor lauter Aufregung
Vor lauter Jahreszahlen schwirrt mir der Kopf.
Vor lauter Angst konnte er nicht klar denken.
Ich halte es vor lauter Spannung nicht mehr aus!
in all the (+ noun); with all the (+ noun); to be so (+ adjective) that …
in all the excitement; with all the excitement
My head gets dizzy with all the dates.
He was so afraid that he could not think clearly.
I can't stand the suspense!
warten v (auf; bis)
er sie wartet
ich er sie wartete
er sie hat hatte gewartet
gespannt warten
auf etw. mit angehaltenem Atem mit Spannung warten
jdn. warten lassen
Ich kann nicht länger warten.
Auf Peter wartet ein Freund.
Warte, bis ich komme!
Bitte warten Sie einen Augenblick!
Ich wartete, doch niemand kam.
Da Darauf kannst du lange warten!; Das kannst du dir abschminken! ugs. übtr.
Lisa wartete auf Paul länger als eine Stunde.
Ron wartet schon seit drei Stunden.
Max wartet auf Annas Anruf.
to wait (for; until)
he she waits
I he she waited
he she has had waited
to wait in suspense
to wait for sth. with baited breath
to keep sb. waiting
Wait up! coll.
I can't wait any longer.
Peter has a friend waiting to see him.
Wait until I come.
Please wait a little!
I waited, but nobody came.
You can whistle for it! Br. coll.
Lisa waited for Paul more than an hour.
Ron has waited for three hours already.
Max is waiting for Anna to call.
weichen; schwinden v (aus etw.)
weichend; schwindend
gewichen; geschwunden
Die Farbe wich aus ihren Wangen.
Langsam wich die Spannung.
to drain away; to disappear (from sth.)
draining away; disappearing
drained away; disappeared
The color drained from her cheeks.; The color disappeared from her cheeks.
Gradually the tension drained away.
Heizwertspannung f; thermoneutrale Spannung f chem.
thermoneutral voltage
Spannungabfall-Temperaturkoeffizient m (Röhre) electr.
temperature coefficient of voltage drop (tube)

Deutsche Spannungsbereich Synonyme

Englische voltage range Synonyme

Spannungsbereich Definition

(n.) To set in a row, or in rows
(n.) To place (as a single individual) among others in a line, row, or order, as in the ranks of an army
(n.) To separate into parts
(n.) To dispose in a classified or in systematic order
(n.) To rove over or through
(n.) To sail or pass in a direction parallel to or near
(n.) To be native to, or to live in
(v. i.) To rove at large
(v. i.) To have range
(v. i.) To be placed in order
(v. i.) To have a certain direction
(v. i.) To be native to, or live in, a certain district or region
(v.) A series of things in a line
(v.) An aggregate of individuals in one rank or degree
(v.) The step of a ladder
(v.) A kitchen grate.
(v.) An extended cooking apparatus of cast iron, set in brickwork, and affording conveniences for various ways of cooking
(v.) A bolting sieve to sift meal.
(v.) A wandering or roving
(v.) That which may be ranged over
(v.) Extent or space taken in by anything excursive
(v.) The region within which a plant or animal naturally lives.
(v.) The horizontal distance to which a shot or other projectile is carried.
(v.) Sometimes, less properly, the trajectory of a shot or projectile.
(v.) A place where shooting, as with cannons or rifles, is practiced.
(v.) In the public land system of the United States, a row or line of townships lying between two successive meridian lines six miles apart.
(v.) See Range of cable, below.
(n.) Electric potential or potential difference, expressed in volts.

voltage range Bedeutung

range animal any animal that lives and grazes in the grassy open land of western North America (especially horses, cattle, sheep)
Cockcroft and Walton accelerator
Cockcroft-Walton accelerator
Cockcroft and Walton voltage multiplier
Cockcroft-Walton voltage multiplier
a high-voltage machine in which rectifiers charge capacitors that discharge and drive charged particles through an accelerating tube
electric range a kitchen range in which the heat for cooking is provided by electric power
firing range
target range
a practice range for target practice
gas range
gas stove
gas cooker
a range with gas rings and an oven for cooking with gas
golf range
driving range
a practice range for practicing golf shots
omnidirectional range
omnidirectional radio range
a navigational system consisting of a network of radio beacons that provide aircraft with information about exact position and bearing
potential divider
voltage divider
resistors connected in series across a voltage source, used to obtain a desired fraction of the voltage
practice range a place for practicing golf shots
range a place for shooting (firing or driving) projectiles of various kinds, the army maintains a missile range in the desert, any good golf club will have a range where you can practice
range finder
a measuring instrument (acoustic or optical or electronic) for finding the distance of an object
range hood exhaust hood over a kitchen range
range pole
ranging pole
surveying instrument consisting of a straight rod painted in bands of alternate red and white each one foot wide, used for sightings by surveyors
rifle range a range where people can practice shooting rifles, during the war they turned the bowling alleys into rifle ranges
rocket range a firing range for rocket missiles
shooting gallery
shooting range
an enclosed firing range with targets for rifle or handgun practice
stove kitchen stove
range kitchen range
cooking stove
a kitchen appliance used for cooking food, dinner was already on the stove
test range a range for conducting tests
voltage regulator a transformer whose voltage ratio of transformation can be adjusted
visual range distance at which a given standard object can be seen with the unaided eye
voltage drop a decrease in voltage along a conductor through which current is flowing
an area in which something acts or operates or has power or control: the range of a supersonic jet, a piano has a greater range than the human voice, the ambit of municipal legislation, within the compass of this article, within the scope of an investigation, outside the reach of the law, in the political orbit of a world power
approximate range
near to the scope or range of something, his answer wasn't even in the right ballpark
the limit of capability, within the compass of education
range range of a function
(mathematics) the set of values of the dependent variable for which a function is defined, the image of f(x) x^ is the set of all non-negative real numbers if the domain of the function is the set of all real numbers
range a variety of different things or activities, he answered a range of questions, he was impressed by the range and diversity of the collection
home range
home territory
the area in which an animal normally ranges
range reach the limits within which something can be effective, range of motion, he was beyond the reach of their fire
range a large tract of grassy open land on which livestock can graze, they used to drive the cattle across the open range every spring, he dreamed of a home on the range
rifle range
rifle shot
the distance that a rifle bullet will carry, the target was out of rifle range
Admiralty Range mountains in Antarctica to the north of Victoria Land
Alaska Range a mountain range in south central Alaska, contains Mount McKinley
Balkan Mountains
Balkan Mountain Range
the major mountain range of Bulgaria and the Balkan Peninsula
Cascade Range
Cascade Mountains
a mountain range in the northwestern United States extending through Washington and Oregon and northern California, a part of the Coast Range
Coast Range
Coast Mountains
a string of mountain ranges along the Pacific coast of North America from southeastern Alaska to Lower California
Great Dividing Range
Eastern Highlands
a mountain range running along the eastern coast of Australia
Karakoram Range
Karakorum Range
Mustagh Range
a mountain range in northern Kashmir, an extension of the Hindu Kush, contains the nd highest peak
Mesabi Range a range of hills in northeastern Minnesota where rich iron ore deposits were discovered in
mountain range
range of mountains
chain mountain chain
chain of mountains
a series of hills or mountains, the valley was between two ranges of hills, the plains lay just beyond the mountain range
St. Elias Range
St. Elias Mountains
a range of mountains between Alaska and the Yukon territory
Teton Range a mountain range in northwest Wyoming, contains the Grand Teton
electric potential
potential difference
potential drop
the difference in electrical charge between two points in a circuit expressed in volts
voltage electromotive force
the rate at which energy is drawn from a source that produces a flow of electricity in a circuit, expressed in volts
grade place
assign a rank or rating to, how would you rank these students?, The restaurant is rated highly in the food guide
range in home in zero in c direct onto a point or target, especially by automatic navigational aids
range let eat, range the animals in the prairie
lay out
set out
lay out orderly or logically in a line or as if in a line, lay out the clothes, lay out the arguments
crop browse graze range pasture feed as in a meadow or pasture, the herd was grazing
c roll wander
stray tramp roam
cast ramble rove
drift vagabond
move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment, The gypsies roamed the woods, roving vagabonds, the wandering Jew, The cattle roam across the prairie, the laborers drift from one town to the next, They rolled from town to town
range or extend over, occupy a certain area, The plants straddle the entire state
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