
Spannungswahl Logik Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Spannungswahl-Logik f techn.
generation of inverter states
Bool'sche Logik f
Boolean logic
Folgerichtigkeit f, Stimmigkeit f, Logik f, Ãœbereinstimmung f
consistency, consistence
Fuzzy-Logik f, unscharfe Logik f
fuzzy logic
Logik f
angewandte Logik
formale Logik
applied logic
symbolic logic
Logik f
Logik-Analysator m
logic analyser
Syllogismus m, logischer Schluss, Vernunftsschluss m (Logik)
Syllogismen pl, logische Schlüsse, Vernunftschlüsse f
deontisch adj
deontische Logik
deontic logic
angewandte Logik
applied logic
Logik, folgerichtig
formale Logik
symbolic logic
Autoritätsfehlschluss m; Ipse dixit-Fehlschluss m (Logik)
authority fallacy; ipse dixit fallacy (logic)
Fuzzy-Logik f; unscharfe Logik f
fuzzy logic
Logik f
angewandte Logik
formale Logik
kombinatorische Logik
weibliche Logik
zweiwertige dreiwertige mehrwertige Logik math. comp.
nach dieser Logik
Wo ist denn da die Logik?
Was Sie sagen entbehrt jeder Logik.
In der Auswahl ihres Architekten liegt eine gewisse Logik.
Nach dieser Logik müsste man das ganze Internet abschalten nur weil es ein paar Perverse dazu verwenden Kinderpornos zu tauschen.
logic (logics)
applied logic
symbolic logic
combinational logic
female logic; women's logic
binary ternary multivalued logic
by this logic rationale; following using that logic
Where is the logic in that?
There is no logic in what you say.
There is a certain logic in their choice of architect.
By that logic rationale you would have to completely cut off the Internet just because a few sickos use it to swap child porn.
Sophismus m (Logik)
Spannungswahl-Logik f techn.
generation of inverter states
Syllogismus m; logischer Schluss; Vernunftsschluss m (Logik)
Syllogismen pl; logische Schlüsse; Vernunftschlüsse f
(einer Sache) zugrundeliegende Ãœberlegung(en); Logik f (hinter etw.); Sinn und Zweck +Gen.
Hinter dieser Ausnahmeregelung steckt die Ãœberlegung dass ...
Dieses Kursangebot beruht auf zwei Ãœberlegungen:
Das ist die ratio legis der Vorschrift. jur.
Unserer Auffassung nach ist die Ãœberlegung die der Beurteilung des Gerichts zugrunde liegt nicht sachgerecht.
Die Logik hinter dieser Aussage erschließt sich mir nicht.
Was hat sie bewogen von der Schule abzugehen?
Er erklärte was ihn bewogen hatte vorzeitig in Pension zu gehen.
Der Sinn und Zweck des Ganzen wurde nicht angesprochen.
Sinn und Zweck dieser Unterrichtsmethode ist es das Selbstvertrauen der Schüler zu stärken.
Das entbehrt jeglicher Logik.
rationale (behind for of underlying sth.)
The rationale for this exemption is that ...
The rationale behind offering this course is twofold:
That is the rationale behind the regulation.
It seems to us that the rationale for the assessment of the court is not appropriate.
The rationale behind this statement is not at all apparent.
What was her rationale for leaving school?
He explained the rationale underlying his early retirement.
The rationale for doing so was not addressed.
The rationale for using this teaching method is to encourage student confidence.
It lacks any rationale.
abduktiv adj (Logik) phil.
abductive (logic)
assertorisch adj (Logik)
assertorische Aussage
assertoric (logic)
assertoric statement
emittergekoppelt adj electr.
emittergekoppelte Logik
emitter-coupled logic ECL
erweiternd adj (Logik) phil.
ampliative (logic)
Argument n (Logik) phil.
Argument a fortiori
Argument a simili
Argument a tuto
argument (logic)
a fortiori argument; argument a fortiori
a simili argument; argument a simili
a tuto argument; argument a tuto
Aussage f; Proposition f; Satz m (Logik) phil.
Aussagen pl; Propositionen pl; Sätze pl
analytischer Satz
beschreibender Satz
einfacher Satz
komplexe Aussage; zusammengesetzter Satz
kontradiktorischer Satz
logische Aussage; logische Proposition
logisch falscher Satz
logisch wahrer Satz
Partikuläraussage; besonderer Satz
synthetischer Satz
universelle Aussage; universeller Satz; Allaussage; Allsatz
Satz an sich (Bolzano)
statement; proposition (logic)
statements; propositions
analytical statement; analytical proposition
descriptive statement proposition; description statement proposition
simple statement; simple proposition
complex statement; complex proposition
contradictory statement; contradictory proposition
logical statement; logical proposition
logically false statement proposition
logically true statement proposition
particular proposition; specific proposition
synthetic(al) statement; synthetic(al) proposition
general statement proposition; universal statement proposition
proposition in itself; abstract proposition (Bolzano)
Ausschlussverfahren n (Logik)
Ausschlussverfahren pl
im Ausschlussverfahren; mittels Ausschlussverfahren; mit Hilfe des Ausschlussverfahrens
process of elimination (logic)
processes of elimination
by process of elimination; by a the process of elimination; through a the process of elimination; using a the process of elimination
Boole'sche Logik f
Boolean logic
Definition f (Logik) phil.
abbreviative Definition
Definition per genus proximum et differentiam specificam
explizite implizite Definition
Extensionsdefinition f
Hinweisdefinition f; Zuordnungsdefinition f
idealtypische Definition
operationale Definition
Teildefinition f; Partialdefinition f; partielle Definition
Suggestivdefinition f; suggestive Definition; persuasive Definition
definition (logic)
abbreviative definition
definition by proximate genus and specific difference
explicit implicit definition
definition by extension; extension definition; extensional definition
applicative definition
definition by ideal type; ideal-type definition; ideal-typical definition
operational Definition
partial definition
persuasive definition
Explikation f; genaue Definition f; inhaltliche Präzisierung f (Logik) phil.
explication (logic)
Fehlschluss m; falsche Schlussfolgerung f; falsche Folgerung f; logischer Fehler m; Denkfehler m (Logik) phil.
Fehlschlüsse pl; falsche Schlussfolgerungen pl; falsche Folgerungen pl; logische Fehler pl; Denkfehler pl
logical fallacy; fallacy; non sequitur (logic)
logical fallacies; fallacies; non sequiturs
Fluidik f; fluidische Logik f phys.
fluidics; fluidic logic
Hintersatz m; Apodosis f (formale Logik) ling. phil.
consequent; apodosis (formal logic)
Kalkül m (Logik) phil.
Lambdakalkül m
calculus (logic)
lambda calculus; ?-calculus
Logik f (Lehre von den formalen Schlussfolgerungen) phil.
angewandte Logik
formale Logik
kombinatorische Logik
monotone nichtmonotone Logik
logic (study of formal principles of inference) (logics)
applied logic
symbolic logic
combinational logic
monotonous non-monotonous logic
Logik f (schlussfolgernde Ãœberlegungen)
weibliche Logik
zweiwertige dreiwertige mehrwertige Logik math. comp.
nach dieser Logik
Wo ist denn da die Logik?
Was Sie sagen, entbehrt jeder Logik.
In der Auswahl ihres Architekten liegt eine gewisse Logik.
Nach dieser Logik müsste man das ganze Internet abschalten, nur weil es ein paar Perverse dazu verwenden, Kinderpornos zu tauschen.
logic (reasoning)
female logic; women's logic
binary ternary multivalued logic
by this logic rationale; following using that logic
Where is the logic in that?
There is no logic in what you say.
There is a certain logic in their choice of architect.
By that logic rationale you would have to completely cut off the Internet just because a few sickos use it to swap child porn.
Logik f (Zusammenhänge zwischen Sachverhalten und Ereignissen)
sich der Marktlogik unterwerfen
Das entbehrt jeder Logik.
logic (interrelation between facts and events)
to follow the logic of the market
That lacks logic.
jeglicher Logik entbehren; gegen alle Logik sein v
to fly in the face of logic
Philosophie f phil.
Philosophie des Absurden
alexandrinische Philosophie
Philosophie des Als-Ob
Philosophie der Antike; aktike Philosophie
Aufklärungsphilosophie f
Begriffsphilosophie f
Bewusstseinsphilosophie f
Bildphilosophie f
Philosophie der Biologie
Chaosphilosophie f
Philosophie der Differenz
Emergenzphilosophie f
Entwicklungsphilosophie f
Erlebnisphilosophie f
Friedensphilosophie f
Gefühlsphilosophie f
Philosophie des Geistes
Philosophie der Geisteswissenschaft
Philosophie der Geschichte; Geschichtsphilosophie f
Gesellschaftsphilosophie f; Sozialphilosophie f
Glaubensphilosophie f
Handlungsphilosophie f; Philosophie der Tat
Identitätsphilosophie f
Kinderphilosophie f
Philosophie der Kultur; Kulturphilosophie f
Philosophie der Kunst; Kunstphilosophie f
Lebensphilosophie f
Philosophie der Logik
Philosophie der Mathematik
Philosophie der Musik
Philosophie der Natur; Naturphilosophie f
Philosophie der Neuen Musik
Philosophie der Politik
praktische Philosophie
Rechtsphilosophie f
Reflexionsphilosophie f
Religionsphilosophie f
Sportphilosophie f
Sprachphilosophie f
Philosophie der gewöhnlichen Sprache
Staatsphilosophie f
Philosophie des Subjekts
Philosophie der Technik; Technikphilosophie f
Philosophie der technisierten Zivilisation
Philosophie des Unbewussten
Wertphilosophie f
Wesensphilosophie f
Zeichenphilosophie f
Praktischwerden der Philosophie
eine bestimmte Philosophie verfolgen
philosophy of the Absurd
Alexandrian Philosophy
philosophy of the as if; philosophy of as if; as-if philosophy
philosophy of antiquity; ancient philosophy
philosophy of the Enlightenment
philosophy of concepts; conceptual philosophy
philosophy of consciousness
philosophy of image; philosophy of pictures
philosophy of biology
philosophy of chaos
philosophy of difference
philosophy of emergence; emergence philosophy
philosophy of development
philosophy of experience
philosophy of peace
philosophy of sentiment
philosophy of mind; philosophy of spirit
philosophy of the human sciences; philosophy of the humanities
philosophy of history
social philosophy
philosophy of belief
philosophy of action
philosophy of identity
philosophy for children
philosophy of culture; cultural philosophy
philosophy of art
philosophy of life
philosophy of logic
philosophy of mathematics
philosophy of music
philosophy of nature; nature-philosophy
philosophy of modern music
philosophy of politics; political philosophy
practical philosophy
philosophy of law; legal philosophy
philosophy of reflection; reflective philosophy
philosophy of religion
philosophy of sport
philosophy of language
philosophy of ordinary language; ordinary language philosophy
philosophy of the state; civil philosophy
philosophy of the subject
philosophy of technology
philosophy of mechanized civilization
philosophy of the unconscious
philosophy of values
philosophy of essence
philosophy of signs
philosophy becoming a practical activity
to follow a certain philosophy
Schlussfolgerungskette f (Logik) math. phil.
Schlussfolgerungsketten pl
inference chain (logic)
inference chains
Schlusssatz m; Konklusion f; Conclusio f (formale Logik) ling. phil.
conclusion (formal logic)
Subjunktion f; Konditional m; materiale Implikation f (Logik)
material conditional; material implication; conditional (logic)
Syllogismus m; logische Schlussfolgerung anhand von zwei Prämissen (Logik) phil.
Syllogismen pl; logische Schlussfolgerungen anhand von zwei Prämissen
apodiktischer Syllogismus; apodiktische Schlussfolgerung
kategorischer Syllogismus; kategorischer Schlussfolgerung
hypothetischer Syllogismus; hypothetische Schlussfolgerung
induktiver Syllogismus; induktive Schlussfolgerung
Konditionalschluss m
kontradiktorischer Syllogismus; kontradiktorische Schlussfolgerung
Modalitätsschluss m
syllogism; deductive reasoning based on two premises (logic)
syllogisms; deductive reasonings based on two premiseses
apodictic syllogism
categorical syllogism
hypothetical syllogism
inductive syllogism
conditional syllogism
contradictory syllogism
modal syllogism
Tautologie f; Verum n (Aussage, die zwingend wahr ist) (Logik) phil.
tautology (statement that is imperatively true) (logic)
(einer Sache) zugrundeliegende Ãœberlegung(en); Logik f (hinter etw.); Sinn und Zweck +Gen.
Hinter dieser Ausnahmeregelung steckt die Überlegung, dass …
Dieses Kursangebot beruht auf zwei Ãœberlegungen:
Das ist die ratio legis der Vorschrift. jur.
Unserer Auffassung nach ist die Ãœberlegung, die der Beurteilung des Gerichts zugrunde liegt, nicht sachgerecht.
Die Logik hinter dieser Aussage erschließt sich mir nicht.
Was hat sie bewogen, von der Schule abzugehen?
Er erklärte, was ihn bewogen hatte, vorzeitig in Pension zu gehen.
Der Sinn und Zweck des Ganzen wurde nicht angesprochen.
Sinn und Zweck dieser Unterrichtsmethode ist es, das Selbstvertrauen der Schüler zu stärken.
Das entbehrt jeglicher Logik.
rationale (behind for of underlying sth.)
The rationale for this exemption is that …
The rationale behind offering this course is twofold:
That is the rationale behind the regulation.
It seems to us that the rationale for the assessment of the court is not appropriate.
The rationale behind this statement is not at all apparent.
What was her rationale for leaving school?
He explained the rationale underlying his early retirement.
The rationale for doing so was not addressed.
The rationale for using this teaching method is to encourage student confidence.
It lacks any rationale.
Unifikation f (Logik)
unification (logic)
Urteil n (Logik) phil.
analytisches Urteil; Erläuterungsurteil n
Schönheitsurteil n
synthetisches Urteil
uninteressiertes Urteil
Wahrnehmungsurteil n
judgement Br.; judgment Am. (logic)
analytical judg(e)ment; analytic judg(e)ment; judg(e)ment of explanation; judg(e)ment of explication; judg(e)ment of extension
judgement of beauty; judgment of beauty
synthetic judg(e)ment; judg(e)ment of extension
disinterested judgement; disinterested judgment
judgement of perception; judgment of perception
logische Verknüpfung f (Logik)
logische Verknüpfungen pl
Abjunktion f (logische Verknüpfung zweier Aussagen durch „aber nicht“)
logical connective
logical connectives
Vordersatz m; Hypothesis f (formale Logik) ling. phil.
antecedent (formal logic)
abduktiv adj (Logik) phil.
abduktives Schließen
abductive (logic)
abductive reasoning
eine Sache mit sich selbst begründen; als Beweis für eine Aussage die Aussage selbst anführen v (Logik) phil.
to beg the question (logic)
dialektisch adj phil.
dialektische Antinomie
dialektische Behauptung
dialektische Bewegung
dialektische Beziehung
dialektische Folgerung; dialektischer Schluss
dialektische Logik
dialektische Opposition
dialektische Psychologie
dialektische Theologie
dialektischer Dreisatz
dialektischer Gebrauch der reinen Vernunft
dialektischer Schein
dialektischer Sprung
dialektischer Ãœberempirismus
dialektischer Vernunftschluss
dialektisches Argument
dialektisches Bild
dialektisches Denken
dialektisches Theater
dialectic; dialectical
dialectical antinomy
dialectical assertion
dialectical movement
dialectical relation
dialectical inference
dialectical logic
dialectical opposition
dialectical psychology
dialectical theology
dialectic triad; dialectical triad
dialectic employment of pure reason; dialectical use of pure reason
dialectic appearance; dialectical illusion
dialectic leap; dialectical transition
dialectical hyper-empiricism
dialectical inference of reason
dialectical argument
dialectical image
dialectical thinking
dialectical theatre Br.; dialectical theater Am.
emittergekoppelt adj electr.
emittergekoppelte Logik
emitter-coupled logic ECL
einer Sache (geistig) folgen v (den Sinn die Logik verstehen)
einer Gerichtsverhandlung folgen können
Es ist nicht ganz einfach, der verschlungenen Handlung zu folgen.
Ich kann Ihrer Argumentation nicht folgen.; Ich kann Ihnen nicht folgen.
Können Sie mir folgen?
to follow sth. (understand its sense or logic)
to be able to follow a court hearing
The twists and turns of the plot are a little difficult to follow.
I don't follow your argument reasoning.; I don't follow you.; I don't follow.; I don't get your drift.
Do you follow me?; Do you get my drift?
logische Anordnung f; logischer Aufbau m; Logik f (von etw.) comp. electr.
Computerlogik f
Programmlogik f
logical arrangement; logic (of sth.)
computer logic
computer program code logic; logic in the computer program

Spannungswahl Logik Definition

(n.) The act of generating or begetting
(n.) Origination by some process, mathematical, chemical, or vital
(n.) That which is generated or brought forth
(n.) A single step or stage in the succession of natural descent
(n.) Race
(n.) The formation or production of any geometrical magnitude, as a line, a surface, a solid, by the motion, in accordance with a mathematical law, of a point or a magnitude
(n.) The aggregate of the functions and phenomene which attend reproduction.
(n.) In France, before the Revolution, the assembly of the three orders of the kingdom, namely, the clergy, the nobility, and the third estate, or commonalty.
(n.) In the Netherlands, the legislative body, composed of two chambers.

generation of inverter states Bedeutung

President of the United States
President Chief Executive
the office of the United States head of state, a President is elected every four years
Attorney General
Attorney General of the United States
the position of the head of the Justice Department and the chief law enforcement officer of the United States, the post of Attorney General was created in
multiplication propagation
the act of producing offspring or multiplying by such production
generation the production of heat or electricity, dams were built for the generation of electricity
American Civil War
United States Civil War
War between the States
civil war in the United States between the North and the South, -
Great Seal of the United States the seal of the United States government
inverter an electrical converter that converts direct current into alternating current
National Library of Medicine
United States National Library of Medicine
U.S. National Library of Medicine
the world's largest medical library
United States Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory
U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory
US Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory
a defense laboratory of the Criminal Investigation Command, the United States Army's primary forensic laboratory in support of criminal intelligence
United States Mint
U.S. Mint
US Mint
the mint that manufactures and distributes United States coins for circulation through Federal Reserve Banks, processes gold and silver bullion
states' rights the rights conceded to the states by the United States constitution
states' rights a doctrine that federal powers should be curtailed and returned to the individual states
United States Constitution
U.S. Constitution
US Constitution
Constitution Constitution of the United States
the constitution written at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in and subsequently ratified by the original thirteen states
United States Code
U. S. Code
a consolidation and codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States, is prepared and published by a unit of the United States House of Representatives
generation gap a difference between the views of young people and their parents
a coming into being
United States Postal Service
US Postal Service
an independent federal agency that provides mail processing and delivery service for individuals and businesses in the United States
United States Postal Inspection Service
US Postal Inspection Service
the primary law enforcement arm of the United States Postal Service
United States Trade Representative
US Trade Representative
the executive agency that administers the President's policies on international trade
Department of Defense
Defense Department
United States Department of Defense
Defense DoD
the federal department responsible for safeguarding national security of the United States, created in
United States Public Health Service
an agency that serves as the office of Surgeon General, includes agencies whose mission is to improve the public health
United States Border Patrol
US Border Patrol
the mobile law enforcement arm of the Immigration and Naturalization Service that detects and prevents illegal entry of aliens into the United States
Department of State
United States Department of State
State Department
State DoS
the federal department in the United States that sets and maintains foreign policies, the Department of State was created in
United States Fish and Wildlife Service
US Fish and Wildlife Service
an agency in the Department of the Interior that conserves and protects fish and wildlife and their habitats, assesses the environmental impact of pesticides and nuclear power site and hydroelectric dams and thermal pollution
Department of the Treasury
Treasury Department
Treasury United States Treasury
the federal department that collects revenue and administers federal finances, the Treasury Department was created in
United States Marshals Service
US Marshals Service
the United States' oldest federal law enforcement agency is responsible today for protecting the Federal Judiciary and transporting federal prisoners and protecting federal witnesses and managing assets seized from criminals and generally ensuring the effective operation of the federal judicial system
United States Post Office
US Post Office
Post Office
an independent agency of the federal government responsible for mail delivery (and sometimes telecommunications) between individuals and businesses in the United States
United States Senate
U.S. Senate
US Senate
the upper house of the United States Congress
Congress United States Congress
U.S. Congress
US Congress
the legislature of the United States government
United States House of Representatives
U.S. House of Representatives
US House of Representatives
House of Representatives
U.S. House
US House
the lower legislative house of the United States Congress
Government Accounting Office
United States Government Accounting Office
an independent nonpartisan federal agency that acts as the investigative arm of Congress making the executive branch accountable to Congress and the government accountable to citizens of the United States
States General assembly of the estates of an entire country especially the sovereign body of the Dutch republic from th to th centuries
Organization of American States
an association including most countries in the western hemisphere, created in to promote military and economic and social and cultural cooperation
United States Navy
US Navy
the navy of the United States of America, the agency that maintains and trains and equips combateady naval forces
United States Coast Guard
U. S. Coast Guard
US Coast Guard
an agency of the Department of Transportation responsible for patrolling shores and facilitating nautical commerce
United States Marine Corps
United States Marines
Marine Corps
US Marine Corps
an amphibious division of the United States Navy
United States Naval Academy
US Naval Academy
a school for training men and women to become officers in the United States Navy
United States Air Force Academy
US Air Force Academy
a school for training men and women to become officers in the United States Air Force
United States Air Force
U. S. Air Force
US Air Force
Air Force USAF
the airforce of the United States of America, the agency that defends the United States through control and exploitation of air and space
Special Forces
U. S. Army Special Forces
United States Army Special Forces
a division of the United States Army that is specially trained for guerilla fighting
States' Rights Democratic Party
a former political party in the United States, formed in by Democrats from southern states in order to oppose to the candidacy of Harry S Truman
Commonwealth of Independent States
an alliance made up of states that had been Soviet Socialist Republics in the Soviet Union prior to its dissolution in Dec
Supreme Court
Supreme Court of the United States
United States Supreme Court
the highest federal court in the United States, has final appellate jurisdiction and has jurisdiction over all other courts in the nation
United States intelligence agency an intelligence service in the United States
Intelligence Community
National Intelligence Community
United States Intelligence Community
a group of government agencies and organizations that carry out intelligence activities for the United States government, headed by the Director of Central Intelligence
United States Secret Service
US Secret Service
Secret Service
the United States intelligence agency that protects current and former presidents and vice presidents and their immediate families and protects distinguished foreign visitors, detects and apprehends counterfeiters, suppresses forgery of government securities and documents
United States government
United States
U.S. government
US Government
the executive and legislative and judicial branches of the federal government of the United States
United States Government Printing Office
US Government Printing Office
Government Printing Office
an agency of the legislative branch that provides printing and binding services for Congress and the departments and establishments of the federal government
generation group of genetically related organisms constituting a single step in the line of descent
all the people living at the same time or of approximately the same age
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