
Spekulationsteuer Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Spekulationsteuer f fin.
tax on speculative gains; capital gains tax
Spekulationsteuer f fin.
tax on speculative gains; capital gains tax
Abenteuer, Unternehmen, Spekulation
Anhäufung von Gewinnen durch Spekulation
Glücksspiel, Spekulation, Spielen
riskantes Unternehmen, Spekulation
Mutmaßung f, Spekulation f
Mutmaßungen pl, Spekulationen pl
Mutmaßungen anstellen, Spekulationen anstellen
to make speculations
Spekulation f
Mutmassung, Spekulation
Mutmaßung f; Spekulation f
Mutmaßungen pl; Spekulationen pl
Mutmaßungen anstellen; Spekulationen anstellen
speculation; spec
speculations; specs
to make speculations
Spekulieren n; Spekulation f (spekulative Geschäftstätigkeit) econ.
Aktienspekulation f; Spekulation mit Aktien
Fehlspekulation f
Grundstücksspekulation f
Haussespekulation f (Börse)
Wertpapierspekulation f; Spekulation mit Wertpapieren
sich auf gewagte Spekulationen einlassen
Die jüngste Spekulationswelle ist wieder abgeebbt.
speculation (speculative business activities)
share speculation Br.; stock speculation Am.; speculation in shares stocks
bad speculation; wrong speculation
speculation in land; land speculation; land jobbing Br.; speculation in property; property speculation; real-estate speculation Am.
speculation for a rise; bull speculation (stock exchange)
security speculation; securities speculation; speculation in securities
to engage in risky speculations
The most recent wave of speculation has declined.
Überspekulation f; Spekulation f ohne Deckung (Börse) fin.
overtrading (stock exchange)
sich um jdn. etw. handeln v; jd. etw. sein v
Bei dem Täter handelt es sich um einen untersetzten Mann Ende 30 bis Anfang 40.
Bei NMP handelt es sich um ein Lösungsmittel das in der Industrie häufig eingesetzt wird.
Es handelt sich (dabei) um ein Analyseinstrument für Umweltfaktoren.
Es handelt sich dabei um reine Hypothesen und Spekulationen.
to be
The attacker is a stocky man aged late 30s - early 40s.
NMP is a widely used industrial solvent.
The tool is an instrument for analyzing environmental factors.
These are mere assumptions and speculations.
wild; verbissen; fanatisch adj
wilde Spekulationen
ein fanatischer Baseballfan
rabid speculations
a rabid baseball fan
sich um jdn. etw. handeln v; jd. etw. sein v
Bei dem Täter handelt es sich um einen untersetzten Mann, Ende 30 bis Anfang 40.
Bei NMP handelt es sich um ein Lösungsmittel, das in der Industrie häufig eingesetzt wird.
Es handelt sich (dabei) um ein Analyseinstrument für Umweltfaktoren.
Es handelt sich dabei um reine Hypothesen und Spekulationen.
to be
The attacker is a stocky man, aged late 30s – early 40s.
NMP is a widely used industrial solvent.
The tool is an instrument for analyzing environmental factors.
These are mere assumptions and speculations.
ein Gefühl eine Überlegung nähren v (Sache)
Spekulationen nähren
to fuel a feeling a consideration (matter)
to fuel speculation
Wirtschaft f; Ökonomie f (Wirtschaftsaktivitäten) econ.
boomende Wirtschaft
freie Wirtschaft
gelenkte Wirtschaft
heimische Wirtschaft
moderne Wirtschaft
öffentliche Wirtschaft
Privatwirtschaft f
spekulations- und finanzmarktorientierte Wirtschaft
Modell der freien Wirtschaft
in der gesamten Wirtschaft
die Beschäftigung im Kultursektor und in der Wirtschaft insgesamt
Die positiven Folgen werden sich erst in einiger Zeit in der Wirtschaft bemerkbar machen.
Dienstleistungen spielen eine Schlüsselrolle in der Wirtschaft und im Leben jedes einzelnen Bürgers.
economy; economic system
vibrant economy
private enterprise
controlled economy; directed economy
home industry; domestic industry; national industry
modern economy
public sector (of the economy)
private sector (of the economy)
bubble economy
model of competitive economy
in the economy as a whole
employment in the culture sector and the wider economy
It will take time for the positive effects to work their way through the economic system.
Services play a key role in the economy and in the life of every citizen.
Spekulationsangriff m; Spekulationsattacke f (Börse) fin.
Spekulationsangriffe pl; Spekulationsattacken pl
speculative attack; speculative assault (stock exchange)
speculative attacks; speculative assaults
Besteuerung f (von etw.) adm. fin.
Besteuerungen pl
Differenzbesteuerung f
Individualbesteuerung f
Istbesteuerung f; Besteuerung nach vereinnahmten Entgelten
Nachbesteuerung f
Pauschalbesteuerung f; Pauschbesteuerung f adm.; steuerliche Pauschalierung f
Sollbesteuerung f; Besteuerung nach vereinbarten Entgelten
Spekulationsbesteuerung f
Unternehmensbesteuerung f
getrennte Besteuerung; Steuersplitting n; Splitting n
progressive Besteuerung
taxation (of sth.)
differential taxation
individual taxation; independent taxation
taxation on a cash receipts basis; taxation on a cash basis
retrospective taxation
lump-sum taxation
taxation on an invoice basis
taxation of private capital gains
company taxation
separate taxation
progressive taxation
Spekulationsbewegungen pl econ. fin.
speculative movements
Spekulationsblase f; Finanzblase f (Börse) fin.
Spekulationsblasen pl; Finanzblasen pl
Kaum ist eine Finanzblase geplatzt, entsteht schon die nächste.
financial bubble; finance bubble (stock exchange)
financial bubbles; finance bubbles
No sooner has one financial bubble burst than the next one emerges.
Spekulationsdruck m econ. fin.
speculative pressure
Spekulationsgewinne pl; Spekulationseinkünfte pl (Steuerrecht) fin.
speculative gains (fiscal law)
Spekulationsfrist f (Steuerrecht) fin.
tax liability period in respect to capital gains (fiscal law)
Spekulationsgelder pl fin.
speculative funds; hot funds coll.
speculative transaction
Spekulationsgeschäft n
speculative organisation
speculative organisation
Spekulationsgeschäft n econ.
Spekulationsgeschäfte pl
speculative transaction; speculative business transaction
speculative transactions; speculative business transactions
Spekulationsgeschäft n econ.
Spekulationsgeschäfte pl
speculative business transaction; speculative transaction; speculative deal; speculative operation
speculative business transactions; speculative transactions; speculative deals; speculative operations
Einkünfte pl adm. fin.
Einkünfte aus Erwerbstätigkeit; Erwerbseinkommen; Aktiveinkünfte
Einkünfte aus unselbständiger Arbeit; Arbeitslohn
ausländische Einkünfte
außerordentliche Einkünfte
betriebliche Einkünfte; Betriebseinkünfte
ordentliche Einkünfte
Passiveinkünfte; Einkünfte aus Kapitalerträgen
sonstige Einkünfte
weltweite Einkünfte; Welteinkünfte
Einkünfte aus einem freien Beruf
Einkünfte aus einem Gewerbebetrieb
Einkünfte aus Kapitalvermögen
Einkünfte aus land- und forstwirtschaftlichen Betrieben
Einkünfte aus selbständiger Arbeit
Einkünfte aus Spekulationsgeschäften
Einkünfte aus Vermietung und Verpachtung
Einkünfte aus unbeweglichem Vermögen und Bodenschätzen
Einkünfte aus wiederkehrenden Bezügen
Einkünfte beziehen
Einkünfte erwirtschaften
net income
earned income; active income
employment income; income from employment; income from salaried employment
income from foreign sources
extraordinary income
business income
ordinary income
passive income; unearned income; investment income
other items of income
world-wide income
income from a profession; earnings from a profession
income from trade or business
income from investments; investment income; unearned income coll.
income from agriculture or forestry
income from self-employment
income from speculative transactions
income from rent; rental income
income from real property and natural resources
income of a recurrant nature
to receive an income; to have an income
to generate an income
Veräußerungsgewinn m, Spekulationsgewinn m
capital gains
Veräußerungsgewinn m; Spekulationsgewinn m
capital gains
Spekulationshandel m (Börse) fin.
speculative trading (stock exchange)
Spekulationskäufe pl fin.
speculative buying
Kapital n econ. fin.
akkumuliertes Kapital
arbeitendes Kapital
betriebsnotwendiges Kapital
brachliegendes Kapital
durch Verluste gemindertes Kapital
einbezahltes Kapital
eingefrorenes Kapital
eingeschriebenes Kapital
eingesetztes Kapital
erforderliches Kapital
geistiges Kapital; intellektuelles Kapital
gezeichnetes Kapital
kurzfristiges Kapital
Menschenkapital n; Humankapital n
Sachkapital n
totes Kapital; totes Inventar
nicht betriebsnotwendiges Kapital
Erhöhung des Kapitals
Kapital und Arbeit
Kapital festlegen
accumulated capital
active capital
operating capital
inactive capital; loose capital; unemployed capital
impaired capital
paid up capital; paid-in capital
frozen capital
capital subscribed
capital employed
capital required
intellectual capital; intellectual assets
subscribed capital
short-term capital
human capital
physical capital; real capital
risk-bearing capital
dead stock
non-operating capital
increase of capital
capital and labour
to immobilize immobilise Br. capital
Geldnachfrage f fin.
nominale Geldnachfrage
reale Geldnachfrage
spekulative Geldnachfrage; Nachfrage nach Spekulationskasse
Geldnachfrage aus Vorsichtsmotiv
money demand; demand for money
nominal money demand
real money demand
speculative demand for money
precautionary demand for money
Spekulationskasse f (Keynesianische Geldnachfragetheorie) econ.
speculative balance (Keynes' demand for money theory)
Spekulationskategorie f (Wertpapierbewertung) fin.
speculative grade; non-investment grade (security rating)
Spekulationsmotiv n bei der Geldnachfrage (Keynesianische Geldnachfragetheorie) econ.
speculative motive behind the demand for money (Keynes' demand for money theory)
Wertpapier n; Papier n fin.
Wertpapiere pl; Papiere pl
börsengängige börsenfähige Wertpapiere
nicht börsengängige nicht marktfähige Wertpapiere
börsennotierte Wertpapiere; Börsenpapiere pl; Börsenwerte pl
festverzinsliche Wertpapiere; Rentenpapiere; Rentenwerte
forderungsbesicherte Wertpapiere
marktenge Wertpapiere
mündelsichere Wertpapiere
sofort realisierbare Wertpapiere
Spekulationspapiere pl; Spekulationswerte pl
überfällige Wertpapiere
Wertpapiere mit niedrigem Kurs; leichte Wertpapiere
Wertpapiere ausgeben
Wertpapiere lombarieren beleihen
Wertpapiere (von jdm.) beleihen lassen
Wertpapiere zurückkaufen ablösen einlösen
mit Hypotheken auf gewerbliche Immobilien besicherte Wertpapiere
Inlandswerte pl
Inhaber eines Wertpapiers
Art des Wertpapiers
ein Wertpapier bei Fälligkeit erneuern
security paper; security
security papers; securities
marketable stock exchange securities
unmarketable securities
on-board securities; quoted listed securities; stocks and shares Br.; stocks and bonds Am.
fixed-interest bearing securities; fixed-interest securities; bonds
asset-backed securities
illiquid thinly-traded narrow-market securities
trustee securities; gilt-edged securities Br.; gilts Br.; trustee stock Am.
easily marketable securities
speculative securities; cats and dogs coll.
accelerated paper
low-priced securities
to issue securities
to lend advance money on securities
to hypothecate securities; to give pledge securities as a collateral (to sb.)
to redeem securities
commercial mortgage-backed securities CMBS
domestic domestic securities
holder of a security
kind of security
to roll over a security
Spekulationsteuer f fin.
tax on speculative gains; capital gains tax
Spekulationsverbot n adm. econ.
prohibition to engage in speculative activities
Spekulationsverkäufe pl econ.
speculative selling
Spekulationswelle f econ.
welter of speculative buying; speculative surge in the market
Spekulatius m cook.
gingery biscuit Br., gingery cookie Am.
Spekulatius m cook.
almond biscuit Br., almond cookie Am.
Spekulatius m cook.
gingery biscuit Br.; ginger snap Am.
Spekulatius m cook.
almond biscuit Br.; almond cookie Am.
spekulativ, rein gedanklich, theoretisch adj
spekulativ adj
theoretisch, rein gedanklich, spekulativ adj
theoretischen, rein gedanklich, spekulativ
riskant; spekulativ; unsicher adj
wildcat Am.
spekulativ; rein gedanklich; theoretisch adj
theoretisch; rein gedanklich; spekulativ adj
spekulativ adv
verrufene spekulative Wertpapiere
cats and dogs
Lagerbestand m; Warenbestand m; Bestand m; Vorrat m econ.
Lagerbestände pl; Warenbestände pl; Bestände pl; Vorräte pl
Bestände Vorräte auffüllen
mittlerer Lagerbestand
spekulative Warenbestände pl econ.
inventory; armory
inventories; armories
to accumulate inventories
average inventory on hand
hedge inventory
Ring m (spekulative Aufkäufergruppe) (Börse) fin.
Nahrungsmittelring m
eine Schwänze herbeiführen; aufschwänzen; schwänzen
corner (stock exchange)
foods corner
to make a corner
Schwänze f (spekulative Preistreiberei) (Börse) fin.
corner (stock exchange)
Erkenntnis f; Erkennen n; Kognition f phil.
abstrakte Erkenntnis
diskursive Erkenntnis
empirische Erkenntnis
evidente Erkenntnis
intuitive Erkenntnis
objektive Erkenntnis
prima facie Erkenntnis
rationale Erkenntnis; Vernunfterkenntnis
spekulative Erkenntnis
Erkenntnis aus Prinzipien (Kant)
Erkenntnis durch Connaturalitas (Thomas von Aquin)
Anfangsgrund der Erkenntnis (Kant)
Mittel der Erkenntnis
der Weg zur wahren Erkenntnis
der Baum der Erkenntnis (Bibel)
cognition; knowledge
abstractive knowledge; abstract knowledge
discursive cognition; discursive knowledge
empirical cognition; empirical knowledge
self-evident knowledge; evident knowledge
intuitive knowledge
objective knowledge
prima facie knowledge
rational knowledge
speculative knowledge
knowledge from principles (Kant)
knowledge by co-naturality; knowledge by connateness (Thomas Aquinas)
antecedent ground of knowledge; starting-point of knowledge (Kant)
means of cognition
the path road to true knowledge
the tree of knowledge (Bible)

Deutsche Spekulationsteuer Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Spekulationsteuer Synonym nachschlagen

Englische tax on speculative gains; capital gains tax Synonyme

tax  accuse  allege  arraign  article  ask  assess  assessment  bear hard upon  blackmail  boodle  book  bring accusation  bring charges  bring to book  burden  burden with  burthen  busy  call  call for  cargo  cess  charge  charge for  cite  claim  complain  conscience money  contribution  cumber  customs  demand  demand for  denounce  denunciate  direct tax  draft  drain  drive  dues  duty  encumber  encumbrance  enjoin  exact  exaction  excise  exhaust  extortion  extortionate demand  fag  fasten on  fasten upon  finger  freight  freight with  giveaway  graduated taxation  hamper  handicap  hang something on  haul  heave  heavy demand  impeach  imply  impose  impose on  impose upon  imposition  impost  impute  indent  indict  indirect tax  inflict on  inflict upon  inform against  inform on  insinuate  insistent demand  joint return  keep busy  lade  lay  lay charges  lay on  levy  load  lodge a complaint  lodge a plaint  make dutiable  nonnegotiable demand  notice  onus  oppress  order  overburden  overcarrying  overdoing  overdrive  overemphasis  overexercise  overexert  overexertion  overexpenditure  overextend  overimportance  overload  overreaching  overreaction  overstrain  overtask  overtax  overtaxing  overuse  overweight  overwork  pin on  place  pork  prefer charges  press  press charges  press hard upon  pressure  pro rata  progressive tax  prorate  pull  put  put down  put on  put on report  put upon  rack  rates  report  reproach  require  requirement  requisition  rest hard upon  rush  rush order  saddle  saddle with  scot  separate returns  set  single tax  stick for  strain  strain every nerve  stress  stretch  subject to  supererogation  supertax  surtax  sweat  sweat blood  take to task  tariff  task  taunt with  tax base  tax dodging  tax evasion  tax exemption  tax return  tax structure  tax withholding  tax-exempt status  taxable income  taxation  taxing  tense  tithe  toll  tribute  try  tug  twit  ultimatum  warning  weigh  weigh down  wei  
tax collector  Internal Revenue Service  accumulator  assessor  bill collector  collection agent  collector  connoisseur  customhouse  customs  douanier  dunner  exciseman  farmer  gatherer  magpie  miser  pack rat  publican  revenuer  tax assessor  tax farmer  taxer  taxman  
tax exemption  assessment  cess  conscience money  contribution  direct tax  duty  graduated taxation  imposition  impost  indirect tax  joint return  levy  progressive tax  separate returns  single tax  supertax  surtax  tax  tax base  tax dodging  tax evasion  tax return  tax structure  tax withholding  tax-exempt status  taxable income  taxation  tithe  toll  tribute  withholding tax  
tax return  assessment  cess  conscience money  contribution  direct tax  duty  graduated taxation  imposition  impost  indirect tax  joint return  levy  progressive tax  separate returns  single tax  supertax  surtax  tax  tax base  tax dodging  tax evasion  tax exemption  tax structure  tax withholding  tax-exempt status  taxable income  taxation  tithe  toll  tribute  withholding tax  
taxation  assessment  cess  conscience money  contribution  direct tax  duty  graduated taxation  imposition  impost  indirect tax  joint return  levy  progressive tax  separate returns  single tax  supertax  surtax  tax  tax base  tax dodging  tax evasion  tax exemption  tax return  tax structure  tax withholding  tax-exempt status  taxable income  tithe  toll  tribute  withholding tax  
taxed  accused  arraigned  blamed  burdened  charged  cited  cumbered  denounced  encumbered  fraught  freighted  hampered  impeached  implicated  impugned  in complicity  incriminated  inculpated  indicted  involved  laden  loaded  oppressed  overburdened  overcharged  overfraught  overfreighted  overladen  overloaded  overtaxed  overweighted  reproached  saddled  tasked  under attack  under fire  weighted  weighted down  
taxi  autobus  become airborne  bicycle  bike  bus  cab  catch a train  chartered bus  chauffeur  clear  cycle  diligence  double-decker  drive  entrain  fly aloft  go by rail  hack  hackney  hired car  jitney  joyride  jump off  leave the ground  mail coach  make a train  motor  motor coach  motorbus  motorcycle  omnibus  pedal  post coach  ride  rotate  stage  stagecoach  take a joyride  take off  taxicab  wheel  
taxidermist  Audubon Society  National Wildlife Service  Sierra Club  animal physiologist  anthropologist  biologist  conchologist  conservationist  conservator  deliverer  ecologist  entomologist  ethologist  forest ranger  game warden  helminthologist  herpetologist  ichthyologist  keeper  lifesaver  malacologist  mammalogist  ophiologist  ornithologist  preservationist  preserver  protozoologist  ranger  rescuer  safekeeper  saver  savior  zoo-ecologist  zoographer  zoologist  zoonomist  zoopathologist  zoophysicist  zootaxonomist  
taxidermy  anatomy  anhydration  animal physiology  anthropology  biology  blast-freezing  bottling  brining  canning  comparative anatomy  conchology  corning  curing  dehydration  desiccation  dry-curing  drying  ecology  embalming  entomology  ethology  evaporation  freeze-drying  freezing  fuming  helminthology  herpetology  ichthyology  irradiation  jerking  malacology  mammalogy  marination  mummification  ornithology  pickling  potting  protozoology  quick-freezing  refrigeration  salting  seasoning  smoking  stuffing  taxonomy  tinning  zoogeography  zoography  zoology  zoonomy  zoopathology  zoophysics  zootaxy  zootomy  
taxidriver  Sunday driver  backseat driver  bus driver  busman  cabby  cabdriver  chauffeur  driver  hack  hackdriver  hackman  hacky  hit-and-run driver  jitney driver  joyrider  motorist  road hog  speeder  teamster  truck driver  trucker  truckman  
taxing  accusal  accusation  accusing  allegation  allegement  arraignment  bale  bill of particulars  blackmail  blame  bother  bringing of charges  bringing to book  burden  burdening  burdensome  burthen  call  call for  cargo  charge  charging  claim  clamant  clamorous  complaint  contribution  count  crying  cumber  cumbrance  deadweight  delation  demand  demand for  demanding  denouncement  denunciation  draft  drag  drain  draining  duty  encumbrance  exacting  exaction  exigent  exorbitant  extortion  extortionate  extortionate demand  freight  freighting  grasping  grievous  handicap  haul  heave  heavy demand  impeachment  implication  importunate  imposing an onus  imposition  impost  imputation  inconsiderateness  inconvenience  incubus  incumbency  indent  indictment  infliction  information  innuendo  insinuation  insistent  insistent demand  instant  lading  lawsuit  laying of charges  laying on  levy  load  loading  loading down  loud  millstone  nonnegotiable demand  notice  obtrusiveness  oppression  oppressive  order  overexertion  overextension  overload  overstrain  overstress  overtaxing  overweighting  persistent  pertinacious  plaint  pressing  pressure  presumptuousness  prosecution  pull  rack  reproach  requirement  requisition  rush  rush order  saddling  strain  straining  stress  stress and strain  stressfulness  stretch  suit  superincumbency  surcharge  tasking  tax  tedious  tension  tough  tribute  trouble  troublesome  true bill  trying  tug  ultimatum  unspoken accusation  unwarranted demand  urgent  veiled accusation  warning  wearing  weighting  weighty  
taxonomy  aerobiology  agrobiology  analysis  anatomy  animal physiology  anthropology  antonomasia  arrangement  assortment  astrobiology  bacteriology  binomial nomenclature  biochemics  biochemistry  biochemy  bioecology  biological science  biology  biometrics  biometry  bionics  bionomics  biophysics  biosystematics  biosystematy  botany  cataloging  categorization  cell physiology  class  classification  codification  comparative anatomy  conchology  cryobiology  culling  cybernetics  cytology  division  ecology  electrobiology  embryology  entomology  enzymology  ethnobiology  ethology  exobiology  family  filing  genetics  genus  glossology  gnotobiotics  gradation  grading  grouping  helminthology  herpetology  ichthyology  indexing  kingdom  life science  malacology  mammalogy  microbiology  molecular biology  nomenclature  onomastics  onomatology  order  orismology  ornithology  pharmacology  phylum  physiology  pigeonholing  place-names  place-naming  placement  polyonymy  protozoology  radiobiology  ranging  ranking  rating  screening  selection  sifting  sorting  sorting out  species  stratification  subdivision  subordination  systematics  tabulation  taxidermy  terminology  toponymy  triage  trinomialism  typology  virology  xenobiology  zoogeography  zoography  zoology  zoonomy  zoopathology  zoophysics  zootaxy  zootomy  

Spekulationsteuer Definition

(n.) Of or pertaining to the head.
(n.) Having reference to, or involving, the forfeiture of the head or life
(n.) First in importance
(n.) Chief, in a political sense, as being the seat of the general government of a state or nation
(n.) Of first rate quality
(n.) The head or uppermost member of a column, pilaster, etc. It consists generally of three parts, abacus, bell (or vase), and necking. See these terms, and Column.
(n.) The seat of government
(n.) Money, property, or stock employed in trade, manufactures, etc.
(a.) That portion of the produce of industry, which may be directly employed either to support human beings or to assist in production.
(a.) Anything which can be used to increase one's power or influence.
(a.) An imaginary line dividing a bastion, ravelin, or other work, into two equal parts.
(a.) A chapter, or section, of a book.
(a.) See Capital letter, under Capital, a.
(a.) Given to speculation
(a.) Involving, or formed by, speculation
(a.) Of or pertaining to vision
(a.) Of or pertaining to speculation in land, goods, shares, etc.

tax on speculative gains; capital gains tax Bedeutung

capital offense a crime so serious that capital punishment is considered appropriate
capital punishment
death penalty
putting a condemned person to death
the upper part of a column that supports the entablature
capital ship a warship of the first rank in size and armament
capital letter
upperase letter
one of the large alphabetic characters used as the first letter in writing or printing proper names and sometimes for emphasis, printers once kept the type for capitals and for small letters in separate cases, capitals were kept in the upper half of the type case and so became known as upperase letters
small capital
small cap
a character having the form of an upperase letter but the same height as lowerase letters
block letter
block capital
a plain hand-drawn letter
Das Kapital
a book written by Karl Marx () describing his economic theories
the federal government of the United States
capital a seat of government
capital a center that is associated more than any other with some activity or product, the crime capital of Italy, the drug capital of Columbia
national capital the capital city of a nation
provincial capital the capital city of a province
state capital the capital city of a political subdivision of a country
capital of Afghanistan
the capital and largest city of Afghanistan, located in eastern Afghanistan
Albanian capital
the capital and largest city of Albania in the center of the country
Algerian capital
an ancient port on the Mediterranean, the capital and largest city of Algeria
Angolan capital
port city on Atlantic coast, the capital and largest city of Angola
St. John's Saint John's capital of Antigua and Barbuda the capital and largest city of Antigua and Barbuda, located on the island of Antigua
Buenos Aires
capital of Argentina
capital and largest city of Argentina, located in eastern Argentina near Uruguay, Argentina's chief port and industrial and cultural center
Bulgarian capital
capital and largest city of Bulgaria located in western Bulgaria
capital of Burundi
the capital and largest city of Burundi, Usumbura was renamed Bujumbura when Burundi became independent in
Phnom Penh
Pnom Penh
Cambodian capital
the capital and largest city of Kampuchea
capital of Cameroon
the capital of Cameroon
Cidade de Praia
capital of Cape Verde
the capital of Cape Verde on Sao Tiago Island
capital of Central Africa
the capital and largest city of the Central African Republic
capital of Sri Lanka
the capital and largest city of Sri Lanka, has one of the largest harbors in the world, is located on the western coast of the island of Ceylon
capital of Chad
the capital and largest city of Chad, located in the southwestern on the Shari river
Gran Santiago
Santiago de Chile
capital of Chile
the capital and largest city of Chile, located in central Chile, one of the largest cities in South America
capital of Red China
capital of the People's Republic of China in the Hebei province in northeastern China, nd largest Chinese city
capital of Taiwan
the capital of Nationalist China, located in northern Taiwan
capital of Colombia
capital and largest city of Colombia, located in central Colombia on a high fertile plain
San Jose
capital of Costa Rica
the capital and largest city of Costa Rica
Guatemala City
capital of Guatemala
the capital and largest city of Guatemala
Honduran capital
the capital and largest city of Honduras
San Salvador
Salvadoran capital
the capital and largest city of El Salvador, has suffered from recurrent earthquakes
capital of Nicaragua
Nicaraguan capital
the capital and largest city of Nicaragua
Panama City
capital of Panama
Panamanian capital
the capital and largest city of Panama
Mexico City
Ciudad de Mexico
Mexican capital
capital of Mexico
the capital and largest city of Mexico is a political and cultural and commercial and industrial center, one of the world's largest cities
capital of Cuba
Cuban capital
the capital and largest city of Cuba, located in western Cuba, one of the oldest cities in the Americas
Haitian capital
the capital and largest city of Haiti
Santo Domingo
Ciudad Trujillo
capital of the Dominican Republic
the capital and largest city of the Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo is the oldest continually inhabited European settlement in the Americas with the oldest cathedral and the oldest hospital and the oldest monastery in the Western Hemisphere
capital of Jamaica
Jamaican capital
capital and largest city of Jamaica
capital of Barbados
capital of Barbados, a port city on the southwestern coast of Barbados
Port of Spain
capital of Trinidad and Tobago
the capital and largest city of Trinidad and Tobago on the west coast of the island of Trinidad
capital of Cyprus
the capital and largest city of Cyprus
Czech capital
the capital and largest city of the Czech Republic in the western part of the country, a cultural and commercial center since the th century
capital of Slovakia
capital and largest city of Slovakia
Porto Novo
capital of Benin
the capital of Benin in southwestern part of country on a coastal lagoon
capital of Togo
capital and largest city of Togo, located in the south on the Gulf of Guinea
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127 Bewertungen 4


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