
Stadt Land Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Stadt-Land; Stadt-Land-Fluss; Geografiespiel n Schw.
Categories (game)
insgesamt; als Ganzes (nachgestellt) adv
die Gesellschaft insgesamt
für die Stadt und für das Land als Ganzes
as a whole; at large (postpositive)
society as a whole; society at large
for the city and for the country as a whole
abwandern v (aus von, nach) econ. soc.
er sie wandert ab
ich er sie wanderte ab
er sie ist war abgewandert
vom Land in die Stadt ziehen
der Trend, dass Unternehmen ins Ausland abwandern
zu anderen Parteien abwandern pol.
to migrate; to transmigrate rare (from, to)
migrating; transmigrating
migrated; transmigrated
he she migrates; he she transmigrates
I he she migrated
he she has had migrated
to migrate from the country to the city town
the tendency of companies to migrate abroad
to migrate to other parties
Witzfigur f; Zielscheibe f des Spotts; Gespött n soc.
zur Witzfigur werden
sich lächerlich machen
Die Klasse machte sich über ihn lustig.
Sie hat sich zum Gespött der ganzen Stadt gemacht.
Mit dem Programm hat sich das Land in der ganzen Welt lächerlich gemacht.
laughing stock Br.; laughingstock Am.
to become a laughing stock
to make yourself a laughing stock; to make a laughing stock of yourself
He was the laughing stock of his class.
She has made herself a laughing stock of the whole town.
The programme has made the country an international laughing stock.
Wirtschaftsstandort m; Standort m; Werkplatz m Schw. (Stadt, Region, Land) econ. geogr.
Wirtschaftsstandorte pl; Standorte pl; Werkplätze pl
am Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland interessiert sein
den Standort Werkplatz Schw. Großbritannien wettbewerbsfähig machen
business location (city, region, country)
business locations
to be interested in investing in Germany
to create a UK plc which is competitive
jdn. etw. von etw. säubern; befreien v übtr.
säubernd; befreiend
gesäubert; befreit
die Stadt von Drogendealern säubern
das Land von Korruption befreien
den Geist durch Meditation frei machen
jdn. von allen Sünden befreien; von allen Sünden rein machen altertümlich relig.
to cleanse sth. of sth. fig.
to cleanse the city of drug dealers
to cleanse the country of corruption
to cleanse your mind through meditation
to cleanse sb. of all sin
eine Stadt ein Land usw. verwüsten; eine Stadt in Schutt und Asche legen v hist.
eine Stadt ein Land usw. verwüstend; eine Stadt in Schutt und Asche legend
eine Stadt ein Land usw. verwüstet; eine Stadt in Schutt und Asche gelegt
vom Krieg verwüstet
Die Stadt war völlig verwüstet zerstört worden.
to devastate; to ravage; to sack; to leave in ruins () a town country; to lay waste to a town country etc.
devastating; ravaging; sacking; leaving in ruins a town country; laying waste to a town country etc.
devastated; ravaged; sacked; left in ruins a town country; laid waste to a town country etc.
The town had been laid waste.
abwandern; fortziehen v (aus von ... nach) soc.
abwandernd; fortziehend
abgewandert; fortgezogen
er sie wandert ab; er sie zieht fort
ich er sie wanderte ab; ich er sie zog fort
er sie ist war abgewandert; er sie ist war fortgezogen
vom Land in die Stadt ziehen
zu anderen Parteien abwandern pol.
to migrate (from ... to)
he she migrates
I he she migrated
he she has had migrated
to migrate from the country to the city town
to migrate to other parties
Kolorit n; Gesicht n; Erscheinungsbild n
Politiker aller Couleurs
ein Schritt der die politische Landschaft im Land veränderte
einer Sache ein neues anderes Gesicht geben
Das Erscheinungsbild der Stadt hat sich gewandelt.
Das lässt die Sache in ganz neuem Licht erscheinen.
Damit bekommt die Sache gleich ein anderes Gesicht.
complexion fig.
politicians of every political complexion
a move that changed the political complexion of the country
to put a new fresh different complexion on sth.
The complexion of the city has changed.
That puts a whole new complexion on the case.
That puts a fresh complexion on the matter.
Kolorit n; Gesicht n; Erscheinungsbild n
Politiker aller Couleurs
ein Schritt, der die politische Landschaft im Land veränderte
einer Sache ein neues anderes Gesicht geben
Das Erscheinungsbild der Stadt hat sich gewandelt.
Das lässt die Sache in ganz neuem Licht erscheinen.
Damit bekommt die Sache gleich ein anderes Gesicht.
complexion fig.
politicians of every political complexion
a move that changed the political complexion of the country
to put a new fresh different complexion on sth.
The complexion of the city has changed.
That puts a whole new complexion on the case.
That puts a fresh complexion on the matter.
Lachnummer f; Witzfigur f; Zielscheibe f des Spotts; Gespött n soc.
Lachnummern pl; Witzfiguren pl; Zielscheiben pl des Spotts
zur Witzfigur werden
sich lächerlich machen
Die Klasse machte sich über ihn lustig.
Sie hat sich zum Gespött der ganzen Stadt gemacht.
Mit dem Programm hat sich das Land in der ganzen Welt lächerlich gemacht.
laughing stock Br.; laughingstock Am.; mocking-stock archaic
laughing stocks; laughingstocks; mocking-stocks
to become a laughing stock
to make yourself a laughing stock; to make a laughing stock of yourself
He was the laughing stock of his class.
She has made herself a laughing stock of the whole town.
The programme has made the country an international laughing stock.
etw. (als zukünftige Ausrichtung) wählen; annehmen; einnehmen v
wählend; annehmend; einnehmend
gewählt; angenommen; eingenommen
ein Land eine Stadt als Wahlheimat wählen
den Namen "Williams" annehmen
einen Akzent eine Angewohnheit annehmen
eine bestimmte Haltung einen bestimmten Standpunkt einnehmen
eine andere Strategie wählen fahren
jdn. als Kandiaten aufstellen pol.
to adopt sth. (choose as your future direction)
to adopt a country city (as your own)
to adopt the name of 'Williams'
to adopt an accent a mannerism
to adopt a certain attitude stance position
to adopt a different strategy
to adopt sb. as your candidate Br.
etw. (als zukünftige Ausrichtung) wählen; annehmen; einnehmen v
wählend; annehmend; einnehmend
gewählt; angenommen; eingenommen
ein Land eine Stadt als Wahlheimat wählen
den Namen „Williams“ annehmen
einen Akzent eine Angewohnheit annehmen
eine bestimmte Haltung einen bestimmten Standpunkt einnehmen
eine andere Strategie wählen fahren
jdn. als Kandidaten aufstellen pol.
to adopt sth. (choose as your future direction)
to adopt a country city (as your own)
to adopt the name of 'Williams'
to adopt an accent a mannerism
to adopt a certain attitude stance position
to adopt a different strategy
to adopt sb. as your candidate Br.

Deutsche Stadt Land Synonyme

Gemarkung  ÂGemeinde  ÂOrt  ÂStadt  
Dorf  Âkleine  Stadt  ÂWeiler  
Essen  ÂStadt  an  der  Ruhr  (umgangssprachlich)  
Bundesland  ÂLand  
Chemnitz  ÂKarl-Marx-Stadt  (veraltet)  
Boden  ÂGrund  ÂLand  
Festland  ÂGegend  ÂLand  
Amphibienfahrzeug  ÂLand-Wasser-Fahrzeug  
Land  ÂNation  ÂNationalstaat  ÂStaat  
Goldene  Stadt  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂHauptstadt  von  Tschechien  ÂPrag  ÂPraha  
Dritte-Welt-Land  ÂDrittweltland  ÂEntwicklungsgesellschaft  ÂEntwicklungsland  
Japan  ÂLand  der  aufgehenden  Sonne  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂNippon  
(Zeit)  verfließen  Âablaufen  Âins  Land  gehen  Âvergehen  Âverlaufen  Âverstreichen  Âvorbeigehen  
Einzugsgebiet  ÂOutback  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂSpeckgürtel  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂUmland  (einer  Stadt)  
Dritte-Welt-Land  Drittweltland  Entwicklungsgesellschaft  Entwicklungsland  
Goldene Stadt (umgangssprachlich)  Hauptstadt von Tschechien  Prag  
Land  Nation  Nationalstaat  Staat  
dry land  acres  alluvion  alluvium  arable land  clay  clod  crust  dirt  dust  
fat of the land  Easy Street  abundance  affluence  ample sufficiency  ampleness  amplitude  avalanche  bed of roses  bonanza  
land on  ambush  assail  assault  attack  blitz  bushwhack  come at  come down on  crack down on  
land  acquire  acreage  acres  airspace  alight  ally  archduchy  archdukedom  area  
Never-Never land  Agapemone  Arcadia  Big Rock-Candy Mountain  Canaan  Cloudcuckooland  Cockaigne  Eden  Eldorado  Erewhon  
parcel of land  block  clearing  clos  close  corn field  croft  cultivated land  enclave  field  
promised land  Agapemone  Arcadia  Beulah  Beulah Land  Big Rock-Candy Mountain  Canaan  Cloudcuckooland  Cockaigne  Eden  
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Englische Categories Synonyme

Stadt Land Definition

(pl. ) of Category
(n.) Crooked
(v. i.) Sport of any kind
(v. i.) A contest, physical or mental, according to certain rules, for amusement, recreation, or for winning a stake
(v. i.) The use or practice of such a game
(v. i.) That which is gained, as the stake in a game
(v. i.) In some games, a point credited on the score to the player whose cards counts up the highest.
(v. i.) A scheme or art employed in the pursuit of an object or purpose
(v. i.) Animals pursued and taken by sportsmen
(a.) Having a resolute, unyielding spirit, like the gamecock
(a.) Of or pertaining to such animals as are hunted for game, or to the act or practice of hunting.
(n.) To rejoice
(n.) To play at any sport or diversion.
(n.) To play for a stake or prize
Game fowl
() A handsome breed of the common fowl, remarkable for the great courage and pugnacity of the males.
(n.) An object of ridicule
), a game played with such pieces

Categories (game) Bedeutung

mind game deliberate actions of calculated psychological manipulation intended to intimidate or confuse (usually for competitive advantage), football players try to play mind games with the opposition, the jeweler's mind game is to convince lovers that the size of a gemstone reflects the depth of their feelings
game an amusement or pastime, they played word games, he thought of his painting as a game that filled his empty time, his life was all fun and games
game a contest with rules to determine a winner, you need four people to play this game
game a single play of a sport or other contest, the game lasted two hours
day game a game played in daylight
night game a game played under artificial illumination at night
away game
road game
a game played away from home
home game a game played at home
exhibition game
practice game
a game whose outcome is not recorded in the season's standing
party game a game to amuse guests at a party
computer game
video game
a game played against a computer
pinball game
a game played on a sloping board, the object is to propel marbles against pins or into pockets
guessing game a game in which participants compete to identify some obscurely indicated thing
mind game any game designed to exercise the intellect
playoff game one game in the series of games constituting a playoff
war game a simulation of a military operation intended to train military commanders or to demonstrate a situation or to test a proposed strategy
athletic game a game involving athletic activity
ice hockey
hockey hockey game
a game played on an ice rink by two opposing teams of six skaters each who try to knock a flat round puck into the opponents' goal with angled sticks
outdoor game an athletic game that is played outdoors
golf game
a game played on a large open course with or holes, the object is use as few strokes as possible in playing all the holes
field game an outdoor game played on a field of specified dimensions
football game
any of various games played with a ball (round or oval) in which two teams try to kick or carry or propel the ball into each other's goal
American football
American football game
a game played by two teams of players on a rectangular field yards long, teams try to get possession of the ball and advance it across the opponents goal line in a series of (running or passing) plays
ball game
a field game played with a ball (especially baseball)
baseball game r
a ball game played with a bat and ball between two teams of nine players, teams take turns at bat trying to score runs, he played baseball in high school, there was a baseball game on every empty lot, there was a desire for National League ball in the area, play ball!
perfect game a game in which a pitcher does not allow any opposing player to reach base
no-hit game
a game in which a pitcher allows the opposing team no hits
softball game
a game closely resembling baseball that is played on a smaller diamond and with a ball that is larger and softer
stickball game
a form of baseball played in the streets with a rubber ball and broomstick handle
court game an athletic game played on a court
volleyball game
a game in which two teams hit an inflated ball over a high net using their hands
basketball game
a game played on a court by two opposing teams of players, points are scored by throwing the ball through an elevated horizontal hoop
child's game a game enjoyed by children
card game
a game played with playing cards
poker game
any of various card games in which players bet that they hold the highestanking hand
table game a game that is played on a table
parlor game
parlour game
a game suitable for playing in a parlor
word game any game involving the formation or alteration or discovery of words
board game a game played on a specially designed board
chess game
a board game for two players who move their pieces according to specific rules, the object is to checkmate the opponent's king
go game
a board game for two players who place counters on a grid, the object is to surround and so capture the opponent's counters
game of chance
gambling game
a game that involves gambling
numbers pool
numbers game
numbers racket
an illegal daily lottery
crap shooting
crap game
playing craps
banking game any gambling game in which bets are laid against the gambling house or the dealer
zero-sum game a game in which the total of all the gains and losses is zero
game frivolous or trifling behavior, for actors, memorizing lines is no game, for him, life is all fun and games
run running running play
running game
(American football) a play in which a player attempts to carry the ball through or past the opposing team, the defensive line braced to stop the run, the coach put great emphasis on running
pass passing play
passing game
(American football) a play that involves one player throwing the ball to a teammate, the coach sent in a passing play on third and long
game biz your occupation or line of work, he's in the plumbing game, she's in show biz
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Eine Stadt ist eine größere, zentralisierte und abgegrenzte Siedlung im Schnittpunkt größerer Verkehrswege mit einer eigenen Verwaltungs- und Versorgungsstruktur. Damit ist fast jede Stadt zugleich ein zentraler Ort.

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