
Stamm Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Stamm m; Haupt n
Stamm m, Haupt n
ein afrikanischer Stamm
an African tribe
Stamm m, Baumstamm m
trunk, tree trunk
Stamm f; Abstammung f
Stamm f, Abstammung f
Stamm m, Wurzel f (Wort)
biologischer Stamm m biol.
biological phylum
Stamm…, Rumpf…, Körper… anat.
Stamm m biol.
Stämme pl
phylum, clade
Bestand, Lagerbestand, Vorrat, Stamm
Baumscheibe f (Bereich um den Stamm)
tree grid; tree grate
Stamm- und Blatt-Darstellung f statist.
stem-and-leaf display
Stamm m; Geschlecht n; Familienzweig m
angestammt adj; Stamm- (gewohnheitsbezogen)
usual {adj}
Der Apfel fällt nicht weit vom Stamm. Sprw.
The apple does not fall far from the tree.; He is a chip off the old block. prov.
Der Apfel fällt nicht weit vom Stamm. Sprw.
He is a chip off the old block. prov.
Fadenwürmer pl (Nematoda) (zoologischer Stamm) zool.
roundworms; nematodes (zoological phylum)
Nesseltiere pl (Cnidaria) (zoologischer Stamm) zool.
cnidarians (zoological phylum)
Chordatiere pl (Chordata) (zoologischer Stamm) zool.
chordates (zoological phylum)
unteres Stamm-Ende n; Wurzelende n eines Baumes bot.
butt end of a tree
Gliederfüßler pl (Arthropoda) (zoologischer Stamm) zool.
arthropods (zoological phylum)
Stamm m von Mikroorganismen biol.
Stämme pl
resistenter Stamm
resistant strain
Armfüßer pl; Brachiopoden pl (Brachiopoda) (zoologischer Stamm) zool.
lamp shells; brachiopods (zoological phylum)
Bärtierchen pl; Wasserbären pl (Tardigrada) (zoologischer Stamm) biol.
waterbears; moss piglets; tardigrades (water-bears) (water bears)
Rippenquallen pl; Kammquallen pl (Ctenophora) (zoologischer Stamm) zool.
comb jellies (zoological phylum)
Stachelhäuter pl; Echinoderme pl (Echinodermata) (zoologische Stamm) zool.
echinoderms (zoological phylum)
Stamm m; Sippe f; Volksstamm m
Stämme pl; Sippen pl; Volksstämme pl
Stamm m, Sippe f, Volksstamm m
Stämme pl, Sippen pl, Volksstämme pl
wild adj (unzivilisiert)
wilde Tiere
ein wilder Stamm
eine wilde Landschaft
wild; ferocious; savage (uncivilized)
wild animals; ferocious animals; savage beasts
a wild savage tribe
a wild savage landscape
Cherusker pl (germanischer Stamm) soc. hist.
Cherusker m; Cheruskerin f
cheruskisch adj
Cherusci (Germanic tribe)
Cheruscan {adj}
Halm m; Stängel m; Stiel m; Stamm m bot.
Halme pl; Stängel pl; Stiele pl; Stämme pl
stems; stalks
biologischer Stamm m biol.
botanischer Stamm; botanische Abteilung veraltet
zoologischer Stamm
biological phylum
botanical phylum; botanical division former name
zoological phylum
Halm m, Stängel m, Stiel m, Stamm m bot.
Halme pl, Stängel pl, Stiele pl, Stämme pl
Machstammeffekt m; Mach-Effekt m; Mach'scher Stamm m; Machwelle f; Mach'sche Front f (Strömungslehre) phys.
Mach stem; Mach wave; Mach front (fluid mechanics)
Baumstamm m; Stamm m; Baumstock m bot.
Baumstämme pl; Stämme pl; Baumstöcke pl
Baumstämme zuschneiden
tree trunk; trunk (of a tree); stock stem (of a tree); bole poet.
tree trunks; trunks; stocks; stems; boles
to buck tree trunks
Wortstamm m; Stamm m ling.
Wortstämme pl; Stämme pl
'Schreib' ist der Wortstamm der Formen 'schreibt' und 'schreibend'.
word stem; stem
word stems; stems
'Writ' is the stem of the forms 'writes' and 'writing'.
Wortstamm m; Stamm m ling.
Wortstämme pl; Stämme pl
Verbstamm m
„Schreib“ ist der Wortstamm der Formen „schreibt“ und „schreibend“.
word stem; stem
word stems; stems
verb stem; stem of verb
'Writ' is the stem of the forms 'writes' and 'writing'.
Stamm m von Mikroorganismen biol.
Stämme pl
Bakterienstamm m
Erregerstamm m
hochpathogener niedrigpathogener Stamm
resistenter Stamm
strain of bacteria; bacterial strain
pathogenic strain
highly pathogenic low pathogenic strain
resistant strain
Spross m; Reis n (aus der Wurzel aus dem Stamm + Gen); Abkömmling m von jdm. (Nachkomme) (Bibel) soc. relig.
ein Spross (aus der Wurzel) Davids; Reis aus Davids Stamme
root; scion of sb. (descendant) (Bible)
a root of David
Spross m; Reis n (aus der Wurzel aus dem Stamm +Gen.); Abkömmling m von jdm. (Nachkomme) (Bibel) soc. relig.
ein Spross (aus der Wurzel) Davids; Reis aus Davids Stamme
root; scion of sb. (descendant) (Bible)
a root of David
sich ranken; ranken selten; sich schlängeln; sich winden geh. v (Pflanze) bot.
sich rankend; rankend; sich schlängelnd; sich windend
sich gerankt; gerankt; sich geschlängelt; sich gewunden
sich hochranken
sich hinunterranken
sich über den Zaun am Zaum ranken
sich am Boden ranken; sich am Boden entlang schlängeln
von der Decke hängen
über die Kante herunterhängen
hängendes Sedum
Efeu rankt sich um den Stamm.
to ramble (in different directions); to trail (along the ground or downwards) (of a plant)
rambling; trailing
rambled; trailed
to ramble upwards
to trail downwards
to ramble over the fence
to ramble over the ground; to trail on the ground
to trail from the ceiling
to trail over the edge
trailing sedum
Ivy rambles arount the trunk.
Diagramm n Diag. ; Grafik f; Karte f (in Zusammensetzungen); Tafel f (in Zusammensetzungen) econ. math. statist.
Diagramme pl; Grafiken pl; Karten pl; Tafeln pl
Ablaufdiagramm n; Ablaufgrafik f; Ablaufschaubild n; Ablaufplan m; Durchlaufplan m (oft fälschlich: Flussdiagramm)
Balkendiagramm n
Fahrzeitentafel f (Bahn)
Großkreiskarte f
Kastendiagramm n; Kastengrafik f
Kastendiagramm n; Kastengrafik f statist.
Liniendiagramm n; Kurvendiagramm n; Kurvenbild n
Punktdiagramm n; Punktediagramm n
Säulendiagramm n
Stamm-Blatt-Diagramm n; Stamm-und-Blatt-Diagramm n; Stamm-und-Blatt-Grafik f; Stamm-und-Blatt-Darstellung f; Zweig-Blätter-Diagramm n; Zweig-Blätter-Grafik f statist.
Stufendiagramm n
räumliches Diagramm
wie das Diagramm zeigt
ein Diagramm erstellen
diagram diag. ; chart; plot Am.
diagrams; charts; plots
flow diagram; flow chart
bar diagram; bar chart
running chart (railway)
great circle chart
box diagram; box plot
box-and-whisker diagram; box-and-whisker plot; box plot
line graph; graph
dot plot; plot (set of points that may or may not be connected by a line)
column diagram; column chart; vertical bar chart
stem-and-leaf plot; stem plot; stem-and-leaf display
graduation diagram
three-dimensional diagram
as shown in the diagram
to draw a diagram; to create a diagram

Deutsche Stamm Synonyme

Baumstamm  ÂStamm  ÂStiel  
Sippe  ÂStamm  ÂVolksstamm  
Stamm-Morphem  ÂStammwort  ÂWortstamm  ÂWurzelwort  
Familie  ÂFamilienbande  ÂGeblüt  ÂGeschlecht  ÂHaus  ÂSippe  ÂStamm  
Stamm-Morphem  Stammwort  Wortstamm  Wurzelwort  
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Englische trunk Synonyme

trunk  L  WATS  WATS line  anatomy  anthrophore  antlia  axis  baluster  balustrade  banister  barrel  base  beak  beezer  bill  bin  body  bole  bones  boot  box  branch  bugle  cable  cable railway  cane  carcass  carpophore  caryatid  case  cask  casket  caudex  caulicle  caulis  chest  clay  clod  co-ax  coaxial cable  coffer  cog railway  colonnade  column  concentric cable  conk  corpus  culm  cylinder  cylindroid  dado  die  drum  el  electric railway  elevated  elevated railway  embankment  feeder  feeder line  figure  flesh  footstalk  form  frame  funicule  funiculus  gravity-operated railway  haulm  horse railway  hulk  jack  junction  leafstalk  light railroad  line  locker  main line  material body  metro  monorail  muffle  muzzle  nares  neb  newel-post  nib  nose  nostrils  nozzle  olfactory organ  party line  pecker  pedestal  pedicel  peduncle  person  petiole  petiolule  petiolus  physical body  physique  pier  pilaster  pile  piling  pillar  pipe  plinth  pole  post  private line  proboscis  queen-post  rack railway  rack-and-pinion railway  rail  rail line  railroad  railway  reed  rhinarium  roadbed  roadway  roll  roller  rostrum  rouleau  schnozzle  seedstalk  shaft  sidetrack  siding  smeller  snoot  snout  socle  soma  spear  spire  staff  stalk  stanchion  stand  standard  stem  stipe  stock  straw  street railway  streetcar line  subbase  subway  surbase  switchback  telegraph cable  telegraph line  telephone line  terminal  terminus  tigella  torso  track  tram  tramline  trestle  trolley line  trunk line  tube  turnout  underground  upright  wire line  
trunk line  L  WATS  WATS line  branch  cable  cable railway  co-ax  coaxial cable  cog railway  concentric cable  el  electric railway  elevated  elevated railway  embankment  feeder  feeder line  gravity-operated railway  horse railway  junction  light railroad  line  main line  metro  monorail  party line  private line  rack railway  rack-and-pinion railway  rail  rail line  railroad  railway  roadbed  roadway  sidetrack  siding  street railway  streetcar line  subway  switchback  telegraph cable  telegraph line  telephone line  terminal  terminus  track  tram  tramline  trestle  trolley line  trunk  tube  turnout  underground  wire line  

Stamm Definition

(n.) The stem, or body, of a tree, apart from its limbs and roots
(n.) The body of an animal, apart from the head and limbs.
(n.) The main body of anything
(n.) That part of a pilaster which is between the base and the capital, corresponding to the shaft of a column.
(n.) That segment of the body of an insect which is between the head and abdomen, and bears the wings and legs
(n.) The proboscis of an elephant.
(n.) The proboscis of an insect.
(n.) A long tube through which pellets of clay, p/as, etc., are driven by the force of the breath.
(n.) A box or chest usually covered with leather, metal, or cloth, or sometimes made of leather, hide, or metal, for containing clothes or other goods
(n.) A flume or sluice in which ores are separated from the slimes in which they are contained.
(n.) A large pipe forming the piston rod of a steam engine, of sufficient diameter to allow one end of the connecting rod to be attached to the crank, and the other end to pass within the pipe directly to the piston, thus making the engine more compact.
(n.) A long, large box, pipe, or conductor, made of plank or metal plates, for various uses, as for conveying air to a mine or to a furnace, water to a mill, grain to an elevator, etc.
(v. t.) To lop off
(v. t.) To extract (ores) from the slimes in which they are contained, by means of a trunk. See Trunk, n., 9.

trunk Bedeutung

a long flexible snout as of an elephant
trunk road
a highway
luggage compartment
automobile trunk
compartment in an automobile that carries luggage or shopping or tools, he put his golf bag in the trunk
trunk luggage consisting of a large strong case used when traveling or for storage
trunk hose puffed breeches of the th and th centuries usually worn over hose
trunk lid hinged lid for a trunk
trunk line a telephone line connecting two exchanges directly
trunk line trunk route line that is the main route on a railway
celiac trunk
celiac artery
truncus celiacus
arteria celiaca
an artery that originates from the abdominal aorta just below the diaphragm and branches into the left gastric artery and the common hepatic artery and the splenic artery
pulmonary trunk
truncus pulmonalis
the artery that carries venous blood from the right ventricle of the heart and divides into the right and left pulmonary arteries
atrioventricular bundle
bundle of His
atrioventricular trunk
truncus atrioventricularis
a bundle of modified heart muscle that transmits the cardiac impulse from the atrioventricular node to the ventricles causing them to contract
the body excluding the head and neck and limbs, they moved their arms and legs and bodies
long distance
long-distance call
trunk call
a telephone call made outside the local calling area, I talked to her by long distance
tree trunk
the main stem of a tree, usually covered with bark, the bole is usually the part that is commercially useful for lumber
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