
Standortmosaik Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Standortmosaik n; Ökotopenmosaik n; Ökotopengefüge n; Mikrochore f envir.
landscape (mosaic) pattern; landscape mosaic (configuration); ecological moscaic; patch configuration; microchore; land facet
Standortmosaik n; Ökotopenmosaik n; Ökotopengefüge n; Mikrochore f envir.
landscape (mosaic) pattern; landscape mosaic (configuration); ecological moscaic; patch configuration; microchore; land facet
Bankplatz, Standort mehrerer Banken
banking centre
Standort der Industrie
location of industry
Aufstellungsort m, Standort m
Fundort m, Standort m
Fundorte pl, Standorte pl
Garnison f, Standort m
Garnisonen pl
Platz m, Standort m
Standort m
Standorte pl
Standort m
Standorte pl
den Standort bestimmen
Standort eines Buches
to locate
location of a book
Fundort, Standort
Standort, Stelle
Aufstellungsort m; Standort m
Ausbildungsstätte f (Standort)
Ausbildungsstätten pl
training facility; training premises; training centre Br. center Am.
training facilities; training premises; training centres centers
Garnison f (Standort einer Truppe) mil.
Garnisonen pl
Kleinkleckersdorf n Norddt. Ostdt.; Posemuckel n Norddt.; Pusemuckel n Nordwestdt.; Buxtehude n Ostdt.; Hintertupfingen n Mitteldt. BW Schw.; Hintertupfing n Bayr. Ös. (abgelegener Standort)
in Kleinkleckersdorf (weit abgelegen)
Hicksville Am.; Podunk Am.; Woop Woop Austr.; Wop Wops NZ (remote location)
in hicksville (out in the sticks)
der Standort von etw.; die (geografische) Lage von etw.
der Standort des Lagers
the lay of sth.
the lay of the camp
Pampa f humor. (abgelegener Standort)
in der Pampa (ganz weit außerhalb)
Outbackistan Austr.
in Outbackistan
Pflaster n (Standort) übtr.
ein teures Pflaster sein
ein heißes gefährliches Pflaster sein
to be an expensive place
to be a dangerous place
Platz m; Standort m
Ruhepol m
ein Ruhepol sein (Person)
ein Ruhepol sein (Standort)

to be a haven centre Br. center Am. of tranquility
to be an island oasis of tranquility (location)
Sachenrechtstatut n (Recht das am Standort einer Urkunde gilt) jur.
lex cartae sitae
Standort m geogr.
Standorte pl
den Standort bestimmen
etw. ortsunabhängig tun
Standort eines Buches
to locate
to do sth. from any location
location of a book
Standort m techn.
Standorte pl
Standort m bot.
Standorte pl
site; habitat
sites; habitats
Standort m nach Funkpeilung aviat. naut.
den Standort bestimmen naut.
radio fix
to fix the position by radio
Standort m über Grund aviat.
ground position
Versetzung f; Abkommandierung f mil.
Versetzung an einen anderen Standort
Versetzung zu einer anderen Einheit am gleichen Standort
posting; change of station Am.
Permanent Change of Station PCS
Permanent Change of Assignment PCA
netzfern adj techn.
netzferner Standort
remote from the grid
location remote from the grid
etw. zusammenfassen; zusammenlegen; zusammenstellen; zusammenziehen; zusammenschließen bündeln v
zusammenfassend; zusammenlegend; zusammenstellend; zusammenziehend; zusammenschließend; bündelnd
zusammengefasst; zusammengelegt; zusammengestellt; zusammengezogen; zusammengeschlossen; gebündelt
Gesetze zusammenfassen
Informationen aus verschiedensten Quellen zusammenfassen
Aktien (zu größeren Stücken) zusammenlegen
Sammelladungen zusammenstellen
Klagen miteinander verbinden jur.
Die Truppen wurden in drei Bezirken zusammengezogen.
Alle Fertigungsvorgänge wurden an einem neuen Standort zusammengelegt.
Unsere Aktivitäten werden an drei Standorten gebündelt.
to consolidate sth.
to consolidate statutes
to consolidate information from various sources
to consolidate shares
to consolidate shipments Am.
to consolidate actions
The troops were consolidated in three districts.
All manufacturing activities have been consolidated at a new site.
Our activities are consolidated within into three sites.
Aufeinanderfolge f; Abfolge f; Sukzession f (von Lebensgemeinschaften an einem Standort) envir. biol.
Vegetationsabfolge f
succession (of biotic communities on a site)
plant succession
Aufstellungsort m; Standort m
Aufstellungsorte pl; Standorte pl
Alternativstandort m
alternative site
Beweglichkeit f; Mobilität f (Unabhängigkeit von einem festen Standort)
Beweglichkeit der Arbeitskräfte; Mobilität auf dem Arbeitsmarkt
Beweglichkeit des Kapitals; Kapitalbeweglichkeit f; Kapitalmobilität f
berufliche Mobilität
grenzüberschreitende Mobilität
häufiger Wohnsitzwechsel; häufiger Wohnungswechsel
soziale Mobilität; Änderungen in der sozialen Stellung
Steuermobilität f fin.
höhere Mobilität der Studenten
mobility of labour Br. labor Am.; labour mobility Br.; labor mobility Am.
mobility of capital; capital mobility
occupational mobility
cross-border mobility
residential mobility
social mobility
fiscal mobility
greater student mobility
Bodennullpunkt m (Standort unmittelbar oberhalb unterhalb des Detonationspunkts einer Atombombe) mil.
ground zero; hypocentre rare (site directly above beneath the detonation point of a nuclear bomb)
im Herzen von etw. liegen v
neue Räume an einem attraktiven Standort im Herzen der Stadt
to be in at the heart of sth.
new rooms in an attractive location in the heart of the city.
Markt m (Standort eines Straßenmarkts)
Märkte pl
etw. auf den Märkten der Hauptstadt verkaufen
public market place; marketplace
public market places; marketplaces
to sell sth. in the marketplaces of the capital
Ruhepol m
ein Ruhepol sein (Person)
ein Ruhepol sein (Standort)

to be a haven centre Br. center Am. of tranquility
to be an island oasis of tranquility (location)
Sachenrechtstatut n (Recht, das am Standort einer Urkunde gilt) jur.
lex cartae sitae
Spektrum n; Bandbreite f übtr.
der Standort der Partei im politischen Spektrum
spectrum fig.
the position of the party on the political spectrum
Standort m geogr.
Standorte pl
Alternativstandort m
den Standort bestimmen
etw. ortsunabhängig tun
Standort eines Buches
location; locality
locations; localities
alternative location
to locate
to do sth. from any location
location of a book
Standort m der Signale; Signalstandort m; Signalpositionierung f (Bahn)
positioning of signals (railway)
Versetzung f; Abkommandierung f mil.
Versetzung an einen anderen Standort
Versetzung zu einer anderen Einheit am gleichen Standort
posting; change of station Am.
Permanent Change of Station PCS
Permanent Change of Assignment PCA
Wirtschaftsstandort m; Standort m; Werkplatz m Schw. (Stadt, Region, Land) econ. geogr.
Wirtschaftsstandorte pl; Standorte pl; Werkplätze pl
am Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland interessiert sein
den Standort Werkplatz Schw. Großbritannien wettbewerbsfähig machen
business location (city, region, country)
business locations
to be interested in investing in Germany
to create a UK plc which is competitive
(von einem Standort aus) gut einsehbar sein v
to be easily viewed (from a position)
(von einem Standort aus) schlecht einsehbar sein v
not to be easily viewed (from a position)
freundlicherweise; liebenswürdigerweise; netterweise adv
Darf ich Sie um den genauen Standort bitten.; Teilen Sie mir bitte den genauen Standort mit.
Kindly advise me of the precise location.; Can you kindly advise me of the precise location.
jdn. etw. mitbringen; jdn. etw. herbringen (zum Standort des Sprechers); jdn. etw. hinbringen (an einen Ort, wo der Sprecher nicht ist); jdn. etw. anschleppen ugs. pej. v
mitbringend; herbringend; hinbringend; anschleppend
mitgebracht; hergebracht; hingebracht; angeschleppt
Er brachte sie mehrmals zu uns nach Hause mit.
Die schlechte Wirtschaftslage hat mich seinerzeit hierher geführt.
Sie schleppten die Seuche nach Italien ein.
to bring over () sb. sth.
bringing over
brought over
He brought her over to our place several times.
Unfavourable economic conditions brought me over here back then.
They brought the epidemic over to Italy.
etw. zusammenfassen; zusammenlegen; zusammenstellen; zusammenziehen; zusammenschließen, bündeln v
zusammenfassend; zusammenlegend; zusammenstellend; zusammenziehend; zusammenschließend; bündelnd
zusammengefasst; zusammengelegt; zusammengestellt; zusammengezogen; zusammengeschlossen; gebündelt
Gesetze zusammenfassen
Informationen aus verschiedensten Quellen zusammenfassen
Aktien (zu größeren Stücken) zusammenlegen
Sammelladungen zusammenstellen
Klagen miteinander verbinden jur.
Die Truppen wurden in drei Bezirken zusammengezogen.
Alle Fertigungsvorgänge wurden an einem neuen Standort zusammengelegt.
Unsere Aktivitäten werden an drei Standorten gebündelt.
to consolidate sth.
to consolidate statutes
to consolidate information from various sources
to consolidate shares
to consolidate shipments Am.
to consolidate actions
The troops were consolidated in three districts.
All manufacturing activities have been consolidated at a new site.
Our activities are consolidated within into three sites.
Standortabfolge f; Standortreihe f beim Boden bot.
catenary soil sequence; soil catena
Standortabfolge f; Standortreihe f bot.
toposequence; catena
Alarm m (Versetzung in einen allgemeinen Alarmzustand)
Alarme pl
Alarm wegen eines Sicherheitsproblems
stiller Alarm
Atomalarm m
Bombenalarm m
Gefahrenalarm m
Hochwasseralarm m
Katastrophenalarm m
Notfallalarm m
Smogalarm m
Standortalarm m
Terroralarm m
alert (putting in place a general state of alert)
security alert
silent alert
nuclear alert
bomb alert
hazard alert
flood alert
disaster alert
emergency alert
smog alert
site alert
terrorism alert
Standortanalyse f econ.
Standortanalysen pl
production site analysis
production site analyses
Standortanalyse f bot.
habitat analysis
Stockwerk n; Stock m; Etage f; Gebäudeebene f (als Standortangabe) arch.
Stockwerke pl; Stöcke pl; Etagen pl; Gebäudeebenen pl
auf in allen Stockwerken
Etage mit den Betriebsräumen
im ersten Stockwerk; im ersten Stock
eine Wohnung im zweiten Stock
floor level; floor fl.
floor levels; floors
at all floor levels
utility floor; mechanical floor
on the first floor above ground level; on the first floor Br.; on the second floor Am.
a second-floor flat Br.
Standortansprache f envir.
site appraisal
Standortansprüche pl bot.
habitat requirements
Standortbedingungen pl; Standortverhältnisse pl bot.
site conditions
Position f; Lage f; Kurs m
Sonnenpeilung f
Gestirnpeilung f
Fremdpeilung f aviat. naut.
der gemessene beobachtete Winkel
etw. zur Standortbestimmung anpeilen
den Kompasskurs feststellen
die Orientierung verlieren; in Verlegenheit geraten übtr.
bearing by the sun
bearing by stars
bearing by a radio-compass station
the bearing taken observed
to take a bearing on sth.
to take a compass bearing
to lose one's bearings
Standortbestimmung f
Position f; Lage f; Kurs m
Sonnenpeilung f
Gestirnpeilung f
Fremdpeilung f aviat. naut.
der gemessene beobachtete Winkel
etw. zur Standortbestimmung anpeilen
den Kompasskurs feststellen
bearing by the sun
bearing by stars
bearing by a radio-compass station
the bearing taken observed
to take a bearing on sth.
to take a compass bearing
Standortbetriebsklasse f (Forstwirtschaft) agr.
Standortbetriebsklassen pl
site class (forestry)
site classes
Standortbetriebsklasse f agr.
Standortbetriebsklassen pl
site class
site classes
standortbezogen adj
Einbuchen n in die Mobilfunk-Standortdatei (GSM) telco.
location registration (GSM)
Standortdaten pl; Positionsdaten pl; Ortungsdaten pl
location data; position data; positional data
geographische Verortung f; Georeferenzierung f (Zuordnung von kartesischen Standortdaten zu ortsfesten Objekten)
geographic coding; geocoding; geographic referencing; georeferencing (assignment of coordinate position data to stationary locations)
auf mehrere Standorte verteilt; an mit mehreren Standorten (nachtgestellt) adj geogr.
etw. auslagern v
lagert aus
lagerte aus
Während des Kriegs wurden Kunstwerke auf ländliche Standorte ausgelagert um sie vor Bombenangriffen auf die Hauptstadt zu bewahren.
to evacuate sth.
During the war works of art were evacuated to countryside locations to preserve them from the bombing raids on the capital.

Deutsche Standortmosaik Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Standortmosaik Synonym nachschlagen

Englische landscape pattern; landscape mosaic ; ecological moscaic; patch configuration; microchore; land facet Synonyme

landscape  airscape  aspect  cityscape  cloudscape  countryside  diorama  exterior  farmscape  interior  lookout  outlook  panorama  pastoral  perspective  prospect  riverscape  scape  scene  scenery  scenic view  seapiece  seascape  sight  skyscape  snowscape  sweep  townscape  view  vista  waterscape  

Standortmosaik Definition

(n.) Form, as depending on the relative disposition of the parts of a thing' shape
(n.) Relative position or aspect of the planets
(n.) A little face
(n.) A smooth circumscribed surface
(n.) The narrow plane surface between flutings of a column.
(n.) One of the numerous small eyes which make up the compound eyes of insects and crustaceans.
(v. t.) To cut facets or small faces upon
(n.) Urine. See Lant.
(n.) The solid part of the surface of the earth
(n.) Any portion, large or small, of the surface of the earth, considered by itself, or as belonging to an individual or a people, as a country, estate, farm, or tract.
(n.) Ground, in respect to its nature or quality
(n.) The inhabitants of a nation or people.
(n.) The mainland, in distinction from islands.
(n.) The ground or floor.
(n.) The ground left unplowed between furrows
(n.) Any ground, soil, or earth whatsoever, as meadows, pastures, woods, etc., and everything annexed to it, whether by nature, as trees, water, etc., or by the hand of man, as buildings, fences, etc.
(n.) The lap of the strakes in a clinker-built boat
(n.) In any surface prepared with indentations, perforations, or grooves, that part of the surface which is not so treated, as the level part of a millstone between the furrows, or the surface of the bore of a rifled gun between the grooves.
(v. t.) To set or put on shore from a ship or other water craft
(v. t.) To catch and bring to shore
(v. t.) To set down after conveying
(v. i.) To go on shore from a ship or boat
(a.) Pecuniarily embarrassed through owning much unprofitable land.
(n.) A portion of land or territory which the eye can comprehend in a single view, including all the objects it contains.
(n.) A picture representing a scene by land or sea, actual or fancied, the chief subject being the general aspect of nature, as fields, hills, forests, water. etc.
(n.) The pictorial aspect of a country.
(n.) A surface decoration made by inlaying in patterns small pieces of variously colored glass, stone, or other material
(n.) A picture or design made in mosaic
(a.) Of or pertaining to the style of work called mosaic
(a.) Of or pertaining to Moses, the leader of the Israelites, or established through his agency
No-man's land
() A space amidships used to keep blocks, ropes, etc.
No-man's land
() Fig.: An unclaimed space or time.
(n.) A piece of cloth, or other suitable material, sewed or otherwise fixed upon a garment to repair or strengthen it, esp. upon an old garment to cover a hole.
(n.) A small piece of anything used to repair a breach
(n.) A small piece of black silk stuck on the face, or neck, to hide a defect, or to heighten beauty.
(n.) A piece of greased cloth or leather used as wrapping for a rifle ball, to make it fit the bore.
(n.) Fig.: Anything regarded as a patch
(n.) A block on the muzzle of a gun, to do away with the effect of dispart, in sighting.
(n.) A paltry fellow
(v. t.) To mend by sewing on a piece or pieces of cloth, leather, or the like
(v. t.) To mend with pieces
(v. t.) To adorn, as the face, with a patch or patches.
(v. t.) To make of pieces or patches
(n.) Anything proposed for imitation
(n.) A part showing the figure or quality of the whole
(n.) Stuff sufficient for a garment
(n.) Figure or style of decoration
(n.) Something made after a model
(n.) Anything cut or formed to serve as a guide to cutting or forming objects
(n.) A full-sized model around which a mold of sand is made, to receive the melted metal. It is usually made of wood and in several parts, so as to be removed from the mold without injuring it.

landscape (mosaic) pattern; landscape mosaic (configuration); ecological moscaic; patch configuration; microchore; land facet Bedeutung

land reform a redistribution of agricultural land (especially by government action)
a customary way of operation or behavior, it is their practice to give annual raises, they changed their dietary pattern
farming land agriculture considered as an occupation or way of life, farming is a strenuous life, there's no work on the land any more
ecological terrorism
ecological warfare
violence carried out to further the political or social objectives of the environmentalists
landscape gardening
working as a landscape gardener
land development making an area of land more useful
land-office business very large and profitable volume of commercial activity
tobacco mosaic virus
the widely studied plant virus that causes tobacco mosaic, it was the first virus discovered ()
land rail
Crex crex
common Eurasian rail that frequents grain fields
a piece of soft material that covers and protects an injured part of the body
a decorative or artistic work, the coach had a design on the doors
estradiol patch a transdermal patch that allows estradiol to be absorbed into the blood stream, used in treating estrogen deficiency and in hormone replacement therapy
a protective cloth covering for an injured eye
fret Greek fret
Greek key
key pattern
an ornamental pattern consisting of repeated vertical and horizontal lines (often in relief), there was a simple fret at the top of the walls
herringbone herringbone pattern a pattern of columns of short parallel lines with all the lines in one column sloping one way and lines in adjacent columns sloping the other way, it is used in weaving, masonry, parquetry, embroidery
kitchen garden
vegetable garden
vegetable patch
a small garden where vegetables are grown
land line
a telephone line that travels over terrestrial circuits, a land line can be wire or fiber optics or microwave
land mine
ground-emplaced mine
booby trap
an explosive mine hidden underground, explodes when stepped on or driven over
land office a government office where business relating to public lands is transacted
landscape painting
a genre of art dealing with the depiction of natural scenery
landscape painting depicting an expanse of natural scenery
patch darn
sewing that repairs a worn or torn hole (especially in a garment), her stockings had several mends
mosaic art consisting of a design made of small pieces of colored stone or glass
mosaic arial mosaic
arrangement of aerial photographs forming a composite picture
mosaic transducer formed by the light-sensitive surface on a television camera tube
patch a piece of cloth used as decoration or to mend or cover a hole
patch pocket a flat pocket sewn to the outside of a garment
Polaroid camera
Polaroid Land camera
a camera that develops and produces a positive print within seconds
shoulder patch patch worn on the shoulder of a military uniform to indicate rank
temporary hookup
a connection intended to be used for a limited time
transdermal patch
skin patch
a medicated adhesive pad placed on the skin for absorption of a time released dose of medication into the bloodstream
chinaware decorated with a blue Chinese design on a white background depicting a willow tree and often a river
spot speckle
a small contrasting part of something, a bald spot, a leopard's spots, a patch of clouds, patches of thin ice, a fleck of red
twilight zone
no man's land
the ambiguous region between two categories or states or conditions (usually containing some features of both), but there is still a twilight zone, the tantalizing occurrences that are probably noise but might possibly be a signal, in the twilight zone between humor and vulgarity, in that no man's land between negotiation and aggression
inheritance hereditary pattern (genetics) attributes acquired via biological heredity from the parents
form configuration
any spatial attributes (especially as defined by outline), he could barely make out their shapes
land area
an area of ground used for some particular purpose (such as building or farming), he wanted some acreage to build on
soul patch
a small patch of facial hair just below the lower lip and above the chin
Peyer's patch
Peter's gland
any of several lymph nodes in the walls of the intestines near the junction of the ileum and colon
clouduckoo-land an imaginary place where you say people are when they seem optimistically out of touch with reality
Promised Land the goal towards which Christians strive
never-never land
a pleasing country existing only in dreams or imagination
pattern rule formula
something regarded as a normative example, the convention of not naming the main character, violence is the rule not the exception, his formula for impressing visitors
tonal pattern
the perception of pleasant arrangements of musical notes
an arrangement of parts or elements, the outcome depends on the configuration of influences at the time
patch test a test to determine allergic sensitivity by applying small pads soaked with allergen to the unbroken skin
a distinct feature or element in a problem, he studied every facet of the question
design pattern
something intended as a guide for making something else, a blueprint for a house, a pattern for a skirt
a perceptual structure, the composition presents problems for students of musical form, a visual pattern must include not only objects but the spaces between them
mosaic a pattern resembling a mosaic
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