
Standortszeigerpflanze Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Standortszeigerpflanze f; Standortsweiser m bot.
Standortszeigerpflanzen pl; Standortsweiser pl
bioindicator plant; indicator plant; plant indicator
bioindicator plants; indicator plants; plant indicators
Standortszeigerpflanze f; Standortsweiser m bot.
Standortszeigerpflanzen pl; Standortsweiser pl
bioindicator plant; indicator plant; plant indicator
bioindicator plants; indicator plants; plant indicators
Bankplatz, Standort mehrerer Banken
banking centre
Standort der Industrie
location of industry
Aufstellungsort m, Standort m
Fundort m, Standort m
Fundorte pl, Standorte pl
Garnison f, Standort m
Garnisonen pl
Platz m, Standort m
Standort m
Standorte pl
Standort m
Standorte pl
den Standort bestimmen
Standort eines Buches
to locate
location of a book
Fundort, Standort
Standort, Stelle
Aufstellungsort m; Standort m
Ausbildungsstätte f (Standort)
Ausbildungsstätten pl
training facility; training premises; training centre Br. center Am.
training facilities; training premises; training centres centers
Garnison f (Standort einer Truppe) mil.
Garnisonen pl
Kleinkleckersdorf n Norddt. Ostdt.; Posemuckel n Norddt.; Pusemuckel n Nordwestdt.; Buxtehude n Ostdt.; Hintertupfingen n Mitteldt. BW Schw.; Hintertupfing n Bayr. Ös. (abgelegener Standort)
in Kleinkleckersdorf (weit abgelegen)
Hicksville Am.; Podunk Am.; Woop Woop Austr.; Wop Wops NZ (remote location)
in hicksville (out in the sticks)
der Standort von etw.; die (geografische) Lage von etw.
der Standort des Lagers
the lay of sth.
the lay of the camp
Pampa f humor. (abgelegener Standort)
in der Pampa (ganz weit außerhalb)
Outbackistan Austr.
in Outbackistan
Pflaster n (Standort) übtr.
ein teures Pflaster sein
ein heißes gefährliches Pflaster sein
to be an expensive place
to be a dangerous place
Platz m; Standort m
Ruhepol m
ein Ruhepol sein (Person)
ein Ruhepol sein (Standort)

to be a haven centre Br. center Am. of tranquility
to be an island oasis of tranquility (location)
Sachenrechtstatut n (Recht das am Standort einer Urkunde gilt) jur.
lex cartae sitae
Standort m geogr.
Standorte pl
den Standort bestimmen
etw. ortsunabhängig tun
Standort eines Buches
to locate
to do sth. from any location
location of a book
Standort m techn.
Standorte pl
Standort m bot.
Standorte pl
site; habitat
sites; habitats
Standort m nach Funkpeilung aviat. naut.
den Standort bestimmen naut.
radio fix
to fix the position by radio
Standort m über Grund aviat.
ground position
Versetzung f; Abkommandierung f mil.
Versetzung an einen anderen Standort
Versetzung zu einer anderen Einheit am gleichen Standort
posting; change of station Am.
Permanent Change of Station PCS
Permanent Change of Assignment PCA
netzfern adj techn.
netzferner Standort
remote from the grid
location remote from the grid
etw. zusammenfassen; zusammenlegen; zusammenstellen; zusammenziehen; zusammenschließen bündeln v
zusammenfassend; zusammenlegend; zusammenstellend; zusammenziehend; zusammenschließend; bündelnd
zusammengefasst; zusammengelegt; zusammengestellt; zusammengezogen; zusammengeschlossen; gebündelt
Gesetze zusammenfassen
Informationen aus verschiedensten Quellen zusammenfassen
Aktien (zu größeren Stücken) zusammenlegen
Sammelladungen zusammenstellen
Klagen miteinander verbinden jur.
Die Truppen wurden in drei Bezirken zusammengezogen.
Alle Fertigungsvorgänge wurden an einem neuen Standort zusammengelegt.
Unsere Aktivitäten werden an drei Standorten gebündelt.
to consolidate sth.
to consolidate statutes
to consolidate information from various sources
to consolidate shares
to consolidate shipments Am.
to consolidate actions
The troops were consolidated in three districts.
All manufacturing activities have been consolidated at a new site.
Our activities are consolidated within into three sites.
Aufeinanderfolge f; Abfolge f; Sukzession f (von Lebensgemeinschaften an einem Standort) envir. biol.
Vegetationsabfolge f
succession (of biotic communities on a site)
plant succession
Aufstellungsort m; Standort m
Aufstellungsorte pl; Standorte pl
Alternativstandort m
alternative site
Beweglichkeit f; Mobilität f (Unabhängigkeit von einem festen Standort)
Beweglichkeit der Arbeitskräfte; Mobilität auf dem Arbeitsmarkt
Beweglichkeit des Kapitals; Kapitalbeweglichkeit f; Kapitalmobilität f
berufliche Mobilität
grenzüberschreitende Mobilität
häufiger Wohnsitzwechsel; häufiger Wohnungswechsel
soziale Mobilität; Änderungen in der sozialen Stellung
Steuermobilität f fin.
höhere Mobilität der Studenten
mobility of labour Br. labor Am.; labour mobility Br.; labor mobility Am.
mobility of capital; capital mobility
occupational mobility
cross-border mobility
residential mobility
social mobility
fiscal mobility
greater student mobility
Bodennullpunkt m (Standort unmittelbar oberhalb unterhalb des Detonationspunkts einer Atombombe) mil.
ground zero; hypocentre rare (site directly above beneath the detonation point of a nuclear bomb)
im Herzen von etw. liegen v
neue Räume an einem attraktiven Standort im Herzen der Stadt
to be in at the heart of sth.
new rooms in an attractive location in the heart of the city.
Markt m (Standort eines Straßenmarkts)
Märkte pl
etw. auf den Märkten der Hauptstadt verkaufen
public market place; marketplace
public market places; marketplaces
to sell sth. in the marketplaces of the capital
Ruhepol m
ein Ruhepol sein (Person)
ein Ruhepol sein (Standort)

to be a haven centre Br. center Am. of tranquility
to be an island oasis of tranquility (location)
Sachenrechtstatut n (Recht, das am Standort einer Urkunde gilt) jur.
lex cartae sitae
Spektrum n; Bandbreite f übtr.
der Standort der Partei im politischen Spektrum
spectrum fig.
the position of the party on the political spectrum
Standort m geogr.
Standorte pl
Alternativstandort m
den Standort bestimmen
etw. ortsunabhängig tun
Standort eines Buches
location; locality
locations; localities
alternative location
to locate
to do sth. from any location
location of a book
Standort m der Signale; Signalstandort m; Signalpositionierung f (Bahn)
positioning of signals (railway)
Versetzung f; Abkommandierung f mil.
Versetzung an einen anderen Standort
Versetzung zu einer anderen Einheit am gleichen Standort
posting; change of station Am.
Permanent Change of Station PCS
Permanent Change of Assignment PCA
Wirtschaftsstandort m; Standort m; Werkplatz m Schw. (Stadt, Region, Land) econ. geogr.
Wirtschaftsstandorte pl; Standorte pl; Werkplätze pl
am Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland interessiert sein
den Standort Werkplatz Schw. Großbritannien wettbewerbsfähig machen
business location (city, region, country)
business locations
to be interested in investing in Germany
to create a UK plc which is competitive
(von einem Standort aus) gut einsehbar sein v
to be easily viewed (from a position)
(von einem Standort aus) schlecht einsehbar sein v
not to be easily viewed (from a position)
freundlicherweise; liebenswürdigerweise; netterweise adv
Darf ich Sie um den genauen Standort bitten.; Teilen Sie mir bitte den genauen Standort mit.
Kindly advise me of the precise location.; Can you kindly advise me of the precise location.
jdn. etw. mitbringen; jdn. etw. herbringen (zum Standort des Sprechers); jdn. etw. hinbringen (an einen Ort, wo der Sprecher nicht ist); jdn. etw. anschleppen ugs. pej. v
mitbringend; herbringend; hinbringend; anschleppend
mitgebracht; hergebracht; hingebracht; angeschleppt
Er brachte sie mehrmals zu uns nach Hause mit.
Die schlechte Wirtschaftslage hat mich seinerzeit hierher geführt.
Sie schleppten die Seuche nach Italien ein.
to bring over () sb. sth.
bringing over
brought over
He brought her over to our place several times.
Unfavourable economic conditions brought me over here back then.
They brought the epidemic over to Italy.
etw. zusammenfassen; zusammenlegen; zusammenstellen; zusammenziehen; zusammenschließen, bündeln v
zusammenfassend; zusammenlegend; zusammenstellend; zusammenziehend; zusammenschließend; bündelnd
zusammengefasst; zusammengelegt; zusammengestellt; zusammengezogen; zusammengeschlossen; gebündelt
Gesetze zusammenfassen
Informationen aus verschiedensten Quellen zusammenfassen
Aktien (zu größeren Stücken) zusammenlegen
Sammelladungen zusammenstellen
Klagen miteinander verbinden jur.
Die Truppen wurden in drei Bezirken zusammengezogen.
Alle Fertigungsvorgänge wurden an einem neuen Standort zusammengelegt.
Unsere Aktivitäten werden an drei Standorten gebündelt.
to consolidate sth.
to consolidate statutes
to consolidate information from various sources
to consolidate shares
to consolidate shipments Am.
to consolidate actions
The troops were consolidated in three districts.
All manufacturing activities have been consolidated at a new site.
Our activities are consolidated within into three sites.
Standortabfolge f; Standortreihe f beim Boden bot.
catenary soil sequence; soil catena
Standortabfolge f; Standortreihe f bot.
toposequence; catena
Alarm m (Versetzung in einen allgemeinen Alarmzustand)
Alarme pl
Alarm wegen eines Sicherheitsproblems
stiller Alarm
Atomalarm m
Bombenalarm m
Gefahrenalarm m
Hochwasseralarm m
Katastrophenalarm m
Notfallalarm m
Smogalarm m
Standortalarm m
Terroralarm m
alert (putting in place a general state of alert)
security alert
silent alert
nuclear alert
bomb alert
hazard alert
flood alert
disaster alert
emergency alert
smog alert
site alert
terrorism alert
Standortanalyse f econ.
Standortanalysen pl
production site analysis
production site analyses
Standortanalyse f bot.
habitat analysis
Stockwerk n; Stock m; Etage f; Gebäudeebene f (als Standortangabe) arch.
Stockwerke pl; Stöcke pl; Etagen pl; Gebäudeebenen pl
auf in allen Stockwerken
Etage mit den Betriebsräumen
im ersten Stockwerk; im ersten Stock
eine Wohnung im zweiten Stock
floor level; floor fl.
floor levels; floors
at all floor levels
utility floor; mechanical floor
on the first floor above ground level; on the first floor Br.; on the second floor Am.
a second-floor flat Br.
Standortansprache f envir.
site appraisal
Standortansprüche pl bot.
habitat requirements
Standortbedingungen pl; Standortverhältnisse pl bot.
site conditions
Position f; Lage f; Kurs m
Sonnenpeilung f
Gestirnpeilung f
Fremdpeilung f aviat. naut.
der gemessene beobachtete Winkel
etw. zur Standortbestimmung anpeilen
den Kompasskurs feststellen
die Orientierung verlieren; in Verlegenheit geraten übtr.
bearing by the sun
bearing by stars
bearing by a radio-compass station
the bearing taken observed
to take a bearing on sth.
to take a compass bearing
to lose one's bearings
Standortbestimmung f
Position f; Lage f; Kurs m
Sonnenpeilung f
Gestirnpeilung f
Fremdpeilung f aviat. naut.
der gemessene beobachtete Winkel
etw. zur Standortbestimmung anpeilen
den Kompasskurs feststellen
bearing by the sun
bearing by stars
bearing by a radio-compass station
the bearing taken observed
to take a bearing on sth.
to take a compass bearing
Standortbetriebsklasse f (Forstwirtschaft) agr.
Standortbetriebsklassen pl
site class (forestry)
site classes
Standortbetriebsklasse f agr.
Standortbetriebsklassen pl
site class
site classes
standortbezogen adj
Einbuchen n in die Mobilfunk-Standortdatei (GSM) telco.
location registration (GSM)
Standortdaten pl; Positionsdaten pl; Ortungsdaten pl
location data; position data; positional data
geographische Verortung f; Georeferenzierung f (Zuordnung von kartesischen Standortdaten zu ortsfesten Objekten)
geographic coding; geocoding; geographic referencing; georeferencing (assignment of coordinate position data to stationary locations)
auf mehrere Standorte verteilt; an mit mehreren Standorten (nachtgestellt) adj geogr.
etw. auslagern v
lagert aus
lagerte aus
Während des Kriegs wurden Kunstwerke auf ländliche Standorte ausgelagert um sie vor Bombenangriffen auf die Hauptstadt zu bewahren.
to evacuate sth.
During the war works of art were evacuated to countryside locations to preserve them from the bombing raids on the capital.

Deutsche Standortszeigerpflanze Synonyme

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Englische bioindicator plant; indicator plant; plant indicator Synonyme

Standortszeigerpflanze Definition

Air plant
() A plant deriving its sustenance from the air alone
Dove plant
() A Central American orchid (Peristeria elata), having a flower stem five or six feet high, with numerous globose white fragrant flowers. The column in the center of the flower resembles a dove
(n.) A plant in new Zealand (Phormium tenax), allied to the lilies and aloes. The leaves are two inches wide and several feet long, and furnish a fiber which is used for making ropes, mats, and coarse cloth.
Ice plant
() A plant (Mesembryanthemum crystallinum), sprinkled with pellucid, watery vesicles, which glisten like ice. It is native along the Mediterranean, in the Canaries, and in South Africa. Its juice is said to be demulcent and diuretic
(n.) One who, or that which, shows or points out
(n.) A pressure gauge
(n.) An instrument which draws a diagram showing the varying pressure in the cylinder of an engine or pump at every point of the stroke. It consists of a small cylinder communicating with the engine cylinder and fitted with a piston which the varying pressure drives upward more or less against the resistance of a spring. A lever imparts motion to a pencil which traces the diagram on a card wrapped around a vertical drum which is turned back and forth by a string connected with the piston rod of the engine. See Indicator card (below).
(n.) A telltale connected with a hoisting machine, to show, at the surface, the position of the cage in the shaft of a mine, etc.
(n.) The part of an instrument by which an effect is indicated, as an index or pointer.
(n.) Any bird of the genus Indicator and allied genera. See Honey guide, under Honey.
(n.) That which indicates the condition of acidity, alkalinity, or the deficiency, excess, or sufficiency of a standard reagent, by causing an appearance, disappearance, or change of color, as in titration or volumetric analysis.
(n.) A vegetable
(n.) A bush, or young tree
(n.) The sole of the foot.
(n.) The whole machinery and apparatus employed in carrying on a trade or mechanical business
(n.) A plan
(n.) An oyster which has been bedded, in distinction from one of natural growth.
(n.) A young oyster suitable for transplanting.
(n.) To put in the ground and cover, as seed for growth
(n.) To set in the ground for growth, as a young tree, or a vegetable with roots.
(n.) To furnish, or fit out, with plants
(n.) To engender
(n.) To furnish with a fixed and organized population
(n.) To introduce and establish the principles or seeds of
(n.) To set firmly
(n.) To set up
(v. i.) To perform the act of planting.
(n.) A stalk or shoot of sugar cane of the first growth from the cutting. The growth of the second and following years is of inferior quality, and is called rattoon.
(a.) Eating, or subsisting on, plants
Water plant
() A plant that grows in water
(n.) A windflower.

bioindicator plant; indicator plant; plant indicator / bioindicator plants; indicator plants; plant indicators Bedeutung

plant life
(botany) a living organism lacking the power of locomotion
plant closing act of shutting down operation of a plant
plant virus a plant pathogen that is a virus consisting of a single strand of RNA
leaf bug
plant bug
small brightolored insect that feeds on plant juices
four-lined plant bug
four-lined leaf bug
Poecilocapsus lineatus
yellow or orange leaf bug with four black stripes down the back, widespread in central and eastern North America
tarnished plant bug
Lygus lineolaris
widespread plant and fruit pest
plant louse
any of several small insects especially aphids that feed by sucking the juices from plants
woolly aphid
woolly plant louse
secretes a waxy substance like a mass of fine curly white cotton or woolly threads
jumping plant louse
small active cicada-like insect with hind legs adapted for leaping, feeds on plant juices
plant hopper
related to the leafhoppers and spittlebugs but rarely damages cultivated plants
artificial horizon
gyro horizon
flight indicator
a navigational instrument based on a gyroscope, it artificially provides a simulated horizon for the pilot
assembly plant a factory where manufactured parts are assembled into a finished product
bottling plant a plant where beverages are put into bottles with caps
chemical plant an industrial plant where chemicals are produced
electrical system electrical plant utility that provides electricity
mill manufacturing plant
a plant consisting of one or more buildings with facilities for manufacturing
fuel gauge
fuel indicator
an indicator of the amount of fuel remaining in a vehicle
heating system
heating plant
utility to warm a building, the heating system wasn't working, they have radiant heating
indicator a device for showing the operating condition of some system
packing plant
a plant where livestock are slaughtered and processed and packed as meat products
periwinkle plant derivative an antineoplastic drug used to treat some forms of cancer
pilot light
pilot lamp
indicator lamp
indicator consisting of a light to indicate whether power is on or a motor is in operation
plant works industrial plant buildings for carrying on industrial labor, they built a large plant to manufacture automobiles
power station
power plant
an electrical generating station
recycling plant a plant for reprocessing used or abandoned materials
sewage disposal plant
disposal plant
a plant for disposing of sewage
speed indicator
a meter fixed to a vehicle that measures and displays its speed
steel mill
steel plant
steel factory
a factory where steel is made
plant something planted secretly for discovery by another, the police used a plant to trick the thieves, he claimed that the evidence against him was a plant
theory of indicators
Ostwald's theory of indicators
(chemistry) the theory that all indicators are either weak acids or weak bases in which the color of the ionized form is different from the color before dissociation
index index number
a number or ratio (a value on a scale of measurement) derived from a series of observed facts, can reveal relative changes as a function of time
leading indicator one of indicators for different sections of the economy, used by the Department of Commerce to predict economic trends in the near future
indicator a signal for attracting attention
turn signal
turn indicator
a blinking light on a motor vehicle that indicates the direction in which the vehicle is about to turn
oyster plant
vegetable oyster
long white salsify
plant department
building department
the division of a business responsible for building and maintaining the physical plant
plant scientist
a biologist specializing in the study of plants
plant an actor situated in the audience whose acting is rehearsed but seems spontaneous to the audience
kingdom Plantae
plant kingdom
(botany) the taxonomic kingdom comprising all living or extinct plants
plant cell a cell that is a structural and functional unit of a plant
non-flowering plant a plant that does not bear flowers
plant order the order of plants
pot plant a plant suitable for growing in a flowerpot (especially indoors)
nonvascular plant
any of numerous plants of the division Bryophyta
nonflowering plant
plants having vascular tissue and reproducing by spores
seed plant
plant that reproduces by means of seeds not spores
flowering plant
plants having seeds in a closed ovary
monocarpic plant
monocarpous plant
a plant that bears fruit once and dies
plant family a family of plants
plant genus a genus of plants
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