
Start Stop Zyklus Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Start-Stop-Zyklus m auto
Start-Stop-Zyklen pl
start stop cycle; start-stop cycle
start stop cycles; start-stop cycles
Stoppunkt, bedingter Stop
Zyklus, Takt, Arbeitstakt
Abfahrt f, Abflug m, Start m
Abfahrten pl, Abflüge pl, Starts pl
zur Abfahrt bereitstehen
to be ready to depart
Aktivierung f, Anschaltung f, Einschaltung f, Start m
Anfang m, Beginn m, Start m, Auftakt m
am Anfang
von Anfang an
at the start
from the start
Frage-Antwort-Zyklus m
inquiry-response cycle
Piste f, Flugpiste f, behelfsmäßige Start-und-Lande-Bahn f
airstrip, strip
Start m
Starts pl
fliegender Start
stehender Start
start, starting
starts, startings
running start, flying start, rolling start
standing start
Start m
Start m aviat.
Start m (Rakete)
Starts pl
Start m aviat.
Starts pl
Start mit zusätzlichen Startraketen mil.
jet-assisted takeoff (JATO)
Start m
Start m
Start m
Start m
Start-Stop-Betrieb m comp.
start-stop operation
Start-Stop-Betrieb m comp.
asynchronous operation
Start-Zeichen n
Start-Zeichen pl
start character, start pattern
start characters, start patterns
Start-Ziel-Flagge f
Start-Ziel-Flaggen pl
chequered flag
chequered flags
Stopp m, Stop m alt
ohne Stopp
automatischer Stopp
without stopping
Zyklus m
Zyklen pl
asynchron adj
asynchrone Arbeitsweise f
asynchrone Start-Stopverbindung f
asynchrone Ãœbertragung f
asynchroner Systemsprung
asynchroner Zähler
asynchronous mode
asynchronous start stop interface
asynchronous transmission
asynchronous system trap
asynchronous counter, ripple counter
gegenläufiger Zyklus
anticyclical pattern
Höchstbelastung f beim Start
maximum take-off weight
Aktivierung, Anschaltung, Einschaltung, Start
asynchronous operation
Abfahrt, Start
inquiry-response cycle
start-stop operation
Anfang, Beginn, Start, beginnen
Abfahrt f Abf. ; Abflug m; Start m
Abfahrten pl; Abflüge pl; Starts pl
Abfahrt des Zuges
zur Abfahrt bereitstehen
departure dep.
train departure
to be ready to depart
Abflug- und Landeplatz m aviat. (Raumfahrt)
Abflug- und Landeplätze pl
Panne f beim Start (Raumfahrt)
Panne f vor dem Start (Raumfahrt)
pad abort (astronautics)
pad accident (astronautics)
Abheben n; Abflug m; Start m aviat.
Abschuss f; Start m (Rakete Raumschiff)
launching; blast-off (rocket; spaceship)
Aktivierung f; Betätigung f; Anschaltung f; Einschaltung f; Start m
Aktivierungen pl; Betätigungen pl; Anschaltungen pl; Einschaltungen pl; Starts pl
Aktivierung der Geschäfte
activation of trade
Anfang m; Beginn m; Start m; Auftakt m
am Anfang
von Anfang an
at the start
(right) from the start
Auftakt m (zu etw.); Eröffnung f; Start m (+Gen.); Startschuss m (für etw.)
Wahlkampfauftakt m
kick-off coll. (of sth.) fig.
campaign kick-off
Flugfeld n; Start- und Landebereich m (eines Flughafens) aviat.
Flugfelder pl; Start- und Landebereiche pl
unbefestigtes Flugfeld n
landing area (of an airport)
landing areas
landing terrain; landing ground
Halt m; Stopp m; Stop m alt
ohne Stopp
automatischer Stopp
without stopping
Harnstoffzyklus m; Ornithinzyklus m; Arginin-Harnstoff-Zyklus m biochem.
urea cycle; ornithine cycle
Kohlenstoff-Stickstoff-Kreislauf m; Kohlenstoff-Stickstoff-Zyklus m; Bethe-Zyklus m; Bethe-Weizäcker-Zyklus m; CN-Zyklus phys.
carbon-nitrogen cycle; carbon cycle; Bethe cycle
Licht-Dunkel-Zyklus m biol.
light-dark cycle
Piste f; Flugpiste f; Feldflugplatz m; behelfsmäßige Start-und-Lande-Bahn f aviat.
Pisten pl; Flugpisten pl; Feldflugplätze pl
airstrip; strip
airstrips; strips
Polizeikelle f; Signalkelle f; Anhaltekelle f; Stop-Kelle f; Anhaltestab m
Polizeikellen pl; Signalkellen pl; Anhaltekellen pl; Stop-Kellen pl; Anhaltestäbe pl
Der Polizist winkte den Fahrer mit der Kelle an den Straßenrand.
signalling disc Br.; signalling disk Am.; handheld signal
signalling discs; signalling disks; handheld signals
The police officer indicated the driver to pull over using a handheld signal.
Start m
Starts pl
fliegender Start
stehender Start
start; starting
starts; startings
running start; flying start; rolling start
standing start
Start m
Starts pl
Start m aviat.
Starts pl
Start mit zusätzlichen Startraketen mil.
jet-assisted takeoff JATO
Start-Zeichen n
Start-Zeichen pl
start character; start pattern
start characters; start patterns
Start-Ziel-Flagge f; schwarzweiß karierte Flagge f
Start-Ziel-Flaggen pl
chequered flag
chequered flags
Start- und Landebahn f; Flughafenpiste f; Flugpiste f; Piste f aviat.
Hauptpiste f
Anfang der Piste
main runway
approach end of runway; beginning of runway
Start- und Landebahnfeuer n; Pistenfeuer n aviat.
runway lights; strip lights
Start-Aufladedruck m aviat.
take-off boost TOB
Waagerechte f beim Start (Raumfahrt)
horizontal at launch (astronautics)
Zitratzyklus m; Citratzyklus m; Zitronensäurehyklus m; Tricarbonsäurezyklus m; Krebs-Zyklus m biochem.
tricarboxylic acid cycle
antizyklisch adj econ.
antizyklisch verlaufen
gegenläufiger Zyklus
to be anticyclical
anticyclical pattern
asynchron adj
asynchrone Arbeitsweise f
asynchrone Start-Stopverbindung f
asynchrone Ãœbertragung f
asynchroner Systemsprung
asynchroner Zähler
asynchronous mode
asynchronous start stop interface
asynchronous transmission
asynchronous system trap
asynchronous counter; ripple counter
mit etw. aufhören oder zuwarten v
Jetzt wart einmal!
Alles halt!; Alles stop!
Sag den Männern sie sollen nicht schießen bevor ich den Befehl (dazu) gebe.
to hold sth.
Hold it right there!
Hold everything!
Tell the men to hold their fire until I give the order.
biogeochemisch adj
biogeochemischer Zyklus (von Stickstoff Phosphor etc.)
biogeochemical cycle (of nitrogen phosphorus etc.)
stürzen; abstürzen v
stürzend; abstürzend
gestürzt; abgestürzt
stürzt (ab)
stürzte (ab)
in die Tiefe stürzen
Das Flugzeug stürzte kurz nach dem Start ins Mittelmeer.
Der Ballon fing Feuer und stürzte aus einer Höhe von 150 Metern in die Tiefe.
to crash
to crash to the ground
The aircraft crashed into the Mediterranean shortly after take-off.
The balloon caught fire and crashed to the ground from a height of 150 metres.
BrOx-Zyklus m biochem.
Calvin-Zyklus m biochem.
Calvin cycle
Achtung!; Stop! naut.
Abschuss f; Start m (Rakete, Raumschiff)
launching; blast-off (rocket; spaceship)
Aktivierung f; Betätigung f; Anschaltung f; Einschaltung f; Start m
Aktivierungen pl; Betätigungen pl; Anschaltungen pl; Einschaltungen pl; Starts pl
Aktivierung der Geschäfte
Aktivierung des Gehirns med.
activation of trade
brain activation
Beginn m; Anfang m; Start m ugs.; Auftakt m
am Anfang
ganz am Anfang
von Anfang bis Ende
Anfang des Jahres
Anfang nächsten Jahres
Anfang des Monats
Anfang Mai
Das war der Auftakt zu einem Krieg.
beginning; start
at the start
at the very beginning
from beginning to end
at the beginning of the year; at the start of the year
at the beginning start of next year
at the beginning of the month; at the start of the month
at the beginning of May; at the start of May
It marked the beginning of a war.
ClOx-Zyklus m envir.
ClOx cyle
Computerstartvorgang m; Computerstart m; Start m comp.
Fernstart m
Warmstart m (ohne elektrisches Ausschalten)
computer boot process; boot; computer boot-up process; boot-up
remote boot
warm boot
Flugzeugstart m; Flugstart m; Start m; Abheben n (bei Flächenflugzeugen) aviat.
eine Stunde vor Flugstart
raketenunterstützter Flugzeugstart; Start mit Zusatzraketentriebwerken
take-off; takeoff Am. (of fixed-wing aircraft)
one hour before take-off prior to takeoff
rocket-assisted take-off RATO ; jet-assisted take-off JATO
nicht vom Glück begünstigt; unglücklich; ungünstig adj
ein unglücklicher Start in die Ferien
Die Mannschaft verlor unglücklich durch einen Abstauber von … (Fußball) sport
unlucky; unfortunate; unhappy; inauspicious
an unfortunate start to our holidays
The team was unlucky to lose by a tap-in by …
HOx-Zyklus m envir.
HOx cycle
Harnstoffzyklus m; Arginin-Harnstoff-Zyklus m; Ornithinzyklus m med.
urea cycle; ornithine cycle
Menstruationszyklus m; weiblicher Zyklus m; weibliche Periode f; Regel f; Tage pl ugs. med.
seine Tage haben ugs.
wenn sie ihre Regel Tage bekommt
Sie hat ihre Regel Tage.
menstrual cycle; female cycle; female period; period; menses coll.; monthlies coll.
to be on the rag; to be on the blob Br. coll.
when she gets her period
She is having her period.
Polizeikelle f; Signalkelle f; Anhaltekelle f; Winkerkelle f; Stop-Kelle f; Anhaltestab m
Polizeikellen pl; Signalkellen pl; Anhaltekellen pl; Winkerkellen pl; Stop-Kellen pl; Anhaltestäbe pl
Der Polizist winkte den Fahrer mit der Kelle an den Straßenrand.
signalling disc Br.; signaling disk Am.; handheld signal
signalling discs; signaling disks; handheld signals
The police officer indicated the driver to pull over using a handheld signal.
Rapoport-Luebering-Zyklus m; Phosphoglyceratzyklus m; 2,3-BPG-Zyklus m (Stoffwechselweg) biochem.
Rapoport-Luebering cycle; Rapoport-Luebering shunt (metabolic pathway)
Regulierung f (des Herzschlags, des weiblichen Zyklus, einer Straßenkreuzung usw.)
regularization; regularisation Br. (of the heartbeat, of the female cycle, of a road junction etc.)
Start m
Starts pl
fliegender Start sport
stehender Start sport
start; starting
starts; startings
running start; flying start; rolling start
standing start
Start- und Landebahn f SLB ; Flughafenpiste f; Flugpiste f; Piste f aviat.
Start- und Landebahnen pl; Flughafenpisten pl; Flugpisten pl; Pisten pl
Hauptpiste f
Startbahn f
Südbahn f
Anfang der Piste
main runway
take-off runway
southern runway
approach end of runway; beginning of runway
Start- und Landebahnbefeuerung f; Start- und Landebahnfeuer n; Pistenbefeuerung f; Pistenfeuer n aviat.
runway lighting; runway lights; strip lights
Start-Aufladedruck m aviat.
take-off boost TOB
Start-Ziel-Sieg n sport
start-to-finish victory; wire-to-wire victory Am. coll.
Stoffkreislauf m; biogeochemischer Kreislauf m; biogeochemischer Zyklus m biol. envir.
element cycle; material cycle; biogeochemical cycle
Überprüfung f (vor Ort); Inspektion f; Begehung f
Überprüfungen pl; Inspektionen pl; Begehungen pl
Abrüstungsinspektion f
Inspektion aus der Luft
Inspektion vor dem Start aviat. mil.
inspection of disarmament
aerial inspection
pre-launch inspection
Zitratzyklus m; Citratzyklus m; Zitronensäurezyklus m; Tricarbonsäurezyklus m; Krebs-Zyklus m biochem.
tricarboxylic acid cycle
mit etw. aufhören oder zuwarten v
Jetzt wart einmal!
Alles halt!; Alles stop!
Sag den Männern, sie sollen nicht schießen bevor ich den Befehl (dazu) gebe.
to hold sth.
Hold it right there!
Hold everything!
Tell the men to hold their fire until I give the order.
biogeochemisch adj chem. envir. geogr.
biogeochemischer Zyklus (von Stickstoff, Phosphor usw.)
biogeochemical cycle (of nitrogen, phosphorus etc.)
parasexuell adj biol.
parasexueller Zyklus
parasexual cycle
reduktiver Pentosephosphat-Zyklus m; Ribulosebisphosphatzyklus m; Calvin-Benson-Zyklus; Calvin-Zyklus m biochem.
reductive pentose phosphate cycle; C3 cycle; Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle; CBB cycle; Calvin cycle
etw. regulieren v (Herzschlag, weiblicher Zyklus, Straßenkreuzung usw.)
to regularize sth.; to regularise sth. Br. (heartbeat, female cycle, road junction etc.)
regularizing; regularising
regularized; regularised
BrOx-Zyklus m envir.
Start-Stop-Zyklus m auto
Start-Stop-Zyklen pl
start stop cycle; start-stop cycle
start stop cycles; start-stop cycles

Deutsche Start Stop Zyklus Synonyme

Abflug  ÂDeparture  ÂStart  
Ausgangspunkt  ÂStart  ÂStartpunkt  
Menses  (fachsprachlich)  ÂMenstruation  ÂMonatsblutung  ÂPeriode  ÂRegel  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂRegelblutung  ÂTage  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂZyklus  
Aktivierung  ÂAnschaltung  ÂEinschaltung  ÂInbetriebnahme  ÂStart  
Abfahrt  ÂAbreise  ÂAbzug  ÂAufbruch  ÂFahrtbeginn  ÂStart  
Anbruch  ÂAnfang  ÂAufbruch  ÂAuftakt  ÂBeginn  ÂGeburt  ÂStart  ÂTake-off  
Landebahn  ÂPiste  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂRollbahn  ÂStart-und-Lande-Bahn  ÂStartbahn  
dead stop  arrest  bell  cessation  check  checkmate  cutoff  dead set  dead stand  deadlock  
flying start  A  advantage  alpha  beginning  blast-off  bulge  coign of vantage  commencement  creation  
fresh start  A  alpha  another shot  another try  beginning  blast-off  commencement  creation  cutting edge  
full stop  arrest  bell  cessation  check  checkmate  cutoff  dead set  dead stand  dead stop  
head start  advantage  allowance  anticipation  beginnings  bulge  coign of vantage  deadwood  draw  drop  
organ stop  English horn  bassoon  block flute  bombard  bourdon  cello  claribel  clarinet  clarion  
reed stop  English horn  bassoon  block flute  bombard  bourdon  cello  claribel  clarinet  clarion  
running start  A  advantage  alpha  anticipation  beginning  beginnings  blast-off  bulge  coign of vantage  
start up  bob up  bounce  bound  break forth  break in  break water  bring up  bristle up  broach  
start  A  activate  advance  advantage  aid  allowance  alpha  arise  assistance  
stop light  Roman candle  aid to navigation  alarm  amber light  balefire  beacon  beacon fire  bell  bell buoy  
stop  English horn  abandon  abjure  abort  afterthought  allophone  alveolar  anchorage  apico-alveolar  
Weitere Ergebnisse für Start Synonym nachschlagen

Englische start stop cycle; start-stop cycle Synonyme

start  A  activate  advance  advantage  aid  allowance  alpha  arise  assistance  attack  avoid  backing  base  basis  be off  be startled  beat  beget  begin  beginning  beginnings  birth  blanch  blast away  blast off  blast-off  blench  blink  bob  boggle  bolt  border line  bounce  bound  boundary  boundary condition  boundary line  bourn  break  break boundary  break open  break up  breakoff point  bring before  bring forward  bring up  broach  buck  buckjump  bulge  bundle  bundle off  burst  capriole  carry away  ceiling  chance  chase  circumscription  clear  coign of vantage  come apart  come off  come undone  come unstuck  come up  commence  commencement  commend to attention  compass  confine  constitute  course  crack  crack up  create  creation  cringe  crop up  curvet  cutoff  cutoff point  cutting edge  dart  dawn  dawning  deadline  deadwood  delimitation  depart  determinant  develop  disintegrate  dive in  dive into  division line  dodge  dog  draw  draw back  drive  drop  duck  edge  embark  embark on  emerge  emergence  encouragement  end  enter  enter on  enter upon  establish  establishment  evade  extremity  fade  falcon  fall back  fall off  fall to  fall to pieces  father  fight shy  financing  finish  fissure  flick  flinch  flip  flirt  float  floor  flounce  flush  fly apart  flying start  follow the hounds  found  foundation  founding  fowl  fracture  fresh start  frontier  genesis  get busy  get going  get loose  get off  get to  get under way  get with it  give a start  give away  give birth to  give way  go  go ahead  go forth  go hunting  go to it  go to pieces  gun  handicap  hang back  hawk  head into  head start  hedge  help  high-water mark  hippety-hop  hit the road  hitch  hop  hop to it  hound  hunt  hunt down  hurdle  inaugurate  inauguration  inception  initiate  initiation  inside track  institute  institution  interface  introduce  issue  issue forth  jack  jacklight  jar  jerk  jib  jig  jiggle  jog  joggle  jolt  jump  j  
start up  bob up  bounce  bound  break forth  break in  break water  bring up  bristle up  broach  buck  buckjump  bundle  bundle off  burst forth  capriole  christen  clear  cock up  curvet  debouch  erupt  establish  extrude  flare up  flash  float  float up  fly up  found  fountain  get going  get in there  get off  get squared away  get under way  give a start  gleam  gush  hippety-hop  hop  hurdle  inaugurate  induct  initiate  install  institute  introduce  irrupt  jet  jump  jump over  jump up  jut out  kick off  launch  leap  leap over  leap up  leapfrog  lift up  make a beginning  make a move  negotiate  overjump  overleap  overskip  poke out  pop up  pounce  pounce on  pounce upon  project  protrude  protuberate  put in motion  raise  ring in  rocket  send  send forth  send off  set a course  set afloat  set agoing  set going  set in motion  set on foot  set up  shoot out  shoot up  ski jump  skip  skyrocket  spring  spring up  spurt  stand out  start  start aside  start going  start off  steeplechase  stick out  stick up  surface  turn on  updive  upleap  upshoot  upspear  upspring  upstart  usher in  vault  vault up  warm up  
starting point  A  alpha  base  basis  beginning  blast-off  border line  bound  boundary  boundary condition  boundary line  bourn  break boundary  breakoff point  ceiling  circumscription  commencement  compass  confine  creation  cutoff  cutoff point  cutting edge  dawn  deadline  delimitation  determinant  division line  edge  end  establishment  extremity  finish  floor  flying start  foundation  fresh start  frontier  hedge  high-water mark  institution  interface  jump-off  kick-off  leading edge  limen  limit  limitation  limiting factor  line  line of demarcation  line of departure  low-water mark  lower limit  march  mark  mete  new departure  oncoming  onset  opening  origin  origination  outbreak  outset  point of departure  port of embarkation  running start  send-off  setting in motion  setting-up  square one  start  start-off  starting gate  starting line  starting place  starting post  take-off  takeoff  target date  term  terminal date  terminus  threshold  time allotment  upper limit  
startle  affright  alarm  alert  amaze  arouse  astonish  astound  awe  awestrike  be startled  bedaze  bedazzle  bewilder  boggle  bolt  bowl down  bowl over  confound  cry havoc  cry wolf  curdle the blood  daze  dazzle  discombobulate  discompose  dismay  disquiet  disturb  dumbfound  dumbfounder  electrify  fight shy  flabbergast  flinch  fly storm warnings  fright  frighten  funk  horripilate  jar  jib  jolt  jump  jump a mile  make one tremble  overwhelm  panic  paralyze  perplex  perturb  petrify  raise apprehensions  scare  shake  shake up  shock  shy  skedaddle  sound the alarm  sound the tocsin  spook  spring  stagger  stampede  start  start aside  strike dead  strike dumb  strike with wonder  stun  stupefy  surprise  take aback  terrify  terrorize  unman  unnerve  unsettle  unstring  upset  warn  
startled  affrighted  alarmed  alerted  aroused  bowled down  consternated  daunted  dismayed  disquieted  electrified  frightened  in a fright  in a funk  jarred  jolted  shaken  shocked  shook  staggered  taken aback  
startling  abrupt  alarming  amazing  astonishing  astounding  awesome  awing  breathtaking  chilling  confounding  daunting  deterrent  deterring  disconcerting  discouraging  disheartening  dismaying  disquieting  disturbing  electrifying  eye-opening  fear-inspiring  fearful  fearsome  frightening  frightful  hasty  headlong  impetuous  impulsive  jarring  jolting  mind-boggling  nerve-shattering  overawing  overwhelming  precipitant  precipitate  precipitous  quick  scaring  scary  shocking  spectacular  speedy  staggering  stunning  sudden  surprising  swift  terrifying  unanticipated  unexpected  unforeseen  unlooked-for  unpredicted  unsettling  upsetting  

Start Stop Zyklus Definition

(n.) An imaginary circle or orbit in the heavens
(n.) An interval of time in which a certain succession of events or phenomena is completed, and then returns again and again, uniformly and continually in the same order
(n.) An age
(n.) An orderly list for a given time
(n.) The circle of subjects connected with the exploits of the hero or heroes of some particular period which have served as a popular theme for poetry, as the legend of Arthur and the knights of the Round Table, and that of Charlemagne and his paladins.
(n.) One entire round in a circle or a spire
(n.) A bicycle or tricycle, or other light velocipede.
(v. i.) To pass through a cycle of changes
(v. i.) To ride a bicycle, tricycle, or other form of cycle.
(n.) One who is set to stop balls which pass the wicket keeper.
(v. i.) To leap
(v. i.) To move suddenly, as with a spring or leap, from surprise, pain, or other sudden feeling or emotion, or by a voluntary act.
(v. i.) To set out
(v. i.) To become somewhat displaced or loosened
(v. t.) To cause to move suddenly
(v. t.) To bring onto being or into view
(v. t.) To cause to move or act
(v. t.) To move suddenly from its place or position
(v. t.) To pour out
(n.) The act of starting
(n.) A convulsive motion, twitch, or spasm
(n.) A sudden, unexpected movement
(n.) The beginning, as of a journey or a course of action
(v. i.) A tail, or anything projecting like a tail.
(v. i.) The handle, or tail, of a plow
(v. i.) The curved or inclined front and bottom of a water-wheel bucket.
(v. i.) The arm, or level, of a gin, drawn around by a horse.
(n.) One who comes suddenly into notice
(n.) A kind of high rustic shoe.
(a.) Upstart.
(v. t.) To close, as an aperture, by filling or by obstructing
(v. t.) To obstruct
(v. t.) To arrest the progress of
(v. t.) To hinder from acting or moving
(v. t.) To regulate the sounds of, as musical strings, by pressing them against the finger board with the finger, or by shortening in any way the vibrating part.
(v. t.) To point, as a composition
(v. t.) To make fast
(v. i.) To cease to go on
(v. i.) To cease from any motion, or course of action.
(v. i.) To spend a short time
(n.) The act of stopping, or the state of being stopped
(n.) That which stops, impedes, or obstructs
(n.) A device, or piece, as a pin, block, pawl, etc., for arresting or limiting motion, or for determining the position to which another part shall be brought.
(n.) The closing of an aperture in the air passage, or pressure of the finger upon the string, of an instrument of music, so as to modify the tone
(n.) In the organ, one of the knobs or handles at each side of the organist, by which he can draw on or shut off any register or row of pipes
(n.) A member, plain or molded, formed of a separate piece and fixed to a jamb, against which a door or window shuts. This takes the place, or answers the purpose, of a rebate. Also, a pin or block to prevent a drawer from sliding too far.
(n.) A point or mark in writing or printing intended to distinguish the sentences, parts of a sentence, or clauses
(n.) The diaphragm used in optical instruments to cut off the marginal portions of a beam of light passing through lenses.
(n.) The depression in the face of a dog between the skull and the nasal bones. It is conspicuous in the bulldog, pug, and some other breeds.
(n.) Some part of the articulating organs, as the lips, or the tongue and palate, closed (a) so as to cut off the passage of breath or voice through the mouth and the nose (distinguished as a lip-stop, or a front-stop, etc., as in p, t, d, etc.), or (b) so as to obstruct, but not entirely cut off, the passage, as in l, n, etc.

start stop cycle; start-stop cycle / start stop cycles; start-stop cycles Bedeutung

the act of starting something, he was responsible for the beginning of negotiations
housing start the act of starting to construct a house
start starting a turn to be a starter (in a game at the beginning), he got his start because one of the regular pitchers was in the hospital, his starting meant that the coach thought he was one of their best linemen
whistle-stop tour a tour by a candidate as part of a political campaign in which a series of small towns are visited, in Truman crossed the country several times on his whistle-stop tours
jump start
a sudden involuntary movement, he awoke with a start
stop stopover
a brief stay in the course of a journey, they made a stopover to visit their friends
night-stop a break in a journey for the night
pit stop a brief stop at a pit during an automobile race to take on fuel or service the car
pit stop a stop during an automobile trip for rest and refreshment
the act of stopping something, the third baseman made some remarkable stops, his stoppage of the flow resulted in a flood
starting an automobile engine that has a weak battery by means of jumper cables to another car, my battery was dead so I had to get a jumpstart from my neighbor
wheel cycle
a wheeled vehicle that has two wheels and is moved by foot pedals
block closure
stop stoppage
an obstruction in a pipe or tube, we had to call a plumber to clear out the blockage in the drainpipe
catch stop a restraint that checks the motion of something, he used a book as a stop to hold the door open
diapason stop
either of the two main stops on a pipe organ
a mechanical device in a camera that controls size of aperture of the lens, the new cameras adjust the diaphragm automatically
flue stop an organ stop with the tone of a flue pipe
kick starter
kick start
a starter (as on a motorcycle) that is activated with the foot and the weight of the body
organ stop a graduated set of organ pipes of like tone quality
cycle rickshaw
a tricycle (usually propelled by pedalling), used in the Orient for transporting passengers for hire, boys who once pulled rickshaws now pedal pedicabs
rest area
rest stop
designated paved area beside a main road where cars can stop temporarily
reed stop an organ stop with the tone of a reed instrument
stop (music) a knob on an organ that is pulled to change the sound quality from the organ pipes, the organist pulled out all the stops
stop bath
short-stop bath
an acid bath used to stop the action of a developer
stop watch
a timepiece that can be started or stopped for exact timing (as of a race)
truck stop a roadside service station (and restaurant) that caters to truck drivers
whistle stop
flag stop
way station
a small railway station between the principal stations or a station where the train stops only on a signal
head start
the advantage gained by beginning early (as in a race), with an hour's start he will be hard to catch
stop order
stop-loss order
an order to a broker to sell (buy) when the price of a security falls (rises) to a designated level
stop payment a depositor's order to a bank to refuse payment on a check
stop press late news that is inserted into the newspaper at the last minute
starting signal
a signal to begin (as in a race), the starting signal was a green light, the runners awaited the start
full stop
stop full point
a punctuation mark (.) placed at the end of a declarative sentence to indicate a full stop or after abbreviations, in England they call a period a stop
stop consonant
plosive consonant
plosive speech sound
a consonant produced by stopping the flow of air at some point and suddenly releasing it, his stop consonants are too aspirated
labial stop a stop consonant that is produced with the lips
glottal stop
glottal plosive
glottal catch
a stop consonant articulated by releasing pressure at the glottis, as in the sudden onset of a vowel
suction stop
a stop consonant made by the suction of air into the mouth (as in Bantu)
cycle of rebirth (Hinduism) repeated rebirth in new forms
start the beginning of anything, it was off to a good start
flying start
running start
a quick and auspicious beginning
a start given to contestants, I was there with my parents at the kickoff
racing start the start of a race
flying start running start a racing start in which the contestants are already in full motion when they pass the starting line
cycle oscillation a single complete execution of a periodically repeated phenomenon, a year constitutes a cycle of the seasons
cardiac cycle the complete cycle of events in the heart from the beginning of one heart beat to the beginning of the next, an electrical impulse conducted through the heart muscle that constricts the atria which is followed by constriction of the ventricles, the cardiac cycle can be shown on an electrocardiogram
Carnot cycle
Carnot's ideal cycle
a cycle (of expansion and compression) of an idealized reversible heat engine that does work without loss of heat
cycle a periodically repeated sequence of events, a cycle of reprisal and retaliation
the event of something ending, it came to a stop at the bottom of the hill
business cycle
trade cycle
recurring fluctuations in economic activity consisting of recession and recovery and growth and decline
cycle a series of poems or songs on the same theme, Schubert's song cycles
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