
Steuerrechner Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Steuerrechner m comp.
central control computer
Steuerrechner m comp.
central control computer
steuerrechtlich; in steuerrechlicher Hinsicht adv
steuerrechtlich zulässige Abschreibung
under tax law; under fiscal law
tax-allowed depreciation
Steuerrechner m comp.
central control computer
Nacherklärung f; Selbstanzeige f (Steuerrecht) adm. jur.
eine Nacherklärung einreichen; Selbstanzeige erstatten
voluntary disclosure of any undeclared tax liabilities
to submit make a voluntary disclosure
Abrechnungszeitraum m; Abrechnungsperiode f; Rechnungsperiode f econ.
Abrechnungszeiträume pl; Abrechnungsperioden pl; Rechnungsperioden pl
Gewinnermittlungszeitraum m (Steuerrecht)
accounting period; billing period
accounting periods; billing periods
chargeable accounting period (fiscal law)
Anlaufverluste pl einer Firma (Steuerrecht)
start-up losses of a company (fiscal law)
Anrechnungsmethode f für Einkünfte aus ausländischen Quellen (Steuerrecht)
credit method for income received from abroad (fiscal law)
Aufteilung f der Einkünfte auf mehrere Jahre (Steuerrecht) fin.
averaging of income; income averaging (spreading income over several years) (fiscal law)
Aufwendungen pl für die Lebensführung; Lebenshaltungskosten pl (Steuerrecht)
non-business expenses; family expenses; personal expenses; cost-of-living expenditure (fiscal law)
Basisgesellschaft f (Steuerrecht)
base company (fiscal law)
echte Befreiung f von der Mehrwertsteuer; echte Steuerbefreiung f; Steuerbefreiung f mit Vorsteuerabzugsberechtigung (Steuerrecht) fin.
zero VAT rating Br.; zero rating Br. (fiscal law)
außergewöhnliche Belastung f (Steuerrecht) fin.
extraordinary burden; extraordinary expenditure (fiscal law)
Besteuerungszeitraum m; Steuerveranlagungszeitraum m; Steuerperiode f (Steuerrecht) fin.
Besteuerungszeiträume pl; Steuerveranlagungszeiträume pl; Steuerperioden pl
taxable period; tax period; taxation period; tax assessment period Am. (fiscal law)
taxable periods; tax periods; taxation periods; tax assessment periods
Beteiligungsertragsbefreiung f; Schachtelbegünstigung f Ös.; Schachtelprivileg n Ös. (Steuerrecht)
participation exemption; affiliation privilege (fiscal law)
Betriebseinnahmen pl (Steuerrecht)
gross business income (fiscal law)
Betriebsverluste mit den Gewinnen späterer Jahre verechnen v (Steuerrecht) fin. adm.
to carry forward your losses (fiscal law)
Betriebsverluste mit den Gewinnen früherer Jahre verechnen v (Steuerrecht) fin. adm.
to carry back your losses (fiscal law)
Betriebsvermögensvergleich m (Steuerrecht)
net worth comparison method (fiscal law)
jds. Bezüge pl (Steuerrecht) fin.
laufende Bezüge
sonstige Bezüge
sb.'s wages or salary (fiscal law)
regular wages or salary
supplemental wages; supplemental salary
Ehegattenbesteuerung f; Haushaltsbesteuerung f; Zusammenveranlagung f Ös. (Steuerrecht) fin.
family taxation; joint taxation; joint tax assessment (fiscal law)
Eigenverbrauch m (Steuerrecht) fin.
self-supplies (fiscal law)
Einheitswert m; Steuerwert m (von Grundbesitz) (Steuerrecht) fin.
assessed value; standard value; rateable value Br. (of real property) (fiscal law)
Einkünfteerzielung f (Steuerrecht) fin.
production of income (fiscal law)
Einkunftsart f (Steuerrecht) fin.
Einkunftsarten pl
category of income; class of income; type of income (fiscal law)
categories of income; classes of income; types of income
direkte Einnahmenermittlung f bei internationalen Unternehmen durch Buchführung, die nach Betriebsstätten getrennt ist (Steuerrecht) fin.
separate accounting with international enterprises (fiscal law)
indirekte Einnahmenermittlung f bei internationalen Unternehmen (Steuerrecht) fin.
fractional apportionment; formula apportionment with international enterprises (fiscal law)
feste Einrichtung f (für eine berufliche Tätigkeit) (Steuerrecht) adm.
eine feste Einrichtung unterhalten
fixed base (for a professional activity) (fiscal law)
to maintain a fixed base
Feststellungsbescheid m (Steuerrecht) adm.
Feststellungsbescheide pl
declaratory decision (fiscal law)
declaratory decisions
Fremdverhaltensgrundsatz m; Fremdvergleichsgrundsatz m; Fremdvergleich m; Drittvergleich m (Steuerrecht) econ.
fremdvergleichskonform adj
arm's length principle ALP (fiscal law)
in accordance with the arm's length principle
Gewinnermittlungsart f (Steuerrecht) fin.
method of determinating the net income profits (fiscal law)
Gewinnverschiebung f; Gewinnverlagerung f ins Ausland (Steuerrecht)
profit shifting; shifting of profits abroad (fiscal law)
steuerliche Leistungsfähigkeit f (Steuerrecht) fin.
Grundsatz der steuerlichen Leistungsfähigkeit
taxable capacity; earning capacity; ability to pay taxes (fiscal law)
ability to pay principle
Liebhaberei f (Steuerrecht)
aus Liebhaberei
non-profit-seeking activity; hobby activity; personal hobby; hobby (fiscal law)
for sentimental purposes
Lohnnebenleistung f; Nebenleistung f; Lohnzusatzleistung f; Sachleistung f; Sachbezug m (Steuerrecht); freiwillige (betriebliche) Sozialleistung f; Sonderbegünstigung f (Arbeitsrecht)
employee benefit; fringe benefit; benefit in kind; perquisite; perk coll. (labour law)
Nacherklärung f; Selbstanzeige f (Steuerrecht) adm. jur.
Möglichkeit zu strafbefreiten Meldung von unversteuertem Auslandsvermögen
eine Nacherklärung einreichen; Selbstanzeige erstatten
tax disclosure; voluntary disclosure of any undeclared tax liabilities
offshore tax disclosure facility
to submit make a voluntary disclosure
betriebsgewöhnliche Nutzungsdauer f (Steuerrecht) fin.
betriebsgewöhnliche und tatsächliche Nutzungsdauer
useful life (fiscal law)
useful life and actual life
Rücktrag und Vortrag von Steueranrechnungsbeträgen (Steuerrecht) fin. adm.
carry back and carry forward of excess credits (fiscal law) Am.
Säumniszuschlag m; Verspätungszuschlag m (Steuerrecht) fin.
surcharge for late filing; late filing penality; late payment penality; failure-to-file penality (fiscal law)
Schachtelbeteiligung f (Steuerrecht) econ. fin.
intercompany participation Br.; intercorporate participation Am.; intercompany shareholding Br.; intercorporate stockholding Am. (fiscal law)
Schachteldividende f (Steuerrecht) econ. fin.
intercompany dividend Br.; intercorporate dividend Am.; exemption dividend (fiscal law)
Selbstveranlagung f; Selbstbemessung f; Selbstberechnung f der Steuer durch den Steuerpflichtigen (Steuerrecht)
self-assessment of the tax by the taxpayer (fiscal law)
Sonderausgaben pl (Steuerrecht) fin.
special expenses; exceptional expenses (deductible in assessing income tax) (fiscal law)
Sonderausgabenpauschale f (Steuerrecht) fin.
blanket allowance for special expenses; standard deduction for special expenses Am. (fiscal law)
Spekulationsfrist f (Steuerrecht) fin.
tax liability period in respect to capital gains (fiscal law)
Spekulationsgewinne pl; Spekulationseinkünfte pl (Steuerrecht) fin.
speculative gains (fiscal law)
Steuerbefreiungsmethode f; Freistellungsmethode f (Steuerrecht)
exemption method (fiscal law)
Steuerquelle f (Steuerrecht) fin.
Steuerquellen pl
tax source; source of revenue (fiscal law)
tax sources; sources of revenue
Steuerrecht n jur.
tax law; fiscal law
Steuerschätzung f; Steuervorausschätzung f Dt.; schätzungsweise festgesetzte Steuer f (Steuerrecht) fin.
estimated assessment of taxes; estimated tax assessment; tax estimate; arbitrary assessment (fiscal law)
Steuerwert m; steuerlicher Wert m (eines Vermögensgegenstands) (Steuerrecht) fin.
taxable value; tax value; assessed value; rateable value Br.; value for tax purposes rare (of an asset) (fiscal law)
Steuerzweck m (Steuerrecht) fin.
zu Steuerzwecken; zu steuerlichen Zwecken
tax purpose (fiscal law)
for tax purposes
Teilwert m (Steuerrecht) fin.
value of an asset as part of a business (continuing as a going concern) (fiscal law)
betriebliche Veranlassung f von Ausgaben (Steuerrecht)
business purpose of expenses (fiscal law)
steuerlicher Verlustrücktrag m; steuerliche Verlustrückbeziehung f; Verrechnung f von Verlusten mit den Gewinnen früherer Jahre (Steuerrecht) fin. adm.
carry-back of losses for tax purposes; loss carry-back for tax purposes (fiscal law)
steuerlicher Verlustvortrag m; steuerlicher Verlustabzug m; Verrechnung f von Betriebsverlusten mit den Gewinnen späterer Jahre (Steuerrecht) fin. adm.
carry-forward of losses for tax purposes; loss carry-forward for tax purposes (fiscal law)
Verrechnung f von Betriebsverlusten mit Gewinnen früherer oder späterer Jahre (Steuerrecht)
carry-back carry-forward system (fiscal law)
Verrechnungspreismissbrauch m (Steuerrecht)
transfer pricing tax evasion (fiscal law)
Werbungskosten pl (Kosten im Zusammenhang mit der Erwerbstätigkeit) (Steuerrecht) fin.
einen Pauschalbetrag als Werbungskosten abziehen
income-related expenses (fiscal law)
to deduct a lump sum as income-related expenses
gemeiner Wert m (von Anlagevermögen) (Steuerrecht) fin.
fair market value (of fixed assets) (fiscal law)
Wirtschaftsgut f (als Teil des Betriebsvermögens) (Steuerrecht) fin.
Wirtschaftsgüter pl
materielle immaterielle Wirtschaftsgüter
bilanzierungsfähige Wirtschaftsgüter
business asset (as part of the business property) (fiscal law)
business assets
tangible intangible business assets
business assets that can be included in the balance sheet
Zuweisung f; Zuteilung f; Zuordnung f; Zurechnung f; Vergabe f; Allokation f geh. (von etw. an jdn. für etw.) (Vorgang)
Zuweisung von Budgetmitteln für Verteidigungszwecke pol.
Zurechnung von Einkünften (Steuerrecht)
Zuordnung von Haushaltsmitteln; Allokation von Budgetmitteln
Zuweisung Allokation von Ressourcen in einer Marktwirtschaft
allocation (of sth. to sb. for sth.) (process)
military allocations
allocation of income (fiscal law)
allocation of budget funds; budgetary appropriations
allocation of resources in a market economy
aktivierungspflichtige Aufwendungen pl (Steuerrecht) econ. fin.
capital additions; capital expenditure (fiscal law)
fiktive Einkünfte (Steuerrecht) pl fin.
deemed income; imputed income (fiscal law)
innergemeinschaftlich adj
innergemeinschaftliches Dreiecksgeschäft (EU Steuerrecht) fin.
intra-community triangular transaction; triangulation; ABC contract (EU fiscal law)
zusammenfassende Meldung f (über innergemeinschaftliche Warenlieferungen) (EU-Steuerrecht) fin.
recapitulative statement (of intra-community supplies of goods) (EU fiscal law)
steuerrechtlich adj
according to tax law
steuerrechtlich, steuerlich adj
steuerliche Schranken
fiscal barriers
according to tax law
als etw. gewertet werden; als etw. gelten v
Zahlungseingänge die (steuerrechtlich) als Einkommen Dividende gelten
Er steht in keinem treuhänderischen Verhältnis zu diese Firma und das kann ihm auch nicht unterstellt werden.
to be deemed sth. (formal)
deemed income dividend
He shall not have nor been deemed to have a fiduciary relationship with this company.
steuerrechtlich; steuerlich adj
steuerliche Schranken
fiscal barriers

Deutsche Steuerrechner Synonyme

Englische central control computer Synonyme

central  PBX operator  aboriginal  accented  all-absorbing  alveolar  amidships  apical  apico-alveolar  apico-dental  arch  articulated  assimilated  automatic exchange  average  axial  back  banal  banner  barytone  basal  basic  bedrock  bilabial  broad  cacuminal  capital  cardinal  center  centermost  central office  centralized  centric  centroidal  centrosymmetric  cerebral  champion  checked  chief  close  common  concentrated  consonant  consonantal  continuant  controlling  core  crowning  crucial  deep  dental  dissimilated  dominant  dorsal  elemental  elementary  embryonic  equatorial  equidistant  essential  first  flat  focal  foremost  front  fundamental  generative  genetic  geocentric  germinal  glide  glossal  glottal  great  guttural  halfway  hard  headmost  heavy  hegemonic  high  important  in embryo  in ovo  indispensable  indoor  inmost  inner  innermost  inside  interior  intermediary  intermediate  internal  intestine  intimate  intonated  intrinsic  inward  key  labial  labiodental  labiovelar  lateral  lax  leading  life-and-death  life-or-death  light  lingual  liquid  long distance  low  machine-switching office  magisterial  main  master  material  mean  medial  median  mediocre  mediterranean  medium  mesial  mezzo  mid  middle  middle-of-the-road  middlemost  middling  midland  midmost  midships  midway  moderate  monophthongal  muted  narrow  nasal  nasalized  normal  nuclear  occlusive  of vital importance  omphalic  open  operator  ordinary  original  outstanding  overriding  overruling  oxytone  palatal  palatalized  panel switching  paramount  pharyngeal  pharyngealized  phonemic  phonetic  phonic  pitch  pitched  pivotal  posttonic  predominant  preeminent  pregnant  preponderant  prevailing  primal  primary  prime  primeval  primitive  primordial  principal  pristine  protogenic  radical  ranking  retroflex  rounded  routine  rudimentary  ruling  salient  seminal  semivowel  signal  significant  soft  sonant  sovereign  stand  
centralize  affiliate  ally  approach  associate  band together  be in cahoots  bunch  bunch up  cabal  cement a union  center  center on  center round  close  close in  close up  close with  club  club together  come together  concenter  concentralize  concentrate  confederate  consociate  conspire  converge  couple  fall in with  federalize  federate  funnel  gang  gang up  go in partners  go in partnership  hook up with  intersect  join forces  join fortunes with  join together  join up with  join with  league  marry  meet  middle  narrow the gap  nip  organize  pair  pair off  partner  pinch  run together  stand together  stand up with  taper  team up with  team with  throw in with  tie in with  tie up with  unionize  unite  unite with  wed  

Steuerrechner Definition

(a.) Relating to the center
(n.) Alt. of Centrale
(n.) One who computes.
(n.) A duplicate book, register, or account, kept to correct or check another account or register
(n.) That which serves to check, restrain, or hinder
(n.) Power or authority to check or restrain
(v. t.) To check by a counter register or duplicate account
(v. t.) To exercise restraining or governing influence over
(a.) Between the neural arch and the centrum of a vertebra
(n.) Control of one's self

central control computer Bedeutung

gaining control
the act of forcibly dispossessing an owner of property
fire control preparation for the delivery of shellfire on a target
computer game
video game
a game played against a computer
inventory control supervision of the supply and storage and accessibility of items in order to insure an adequate supply without excessive oversupply
control the activity of managing or exerting control over something, the control of the mob by the police was admirable
crowd control activity of controlling a crowd
damage control an effort to minimize or curtail damage or loss
flight control control from ground stations of airplanes in flight by means of messages transmitted to the pilot electronically
flood control (engineering) the art or technique of trying to control rivers with dams etc in order to minimize the occurrence of floods
gun control efforts to regulate or control sales of guns
internal control an accounting procedure or system designed to promote efficiency or assure the implementation of a policy or safeguard assets or avoid fraud and error etc.
management control an internal control performed by one or more managers
quality control maintenance of standards of quality of manufactured goods
arms control a limitation on the size and armament of the armed forces of a country
riot control
riot control operation
the measures taken to control a riot
control (physiology) regulation or maintenance of a function or action or reflex etc, the timing and control of his movements were unimpaired, he had lost control of his sphincters
motor control control of muscles
birth control
birth prevention
family planning
limiting the number of children born
rhythm method of birth control
rhythm method
calendar method of birth control
calendar method
natural family planning in which ovulation is assumed to occur days before the onset of a period (the fertile period would be assumed to extend from daythrough day of her cycle)
computer programming
computer programing
creating a sequence of instructions to enable the computer to do something
computer technology the activity of designing and constructing and programming computers
traffic control control of the flow of traffic in a building or a city
social control control exerted (actively or passively) by group action
population control control over the growth of population, a government program
occupation military control the control of a country by military forces of a foreign power
central chimpanzee
Pan troglodytes troglodytes
black-faced chimpanzees of central Africa, closely related to eastern chimpanzees
control surface
a device that provides reactive force when in motion relative to the surrounding air, can lift or control a plane in flight
analog computer
analogue computer
a computer that represents information by variable quantities (e.g., positions or voltages)
computer backup
(computer science) a copy of a file or directory on a separate storage device, he made a backup in case the original was accidentally damaged or erased
briefcase computer a portable computer housed in a box that resembles a briefcase
telephone exchange
a workplace that serves as a telecommunications facility where lines from telephones can be connected together to permit communication
central heating a heating system in which air or water is heated at a central furnace and sent through the building via vents or pipes and radiators
central processing unit
central processor
(computer science) the part of a computer (a microprocessor chip) that does most of the data processing, the CPU and the memory form the central part of a computer to which the peripherals are attached
computing machine
computing device
data processor
electronic computer
information processing system
a machine for performing calculations automatically
computer accessory an accessory for a computer, when you add in all the computer accessories you are going to need the computer gets pretty expensive
computer circuit a circuit that is part of a computer
computer graphics the pictorial representation and manipulation of data by a computer
computer keyboard
a keyboard that is a data input device for computers, arrangement of keys is modelled after the typewriter keyboard
computer monitor a device that displays signals on a computer screen
computer network (computer science) a network of computers
computer screen
computer display
a screen used to display the output of a computer to the user
computer store a store that sells computers to the small businessperson or personal user
computer system
computing system
automatic data processing system
ADP system
a system of one or more computers and associated software with common storage
preventive preventative contraceptive device
prophylactic device
birth control device
an agent or device intended to prevent conception
a mechanism that controls the operation of a machine, the speed controller on his turntable was not working properly, I turned the controls over to her
control center the operational center for a group of related activities, the general in command never left the control center
control circuit
negative feedback circuit
a feedback circuit that subtracts from the input
control key
command key
(computer science) the key on a computer keyboard that is used (in combination with some other key) to type control characters
control panel
instrument panel
control board
board panel
electrical device consisting of a flat insulated surface that contains switches and dials and meters for controlling other electrical devices, he checked the instrument panel, suddenly the board lit up like a Christmas tree
control rod a steel or aluminum rod that can be moved up or down to control the rate of the nuclear reaction
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