
Strahlenschutzschirm Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Strahlenschutzschirm m techn.
Strahlenschutzschirme pl
radiation protection screen
radiation protection screens
Strahlenschutzschirm m techn.
Strahlenschutzschirme pl
radiation protection screen
radiation protection screens
Gefährdung durch Strahlen, Strahlenrisiken
radiation hazards
Einfallswinkel m von Strahlen
wave angle
Kontakt m electr.
Kontakte pl
Kontakt herstellen
erweiterter Kontakt
federnder Kontakt
gedrehte Kontakte
geschützte Kontakte
gesteckter Kontakt, gewickelter Kontakt
konzentrischer Kontakt
männlicher Kontakt
potenzialfreier Kontakt
voreilender Kontakt
Kontakte strahlen
Ausbau der Kontakte
auswechselbare, lötfreie Kontakte
direkt geschalteter Kontakt
Bund des Kontaktes
Kontakt mit Anschlusshülse
Kontakte einschieben, Kontakte einbringen
to make contact
enlarged contact
resilient contact
machined contacts
shrouded contacts
wrapped connection
concentric contact
pin contact
dry contact
first-to-make last-to-break contact
to blast the contacts
removal of contacts
crimp snap-in contacts
slow action contact
connector shoulder
contact with conductor barrel
to insert contacts
Leuchten n, Strahlen n, Glanz m
freudiges Strahlen
radiance, radiancy
radiance of joy
Röntgenstrahlen pl, X-Strahlen pl phys.
Strahl m
Strahlen pl
Strahlen n (Lächeln)
beam (smile)
ausstrahlen, strahlen v
ausstrahlend, strahlend
ausgestrahlt, gestrahlt
strahlt aus, strahlt
strahlte aus, strahlte
to radiate
neu strahlen
neu strahlend
neu gestrahlt
strahlt neu
strahlte neu
to reradiate
to radiate, to irradiate
radiating, irradiating
radiated, irradiated
strahlen, glänzen v
strahlend, glänzend
gestrahlt, geglänzt
strahlt, glänzt
strahlte, glänzte
to beam
vor Freude strahlen
vor Freude strahlend
vor Freude gestrahlt
to beam with joy
beaming with joy
beamed with joy
strahlen, leuchten, schimmern v
strahlend, leuchtend, schimmernd
gestrahlt, geleuchtet, geschimmert
strahlt, keuchtet, schimmert
strahlte, keuchtete, schimmerte
to gleam
Balken, Seite, Strahl, Leitstrahl, (aus)strahlen
vor Freude strahlen
beam with joy
ausstrahlen, strahlen
neu strahlen
to beam
vor Freude strahlen
to beam whith joy
vor Freude strahlen
to beam with joy
Einfallswinkel von Strahlen
wave angle
Einfallwinkel m; Einfallswinkel m phys.
Einfallwinkel pl; Einfallswinkel pl
Einfallswinkel m von Strahlen
angle of incidence; incidence angle (of rays)
angles of incidence; incidence angles
wave angle
Kaskadeneinheit f (kosmischer Strahlen) phys. astron.
Kaskadeneinheiten pl
shower unit; cascade unit (of cosmic rays)
shower units; cascade units
Kontakt m electr.
Kontakte pl
Kontakt herstellen
erweiterter Kontakt
federnder Kontakt
gedrehte Kontakte
geschützte Kontakte
gesteckter Kontakt; gewickelter Kontakt
konzentrischer Kontakt
männlicher Kontakt
potenzialfreier Kontakt
voreilender Kontakt
Kontakte strahlen
Ausbau der Kontakte
auswechselbare lötfreie Kontakte
direkt geschalteter Kontakt
Bund des Kontaktes
Kontakt mit Anschlusshülse
Kontakte einschieben; Kontakte einbringen
to make contact
enlarged contact
resilient contact
machined contacts
shrouded contacts
wrapped connection
concentric contact
pin contact
dry contact
first-to-make last-to-break contact
to blast the contacts
removal of contacts
crimp snap-in contacts
slow action contact
connector shoulder
contact with conductor barrel
to insert contacts
Leuchten n; Strahlen n; Glanz m
freudiges Strahlen
radiance; radiancy
radiance of joy
Röntgenstrahlen pl; X-Strahlen pl phys.
X-ray; X-rays
Strahl m; Leitstrahl m; Peilstrahl m
Strahlen pl; Leitstrahlen pl; Peilstrahlen pl
Strahl m
Strahlen pl
außerordentlicher Strahl
ordentlicher Strahl
felgenrechter Strahl; sagittaler Strahl m phys.
extraordinary ray
ordinary ray
sagittal ray
Strahlbehandlung f; Abstrahlen n; Strahlen n techn.
abrasive blasting process; abrasive blasting
auf etw. auftreffen; aufprallen; in etw. eintreten; einfallen (Licht Elektronen Strahlen) v phys.
auftreffend; aufprallend; eintretend; einfallend
aufgetroffen; aufgeprallt; eingetreten; eingefallen
to impinge on against sth. (light electrons rays)
auftreffend; eintretend; einfallend (Licht Elektronen Strahlen) adj phys.
impinging; incident (light electrons rays)
ausstrahlen; strahlen v (aus)
ausstrahlend; strahlend
ausgestrahlt; gestrahlt
strahlt aus; strahlt
strahlte aus; strahlte
Optimismus ausstrahlen; Optimismus versprühen
Energie Licht ausstrahlen abgeben
to radiate (from)
to radiate optimism
to radiate energy light
ionisieren v
ionisierter Zustand
mit ionisierenden Strahlen behandelt
to ionize eAm.; to ionise Br.
ionizing; ionising
ionized; ionised
ionized state
treated with ionising radiation
kosmisch adj astron.
kosmische Primärstrahlung Sekundärstrahlung f
erste zweite dritte kosmische Geschwindigkeit f
kosmische Solarstrahlung f
kosmischer Staub m
kosmische Strahlen pl
kosmische Strahlung f
kosmisches Teilchen n
kosmische Ultrastrahlen pl
cosmic; cosmical
primary secondary cosmic radiation rays
first second third cosmic velocity
cosmic solar radiation
cosmic dust; star dust; meteor dust
cosmic rays; Millikan rays
space radiation
cosmic particle
cosmic ultrarays; ultragamma rays
neu strahlen v
neu strahlend
neu gestrahlt
strahlt neu
strahlte neu
to reradiate
radioaktiv adj phys.
am radioaktivsten
radioaktive Stoffe
radioaktiver Müll; radioaktiver Abfall
radioaktiver Grundstoff
radioaktiv sein; strahlen
nicht radioaktiv; inaktiv; frei von Radioaktivität
more radioactive
most radioactive
radioactive substances
radioactive waste; radiowaste
to be radioactive
inactive; cold
to radiate; to irradiate
radiating; irradiating
radiated; irradiated
strahlen; glänzen v
strahlend; glänzend
gestrahlt; geglänzt
strahlt; glänzt
strahlte; glänzte
to beam
strahlen; leuchten; schimmern v
strahlend; leuchtend; schimmernd
gestrahlt; geleuchtet; geschimmert
strahlt; leuchtet; schimmert
strahlte; leuchtete; schimmerte
to gleam
Einfallswinkel m; Einfallwinkel m; Einstrahlwinkel m; Inzidenzwinkel m (von Licht, Strahlung) phys.
Einfallswinkel pl; Einfallwinkel pl; Einstrahlwinkel pl; Inzidenzwinkel pl
Einfallswinkel m von Strahlen
angle of incidence; incidence angle (of light or rays)
angles of incidence; incidence angles
wave angle
Kontakt m electr.
Kontakte pl
Kontakt herstellen
erweiterter Kontakt
federnder Kontakt
gedrehte Kontakte
geschützte Kontakte
gesteckter Kontakt; gewickelter Kontakt
konzentrischer Kontakt
männlicher Kontakt
potenzialfreier Kontakt
voreilender Kontakt
Kontakte strahlen
Ausbau der Kontakte
auswechselbare, lötfreie Kontakte
direkt geschalteter Kontakt
Bund des Kontaktes
Kontakt mit Anschlusshülse
Kontakte einschieben; Kontakte einbringen
to make contact
enlarged contact
resilient contact
machined contacts
shrouded contacts
wrapped connection
concentric contact
pin contact
dry contact
first-to-make last-to-break contact
to blast the contacts
removal of contacts
crimp snap-in contacts
slow action contact
connector shoulder
contact with conductor barrel
to insert contacts
Sonne f
Sonnen pl
die gelben Strahlen der untergehenden Sonne
in der Abendsonne
ein Platz an der Sonne
the yellow rays of the setting sun
in the evening sun
a place in the sun
Transmission f (Durchgang von Strahlen durch ein Medium) phys.
Transmissionen pl
auf etw. auftreffen; aufprallen; in etw. eintreten; einfallen (Licht, Elektronen, Strahlen) v phys.
auftreffend; aufprallend; eintretend; einfallend
aufgetroffen; aufgeprallt; eingetreten; eingefallen
to impinge on against sth. (light, electrons, rays)
auftreffend; eintretend; einfallend (Licht, Elektronen, Strahlen) adj phys.
impinging; incident (light, electrons, rays)
ausstrahlen; strahlen v (aus)
ausstrahlend; strahlend
ausgestrahlt; gestrahlt
strahlt aus; strahlt
strahlte aus; strahlte
Optimismus ausstrahlen; Optimismus versprühen
Energie Licht ausstrahlen abgeben
Die Störungen der Finanzmärkte beginnen, auf die allgemeine Konjunktursituation auszustrahlen.
to radiate (from)
to radiate optimism
to radiate energy light
The disturbances of the finance markets start to radiate on the general economic situation.
durchdringend; einschneidend; bohrend adj
ein durchdringende Kälte; eine schneidende Kälte; eine Eiseskälte
ein schneidender Wind
ein durchdringender Blick
ein durchdringender Duft
ein bohrender Schmerz
stechende Augen
tief eindringende Strahlen
penetrating; piercing
a penetrating cold; a piercing cold
a piercing wind
a penetrating gaze look stare
a penetrating perfume
a penetrating pain
penetrating eyes
deeply penetrating rays
durchdringungsfähig adj
durchdringungsfähige Strahlen
durchschlagsfähige Geschosse mil.
penetrative rays
penetrative projectiles
vor Freude strahlen; wie ein Honigkuchenpferd grinsen humor. v
vor Freude strahlend; wie ein Honigkuchenpferd grinsend
vor Freude gestrahlt; wie ein Honigkuchenpferd gegrinst
to beam with pleasure
beaming with pleasure
beamed with pleasure
strahlend adj (glücklich)
ein strahlendes Lächeln
strahlend schön
vor Glück strahlen
a radiant smile
beautifully radiant
to be radiant with happiness
Strahlenablenkung f
beam deflection
beam deflection
Strahlenablenkung f; Strahlablenken n
beam deflection
Strahlenanämie f med.
radiation anaemia
Schefflera f; Strahlenaralie f bot.
Strahlenaussendung f phys.
emission of rays
Strahlenbahn f; Strahlenweg m; Strahlengang m phys.
Strahlenbahnen pl; Strahlenwege pl; Strahlengänge pl
path of a ray
paths of rays
Strahlenweg m; Strahlengang m; Strahlenbahn f (Optik, Fotografie, Mikroskopie) phys.
path of rays; optical path (optics, photography, microscopy)
strahlenbedingt adj med.
Harnblasenentzündung f; Blasenentzündung f; Blasenkatarrh m; Zystitis f med.
allergische Blasenentzündung
eitrige Blasenentzündung
strahlenbedingte Blasenentzündung
Blasenentzündung durch Pärchenegel
inflammation catarrh of the (urinary) bladder; urocystitis; endocystitis; cystitis
allergic cystitis
schistosome cystitis
strahlenbehandelt adj med.
Strahlenbehandlung f, Strahlentherapie f, Radiotherapie f med.
Strahlenbehandlungen pl
Strahlenbehandlung f; Strahlentherapie f; Radiotherapie f med.
Strahlenbehandlungen pl; Strahlentherapien pl; Radiotherapien pl
radiation treatment; radiotherapy; (ir)radiation therapy; emanotherapy; actinotherapy
radiation treatments; radiotherapies; radiation therapies; emanotherapies; actinotherapies
strahlenbelastet adj med.

Deutsche Strahlenschutzschirm Synonyme

Englische radiation protection screen Synonyme

radiation  X ray  actinic ray  actinism  arc lighting  asteroids  atomic beam  atomic ray  attenuation  aurora particles  beam  beam of light  black and white  blackout  broadcast  broadcasting  chiaroscuro  circumfusion  contrast  cosmic particles  cosmic ray bombardment  decorative lighting  diffraction  diffusion  dilution  direct lighting  dispensation  dispersal  dispersion  dissemination  dissipation  distribution  divergence  electric lighting  emanation  emission  enlightenment  evaporation  expansion  festoon lighting  floodlighting  fluorescent lighting  fragmentation  gamma ray  gaslighting  gleam  glow lighting  highlight  highlights  illumination  incandescent lighting  indirect lighting  infrared ray  intergalactic matter  invisible radiation  irradiance  irradiancy  irradiation  leam  light  light and shade  light source  lighting  luminous energy  meteor dust impacts  meteors  overhead lighting  patch  pencil  peppering  photon  photosensitivity  propagation  publication  radiance  radiancy  radiant energy  radiorays  radius  ray  ray of light  ribbon  ribbon of light  scattering  scatterment  shedding  shotgun pattern  sidelight  solar rays  sowing  space bullets  spattering  splay  spoke  spot lighting  spread  spreading  sprinkling  stage lighting  streak  stream  stream of light  streamer  strewing  strip lighting  the bends  tonality  ultraviolet ray  violet ray  visible radiation  volatilization  weightlessness  
radiation physics  Newtonian physics  X-ray photometry  X-ray spectrometry  acoustics  aerophysics  applied physics  astrophysics  atom-tagging  basic conductor physics  biophysics  chemical physics  cryogenics  crystallography  curiescopy  cytophysics  electron physics  electronics  electrophysics  fluoroscopy  geophysics  macrophysics  mathematical physics  mechanics  medicophysics  microphysics  natural philosophy  natural science  nuclear physics  optics  orthodiagraphy  philosophy  photofluorography  physic  physical chemistry  physical science  physicochemistry  physicomathematics  physics  psychophysics  radiobiology  radiochemistry  radiography  radiological physics  radiology  radiometallography  radiometry  radionics  radiopathology  radioscopy  radiotechnology  radiotherapy  roentgenography  roentgenology  roentgenoscopy  solar physics  solid-state physics  spectroradiometry  statics  stereophysics  theoretical physics  thermodynamics  tracer investigation  zoophysics  
radiation sickness  Minamata disease  altitude sickness  anoxemia  anoxia  anoxic anoxia  anthrax  black lung  caisson disease  chilblain  decompression sickness  frostbite  immersion foot  itai  jet lag  lead poisoning  mercury poisoning  motion sickness  pneumoconiosis  radionecrosis  red-out  sunstroke  the bends  trench foot  

Strahlenschutzschirm Definition

(n.) The act of protecting, or the state of being protected
(n.) That which protects or preserves from injury
(n.) A writing that protects or secures from molestation or arrest
(n.) A theory, or a policy, of protecting the producers in a country from foreign competition in the home market by the imposition of such discriminating duties on goods of foreign production as will restrict or prevent their importation
(n.) The act of radiating, or the state of being radiated
(n.) The shooting forth of anything from a point or surface, like the diverging rays of light
(n.) Anything that separates or cuts off inconvenience, injury, or danger
(n.) A dwarf wall or partition carried up to a certain height for separation and protection, as in a church, to separate the aisle from the choir, or the like.
(n.) A surface, as that afforded by a curtain, sheet, wall, etc., upon which an image, as a picture, is thrown by a magic lantern, solar microscope, etc.
(n.) A long, coarse riddle or sieve, sometimes a revolving perforated cylinder, used to separate the coarser from the finer parts, as of coal, sand, gravel, and the like.
(v. t.) To provide with a shelter or means of concealment
(v. t.) To pass, as coal, gravel, ashes, etc., through a screen in order to separate the coarse from the fine, or the worthless from the valuable

radiation protection screen / radiation protection screens Bedeutung

screen pass a short forward pass in which the receiver is protected by a screen of blockers
radiation therapy
radiation actinotherapy
(medicine) the treatment of disease (especially cancer) by exposure to a radioactive substance
protection tribute payment extorted by gangsters on threat of violence, every store in the neighborhood had to pay him protection
screen test a filmed audition of an actor or actress
protection the activity of protecting someone or something, the witnesses demanded police protection
the act of defending yourself
smoke screen
an action intended to conceal or confuse or obscure, requesting new powers of surveillance is just a smokescreen to hide their failures
protection trade protection the imposition of duties or quotas on imports in order to protect domestic industry against foreign competition, he made trade protection a plank in the party platform
protection aegis
kindly endorsement and guidance, the tournament was held under the auspices of the city council
radiation the act of spreading outward from a central source
active matrix screen a type of LCD screen used for some portable computers, there is a separate circuit for each pixel
background desktop
screen background
(computer science) the area of the screen in graphical user interfaces against which icons and windows appear
a protective covering that keeps things out or hinders sight, they had just moved in and had not put up blinds yet
computer screen
computer display
a screen used to display the output of a computer to the user
fire screen
a metal screen before an open fire for protection (especially against flying sparks)
light filter
diffusing screen
a transparent filter that reduces the light (or some wavelengths of the light) passing through it
protective covering
protective cover
a covering that is intend to protect from damage or injury, they had no protection from the fallout, wax provided protection for the floors
radiation pyrometer a pyrometer for estimating the temperature of distant sources of heat, radiation is focussed on a thermojunction connected in circuit with a galvanometer
rood screen a screen in a church, separates the nave from the choir or chancel
screen a protective covering consisting of netting, can be mounted in a frame, they put screens in the windows for protection against insects, a metal screen protected the observers
screen cover covert
a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something, a screen of trees afforded privacy, under cover of darkness, the brush provided a covert for game, the simplest concealment is to match perfectly the color of the background
screen partition consisting of a decorative frame or panel that serves to divide a space
screen CRT screen the display that is electronically created on the surface of the large end of a cathodeay tube
screen silver screen
projection screen
a white or silvered surface where pictures can be projected for viewing
screen door
a door that consists of a frame holding metallic or plastic netting, used to allow ventilation and to keep insects from entering a building through the open door, he heard the screen slam as she left
screen saver (computer science) a moving design that appears on a computer screen when there has been no input for a specified period of time, screen savers prevent the damage that occurs when the same areas of light and dark are displayed too long
a strainer for separating lumps from powdered material or grading particles
silk screen print
a print made using a stencil process in which an image or design is superimposed on a very fine mesh screen and printing ink is squeegeed onto the printing surface through the area of the screen that is not covered by the stencil
smoke screen
(military) screen consisting of a cloud of smoke that obscures movements
touch screen
a computer display that enables the user to interact with the computer by touching areas on the screen
wide screen a projection screen that is much wider than it is high
window screen screen to keep insects from entering a building through the open window
acoustic radiation pressure (acoustics) the pressure exerted on a surface normal to the direction of propagation of a sound wave
sun protection factor
the degree to which a sunscreen protects the skin from the direct rays of the sun
equal protection of the laws a right guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution and by the due-process clause of the Fifth Amendment
optic radiation
radiatio optica
a nerve pathway from the lateral geniculate body to the visual cortex
radiation a radial arrangement of nerve fibers connecting different parts of the brain
Planck's radiation law (physics) an equation that expresses the distribution of energy in the radiated spectrum of an ideal black body
screen memory an imagined memory of a childhood experience, hides another memory of distressing significance
silver screen the film industry
screen font
raster font
the font that is displayed on a computer screen, when the screen font resembles a printed font a document may look approximately the same on the screen as it will when printed
radiation pattern
radiation diagram
graphical representation (in polar or Cartesian coordinates) of the spatial distribution of radiation from an antenna as a function of angle
background radiation radiation coming from sources other than those being observed
radiation the spread of a group of organisms into new habitats
adaptive radiation the development of many different forms from an originally homogeneous group of organisms as they fill different ecological niches
the personnel of the film industry, a star of stage and screen
Environmental Protection Agency
an independent federal agency established to coordinate programs aimed at reducing pollution and protecting the environment
screen actor
movie actor
an actor who plays a role in a film
actinic radiation
actinic ray
electromagnetic radiation that can produce photochemical reactions
alpha radiation
alpha ray
the radiation of alpha particles during radioactive decay
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