
Symmetrieschnitt Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Symmetrieschnitt m; Sagittalschnitt m
sagittal section
Symmetrieschnitt m; Sagittalschnitt m
sagittal section
Symmetrie f
Symmetrien pl
Raum-Zeit-Symmetrie f phys.
space-time symmetry
achtzählige Symmetrie f phys.
octad symmetry
Symmetrieachse f, Mittelachse f
Symmetrieachsen pl, Mittelachsen pl
axis of symmetry, symmetry axis
axes of symmetry, symmetry axes
Symmetrieachse f; Mittelachse f
Symmetrieachsen pl; Mittelachsen pl
optische Symmetrieachse
zweizählige Symmetrieachse
dreizählige Symmetrieachse
vierzählige Symmetrieachse
axis of symmetry; symmetry axis
axes of symmetry; symmetry axes
optic axis of symmetry; axis of optic symmetry
axis of twofold binary symmetry
axis of threefold symmetry
axis of fourfold tetragonal symmetry
Symmetrieebene f
Symmetrieebenen pl
plane of symmetry
planes of symmetry
Symmetriegrad m
degree of symmetry
Raumgruppe f chem. math. phys.
kristallografische Raumgruppe; kristallografische Gruppe; Kristallgruppe f (Kristall)
ebene kristallographische Gruppe; ebene Kristallgruppe; ebene Symmetriegruppe; Ornamentgruppe f (zweidimensionale Kristallmuster)
space group
crystallographic space group; crystallographic group; Fedorov group (crystal)
plane crystallographic group; plane symmetry group; wallpaper group (two-dimensional crystal patterns)
Winkelhalbierende f; Winkelsymmetrale f; Symmetrielinie f math.
bisecting line of an angle; bisector bisectrix of an angle
Halbierende f; Bisektrix f (Geometrie) math.
Winkelhalbierende f; Winkelsymmetrale f; Mittellinie f; Symmetrielinie
bisecting line; bisector; bisectrix
bisecting line of an angle; bisector bisectrix of an angle; angle bisector; angle bisectrix
etw. symmetrieren v electr.
to symmetrize
Symmetrierung f electr.
symmetrizing; symmetrising Br.; balancing
Symmetrieschnitt m; Sagittalschnitt m
sagittal section
Symmetrieverhalten n math. phys. statist.
symmetry behaviour Br.; symmetry behavior Am.
Symmetriezentrum n
Symmetriezentren pl
centre of symmetry; center of symmetry
centres of symmetry; centers of symmetry
Symmetrik f
ausgeglichen, ausgewuchtet, symmetrisch adj
am ausgeglichensten
balanced, well-balanced
more balanced
most balanced
symmetrisch math.
symmetrisch adv
ausgeglichen; ausgewuchtet; symmetrisch; gleichmäßig; ausbalanciert adj
am ausgeglichensten
balanced; well-balanced
more balanced
most balanced
baulich adv
baulich symmetrisch telco.
structurally symmetrical
symmetrisch adj math.
symmetrisch adj
Eisenbahnweiche f; Gleisweiche f; Weichenanlage f; Weiche f (Gleisabschnitt bestehend aus festen Schienen, Zungenschienen, Herzstück und Weichenantrieb) (Bahn)
Eisenbahnweichen pl; Gleisweichen pl; Weichenanlagen pl; Weichen pl
Außenbogenweiche f ABW
Bogenweiche f
Doppelweiche f; Dreiwegweiche f selten
Dreiwegeweiche f mit versetzten Zungenspitzen (Magnetbahn)
einfache Weiche
einfache Rechtsweiche f
einfache Linksweiche f
fernbediente Weiche
Flachweiche f
Innenbogenweiche f
symmetrische Außenbogenweiche f; symmetrische Weiche; zweiseitige Weiche; Y-Weiche f
eine Weiche ausbauen
rail turnout; railway turnout Br.; railroad turnout Am.; turnout (track section composed of fixed rails, the point rails, the cross frog, and the point mechanism) (often wrongly: points Br.; switch Am.) (railway)
rail turnouts; railway turnouts; railroad turnouts; turnouts
turnout curved away from the diverging route
curved turnout (often wrongly: curved switch)
double turnout; three-throw turnout
tandem turnout (maglev guideway)
single turnout (often wrongly: ordinary points)
right-hand turnout
left-hand turnout
remote-controlled turnout
turnout with a flat-angle crossing
turnout curved towards the diverging route
wye turnout; equilateral turnout Am.
to dismantle a turnout
Gleisverbindung f; Ãœberleitstelle f (Doppelspurstrecke) (Bahn)
Gleisverbindungen pl; Ãœberleitstellen pl
Bogengleisverbindung f; Bogengeleiseverbindung f Schw.
einfache Gleisverbindung; Weichenverbindung
doppelte Gleisverbindung; doppelte gekreuzte Weichenverbindung f
halbe doppelte Gleisverbindung
symmetrische doppelte Gleisverbindung; Weichenkreuz n
track connection; track junction; cross-over (double-track line) (railway)
track connections; track junctions; cross-overs
cross-over between curved tracks
single cross-over
double cross-over
half-scissors cross-over
scissors cross-over; scissors crossi
Verschlüsselungsmethode f
Verschlüsselungsmethoden pl
symmetrische Verschlüsselungsmethode
encryption method
encryption methods
symmetric encryption method
statistischer Test m statist.
Ad hoc-Test
bedingter Test
bestmöglicher optimaler Test
einseitiger asymmetrischer Test
zweiseitiger Test
kombinatorischer Test
konsistenter Test
strengster Test; Test mit minimalem Schärfeverlust
symmetrischer Test
randomisierter Test
trennschärfster Test bester Test
unverzerrter unverfälschterTest
verzerrter verfälschter Test
zerstörende Prüfung
zulässiger Test
eingeschränkter Chiquadrat-Test
Folgetest; sequentieller Test
generalisierter Sequentialtest
gleicher Abstandtest
gleichmäßig bester Abstandstest
gleichmäßig trennschärfster Test
Log-Rangtest; Mantel-Haenzel-Test
lokal asymptotisch strengster Test
lokal asymptotisch trennschärfster mächtigster Test; optimaler asymptotischer Test
lokal trennschärfster mächtigster Rangordnungstest
multipler Spannweitentest
Normalitätstest; Test auf Normalverteilung
inverse Normalscores-Test
zufälliger Normalscores-Test
Omega-Quadrat-Test; omega²-Test; Wn²-Test; Cramér-von-Mises-Test
orthogonaler Test; Test auf Orthogonalität
Permutationstest; Randomisationstest
Rang-randomisierter Test
randomisierter Signifikanztest
sequentieller Chi-Quadrat-Test
sequentieller T²-Test
simultaner Varianzverhältnistest
Sphärizitätstest; Mauchly-Test
T-Test; Student-Test
Test auf gleiche Tails
Test auf leere Zellen
Test mit einheitlichen Scores
Test mit erwarteten Normalscores
Tests von Aufzeichnungen
trennschärfster Rangtest
Varianzverhältnistest; F-Test
Vorzeichenrangtest; Wilcoxon-Test für gepaarte Stichproben
statistical hypothesis test
ad hoc test
conditional test
optimum test
one-sided test; one-tailed test; single tail test; asymmetrical test
two-sided test; two-tailed test; double-tailed test
combinatorial test
consistent test
most stringent test
symmetrical test
randomized test
most powerful test
unbiased test
biased test
destructive test
admissible test
corner test
extreme rank sum test
difference sign test
triangle test
duo-trio test
restricted chi-squared test
factor reversal test
sequential test
generalized sequential probability ratio test
equal spacings test
uniformly best distance power test; UBDP test
uniformly most powerful test; UMP test
least significant difference test; LSD test
likelihood ratio test
log-rank test; Mantel-Haenszel test
locally asymptotically most stringent test
locally assymptotically most powerful test; optimal asymptotic test
locally most powerfull rank order test
medial test
median test
Monte Carlo test
multi-binomial test
multiple range test
test of normality
inverse normal scores test
random normal scores test
omega square test; Wn² test; Cramér-von Mises test
orthogonal test; independent test
permutation test; randomization test
rank-randomization test
randomized significance test
sequential chi-squared test
sequential t² test
simultaneous variance ratio test
test for sphericity; Mauchly test
stability test
t-test; Student's test
t-square test
tandem tests
equal-tails test
empty cell test
uniform scores test
expected normal scores test
records tests
most powerful rank test
UN² test
variance ratio test; F-test
union-intersection test
slippage test
sign test
signed rank test; Wilcoxon's matched pairs rank test
reversal test
W test for normality
probability ratio test
base reversal test; time reversal test
bivariate sign test
Abelson-Tukey score test
Ajne's An-
statistischer Test m statist.
bedingter Test
bestmöglicher optimaler Test
einseitiger asymmetrischer Test
zweiseitiger Test
kombinatorischer Test
konsistenter Test
strengster Test; Test mit minimalem Schärfeverlust
symmetrischer Test
randomisierter Test
trennschärfster Test, bester Test
unverzerrter unverfälschter Test
verzerrter verfälschter Test
zerstörende Prüfung
zulässiger Test
eingeschränkter Chiquadrat-Test
Folgetest; sequentieller Test
generalisierter Sequentialtest
gleicher Abstandtest
gleichmäßig bester Abstandstest
gleichmäßig trennschärfster Test
Log-Rangtest; Mantel-Haenzel-Test
lokal asymptotisch strengster Test
lokal asymptotisch trennschärfster mächtigster Test; optimaler asymptotischer Test
lokal trennschärfster mächtigster Rangordnungstest
Medialtest m; Quadrantentest m
Mediantest m
Monte-Carlo-Test m
Multibinomialtest m
multipler Spannweitentest
Normalitätstest m; Test auf Normalverteilung
inverse Normalscores-Test
zufälliger Normalscores-Test
Omega-Quadrat-Test m; omega²-Test; Wn²-Test; Cramér-von-Mises-Test
orthogonaler Test; Test auf Orthogonalität
Permutationstest m; Randomisationstest m
Rang-randomisierter Test
randomisierter Signifikanztest
sequentieller Chi-Quadrat-Test
sequentieller T²-Test
simultaner Varianzverhältnistest
Sphärizitätstest m; Mauchly-Test m
Stabilitätsprüfung f
T-Quadrat-Test m
Tandemtest m
Test auf gleiche Tails
Test auf leere Zellen
Test mit einheitlichen Scores
Test mit erwarteten Normalscores
Tests von Aufzeichnungen
Trendtest m
trennschärfster Rangtest
UN²-Test m
Varianzverhältnistest m; F-Test m
Vereinigung-Schnitt-Test m
Verschiebungstest m
Vorzeichentest m
Vorzeichenrangtest m; Wilcoxon-Test für gepaarte Stichproben
Vorzeichenwechsel-Test m; Umkehrprobe f bei Indexzahlen
W-Test auf Normalität m
Wahrscheinlichkeitsverhältnistest m
Zeit-Umkehrprobe f; Umkehrprobe f für Indexbasen
zweidimensionaler Zeichentest m
Z-Test m
Ajnescher An-Test
Armitage Chiquadrat-Trendtest
Barnardscher Monte Carlo-Test
Bartlett-Test auf Interaktion 2. Ordnung
Bartlett'scher Kollinearitätstest
Bartlett-Diananda'scher Test
Barnard'scher Test
Behrens-Fisher-Test; Fisher-Behrens-Test
Boxscher Test
Cochrans Q-Test; McNemar-Test
Dispersionstest von Ansari-Bradley
Fisher-Yates-Test; exak
statistical hypothesis test
ad hoc test
a posteriori test
conditional test
optimum test
one-sided test; one-tailed test; single tail test; asymmetrical test
two-sided test; two-tailed test; double-tailed test
combinatorial test
consistent test
most stringent test
symmetrical test
randomized test
most powerful test
unbiased test
biased test
destructive test
admissible test
corner test
extreme rank sum test
difference sign test
triangle test
duo-trio test
restricted chi-squared test
factor reversal test
sequential test
generalized sequential probability ratio test
equal spacings test
uniformly best distance power test; UBDP test
uniformly most powerful test; UMP test
least significant difference test; LSD test
likelihood ratio test
log-rank test; Mantel-Haenszel test
locally asymptotically most stringent test
locally assymptotically most powerful test; optimal asymptotic test
locally most powerful rank order test
medial test
median test
Monte Carlo test
multi-binomial test
multiple range test
test of normality
inverse normal scores test
random normal scores test
omega square test; Wn² test; Cramér-von Mises test
orthogonal test; independent test
permutation test; randomization test
rank-randomization test
randomized significance test
sequential chi-squared test
sequential t² test
simultaneous variance ratio test
test for sphericity; Mauchly test
stability test
t-square test
tandem tests
equal-tails test
empty cell test
uniform scores test
expected normal scores test
records tests
test of trend
most powerful rank test
UN² test
variance ratio test; F-test
union-intersection test
slippage test
sign test
signed rank test; Wilcoxon's matched pairs rank test
reversal test
W test for normality
probability ratio test
base reversal test; time reversal test
bivariate sign test
Abelson-Tukey score test
Ajne's An-test
Armitage's chi-squared test for trend
Aspin-Welch test
Barnard's Monte Carlo test
Bartlett's test
Bartlett's test of second order interaction
Bartlett's collinearity test
Bartlett-Diananda test
CSM test
Beran's test
Behrens-Fisher test; Fisher-Behrens test
bootstrap test
Box's test
Breslow-Day test
Brunk's test
Butler-Smirnov test
Capon test
Cliff-Ord tests
Cochran's test
Cochran's Q-test; McNemar's test
Cox and Stuart's tests
D'Agostino's test
Daniel's test
David-Barton test
Ansari-Bradley dispersion test
Duncan's test; k-ratio t-test
Dunn's test
Dunnett's test
Dwass-Steel test
Fisher-Yates test; Fisher-Irwin test; Fisher exact test exact chi-squared test
Freund-Ansari test
Friedman's test
Gabriel's test
Galton's rank order test
Gart's test
Gehan test
Greenhouse-Geisser test
Gupta's symmetry test
Hartley's test; maximum F-ratio
Hodges' bivariate sign test
Hodges-Ajne's test
Kettennetzwerk n; symmetrisches Netzwerk n telco.
ladder network
symmetrisierbar adj math. statist.
Symmetrisierung f phys.

Deutsche Symmetrieschnitt Synonyme

Englische sagittal section Synonyme

Symmetrieschnitt Definition

(a.) Of or pertaining to an arrow
(a.) Of or pertaining to the sagittal suture
(a.) In the mesial plane
(n.) The act of cutting, or separation by cutting
(n.) A part separated from something
(n.) A distinct part or portion of a book or writing
(n.) A distinct part of a country or people, community, class, or the like
(n.) One of the portions, of one square mile each, into which the public lands of the United States are divided
(n.) The figure made up of all the points common to a superficies and a solid which meet, or to two superficies which meet, or to two lines which meet. In the first case the section is a superficies, in the second a line, and in the third a point.
(n.) A division of a genus
(n.) A part of a musical period, composed of one or more phrases. See Phrase.
(n.) The description or representation of anything as it would appear if cut through by any intersecting plane

sagittal section Bedeutung

d cesarean delivery
caesarean delivery
caesarian delivery
cesarean section
cesarian section
caesarean section
caesarian section
abdominal delivery a b a a
the delivery of a fetus by surgical incision through the abdominal wall and uterus (from the belief that Julius Caesar was born that way)
Section Eight a discharge from the US Army based on unfitness or character traits deemed undesirable
surgical incision
the cutting of or into body tissues or organs (especially by a surgeon as part of an operation)
horizontal section a mechanical drawing of an object as if made by a plane cutting through it horizontally
one of several parts or pieces that fit with others to constitute a whole object, a section of a fishing rod, metal sections were used below ground, finished the final segment of the road
vertical section a mechanical drawing showing the interior of an object as if made by a vertical plane passing through it
cross section (physics) the probability that a particular interaction (as capture or ionization) will take place between particles, measured in barns
sagittal suture
interparietal suture
sutura sagittalis
the suture uniting the two parietal bones
cross section a sample meant to be representative of a whole population
one of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole, the written part of the exam, the finance section of the company, the BBC's engineering division
a selfontained part of a larger composition (written or musical), he always turns first to the business section, the history of this work is discussed in the next section
sports section the section of a newspaper that reports on sports
section a segment of a citrus fruit, he ate a section of the orange
a specialized division of a large organization, you'll find it in the hardware department, she got a job in the historical section of the Treasury
section a small team of policemen working as part of a police platoon
section a small army unit usually having a special function
section a division of an orchestra containing all instruments of the same class
brass section
the section of a band or orchestra that plays brass instruments
string section
the section of an orchestra that plays stringed instruments
violin section the section of an orchestra that plays violins
percussion section
rhythm section
the section of a band or orchestra that plays percussion instruments
trumpet section the section of a band or orchestra that plays trumpets or cornets
reed section the section of a band or orchestra that plays reed instruments
clarinet section the section of a band or orchestra that plays clarinets
section discussion section a small class of students who are part of a larger course but are taught separately, a graduate student taught sections for the professor's lecture course
section gang a work crew assigned to a section of a railroad
Secret Intelligence Service
MI Military Intelligence Section
the government agency in the United Kingdom that is responsible for internal security and counterintelligence overseas
Security Service
MI Military Intelligence Section
the government agency in the United Kingdom that is responsible for internal security and counterintelligence on British territory
cross section a section created by a plane cutting a solid perpendicular to its longest axis
plane section
(geometry) the area created by a plane cutting through a solid
section a distinct region or subdivision of a territorial or political area or community or group of people, no section of the nation is more ardent than the South, there are three synagogues in the Jewish section
section a very thin slice (of tissue or mineral or other substance) for examination under a microscope, sections from the left ventricle showed diseased tissue
Section Eight a soldier who received a Section Eight discharge as unfit for military service
section hand a laborer assigned to a section gang
section man someone who teaches a section of a large college course
section a land unit equal to square mile
quarter section a land unit equal to a quarter of a section ( acres) and measuring
mile on a side
golden section
golden mean
the proportional relation between two divisions of line or two dimension of a plane figure such that short : long :: long : (shortlong)
conic section
(geometry) a curve generated by the intersection of a plane and a circular cone
divide into segments, segment an orange, segment a compound word
sagittal located in a plane that is parallel to the central plane of the sagittal suture
representing a plane made by cutting across something at right angles to its length, cross-section views of the neck
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