
US amerikanischer Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

amerikanischer Soldat
GI : Government Issue Am. slang
amerikanischer Automobilclub
AAA : American Automobile Association Am.
US-amerikanischer Schützenverband m
National Rifle Association of America NRA
Organisation amerikanischer Staaten OAS
Organization of American States OAS
Leitzins amerikanischer Geschäftsbanken
prime rate
Organisation amerikanischer Staaten OAS
Organization of American States OAS
Verband amerikanischer Banken und Bankiers
American Bankers Association ABA
Verband amerikanischer Banken und Bankiers
American Bankers Association ABA
OAS : Organisation amerikanischer Staaten
OAS : Organization of American States
amerikanischer Planwagen m auto hist.
prairie schooner
Amerikanischer Scherenschnabel m ornith.
Black Skimmer
Amerikanischer Sandregenpfeifer m ornith.
Semi-palmated Plover
Amerikanischer Goldregenpfeifer m ornith.
American Golden-Plover (Pluvialis dominica)
Amerikanischer Schlangenhalsvogel m ornith.
American Darter
Sezessionskrieg m; US-amerikanischer Bürgerkrieg hist.
American Civil War
Sezessionskrieg m, US-amerikanischer Bürgerkrieg hist.
American Civil War
Silberdachs m; Amerikanischer Dachs m (Taxidea taxus) zool.
American badger
Amerikanischer Goldregenpfeifer m (Pluvialis dominica) ornith.
American golden-plover
Amerikanischer Schwarzbär m; Baribal m (Ursus americanus) zool.
American black bear; baribal
Bison m zool.
Amerikanischer Bison; Indianerbüffel m; Büffel m
American bison; American buffalo
Monarchfalter m; amerikanischer Monarch m (Danaus plexippus) zool.
monarch butterfly; wanderer
Dolchfarn m; (amerikanischer) Weihnachtsfarn m (Polystichum acrostichoides) bot.
dagger fern; evergreen wood fern; Christmas fern; canker brake
Zentner m
britischer Zentner (ca. 50 8 kg)
amerikanischer Zentner (ca. 45 36 kg)
metric hundredweight
(long) hundredweight Br.
(short) hundredweight Am.
Zentner m
britischer Zentner (ca. 50,8 kg)
amerikanischer Zentner (ca. 45,36 kg)
metric hundredweight
(long) hundredweight Br.
(short) hundredweight Am.
amerikanischer Milzionär m bei Aufständen in Lateinamerika im 19. Jh. mil. hist.
filibuster (American militiaman fomenting insurrections in Latin America in the 19th century)
Zentner m
britischer Zentner (ca. 50, 8 kg)
amerikanischer Zentner (ca. 45, 36 kg)
metric hundredweight
(long) hundredweight Br.
(short) hundredweight Am.
Gedenktag m; US-amerikanischer Feiertag zu Ehren der Kriegsgefallenen (letzter Montag im Mai)
Memorial Day
Gedenktag m, US-amerikanischer Feiertag zu Ehren der Kriegsgefallenen (letzter Montag im Mai)
Memorial Day
Hufeisenfarn m; Pfauenradfarn m; amerikanischer Frauenhaarfarn m (Adiantum pedatum) bot.
five-finger fern; American Northern maidenhair fern
Säckelsträucher pl; Säckelblumen pl; Amerikanischer Flieder m (Ceanothus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
wild lilacs; summer lilacs; soapbushes (botanical genus)
amerikanischer Indianer; amerikanischer Ureinwohner
amerikanische Indianerin; amerikanische Ureinwohnerin
Amerind; Amerindian (more commonly used in anthropological contexts)
Amerind; Amerindian
Tulpenbäume pl (Liriodendron) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Amerikanischer Tulpenbaum (Liriodendron tulipifera)
tulip trees (botanical genus)
American tuliptree; fiddle-tree
Löffelstöre pl (Polyodontidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
amerikanischer Löffelstör m (Polyodon spathula)
spoonbill; American paddlefish; Mississippi paddlefish
Löffelstöre pl (Polyodontidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
amerikanischer Löffelstör m (Polyodon spathula)
paddlefish (zoological family)
spoonbill; American paddlefish; Mississippi paddlefish
Amerikanischer Seesaibling; Amerikanische Seeforelle zool.
Amerikanische Seesaiblinge; Amerikanische Seeforellen
lake trout; mackinaw; lake char; grey trout (Salvelinus namaycush)
lake trout; mackinaws; lake chars; grey trout
Soldat m; Kriegsknecht m obs. mil.
Soldaten pl; Kriegsknechte pl
einfacher Soldat
Kindersoldaten pl
amerikanischer Soldat
common soldier; private soldier Br.
child soldiers
Government Issue Am. slang GI
Bisons pl (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Amerikanischer Bison m; Büffel m (Bison bison)
Europäischer Bison m; Wisent m (Bison bonasus)
bisons (zoological genus)
American bison; American buffalo; buffalo; buffaloes
European wood bison; European bison; wisent
Soldat m (im Heer) mil.
Soldaten pl
amerikanischer Soldat
gemeiner Soldat (Infantrie); Front-Soldat m; Frontschwein n slang mil.
Government Issue Am. slang GI
grunt Am. slang
Rollfarne pl (Cryptogramma) (botanische Gattung) bot.
krauser Rollfarn (Cryptogramma crispa)
amerikanischer Rollfarn (Cryptogramma acrostichoides) bot.
parsley ferns; mountain parsleys; rockbrakes (botanical genus)
European parsley fern
American parsley fern; American rockbrake
Rollfarne pl (Cryptogramma) (botanische Gattung) bot.
krauser Rollfarn (Cryptogramma crispa)
amerikanischer Rollfarn (Cryptogramma acrostichoides) bot.
parsley ferns; mountain parsleys; rockbrakes
European parsley fern
American parsley fern; American rockbrake
Sassafrasbäume pl (Sassafras) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Gewöhnlicher Sassafrasbaum m; Amerikanischer Fieberbaum m; Fenchelholzbaum m; Nelkenzimtbaum m
sassafras trees (botanical genus)
common sassafras; American sassafras; white sassafras; red sassafras; silky sassafras
Burserabäume pl (Bursera) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Birkenblättriger Weißgummibaum m; Weißgummibaum m; Touristenbaum m; Amerikanischer Balsam m (Bursera simaruba)
bursera trees (botanical genus)
gumbo-limbo, tourist tree; turpentine tree; West Indian birch; copperwood
Paketdienstleister m; Paketzustelldienst m; Paketdienst m
Paketdienstleister pl; Paketzustelldienste pl; Paketdienste pl
amerikanischer Paketzustelldienst
Deutscher Paketdienst DPD
parcel delivery service company; parcel delivery service; parcel delivery company; package delivery service company Am.; package delivery service Am.; package delivery company Am.
parcel delivery service companies; parcel delivery services; parcel delivery companies; package delivery service companies; package delivery services; package delivery companies
United Parcel Service of America UPS
German parcel service
Sanderbarsche pl (Sander) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Zander m; Schill m; Hechtbarsch m; Zahnmaul n; Fogasch m (Sander lucioperca)
Glasaugenbarsch m; Amerikanischer Zander m (Sander vitreus)
pike-perches; sander perches (zoological genus)
zander; pike-perch
wall-eyed pike; walleye
Sanderbarsche pl (Sander) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Zander m; Schill m; Hechtbarsch m; Zahnmaul n; Fogasch m (Sander lucioperca)
Glasaugenbarsch m; Amerikanischer Zander m (Sander vitreus)
pike-perches; sander perches (zoological genus)
zander; pike-perch
Saiblinge pl (Salvelinus) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Bachsaibling m (Salvelinus fontinalis)
Amerikanischer Seesaibling m; Amerikanische Seeforelle f; Kanadische Seeforelle f Schw. (Salvelinus namaycush)
chars; charrs (zoological genus)
Eastern brook trout; brook trout; speckled trout; squaretail
lake trout; lake char; grey trout; mackinaw
Automobilclub m; Automobilklub m
Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club ADAC
britischer Automobilclub
amerikanischer Automobilclub
Österreichischer Automobil-, Motorrad- und Touring Club ÖAMTC
Touring Club Schweiz TCS
automobile association
General German Automobile Association
Royal Automobile Club Br. RAC ; Automobile Association Br. AA
American Automobile Association Am. AAA
Austrian Automobile, Motorcycle & Touring Club
Touring Club Switzerland
Echte Mahagonibäume pl; Mahagonibäume pl (Swietenia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Echter Mahagonibaum m; Amerikanischer Mahagonibaum m (Swietenia macrophylla)
Westindischer Mahagonibaum m; Kuba-Mahagonibaum m (Swietenia mahagoni)
true mahogany trees; mahogany trees (botanical genus)
big-leaf mahogany tree; broad-leaved mahogany tree; Honduras mahogany tree
small-leaved mahogany tree; West Indian mahogany tree; Cuban mahogany tree
Wiesenknöteriche pl (Bistorta) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Schlangenknöterich m; Schlangenwurz m (Bistorta officinalis)
Knöllchenknöterich m; Otterwurz m Ös. (Bistorta vivipara)
Amerikanischer Knöterich m (Bistorta bistortoides)
bistorts (botanical genus)
European bistort; snakeroot; snakeweed; Easter ledges
Alpine bistort
American bistort Western bistort; smokeweed; mountain meadow knotweed
Automobilclub m; Automobilklub m
Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club ADAC
britischer Automobilclub
Königlicher Automobilklub
amerikanischer Automobilclub
Österreichischer Automobil- Motorrad- und Touring Club ÖAMTC
Touring Club Schweiz TCS
automobile association
General German Automobile Association
Automobile Association Br. AA
Royal Automobile Club Br. RAC
American Automobile Association Am. AAA
Austrian Automobile Motorcycle & Touring Club
Touring Club Switzerland
Perückensträucher pl (Cotinus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Gewöhnlicher Perückenstrauch m; Gemeiner Perückenstrauch m; Europäischer Perückenstrauch m; Perückensumach m; Fisettholz n (Cotinus coggygria)
Amerikanischer Perückenstrauch m (Cotinus obovatus)
smoketrees; smokebushes (botanical genus)
common smoketree; European smoketree; purple smokebush; young fustic; dyer's sumac
American smoketree; American smokebush; American smokewood; chittamwood
Nimmersatte pl (Mycteria) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Indischer Nimmersatt m; Buntstorch m (Mycteria leucocephala)
Malaien-Nimmersatt m; Milchstorch m (Mycteria cinerea)
Afrikanischer Nimmersatt m; Nimmersatt m (Mycteria ibis)
Amerikanischer Nimmersatt m; Waldstorch m (Mycteria americana)
mycteria storks (zoological genus)
painted wood stork; painted stork
milky wood stork; milky stork; southern painted stork
yellow-billed wood stork; yellow-billed stork
American wood stork; wood stork; American wood ibis; wood ibis
Jatrophapflanzen pl (Jatropha) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Amerikanischer Purgirnussbaum m; Purgiernussbaum m; Purgierstrauch m; Kugelstrauch m; Schwarzer Brechnussbaum m (Jatropha curcas)
Flaschenpflanze f; Pagodenpflanze f (Jatropha podagrica)
Purgierstrauch m; Purgiernuss f (Jatropha curcas)
nettlespurges (botanical genus)
physic nut tree; purging nut tree; poison nut tree; Barbados nut tree; bubble bush
goutystalk nettlespurge; bottleplant shrub; gout plant; Buddha belly plant; Guatemalan rhubarb
physic-nut tree; physic nut; purging nut; Barbados nut
Gartensalat (Lactuca sativa) bot. cook.
Kochsalat m; Bindesalat m; Römersalat m; Römischer Salat m; Romagnasalat m; Romanasalat m; Lattich Schw. (Lactuca sativa var. longifolia)
Blattsalat m; Schnittsalat m; Pflücksalat m; Rupfsalat m (Lactuca sativa var. crispa)
Eichblattsalat m; Amerikanischer Pflücksalat m (Lactuca sativa var. foliosa)
Spargelsalat m (Lactuca sativa var. asparagina angustana)
Kopfsalat m; Häuptelsalat m; Butterkopfsalat m; Grüner Salat Dt. (Lactuca sativa var. capitata)
Krachsalat m; Knacksalat m (Lactuca sativa var. capitata nidus tenerimma)
Eisbergsalat m Dt. Schw.; Eissalat m Dt. Ös.; Bummerlsalat m Ös.
Bataviasalat m
garden lettuce; lettuce
Romaine lettuce; cos lettuce
looseleaf lettuce cutting lettuce; bunching lettuce
oak leaf salad
celtuce; stem lettuce; celery lettuce; asparagus lettuce; Chinese lettuce
butterhead lettuce; Boston lettuce; Bibb lettuce
crisphead salad; crisphead lettuce
iceberg lettuce
summercrisp lettuce; Batavian crisp lettuce; French crisp lettuce
Gartensalat (Lactuca sativa) bot. cook.
Kochsalat m; Bindesalat m; Römersalat m; Römischer Salat m; Romagnasalat m; Romanasalat m; Lattich Schw. (Lactuca sativa var. longifolia)
Blattsalat m; Schnittsalat m; Pflücksalat m; Rupfsalat m (Lactuca sativa var. crispa)
Eichblattsalat m; Amerikanischer Pflücksalat m (Lactuca sativa var. foliosa)
Spargelsalat m (Lactuca sativa var. asparagina angustana)
Kopfsalat m; Häuptelsalat m Nordostdt. Bayr. Ös.; Häuptel m Bayr. Ös. ugs.; Butterkopfsalat m; Grüner Salat Dt. (Lactuca sativa var. capitata)
Krachsalat m; Knacksalat m (Lactuca sativa var. capitata nidus tenerimma)
Eisbergsalat m Dt. Schw.; Eissalat m Dt. Ös.; Bummerlsalat m Ös.
Bataviasalat m
garden lettuce; lettuce
Romaine lettuce; cos lettuce
looseleaf lettuce, cutting lettuce; bunching lettuce
oak leaf salad
celtuce; stem lettuce; celery lettuce; asparagus lettuce; Chinese lettuce
butterhead lettuce; head lettuce Am.; Boston lettuce; Bibb lettuce
crisphead salad; crisphead lettuce
iceberg lettuce
summercrisp lettuce; Batavian crisp lettuce; French crisp lettuce
Seite f (eine von zwei Parteien, die sich gegenüberstehen) pol. soc.
für beide Seiten annehmbar
wie von dritter Seite vorgeschlagen wurde
Versuche von amerikanischer Seite
ein Krieg, den keine Seite gewinnen kann
auf der Gewinnerseite Verliererseite stehen
bei einem Streit beide Seiten anhören
alle Seiten zur Zurückhaltung aufrufen
Auf wessen welcher Seite stehst du eigentlich?
Bist du auf meiner Seite oder auf seiner?
Ihr seid beide meine Freunde, deshalb möchte ich da nicht Partei ergreifen.
Meine Mutter schlägt sich immer auf die Seite meines Vaters, wenn ich mit ihm eine Auseinandersetzung habe.
Er hat mittlerweile in dieser Frage die Seiten gewechselt.
Man ist sich auf beiden Seiten einig, dass sich etwas ändern muss.
Er hat im spanischen Bürgerkrieg auf republikanischer Seite gekämpft.
Die bevorstehenden Verhandlungen müssen auf europäischer Seite so geführt werden, dass Verzögerungen vermieden werden.
side (one of two opposing parties)
acceptable to both sides
as was suggested by a third party
the American side's attempts
a war which neither side can win
to be on the winning losing side
to listen to both sides of the argument
to call on all sides to show restraint; to call for restraint on all sides
Whose Which side are you on, anyway?
Are you on my side or his?
You are both my friends, so I don't want to take choose pick sides.
My mother always takes my father's side when I argue with him.
He has since changed sides on that issue.
People on both sides of the dispute agree that changes are necessary.
He fought on the Republican side in the Spanish Civil War.
The forthcoming negotiations must, on the European side, be conducted in such a way as to avoid delays.
Seite f (eine von zwei Parteien die sich gegenüberstehen) pol. soc.
für beide Seiten annehmbar
wie von dritter Seite vorgeschlagen wurde
Versuche von amerikanischer Seite
ein Krieg den keine Seite gewinnen kann
auf der Gewinnerseite Verliererseite stehen
bei einem Streit beide Seiten anhören
alle Seiten zur Zurückhaltung aufrufen
Auf wessen welcher Seite stehst du eigentlich?
Bist du auf meiner Seite oder auf seiner?
Ihr seid beide meine Freunde deshalb möchte ich da nicht Partei ergreifen.
Meine Mutter schlägt sich immer auf die Seite meines Vaters wenn ich mit ihm eine Auseinandersetzung habe.
Er hat mittlerweile in dieser Frage die Seiten gewechselt.
Man ist sich auf beiden Seiten einig dass sich etwas ändern muss.
Er hat im spanischen Bürgerkrieg auf republikanischer Seite gekämpft.
Die bevorstehenden Verhandlungen müssen auf europäischer Seite so geführt werden dass Verzögerungen vermieden werden.
side (one of two opposing parties)
acceptable to both sides
as was suggested by a third party
the American side's attempts
a war which neither side can win
to be on the winning losing side
to listen to both sides of the argument
to call on all sides to show restraint; to call for restraint on all sides
Whose Which side are you on anyway?
Are you on my side or his?
You are both my friends so I don't want to take choose pick sides.
My mother always takes my father's side when I argue with him.
He has since changed sides on that issue.
People on both sides of the dispute agree that changes are necessary.
He fought on the Republican side in the Spanish Civil War.
The forthcoming negotiations must on the European side be conducted in such a way as to avoid delays.

Deutsche US amerikanischer Synonyme

Amerikanischer  Bürgerkrieg  ÂSezessionskrieg  
OAS  ÂOrganisation  amerikanischer  Staaten  
Weitere Ergebnisse für US Synonym nachschlagen

Englische GI : Government Issue Synonyme

GI  Anzac  Aussie  Boche  Fritz  Heinie  Hun  Jerry  Johnny  Kraut  Tommy  Tommy Atkins  Yank  askari  digger  doughboy  fighter  fighting man  jock  man-at-arms  poilu  redcoat  sepoy  serviceman  swaddy  sweat  warrior  
giant  Amazon  Antaeus  Atlantean  Atlas  Briareus  Brobdingnagian  Charles Atlas  Cyclopean  Cyclops  Gargantua  Gargantuan  Goliath  Herculean  Hercules  Homeric  Orion  Polyphemus  Samson  Superman  Tarzan  Titan  abysmal  amazon  astronomic  bean pole  behemoth  bully  bullyboy  colossal  colossus  cyclopean  cyclops  elephantine  enormous  epic  gangling  gangly  gargantuan  giantlike  gigantic  gorilla  grenadier  gross  heroic  huge  hulking  immense  infinite  jumbo  lank  lanky  leggy  lengthy  leviathan  long  long-legged  longlegs  longshanks  mammoth  mighty  monster  monstrous  monumental  mountainous  muscle man  ogre  powerhouse  prodigious  profound  rangy  seven-footer  stalwart  statuesque  strong man  strong-arm man  stupendous  superhuman  tall  the mighty  the strong  titan  titanic  tough  tough guy  tower of strength  towering  tremendous  vast  whale  
gibber  absurdity  amphigory  babble  babblement  baffle  balderdash  bavardage  be Greek to  be beyond one  be too deep  beat one  bibble-babble  blab  blabber  blah-blah  blather  blether  blethers  blubber  bombast  bull  bullshit  cackle  caquet  caqueterie  chat  chatter  chitter-chatter  clack  claptrap  clatter  dither  double-talk  drivel  drone  droning  drool  escape one  fiddle-faddle  fiddledeedee  flummery  folderol  fudge  fustian  gab  gabble  galimatias  gammon  gas  gibbering  gibberish  gibble-gabble  go on  gobbledygook  gossip  guff  gush  haver  hocus-pocus  hot air  humbug  idle talk  jabber  jargon  jaw  jibber  lose one  maunder  maundering  mere talk  mouth  mouthing  mow  mumble  mumbling  mumbo jumbo  murmur  murmuring  mutter  muttering  narrishkeit  natter  need explanation  niaiserie  nonsense  nonsense talk  not make sense  not penetrate  pack of nonsense  palaver  pass comprehension  patter  perplex  piffle  pour forth  prate  prating  prattle  prittle-prattle  ramble on  rant  rattle  rattle on  reel off  riddle  rigamarole  rigmarole  rodomontade  rubbish  run on  skimble-skamble  sob  speak in tongues  speak incoherently  splutter  spout  spout off  sputter  stammer  stuff and nonsense  stultiloquence  stutter  susurrate  susurration  talk away  talk double Dutch  talk nonsense  talk on  talkee-talkee  tittle-tattle  trash  trumpery  twaddle  twattle  twiddle-twaddle  vapor  vaporing  waffle  waffling  whisper  whispering  yak  yakkety-yak  yammer  
gibbering  blabbering  blabbing  blathering  chattering  drone  droning  gabble  gabbling  gibber  jabber  jabbering  jibber  maundering  mouthing  mumble  mumbling  murmuring  mutter  muttering  prating  prattling  susurration  whisper  whispering  
gibberish  Aesopian language  Babel  Gongorism  Greek  abracadabra  absurdity  amphigory  argot  babble  babblement  balderdash  balls  bibble-babble  blabber  blather  blether  bombast  bullshit  bunk  bunkum  cackle  cant  chatter  cipher  claptrap  code  crap  cryptogram  double Dutch  double-talk  drivel  drool  fiddle-faddle  fiddledeedee  flummery  folderol  fudge  fustian  gabble  galimatias  gammon  garbage  garble  gibber  gibble-gabble  gift of tongues  glossolalia  gobbledygook  hocus-pocus  humbug  jabber  jabberwocky  jargon  jumble  lingo  magic  mumbo jumbo  mumbo-jumbo  mummery  narrishkeit  niaiserie  noise  nonsense  pack of nonsense  palaver  patois  patter  phraseology  piffle  poppycock  prate  prattle  rant  rigamarole  rigmarole  rodomontade  rubbish  scatology  scramble  secret language  skimble-skamble  slang  sorcery  stuff and nonsense  stultiloquence  taboo language  thaumaturgy  trash  tripe  trumpery  twaddle  twattle  twiddle-twaddle  vaporing  vernacular  vocabulary  vulgar language  waffling  
gibbous  arched  arciform  arclike  arcual  bandy  bowed  bowlike  bunchbacked  camelback  concave  convex  convexed  crookbacked  embowed  excurvate  excurvated  excurved  gibbose  humpbacked  humped  humpy  hunchbacked  hunched  hunchy  kyphotic  out-bowed  oxbow  rotund  vaulted  
gibe  Parthian shot  affront  aphorism  apothegm  aspersion  atrocity  back answer  barrack  be merry with  bon mot  boutade  brickbat  bright idea  bright thought  brilliant idea  call names  caustic remark  chaff  comeback  conceit  contempt  contumely  crack  crack a joke  crack wise  cut  cut at  cutting remark  deride  derision  despite  dig  dig at  dishonor  disoblige  dump  dump on  enormity  epigram  facetiae  flash of wit  fleer  fleer at  flight of wit  flout  flouting  foolery  fun  gibe at  gibing retort  gird  give offense to  happy thought  heckle  humiliate  humiliation  hurl a brickbat  indignity  injury  insult  jab  jab at  jape  jeer  jeer at  jeering  jest  jibe  jibe at  joke  josh  kid  kid around  leg-pull  make a funny  make fun  make fun of  mock  mockery  mot  nasty crack  offend  offense  outrage  parting shot  persiflage  play of wit  play on words  pleasantry  poke fun at  pooh  pooh-pooh  pun  put down  put-down  put-on  quip  quips and cranks  rag  rail  rail at  raillery  rally  rank out  razz  repartee  retort  revile  rib  ridicule  riposte  rude reproach  sally  scintillate  scintillation  scoff  scoff at  scoffing  scold  scout  scurrility  short answer  slam  slap  slap at  smart crack  smart saying  snappy comeback  sneer  sneer at  sparkle  stroke of wit  swipe  taunt  tease  thrust  treat with indignity  turn of thought  twit  uncomplimentary remark  utter a mot  verbal thrust  wisecrack  witticism  
giblets  abatis  abdomen  anus  appendix  blind gut  bowels  brain  brains  breast  cecum  chicken foot  chitterlings  cockscomb  colon  dark meat  drumstick  duodenum  foregut  gizzard  guts  haslet  heart  hindgut  innards  inner mechanism  insides  internals  intestine  inwards  jejunum  kidney  kidneys  kishkes  large intestine  leg  liver  liver and lights  lung  marrow  midgut  neck  oyster  perineum  pump  pylorus  rectum  small intestine  spleen  stomach  sweetbread  thigh  ticker  tongue  tripe  tripes  turkey foot  vermiform appendix  viscera  vitals  white meat  wing  wishbone  works  
giddy  addled  adrift  afloat  alternating  amorphous  babbling  beery  bemused  besotted  blind drunk  brainless  capricious  changeable  changeful  crapulent  crapulous  delirious  desultory  deviable  dizzy  drenched  drunk  drunken  eccentric  empty-headed  erratic  faint  far-gone  fast and loose  featherbrained  featherheaded  fickle  fitful  flickering  flighty  flitting  fluctuating  flustered  fluttery  fou  freakish  fribble  fribbling  frivolous  full  gaga  gay  giddy-brained  giddy-headed  giddy-pated  giddy-witted  glorious  happy  harebrain  harebrained  impetuous  impulsive  in liquor  incoherent  inconsistent  inconstant  indecisive  inebriate  inebriated  inebrious  infirm  intoxicated  irregular  irresolute  irresponsible  jolly  light  light-headed  lightheaded  maudlin  mazy  mellow  mercurial  merry  moody  muddled  nappy  off  rambling  ranting  rattlebrained  rattleheaded  rattlepated  raving  reckless  reeling  restless  roving  scatterbrained  scramblebrained  shapeless  shatterbrained  shifting  shifty  shikker  shuffling  silly  skittish  sodden  sotted  spasmodic  spineless  swimming  thoughtless  tiddly  tipsy  turned around  unaccountable  uncertain  uncontrolled  undependable  under the influence  undisciplined  unfixed  unpredictable  unreliable  unrestrained  unsettled  unstable  unstable as water  unstaid  unsteadfast  unsteady  vacillating  vagrant  variable  vertiginous  vicissitudinary  vicissitudinous  volatile  wandering  wanton  wavering  wavery  wavy  wayward  whimsical  wishy-washy  witless  woozy  yeasty  
gift  Christmas present  ability  accomplishment  accord  acquirement  acuity  acuteness  administer  adroitness  afford  allot  allow  alms  an ear for  an eye for  aptitude  aptness  attainment  award  baksheesh  benefaction  benefit  benevolence  bent  bestow  bestow on  bestowal  birthday present  bonus  boon  bounty  box  braininess  brightness  brilliance  bump  cadeau  caliber  capability  capacity  capacity for  charity  chip in  clear thinking  cleverness  communicate  compliment  complimentariness  confer  contribute  contribute to  contribution  costlessness  deal  deal out  dexterity  dish out  dispense  dole  dole out  donate  donate to  donation  dower  dowry  endowment  equipment  esprit  expenselessness  extend  facility  faculty  fairing  favor  felicity  flair  fork out  forte  free ride  freebie  freeness  genius  genius for  gift for  gift with  giftedness  gifts  give  give freely  give out  give to  grant  gratuitousness  gratuity  hand out  hand-out  handsel  head  heap  help to  honorarium  impart  inclination  innate aptitude  instinct  issue  keen-wittedness  keenness  kick in  knack  labor of love  largess  largesse  lavish  leaning  legacy  let have  long suit  makings  mental alertness  mercurial mind  mete  mete out  metier  native cleverness  natural endowment  natural gift  nimble mind  nimble-wittedness  nimbleness  no charge  nose  nous  numen  oblation  offer  offering  parts  peace offering  pledge  potential  pour  pourboire  power  powers  premium  present  presentation  prize  proffer  propensity  qualification  quick parts  quick thinking  quick wit  quick-wittedness  quickness  rain  ready wit  remembrance  render  reward  savvy  serve  set  sharp-wittedness  sharpness  shell out  shower  slip  smartness  smarts  snow  souvenir  speciality  specialty  sprightly wit  strength  strong flair  strong point  subscribe  sweeten the kitty  talent  talents  tendency  tender  the goods  the stuff  tip  token  tribute  turn  turn for    
gift of gab  articulateness  big mouth  candor  command of language  command of words  communicativeness  conversableness  effective style  effusion  effusiveness  eloquence  eloquent tongue  expression  expressiveness  facundity  felicitousness  felicity  flow of words  flowing tongue  fluency  fluent tongue  flux de bouche  flux de paroles  flux of words  frankness  garrulity  garrulousness  gassiness  gift of expression  glibness  graphicness  gregariousness  gush  gushiness  long-windedness  loose tongue  loquaciousness  loquacity  meaningfulness  openness  oratory  prolixity  rhetoric  silver tongue  slickness  slush  smoothness  sociability  spate of words  talkativeness  verbosity  vividness  volubility  windiness  
gifted  able  ace  adroit  apt  born for  brainy  bright  brilliant  capable  clever  crack  crackerjack  cut out for  dexterous  endowed  excellent  expert  first-class  first-rate  good  keen  keen-witted  made for  master  masterful  masterly  nimble  nimble-witted  no dumbbell  not born yesterday  outstanding  quick  quick-thinking  quick-witted  scintillating  sharp  sharp-witted  skilled  smart  steel-trap  superb  superior  talented  top-drawer  top-flight  top-notch  virtuoso  with a flair  
gig  angle  appointment  bait the hook  berth  billet  bob  clam  dap  dib  dibble  drive  employment  engagement  fish  fly-fish  go fishing  grig  guddle  incumbency  jack  jacklight  jig  job  moonlighting  net  office  opening  place  position  post  second job  seine  service  shrimp  situation  spin  station  still-fish  tenure  torch  trawl  troll  vacancy  whale  
gigantic  Antaean  Atlantean  Briarean  Brobdingnagian  Cyclopean  Gargantuan  Herculean  Homeric  a bit much  abandoned  abysmal  amplitudinous  astronomic  astronomical  awesome  big  boundless  bulky  colossal  cosmic  cyclopean  egregious  elephantine  enormous  epic  exaggerated  excessive  exorbitant  extensive  extravagant  extreme  fabulous  fancy  galactic  gangling  gangly  gargantuan  giant  giantlike  gluttonous  heroic  high  huge  hulking  humongous  hyperbolic  hypertrophied  immeasurable  immense  immoderate  incontinent  infinite  inordinate  intemperate  jumbo  king-size  lank  lanky  large  leggy  lengthy  long  long-legged  mammoth  massive  massy  mighty  monster  monstrous  monumental  mountainous  out of bounds  out of sight  outrageous  outsize  overbig  overdeveloped  overgreat  overgrown  overlarge  overmuch  overweening  prodigious  profound  rangy  sizable  spacious  staggering  statuesque  steep  stiff  strapping  stupendous  tall  thumping  thundering  titanic  too much  towering  tremendous  unbridled  unconscionable  undue  unreasonable  unrestrained  vast  voluminous  walloping  weighty  whopping  
giggle  Homeric laughter  be in stitches  belly laugh  boff  boffola  break up  burst into laughter  burst of laughter  burst out  burst out laughing  burst with laughter  bust a gut  cachinnate  cachinnation  cackle  chortle  chuckle  convulsion  crow  fit of laughter  gales of laughter  go into convulsions  guffaw  ha-ha  hearty laugh  hee-haw  hee-hee  hilarity  ho-ho  horselaugh  joke  laugh  laugh it up  laugh outright  laughing  laughter  nearly die laughing  outburst of laughter  peal of laughter  prank  risibility  roar  roar of laughter  roar with laughter  shake like jelly  shake with laughter  shout  shout of laughter  shriek  snicker  snigger  sniggle  snort  split  split with laughter  tee-hee  titter  twitter  yuck  yuk-yuk  
gigolo  Casanova  Don Juan  Lothario  Romeo  amoroso  bawd  beau  boyfriend  caballero  cavalier  cavaliere servente  esquire  fancy man  fellow  flame  gallant  inamorato  lady-killer  love-maker  madam  man  maquereau  necker  old man  pander  panderer  petter  philanderer  pimp  procurer  procuress  seducer  sheik  squire  sugar daddy  swain  white slaver  young man  
gild  adorn  apply paint  aurify  bedaub  belie  besmear  brighten  brush on paint  butter  calcimine  camouflage  coat  color  complexion  convolute  cover  dab  daub  decorate  deep-dye  dip  disguise  distemper  distort  double-dye  dress up  dye  elaborate  embellish  emblazon  embroider  enamel  engild  enrich  face  falsify  fast-dye  festoon  flourish  fresco  fudge  garble  gild the lily  glaze  gloss  gloss over  grain  hue  illuminate  imbue  ingrain  involve  japan  jaundice  lacquer  lay on  lay on color  load with ornament  mask  miscite  miscolor  misquote  misreport  misrepresent  misstate  ornament  overcharge  overlay  overload  overstate  paint  parget  pervert  pigment  prime  sallow  shade  shadow  shellac  slant  slap on  slather  slop on paint  smear  smear on  spread on  spread with  stain  stipple  strain  sweeten  tar  tinct  tincture  tinge  tint  titivate  tone  trick out  turn yellow  twist  undercoat  understate  varnish  warp  wash  whitewash  yellow  
gilded  apparent  aureate  auric  beige  buff  buff-yellow  canary  canary-yellow  citron  citron-yellow  colorable  colored  cream  creamy  ecru  fallow  flaxen  gilt  gold  gold-colored  golden  lemon  lemon-yellow  luteolous  lutescent  meretricious  ocherish  ocherous  ochery  ochreous  ochroid  ochrous  ochry  or  ostensible  plausible  primrose  primrose-colored  primrose-yellow  saffron  saffron-colored  saffron-yellow  sallow  sand-colored  sandy  seeming  specious  straw  straw-colored  tinsel  xanthic  xanthous  yellow  yellowish  
gill  Dulcinea  adolescent stream  arroyo  beck  bellows  best girl  bottom  bottom glade  bottoms  bourn  braided stream  branch  brook  brooklet  burn  channel  creek  crick  ctenidia  dale  dell  dingle  dream girl  flowing stream  fluviation  fresh  freshet  gap  gills  girl  girl friend  glen  grove  inamorata  intervale  jill  jo  kill  lady  lady love  lass  lassie  lazy stream  lights  lunar rill  lungs  meandering stream  midchannel  midstream  millstream  mistress  moving road  navigable river  old lady  pass  race  racing stream  ravine  river  rivulet  run  rundle  runlet  runnel  sike  spill stream  strath  stream  stream action  streamlet  subterranean river  trench  trough  vale  valley  wadi  watercourse  waterway  
gilt  acting  affectation  appearance  attitudinizing  aureate  auric  barrow  beige  bluff  bluffing  blunt  boar  boodle  brass  brassy  bravery  brazen  bread  bronze  bronzy  bucks  buff  buff-yellow  cabbage  canary  canary-yellow  cheating  chiffon  chips  citron  citron-yellow  clinquant  color  coloring  copper  coppery  cream  creamy  cupreous  cuprous  deception  delusion  dinero  disguise  dissemblance  dissembling  dissimulation  dough  ecru  facade  face  fakery  faking  fallow  false air  false front  false show  falsity  feigning  feint  ferrous  ferruginous  festoons  finery  flaxen  folderol  foofaraw  four-flushing  fraud  frilliness  frilling  frills  frills and furbelows  frippery  front  froufrou  fuss  gaiety  gaudery  gelt  gilded  gilding  gingerbread  gloss  gold  gold-colored  gold-filled  gold-plated  golden  grease  green  green stuff  hog  humbug  humbuggery  imposture  iron  ironlike  jack  kale  lead  leaden  lemon  lemon-yellow  luteolous  lutescent  masquerade  mazuma  mercurial  mercurous  meretriciousness  moolah  mopus  nickel  nickelic  nickeline  ocherish  ocherous  ochery  ochreous  ochroid  ochrous  ochry  oil of palms  ointment  oof  ooftish  or  ostentation  outward show  paste  pewter  pewtery  pig  piggy  piglet  pigling  pinchbeck  playacting  porker  pose  posing  posture  pretense  pretension  pretext  primrose  primrose-colored  primrose-yellow  quicksilver  razorback  representation  rhino  rocks  saffron  saffron-colored  saffron-yellow  sallow  sand-colored  sandy  seeming  semblance  sham  shekels  shoat  show  silver  silver-plated  silvery  simoleons  simulacrum  simulation  sow  speciousness  spondulics  steel  steely  straw  straw-colored  suckling pig  sugar  superfluity  swine  the needful  tin  tinny  tinsel  trappings  trickery  trumpery  tusker  varnish  wampum  wild boar  window dressing  xanthic  xanthous  yellow  yellowish  

US amerikanischer Definition

(n.) The act of governing
(n.) The mode of governing
(n.) The right or power of governing
(n.) The person or persons authorized to administer the laws
(n.) The body politic governed by one authority
(n.) Management of the limbs or body.
(n.) The influence of a word in regard to construction, requiring that another word should be in a particular case.
(n.) The act of passing or flowing out
(n.) The act of sending out, or causing to go forth
(n.) That which passes, flows, or is sent out
(n.) Progeny
(n.) Produce of the earth, or profits of land, tenements, or other property
(n.) A discharge of flux, as of blood.
(n.) An artificial ulcer, usually made in the fleshy part of the arm or leg, to produce the secretion and discharge of pus for the relief of some affected part.
(n.) The final outcome or result
(n.) A point in debate or controversy on which the parties take affirmative and negative positions
(n.) In pleading, a single material point of law or fact depending in the suit, which, being affirmed on the one side and denied on the other, is presented for determination. See General issue, under General, and Feigned issue, under Feigned.
(v. i.) To pass or flow out
(v. i.) To go out
(v. i.) To proceed, as from a source
(v. i.) To proceed, as progeny
(v. i.) To extend
(v. i.) To be produced as an effect or result
(v. i.) To close
(v. i.) In pleading, to come to a point in fact or law, on which the parties join issue.
(v. t.) To send out
(v. t.) To deliver for use
(v. t.) To send out officially
(n.) The act of governing one's self, or the state of being governed by one's self
(n.) Hence, government of a community, state, or nation by the joint action of the mass of people constituting such a civil body
() imp. of Sling. Slung.
(n.) Any long, narrow piece of land
(n.) A fetter worn on the leg by a convict.
(n.) Low, vulgar, unauthorized language
(v. t.) To address with slang or ribaldry
(n.) One who uses abusive slang
() of Sling

GI : Government Issue [Am.] [slang] Bedeutung

issue issuing
the act of providing an item for general use or for official purposes (usually in quantity), a new issue of stamps, the last issue of penicillin was over a month ago
stock issue (corporation law) the authorization and delivery of shares of stock for sale to the public or the shares thus offered at a particular time
the act of issuing printed materials
government activity
the act of governing, exercising authority, regulations for the governing of state prisons, he had considerable experience of government
way out
an opening that permits escape or release, he blocked the way out, the canyon had only one issue
government building a building that houses a branch of government
government office an office where government employees work
government (government) the system or form by which a community or other political unit is governed, tyrannical government
subject issue
some situation or event that is thought about, he kept drifting off the topic, he had been thinking about the subject for several years, it is a matter for the police
issue an important question that is in dispute and must be settled, the issue could be settled by requiring public education for everyone, politicians never discuss the real issues
gut issue
hot-button issue
an issue that elicits strong emotional reactions
paramount issue an issue whose settlement is more important than anything else, and issue that must be settled before anything else can be settled
pocketbook issue
bread-and-butter issue
an issue whose settlement will affect financial resources
political science
the study of government of states and other political units
one of a series published periodically, she found an old issue of the magazine in her dentist's waiting room
patois vernacular
a characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves), they don't speak our lingo
rhyming slang slang that replaces words with rhyming words or expressions and then typically omits the rhyming component, Cockney rhyming slang
slang slang expression
slang term
informal language consisting of words and expressions that are not considered appropriate for formal occasions, often vituperative or vulgar, their speech was full of slang expressions
rights offering
rights issue
an offering of common stock to existing shareholders who hold subscription rights or pre-emptive rights that entitle them to buy newly issued shares at a discount from the price at which they will be offered to the public later, the investment banker who handles a rights offering usually agrees to buy any shares not bought by shareholders
egress issue
the becoming visible, not a day's difference between the emergence of the andrenas and the opening of the willow catkins
the organization that is the governing authority of a political unit, the government reduced taxes, the matter was referred to higher authorities
federal government a government with strong central powers
government-in-exile a temporary government moved to or formed in a foreign land by exiles who hope to rule when their country is liberated
local government the government of a local area
military government
government by the military and an army
government department a department of government
local department
department of local government
a permanent department created to perform the work of a local government
federal department
federal office
department of the federal government
a department of the federal government of the United States
Government Accounting Office
United States Government Accounting Office
an independent nonpartisan federal agency that acts as the investigative arm of Congress making the executive branch accountable to Congress and the government accountable to citizens of the United States
puppet government
puppet state
pupet regime
a government that is appointed by and whose affairs are directed by an outside authority that may impose hardships on those governed
municipal government the government of a municipality
state government the government of a state in the United States
federal agency
government agency
office authority
an administrative unit of government, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Census Bureau, Office of Management and Budget, Tennessee Valley Authority
United States government
United States
U.S. government
US Government
the executive and legislative and judicial branches of the federal government of the United States
United States Government Printing Office
US Government Printing Office
Government Printing Office
an agency of the legislative branch that provides printing and binding services for Congress and the departments and establishments of the federal government
government officials
people elected or appointed to administer a government
political system
form of government
the members of a social organization who are in power
government agent a representative or official of a government or administrative department of a government
FBI agent
government man
a special law-enforcement agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
minister government minister a person appointed to a high office in the government, Minister of Finance
the immediate descendants of a person, she was the mother of many offspring, he died without issue
event issue
a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon, the magnetic effect was greater when the rod was lengthwise, his decision had depressing consequences for business, he acted very wise after the event
the income or profit arising from such transactions as the sale of land or other property, the average return was about %
government income
government revenue
income available to the government
hot stock
hot issue
newly issued stock that is in great public demand
bond issue bonds sold by a corporation or government agency at a particular time and identifiable by date of maturity
government bond a bond that is an IOU of the United States Treasury, considered the safest security in the investment world
government security
agency security
a security issued by United States government agencies or the Farm Credit System
issue military issue
government issue
supplies (as food or clothing or ammunition) issued by the government
note government note
bank bill
banker's bill
bank note
Federal Reserve note
a piece of paper money (especially one issued by a central bank), he peeled off five one-thousand-zloty notes
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