
Unterhaltspflegschaft Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Unterhaltspflegschaft f jur.
curatorship for a minor in respect of maintenance Br. support Am. claims
Unterhaltspflegschaft f jur.
curatorship for a minor in respect of maintenance Br. support Am. claims
unten, unterhalb adv
hier unten
da unten
weiter unten, weiter unterhalb
nach unten
unten liegen, unten sein
unten stehend
von unten
wie unten
wie unten angeführt
wie unten erwähnt
down, below
down here
down there
below, further on, further down
to lie underneath, to be down below
given below, following
from below
as below
as stated below
as mentioned below, undermentioned Br.
unten, darunter, tiefer, unterhalb adv
unter, unterhalb (von) prp, wo? +Dativ, wohin? +Akkusativ
unter aller Kritik
beneath contempt
unterhalb prp, +Genitiv
unterhalb des Grenzwertes
below the limit
unterhalb, unten, darunter adv
underneath, neath
unten, unterhalb
Baumgrenze f geogr.
Baumgrenzen pl
an entlang oberhalb unterhalb der Baumgrenze
tree line; timber line Am.
tree lines; timber lines
at along above below the tree line
Frontlenkerfahrzeug n; Frontlenker m (Motor unterhalb des Führerhauses) auto
forward control-type lorry Br. truck Am.; cab-over-engine lorry Br. truck Am.; COE lorry Br. truck Am.
Fußpferd n (unterhalb der Rah aufgehängtes Seil) naut.
footrope (suspended beneath the yard)
im Gange
im Gange sein v
Es ist geplant das Gebäude zu verkaufen.
Es kommt Bewegung in die Sache.
In Belgien sind Bestrebungen im Gange Ladendiebstahl unterhalb einer Bagatellgrenze straffrei zu stellen.
afoot; underway {adv}
to be afoot
There are plans afoot to sell the building.
Change is afoot.
Moves are afoot in Belgium to decriminalize shoplifting if a certain de minimis limit is not exceeded.
Nachweisgrenze f
Nachweisgrenzen pl
unterhalb der Nachweisgrenze liegen
detection limit; limit of detection
detection limits; limits of detection
to be below the detection limit
Schotterbett n; Kiesbett n; Kiesbettung f; Gleisbettung f; Bettung f (unterhalb der Schienen) (Bahn) constr.
erstes Schotterbett
zweites Schotterbett
Bettungsfuß m
Bettungshöhe f
track bed; road bed; ballast of the track; track ballast; gravel ballast (railway)
bottom ballast
top ballast
toe of the ballast
depth of ballast
Straßenbett n; Straßenkoffer m; Koffer m; Auskofferung f (Schicht unterhalb des Asphaltbelags) (Straßenbau) constr.
road bed roadbed excavation road bed roadbed construction; road bed; road bed (road building)
Wahrnehmungsschwelle f; Wahrnehmungsgrenze f
Wahrnehmungsschwellen pl; Wahrnehmungsgrenzen pl
unterhalb der Wahrnehmungsschwelle (von jdm.) bleiben
sich unterhalb der öffentlichen Wahrnehmungsschwelle abspielen übtr. pol.
perception threshold
perception thresholds
to remain below the perception threshold (of sb.)
to take place below public perception
infranukleär; unterhalb eines Nervenkerns (liegend gelegen) adj anat.
unten; unterhalb adv
hier unten
da unten; drunten poet.
weiter unten; weiter unterhalb
nach unten
unten liegen; unten sein
unten stehend
von unten
wie unten
wie unten angeführt
wie unten erwähnt
unten herum
down; below
down here
down there
below; further on; further down
to lie underneath; to be down below
given below; following
from below
as below
as stated below
as mentioned below; undermentioned Br.
round below
unten; darunter; tiefer; unterhalb adv
Er stand auf der Brücke und blickte auf den Fluss darunter.
beneath formal
He was standing on the bridge looking at the river beneath.
unter prp; wo? +Dat.; wohin? +Akk.
unter einem Baum liegen
sich unter einen Baum legen
unter Druck
unter null sinken
unter anderem u.a.
einer unter vielen
unter uns gesagt
den Eindruck haben dass ...
Ich hörte Stimmen unter meinem Fenster.
Sie wohnt ein Stockwerk unter mir.
Der Name des Verfassers stand unterhalb des Titels.
Den Platz unterhalb dieser Linie bitte freilassen.
Er hat sieben Leute unter sich. (Untergebene) econ.
Die Temperaturen blieben den ganzen Tag über unter null unter dem Gefrierpunkt. meteo.
Gestern Nacht hatte waren es acht Grad minus. meteo.
In England ist ein Sergeant bei der Polizei rangniedriger als ein Inspektor.
under; below; underneath; among; amongst
to lie under a tree
to lay oneself under a tree
under pressure
to drop below zero
among others; among other things; inter alia
one of many; one among many
between you and me; between ourselves
to be under the impression that ...
I could hear voices below my window.
She lives one floor below me.
The author's name was printed below the title.
Please do not write below this line.
He has seven people working below him.
The temperatures remained below freezing all day.
Last night it was eight degrees below.
In England a police sergeant is below an inspector.
unter; unterhalb (von) prp; wo? +Dat.; wohin? +Akk.
unter aller Kritik
Der Körper war unter einem Blätterhaufen begraben.
Einige Dächer brachen unter dem Gewicht der großen Schneemenge ein.
Ich genoss das Gefühl des warmen Sandes unter meinen Füßen.
Ihre Knie gaben unter ihr nach.
beneath formal; underneath
beneath contempt
The body was buried beneath a pile of leaves.
Some roofs collapsed beneath the weight of so much snow.
I enjoyed feeling the warm sand beneath my feet.
Her knees were beginning to give way beneath her.
unterhalb prp; +Gen.
unterhalb des Grenzwertes
below the limit
unterhalb; unten; darunter adv
Der Tunnel verläuft direkt unterhalb der Stadt.
Ihre blonden Haare waren unter einer Schirmmütze versteckt.
Unter seinem Hemd trug er ein auffälliges T-Shirt.
Unter ihrer äußeren Gelassenheit verbarg sie große Angst.
underneath; neath (hidden covered)
The tunnel goes right underneath the city.
Her blonde hair was hidden underneath a peaked cap.
He was wearing a garish T-shirt underneath his shirt.
Underneath her cool exterior she was very frightened.
Beruhigungsbecken n; Tosbecken n (unterhalb eines Querbauwerks in einem Fließgewässer) (Wasserbau)
stilling basin; stilling pool; stilling pond (downstream of a transverse structure in a stream) (water engineering)
Bodennullpunkt m (Standort unmittelbar oberhalb unterhalb des Detonationspunkts einer Atombombe) mil.
ground zero; hypocentre rare (site directly above beneath the detonation point of a nuclear bomb)
Düker m (Rohrleitung unterhalb eines Bauwerks oder Gewässers)
pipeline underneath a structure or water body
im Gange adv
im Gange sein v
Es ist geplant, das Gebäude zu verkaufen.
Es kommt Bewegung in die Sache.
In Belgien sind Bestrebungen im Gange, Ladendiebstahl unterhalb einer Bagatellgrenze straffrei zu stellen.
afoot; under way; toward archaic
to be afoot
There are plans afoot to sell the building.
Change is afoot.
Moves are afoot in Belgium to decriminalize shoplifting if a certain de minimis limit is not exceeded.
Gleisbett n; Gleisbettung f; Bettung f (unterhalb der Schienen) (Bahn) constr.
geschottertes Gleisbett; geschottertes Gleis; beschottertes Gleisbett; Schotterbett n; Schotterbettung f; Kiesbett n; Kiesbettung f; Schotteroberbau m
Sandbettung f; Sandbett n
Schlackenbett n; Schlackenbettung f
Absetzen auf Bettung
Abnutzung der Bettung; Schotterbettabnutzung
Auflockerung der Bettung; Bettungsauflockerung
Dicke der Bettung; Bettungsdicke; Höhe der Bettung; Bettungshöhe
Elastizität der Bettung; Elastizität des Schotterbetts
Erneuerung der Bettung
Fuß der Bettung; Bettungsfuß m
Krone der Bettung; Bettungskrone; Schotterkrone; Bettungsschulter
Querschnitt der Bettung; Bettungsquerschnitt
Reinigung der Bettung; Bettungsreinigung; Schottersiebung; Bettungsumbau
Sohle der Bettung; Bettungssohle
Verkrustung der Bettung; Verschlammung der Bettung
Tiefe der Schotterbettreinigung; Tiefe der Schotterreinigung
erstes Schotterbett
zweites Schotterbett
die Bettung verdichten
track bed; road bed (railway)
ballasted track bed; ballasted road bed; ballast bed; gravelled track bed; crushed-stone bed
asbestos residue ballast
sand ballast
slag ballast
placing on the ballast
weakening of the ballast
scarification of ballast
depth of ballast
elasticity of the ballast; resilience of the ballast
renewal of the ballast
toe of ballast
crown of ballast; top of ballast; ballast shoulder
ballast profile; ballast section
cleaning of the ballast; ballast cleaning; screening of the ballast; ballast screening; sifting of the ballast; ballast sifting
base of ballast; bed of ballast
incrustation of the ballast; choking of the ballast; fouling of the ballast
depth of screening
bottom ballast
top ballast
to tamp the ballast
Kolkwanne f; Kolkbecken n (starke Vertiefung in der Gewässersohle, die durch niederstürzendes Wasser entsteht, z. B. unterhalb eines Wehrs oder unter einem Wasserfall) (Gewässerkunde) geol.
Kolkwannen pl; Kolkbecken pl
vergößertes Kolkbecken; Kolksee m; Gumpe f
plunge pool; plunge basin (deep cavity scoured in a stream bed by falling water; e.g. downstream of a weir or at the base of a waterfall) (hydrology)
plunge pools; plunge basins
large plunge pool
Mörser m; Granatwerfer m mil.
Mörser pl; Granatwerfer pl
Gewehrgranatwerfer m
Unterlauf-Granatwerfer m (Anbau unterhalb eines Sturmgewehrlaufs)
Mörser mit gezogenem Rohr
trench mortar; mortar; grenade-thrower; grenade-launcher; bomb-thrower
trench mortars; mortars; grenade-throwers; grenade-launchers; bomb-throwers
rifle grenade launcher
underbarrel grenade launcher
rifled mortar
Nachweisgrenze f; Bestimmungsgrenze f (Labor, Messtechnik) chem. med. techn.
Nachweisgrenzen pl; Bestimmungsgrenzen pl
unterhalb der Nachweisgrenze liegen
detection limit; limit of detection; determination limit; limit of determination (laboratory, metrology)
detection limits; limits of detection; deterimination limits; limits of determination
to be below the detection limit
Planierpflug m; Planiermaschine f (für die Bettung unterhalb der Schienen) (Bahn)
ballast plough Br.; ballast plow Am. (railway)
Rechte an einer Immobilie unterhalb des Eigentumsrechts
chattels real
Steingut n; Tongut n; Irdengut n; Irdenware f (Keramik, die unterhalb der Sintergrenze gebrannt wird)
earthenware (ceramics that is not fired to the point of vitrification)
Steuergutschrift f; Negativsteuer f (bei niedrigem Einkommen unterhalb der Steuerpflicht) fin.
Steuergutschriften pl; Negativsteuern pl
refundable tax credit
refundable tax credits
Straßenbett n; Straßenkoffer m; Koffer m (Schicht unterhalb des Asphaltbelags) (Straßenbau) constr.
road bed; road bed (road building)
Unterschicht f (unterhalb der Deckschicht der Gewässersohle)
Unterschichten pl
subpavement layer; subpavement; subarmour layer Br.; subarmour Br.; subarmour Br.; subarmor layer Am.; subarmor Am. (below the armour layer of a stream bottom)
subpavement layers; subpavements; subarmour layers; subarmours; subarmours; subarmor layers; subarmors
Unterwasser n (Gewässerabschnitt unterhalb eines Wasserbauwerks) (Wasserbau)
tailwater (section of a waterbody downstream of a hydraulic structure) (water engineering)
hadaler Bereich m; Hadal n (mariner Lebensraum unterhalb von 7000 m Tiefe) envir.
hadal zone; hadal region
suburethral; unterhalb der Harnröhre des Harnleiters (liegend gelegen) adj anat.
unter prp; wo? +Dat.; wohin? +Akk.
unter einem Baum liegen
sich unter einen Baum legen
unter Druck
unter null sinken
unter anderem u. a.
einer unter vielen
unter uns gesagt
den Eindruck haben, dass …
Ich hörte Stimmen unter meinem Fenster.
Sie wohnt ein Stockwerk unter mir.
Der Name des Verfassers stand unterhalb des Titels.
Den Platz unterhalb dieser Linie bitte freilassen.
Er hat sieben Leute unter sich. (Untergebene) econ.
Die Temperaturen blieben den ganzen Tag über unter null unter dem Gefrierpunkt. meteo.
Gestern Nacht hatte waren es acht Grad minus. meteo.
In England ist ein Sergeant bei der Polizei rangniedriger als ein Inspektor.
under; below; underneath; among; amongst
to lie under a tree
to lay oneself under a tree
under pressure
to drop below zero
among other things; inter alia formal
one of many; one among many
between you and me; between ourselves
to be under the impression that …
I could hear voices below my window.
She lives one floor below me.
The author's name was printed below the title.
Please do not write below this line.
He has seven people working below him.
The temperatures remained below freezing all day.
Last night it was eight degrees below.
In England, a police sergeant is below an inspector.
unterhalb; unten; darunter adv
Der Tunnel verläuft direkt unterhalb der Stadt.
Ihre blonden Haare waren unter einer Schirmmütze versteckt.
Unter seinem Hemd trug er ein knalliges T-Shirt.
Unter ihrer äußeren Gelassenheit verbarg sie große Angst.
underneath; neath (hidden covered)
The tunnel goes right underneath the city.
Her blonde hair was hidden underneath a peaked cap.
He was wearing a garish T-shirt underneath his shirt.
Underneath her cool exterior she was very frightened.
Unterhalt, Lebensunterhalt
Unterhalt, Lebensunterhalt, Versorgung
Unterhalt, Unterhaltsgeld
verantwortlich für den Unterhalt
responsible for maintenance
Apanage f, Jahreszahlung f, Zahlung zum Unterhalt an Adelige
apanage, appanage
Instandhaltung f, Unterhalt m, Unterhaltung f
Lebensunterhalt m, Unterhalt m
seinen Lebensunterhalt verdienen
sein Auskommen haben
seinen Lebensunterhalt mühsam verdienen
to earn one's living
to make a living
to eke out a living
Unterhalt m
Unterhalt m
Unterhalt m
Unterhalte pl
Unterhalt m, Unterhaltskosten pl
den Lebensunterhalt verdienen
to earn one's keep
Unterhalt m, Pflege f
Dieses Auto ist billig im Unterhalt.
This car is cheap to run.
Apanage f; Jahreszahlung f; Zahlung zum Unterhalt an Adelige
apanage; appanage
Instandhaltung f; Unterhalt m; Unterhaltung f
Lebensunterhalt m; Unterhalt m
seinen Lebensunterhalt als Lektor Kellner etc. verdienen
seinen Lebensunterhalt mit etw. verdienen
sein Auskommen haben
seinen Lebensunterhalt mühsam verdienen
to earn your living as a lecturer waiter etc.
to earn your living from through sth.
to make a living
to eke out a living
Unterhalt m; Kost und Logis (einer Person)
sich seinen Lebensunterhalt selbst verdienen
Es wird wirklich Zeit dass du arbeiten gehst und dir deine Brötchen selbst verdienst.
Ich bekomme 300 EUR pro Woche bei freier Kost und Logis.
Diese Aufsätze sind sehr kurz da muss jedes Wort etwas aussagen.
keep (of a person)
to earn one's keep
It's about time you got a job to earn your keep.
I get 300 EUR a week and my keep.
These essays are very short so every word must earn its keep.
Unterhalt m; Pflege f
aushalten v (Unterhalt bezahlen)
Er lässt sich von seiner Freundin aushalten.
to keep
He gets his girlfriend to keep him.
gemeinsam; gemeinschaftlich adj
ein gemeinsames Vorgehen
gemeinsam vorgehen; zusammenwirken
für das gemeinsame Kind Unterhalt zahlen
joint action
to take joint action
to pay maintenance Br. support Am. for the joint child
Apanage f; Jahreszahlung f; Zahlung zum Unterhalt an Adlige
apanage; appanage
Gleisinstandhaltung f; Oberbauinstandhaltung f; Gleisunterhaltung f Dt.; Geleiseunterhalt m Schw. (Bahn)
laufende Gleisinstandhaltung; laufende Oberbauinstandhaltung; laufender Unterhalt des Geleises Schw.
mechanisierte Gleisinstandhaltung; mechanisierte Oberbauinstandhaltung; machanisierter Geleiseunterhalt Schw.
Durcharbeiten des Oberbaus; planmäßiger Unterhalt des Oberbaus Schw.
kleine Instandhaltung des Oberbaus; Kleinunterhalt m des Oberbaus Schw.
maintenance of track; track maintenance (railway)
current track maintenance
mechanical track maintenance; mechanised track maintenance
scheduled full track maintenance
day-to-day track maintenance
Instandhaltung f; Erhaltung f; Unterhaltung f Dt.; Unterhalt m Schw. (von großen Anlagen) constr. envir.
Straßeninstandhaltung f; Straßenerhaltung f; Straßenunterhaltung f Dt.; Straßenunterhalt m Schw.
Instandhaltung von Wasserstraßen
maintenance; upkeep (of large facilities)
road maintenance; upkeep of roads
maintenance of waterways
Lebensunterhalt m; Unterhalt m
seinen Lebensunterhalt als Lektor Kellner usw. verdienen
seinen Lebensunterhalt mit etw. verdienen
sein Auskommen haben
seinen Lebensunterhalt gerade (mal) so bestreiten können; nur mühsam über die Runden kommen
to earn your living as a lecturer waiter etc.
to earn your living from through sth.
to make a living
to eke out a living

Deutsche Unterhaltspflegschaft Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Unterhaltspflegschaft Synonym nachschlagen

Englische curatorship for a minor in respect of maintenance support claims Synonyme

Unterhaltspflegschaft Definition

(n.) Private end or view
(n.) The office of a curator.
(n.) The act of maintaining
(n.) That which maintains or supports
(n.) An officious or unlawful intermeddling in a cause depending between others, by assisting either party with money or means to carry it on. See Champerty.
(a.) Inferior in bulk, degree, importance, etc.
(a.) Less by a semitone in interval or difference of pitch
(n.) A person of either sex who has not attained the age at which full civil rights are accorded
(n.) The minor term, that is, the subject of the conclusion
(n.) A Minorite
(v. t.) To take notice of
(v. t.) To consider worthy of esteem
(v. t.) To look toward
(v. t.) To regard
(v. t.) To have regard to
(v.) The act of noticing with attention
(v.) Esteem
(v.) An expression of respect of deference
(v.) Reputation
(v.) Relation
(v.) Particular
(v.) Consideration
(n.) Respect for one's self
(v. t.) To bear by being under
(v. t.) To endure without being overcome, exhausted, or changed in character
(v. t.) To keep from failing or sinking
(v. t.) To assume and carry successfully, as the part of an actor
(v. t.) To furnish with the means of sustenance or livelihood
(v. t.) To carry on
(v. t.) To verify
(v. t.) To vindicate
(v. t.) To uphold by aid or countenance
(v. t.) A attend as an honorary assistant
(n.) The act, state, or operation of supporting, upholding, or sustaining.
(n.) That which upholds, sustains, or keeps from falling, as a prop, a pillar, or a foundation of any kind.
(n.) That which maintains or preserves from being overcome, falling, yielding, sinking, giving way, or the like

curatorship for a minor in respect of maintenance [Br.] support [Am.] claims Bedeutung

documentary validation, his documentation of the results was excellent, the strongest support for this view is the work of Jones
activity involved in maintaining something in good working order, he wrote the manual on car care
scheduled maintenance maintenance at a regularly scheduled time
curatorship the position of curator
minor surgery any surgical procedure that does not involve anesthesia or respiratory assistance
maintenance criminal maintenance the unauthorized interference in a legal action by a person having no interest in it (as by helping one party with money or otherwise to continue the action) so as to obstruct justice or promote unnecessary litigation or unsettle the peace of the community, unlike champerty, criminal maintenance does not necessarily involve personal profit
support reinforcement reenforcement a military operation (often involving new supplies of men and materiel) to strengthen a military force or aid in the performance of its mission, they called for artillery support
close support close-in firing by one unit against an enemy engaged by another unit
direct support a mission requiring one force to support another specific force and authorizing it to answer directly the supported force's request for assistance
electronic warfare-support measures
electronic warfare undertaken under direct control of an operational commander to locate sources of radiated electromagnetic energy for the purpose of immediate threat recognition
support supporting the act of bearing the weight of or strengthening, he leaned against the wall for support
obedience respect behavior intended to please your parents, their children were never very strong on obedience, he went to law school out of respect for his father's wishes
support aiding the cause or policy or interests of, the president no longer has the support of his own party, they developed a scheme of mutual support
support the activity of providing for or maintaining by supplying with money or necessities, his support kept the family together, they gave him emotional support during difficult times
maintenance upkeep
the act of sustaining life by food or providing a means of subsistence, they were in want of sustenance, fishing was their main sustainment
logistic support
logistic assistance
assistance between and within military commands
integrated logistic support the pooling of specific resources by subscribing nations for the support of some joint operation
mutual aid
international logistic support
arrangements made between nations to assist each other
interdepartmental support
interagency support
provision of logistic (or administrative) support by one or more of the military services to one or more departments or agencies of the United States government
inter-service support action by one military service to provide logistic (or administrative) support to another military service
a courteous expression (by word or deed) of esteem or regard, his deference to her wishes was very flattering, be sure to give my respects to the dean
variola minor
variola minor virus
a type of smallpox virus that has a fatality rate of about percent
American woodcock
woodcock snipe Philohela minor
small long-billed woodcock, prized as a game bird
arch support a support for the arch of the foot
life-support system
life support
medical equipment that assists or replaces important bodily functions and so enables a patient to live who otherwise might not survive, the patient is on life support
life-support system life support equipment that makes life possible in otherwise deadly environmental conditions, the astronauts relied on their life-support systems
minor suit ( bridge) a suit of inferior scoring value, either diamonds or clubs
minor tranquilizer
minor tranquillizer
minor tranquilliser
antianxiety drug
anxiolytic drug
a tranquilizer used to relieve anxiety and reduce tension and irritability
support any device that bears the weight of another thing, there was no place to attach supports for a shelf
support supporting structure that holds up or provides a foundation, the statue stood on a marble support
support column a column that supports a heavy weight
support hose
support stocking
elasticized stocking intended to reduce pressure on the veins of the leg (as in case of varicose veins)
deference respect
courteous regard for people's feelings, in deference to your wishes, out of respect for his privacy
pectoralis minor
musculus pectoralis minor
smaller pectoral muscle
a skeletal muscle that draws down the scapula or raises the ribs
rhomboid minor muscle
lesser rhomboid muscle
musculus rhomboideus minor
rhomboid muscle that draws the scapula toward the vertebral column and slightly upward
teres minor
teres minor muscle
musculus teres minor
teres muscle that adducts the arm and rotates it laterally
support something providing immaterial assistance to a person or cause or interest, the policy found little public support, his faith was all the support he needed, the team enjoyed the support of their fans
(usually preceded by `in') a detail or point, it differs in that respect
bit part
minor role
a small role
minor axis the shorter or shortest axis of an ellipse or ellipsoid
respect esteem
an attitude of admiration or esteem, she lost all respect for him
title title of respect
form of address
an identifying appellation signifying status or function: e.g. `Mr.' or `General', the professor didn't like his friends to use his formal title
minor premise
minor premiss
the premise of a syllogism that contains the minor term (which is the subject of the conclusion)
minor term the term in a syllogism that is the subject of the conclusion
minor scale
minor diatonic scale
a diatonic scale with notes separated by whole tones except for the nd and rd and th and th
minor key
minor mode
a key based on the minor scale
musical accompaniment
a musical part (vocal or instrumental) that supports or provides background for other musical parts
regard respect a feeling of friendship and esteem, she mistook his manly regard for love, he inspires respect
minor-league team
minor-league club
a team that plays in a minor league
Office of Intelligence Support
agency that oversees the intelligence relationships of the Treasury's offices and bureaus and provides a link between the Intelligence Community and officials responsible for international economic policy
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