
Unterwasserwelt Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Unterwasserwelt f
underwater world; submarine world
Unterwasserwelt f
underwater world; submarine world
etw. unterspülen; unterwaschen; auswaschen; unterhöhlen v (Wasserbau)
unterspülend; unterwaschend; auswaschend; unterhöhlend
unterspült; unterwaschen; ausgewaschen; unterhöhlt
to wash out; to erode; to undermine sth. (water engineering)
washing out; eroding; undermining
washed out; eroded; undermined
Unterspülung f; Unterwaschung f; Auswaschung f; Auskolkung f; Ausstrudeln n (des Geländes) geol.
wash-out; scouring (of the terrain)
Unterwasser..., unterseeisch, submarin adj
Unterwasser-Videofilmer m
underwater videographer
unterseeisch adj, Unterwasser...
Bake f; Seezeichen n; Markierungszeichen n naut.
Baken pl; Seezeichen pl; Markierungszeichen pl
Unterwasser-Ortungsbake f
sea mark; beacon
sea marks; beacons
underwater locator beacon
Raktetenflugkörper m; Raketenwaffe f; Rakete f mil.
Raktetenflugkörper pl; Raketenwaffen pl; Raketen pl
Abfangflugkörper m; Abfangrakete f
Abwehrflugkörper gegen Abfangraketen
Boden-Luft-Flugkörper m; Boden-Luft-Rakete f
drahtgelenkter Flugkörper
einsatzbereiter Flugkörper
luftfahrzeuggestützter Flugkörper
schwerer Flugkörper
taktischer Flugkörper
zweistufiger Flugkörper
von der Schulter abgefeuerter Flugkörper
Fliegerfaust f
Flugabwehrkörper m; Fla-Flugkörper m; Flugabwehrrakete f FlaRak
Abwehrrakete f für ballistische Flugkörper; Abfangrakete f mil.
Flugkörper zur U-Boot-Bekämpfung vom Schiff aus
Radarbekämpfungsflugkörper m; Radarbekämpfungsrakete f
Seezielflugkörper m; Seezielrakete f
U-Boot-Abwehr-Flugkörper m; U-Jagd-Flugkörper m
Panzerabwehrflugkörper m; Panzerabwehrrakete f
Boden-Boden-Flugkörper m; Boden-Boden-Rakete f
See-Luft-Flugkörper m; See-Luft-Rakete f
aerodynamischer Luft-Boden-Flugkörper m
Überwasser-Unterwasser-Flugkörper m; Schiff-Unterwasser-Flugkörper m
Unterwasser-Überwasser-Flugkörper m; Unterwasser-Überwasser-Rakete f
Unterwasser-Boden-Flugkörper m; Unterwasser-Boden-Rakete f
Unterwasser-Unterwasser-Flugkörper m; Unterwasser-Unterwasser-Rakete f
rocket missile; missile
rocket missiles; missiles
interceptor missile
anti-ballistic missile missile; ABM missile
surface-to-air missile SAM ; ground-to-air missile GTAM
wireguided missile
operational missile
air-launched missile
heavy missile
tactial missile
two-storey missile Br.; two-story missile Am.
shoulder-launched missile
shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missile
anti-aircraft missile
anti-ballistic missile ABM
air-to-air missile AAM
air-to-surface missile ASM
surface-to-unterwater missile SUM
anti-radar missile
anti-ship missile
anti-submarine missile; A S missile
anti-tank missile
surface-to-surface missile SSM ; ground-to-ground missile
sea-air missile
air-to-surface aerodynamic missile
surface-to-subsurface missile
subsurface-to-surface strategic missile
underwater-to-surface missile
subsurface-to-subsurface missile
Unterwasser...; unter Wasser (nachgestellt)
Unterwasser-Tennen techn.
Detonation unter Wasser
Unterwasser-Videofilmer m
underwater cutting
underwater blast
underwater videographer
Unterwasser ... techn.
subaqueous; submarine
stromabwärtig; unterstromig; unterwasserseitig; stromabwärts flussabwärts gelegen gerichtet adj
unterstromige Strecke f; Unterwasser n
downstream; downcurrent
downstream water; tail
unterseeisch adj; Unterwasser...
Unterwasser n (einer Setzmaschine)
back water; underscreen water
Raktetenflugkörper m; Flugkörper m (in Zusammensetzungen); Raketenwaffe f; Kampfrakete f; militärische Rakete f; Rakete f mil.
Raktetenflugkörper pl; Flugkörper pl; Raketenwaffen pl; Kampfraketen pl; militärische Raketen pl; Raketen pl
ungelenkte Rakete
Flugkörper mit Atomgefechtskopf; Atomrakete f
Abfangflugkörper m; Abfangrakete f
Abwehrflugkörper gegen Abfangraketen
Boden-Luft-Flugkörper m; Boden-Luft-Rakete f
drahtgelenkter Flugkörper
einsatzbereiter Flugkörper; einsatzbereite Rakete
luftfahrzeuggestützter Flugkörper
schwerer Flugkörper
taktischer Flugkörper
zweistufiger Flugkörper
von der Schulter abgefeuerter Flugkörper
Fliegerfaust f
Flugabwehrkörper m; Fla-Flugkörper m; Flugabwehrrakete f FlaRak
Abwehrrakete f für ballistische Flugkörper; Abfangrakete f mil.
Land-See-Flugkörper m; Land-See-Rakete f
Flugkörper zur U-Boot-Bekämpfung vom Schiff aus
Radarbekämpfungsflugkörper m; Radarbekämpfungsrakete f
Seezielflugkörper m; Seezielrakete f
U-Boot-Abwehr-Flugkörper m; U-Jagd-Flugkörper m
Panzerabwehrflugkörper m; Panzerabwehrrakete f
Boden-Boden-Flugkörper m; Boden-Boden-Rakete f
See-Luft-Flugkörper m; See-Luft-Rakete f
aerodynamischer Luft-Boden-Flugkörper m
Überwasser-Unterwasser-Flugkörper m; Schiff-Unterwasser-Flugkörper m; Schiff-Unterwasser-Rakete f
Unterwasser-Überwasser-Flugkörper m; Unterwasser-Überwasser-Rakete f
Unterwasser-Boden-Flugkörper m; Unterwasser-Boden-Rakete f
Unterwasser-Unterwasser-Flugkörper m; Unterwasser-Unterwasser-Rakete f
rocket missile; missile
rocket missiles; missiles
free rocket
nuclear missile
interceptor missile
anti-ballistic missile missile; ABM missile
surface-to-air missile SAM ; ground-to-air missile GTAM
wireguided missile
operational missile
air-launched missile
heavy missile
tactial missile
two-storey missile Br.; two-story missile Am.
shoulder-launched missile
shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missile
anti-aircraft missile
anti-ballistic missile ABM
surface-to-sea missile
air-to-air missile AAM
air-to-surface missile ASM
surface-to-unterwater missile SUM
anti-radar missile
anti-ship missile
anti-submarine missile; A S missile
anti-tank missile
surface-to-surface missile SSM ; ground-to-ground missile
sea-air missile
air-to-surface aerodynamic missile
surface-to-subsurface missile
subsurface-to-surface strategic missile
underwater-to-surface missile
subsurface-to-subsurface missile
Unterwasser…; unter Wasser (nachgestellt)
Unterwasser-Tennen techn.
Detonation unter Wasser
Unterwasser-Videofilmer m
underwater cutting
underwater blast
underwater videographer
Unterwasser … techn.
subaqueous; submarine
Unterwasser n (Gewässerabschnitt unterhalb eines Wasserbauwerks) (Wasserbau)
tailwater (section of a waterbody downstream of a hydraulic structure) (water engineering)
unterseeisch adj; Unterwasser…
Unterwasserarchäologie f
maritime archaeology
Unterwasserbanane f (Nymphoides aquatica)
banana plant
Unterwasserbanane f bot. (Nymphoides aquatica)
banana plant
Betonrutsche f für den Unterwasserbau constr.
tremie pipe; tremie
Unterwasserbau m (Bauwerk) constr.
underwater building; subaqueous structures
Unterwasserbau m (Vorgang) constr.
underwater building (process)
Bauwerk n; Bau m; Baute f Schw. adm.; Konstruktion f constr. techn.
Bauwerke pl; Bauten pl; Konstruktionen pl
Unterwasserbauwerk n; Unterwasserbau m
structure; construction
structures; constructions
underwater structure construction; subaqueous structure construction
Seamount m, Unterwasserberg m
Seamount m; Unterwasserberg m
Kontraktorbeton m; Unterwasserbeton m constr.
tremie concrete
Wasserbombe f, Unterwasserbombe f mil.
depth charge, depth bomb
Wasserbombe f; Unterwasserbombe f mil.
Wasserbomben pl; Unterwasserbomben pl
depth charge; depth bomb
depth charges; depth bombs
Dekorationsbau m (Theater; Film, TV) art
Unterwasserdekorationsbau m; Unterwasserdekorationen pl
set construction (theatre; film, TV)
underwater set construction
Tauchboot n, Unterwasserfahrzeug n
Tauchboote pl, Unterwasserfahrzeugen pl
Unterwasserfahrzeug n
submarine vehicle
Tauchboot n; Tauchfahrzeug n; Unterwasserfahrzeug n naut.
Tauchbooten pl; Tauchfahrzeuge pl; Unterwasserfahrzeuge pl
Unterwasserfahrzeug n
Unterwasserfahrzeuge pl
submarine vehicle
submarine vehicles
Unterwasserfernsehen n
submarine television
Unterwasserfilter m
Unterwasserfilter pl
submerged filter
submerged filters
Unterwasserforscher m, Taucher m
Unterwasserforscher, Taucher
Unterwasserforscher m; Taucher m
Unterwasserforscher pl; Taucher pl
Unterwassergebiet n
Unterwassergebiete pl
submarine area
submarine areas
Harpune f (Unterwassergeschoss)
Harpunen pl
sprengstoffbestückte Harpune
harpoon (underwater projectile)
explosive harpoon
Raketenflugkörpersystem n; Raketenwaffensystem n; Raketensystem n mil.
Raketenflugkörpersysteme pl; Raketenwaffensysteme pl; Raketensysteme pl
offensives Flugkörpersystem
unterwassergestütztes Flugkörpersystem mit großer Reichweite
ein Raketensystem errichten
missile system
missile systems
offensive missile system
underwater undersea long-range missile system ULMS
to deploy a missile system
Raketenflugkörpersystem n; Raketenwaffensystem n; Raketensystem n mil.
Raketenflugkörpersysteme pl; Raketenwaffensysteme pl; Raketensysteme pl
offensives Raketensystem
unterwassergestütztes Flugkörpersystem mit großer Reichweite
ein Raketensystem errichten
missile system
missile systems
offensive missile system
underwater undersea long-range missile system ULMS
to deploy a missile system
Unterwasserkanal m; Unterwassergraben m (Wasserbau)
Unterwasserkanäle pl; Unterwassergräben pl
tailwater race (water engineering)
tailwater races
Unterwasserjagd f
underwater harpooning
Unterwasserkabel n, Seekabel n
Unterwasserkabel pl, Seekabel pl
undersea cable
undersea cables
Unterwasserkabel n; Seekabel n
Unterwasserkabel pl; Seekabel pl
undersea cable
undersea cables
Unterwasserkamera f
Unterwasserkameras pl
underwater camera
underwater cameras
Klippe f (Felsblock im Meer vor der Küste) geogr.
Klippen pl
Unterwasserklippe f; Flachklippe f; blinde Klippe
Steilklippe unter der Wasseroberfläche
an den Klippen zerschellen
coastal rock
coastal rocks
sunken rock; blind rock
chimney rock; bluff Am.
to be smashed against the coastal rocks
Unterwasserkorb m naut.
corf; corfe; corve
Unterwasserlebewesen pl
underwater creatures
Unterwassermassage f
Unterwassermassagen pl
underwater massage
underwater massages
Massage f med.
Massagen pl
Ganzkörpermassage f
Gesichtsmassage f
Heilmassage f
Reflexzonenmassage f
Thai-Massage f
Unterwassermassage f
jdn. massieren
full-body massage
facial massage
curative massage
reflex zone massage
thai massage
underwater massage
to give sb. a massage
Whirlpool m, Whirlwanne f (Unterwassermassagebecken)
whirlpool, Jacuzzi tm
Whirlpool m; Whirlwanne f (Unterwassermassagebecken)
halbrunder Whirlpool
in den Boden eingelassener Whirlpool; versenkter Whirlpool
nierenförmiger Whirlpool
ovaler Whirlpool
quadratischer Whirlpool
rechteckiger Whirlpool
runder Whirlpool
whirlpool; Jacuzzi tm
semi-circular whirlpool
sunken whirlpool
kidney-shaped whirlpool
oval whirlpool
square whirlpool
rectangular whirlpool
round whirlpool
Hydrofon n, Unterwassermikrofon n
Hydrofone pl, Unterwassermikrofone pl
hydrophone, underwater microphone
hydrophones, underwater microphones
Hydrofon n; Unterwassermikrofon n
Hydrofone pl; Unterwassermikrofone pl
hydrophone; underwater microphone
hydrophones; underwater microphones
Mine f mil.
Minen pl
Gezeitenmine f
Landmine f
Schrapnellmine f; S-Mine hist.
Seemine f; Unterwassermine f
Springmine f; Splittermine f
Treibmine f
ausgelöste Mine
unscharf gestellte Mine
Minen legen
oscillating mine
land mine
German S-mine; Bouncing Betty coll.
sea mine; naval mine
bouncing mine
floating mine; drifting mine
actuated mine
disarmed mine
to lay mines
Tauchpumpe f; Unterwasserpumpe f
Tauchpumpen pl; Unterwasserpumpen pl
submersible pump; submergible pump; wet-pit pump; deep-well turbine pump
submersible pumps; submergible pumps; wet-pit pumps; deep-well turbine pumps
schwarzer Raucher m; heiße Unterwasserquelle f geol.
black smoker; underwater hot spring
Unterwassersauerstoffapparat m, Sauerstoffflasche f
Unterwassersauerstoffapparate pl, Sauerstoffflaschen pl
Tauchgerät n
Tauchgeräte pl
scuba (self contained underwater breathing apparatus)
Schall m phys.
Körperschall m
störender Körperschall
Luftschall m
Wasserschall m; Unterwasserschall m
structure-borne sound
structure-borne noise
airborne sound
water-borne sound; underwater sound
Unterwasserschallgerät n, Sonar n, Sonargerät n
niederfrequenter aktiver Sonar (NFAS) mil.
sonar, sound navigation ranging
low-frequency active sonar (LFAS)
Unterwasserschallgerät n; Sonargerät n; S-Gerät n; Sonar n
Unterwasserschallgeräte pl; Sonargeräte pl; S-Geräte pl; Sonare pl
Bugsonar n
Schleppsonar n
niederfrequenter aktiver Sonar NFAS mil.
sonar set; sonar
sonar sets; sonars
bow-mounted sonar
towed sonar
low-frequency active sonar LFAS

Deutsche Unterwasserwelt Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Unterwasserwelt Synonym nachschlagen

Englische underwater world; submarine world Synonyme

Unterwasserwelt Definition

(n.) State of prosperity.
(a.) Being, acting, or growing, under water in the sea
(n.) A submarine plant or animal.
(n.) The earth and the surrounding heavens
(n.) Any planet or heavenly body, especially when considered as inhabited, and as the scene of interests analogous with human interests
(n.) The earth and its inhabitants, with their concerns
(n.) In a more restricted sense, that part of the earth and its concerns which is known to any one, or contemplated by any one
(n.) The customs, practices, and interests of men
(n.) Individual experience of, or concern with, life
(n.) The inhabitants of the earth
(n.) The earth and its affairs as distinguished from heaven
(n.) As an emblem of immensity, a great multitude or quantity
(a.) Extended throughout the world

underwater world; submarine world Bedeutung

world record the best record in the whole world
submarine ball
submarine pitch
a pitch thrown sidearm instead of overhead
world war a war in which the major nations of the world are involved
world affairs
international affairs
affairs between nations, you can't really keep up with world affairs by watching television
the way of the world
the ways of the world
the manner in which people typically behave or things typically happen, the ordinary reader is endowed with considerable wisdom and knowledge of the way of the world, she was well-versed in the ways of the world before she had taken the veil, he was amazingly innocent of the ways of the world
World War I
World War
Great War
First World War
War to End War
a war between the allies (Russia, France, British Empire, Italy, United States, Japan, Rumania, Serbia, Belgium, Greece, Portugal, Montenegro) and the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, Bulgaria) from to
World War II
World War
Second World War
a war between the Allies (Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Ethiopia, France, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Iran, Iraq, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Philippines, Poland, South Africa, United Kingdom, United States, USSR, Yugoslavia) and the Axis (Albania, Bulgaria, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Rumania, Slovakia, Thailand) from to
New World goldfinch
goldfinch yellowbird Spinus tristis
American finch whose male has yellow body plumage in summer
New World sparrow sparrow-like North American finches
New World flycatcher
flycatcher tyrant flycatcher
tyrant bird
large American birds that characteristically catch insects on the wing
Old World flycatcher
true flycatcher
any of a large group of small songbirds that feed on insects taken on the wing
Old World chat
songbirds having a chattering call
robin redbreast
robin redbreast Old World robin
Erithacus rubecola
small Old World songbird with a reddish breast
Old World warbler
true warbler
small active brownish or greyish Old World birds
New World warbler
wood warbler
small brightolored American songbird with a weak unmusical song
New World chat
birds having a chattering call
New World oriole
American oriole
American songbird, male is black and orange or yellow
New World blackbird
any bird of the family Icteridae whose male is black or predominantly black
Old World oriole
mostly tropical songbird, the male is usually bright orange and black
Old World jay a European jay
New World jay a North American jay
Old World vulture any of several large vultures of Africa and Eurasia
New World vulture
large birds of prey superficially similar to Old World vultures
Old World scops owl
Otus scops
European scops owl
coral snake harlequin-snake
New World coral snake
any of several venomous New World snakes brilliantly banded in red and black and either yellow or white, widely distributed in South America and Central America
coral snake Old World coral snake any of various venomous elapid snakes of Asia and Africa and Australia
Old World quail small game bird with a rounded body and small tail
Old World crayfish
small crayfish of Europe and Asia and western North America
Old World coot
Fulica atra
a coot found in Eurasia
Old world white pelican
Pelecanus onocrotalus
similar to American white pelican
European rabbit
Old World rabbit
Oryctolagus cuniculus
common greyish-brown burrowing animal native to southern Europe and northern Africa but introduced elsewhere, widely domesticated and developed in various colors and for various needs, young are born naked and helpless
New World mouse a variety of rodent
Old World porcupine terrestrial porcupine
New World porcupine arboreal porcupine
Old World beaver
Castor fiber
a European variety of beaver
New World beaver
Castor canadensis
a variety of beaver found in almost all areas of North America except Florida
New World tapir
Tapirus terrestris
a tapir found in South America and Central America
Old World buffalo
any of several Old World animals resembling oxen including, e.g., water buffalo, Cape buffalo
New World least weasel
Mustela rixosa
of Canada and northeastern United States
Old World least weasel
Mustela nivalis
of Europe
New World anteater
any of several tropical American mammals of the family Myrmecophagidae which lack teeth and feed on ants and termites
human race
human beings
all of the living human inhabitants of the earth, all the world loves a lover, she always used `humankind' because `mankind' seemed to slight the women
Old World monkey
of Africa or Arabia or Asia, having nonprehensile tails and nostrils close together
New World monkey
hairy-faced arboreal monkeys having widely separated nostrils and long usually prehensile tails
New World opah
Lampris guttatus
from Nova Scotia to West Indies and Gulf of Mexico
anti-submarine rocket a shipboard system to fire rockets at submarines
attack submarine a military submarine designed and armed to attack enemy shipping
auxiliary research submarine a submarine for research purposes
fleet ballistic missile submarine a submarine carrying ballistic missiles
nuclear submarine
nuclear-powered submarine
a submarine that is propelled by nuclear power
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125 Bewertungen 5


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