
Vergeudung von Lebenszeit Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Ernennung auf Lebenszeit
appointment for life
life time
Rente auf Lebenszeit
whole life annuity
Vergeudung des guten Ansehens
waste of goodwill
Vertrag auf Lebenszeit
life contract
Wohnrecht und Nutzungsrecht auf Lebenszeit
life estate
Ernennung f, Berufung f
Ernennung f auf Lebenszeit
appointment for life
Lebenszeit f
zu Lebzeiten
in the lifetime
(Ernennung) auf Lebenszeit
during good behavior (behaviour)
Vergeudung f, Verschwendung f
Verschwendung f, Vergeudung f
So eine Verschwendung!
What a waste!
Verschwendung f, Vergeudung f
Mittlere Lebenszeit (eines Gerätes)
MTBF : mean time between failures
auf Lebenszeit
for life
Dauerstellung f; Anstellung f auf Lebenszeit adm.
permanency; permanent appointment; tenure
Ernennung f; Berufung f (zu einer Funktion)
Ernennungen pl; Berufungen pl
Ernennung f auf Lebenszeit
Berufung in ein Ehrenamt
Berufung in ein öffentliches Amt
Ich möchte Ihnen zu Ihrer Ernennung zum Vorsitzenden gratulieren.
appointment (to a position)
appointment for life
honorary appointment
appointment to a public office
Let me congratulate you on your appointment as chairman.
Lebenszeit f (von etw. jdm.)
Lebenszeiten pl
jds. Lebenswerk
eine einmalige Chance
einmal im Leben
sein ganzes Leben etw. tun
zu seiner Zeit; während seines Lebens
zu (jds.) Lebzeiten
zu seinen Lebzeiten war er immer ...
Nie im Leben!
Sie hat in ihrem Leben zwei Kriege mitgemacht.
lifetime (of sb. sth.)
sb.'s work of a lifetime
the chance of a lifetime
once in a lifetime
to spend a lifetime doing sth.
during in his lifetime
during in sb.'s lifetime; while alive
while alive he was always ...
Not in this lifetime!
During her lifetime she had witnessed two wars.
(Ernennung) auf Lebenszeit
during good behaviour behavior
Rente f (aus Versicherung)
nachschüssige Rente f
vorschüssige Rente
Rente auf Lebenszeit
annuity immediate
annuity due
annuity for life
Vergeudung f; Verschwendung f
Verschwendung f; Vergeudung f
absichtliche Verschwendung
So eine Verschwendung!
willful waste
What a waste!
zwanzig num
zwanzig Leute
70 Jahre; Siebziger; Lebenszeit übtr.
Er ist schon über die 70 hinaus.; Er ist schon weit über 70.
Unser Bus wurde von zwanzig Polizisten eskortiert.
a score of people
three score years and ten; threescore and ten
He has already passed the three score years and ten.
Our coach was escorted by a score of policemen.
Fluoreszenz-Lebenszeit-Korrelationsspektroskopie f FLCS phys.
fluorescence lifetime correlation spectroscopy
Iteroparie f; Iteroparität f (mehrfache Fortpflanzungszyklen innerhalb einer Lebenszeit) biol.
iteroparity (multiple reproductive cycles over the course of a lifetime)
Lebenszeit f (von etw. jdm.)
Lebenszeiten pl
jds. Lebenswerk
eine einmalige Chance
einmal im Leben
sein ganzes Leben etw. tun
zu seiner Zeit; während seines Lebens
zu (jds.) Lebzeiten
zu seinen Lebzeiten war er immer …
Nie im Leben!
Sie hat in ihrem Leben zwei Kriege mitgemacht.
lifetime (of sb. sth.)
sb.'s work of a lifetime
the chance of a lifetime
once in a lifetime
to spend a lifetime doing sth.
during in his lifetime
during in sb.'s lifetime; while alive
while alive he was always …
Not in this lifetime!
During her lifetime she had witnessed two wars.
private (jährliche) Rente f (aus einer Versicherung einem Nachlass; historisch: von einem Gönner) fin.
Rente für den Überlebensfall; Überlebensrente f; Anwartschaftsrente f
Rente auf verbundene Leben
Rente mit unbestimmter Laufzeit
ablösbare Rente
nicht ablösbare Rente
aufgeschobene Rente
befristete Rente; kündbare Rente; Zeitrente
Rente auf Lebenszeit; Leibrente
nachschüssige Rente; Postnumerando-Rente
private Hinterbliebenenrente
private Witwenrente
private Witwerrente
verlängerte Leibrente; Mindestzeitrente
vorschüssige Rende, Pränumerando-Rente
unbefristete Rente; unkündbare Rente; ewige Rente
eine private Rente beziehen
jdm. eine Rente aussetzen hist.
eine Rente durch eine Kapitalabfindung ablösen
annuity in reversion
annunity on joint lives
contingent annuity
redeemable annuity
irredeemable annuity
deferred annuity
terminable annuity; term annuity
annuity for life; life annuity
ordinary annuity
survivorship annuity; reversionary annuity
widow's annuity
widower's annuity
annuity certain
annunity due (at the beginning of the relevant period)
perpetual annuity
to receive an annuity
to settle an annuity on sb.
to commute an annuity into for a lump sum
Semelparie f; Semelparität f (einmaliger Fortpflanzungszyklus innerhalb einer Lebenszeit) biol.
semelparity (single reproductive cycle over the course of a lifetime)
Verschwendung f; Vergeudung f
absichtliche Verschwendung
Papierverschwendung f
So eine Verschwendung!
willful waste
waste of paper
What a waste!
seit man denken kann konnte; solange man denken kann konnte; solange die Leute denken können konnten; während unserer Lebenszeit
die schlimmste Naturkatastrophe seit man denken kann
irgendwann vor unserer Zeit
Während unserer Lebenszeit hat sich ihre Zahl verdoppelt.
Diese Art von Krise hat niemand von uns erlebt.
in living memory; within living memory
the worst natural disaster in living memory
at some time not within living memory
It has doubled within living memory.
This sort of crisis is not within living memory.

Deutsche Vergeudung von Lebenszeit Synonyme

Geaase  ÂLuxus  ÂMaßlosigkeit  ÂPrasserei  ÂUnmäßigkeit  ÂVergeudung  ÂVerschleuderung  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂVerschwendung  
Weitere Ergebnisse für Vergeudung Synonym nachschlagen

Englische appointment for life Synonyme

appointment  accession  allocation  allotment  anointing  anointment  apostolic orders  appropriation  arrangement  arrogation  assignation  assignment  assumption  authorization  berth  bespeaking  billet  blind date  booking  brevet  briefing  bull  calling  canonization  choice  conferment  connection  consecration  coronation  date  declaration  decree  decree-law  decreement  decretal  decretum  delegation  deputation  designation  dictum  diktat  double date  earmarking  edict  edictum  election  employment  empowerment  engagement  engagement book  fiat  gig  hiring  holy orders  incumbency  induction  installation  institution  interview  investiture  ipse dixit  job  law  legitimate succession  major orders  meeting  minor orders  moonlighting  naming  nomination  office  opening  ordainment  orders  ordinance  ordination  ordonnance  place  political election  position  post  posting  preengagement  preferment  presentation  proclamation  pronouncement  pronunciamento  reading in  rendezvous  rescript  reservation  retainment  rule  ruling  second job  seizure  selection  senatus consult  senatus consultum  service  setting aside  situation  slot  spot  station  succession  tabbing  tagging  taking on  taking over  tenure  transferral  tryst  ukase  usurpation  vacancy  
appointments  accessories  accouterments  appanages  apparatus  appendages  appliances  appurtenances  armament  belongings  choses  choses in action  choses in possession  choses local  choses transitory  conveniences  duffel  equipage  equipment  facilities  facility  fittings  fixtures  furnishings  furniture  gear  impedimenta  installations  kit  machinery  material things  materiel  movables  munition  munitions  outfit  paraphernalia  perquisites  personal effects  plant  plumbing  rig  rigging  stock-in-trade  tackle  things  trappings  utensils  

Vergeudung von Lebenszeit Definition

(n.) The act of appointing
(n.) The state of being appointed to som/ service or office
(n.) Stipulation
(n.) Decree
(n.) The exercise of the power of designating (under a "power of appointment") a person to enjoy an estate or other specific property
(n.) Equipment, furniture, as for a ship or an army
(n.) An allowance to a person, esp. to a public officer
(n.) A honorary part or exercise, as an oration, etc., at a public exhibition of a college
(n.) The state of being which begins with generation, birth, or germination, and ends with death
(n.) Of human beings: The union of the soul and body
(n.) The potential principle, or force, by which the organs of animals and plants are started and continued in the performance of their several and cooperative functions
(n.) Figuratively: The potential or animating principle, also, the period of duration, of anything that is conceived of as resembling a natural organism in structure or functions
(n.) A certain way or manner of living with respect to conditions, circumstances, character, conduct, occupation, etc.
(n.) Animation
(n.) That which imparts or excites spirit or vigor
(n.) The living or actual form, person, thing, or state
(n.) A person
(n.) The system of animal nature
(n.) An essential constituent of life, esp. the blood.
(n.) A history of the acts and events of a life
(n.) Enjoyment in the right use of the powers
(n.) Something dear to one as one's existence
(a.) Giving life or spirit
(n.) An apparatus, made in very various forms, and of various materials, for saving one from drowning by buoying up the body while in the water.
(a.) That saves life, or is suited to save life, esp. from drowning
(a.) Of full size
(a.) Weary of living.
(n.) Life for one's self

appointment for life Bedeutung

life living things collectively, the oceans are teeming with life
plant life
(botany) a living organism lacking the power of locomotion
appointment (law) the act of disposing of property by virtue of the power of appointment, she allocated part of the trust to her church by appointment
assignment designation
the act of putting a person into a non-elective position, the appointment had to be approved by the whole committee
career life history the general progression of your working or professional life, the general had had a distinguished career, he had a long career in the law
way of life
a course of conduct, the path of virtue, we went our separate ways, our paths in life led us apart, genius usually follows a revolutionary path
night life
the activity of people seeking nighttime diversion (as at the theater, a nightclub, etc.), a futile search for intelligent nightlife, in the summer the nightlife shifts to the dance clubs
sporting life active interest in gambling on sports events
nightlife night life the entertainment available to people seeking nighttime diversion
walk of life
careers in general, it happens in all walks of life
appointment the job to which you are (or hope to be) appointed, he applied for an appointment in the treasury
business life
professional life
a career in industrial or commercial or professional activities
high life
excessive spending
cardiopulmonary resuscitation
cardiac resuscitation
mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
kiss of life
an emergency procedure consisting of external cardiac massage and artificial respiration, the first treatment for a person who has collapsed and has no pulse and has stopped breathing, attempts to restore circulation of the blood and prevent death or brain damage due to lack of oxygen
sexual love
making love
love life
sexual activities (often including sexual intercourse) between two people, his lovemaking disgusted her, he hadn't had any love in months, he has a very complicated love life
facts of life
the sexual activity of conceiving and bearing offspring
life class an art class using a live human model
(usually plural) furnishings and equipment (especially for a ship or hotel)
Jaws of Life hydraulic tool inserted into a wrecked vehicle and used to pry the wreckage apart in order to provide access to people trapped inside
life buoy
life belt
life ring
a life preserver in the form of a ring of buoyant material
life jacket
life vest
cork jacket
life preserver consisting of a sleeveless jacket of buoyant or inflatable design
life mask a cast taken from the face of a living person
life office life assurance office
life preserver
flotation device
rescue equipment consisting of a buoyant belt or jacket to keep a person from drowning
life raft
Carling float
a raft to use if a ship must be abandoned in an emergency
life-support system
life support
medical equipment that assists or replaces important bodily functions and so enables a patient to live who otherwise might not survive, the patient is on life support
life-support system life support equipment that makes life possible in otherwise deadly environmental conditions, the astronauts relied on their life-support systems
safety belt
life belt safety harness
belt attaching you to some object as a restraint in order to prevent you from getting hurt
still life a painting of inanimate objects such as fruit or flowers
life spirit sprightliness
animation and energy in action or expression, it was a heavy play and the actors tried in vain to give life to it
life style
modus vivendi
a manner of living that reflects the person's values and attitudes
power of appointment authority given (in a will or deed) by a donor to a donee to appoint the beneficiaries of the donor's property
right to life the right to live
life form the characteristic bodily form of a mature organism
fantasy life
phantasy life
an imaginary life lived in a fantasy world
real world
real life
the practical world as opposed to the academic world, a good consultant must have a lot of experience in the real world
the experience of being alive, the course of human events and activities, he could no longer cope with the complexities of life
life science
any of the branches of natural science dealing with the structure and behavior of living organisms
appointment book
appointment calendar
a book containing a calendar and space to keep a record of appointments
life story
life history
an account of the series of events making up a person's life
Life Saver a candy shaped like a small lifesaver
breadstuff staff of life
food made from dough of flour or meal and usually raised with yeast or baking powder and then baked
elixir of life a hypothetical substance believed to maintain life indefinitely, once sought by alchemists
a meeting arranged in advance, she asked how to avoid kissing at the end of a date
pro-life faction those who argue that induced abortion is killing and should be prohibited
life a motive for living, pottery was his life
appointee appointment a person who is appointed to a job or position
life scientist
(biology) a scientist who studies living organisms
life a living person, his heroism saved a life
life peer a British peer whose title lapses at death
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