
Wachstumsmotor Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Wachstumsmotor m übtr. econ.
Wachstumsmotoren pl
engine of growth
engines of growth
Wachstumsmotor m übtr. econ.
Wachstumsmotoren pl
engine of growth
engines of growth
ausgewogenes Wachstum
balanced growth
beschleunigtes Wachstum
accelerated growth
nachhaltiges wirtschaftliches Wachstum
sustained economic growth
optimales Wachstum
optimal growth
schnelles Wachstum
quick growth
technologisches Wachstum
growth of technology
vorhergesagtes, geplantes Wachstum
projected growth
Wachstum, Zunahme
Wachstumsziel, angestrebtes Wachstum
growth target
Wachstum n, Wuchs m
jährliches Wachstum
annual growth
Wachstum n, Entwicklung f, Zuwachs m, Zunahme f
Wachstum n
Wachstum n (Reifen)
growth (tyre)
Wertzuwachs m, Wachstum n, Zunahme f
Zunahme f, Erhöhung f, Wachstum n, Zuwachs m
pauschale Erhöhung
jährlicher Zuwachs
across-the-board increase
annual increase
allometrisch adj
allometrisches Wachstum biol.
allometric growth
beschleunigen, zunehmen, forcieren, Fahrt aufnehmen v
beschleunigend, zunehmend, forcierend
beschleunigt, zugenommen, forciert
beschleunigt, nimmt zu
beschleunigte, nahm zu
den Vorgang beschleunigen
den Fortschritt beschleunigen
den Prozess beschleunigen
die Bewegung beschleunigen
das Wachstum einer Pflanze beschleunigen
die Abfahrt beschleunigen
to accelerate
to accelerate the process
to accelerate the progress
to accelerate proceedings
to accelerate the motion
to accelerate the growth of a plant
to accelerate one's departure
überdurchschnittlich adj
überdurchschnittliches Wachstum
above-average, surpassing
above-average growth
ueberdurchschnittliches Wachstum
above average growth
Wertzuwachs, Wachstum, Zunahme
Wachstum, Entwicklung
Diauxie f (zweiphasiges Wachstum von Mikroorganismen) biol.
diauxie (two-phase growth of microorganisms)
Elektrotropismus m; Galvanotropismus m (Wachstum in Richtung eines elektrischen Feldes) biol.
Metropolisierung f; Wachstum weniger Metropolen innerhalb eines Landes
Wachstum n biol.; Wuchs m bot.
beschleunigtes Wachstum
exponentielles Wachstum (von Populationen) zool.
jährliches Wachstum
logistisches Wachstum (von Populationen) zool.
sigmoides Wachstum (von Populationen) zool.
üppiger Wuchs bot.
Beschleunigung f des Wachstums
accelerated growth
exponential geometric growth; J-shaped growth form (of populations)
annual growth
logistic growth (of populations)
sigmoid growth; S-shaped growth (of populations)
acceleration of growth
Wachstum n; Zuwachs m soc. econ.
diversifiziertes Wachstum
exportinduziertes Wachstum econ.
horizontales Wachstum
reales Wachstum
stetiges Wachstum
ungleichgewichtiges Wachstum
diversified growth
export-led growth
horizontal growth
real growth
sustained growth
unbalanced growth
Wertzuwachs m; Wachstum n; Zunahme f; Zuwachs m
beschleunigen; zunehmen; forcieren; Fahrt aufnehmen v
beschleunigend; zunehmend; forcierend
beschleunigt; zugenommen; forciert
beschleunigt; nimmt zu
beschleunigte; nahm zu
den Vorgang beschleunigen
den Fortschritt beschleunigen
den Prozess beschleunigen
die Bewegung beschleunigen
das Wachstum einer Pflanze beschleunigen
die Abfahrt beschleunigen
to accelerate
to accelerate the process
to accelerate the progress
to accelerate proceedings
to accelerate the motion
to accelerate the growth of a plant
to accelerate one's departure
überdurchschnittlich adj
überdurchschnittliches Wachstum
above-average; surpassing
above-average growth
ungebremst; unbeschränkt; uneingeschränkt adj
ungebremstes Wachstum
unbeschränkter Wettbewerb
uneingeschränkte Macht
unrestrained growth
unrestrained competition
unrestrained power
Ãœberwucherung f
übermäßiges Wachstum n
Wachstum n min.
Wachstum in unregelmäßigen Knollen
akkretionäres Wachstum
gestricktes Wachstum
kristalloblastisches Wachstum
radialstrahliges Wachstum
wandständiges Wachstum
accretionary growth
crocheted growth
crystalloblastic growth
radial growth
wallbound growth
Elektrotropie f; Elektrotropismus m; Galvanotropismus m (Wachstum in Richtung eines elektrischen Feldes) biol.
electrotropism; galvanotropism
Metropolisierung f; Wachstum weniger Metropolen innerhalb eines Landes
metropolisation; metropolitanization
Prebiotikum n; Präbiotikum n (unverdaulicher Nahrungsbestandteil, der das Wachstum probiotischer Bakterien fördert) biol. cook.
Prebiotika pl; Präbiotika pl
prebiotic (nondigestible food ingredient that promotes the growth of probiotic bacteria)
Wachstum n biol.; Wuchs m bot.
begrenztes Wachstum; beschränktes Wachstum bot.
beschleunigtes Wachstum
Dickenwachstum n bot.
endständiges Wachstum; Schwanzwachstum n
Erstarkungswachstum n bot.
Erweiterungswachstum n; Dilatationswachstum n bot.
exponentielles Wachstum (von Populationen) zool.
jährliches Wachstum
kopfseitiges Wachstum; Kopfwachstum n
Längenwachstum n
logistisches Wachstum (von Populationen) zool.
radiäres Wachstum bot.
Planktonwachstum n
Randwachstum n bot.
sigmoides Wachstum (von Populationen) zool.
Spitzenwachstum m bot.
Streckungswachstum n
üppiger Wuchs bot.
Beschleunigung f des Wachstums
restricted growth; localized growth; determinate growth
accelerated growth
tail growth
expansion growth; corroborative growth
dilational growth; dilatation
exponential geometric growth; J-shaped growth form (of populations)
annual growth
head growth
longitudinal growth
logistic growth (of populations)
radial growth
plankton growth
marginal growth
sigmoid growth; S-shaped growth (of populations)
apical growth
elongational growth; extension growth
acceleration of growth
Wachstum n; Zuwachs m soc. econ.
diversifiziertes Wachstum
exportinduziertes Wachstum econ.
horizontales Wachstum
reales Wachstum
stetiges Wachstum
ungleichgewichtiges Wachstum
diversified growth
export-led growth
horizontal growth
real growth
sustained growth; steady growth
unbalanced growth
üppiges Wachstum; Überwuchern n; Überwucherung f bot.
overgrowth; rank growth
beschleunigen; zunehmen; forcieren; Fahrt aufnehmen v
beschleunigend; zunehmend; forcierend
beschleunigt; zugenommen; forciert
beschleunigt; nimmt zu
beschleunigte; nahm zu
den Vorgang beschleunigen
den Fortschritt beschleunigen
den Prozess beschleunigen
die Bewegung beschleunigen
das Wachstum einer Pflanze beschleunigen
die Abfahrt beschleunigen
Mein Herzschlag beschleunigte sich.
to accelerate
to accelerate the process
to accelerate the progress
to accelerate proceedings
to accelerate the motion
to accelerate the growth of a plant
to accelerate one's departure
My heartbeat accelerated.
herauswachsen v; sich auswachsen v (durch Wachstum eines Körperteils verschwinden) med.
herauswachsend; sich auswachsend
herausgewachsen; sich ausgewachsen
ein Abdruck, der sich auswachsen wird
die Zeit, die der infizierte Nagel braucht, um vollständig herauszuwachsen
die alte Farbe herauswachsen lassen, um wieder zur Naturhaarfarbe zu kommen
Die Dauerwelle ist schon fast herausgewachsen.
to grow out (to disappear because of the growth of a body part)
growing out
grown out
a mark that will grow out
the amount of time required for the infected nail to grow out completely
to let the old colour grow out to the natural hair colour
The perm has almost grown out.
wachsend; wüchsig adj (Pflanze) bot.
kräftig wachsen; ein starkes Wachstum aufweisen; wüchsig sein
mäßig wachsen; mäßig wüchsig sein
schnell wachsend; schnellwüchsig
growing (plant)
to grow strongly; to have a high rate of growth
to have a moderate rate of growth
fast-growing; quick-growing
Beschleunigung des Wachstums
acceleration of growth
Struktur des Wachstums
pattern of growth
Wachstums..., Entwicklungs...
Wachstums, Entwicklungs...
Verlangsamung f; Nachlassen n; Flaute f econ.
Nachlassen der Nachfrage
Verlangsamung des Wachstums
Konjunkturabschwung m; Konjunkturflaute f
Produktionsverlangsamung f
Flautejahr n
slowdown; deceleration
slowdown of in demand
deceleration of growth
economic slowdown; slowdown of economic activity
slowdown in production
year of economic slowdown
Wachstums...; Entwicklungs...
wachsend; expansiv adj; Wachstums... econ.
wachsende Wirtschaft
expansive Fiskalpolitik
expansionary economy
expansionary fiscal policy
Wachstums…; Entwicklungs…
dauerhaft; ununterbrochen; pausenlos adj
dank des ungebrochenen Wachstums der digitalen Medien
thanks to the uninterrupted growth of digital media
wachsend; expansiv adj; Wachstums… econ.
wachsende Wirtschaft
expansive Fiskalpolitik
expansionary economy
expansionary fiscal policy
außenwirtschaftlich adv econ.
außenwirtschaftlich ausgerichtete Sektoren
eine außenwirtschaftlich verursachte Wachstumsabschwächung
außenwirtschaftlich bedingte Risiken
externally; on the external side
externally-orientated sectors
an externally-induced slowdown
risks stemming from the external (economic) environment
Wachstumsanleihe f fin.
Wachstumsanleihen pl
premium-carrying loan
premium-carrying loans
wachstumsfördernd, wachstumsanregend, wachstumsstimulierend adj
growth stimulating
wachstumsfördernd; wachstumsanregend; wachstumsstimulierend adj biol.
growth-promoting; growth-stimulating
growth prospect
Wachstumsbedingungen pl; Vegetationsbedingungen pl bot.
growing conditions; growth conditions; vegetation conditions
Wachstumsbereich m
Wachstumsbereiche pl
growth area
growth areas
Ãœberentwicklung f; Wachstumsbeschleunigung f (von Organen Gewebe); Hyperplasie f; Hypertrophie f med.
overdevelopment; overgrowth; hypergenesis; hyperplasia; hypertrophy (of organs tissues)
Wirtschaftswachstum n econ.
beschleunigtes Wirtschaftswachstum
verlangsamtes Wirtschaftswachstum
Beschleunigung des Wirtschaftswachstums; Wachstumsbeschleunigung f
Verlangsamung des Wirtschaftswachstums; Wachstumsverlangsamung f
economic growth
accelerated growth
slowed-down growth
acceleration in growth
slowdown in growth
Wachstumsbranche f
growth industry
Wachstumsbranche f; Wachstumsindustrie f econ.
Wachstumsbranchen pl; Wachstumsindustrien pl
growth industry
growth industries
Wachstumschancen pl econ.
chances for growth
Wachstumsdepression f bot.
growth stunting
wachstumsfähig, kultivierbar adj
wachstumsfähig; kultivierbar adj
factor of growth

Deutsche Wachstumsmotor Synonyme


Englische engine of growth Synonyme

engine  AC motor  Corliss engine  Otto engine  Wankel engine  aeromotor  air engine  alembic  anvil  apparatus  appliance  arc-jet engine  axial-flow turbojet  beam engine  bearings  blowing engine  boiler  caldron  cam  cam engine  camshaft  capacitor motor  commutator motor  compensated motor  compound motor  condensing engine  connecting rod  convenience  crankcase  crankshaft  crucible  cylinder  cylinder head  diagonal engine  differential  direct-acting engine  donkey engine  drive  dynamo  dynamotor  electric motor  enginery  facility  fire engine  fixture  flywheel  gas jet  gas turbine engine  gearbox  gears  generator  hot-air engine  hydraulic engine  hydro-jet  impulse duct engine  inverted engine  ion engine  ion rocket  jet  lathe  locomotive  machine  machinery  mechanical aid  mechanical device  mechanism  melting pot  mortar  motive power  motor  outboard motor  pancake engine  piston  piston engine  piston rod  piston-valve engine  plasma engine  portable engine  power plant  power source  propeller-jet engine  propjet  pulse-jet engine  pumping engine  radial engine  ramjet  ramjet engine  reciprocating engine  refrigerating engine  resojet engine  retort  rocket engine  rocket motor  rotary engine  rotary-piston engine  rotor motor  servomotor  shunt motor  steam engine  supercharged engine  synchronous motor  test tube  three-phase motor  traction engine  transducer  transformer  transmission  turbine  turbojet  turbojet engine  turboprop  utility  variable-speed motor  vernier engine  vertical engine  
engineer  Seabee  accomplish  achieve  act  aeronautical engineer  agent  agricultural engineer  ancestors  angle  apprentice  architect  arrange  artificer  artist  author  automotive engineer  be productive  be responsible for  begetter  beginner  brew  bring about  bring into being  bring to fruition  build  builder  cabal  call the signals  captain  carry on  cause  ceramic engineer  chemical engineer  civil engineer  clear  clear the hurdle  collude  combat engineer  come along  come on  command  communications engineer  complot  conceiver  concoct  conduct  conductor  connive  conspire  construct  constructor  contrive  contriver  control  cook up  countermine  counterplot  craftsman  creator  cut the mustard  designer  develop  devise  deviser  direct  discoverer  do  driver  effector  effectuate  electrical engineer  electronics engineer  engenderer  engine driver  engineman  execute  executor  executrix  father  finagle  finesse  founder  frame  frame up  fuel engineer  functionary  generator  geological engineer  gerrymander  get along  get by  get on  go on  govern  gripman  grower  hack it  handle  handler  hatch  hatch a plot  hatch up  head  head up  highway engineer  hogger  hoghead  hydraulic engineer  inaugurator  industrial engineer  industrialist  industrialize  initiator  instigator  institutor  intrigue  introducer  invent  inventor  jockey  journeyman  lay a plot  lead  lead on  machinate  make  make it  make out  make the grade  make the rules  maker  manage  manage somehow  maneuver  manipulate  manipulator  manufacturer  marine engineer  mass-produce  master  master craftsman  mastermind  mechanic  mechanical engineer  metallurgical engineer  metallurgist  military engineer  mother  motorman  muddle through  negotiate  nuclear engineer  officer  operant  operate  operative  operator  order  ordnance engineer  organize  organizer  originate  originator  overproduce  past master  perform  petroleum engineer  pilot  pioneer  plan  planner  play  

Wachstumsmotor Definition

Air engine
() An engine driven by heated or by compressed air.
(n.) (Pronounced, in this sense, ////.) Natural capacity
(n.) Anything used to effect a purpose
(n.) Any instrument by which any effect is produced
(n.) A compound machine by which any physical power is applied to produce a given physical effect.
(v. t.) To assault with an engine.
(v. t.) To equip with an engine
(v. t.) (Pronounced, in this sense, /////.) To rack
(a.) Sized by a machine, and not while in the pulp
(n.) The process of growing
(n.) That which has grown or is growing
Steam engine
() An engine moved by steam.
Water engine
() An engine to raise water

engine of growth / engines of growth Bedeutung

aircraft engine the engine that powers and aircraft
automobile engine the engine that propels an automobile
auxiliary engine
donkey engine
(nautical) a small engine (as one used on board ships to operate a windlass)
cooling system engine cooling system equipment in a motor vehicle that cools the engine
diesel engine
diesel motor
an internalombustion engine that burns heavy oil
engine motor that converts thermal energy to mechanical work
engine an instrument or machine that is used in warfare, such as a battering ram, catapult, artillery piece, etc., medieval engines of war
engine block
cylinder block
a metal casting containing the cylinders and cooling ducts of an engine, the engine had to be replaced because the block was cracked
engine room
a room (as on a ship) in which the engine is located
externalombustion engine a heat engine in which ignition occurs outside the chamber (cylinder or turbine) in which heat is converted to mechanical energy
fanjet engine
turbojet engine
turbofan engine
a jet engine in which a fan driven by a turbine provides extra air to the burner and gives extra thrust
fire engine
fire truck
any of various large trucks that carry firemen and equipment to the site of a fire
four-stroke engine
four-stroke internalombustion engine
an internalombustion engine in which an explosive mixture is drawn into the cylinder on the first stroke and is compressed and ignited on the second stroke, work is done on the third stroke and the products of combustion are exhausted on the fourth stroke
gas engine an internalombustion engine similar to a gasoline engine but using natural gas instead of gasoline vapor
gasoline engine
petrol engine
an internalombustion engine that burns gasoline, most automobiles are driven by gasoline engines
heat engine any engine that makes use of heat to do work
internalombustion engine
a heat engine in which combustion occurs inside the engine rather than in a separate furnace, heat expands a gas that either moves a piston or turns a gas turbine
ion engine a type of reaction-propulsion engine to propel rockets in space, a stream of positive ions is accelerated to a high velocity by an electric field
jet engine a gas turbine produces a stream of hot gas that propels a jet plane by reaction propulsion
engine locomotive engine
railway locomotive
a wheeled vehicle consisting of a self-propelled engine that is used to draw trains along railway tracks
pilot engine a locomotive that precedes a train to check the track
radial engine
rotary engine
an internalombustion engine having cylinders arranged radially around a central crankcase
ramjet engine
flying drainpipe
a simple type of jet engine, must be launched at high speed
reaction-propulsion engine
reaction engine
a jet or rocket engine based on a form of aerodynamic propulsion in which the vehicle emits a high-speed stream
reciprocating engine an internalombustion engine in which the crankshaft is turned by pistons moving up and down in cylinders
rocket engine
a jet engine containing its own propellant and driven by reaction propulsion
rotary engine an internalombustion engine in which power is transmitted directly to rotating components
steam engine externalombustion engine in which heat is used to raise steam which either turns a turbine or forces a piston to move up and down in a cylinder
switch engine
donkey engine
a locomotive for switching rolling stock in a railroad yard
tank engine
tank locomotive
a locomotive that carries its own fuel and water, no tender is needed
traction engine steam-powered locomotive for drawing heavy loads along surfaces other than tracks
valve-in-head engine internalombustion engine having both inlet and exhaust valves located in the cylinder head
Wankel engine
Wankel rotary engine
epitrochoidal engine
a rotary engine that is a four-stroke internalombustion engine without reciprocating parts
somatotropic hormone
somatotrophic hormone
human growth hormone
growth hormone
a hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland, promotes growth in humans
search engine a computer program that retrieves documents or files or data from a database or from a computer network (especially from the internet)
emergence outgrowth
the gradual beginning or coming forth, figurines presage the emergence of sculpture in Greece
rapid climb
rapid growth
a rapid rise
engine failure engine does not run
growth industry an industry that is growing rapidly
growth vegetation that has grown, a growth of trees, the only growth was some salt grass
growth something grown or growing, a growth of hair
engineer locomotive engineer
railroad engineer
engine driver
the operator of a railway locomotive
engine something used to achieve a purpose, an engine of change
annual ring
growth ring
an annual formation of wood in plants as they grow
old growth
virgin forest
forest or woodland having a mature or overly mature ecosystem more or less uninfluenced by human activity
second growth a second growth of trees covering an area where the original stand was destroyed by fire or cutting
growth stock stock of a corporation that has had faster than average gains in earnings and is expected to continue to
economic growth steady growth in the productive capacity of the economy (and so a growth of national income)
development ontogeny
(biology) the process of an individual organism growing organically, a purely biological unfolding of events involved in an organism changing gradually from a simple to a more complex level, he proposed an indicator of osseous development in children
growth a progression from simpler to more complex forms, the growth of culture
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