
Wachstumswert Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Wachstumswert m
growth stock
Wachstumswert m
growth stock
ausgewogenes Wachstum
balanced growth
beschleunigtes Wachstum
accelerated growth
nachhaltiges wirtschaftliches Wachstum
sustained economic growth
optimales Wachstum
optimal growth
schnelles Wachstum
quick growth
technologisches Wachstum
growth of technology
vorhergesagtes, geplantes Wachstum
projected growth
Wachstum, Zunahme
Wachstumsziel, angestrebtes Wachstum
growth target
Wachstum n, Wuchs m
jährliches Wachstum
annual growth
Wachstum n, Entwicklung f, Zuwachs m, Zunahme f
Wachstum n
Wachstum n (Reifen)
growth (tyre)
Wertzuwachs m, Wachstum n, Zunahme f
Zunahme f, Erhöhung f, Wachstum n, Zuwachs m
pauschale Erhöhung
jährlicher Zuwachs
across-the-board increase
annual increase
allometrisch adj
allometrisches Wachstum biol.
allometric growth
beschleunigen, zunehmen, forcieren, Fahrt aufnehmen v
beschleunigend, zunehmend, forcierend
beschleunigt, zugenommen, forciert
beschleunigt, nimmt zu
beschleunigte, nahm zu
den Vorgang beschleunigen
den Fortschritt beschleunigen
den Prozess beschleunigen
die Bewegung beschleunigen
das Wachstum einer Pflanze beschleunigen
die Abfahrt beschleunigen
to accelerate
to accelerate the process
to accelerate the progress
to accelerate proceedings
to accelerate the motion
to accelerate the growth of a plant
to accelerate one's departure
überdurchschnittlich adj
überdurchschnittliches Wachstum
above-average, surpassing
above-average growth
ueberdurchschnittliches Wachstum
above average growth
Wertzuwachs, Wachstum, Zunahme
Wachstum, Entwicklung
Diauxie f (zweiphasiges Wachstum von Mikroorganismen) biol.
diauxie (two-phase growth of microorganisms)
Elektrotropismus m; Galvanotropismus m (Wachstum in Richtung eines elektrischen Feldes) biol.
Metropolisierung f; Wachstum weniger Metropolen innerhalb eines Landes
Wachstum n biol.; Wuchs m bot.
beschleunigtes Wachstum
exponentielles Wachstum (von Populationen) zool.
jährliches Wachstum
logistisches Wachstum (von Populationen) zool.
sigmoides Wachstum (von Populationen) zool.
üppiger Wuchs bot.
Beschleunigung f des Wachstums
accelerated growth
exponential geometric growth; J-shaped growth form (of populations)
annual growth
logistic growth (of populations)
sigmoid growth; S-shaped growth (of populations)
acceleration of growth
Wachstum n; Zuwachs m soc. econ.
diversifiziertes Wachstum
exportinduziertes Wachstum econ.
horizontales Wachstum
reales Wachstum
stetiges Wachstum
ungleichgewichtiges Wachstum
diversified growth
export-led growth
horizontal growth
real growth
sustained growth
unbalanced growth
Wertzuwachs m; Wachstum n; Zunahme f; Zuwachs m
beschleunigen; zunehmen; forcieren; Fahrt aufnehmen v
beschleunigend; zunehmend; forcierend
beschleunigt; zugenommen; forciert
beschleunigt; nimmt zu
beschleunigte; nahm zu
den Vorgang beschleunigen
den Fortschritt beschleunigen
den Prozess beschleunigen
die Bewegung beschleunigen
das Wachstum einer Pflanze beschleunigen
die Abfahrt beschleunigen
to accelerate
to accelerate the process
to accelerate the progress
to accelerate proceedings
to accelerate the motion
to accelerate the growth of a plant
to accelerate one's departure
überdurchschnittlich adj
überdurchschnittliches Wachstum
above-average; surpassing
above-average growth
ungebremst; unbeschränkt; uneingeschränkt adj
ungebremstes Wachstum
unbeschränkter Wettbewerb
uneingeschränkte Macht
unrestrained growth
unrestrained competition
unrestrained power
Ãœberwucherung f
übermäßiges Wachstum n
Wachstum n min.
Wachstum in unregelmäßigen Knollen
akkretionäres Wachstum
gestricktes Wachstum
kristalloblastisches Wachstum
radialstrahliges Wachstum
wandständiges Wachstum
accretionary growth
crocheted growth
crystalloblastic growth
radial growth
wallbound growth
Elektrotropie f; Elektrotropismus m; Galvanotropismus m (Wachstum in Richtung eines elektrischen Feldes) biol.
electrotropism; galvanotropism
Metropolisierung f; Wachstum weniger Metropolen innerhalb eines Landes
metropolisation; metropolitanization
Prebiotikum n; Präbiotikum n (unverdaulicher Nahrungsbestandteil, der das Wachstum probiotischer Bakterien fördert) biol. cook.
Prebiotika pl; Präbiotika pl
prebiotic (nondigestible food ingredient that promotes the growth of probiotic bacteria)
Wachstum n biol.; Wuchs m bot.
begrenztes Wachstum; beschränktes Wachstum bot.
beschleunigtes Wachstum
Dickenwachstum n bot.
endständiges Wachstum; Schwanzwachstum n
Erstarkungswachstum n bot.
Erweiterungswachstum n; Dilatationswachstum n bot.
exponentielles Wachstum (von Populationen) zool.
jährliches Wachstum
kopfseitiges Wachstum; Kopfwachstum n
Längenwachstum n
logistisches Wachstum (von Populationen) zool.
radiäres Wachstum bot.
Planktonwachstum n
Randwachstum n bot.
sigmoides Wachstum (von Populationen) zool.
Spitzenwachstum m bot.
Streckungswachstum n
üppiger Wuchs bot.
Beschleunigung f des Wachstums
restricted growth; localized growth; determinate growth
accelerated growth
tail growth
expansion growth; corroborative growth
dilational growth; dilatation
exponential geometric growth; J-shaped growth form (of populations)
annual growth
head growth
longitudinal growth
logistic growth (of populations)
radial growth
plankton growth
marginal growth
sigmoid growth; S-shaped growth (of populations)
apical growth
elongational growth; extension growth
acceleration of growth
Wachstum n; Zuwachs m soc. econ.
diversifiziertes Wachstum
exportinduziertes Wachstum econ.
horizontales Wachstum
reales Wachstum
stetiges Wachstum
ungleichgewichtiges Wachstum
diversified growth
export-led growth
horizontal growth
real growth
sustained growth; steady growth
unbalanced growth
üppiges Wachstum; Überwuchern n; Überwucherung f bot.
overgrowth; rank growth
beschleunigen; zunehmen; forcieren; Fahrt aufnehmen v
beschleunigend; zunehmend; forcierend
beschleunigt; zugenommen; forciert
beschleunigt; nimmt zu
beschleunigte; nahm zu
den Vorgang beschleunigen
den Fortschritt beschleunigen
den Prozess beschleunigen
die Bewegung beschleunigen
das Wachstum einer Pflanze beschleunigen
die Abfahrt beschleunigen
Mein Herzschlag beschleunigte sich.
to accelerate
to accelerate the process
to accelerate the progress
to accelerate proceedings
to accelerate the motion
to accelerate the growth of a plant
to accelerate one's departure
My heartbeat accelerated.
herauswachsen v; sich auswachsen v (durch Wachstum eines Körperteils verschwinden) med.
herauswachsend; sich auswachsend
herausgewachsen; sich ausgewachsen
ein Abdruck, der sich auswachsen wird
die Zeit, die der infizierte Nagel braucht, um vollständig herauszuwachsen
die alte Farbe herauswachsen lassen, um wieder zur Naturhaarfarbe zu kommen
Die Dauerwelle ist schon fast herausgewachsen.
to grow out (to disappear because of the growth of a body part)
growing out
grown out
a mark that will grow out
the amount of time required for the infected nail to grow out completely
to let the old colour grow out to the natural hair colour
The perm has almost grown out.
wachsend; wüchsig adj (Pflanze) bot.
kräftig wachsen; ein starkes Wachstum aufweisen; wüchsig sein
mäßig wachsen; mäßig wüchsig sein
schnell wachsend; schnellwüchsig
growing (plant)
to grow strongly; to have a high rate of growth
to have a moderate rate of growth
fast-growing; quick-growing
Beschleunigung des Wachstums
acceleration of growth
Struktur des Wachstums
pattern of growth
Wachstums..., Entwicklungs...
Wachstums, Entwicklungs...
Verlangsamung f; Nachlassen n; Flaute f econ.
Nachlassen der Nachfrage
Verlangsamung des Wachstums
Konjunkturabschwung m; Konjunkturflaute f
Produktionsverlangsamung f
Flautejahr n
slowdown; deceleration
slowdown of in demand
deceleration of growth
economic slowdown; slowdown of economic activity
slowdown in production
year of economic slowdown
Wachstums...; Entwicklungs...
wachsend; expansiv adj; Wachstums... econ.
wachsende Wirtschaft
expansive Fiskalpolitik
expansionary economy
expansionary fiscal policy
Wachstums…; Entwicklungs…
dauerhaft; ununterbrochen; pausenlos adj
dank des ungebrochenen Wachstums der digitalen Medien
thanks to the uninterrupted growth of digital media
wachsend; expansiv adj; Wachstums… econ.
wachsende Wirtschaft
expansive Fiskalpolitik
expansionary economy
expansionary fiscal policy
außenwirtschaftlich adv econ.
außenwirtschaftlich ausgerichtete Sektoren
eine außenwirtschaftlich verursachte Wachstumsabschwächung
außenwirtschaftlich bedingte Risiken
externally; on the external side
externally-orientated sectors
an externally-induced slowdown
risks stemming from the external (economic) environment
Wachstumsanleihe f fin.
Wachstumsanleihen pl
premium-carrying loan
premium-carrying loans
wachstumsfördernd, wachstumsanregend, wachstumsstimulierend adj
growth stimulating
wachstumsfördernd; wachstumsanregend; wachstumsstimulierend adj biol.
growth-promoting; growth-stimulating
growth prospect
Wachstumsbedingungen pl; Vegetationsbedingungen pl bot.
growing conditions; growth conditions; vegetation conditions
Wachstumsbereich m
Wachstumsbereiche pl
growth area
growth areas
Ãœberentwicklung f; Wachstumsbeschleunigung f (von Organen Gewebe); Hyperplasie f; Hypertrophie f med.
overdevelopment; overgrowth; hypergenesis; hyperplasia; hypertrophy (of organs tissues)
Wirtschaftswachstum n econ.
beschleunigtes Wirtschaftswachstum
verlangsamtes Wirtschaftswachstum
Beschleunigung des Wirtschaftswachstums; Wachstumsbeschleunigung f
Verlangsamung des Wirtschaftswachstums; Wachstumsverlangsamung f
economic growth
accelerated growth
slowed-down growth
acceleration in growth
slowdown in growth
Wachstumsbranche f
growth industry
Wachstumsbranche f; Wachstumsindustrie f econ.
Wachstumsbranchen pl; Wachstumsindustrien pl
growth industry
growth industries
Wachstumschancen pl econ.
chances for growth
Wachstumsdepression f bot.
growth stunting
wachstumsfähig, kultivierbar adj
wachstumsfähig; kultivierbar adj
factor of growth

Deutsche Wachstumswert Synonyme

Englische growth stock Synonyme

growth  about-face  abscess  access  accession  accomplishment  accretion  accrual  accruement  accumulation  addition  advance  advancement  aggrandizement  ague  alchemy  amplification  anemia  ankylosis  anoxia  apnea  appreciation  ascent  asphyxiation  assimilation  assumption  asthma  ataxia  atrophy  augmentation  backache  ballooning  becoming  benign tumor  bleeding  blennorhea  bloating  blossoming  boom  boost  bottoming out  broadening  budding  buildup  burgeoning  business cycle  business fluctuations  bust  cachexia  cachexy  callosity  callus  cancer  carcinoma  change  change-over  chill  chills  clump  colic  constipation  conversion  convulsion  cooling off  corn  coughing  crescendo  crisis  crop  cultivation  cyanosis  cyst  depression  development  developmental change  diarrhea  dizziness  downturn  dropsy  dysentery  dyspepsia  dyspnea  economic cycle  economic expansion  economic growth  edema  elaboration  elevation  emaciation  enlargement  evolution  evolutionary change  evolvement  evolving  excrescence  expanding economy  expansion  explication  extension  fainting  fatigue  fever  fibrillation  flip-flop  flood  flowering  flux  fungosity  fungus  furtherance  gain  gemmation  germination  gradual change  greatening  gush  hassock  hemorrhage  high blood pressure  high growth rate  hike  hydrops  hypertension  hypotension  icterus  improvement  increase  increment  indigestion  inflammation  inflation  insomnia  intumescence  itching  jaundice  jump  labored breathing  lapse  leap  low  low blood pressure  lumbago  lump  luxuriation  malignant growth  marasmus  market expansion  maturation  metastatic tumor  mole  morbid growth  mounting  multiplication  nasal discharge  natural development  natural growth  naturalization  nausea  necrosis  neoplasm  nevus  nonmalignant tumor  nonviolent change  nurturing  outgrowth  overgrowth  pain  paralysis  passage  peak  peaking  plantation  planting  procreation  productiveness  progress  progre  

Wachstumswert Definition

(n.) The process of growing
(n.) That which has grown or is growing
Mahon stock
() An annual cruciferous plant with reddish purple or white flowers (Malcolmia maritima). It is called in England Virginia stock, but the plant comes from the Mediterranean.
(n.) The stem, or main body, of a tree or plant
(n.) The stem or branch in which a graft is inserted.
(n.) A block of wood
(n.) Hence, a person who is as dull and lifeless as a stock or post
(n.) The principal supporting part
(n.) The wood to which the barrel, lock, etc., of a musket or like firearm are secured
(n.) The handle or contrivance by which bits are held in boring
(n.) The block of wood or metal frame which constitutes the body of a plane, and in which the plane iron is fitted
(n.) The wooden or iron crosspiece to which the shank of an anchor is attached. See Illust. of Anchor.
(n.) The support of the block in which an anvil is fixed, or of the anvil itself.
(n.) A handle or wrench forming a holder for the dies for cutting screws
(n.) The part of a tally formerly struck in the exchequer, which was delivered to the person who had lent the king money on account, as the evidence of indebtedness. See Counterfoil.
(n.) The original progenitor
(n.) Money or capital which an individual or a firm employs in business
(n.) Same as Stock account, below.
(n.) Supply provided
(n.) Domestic animals or beasts collectively, used or raised on a farm
(n.) That portion of a pack of cards not distributed to the players at the beginning of certain games, as gleek, etc., but which might be drawn from afterward as occasion required
(n.) A thrust with a rapier
(n.) A covering for the leg, or leg and foot
(n.) A kind of stiff, wide band or cravat for the neck
(n.) A frame of timber, with holes in which the feet, or the feet and hands, of criminals were formerly confined by way of punishment.
(n.) The frame or timbers on which a ship rests while building.
(n.) Red and gray bricks, used for the exterior of walls and the front of buildings.
(n.) Any cruciferous plant of the genus Matthiola
(n.) An irregular metalliferous mass filling a large cavity in a rock formation, as a stock of lead ore deposited in limestone.
(n.) A race or variety in a species.
(n.) In tectology, an aggregate or colony of persons (see Person), as trees, chains of salpae, etc.
(n.) The beater of a fulling mill.
(n.) A liquid or jelly containing the juices and soluble parts of meat, and certain vegetables, etc., extracted by cooking
(v. t.) To lay up
(v. t.) To provide with material requisites
(v. t.) To suffer to retain milk for twenty-four hours or more previous to sale, as cows.
(v. t.) To put in the stocks.
(a.) Used or employed for constant service or application, as if constituting a portion of a stock or supply
(a.) Blind as a stock
(a.) Still as a stock, or fixed post
(n.) The part of a tool-rest in which a cutting tool is clamped.

growth stock Bedeutung

incentive option
incentive stock option
an option granted to corporate executives if the company achieves certain financial goals
split stock split
split up
an increase in the number of outstanding shares of a corporation without changing the shareholders' equity, they announced a two-for-one split of the common stock
reverse split
reverse stock split
split down
a decrease in the number of outstanding shares of a corporation without changing the shareholders' equity
technical analysis
technical analysis of stock trends
(stock exchange) analysis of past price changes in the hope of forecasting future price changes
making an itemized list of merchandise or supplies on hand, an inventory may be necessary to see if anything is missing, they held an inventory every month
an instance of stocktaking, the auditor did not attend the stocktake or check the valuations
stock issue (corporation law) the authorization and delivery of shares of stock for sale to the public or the shares thus offered at a particular time
farm animal
any animals kept for use or profit
American Stock Exchange
a stock exchange in New York
an ornamental white cravat
New York Stock Exchange
N. Y. Stock Exchange
big board
a stock exchange in New York
rolling stock collection of wheeled vehicles owned by a railroad or motor carrier
the merchandise that a shop has on hand, they carried a vast inventory of hardware, they stopped selling in exact sizes in order to reduce inventory
stock the handle end of some implements or tools, he grabbed the cue by the stock
stock gunstock the handle of a handgun or the butt end of a rifle or shotgun or part of the support of a machine gun or artillery gun, the rifle had been fitted with a special stock
stock lumber used in the construction of something, they will cut round stock to -inch diameter
stock car a racing car with the basic chassis of a commercially available car
stock car a car kept in dealers' stock for regular sales
stock exchange
stock market
securities market
an exchange where security trading is conducted by professional stockbrokers
stock-in-trade any equipment constantly used as part of a profession or occupation, friendliness is the salesman's stock in trade
stock room
storeroom for storing goods and supplies used in a business
stock saddle
Western saddle
an ornamented saddle used by cowboys, has a high horn to hold the lariat
stock ticker
a character printer that automatically prints stock quotations on ticker tape
somatotropic hormone
somatotrophic hormone
human growth hormone
growth hormone
a hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland, promotes growth in humans
reappraisal of a situation or position or outlook
stock purchase plan an organized plan for employees of a company to buy shares of its stock
employee stock ownership plan
a program under which employees regularly accumulate shares and may ultimately assume control of the company
stock-index futures a futures contract based on a stock index, a bet on the future price of the indexed group of stocks
stock list
a detailed list of all the items in stock
stock power a power of attorney document to transfer ownership of a registered security from the owner to another party
stock symbol the letters used to identify listed companies on the securities exchanges where they are traded
stock index
stock market index
index based on a statistical compilation of the share prices of a number of representative stocks
stock warrant a written certificate that gives the holder the right to purchase shares of a stock for a specified price within a specified period of time
summer stock theatrical productions performed by a stock company during the summer
emergence outgrowth
the gradual beginning or coming forth, figurines presage the emergence of sculpture in Greece
rapid climb
rapid growth
a rapid rise
beef broth
beef stock
a stock made with beef
chicken broth
chicken stock
a stock made with chicken
broth stock liquid in which meat and vegetables are simmered, used as a basis for e.g. soups or sauces, she made gravy with a base of beef stock
stock cube a cube of dehydrated stock
growth industry an industry that is growing rapidly
a special variety of domesticated animals within a species, he experimented on a particular breed of white rats, he created a new strain of sheep
stock company repertory company a theatrical company that performs plays from a repertoire
stock company a company whose capital is represented by stock
joint-stock company a company (usually unincorporated) which has the capital of its members pooled in a common fund, transferable shares represent ownership interest, shareholders are legally liable for all debts of the company
growth vegetation that has grown, a growth of trees, the only growth was some salt grass
growth something grown or growing, a growth of hair
stock breeder
a person who breeds animals
an employee whose job is to take inventory, an outside stocktaker had to be hired
stock trader someone who buys and sells stock shares
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103 Bewertungen 5


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Unter einem Wachstumswert versteht man eine Aktiengesellschaft, die über einen langen Zeitraum ? unter Umständen Jahrzehnte ? hinweg ein stetiges, weitgehend konjunkturunabhängiges und besonders hohes Umsatz- und Gewinn-Wachstum aufweist. Voraussetzung hierfür ist ein Geschäftsmodell, das sich durch Gewinnung zusätzlicher Marktanteile, Ausnutzung eines Marktwachstums, regionale Expansion oder durch Übertragung bewährter betriebswirtschaftlicher Verfahren und Abläufe auf neue Produkte und Dienstleistungen immer weiter vervielfältigen lässt.

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