
Wasserbauch Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Wasserbauch m; Bauchhöhlenhydrops m; Bauchfellwassersucht f; Hydroperitoneum n; Aszites m med.
blutiger Aszites
chylöser Aszites
mechanischer Aszites
Scheinaszites f
dropsy of the belly; hydroperitoneum; ascites
bloody ascites; haemorrhagic ascites; diarrhaemia
chylous ascites; chyliform ascites
passive ascites
Wasserbauch m; Bauchhöhlenhydrops m; Bauchfellwassersucht f; Hydroperitoneum n; Aszites m med.
blutiger Aszites
chylöser Aszites
mechanischer Aszites
Scheinaszites f
dropsy of the belly; hydroperitoneum; ascites
bloody ascites; haemorrhagic ascites; diarrhaemia
chylous ascites; chyliform ascites
passive ascites
Wasserbad n cook.
bain-marie, water bath
Wasserbad n cook.
bain-marie; water bath
Wasserball m
Wasserbälle pl
beach ball, water-polo ball
beach balls, water-polo balls
Wasserball m
Wasserbälle pl
beach ball; water-polo ball
beach balls; water-polo balls
Bärtierchen pl; Wasserbären pl (Tardigrada) (zoologischer Stamm) biol.
waterbears; moss piglets; tardigrades (water-bears) (water bears)
Wasserball m sport
water polo
water polo
Wasserballett n art
Wasserballetts pl
aquatic ballet
aquatic ballets
Wasserballspiel pl
Wasserballspiele pl
game of water polo
games of water polo
water polos
auf Wasserbasis (Anstrichfarbe Lack)
water-based; waterborne (paint; varnish)
auf Wasserbasis (Anstrichfarbe, Lack)
water-based; waterborne (paint; varnish)
Bundesanstalt f
Bundesanstalten pl
Bundesanstalt für Materialprüfung (BAM)
Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau (BAW)
Federal Institute
Federal Institutes
Federal Institute for Material Testing (Germany)
Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute
Querschnittserweiterung f (Wasserbau)
channel widening
Wasserbau m
hydraulic engineering, water engineering
hydraulic engineering
Aalleiter f; Aaltreppe f; Aalpass m (Wasserbau)
Aalleitern pl; Aaltreppen pl; Aalpässe pl
eel ladder (water engineering)
eel ladders
Abbruchufer f (Wasserbau)
Abbruchufer pl
eroding bank (water engineering)
eroding banks
Abfangleitung f (Wasserbau)
interceptor sewer (water engineering)
Abflussöffnung f (Wasserbau)
Abflussöffnungen pl
drop-out (water engineering)
Abflusssektion f; Ãœberfallsektion f (Wasserbau)
Abflusssektionen pl; Ãœberfallsektionen pl
spillway section (water engineering)
spillway sections
Abflussverringerung f; Abflussreduktion f (Wasserbau)
flow attenuation; discharge reduction (water engineering)
Abschlämmmasse f; Kolluvium n (Geologie; Wasserbau) geol.
eroded material; colluvium
Abzugsgraben m; Ablaufrinne f (Wasserbau)
Abzugsgräben pl; Ablaufrinnen pl
channel; outlet (water engineering)
channels; outlets
Aufstauen f; Aufstauung f; Stauen n; Stauung f (Wasserbau)
impoundment (water engineering)
Begradigung f; Begradigen n (Straßenbau; Wasserbau) constr.
Straßenbegradigung f
Bachbegradigung f; Bachkanalisation f
Begradigung f von Wasserläufen
Flussbegradigung f
straightening (road building; water engineering)
road straightening
creek straightening
straightening of watercourses
river stream channel straightening
Bohlwand f; Schalung f (Wasserbau)
walling timber (water engineering)
Bruchsteinelage f; Koffer m (Wasserbau)
layer of broken stones (water engineering)
Buhne f (Wasserbau)
Buhnen pl
Buhne aus Faschinen
Drahtschotterbuhne f; Drahtkorbbuhne f
Buhnen anlegen
groin; groyne Br.; jetty; croy Br. (water engineering)
groins; groynes; jetties; croys
gabion groyne; gabion spur
to groin
Buhnenfeld n (Wasserbau)
Buhnenfelder pl
groyne field; groin system (water engineering)
groyne fields; groin systems
Buhnenkammer f (Wasserbau)
Buhnenkammern pl
basin of the groin (water engineering)
basins of the groin
Buhnenwurzel f (Wasserbau)
root land end of the groin (water engineering)
Buhnenkopf m (Wasserbau)
Buhnenköpfe pl
groyne head (water engineering)
groyne heads
Bundesanstalt f
Bundesanstalten pl
Bundesanstalt für Materialprüfung BAM
Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau BAW
Federal Institute
Federal Institutes
Federal Institute for Material Testing (Germany)
Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute
Dammbruch m; Dammriss m (Vorgang) (Wasserbau)
bursting of the dam; dam break; dam failure; collapse of the embankment (water engineering)
Dammbruch m; Dammriss m (Bruchstelle) (Wasserbau)
Dammbrüche pl; Dammrisse pl
breach in the dam (water engineering)
breaches in a dam
Drahtschottersicherung f; Gabionendeckwerk n (Wasserbau)
gabion revetment; cage revetment (water engineering)
Drahtschotterverbau m (Wasserbau)
gabionnade (water engineering)
Drahtschotterwalze f (Wasserbau)
Drahtschotterwalzen pl
cylindrical gabion; cylindrical wire mesh cage (water engineering)
cylindrical gabions; cylindrical wire mesh cages
Drängewasser n; Qualmwasser n; Kuverwasser n (Wasserbau)
rushing-out water; return seepage (through a dam underground) (water engineering)
Druckanschlussstelle f (Wasserbau)
pressure tapping (water engineering)
Druckhöhe f; Nutzgefälle n; nutzbares Gefälle n (Wasserbau)
hydrostatic pressure; pressure head; effective head
Durchflussmenge f; Durchsatz m (Wasserbau)
rate of flow; flow rate (water engineering)
Ebbetor n (Wasserbau)
Ebbetore pl
ebb tide gate (water engineering)
ebb tide gates
Eindämmung f; Eindeichung f (eines Flusses) (Wasserbau)
Eindämmungen pl; Eindeichungen pl
embankment (of a river) (water engineering)
Einlaufrechen m; Feinrechen m (Wasserbau)
strainer rack (water engineering)
Entschlammung f; Durchspülung f; Ausspülung f (Wasserbau)
scouring; scour (water engineering)
Fallhöhe f; Höhe f (einer Flüssigkeit über einem Niveau) (Wasserbau)
head (water engineering)
Feinrechenreiniger m (Wasserbau)
Feinrechenreiniger pl
strainer rack rake (water engineering)
strainer rack rakes
Flussbau m; Ausbau m von Flüssen; Flussregulierung f; Flusskanalisierung f; Flusskorrektion f (Wasserbau)
river training (water engineering)
Flussverbauung f (Wasserbau)
river training works (water engineering)
Fluten n (von etw.) (Wasserbau)
das Fluten des Bohrlochs (Öl)
flooding (of sth.) (water engineering)
the flooding of the well (oil)
Fluter m (Bergbau; Wasserbau)
Fluter pl
floating channel (mining; water engineering)
floating channels
Gabione f; Mauersteinkorb m; Drahtschotterkasten m; Drahtschotterkorb m; Drahtschotterkörper m; Drahtsteinkorb m; Drahtkorb m (Bauelement im Wasserbau)
Gabionen pl; Mauersteinkörbe pl; Drahtschotterkästen pl; Drahtschotterkörbe pl; Drahtschotterkörper pl; Drahtsteinkörbe pl; Drahtkörbe pl
gabion; wire mesh cage (structural element in water engineering)
gabions; wire mesh cages
Gabionenmatratze f (Wasserbau)
Gabionenmatratzen pl
gabion mattress (water engineering)
gabion mattresses
Gefällstufe f (Wasserbau)
terraced gradient; terrace (water engineering)
Gefällverlust m (Wasserbau)
loss of head (water engineering)
Geradelegung f; Rektifikation f eines Flusses (Wasserbau)
diversion; training of a river (water engineering)
Hochwasserdeich m (Wasserbau)
Hochwasserdeiche pl
flood protection dam (water engineering)
flood protection dams
Hochwasserdurchfluss m; Notauslass m (Wasserbau)
storm water flow; rain outlet (water engineering)
Hochwasserentlastungsanlage f; Ãœberlauf m (Wasserbau)
surplusing works (water engineering)
Hochwasserüberlauf m; Hochwasserüberfall m; Überlaufkanal m; Überfallkanal m; Überfall m (einer Talsperre) (Wasserbau)
Hochwasserüberläufe pl; Hochwasserüberfälle pl; Überlaufkanäle pl; Überfallkanäle pl; Überfälle pl
Notüberlauf m; Hochwasserentlastungsanlage f
spillway (of a barrage) (water engineering)
emergency spillway
Hochwasserüberlauf m; Hochwasserentlastungsanlage f; Leerlauf m; Fluter m (Talsperre) (Wasserbau)
by-wash (barrage) (water engineering)
Hochwasserüberlauf m (eines Dammes) (Wasserbau)
overfall; overflow (of a dam) (water engineering)
Jochträger m; Holm m (Wasserbau)
Jochträger pl; Holme pl
coping (water engineering)
Kanalweiche f; Ausweichstelle f in einem Kanal (Wasserbau)
Kanalweichen pl; Ausweichstellen pl in einem Kanal
lay-by (water engineering)
Kiesfang m; Sandfang m (Wasserbau)
grit chamber; sand catcher (water engineering)
Kiesschüttung f (Wasserbau)
gravel heaping; gravel heap (water engineering)
Klappschütz n (Wasserbau)
flap tip tilting gate; hinged-leaf gate (water engineering)
Kolk m; Kuhle f (Wasserbau)
gully; erosion behind a broken dam (water engineering)

Wasserbauch Definition

(n.) A collection of serous fluid in the cavity of the abdomen
(n.) That part of the human body which extends downward from the breast to the thighs, and contains the bowels, or intestines
(n.) The under part of the body of animals, corresponding to the human belly.
(n.) The womb.
(n.) The part of anything which resembles the human belly in protuberance or in cavity
(n.) The hollow part of a curved or bent timber, the convex part of which is the back.
(v. t.) To cause to swell out
(v. i.) To swell and become protuberant, like the belly
(n.) One whose great pleasure it is to gratify his appetite
(a.) Pinched with hunger
(a.) Containing or resembling blood
(a.) Smeared or stained with blood
(a.) Given, or tending, to the shedding of blood
(a.) Attended with, or involving, bloodshed
(a.) Infamous
(v. t.) To stain with blood.
Bloody flux
() The dysentery, a disease in which the flux or discharge from the bowels has a mixture of blood.
Bloody hand
() A hand stained with the blood of a deer, which, in the old forest laws of England, was sufficient evidence of a man's trespass in the forest against venison.
Bloody hand
() A red hand, as in the arms of Ulster, which is now the distinguishing mark of a baronet of the United Kingdom.
(a.) Having a cruel, ferocious disposition
Bloody sweat
() A sweat accompanied by a discharge of blood
(a.) Consisting of, or similar to, chyle.
(n.) An unnatural collection of serous fluid in any serous cavity of the body, or in the subcutaneous cellular tissue.
(n.) A prominent belly
(n.) Same as Ascites.
(a.) Not active, but acted upon
(a.) Receiving or enduring without either active sympathy or active resistance
(a.) Inactive
(a.) Designating certain morbid conditions, as hemorrhage or dropsy, characterized by relaxation of the vessels and tissues, with deficient vitality and lack of reaction in the affected tissues.
(n.) A protuberant belly.
(n.) The gadwall.

dropsy of the belly; hydroperitoneum; ascites / bloody ascites; haemorrhagic ascites; diarrhaemia / chylous ascites; chyliform ascites / passive ascites / pseudoascites Bedeutung

belly flop
belly flopper
belly whop
belly whopper
a dive in which the abdomen bears the main force of impact with the water
belly dance
belly dancing
danse du ventre
a Middle Eastern dance in which the dancer makes sensuous movements of the hips and abdomen
passive air defense air defense by the use of deception or dispersion or protective construction
passive resistance
nonviolent resistance
peaceful resistance to a government by fasting or refusing to cooperate
western fence lizard
swift blue-belly
Sceloporus occidentalis
common western lizard, seen on logs or rocks
belly the underpart of the body of certain vertebrates such as snakes or fish
passive matrix display a type of LCD display used for some portable computers, parallel wires run both vertically and horizontally and pixels are turned on when the wires intersecting at that pixel are both energized, passive matrix displays are generally inferior to active matrix displays
belly paunch a protruding abdomen
belly button
a scar where the umbilical cord was attached, you were not supposed to show your navel on television, they argued whether or not Adam had a navel, she had a tattoo just above her bellybutton
stomach belly
the region of the body of a vertebrate between the thorax and the pelvis
belly laugh
scream wow
a joke that seems extremely funny
belly laugh
a burst of deep loud hearty laughter
pork belly side of fresh pork
Bloody Mary a cocktail made with vodka and spicy tomato juice
Virgin Mary
bloody shame
a Bloody Mary made without alcohol
belly the hollow inside of something, in the belly of the ship
belly dancer
exotic belly dancer
exotic dancer
a woman who performs a solo belly dance
passive resister
a reformer who believes in passive resistance
passive source an informant who is not assigned to obtain specific intelligence but who routinely passes on whatever information he or she has
Mary I
Mary Tudor
Bloody Mary
daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon who was Queen of England from to , she was the wife of Philip II of Spain and when she restored Roman Catholicism to England many Protestants were burned at the stake as heretics (-)
passive trust a trust in which the trustee performs no active duties
passive transport transport of a substance across a cell membrane by diffusion, expenditure of energy is not required
passive voice
the voice used to indicate that the grammatical subject of the verb is the recipient (not the source) of the action denoted by the verb, `The ball was thrown by the boy' uses the passive voice, `The ball was thrown' is an abbreviated passive
belly a part that bulges deeply, the belly of a sail
ascites accumulation of serous fluid in peritoneal cavity
hemorrhagic fever
haemorrhagic fever
viral hemorrhagic fever
viral haemorrhagic fever
a group of illnesses caused by a viral infection (usually restricted to a specific geographic area), fever and gastrointestinal symptoms are followed by capillary hemorrhage
hemorrhagic stroke
haemorrhagic stroke
stroke caused by the rupture of a blood vessel in the brain
swelling from excessive accumulation of watery fluid in cells, tissues, or serous cavities
passive immunity an impermanent form of acquired immunity in which antibodies against a disease are acquired naturally (as through the placenta to an unborn child) or artificially (as by injection of antiserum)
bloody cover with blood, bloody your hands
belly out
swell out or bulge out
belly dance perform a belly dance
belly-flop dive so that one hits the water with one's belly
belly-land land on the underside without the landing gear
passive inactive lacking in energy or will, Much benevolence of the passive order may be traced to a disinclination to inflict pain upon oneself- George Meredith
passive expressing that the subject of the sentence is the patient of the action denoted by the verb, academics seem to favor passive sentences
bloody having or covered with or accompanied by blood, a bloody nose, your scarf is all bloody, the effects will be violent and probably bloody, a bloody fight
marked by eagerness to resort to violence and bloodshed, bloody-minded tyrants, bloodthirsty yells, went after the collaborators with a sanguinary fury that drenched the land with blood-G.W.Johnson
informal intensifiers, what a bally (or blinking) nuisance, a bloody fool, a crashing bore, you flaming idiot
financially ruined, a bankrupt company, the company went belly-up
stubbornly obstructive and unwilling to cooperate, unions...have never been as bloody-minded about demarcation as the shipbuilders- Spectator
peacefully resistant in response to injustice, passive resistance
of or relating to a hemorrhage
consisting of chyle or having the properties of chyle
extremely, you are bloody right, Why are you so all-fired aggressive?
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