
Wei�b�rzeltangare Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Baader-Meinhof-Bande f; Baader-Meinhof-Gruppe f (Terrorgruppe) hist.
Baader-Meinhof Gang; Baader-Meinhof Group (terrorist group)
'Sesam öffne dich!' (aus Ali Baba und die vierzig Räuber) lit.
'Open sesame!' (from Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves)
Tschüss!; Ciao!; Tschau!; Servus! Bayr. Ös.; Ade! BW Schw.; Baba! Ös.; Pfiat di! Bayr. Ös.; Salü! Schw. (Verabschiedung) interj
Bye bye!; Ciao!; Ta-Ta! Br.; Cheers! Br.; Cheerio! Br. (becoming old-fashioned); So long! Am.; Hooray! Austr. NZ; Hooroo! Austr. NZ; Toodle-oo Toodles! (old-fashioned)
'Sesam, öffne dich!' (aus Ali Baba und die vierzig Räuber) lit.
'Open sesame!' (from Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves)
Tschüss!; Ciao!; Tschau!; Servus! Bayr. Ös.; Ade! BW Schw.; Baba! Ös.; Pfiat di! Bayr. Ös.; Salü! Schw. (Verabschiedung) interj
Ciao, und melde sich wieder einmal!; Tschüss, und lass wieder von dir hören!
Fürs erste Ciao!; Tschüss erstmal! Dt. (Chat-Jargon)
Bye bye!; Ciao!; Ta-Ta! Br.; Cheers! Br.; Cheerio! Br. becoming dated; So long! Am.; Hooray! Austr. NZ; Hooroo! Austr. NZ; Toodle-oo Toodles! dated
Bye, bye, and keep in touch! KIT ; Ciao, and don't be a stranger!
Bye for now BFN (chat jargon)
Babassukernöl n; Babassufett n; Cohuneöl n; Cohunefett n; Cerojeöl n cook.
babassu oil; babaçu oil; cohune-nut oil; cohune oil; cohune fat
Vorläufer m; Vorläuferin f
Vorläufer pl; Vorläuferinnen pl
Charles Babbages Rechenmaschinen waren die Vorläufer des Computers.
Charles Babbage's calculating engines were the antecedents of the computer.
Vorläufer m (einer späteren Entwicklung)
Vorläufer pl
Charles Babbages Rechenmaschinen waren die Vorläufer des Computers.
antecedent; forerunner; precursor (of a later development)
antecedents; forerunners; precursors
Charles Babbage's calculating engines were the antecedents of the computer.
Milchfettbestimmung f nach Babcock cook.
Babcock test for fat in milk
Turmbau zu Babel (biblische Erzählung) relig.
Tower of Babel (biblical story)
Babenberger pl soc. pol.
Babiesieninfektion f; Babesiose f; Piroplasmose f med.
infection with babesia; babesiasis; babesiosis; piroplasmosis
Babingtonit m min.
eigentlich eigtl. ; im Grunde (genommen); genau streng genommen adv
Eigentlich Im Grunde genommen hast du recht.
Im Grunde gibt es nur ein paar Dinge die man sich merken muss.
Er ist eigentlich genau genommen kein Amerikaner. Er ist Kanadier.
Streng genommen sind Spinnen keine Insekten; Spinnen sind eigentlich keine Insekten.
Ich kenne Babsi seit Jahren. Eigentlich seit der Schule.
Ich hätte nicht gedacht dass mir so ein Konzert gefällt aber es war eigentlich recht gut.
'Ich mag deinen neuen Haarschnitt.' 'Danke den hab ich aber eigentlich schon seit einem Monat.'
actually; in essence; strictly speaking; technically (speaking)
Actually in essence you are right.
There are actually In essence there are only a few things you have to remember.
He is not American actually. He is Canadian.
Strictly speaking spiders are not insects.; Spiders are actually not insects.
I've known Babsy for years. Since we were at school actually.
I didn't think I'd like this kind of concert but it was actually pretty good.
'I like your new haircut.' 'Thanks but actually I've had it for a month.'
eigentlich eigtl. ; im Grunde (genommen); genau streng genommen adv
Eigentlich Im Grunde genommen hast du recht.
Im Grunde gibt es nur ein paar Dinge, die man sich merken muss.
Er ist eigentlich genau genommen kein Amerikaner. Er ist Kanadier.
Streng genommen sind Spinnen keine Insekten; Spinnen sind eigentlich keine Insekten.
Ich kenne Babsi seit Jahren. Eigentlich seit der Schule.
Ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass mir so ein Konzert gefällt, aber es war eigentlich recht gut.
„Ich mag deinen neuen Haarschnitt.“ „Danke, den hab ich aber eigentlich schon seit einem Monat.“
actually; in essence; strictly speaking; technically (speaking)
Actually in essence you are right.
There are actually In essence there are only a few things you have to remember.
He is not American, actually. He is Canadian.
Strictly speaking, spiders are not insects.; Spiders are actually not insects.
I've known Babsy for years. Since we were at school, actually.
I didn't think I'd like this kind of concert, but it was actually pretty good.
'I like your new haircut.' 'Thanks, but actually I've had it for a month.'
Babuschka f; Matroschka f (ineinander verschachtelte Holzpuppengarnitur)
Babuschkas pl; Matroschkas pl
Russian nesting doll; Russian doll; matryoshka doll; matryoshka (set of wooden dolls fitting inside one another)
Russian nesting dolls; Russian dolls; matryoshka dolls; matryoshkas
Säugling m, Kleinkind n, Baby n, Kindlein n
Säuglinge pl, Kleinkinder pl, Babys pl
Tragetuch n, Baby-Tragetuch n
Tragetücher pl, Baby-Tragetücher pl
baby sling
baby slings
ein Würstchen machen, Aa machen, käckern (Baby)
to do a poo, to pooh
beruhigen v (Baby)
to pacify (baby)
entbinden, (Baby) zur Welt bringen
entbindend, zur Welt bringend
entbunden, zur Welt gebracht
to deliver
(Baby mit Löffel) füttern
to spoon-feed {spoon-fed, spoon-fed}
(ein Baby) stillen
stillende Mutter
to breast-feed {breast-fed, breast-fed}, to nurse (a baby)
breast-feeding, nursing
breast-fed, nursed
nursing mother
ein Baby wickeln
to put on a baby's diaper Am., to put on a baby's nappy Br.
Pass auf das Baby auf!
Mind the baby!
Baby, Kindlein
behandelte wie ein Baby
Saeugling, Kleinkind, Baby
sie erwartet ein Baby
she is expecting a baby
ein Baby bekommen
have a baby
Baby-Sicherheitssitz m
Baby-Sicherheitssitze pl
baby safety seat
baby safety seats
Baby-Tragetasche f
Baby-Tragetaschen pl
Fläschchen n
Fläschchen pl
dem Baby das Fläschchen geben
small bottle; bottle
small bottles; bottles
to give one's baby his her bottle
Säugling m; Baby n; Kindlein n
Säuglinge pl; Babys pl; Kindlein pl
Säuglinge bis zum Alter von 6 Monaten
kleiner Schreihals
babies less than six months old
Stück n Stk.
Stücke pl
ein Stück ...
im Stück; am Stück; aus einem Stück
Stück für Stück
in lauter Stücke
Das Baby schlief 12 Stunden am Stück.
Wir haben 2 Stunden am Stück telefoniert.
piece pc.
pieces pcs.
a piece of ...
in one piece
piece by piece
all to pieces
The baby slept 12 hours solid.
We talked for 2 hours straight on the phone.
jeden Tag (ohne Ausnahme); tagtäglich adv
Es regnete jeden Tag.; Es war durchgehend Regenwetter.
Du brauchst dein Baby nicht täglich zu baden.
every day (emphasis on the regularity)
It rained every day.
You don't need to bathe your baby every day.
Tragegestell n (für Baby)
papoose (carrier for baby)
Tragetuch n; Baby-Tragetuch n
Tragetücher pl; Baby-Tragetücher pl
baby sling
baby slings
jdn. etw.baden v
er sie badet
ich er sie badete
schweißgebadet sein
Hast du das Baby schon gebadet?
Der Hügel war in helles Sonnenlicht getaucht.
to bath sb. sth.; to bathe sb. sth. Am.
he she bathes
I he she bathed
to be bathed in sweat; to be covered in sweat
Have you bathed the baby yet?
The hill was bathed in brilliant sunshine.
empfangen (schwanger werden); aufnehmen (trächtig werden) v
ein Baby Kind empfangen
to conceive
to conceive a baby child
an mit jdm. etw. herumtun; herummachen v; sich lang und breit mit jdm. etw. beschäftigen v
herumtunend; herummachend; sich lang und breit beschäftigend
an mit herumgetan; herumgemacht; sich lang und breit beschäftigt
Alle beschäftigten sich mit dem Baby.
Sie meckert immer am Essen herum.
Ich habe stundenlang an der Rede gefeilt.
to fuss about over sb. sth.
fussing about over
fussed about over
Everyone fussed over the baby.
She is always fussing about her food.
I spent hours fussing over the details of the speech.
kindlich adj; Baby...
sich in etw. kuscheln; es sich in etw. gemütlich machen v
sich kuschelnd; es sich gemütlich machend
sich gekuschelt; es sich gemütlich gemacht
Das Baby kuschelte sich in ihre Arme.
to nestle in sth.
The baby nestled in her arms.
sich rühren; sich regen; sich bewegen v
sich rührend; sich regend; sich bewegend
sich gerührt; sich geregt; sich bewegt
Der Wecker ging an aber sie rührte sich nicht.
Ich hörte wie sich das Baby im Bett regte.
Er bewegte sich im Schlaf als sie ihn küsste.
Komm beweg dich. Du bist spät dran.
to stir
The alarm clock went on but she didn't stir.
I heard the baby stir in bed.
He stirred in his sleep as she kissed him.
Come on stir yourself. You're late!
ein Baby aufstoßen lassen; einem Baby zum Bäuerchen helfen
to burp a baby
jdn. etw. säugen v
ein Baby stillen
ein Jungtier säugen
to suckle sb. sth.
to suckle a baby
to suckle a young animal
(ein Baby) stillen
stillende Mutter
to breast-feed {breast-fed; breast-fed}; to nurse (a baby)
breast-feeding; nursing
breast-fed; nursed
nursing mother
trocken sauber sein v (Baby)
Geht (die) Anne schon aufs Töpfchen?
Is Anne potty-trained yet?
wach adj (wenn man eigentlich schafen sollte) med.
ein Baby das ungewöhnlich wenig schläft
viele durchwachte Nächte
wach im Bett liegen
Ich war die ganze Nacht wach.
Wir haben die ganze Nacht nicht geschlafen weil wir uns Sorgen gemacht haben wo sie ist.
an unusually wakeful baby
many wakeful nights
to lie wakeful in your bed
I have been wakeful all night.
We spent a wakeful night worrying about where she was.
jdn. etw. wickeln; hüllen (in etw.); etw. einhüllen; etw. umhüllen übtr. v
wickelnd; hüllend; einhüllend; umhüllend
gewickelt; gehüllt; eingehüllt; umhüllt
Sie wickelte das Baby in ein Handtuch.
Die Dunkelheit brach herein und hüllte die Stadt ein.
Die Bergspitzen waren in Nebel gehüllt von Nebel umhüllt.
Ein Gefühl der Verzweiflung erfasste ihn.
to envelop sb. sth. (in sth.)
She enveloped the baby in a towel.
Darkness fell and enveloped the town.
The mountain tops were enveloped in by mist.
A feeling of despair enveloped him.
ein Baby wickeln
to put on a baby's nappy Br. diaper Am.
Mahlzeit f; Essen n (für ein Baby)
wie ein Baby; wie bei einem Baby adj pej.
Beschützerinstinkt m; Beschützerdrang m (jdm. gegenüber) psych.
jds. Beschützerinstinkt wecken; in jdm. den Beschützerinstinkt wecken
seinem Baby gegenüber einen Beschützerdrang verspüren
protective instinct; protectiveness (towards sb.)
to awake trigger sb.'s protective instinct protectiveness; to awake trigger a protectiveness in sb.
to feel protectiveness towards your baby
Innenraum m von Landfahrzeugen transp.
alle, die im Auto Zug Bus sitzen saßen
in den Zug LKW einsteigen
Die Fahrgäste sind alle schon eingestiegen schon im Auto Zug Bus.
Ist das ganze Gepäck eingeladen?
Baby fährt mit! (Autoaufkleber)
Alles einsteigen!
board (of land craft)
everyone aboard
to get climb aboard on board the train lorry
The passengers are all on board.
Is all the luggage on board (the car train bus)?
Baby on board! (car sticker)
All aboard!
Säugling m; Baby n; Kind n; Kindlein n poet.
Säuglinge pl; Babys pl; Kinder pl; Kindlein pl
Säuglinge bis zum Alter von 6 Monaten
kleiner Schreihals
von einer Leihmutter geborenes Baby
einem Säugling die Brust geben
einen Säugling (an die Brust) anlegen
Ich bekomme ein Kind.
babies less than six months old
surrogate baby
to give a baby the breast
to put a baby to the breast
I'm having a baby.
exzessives Schreien n im Säuglingsalter; Säuglingskolik f; Dreimonatskolik f; Trimenonkolik f keine Mehrzahl med.
exzessiv schreiende Säuglinge; Babys mit einer Dreimonatskolik
Hat mein Baby eine Kolik?
excessive baby crying; crying baby colic; baby colic; infant colic; infantile colic mass noun
excessively crying babies; babies with colic
Does my baby have colic?
Stück n Stk.
Stücke pl
ein Stück …
Randstück n
im Stück; am Stück; aus einem Stück
Stück für Stück
in lauter Stücke
Das Baby schlief 12 Stunden am Stück.
Wir haben 2 Stunden am Stück telefoniert.
piece pc.
pieces pcs.
a piece of …
corner piece
in one piece
piece by piece
all to pieces
The baby slept 12 hours solid.
We talked for 2 hours straight on the phone.
auf die Tötung seiner Kinder ausgerichtet; zu Tod seiner Kinder führend adj
Mutter, die ihr Baby getötet hat
Prozess wegen Kindestötung
zum Tod seiner der Kinder führen
infanticidal mother
infanticidal trial
to be infanticidal
jdn. etw. baden v
er sie badet
ich er sie badete
schweißgebadet sein
Hast du das Baby schon gebadet?
Der Hügel war in helles Sonnenlicht getaucht.
to bath sb. sth.; to bathe sb. sth. Am.
he she bathes
I he she bathed
to be bathed in sweat; to be covered in sweat
Have you bathed the baby yet?
The hill was bathed in brilliant sunshine.
jdn. beruhigen v (Baby)
to pacify sb. (baby)
bezaubernd; prachtvoll; prächtig; bildhübsch (Frau); herrlich adj (sehr schön anzusehen)
ein bezauberndes Kleid
prachtvolle Farben
ein herrlicher Ausblick
Er hat eine bildhübsche Freundin.
Euer Baby ist einfach bezaubernd!
Du siehst in diesem Kleid umwerfend aus.
gorgeous; stunning (extremely beautiful)
a gorgeous dress
gorgeous colours
a stunning view
He has a stunning gorgeous girlfriend.
Your baby is absolutely gorgeous!
You look absolutely stunning in that dress.
durchschlafen v
das erste Mal durchschlafen (Baby)
to sleep through; to sleep through the night; to get a full night's sleep
sleeping through; sleeping through the night; getting a full night's sleep
slept through; slept through; got a full night's sleep
to first sleep through the night (baby)
an mit jdm. etw. herumtun; herummachen v; sich lang und breit mit jdm. etw. beschäftigen v
herumtuend; herummachend; sich lang und breit beschäftigend
an mit herumgetan; herumgemacht; sich lang und breit beschäftigt
Alle beschäftigten sich mit dem Baby.
Sie meckert immer am Essen herum.
Ich habe stundenlang an der Rede gefeilt.
to fuss about over sb. sth.
fussing about over
fussed about over
Everyone fussed over the baby.
She is always fussing about her food.
I spent hours fussing over the details of the speech.
sich rühren; sich regen; sich bewegen v
sich rührend; sich regend; sich bewegend
sich gerührt; sich geregt; sich bewegt
Der Wecker ging an, aber sie rührte sich nicht.
Ich hörte, wie sich das Baby im Bett regte.
Er bewegte sich im Schlaf, als sie ihn küsste.
Komm, beweg dich. Du bist spät dran.
to stir
The alarm clock went on, but she didn't stir.
I heard the baby stir in bed.
He stirred in his sleep as she kissed him.
Come on, stir yourself. You're late!
ein Baby aufstoßen lassen; einem Baby zum Bäuerchen helfen v
to burp a baby
jdn. etw. schaukeln; wiegen v
schaukelnd; wiegend
geschaukelt; gewiegt
ein Baby in den Schlaf wiegen
to rock sb. sth.
to rock a baby to sleep

Deutsche Wei�b�rzeltangare Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Wei�b�rzeltangare Synonym nachschlagen

Englische Baader-Meinhof Gang; Baader-Meinhof Group Synonyme

Wei�b�rzeltangare Definition

Colorado group
() A subdivision of the cretaceous formation of western North America, especially developed in Colorado and the upper Missouri region.
Dakota group
() A subdivision at the base of the cretaceous formation in Western North America
(v. i.) To go
(v. i.) A going
(v. i.) A number going in company
(v. i.) A combination of similar implements arranged so as, by acting together, to save time or labor
(v. i.) A set
(v. i.) The mineral substance which incloses a vein
(n.) The common English milkwort (Polygala vulgaris), so called from blossoming in gang week.
(n.) A cluster, crowd, or throng
(n.) An assemblage of objects in a certain order or relation, or having some resemblance or common characteristic
(n.) A variously limited assemblage of animals or plants, having some resemblance, or common characteristics in form or structure. The term has different uses, and may be made to include certain species of a genus, or a whole genus, or certain genera, or even several orders.
(n.) A number of eighth, sixteenth, etc., notes joined at the stems
(n.) To form a group of
Harlech group
() A minor subdivision at the base of the Cambrian system in Wales.
Laramie group
() An extensive series of strata, principally developed in the Rocky Mountain region, as in the Laramie Mountains, and formerly supposed to be of the Tertiary age, but now generally regarded as Cretaceous, or of intermediate and transitional character. It contains beds of lignite, often valuable for coal, and is hence also called the lignitic group. See Chart of Geology.
Llandeilo group
() A series of strata in the lower Silurian formations of Great Britain
Ludlow group
() A subdivision of the British Upper Silurian lying below the Old Red Sandstone
Portage group
() A subdivision of the Chemung period in American geology. See Chart of Geology.
Potsdam group
() A subdivision of the Primordial or Cambrian period in American geology
Quebec group
() The middle of the three groups into which the rocks of the Canadian period have been divided in the American Lower Silurian system. See the Chart of Geology.
(n.) One who governs by terrorism or intimidation
Water gang
() A passage for water, such as was usually made in a sea wall, to drain water out of marshes.
Wenlock group
() The middle subdivision of the Upper Silurian in Great Britain

Baader-Meinhof Gang; Baader-Meinhof Group (terrorist group) Bedeutung

any number of entities (members) considered as a unit
group practice (medicine) the practice of medicine by a group of physicians who share their premises and other resources
group therapy
group psychotherapy
psychotherapy in which a small group of individuals meet with a therapist, interactions among the members are considered to be therapeutic
act of terrorism
terrorist act
the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature, this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear
group action action taken by a group of people
gang fight
a fight between rival gangs of adolescents
group participation participation by all members of a group
terrorist attack a surprise attack involving the deliberate use of violence against civilians in the hope of attaining political or religious aims
Adapid group
extinct small mostly diurnal lower primates that fed on leaves and fruit, abundant in North America and Europetomillion years ago, their descendents probably include the lemurs, some authorities consider them ancestral to anthropoids but others consider them only cousins
Omomyid group
extinct tiny nocturnal lower primates that fed on fruit and insects, abundant in North America and Europetomillion years ago, probably gave rise to the tarsiers, some authorities consider them ancestral to anthropoids but others consider them only cousins
gang tool consisting of a combination of implements arranged to work together
blood group
blood type
human blood cells (usually just the red blood cells) that have the same antigens
type A
group A
the blood group whose red cells carry the A antigen
type B
group B
the blood group whose red cells carry the B antigen
type AB
group AB
the blood group whose red cells carry both the A and B antigens
type O
group O
the blood group whose red cells carry neither the A nor B antigens, people with type O blood are universal donors
linkage group
linked genes
any pair of genes that tend to be transmitted together, the genes of Drosophila fall into four linkage groups
ABO blood group system
ABO system
ABO group
a classification system for the antigens of human blood, used in blood transfusion therapy, four groups are A and B and AB and O
mathematical group
a set that is closed, associative, has an identity element and every element has an inverse
group theory the branch of mathematics dealing with groups
Abelian group
commutative group
a group that satisfies the commutative law
group dynamics the branch of social psychology that studies the psychodynamics of interaction in social groups
inter-group communication
a channel for communication between groups, he provided a liaison with the guerrillas
group discussion
a discussion among participants who have an agreed (serious) topic
biological group a group of plants or animals
age group
age bracket
a group of people having approximately the same age
social group people sharing some social relation
ethnic group
people of the same race or nationality who share a distinctive culture
interest group
(usually plural) a social group whose members control some field of activity and who have common aims, the iron interests stepped up production
kin group
kinship group
group of people related by blood or marriage
taxonomic group
taxonomic category
animal or plant group having natural relations
animal group a group of animals
al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya
Islamic Group
a terrorist organization of militant Islamists organized into tiny cells of extreme fundamentalists, emerged during the s mainly in Egyptian jails, al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya uses force to push Egyptian society toward Islamic rule
Armed Islamic Group
a terrorist organization of Islamic extremists whose violent activities began in , aims to overthrow the secular Algerian regime and replace it with an Islamic state, the GIA has embarked on a terrorist campaign of civilian massacres
Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia
Orly Group
rd October Organization
a militant Marxist-Leninist terrorist organization formed in to force Turkey to acknowledge killing more than a million Armenians and forcibly removing them from border areas in , wants Turkey to pay reparations and cede territory to Armenia, ASALA bombing at Orly Airport in Paris in killed and wounded people
Baader Meinhof Gang
Baader-Meinhof Gang
a radical left-wing revolutionary terrorist group active in Germany from until
First of October Antifascist Resistance Group
an armed wing of the (illegal) Communist Party of Spain, seeks to overthrow the Spanish government and replace it with a Marxist-Leninist regime, GRAPO is vehemently opposed to the United States
Islamic Group of Uzbekistan
Islamic Party of Turkestan
a terrorist group of Islamic militants formed in , opposes Uzbekistan's secular regime and wants to establish an Islamic state in central Asia, is a conduit for drugs from Afghanistan to central Asian countries
Jemaah Islamiyah
Islamic Group Islamic Community
Malaysian Mujahidin Group
Malaysia Militant Group
a clandestine group of southeast Asian terrorists organized in and trained by al-Qaeda, supports militant Muslims in Indonesia and the Philippines and has cells in Singapore and Malaysia and Indonesia
Kaplan Group
Association of Islamic Groups and Communities
Caliphate State
a Turkish terrorist group of fundamentalist Muslims with ties to al-Qaeda that operates in Germany, seeks the violent overthrow of the Turkish government and the establishment of an Islamic nation modeled on Iran
Libyan Islamic Fighting Group
Al-Jama'a al-Islamiyyah al-Muqatilah bi-Libya
Libyan Fighting Group
Libyan Islamic Group
a Libyan terrorist group organized in and aligned with al-Qaeda, seeks to radicalize the Libyan government, attempted to assassinate Qaddafi
Orange Group
a terrorist group of Protestants who oppose any political settlement with Irish nationalists, a paramilitary group that attacks Catholic interests in Northern Ireland
Pentagon Gang a Filipino terrorist group that broke away from the Moro Islamic Liberation Front in in order to continue terrorism and kidnapping and extortion
Salafist Group
Salafast Group for Call and Combat
an Algerian extremist Islamic offshoot of the Armed Islamic Group, now the largest and most active armed terrorist group in Algeria that seeks to overthrow the government, a major source of support and recruitment for al-Qaeda operations in Europe and northern Africa
United Self-Defense Force of Colombia
United Self-Defense Group of Colombia
Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia
a terrorist organization in Colombia formed in as an umbrella for local and regional paramilitary groups, is financed by earnings from narcotics and serves to protect the economic interests of its members, the AUC conducted over assassinations in one year
military unit
military force
military group
a unit that is part of some military service, he sent Caesar a force of six thousand men
battle group an army unit usually consisting of five companies
press gang a detachment empowered to force civilians to serve in the army or navy
air group a unit of the United States Air Force larger than a squadron and smaller than a wing
Bloomsbury Group an inner circle of writers and artists and philosophers who lived in or around Bloomsbury early in the th century and were noted for their unconventional lifestyles
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