
Welle Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

kleine Welle
Achse, Welle
biegsame Welle
flexion wave
grüne Welle f
phased traffic lights
biegsame Welle f
flexion wave
Woge f, Welle f
Brechpunkt m der Welle
plunge line
Welle f (Orgel) mus.
roller; trundle (organ)
Welle f
Wellen pl
Steilheitsfaktor m (Welle)
wave steepness factor
flattern, Welle, wehen, Woge
kleine Welle f; sanftes Wogen
Schaumkronenbrecher m (Welle)
white capping
kleine Welle f, sanftes Wogen
Spitze und Welle (im EEG) med.
spike and wave (on an EEG)
Beckham-Welle f (Herrenfrisur)
faux hawk (men's hairstyle)
Welle f der Anteilnahme soc.
wave of sympathy
Welle-Nabe Verbindung f techn.
shaft-hub connection
Achse f; Welle f
Achsen pl
Welle-Nabe Verbindung f techn.
shaft-to-collar connection
Achse f, Welle f
Achsen pl
La-Ola-Welle f
La-Ola-Wellen pl
Mexican wave
Mexican waves
Welle f techn.
gehärtete Welle f
hardened shaft
gemischte elektromagnetische Welle f electr.
hybrid electromagnetic wave HEW
Achse f; Welle f
Achsen pl
feste Achse
fixed axle
gemischte elektromagnetische Welle f electr.
hybrid electromagnetic wave HEW
Achse f, Welle f
Achsen pl
feste Achse
fixed axle
die rote Welle f auto
(die) rote Welle haben
red (traffic) lights all the way
to meet get hit red lights all the way; to have the lights against you all the way
breite, sich kräuselnde Welle f
Strandwelle f
combing wave; comber
Raum-Zeit-Welle f phys.
Raum-Zeit-Wellen pl
space-time wave
space-time waves
die grüne Welle f auto
(die) grüne Welle haben
green (traffic) lights all the way
to meet get hit green lights all the way
tropische Welle f meteo.
tropische Wellen pl
tropical wave; (tropical) easterly wave
tropical waves; easterly waves
beschaufelt adj
beschaufelte Welle
beschaufeltes Gehäuse
bladed shaft
bladed casing
kontinentaler Wellenweg m (einer seismischen Welle) geogr. phys.
continental path (of a seismic wave)
Achse f; Welle f
Achsen pl; Wellen pl
feste Achse
Radsatzwelle f
fixed axle
wheelset axle
Winde f mit senkrechter Welle; Spill n (Bahn Technik)
Ankerspill n (Schiff)
whim capstan; capstan; cat head (railway engineering)
anchor capstan (ship)
Raumwelle f (von der Ionosphäre reflektierte Welle) geogr. phys.
Raumwellen pl
sky wave; skywave; ionospheric wave; indirect wave
sky waves; skywaves; ionospheric waves; indirect waves
Haarwelle f; Welle f
Haarwellen pl; Wellen pl
strenge Welle; Fingerwelle f
hair wave; wave
hair waves; waves
severe wave
Schwingwelle f; schwingende Welle f techn.
Schwingwellen pl; schwingende Wellen pl
rock shaft; rockshaft
rock shafts; rockshafts
Kriminalität f
organisierte Kriminalität f
Welle der Kriminalität, Welle von Verbrechen
organized crime
crime wave
Welle f; Schwall m +Gen. übtr.
eine Welle der Furcht
der erste Schwall der Aufregung
ripple (of sth.) fig.
a ripple of fear
the initial ripple of exitement
Keilverbindung f (zwischen Nabe und Welle) mach.
feste Keilverbindung
lose Keilverbindung
key fitting; keying
firm keying
loose keying
eine Häufung f; eine Welle f (von etw.) übtr.
eine Einbruchswelle
eine Häufung von Waldbränden
a spate (of sth.)
a spate of burglaries
a spate of forest fires
Begeisterung f, Enthusiasmus m, Begeisterungsfähigkeit f, Eifer m, Verve f
Welle der Begeisterung
enthusiasm, verve
wave of enthusiasm
heftige Welle f; Brecher m; Sturzwelle f; Sturzsee f
kollabierender Brecher
eine Protestwelle übtr.
surge; breaker
collapsing breaker
a surge of protest
Welle f, Woge f
Wellen pl, Wogen pl
kleine Welle
abklingende Welle
dynamische Welle
stehende Welle
decaying wave
dynamic wave
standing wave, stationary wave
eine Häufung f; eine Welle f (von etw.) übtr.
eine Einbruchswelle
eine Häufung von Waldbränden
große Summen
a spate (of sth.)
a spate of burglaries
a spate of forest fires
Welle f techn.
Wellen pl
gehärtete Welle f
Keilwelle f; Nutenwelle f
schwingende Welle; Schwingwelle f
hardened shaft
splined shaft; spline shaft
rock shaft; rockshaft
Oberflächenwelle f; Bodenwelle f phys.
Oberflächenwellen pl; Bodenwellen pl
Rayleigh-Welle (Teil einer Erdebenwelle)
surface wave; ground wave
surface waves; ground waves
Rayleigh wave; ground roll (part of a seismic wave)
Nocken m (oft fälschlich: Nocke) (Ausbuchtung auf einer Welle oder rotierenden Scheibe) techn.
Nocken pl
Schaltnocken m
cam (projection on a shaft or rotating disc)
switch cam
Begeisterung f; Schwung m; Eifer m; Enthusiasmus m; Verve f geh. psych.
Welle der Begeisterung
mit neuem Schwung
mit großem Elan
enthusiasm; verve; gusto
wave of enthusiasm
with renewed enthusiasm
with great verve gusto
Wanderwelle f; fortschreitende Welle f electr. med. phys.
Wanderwellen pl; fortschreitende Wellen pl
leitungsgebundene Wanderwelle
travelling wave; progressive wave; surge
travelling waves; progressive waves; surges
transient wave
Oberflächenwelle f; Bodenwelle f (Teil einer Erdebenwelle) phys.
Oberflächenwellen pl; Bodenwellen pl
Love-Welle f
Rayleigh-Welle f
surface wave; ground wave (part of a seismic wave)
surface waves; ground waves
Love wave; L wave
Rayleigh wave; R wave; ground roll
Hereinbrechen n; Einströmen n (von etw.)
das Hereinbrechen des Berufsverkehrs
die Flut neuer Techniken
ein Schwall von Tränen
eine Welle von Erinnerungen auslösen
onrush (of sth.)
the onrush of traffic
the onrush of new technologies
an onrush of tears
to trigger an onrush of memories
Begeisterung f; Schwung m; Eifer m; Enthusiasmus m; Verve f geh. psych.
Fußballbegeisterung f
Welle der Begeisterung
mit neuem Schwung
mit großem Elan
enthusiasm; verve; gusto
football enthusiasm
wave of enthusiasm
with renewed enthusiasm
with great verve gusto
Sekundärwelle f; Scherungswelle f; S-Welle f; Transversalwelle f (Teil einer Erdebenwelle) phys.
Sekundärwellen pl; Scherungswellen pl; S-Wellen pl; Transversalwellen pl
secondary wave; S wave; shear wave; transverse wave; transversal wave (part of a seismic wave)
secondary waves; S waves; shear waves; transverse waves; transversal waves
brechende Welle f; Brecher m; Sturzwelle f; Sturzwoge f geh.; Sturzsee f envir.
Hochseebrecher m
Reflexionsbrecher m
Schwallbrecher m
Sturzbrecher m
partieller Sturzbrecher
breaking wave; breaker
deep-water breaker
surging breaker
spilling breaker
plunging breaker
collapsing breaker
Wasserwelle f; Welle f envir.
Wasserwellen f; Wellen pl
Brandungswelle f; Brandungswoge f geh.
hohe Welle; Woge f poet.
kleine Welle
fortschreitende Welle
gegen die Wellen ankämpfen
water wave; water
water waves; waters
surging wave; surging billow poet.
heavy wave; billow poet.
wavelet; ripplet
progressive wave; travelling wave; swashing wave
to breast the waves
Welle f phys. telco.
Wellen pl
abklingende Welle
dynamische Welle
einfallende Welle telco.
elektromagnetische Welle
gedämpfte Welle
interne Welle
stehende Welle; Stehwelle
Unstetigkeitswelle f
decaying wave
dynamic wave
incident wave
electromagnetic wave
damped wave
internal wave
standing wave; stationary wave
discontinuity wave
Welle f (von etw.) übtr.
eine Enthüllungswelle über Kindesmissbrauch
eine Welle der Ablehnung gegen die neuen Vorschriften
Der allgemeine Tenor ist, dass schärfere Gesetze her müssen.
Die Medienberichterstattung hat eine Welle des Mitleids mit dem Kurzstreckenläufer ausgelöst.
groundswell (of sth.) fig.
a groundswell of disclosures about child abuse
a groundswell of opinion against the new rules
There is a groundswell of opinion that tougher laws are needed.
The media coverage has created a groundswell of sympathy for the sprinter.
Welle f (von etw.) übtr.
eine Enthüllungswelle über Kindesmissbrauch
eine Welle der Ablehnung gegen die neuen Vorschriften
Der allgemeine Tenor ist dass schärfere Gesetze her müssen.
Die Medienberichterstattung hat eine Welle des Mitleids mit dem Kurzstreckenläufer ausgelöst.
groundswell (of sth.) fig.
a groundswell of disclosures about child abuse
a groundswell of opinion against the new rules
There is a groundswell of opinion that tougher laws are needed.
The media coverage has created a groundswell of sympathy for the sprinter.
stillstehend; stehend; ruhend adj techn.
stillstehen; stehen; ruhen
stehende Figur (Kathodenstrahlröhre)
stehende Schwingung
stehende Welle; Stehwelle f phys. telco.
ruhender Kern (Kerntechnik)
ruhender Verkehr auto
(in seiner Stellung) verharren; sich nicht bewegen
to be stationary
stationary figure image pattern (cathode ray tube)
stationary oscillation; vibration
stationary wave; standing wave
stationary static nucleus; nucleus at rest (nuclear engineering)
stationary traffic
to remain stationary
Erdbebenwelle f; seismische Welle f geogr. phys.
Erdbebenwellen pl; seismische Wellen pl
Primärwellen pl; P-Wellen pl (Longitudinalwellen)
Sekundärwellen pl; S-Wellen pl (Transversalwellen)
kurzperiodische langperiodische Erdbebenwellen
Ankunftsvektor seismischer Wellen
earthquake wave; seismic wave
earthquake waves; seismic waves
primary waves; P-waves (longitudinal waves)
secondary waves; S-waves (transverse waves)
short-period long-period waves
arrival vector of seismic waves
Trommelfeuer n; Hagel m; Bombardement n (von etw.) übtr.
eine Flut ein Schwall von Fragen
Beschwerdeflut f
mit Beschwerden Fragen bombardiert werden
Es hagelte nur so an Kritik.
Er wurde mit Fragen bombardiert. übtr.
Die Regierung sah sich einer Welle der Kritik gegenüber. übtr.
barrage (of sth.) fig.
a barrage of questions
barrage of complaints
to be barraged with complaints questions
They received a barrage of criticism.
He was attacked with a barrage of questions.
The Government found itself at on the receiving end of a barrage of criticism.
Welle f; Woge f
Wellen pl; Wogen pl
kleine Welle
abklingende Welle
dynamische Welle
einfallende Welle; einlaufende Welle
fortschreitende Welle
gedämpfte Welle
gesteuerte Welle
interne Welle
stehende Welle
sich überschlagende Welle
gruppengebundene lange Wellen
zykloidale Welle
gegen die Wellen ankämpfen
wavelet; ripplet
decaying wave
dynamic wave
incident wave
progressive wave; travelling wave; swashing wave
damped wave
sustained wave
internal wave
standing wave; stationary wave
combing wave; comber
group-bounded long waves
cycloidal wave
to breast the waves
stillstehend; stehend; ruhend adj techn.
stillstehen; stehen; ruhen
stehende Figur (Kathodenstrahlröhre)
stehende Schwingung
stehende Welle; Stehwelle f phys. telco.
ruhender Kern (Kerntechnik)
ruhender Verkehr auto
im Stand
(in seiner Stellung) verharren; sich nicht bewegen
Drehen Sie im Stand den Motor ab. auto
to be stationary
stationary figure image pattern (cathode ray tube)
stationary oscillation; vibration
stationary wave; standing wave
stationary static nucleus; nucleus at rest (nuclear engineering)
stationary traffic
when stationary
to remain stationary
Turn off your engine when stationary.
Erdbebenwelle f; seismische Welle f geogr. phys.
Erdbebenwellen pl; seismische Wellen pl
Primärwellen pl; P-Wellen pl (Longitudinalwellen)
Sekundärwellen pl; S-Wellen pl (Transversalwellen)
kurzperiodische langperiodische Erdbebenwellen
Ankunftsvektor seismischer Wellen
Ausbreitungszeit Laufzeit einer seismischen Welle
earthquake wave; seismic wave
earthquake waves; seismic waves
primary waves; P-waves (longitudinal waves)
secondary waves; S-waves (transverse waves)
short-period long-period waves
arrival vector of seismic waves
travel time of a seismic wave

Deutsche Welle Synonyme

Deutsche  Welle  ÂDW  
Welle  ÂWoge  
Achse  ÂDrehstange  ÂWelle  
Deutsche Welle  DW  
Welle  Woge  
Weitere Ergebnisse für Welle Synonym nachschlagen

Englische wave Synonyme

wave  Afro  accost  address  advertise  affect  air  ambages  amplitude  anfractuosity  antinode  barber  be poised  beat  beat the drum  betoken  bicker  billow  blazon forth  bob  bobble  bore  bow  brandish  brandishing  break  breakers  breathe  bring forth  bring forward  bring into view  bring out  bring to notice  careen  chop  choppiness  chopping sea  circuitousness  circumambages  circumbendibus  circumlocution  circumvolution  coggle  coif  coiffure  cold wave  comb  comber  conk  convolution  crash  crest  crinkle  crinkling  curtsy  dance  dangle  dash  de Broglie wave  demonstrate  develop  diffraction  dip  dirty water  disclose  display  divulge  dramatize  eagre  ebb and flow  electromagnetic radiation  electromagnetic wave  emblazon  embody  embrace  enact  evidence  evince  exchange colors  exhibit  expose to view  express  flag  flag down  flap  flash  flaunt  flaunting  flexuosity  flexuousness  flick  flicker  flip  flit  flitter  float  flop  flourish  flourishing  fluctuate  flutter  fly  frequency  frequency band  frequency spectrum  give a signal  give sign  give the nod  give token  glance  go pitapat  gravity wave  greeting  ground swell  guided wave  gutter  hail  hail and speak  haircut  hairdo  hairstyle  half-mast  hand-clasp  handshake  headdress  heave  heavy sea  heavy swell  hello  highlight  hoist a banner  hold up  home permanent  how-do-you-do  hug  illuminate  in phase  incarnate  indicate  interference  intorsion  involution  kick  kiss  leer  librate  lift  light  longitudinal wave  lop  lurch  make a sign  make clear  make plain  manifest  materialize  mean  meander  meandering  mechanical wave  natural  nod  node  nudge  nutate  oscillate  out of phase  palpitate  parade  peak  pendulate  perform  period  periodic wave  permanent  permanent wave  pitch  pitter-patter  poke  pompadour  popple  present  process  produce  pulse  put forth  put forward  radio wave  raise a cry  ray  reel  reinforcement  represent  resonance  r  
wavelength  amplitude  antinode  carrier  carrier wave  crest  de Broglie wave  diffraction  electric wave  electromagnetic radiation  electromagnetic wave  frequency  frequency band  frequency spectrum  ground wave  guided wave  hertzian wave  high-frequency wave  in phase  interference  light  long wave  longitudinal wave  low-frequency wave  mechanical wave  microwave  node  out of phase  period  periodic wave  radio wave  ray  reinforcement  resonance  resonance frequency  seismic wave  shock wave  shortwave  sky wave  sound wave  surface wave  tidal wave  transverse wave  trough  wave  wave equation  wave motion  wave number  
waver  alternate  back and fill  beat  beating  bicker  blench  bob  bobble  boggle  careen  change  coggle  dance  dangle  demur  dither  ebb and flow  equivocate  falter  fight shy of  flap  flick  flicker  flinch  flip  flit  flitter  flop  flounder  fluctuate  flutter  go pitapat  go through phases  gutter  halt  hang back  hang off  have qualms  hem and haw  hesitate  hold off  librate  lurch  make bones about  nutate  oscillate  palpitate  palpitation  palter  pause  pendulate  pitapat  pitch  pitter-patter  play  pull back  pulse  quail  quiver  recoil  reel  resonate  ring the changes  rock  roll  scruple  seesaw  shake  shift  shilly-shally  shrink  shuffle  shy  shy at  slat  splutter  sputter  stagger  stick at  stickle  strain  swag  sway  swing  swinging  teeter  teeter-totter  tergiversate  throb  toss  totter  trim  turn  vacillate  vary  vibrate  wag  waggle  wave  wax and wane  whiffle  wince  wobble  
wavering  adrift  aflicker  afloat  agnostic  alternating  alternation  ambiguous  amorphous  bickering  blinking  broken  capricious  capriciousness  careening  catchy  chancy  changeability  changeable  changeableness  changeful  changing  choppiness  choppy  dancing  dappleness  desultory  deviable  deviating  deviation  deviative  deviatory  dicey  dickey  difference  different  differentiation  disconnected  discontinuous  disorder  disorderly  divaricate  divarication  divergence  divergent  diversification  diversified  diversiform  dizzy  doubting  eccentric  equivocal  equivocation  erose  erratic  faltering  fast and loose  fickle  fitful  flashing  flickering  flickery  flicky  flighty  flitting  fluctuant  fluctuating  fluctuation  fluctuational  fluttering  fluttery  freakish  frequency  frequency band  frequency spectrum  giddy  guttering  halting  harmonic  harmonic motion  herky-jerky  hesitancy  hesitant  hesitating  heteroclite  immethodical  impetuous  impulsive  incalculable  inconsistency  inconsistent  inconstancy  inconstant  indecision  indecisive  indemonstrable  inequality  infirm  insecure  instability  intermittent  intermitting  irregular  irregularity  irresolute  irresolution  irresponsible  jagged  jerkiness  jerky  lambent  libration  libratory  lurching  mazy  mercurial  mercuriality  moody  motley  motleyness  mutability  mutable  nonconformism  nonconformist  nonconformity  nonstandard  nonstandardization  nonuniform  nonuniformity  nutation  nutational  oscillating  oscillation  oscillatory  patchy  pendular  pendulating  pendulation  pendulous  periodic  periodicity  playing  pluralism  pluralistic  polysemous  quivering  quivery  ragged  raggedness  rambling  resonance  resonance frequency  resonant  restless  rootless  rough  roving  scatterbrained  scrappy  seesawing  shaky  shapeless  shifting  shifty  shilly-shally  shilly-shallying  shuffling  skeptical  snatchy  spasmatic  spasmic  spasmodic  spastic  spineless  splutteri  

Welle Definition

(v. t.) See Waive.
(v. i.) To play loosely
(v. i.) To be moved to and fro as a signal.
(v. i.) To fluctuate
(v. t.) To move one way and the other
(v. t.) To raise into inequalities of surface
(v. t.) To move like a wave, or by floating
(v. t.) To call attention to, or give a direction or command to, by a waving motion, as of the hand
(v. i.) An advancing ridge or swell on the surface of a liquid, as of the sea, resulting from the oscillatory motion of the particles composing it when disturbed by any force their position of rest
(v. i.) A vibration propagated from particle to particle through a body or elastic medium, as in the transmission of sound
(v. i.) Water
(v. i.) Unevenness
(v. i.) A waving or undulating motion
(v. i.) The undulating line or streak of luster on cloth watered, or calendered, or on damask steel.
(v. i.) Fig.: A swelling or excitement of thought, feeling, or energy
(n.) Woe.

wave Bedeutung

an approach that fails and gives way to another attempt
wave a movement like that of a sudden occurrence or increase in a specified phenomenon, a wave of settlers, troops advancing in waves
full-wave rectifier rectifier that converts the negative half wave of an alternating current into a positive half wave
wave guide
a hollow metal conductor that provides a path to guide microwaves, used in radar
wave-particle duality
(physics) the property of matter and electromagnetic radiation that is characterized by the fact that some properties can be explained best by wave theory and others by particle theory
wave a hairdo that creates undulations in the hair
finger wave a wave made with the fingers
permanent wave
a series of waves in the hair made by applying heat and chemicals
wave theory
undulatory theory
wave theory of light
(physics) the theory that light is transmitted as waves
wave mechanics the modern form of quantum theory, an extension of quantum mechanics based on Schrodinger's equation, atomic events are explained as interactions between particle waves
Schrodinger equation
Schrodinger wave equation
the fundamental equation of wave mechanics
wave equation a differential equation that describes the passage of harmonic waves through a medium
wave waving
the act of signaling by a movement of the hand
crime wave a sudden rise in the crime rate
gravity wave
gravitation wave
(physics) a wave that is hypothesized to propagate gravity and to travel at the speed of light
sine wave a wave whose waveform resembles a sine curve
(physics) a movement up and down or back and forth
soliton wave
solitary wave
(physics) a quantum of energy or quasiparticle that can be propagated as a traveling wave in nonlinear systems and is neither preceded nor followed by another such disturbance, does not obey the superposition principle and does not dissipate, soliton waves can travel long distances with little loss of energy or structure
standing wave
stationary wave
a wave (as a sound wave in a chamber or an electromagnetic wave in a transmission line) in which the ratio of its instantaneous amplitude at one point to that at any other point does not vary with time
traveling wave
travelling wave
a wave in which the medium moves in the direction of propagation of the wave
sound wave
acoustic wave
(acoustics) a wave that transmits sound
air wave a sound wave that is transmitted via air
wave form
wave shape
the shape of a wave illustrated graphically by plotting the values of the period quantity against time
shock wave
blast wave
a region of high pressure travelling through a gas at a high velocity, the explosion created a shock wave
crestless wave
the undulating movement of the surface of the open sea
tidal wave a wave resulting from the periodic flow of the tides that is caused by the gravitational attraction of the moon and sun
tidal wave an unusual (and often destructive) rise of water along the seashore caused by a storm or a combination of wind and high tide
tidal wave an overwhelming manifestation of some emotion or phenomenon, a tidal wave of nausea, the flood of letters hit him with the force of a tidal wave, a tidal wave of crime
roll rolling wave
a long heavy sea wave as it advances towards the shore
wave moving ridge one of a series of ridges that moves across the surface of a liquid (especially across a large body of water)
wave something that rises rapidly, a wave of emotion swept over him, there was a sudden wave of buying before the market closed, a wave of conservatism in the country led by the hard right
wave train a succession of waves spaced at regular intervals
vanguard van new wave
any creative group active in the innovation and application of new concepts and techniques in a given field (especially in the arts)
New Wave
Nouvelle Vague
an art movement in French cinema in the s
wave front
(physics) an imaginary surface joining all points in space that are reached at the same instant by a wave propagating through a medium
Wave a member of the women's reserve of the United States Navy, originally organized during World War II but now no longer a separate branch
alpha rhythm
alpha wave
the normal brainwave in the electroencephalogram of a person who is awake but relaxed, occurs with a frequency of - hertz
beta rhythm
beta wave
the normal brainwave in the encephalogram of a person who is awake and alert, occurs with a frequency between andhertz
brain wave
cortical potential
(neurophysiology) rapid fluctuations of voltage between parts of the cerebral cortex that are detectable with an electroencephalograph
cold wave a wave of unusually cold weather
delta rhythm
delta wave
the normal brainwave in the encephalogram of a person in deep dreamless sleep, occurs with high voltage and low frequency ( to hertz)
electromagnetic radiation
electromagnetic wave
nonparticulate radiation
radiation consisting of waves of energy associated with electric and magnetic fields resulting from the acceleration of an electric charge
Hertzian wave an electromagnetic wave generated by oscillations in an electric circuit
heat wave a wave of unusually hot weather
radio wave
radio emission
radio radiation
an electromagnetic wave with a wavelength between . cm to , m
sky wave a radio wave that is reflected back to earth by the ionosphere or a communications satellite, permits transmission around the curve of the earth's surface
ionospheric wave a sky wave that is reflected by the ionosphere
ground wave a radio wave propagated on or near the earth's surface
carrier wave
a radio wave that can be modulated in order to transmit a signal
short wave a radio wave with a wavelength less than meters (a frequency greater than megahertz)
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Eine Welle ist eine sich räumlich ausbreitende Veränderung oder Schwingung einer orts- und zeitabhängigen physikalischen Größe. Unterschieden werden mechanische Wellen, die stets an ein Medium gebunden sind, und Wellen, die sich auch im Vakuum ausbreiten können . In Medien wird die Ausbreitung einer örtlichen Störung durch die Kopplung benachbarter Oszillatoren vermittelt. Eine Welle transportiert Energie, jedoch keine Materie, d.h. die benachbarten Oszillatoren transportieren die Störung durch den Raum, ohne sich selbst im zeitlichen Mittel fortzubewegen. Direkt wahrnehmbare Wellen sind zum Beispiel Schallwellen, Wasserwellen und Licht.

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