
Weltraumexpedition Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Weltraumexpedition f (Raumfahrt)
Weltraumexpeditionen pl
bemannte Weltraumexpedition
space mission (astronautics)
space missions
manned space mission
Weltraumexpedition f (Raumfahrt)
Weltraumexpeditionen pl
bemannte Weltraumexpedition
space mission (astronautics)
space missions
manned space mission
Erdatmosphäre f
Erdatmosphäre und Weltraum
earth's atmosphere
Weltraum m, Weltall n
space, outer space
Erdatmosphäre f und Weltraum m
Vertrag m über das Verbot von Kernwaffenversuchen in der Atmosphäre im Weltraum und unter Wasser; Teilstopp-Vertrag m pol.
treaty banning nuclear weapon tests in the atmosphere in outer space and under water; Partial Test Ban Treaty PTBT
Weltraum m; Weltall n; All n
space; outer space
Weltraumrecht n jur.
Übereinkommen über die völkerrechtliche Haftung für Schäden durch Weltraumgegenstände
Abkommen über die Rettung und Rückführung von Raumfahrern sowie die Rückgabe von Gegenständen die in den Weltraum geschossen wurden
space law
Convention on the international liability for damage caused by space objects
Agreement on the rescue and return of astronauts as well as the return of objects launched in to outer space
Wissenschaft von der Erdatmosphäre und dem Weltraum sci.
aerospace science
Vertrag m über das Verbot von Kernwaffenversuchen in der Atmosphäre, im Weltraum und unter Wasser; Teilstopp-Vertrag m pol.
treaty banning nuclear weapon tests in the atmosphere, in outer space and under water; Partial Test Ban Treaty PTBT
Weltraum m; Weltall n; All n
die friedliche Nutzung des Weltraums
space; outer space
the peaceful uses of outer space
Weltraumrecht n jur.
Übereinkommen über die völkerrechtliche Haftung für Schäden durch Weltraumgegenstände
Abkommen über die Rettung und Rückführung von Raumfahrern sowie die Rückgabe von Gegenständen, die in den Weltraum geschossen wurden
space law
Convention on the international liability for damage caused by space objects
Agreement on the rescue and return of astronauts as well as the return of objects launched in to outer space
Weltraumspaziergang m (Einsatz außerhalb eines Raumschiffs im Weltraum)
spacewalk; space walk
Raumfahrtzentrum n; Kosmodrom n; Weltraumbahnhof m ugs. (Raumfahrt)
Raumfahrtzentren pl; Kosmodrome pl; Weltraumbahnhöfe pl
spaceport; cosmodrome (astronautics)
spaceports; cosmodromes
Kosmodrom n
Raumfahrtzentrum n
Weltraumbahnhof m
Weltraumbedingungen pl
space conditions
ESA : Europäische Weltraumbehörde
ESA : European Space Agency
Bestattung f; Beerdigung f; Beisetzung f geh. relig.
Bestattungen pl; Beerdigungen pl; Beisetzungen pl
Erdbestattung f
Naturbestattung f
Seebestattung f
Urnenbeisetzung f
Weltraumbestattung f
christliches kirchliches Begräbnis
Ort der Bestattung; Ort der Beisetzung
burial; committal; interment; sepulture archaic
burials; committals; interments; sepultures
earth burial; burial in the ground
natural burial
burial at sea
urn burial
burial in outer space
Christian burial
place of burial
Bioastronomie f; Weltraumbiologie f; Astrobiologie f astron. biol.
bioastronomy; space biology; astrobiology
Weltraumexpedition f (Raumfahrt)
Weltraumexpeditionen pl
bemannte Weltraumexpedition
space mission (astronautics)
space missions
manned space mission
Weltraumfähre f; Raumfähre f
Weltraumfähren pl; Raumfähren pl
space shuttle
space shuttles
Weltraumfahrer m, Weltraumfahrerin f
space traveller, astronaut
Weltraumfahrer m; Weltraumfahrerin f; Raumfahrer m; Raumfahrerin f; Astronaut m; Astronautin f
Weltraumfahrer pl; Weltraumfahrerinnen pl; Raumfahrer pl; Raumfahrerinnen pl; Astronauten pl; Astronautinnen pl
space traveller; astronaut
space travellers; astronauts
Weltraumfahrer m selten; Raumfahrer m; Astronaut m (Raumfahrt)
Weltraumfahrer pl; Raumfahrer pl; Astronauten pl
russischer Raumfahrer; Kosmonaut m
chinesischer Raumfahrer; Taikonaut m
space traveller; spaceman; astronaut (astronautics)
space travellers; spacemen; astronauts
Weltraumfahrt f
space travel
Weltraumfahrt f; Raumfahrtbetrieb m
Raumfahrt betreibende Nation
spacefaring nation
Weltraumfahrt f; Raumfahrt f; Raumfahrtforschung f; Astronautik f; Kosmonautik f
Weltraumfahrten pl; Raumfahrtbetrieb m
Raumfahrt betreibende Nation
spacefaring nation
Weltraumfahrzeug n; Raumfahrzeug n; kosmischer Flugkörper m; Raumschiff n
Weltraumfahrzeuge pl; Raumfahrzeuge pl
spacecraft; space vehicle
spacecraft; space vehicles
(einzelner) Weltraumflug m; Raumflug m; (einzelne) Raumfahrt f; Raumfahrtunternehmen n
Weltraumflüge pl; Raumflüge pl
der erste bemannte Raumflug
space flight; spaceflight; space travel; space shot
space flights; space shots
the first manned crewed space flight space travel spaceshot
Weltraumforschung f; Raumforschung f
(outer) space research; exploration of space
Frachtraumschiff n; Weltraumfrachter m; Raumfrachter m (Raumfahrt)
Frachtraumschiffe pl; Weltraumfrachter pl; Raumfrachter pl
cargo spaceship (astronautics)
cargo spaceships
weltraumgeeignet; für die Raumfahrt geeignet adj (Raumfahrt)
space-compatible (astronautics)
Weltraumgegenstand m
Weltraumgegenstände pl
einen Weltraumgegenstand bergen
space object
space objects
to recover a space object
Weltraumkrankheit f
space sickness
Weltraumkrankheit f med.
space sickness
Weltraumlabor n
space lab, space laboratory
Weltraumlabor n
Weltraumlabore pl; Weltraumlabors pl
space lab; space laboratory
space labs; space laboratories
Weltraumlabor n (Raumfahrt)
Weltraumlabore pl
space laboratory; space lab (astronautics)
space laboratories; space labs
Weltraummüll m
space debris; space litter
Weltraumnavigation f; Raumfahrtnavigation f
space navigation
europäische Weltraumorganisation f EWO
European Space Agency ESA
europäische Weltraumorganisation f EWO
European Space Agency ESA
Weltraumrakete f
Weltraumraketen pl
space rocket; multiple re-entry vehicle MRV
space rockets; multiple re-entry vehicles
Triebwerksbündel n (einer Weltraumrakete) (Raumfahrt)
engine cluster (of a space rocket) (astronautics)
Weltraumrakete f
Weltraumraketen pl
space rocket; multiple re-entry vehicle MRV
space rockets; multiple re-entry vehicles
militärische Nutzung f; Bewaffnung f (eines Ortes) mil.
die Bewaffnung des Weltraums
weaponization; weaponisation Br. (of a place)
the weaponization of space
für etw. bestimmend maßgebend sein v
einer Sache unterliegen; von etw. bestimmt werden
unter ein Gesetz fallen
Rechtsgrundsätze für die Nutzung des Weltraums in Friedenszeiten
Die vorliegende Vereinbarung unterliegt irischem Recht. (Vertragsklausel)
Sie ließen sich von Sicherheitsüberlegungen leiten.
to govern sth.
to be governed by sth.
to be governed by a law
legal principles governing the use of outer space in times of peace
This Agreement shall be governed by Irish law. (contractual clause)
They were governed by considerations of satefy.
Weltraumsegment n
Weltraumsegmente pl
space segment
space segments
Orbiter m (Weltraumsonde die einen Himmelskörper umkreist)
Orbiter m (Weltraumsonde, die einen Himmelskörper umkreist)
Weltraumstation f
space station
Dokumentation f; Doku f ugs. (Bericht) (über etw.)
Dokumentationen pl; Dokus pl
Ich habe vor kurzem im Fernsehen eine Dokumentation über die Weltraumstation ISS gesehen.
documentary (report) (about on sth.)
I recently saw a documentary on TV about the space station ISS.
Weltraumstation f; Raumstation f
Weltraumstationen pl; Raumstationen pl
Internationale Raumstation
space station; space platform
space stations; space platforms
International Space Station ISS
Weltraumstation f; Raumstation f
Weltraumstationen pl; Raumstationen pl
Internationale Raumstation
space station; space platform
space stations; space platforms
International Space Station ISS
Tourismus m; Fremdenverkehr m
Abenteuertourismus m
Campingtourismus m
Ferntourismus m
Kindersextourismus m
Literaturtourismus m
Massentourismus m; Megatourismus m
Naturtourismus m
Radtourismus m
Sextourismus m
Strandtourismus m
Weltraumtourismus m
adventure tourism
camping tourism
overseas tourism
child sex tourism
literary tourism
mass tourism; megatourism
wildlife tourism
sex tourism
seaside tourism
space tourism
Tourist m; Touristin f
Touristen pl; Touristinnen pl
Weltraumtourist m
tourist; sightseer
tourists; sightseers
space tourist
Transportraumschiff n; Weltraumtransporter m; Raumtransporter m (Raumfahrt)
Transportraumschiffe pl; Weltraumtransporter pl; Raumtransporter pl
einstufiger Raumtransporter
transporter spaceship; space transporter (astronautics)
transporter spaceships; space transporters
one-stage-to-orbit transporter
Modul n für Weltraumversuche (Raumfahrt)
experiment module (astronautics)
Weltraumvertrag m pol.
space treaty
Weltraumvorhaben n
Weltraumvorhaben pl
space project
space projects
Weltraumwaffen pl
space arms; space weapons
Weltraumwetter n
space weather
Raumzeitalter n, Weltraumzeitalter n
space age
Raumzeitalter n; Weltraumzeitalter n
space age

Deutsche Weltraumexpedition Synonyme

Englische space mission Synonyme

space  3-D  CAT  accommodation  aerospace  aerosphere  aesthetic distance  air hole  air pocket  airspace  alien  align  allocate  allot  amount  ample scope  amplitude  aperture  apportion  area  arrange  array  astronomical unit  bar  bar line  belt  berth  bit  blank  blank check  brace  breadth  break  broaching  bump  burden  caesura  caliber  capacity  carte blanche  cavity  ceiling  celestial spaces  chaos  chasm  check  chronology  clearance  clearing  cleft  collocate  compass  compose  confines  content  continental shelf  continuity  cordage  corridor  cosmic space  country  crack  crosswind  cubic  cut  day  deal  deal out  deep space  degree  department  depths of space  dimensional  disclosure  discontinuity  dispart  dispose  distance  distance between  distribute  district  divergence  division  double space  duration  duree  elbowroom  em  em quad  em space  empty space  en  en quad  en space  environs  ether space  expanse  expansion  extent  exterrestrial  extramundane  extrasolar  extraterrene  extraterrestrial  farness  fateful moment  favorable wind  fenestra  field  fistula  five-em space  fix  flat  fog  fontanel  foramen  four-em space  fourth-dimensional  free course  free hand  free play  free scope  freeboard  front  full scope  full swing  gap  gape  gat  grade  ground  gulf  hair space  half space  head wind  heartland  height  hiatus  high-pressure area  hinterland  hole  hollow  hour  infinity  inlet  instant  interim  intermediate space  intermission  interruption  interspace  interstellar space  interstice  interval  ionosphere  jetstream  jump  juncture  justification space  justifying space  kairos  keep apart  lacuna  land  lapse  lastingness  latitude  lay out  laying open  leak  leap  ledger line  leeway  length  level  light-year  light-years  limit  line  line up  long rope  low-pressure area  make a space  maneuvering space  margin  mark  marshal  measure  measure out  metagalactic space  mileage  milieu  minute  moment  mom  
space capsule  Earth insertion  LEM  LM  apogee  attitude-control rocket  ballistic capsule  burn  capsule  deep-space ship  docking  docking maneuver  ferry rocket  fuel ship  injection  insertion  lunar excursion module  lunar module  manned rocket  module  moon ship  multistage rocket  orbit  parking orbit  perigee  reentry  rocket  shuttle rocket  soft landing  space docking  space rocket  spacecraft  spaceship  
space probe  ATDA  ATS  Alouette  Anna  Apollo  Ariel  Atlas-Score  Biosatellite  Comsat  Cosmos  Courier  Diapason  Discoverer  ERS  Early Bird  Echo  Elektron  Explorer  GATV  Gemini  Injun  Intelsat  Lofti  Luna  Lunar Orbiter  Lunik  Mariner  Mars probes  Mercury  Midas  Nimbus  OAO  OGO  OSO  Pageos  Pegasus  Pioneer  Proton  Ranger  Relay  Samos  San Marco  Secor  Sputnik  Surveyor  Syncom  Telstar  Transit  Vanguard  Viking  Voskhod  WRESAT  Zond  artificial satellite  artificial satellites  communications satellite  geo probe  geodetic satellite  geophysical satellite  navigational satellite  probe  research satellite  robot satellite  satellite  space satellite  spacecraft  sputnik  unmanned satellite  weather satellite  
space time  3-D  Einstein theory  chronology  continuity  continuum theory  cosmic constant  cubic  dimensional  duration  duree  flat  four-dimensional geometry  four-dimensional space  fourth dimension  fourth-dimensional  lastingness  other continuums  period  principle of equivalence  principle of relativity  proportional  psychological time  relativity  space  space-time continuum  spatial  spatiotemporal  spherical  stereoscopic  superficial  surface  tense  term  the future  the past  the present  theory of relativity  three-dimensional  tide  time  time-space  timebinding  two-dimensional  volumetric  while  
space walk  aerospace medicine  aerospace research  aerospace science  aerospace technology  astronautics  bioastronautics  break free  escape earth  escape velocity  go into orbit  grand tour  interplanetary travel  navigate in space  orbit the earth  park in space  rocketry  science fiction  shoot into space  space flight  space medicine  space travel  step flight  trip to Mars  
spacecraft  ATDA  ATS  Alouette  Anna  Apollo  Ariel  Atlas-Score  Biosatellite  Comsat  Cosmos  Courier  Diapason  Discoverer  ERS  Early Bird  Earth insertion  Echo  Elektron  Explorer  GATV  Gemini  Injun  Intelsat  LEM  LM  Lofti  Luna  Lunar Orbiter  Lunik  Mariner  Mars probes  Mercury  Midas  Nimbus  OAO  OGO  OSO  Pageos  Pegasus  Pioneer  Proton  Ranger  Relay  Samos  San Marco  Secor  Sputnik  Surveyor  Syncom  Telstar  Transit  Vanguard  Viking  Voskhod  WRESAT  Zond  apogee  artificial satellites  attitude-control rocket  ballistic capsule  burn  capsule  deep-space ship  docking  docking maneuver  ferry rocket  fuel ship  injection  insertion  lunar excursion module  lunar module  manned rocket  module  moon ship  multistage rocket  orbit  parking orbit  perigee  reentry  rocket  shuttle rocket  soft landing  space capsule  space docking  space rocket  spaceship  
spaced out  addicted  addicted to  asleep  cataleptic  catatonic  cold  comatose  dead  dependent  dependent on  doped  drugged  habituated  habitue  half-conscious  hooked  hooked on  in a rut  interspaced  intervaled  narcotized  never free from  nirvanic  oblivious  out  out cold  out of it  parted  removed  semiconscious  senseless  separated  set at intervals  spaced  stoned  strung out  unconscious  used to  with an interval  with intervals  zonked  zonked out  
spaceship  Earth insertion  LEM  LM  apogee  attitude-control rocket  ballistic capsule  burn  capsule  deep-space ship  docking  docking maneuver  ferry rocket  fuel ship  injection  insertion  lunar excursion module  lunar module  manned rocket  module  moon ship  multistage rocket  orbit  parking orbit  perigee  reentry  rocket  shuttle rocket  soft landing  space capsule  space docking  space rocket  spacecraft  

Weltraumexpedition Definition

(a.) Completely furnished wiith men, as a ship.
(imp. & p. p.) of Man
(n.) The act of sending, or the state of being sent
(n.) That with which a messenger or agent is charged
(n.) Persons sent
(n.) An assotiation or organization of missionaries
(n.) An organization for worship and work, dependent on one or more churches.
(n.) A course of extraordinary sermons and services at a particular place and time for the special purpose of quickening the faith and zeal participants, and of converting unbelievers.
(n.) Dismission
(v. t.) To send on a mission.
(n.) Extension, considered independently of anything which it may contain
(n.) Place, having more or less extension
(n.) A quantity or portion of extension
(n.) Quantity of time
(n.) A short time
(n.) Walk
(n.) A small piece of metal cast lower than a face type, so as not to receive the ink in printing, -- used to separate words or letters.
(n.) The distance or interval between words or letters in the lines, or between lines, as in books.
(n.) One of the intervals, or open places, between the lines of the staff.
(n.) To walk
(n.) To arrange or adjust the spaces in or between

space mission (astronautics) / space missions / manned space mission Bedeutung

the unlimited expanse in which everything is located, they tested his ability to locate objects in space, the boundless regions of the infinite
absolute space physical space independent of what occupies it
phase space (physics) an ideal space in which the coordinate dimensions represent the variables that are required to describe a system or substance, a multidimensional phase space
search and rescue mission a rescue mission to search for survivors and to rescue them
space walk any kind of physical activity outside a spacecraft by one of the crew
space travel
a voyage outside the Earth's atmosphere
mission missionary work the organized work of a religious missionary
charge commission
a special assignment that is given to a person or group, a confidential mission to London, his charge was deliver a message
mission impossible an extremely dangerous or difficult mission
suicide mission
martyr operation
sacrifice operation
killing or injuring others while annihilating yourself, usually accomplished with a bomb
mission military mission an operation that is assigned by a higher headquarters, the planes were on a bombing mission
combat mission a mission to capture or defend something
search mission a mission to discover something
search and destroy mission an operation developed for United States troops in Vietnam, troops would move through a designated area destroying troops as they found them
peacekeeping mission
peacekeeping operation
the activity of keeping the peace by military forces (especially when international military forces enforce a truce between hostile groups or nations)
reconnaissance reconnaissance mission the act of reconnoitring (especially to gain information about an enemy or potential enemy), an exchange of fire occurred on a reconnaissance mission
dead-air space an unventilated area where no air circulates
hair space (printing) the narrowest of the spaces used to separate words or letters
quad space (printing) a block of type without a raised letter, used for spacing between words or sentences
space bar the bar-shaped typewriter key that introduces spaces when used
space capsule
a spacecraft designed to transport people and support human life in outer space
ballistic capsule
space vehicle
a craft capable of traveling in outer space, technically, a satellite around the sun
space heater heater consisting of a selfontained (usually portable) unit to warm a room
space helmet a helmet worn by astronauts while in outer space
Space Needle a towerfeet tall in Seattle, a tourist attraction
space probe a rocket-propelled guided missile that can escape the earth's atmosphere, makes observations of the solar system that cannot be made by terrestrial observation
space rocket a rocket powerful enough to travel into outer space
space shuttle a reusable spacecraft with wings for a controlled descent through the Earth's atmosphere
space station
space platform
space laboratory
a manned artificial satellite in a fixed orbit designed for scientific research
storage space the area in any structure that provides space for storage
pleural space the small potential space between the parietal and visceral layers of the pleura
pericardial cavity
pericardial space
the space between the layers of the pericardium that contains fluid that lubricates the membrane surfaces and allows easy heart movement
subarachnoid space a space in the meninges beneath the arachnoid membrane and above the pia mater that contains the cerebrospinal fluid
visual space the visual perception of space
space lattice
crystal lattice
Bravais lattice
a -dimensional geometric arrangement of the atoms or molecules or ions composing a crystal
space program a technological program intended to explore outer space
space-time continuum
the four-dimensional coordinate system ( dimensions of space and of time) in which physical events are located
space medicine the branch of medicine concerned with the effects of space flight on human beings
space biology
the branch of biology concerned with the effects of outer space on living organisms and the search for extraterrestrial life
the theory and practice of navigation through air or space
space blank space
a blank area, write your name in the space provided
a blank character used to separate successive words in writing or printing, he said the space is the most important character in the alphabet
space one of the areas between or below or above the lines of a musical staff, the spaces are the notes F-A-C-E
mathematical space
topological space
(mathematics) any set of points that satisfy a set of postulates of some kind, assume that the topological space is finite dimensional
null space a space that contains no points, and empty space
metric space a set of points such that for every pair of points there is a nonnegative real number called their distance that is symmetric and satisfies the triangle inequality
Euclidean space a space in which Euclid's axioms and definitions apply, a metric space that is linear and finite-dimensional
Hilbert space a metric space that is linear and complete and (usually) infinite-dimensional
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
an independent agency of the United States government responsible for aviation and spaceflight
Air Force Space Command
a command of the United States Air Force that is responsible for defending the United States through its space and intercontinental ballistic missile operations
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