
Wertpapierdepot Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Wertpapierdepot n; Effektendepot n fin.
Wertpapierdepots pl; Effektendepots pl
Treuhanddepot n; Treuhänderdepot n
securities deposit account; securities portfolio
securities deposit accounts; securities portfolios
third-party securities deposit account
Wertpapierdepot n; Effektendepot n fin.
Wertpapierdepots pl; Effektendepots pl
Treuhanddepot n; Treuhänderdepot n
securities deposit account; securities portfolio
securities deposit accounts; securities portfolios
third-party securities deposit account
gängiges Wertpapier
marketable security
ĂĽbertragbares Handelspapier, Wertpapier
negotiable instrument
Wertpapier mit Anspruch auf Dividende
dividend paper
Wertpapier, Handelspapier
Wertpapier n fin.
gängiges Wertpapier
mĂĽndelsichere Wertpapiere
Inhaber eines Wertpapiers
Art des Wertpapiers
security, security paper
marketable security
gilt-edged securities
holder of a security
kind of security
Wertpapier n, Handelspapier n
ĂĽbertragbares Handelspapier, Wertpapier
negotiable instrument
ĂĽbertragbares Wertpapier
assignable instrument
security paper
Anleihe f; Obligation f; Schuldverschreibung f; Pfandbrief m (festverzinsliches Wertpapier) fin.
besicherte Schuldverschreibungen
Staatsanleihe f; Bundesobligationen pl
Kassenobligation f; Kassaobligation f Ă–s. Schw.; Kassenschein m; Kassaschein m Ă–s. Schw.
inländische Rentenwerte pl
Obligationen mit verzögerter Verzinsung
Anleihe der öffentlichen Hand
Anleihe mit garantiertem Zins die eine Optionsanleihe ablöst
durch treuhändische Effektenhinterlegung abgesicherte Obligation
covered bonds
government bond
medium-term fixed-rate bond; medium-term fixed-rate note; DM-nominated bearer treasury note Am.; cash bond (Austria)
domestic bonds
deferred bonds
public bond
back bond
collateral trust bond Am.
Nennbetrag m (Geld Briefmarke Wertpapier) fin.
Banknoten mit kleinem Nennwert in kleinen Nominalen
in StĂĽcken von
denomination (money; stamp; security)
small denominations
in denominations of
Wertpapier n; Papier n fin.
Wertpapiere pl; Papiere pl
börsenfähige börsefähige Ös. Wertpapiere; börsengängige börsegängige Ös. Wertpapiere
nicht börsenfähige börsengängige Wertpapiere
börsennotierte Wertpapiere; Börsenpapiere pl; Börsenwerte pl
forderungsbesicherte Wertpapiere
mĂĽndelsichere Wertpapiere
überfällige Wertpapiere
marktenge Wertpapiere
Wertpapiere lombarieren beleihen
Wertpapiere (von jdm.) beleihen lassen
mit Hypotheken auf gewerbliche Immobilien besicherte Wertpapiere
Inlandswerte pl
Inhaber eines Wertpapiers
Art des Wertpapiers
ein Wertpapier bei Fälligkeit erneuern
security paper; security
security papers; securities
stock exchange securities
unmarketable securities
on-board securities; quoted listed securities; stocks and shares Br.; stocks and bonds Am.
asset-backed securities
trustee securities; gilt-edged securities Br.; gilts Br.; trustee stock Am.
accelerated paper
illiquid thinly-traded narrow-market securities
to lend advance money on securities
to hypothecate securities; to give pledge securities as a collateral (to sb.)
commercial mortgage-backed securities CMBS
domestic domestic securities
holder of a security
kind of security
to roll over a security
begebbares Wertpapier n; übertragbares Wertpapier n (Börse) fin.
negotiable instrument; instrument (stock exchange)
Wertpapier n mit Bezugsscheinen fin.
(liquiditätszuführendes) Wertpapier-Pensionsgeschäft n fin.
repurchase transaction; repo operation
Wertpapier-Kommissionsgeschäft n (Kategorie) fin.
security commission business
(einzelnes) Wertpapier-Kommissionsgeschäft n fin.
transaction in securities on commission
Wertpapier-Kennnummer f fin.
Wertpapier-Kennnummern pl
security code number; security identification code; CUSIP number Am.
security code numbers; security identification codes; CUSIP numbers
Wertpapier-Verrechnungskonto n; Wertpapierkonto n fin.
Wertpapier-Verrechnungskonten pl; Wertpapierkonten pl
securities account
securities accounts
beleihbar adj (Wertpapier) fin.
nicht beleihbare Wertpapiere
beleihungsfähige Effekten
marginable Am.
non-marginable securities
securities eligible as collateral security
verkäuflich; veräußerlich; umsetzbar; umlauffähig; verkehrsfähig; bankfähig; börsenfähig; übertragbar; begebbar adj fin.
begebbares Wertpapier
negotiable instrument
Anleihe f; Obligation f; Schuldverschreibung f; Pfandbrief m (festverzinsliches Wertpapier) fin.
besicherte Schuldverschreibungen
bevorrechtigte Obligationen (bei Verzinsung und Sicherheit)
Staatsanleihen pl; Bundesobligationen pl; Bundesanleihen pl
Kassenobligation f; Kassaobligation f Ă–s. Schw.; Kassenschein m; Kassaschein m Ă–s. Schw.
inländische Rentenwerte pl
Obligationen mit verzögerter Verzinsung
Anleihe der öffentlichen Hand
Anleihe mit garantiertem Zins, die eine Optionsanleihe ablöst
durch treuhändische Effektenhinterlegung abgesicherte Obligation
covered bonds
underlying bonds
government bonds; federal bonds
medium-term fixed-rate bond; medium-term fixed-rate note; DM-nominated bearer treasury note Am.; cash bond (Austria)
domestic bonds
deferred bonds
public bond
back bond
collateral trust bond Am.
Fälligkeit f (Wertpapier, Versicherungspolice, Hypothek) fin.
bei Fälligkeit
vorzeitige Fälligkeit
Endfälligkeit f
vertragliche Endfälligkeit
fällig werden
maturity (security; insurance policy, mortgage)
at maturity
accelerated maturity
final maturity
contractual maturity date
to come to maturity
Fälligkeitstermin m; Fälligkeitsdatum n; Fälligkeitstag m (Wertpapier, Hypothek, Versicherungspolice) fin.
Verfallsdatum n; Verfallstag m eines Wechsels
date of maturity DOM (security, mortgage, insurance policy)
date of maturity of a letter of exchange
Kapitalanlagegesellschaft f KAG ; Investmentgesellschaft f; Beteiligungsgesellschaft f fin.
Kapitalanlagegesellschaften pl; Investmentgesellschaften pl; Beteiligungsgesellschaften pl
Investmentgesellschaft mit gesetzlicher Risikostreuung
Investmentgesellschaft ohne gesetzliche Anlagenstreuung
Kapitalanlagegesellschaft mit dem Grundsatz der Risikostreuung
offene Kapitalanlagegesellschaft
steuerbegĂĽnstigte Kapitalanlagegesellschaft
investment company; investment trust
investment companies; investment trusts
property investment company
diversified investment company
non-diversified investment company
diversified investment company
investment company with variable capital ICVC
regulated investment company Am.
security investment company
Kommissionsgeschäft n (als Kategorie) econ.
Wertpapier-Kommissionsgeschäft n fin.
commission agency business; commission business
security commission business
Nennbetrag m; Nominalbetrag m; Nominale f Dt. Schw. selten; Nominale n Ă–s.; StĂĽckelung f; Denomination f (Geld, Briefmarke, Wertpapier) fin.
Nennbeträge pl; Nominalbeträge pl; Nominale pl; Stückelungen pl; Denominationen pl
Nominalbetrag einer Aktie; StĂĽckelung einer Aktie; Denomination einer Aktie
Nennbetrag einer Anleihe; StĂĽckelung einer Anleihe
Banknoten mit kleinem Nennwert in kleinen Nominalen
in StĂĽcken von
face amount; nominal amount; notional amount; denomination (money; stamp; security paper)
face amounts; nominal amounts; notional amounts; denominations
face amount of a share; nominal amount of a stock Am.
face amount of a debenture bond; bond denomination
small denominations
in denominations of
Wertpapier n; Papier n fin.
Wertpapiere pl; Papiere pl
börsengängige börsenfähige Wertpapiere
nicht börsengängige nicht marktfähige Wertpapiere
börsennotierte Wertpapiere; Börsenpapiere pl; Börsenwerte pl
festverzinsliche Wertpapiere; Rentenpapiere; Rentenwerte
forderungsbesicherte Wertpapiere
marktenge Wertpapiere
mĂĽndelsichere Wertpapiere
sofort realisierbare Wertpapiere
Spekulationspapiere pl; Spekulationswerte pl
überfällige Wertpapiere
Wertpapiere mit niedrigem Kurs; leichte Wertpapiere
Wertpapiere ausgeben
Wertpapiere lombarieren beleihen
Wertpapiere (von jdm.) beleihen lassen
Wertpapiere zurückkaufen ablösen einlösen
mit Hypotheken auf gewerbliche Immobilien besicherte Wertpapiere
Inlandswerte pl
Inhaber eines Wertpapiers
Art des Wertpapiers
ein Wertpapier bei Fälligkeit erneuern
security paper; security
security papers; securities
marketable stock exchange securities
unmarketable securities
on-board securities; quoted listed securities; stocks and shares Br.; stocks and bonds Am.
fixed-interest bearing securities; fixed-interest securities; bonds
asset-backed securities
illiquid thinly-traded narrow-market securities
trustee securities; gilt-edged securities Br.; gilts Br.; trustee stock Am.
easily marketable securities
speculative securities; cats and dogs coll.
accelerated paper
low-priced securities
to issue securities
to lend advance money on securities
to hypothecate securities; to give pledge securities as a collateral (to sb.)
to redeem securities
commercial mortgage-backed securities CMBS
domestic domestic securities
holder of a security
kind of security
to roll over a security
ausgegebenes Wertpapier n; ausgegebene Aktie f; Emission f fin.
Neuemissionen pl
stark ĂĽberzeichnete Neuemissionen von kleinen oder jungen Unternehmen
issued security; issued share (of stock); issue
new issues
hot issues
Wertpapier- und Emissionsgeschäft n fin.
investment banking Am.
Marktaufsichtsbehörde f adm.
Europäische Wertpapier- und Marktaufsichtsbehörde
market surveillance authority
European Securities and Markets Authority ESMA
Zweitplazierung f; Wertpapierangebot n auf dem Sekundärmarkt fin.
secondary offering; secondary placement
Arbitrage f (Ausnutzen des Kursunterschieds zwischen Börsenplätzen) fin.
einfache zusammengesetze Arbitrage
Arbitragegeschäft n
Devisenarbitrage f; Wechselkursarbitrage f
Dreiecksarbitrage f
Effektenarbitrage f; Wertpapierarbitrage f
Fusionsarbitrage f
Goldarbitrage f
kursgesicherte Zinsarbitrage
Raumarbitrage f
Zinsenarbitrage f
arbitrage (exploiting the price difference between different stock markets)
simple compound arbitrage
arbitrage dealings
currency arbitrage; arbitrage in exchange; arbitration of exchange
triangular arbitrage three-point arbitrage
arbitrage in securities; stock arbitrage Am.
merger arbitrage
gold arbitrage; arbitrage in bullion
covered arbitrage
arbitrage in space
interest-rate arbitrage
Arbitrage f (Ausnutzen des Kursunterschieds zwischen Börsenplätzen) fin.
einfache zusammengesetzte Arbitrage
Devisenarbitrage f; Wechselkursarbitrage f
Dreiecksarbitrage f
Effektenarbitrage f; Wertpapierarbitrage f
Fusionsarbitrage f
Goldarbitrage f
kursgesicherte Zinsarbitrage
Raumarbitrage f
Zinsenarbitrage f
arbitrage (exploiting the price difference between different stock markets)
simple compound arbitrage
currency arbitrage; arbitrage in exchange; arbitration of exchange
triangular arbitrage, three-point arbitrage
arbitrage in securities; stock arbitrage Am.
merger arbitrage
gold arbitrage; arbitrage in bullion
covered arbitrage
arbitrage in space
interest-rate arbitrage
Wertpapieraufsicht f fin.
europäische Wertpapieraufsichtsbehörde f
securities supervision
European Securities Markets Authority ESMA
Wertpapieraufsicht f fin.
europäische Wertpapieraufsichtsbehörde f
securities supervision
European Securities Markets Authority ESMA
Wertpapieraufsichtsgesetz n jur.
Securities Supervision Act
GegenstĂĽck n; Pendant n; Gegenpart n; Entsprechung f (zu jdm. etw.)
GegenstĂĽcke pl; Pendanten pl; Gegenparts pl; Entsprechungen pl
sein Gegenpart auf dem Markt
Aktien als Gegenleistung zu Wertpapierbeiträgen ausgeben
Der Präsident der USA ist das Pendant zum britischen Premierminister.
In der griechischen Mythologie war Iris das weibliche GegenstĂĽck zu Hermes.
Das Pendant dazu bei Fußbekleidung ist Wiens einziges Spezialgeschäft für Sandalen.
counterpart (of to sb. sth.)
his economic counterpart
to issue shares in counterpart of securities contributions
The President of the USA is the counterpart of the British Prime Minister.
In Greek mythology Iris was the female counterpart of Hermes.
The counterpart in footwear is Vienna's only specialty shop for sandals.
GegenstĂĽck n; Pendant n; Gegenpart n; Entsprechung f (zu jdm. etw.)
GegenstĂĽcke pl; Pendanten pl; Gegenparts pl; Entsprechungen pl
sein Gegenpart auf dem Markt
Aktien als Gegenleistung zu Wertpapierbeiträgen ausgeben
Der Präsident der USA ist das Pendant zum britischen Premierminister.
In der griechischen Mythologie war Iris das weibliche GegenstĂĽck zu Hermes.
Das Pendant dazu bei Fußbekleidung ist Wiens einziges Spezialgeschäft für Sandalen.
counterpart (of to sb. sth.)
his economic counterpart
to issue shares in counterpart of securities contributions
The President of the USA is the counterpart of the British Prime Minister.
In Greek mythology, Iris was the female counterpart of Hermes.
The counterpart in footwear is Vienna's only specialty shop for sandals.
Wertpapierbesitz m fin.
holding of stocks
holdings of securities
Wertpapierbestand m; Effektenbestand m; Wertpapierportefeuille n fin.
security holdings; securities portfolio
Wertpapierbestand m; Effektenbestand m; Wertpapierportefeuille n fin.
Rentenbestand; Bestand an festverzinslichen Wertpapieren
einen Wertpapierbestand immer wieder umschichten (um Provisionen zu kassieren)
security holdings; securities portfolio
bond holdings
to churn a portfolio (to generate commissions)
Investitionskategorie f (Wertpapierbewertung) fin.
investment grade (security rating)
Spekulationskategorie f (Wertpapierbewertung) fin.
speculative grade; non-investment grade (security rating)
Börse f, Aktienbörse f, Wertpapierbörse f, Effektenbörse f
Börsen pl
stock exchange
stock exchanges
Börse f; Aktienbörse f; Wertpapierbörse f; Effektenbörse f
Börsen pl; Aktienbörsen pl; Wertpapierbörsen pl; Effektenbörsen pl
an der Börse
die Börse schließen
stock exchange; bourse (in a non-English-speaking country)
stock exchanges; bourses
on the stock exchange; on the exchange
to suspend stock exchange trading
Börse f; Aktienbörse f; Wertpapierbörse f; Effektenbörse f
Börsen pl; Aktienbörsen pl; Wertpapierbörsen pl; Effektenbörsen pl
Derivatebörse f
an der Börse
die Börse schließen
stock exchange; bourse (in a non-English-speaking country)
stock exchanges; bourses
derivatives exchange; futures and options exchange
on the stock exchange; on the exchange
to suspend stock exchange trading
Wertpapierdepot n; Effektendepot n fin.
Wertpapierdepots pl; Effektendepots pl
Treuhanddepot n; Treuhänderdepot n
securities deposit account; securities portfolio
securities deposit accounts; securities portfolios
third-party securities deposit account
ausgelöste Wertpapiere
called bonds
ausländische Wertpapiere
foreign securities
auslösbare Wertpapiere
callable securities
begebbare Wertpapiere
negotiable securities
Beteiligungen und andere Wertpapiere
bonds and other interests
bewährte Wertpapiere
seasoned securities
gefragte Wertpapiere
active securities
Hinterlegungsschein fĂĽr Wertpapiere
collateral note
international gehandelte Wertpapiere
interbourse securities
lombardierte Wertpapiere
collateral securities
lombardierte Wertpapiere
pawned stock
lombardierte Wertpapiere
pledged securities
lombardierte Wertpapiere
securities lodged as collateral
mĂĽndelsichere Wertpapiere
gilt-edged securities
nachschusspflichtige Wertpapiere
assessable securities
nicht zugelassene Wertpapiere
unlisted securities
verfallene Wertpapiere
obsolete securities
verpfändete Wertpapiere
pawned securities
verrufene spekulative Wertpapiere
cats and dogs
Wertpapiere beleihen
advance money on securities
Wertpapiere beleihen
lend money on securities

Deutsche Wertpapierdepot Synonyme

Englische securities deposit account; securities portfolio Synonyme

Wertpapierdepot Definition

(n.) A reckoning
(n.) A registry of pecuniary transactions
(n.) A statement in general of reasons, causes, grounds, etc., explanatory of some event
(n.) A statement of facts or occurrences
(n.) A statement and explanation or vindication of one's conduct with reference to judgment thereon.
(n.) An estimate or estimation
(n.) Importance
(v. t.) To reckon
(v. t.) To place to one's account
(v. t.) To value, estimate, or hold in opinion
(v. t.) To recount
(v. i.) To render or receive an account or relation of particulars
(v. i.) To render an account
(v. i.) To give a satisfactory reason
Account book
() A book in which accounts are kept.
(n.) To lay down
(n.) To lay up or away for safe keeping
(n.) To lodge in some one's hands for safe keeping
(n.) To lay aside
(v. t.) That which is deposited, or laid or thrown down
(v. t.) A natural occurrence of a useful mineral under the conditions to invite exploitation.
(v. t.) That which is placed anywhere, or in any one's hands, for safe keeping
(v. t.) A bailment of money or goods to be kept gratuitously for the bailor.
(v. t.) Money lodged with a party as earnest or security for the performance of a duty assumed by the person depositing.
(v. t.) A place of deposit
(v.) A part or portion.
(v.) A number of persons united in opinion or action, as distinguished from, or opposed to, the rest of a community or association
(v.) A part of a larger body of company
(v.) A number of persons invited to a social entertainment
(v.) One concerned or interested in an affair
(v.) The plaintiff or the defendant in a lawsuit, whether an individual, a firm, or corporation
(v.) Hence, any certain person who is regarded as being opposed or antagonistic to another.
(v.) Cause
(v.) A person
(v.) Parted or divided, as in the direction or form of one of the ordinaries
(v.) Partial
(adv.) Partly.
(a.) Having a motley coat, or coat of divers colors.
(a.) Alt. of Parti-colored
(n.) A portable case for holding loose papers, prints, drawings, etc.
(n.) Hence: The office and functions of a minister of state or member of the cabinet
(pl. ) of Security

securities deposit account; securities portfolio / securities deposit accounts; securities portfolios / third-party securities deposit account Bedeutung

the act of putting something somewhere
party game a game to amuse guests at a party
portfolio the role of the head of a government department, he holds the portfolio for foreign affairs
Boston Tea Party demonstration () by citizens of Boston who (disguised as Indians) raided three British ships in Boston harbor and dumped hundreds of chests of tea into the harbor, organized as a protest against taxes on tea
party spirit devotion to a political party
a facility where things can be deposited for storage or safekeeping
National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations
a computerized data system to provide brokers with price quotations for securities traded over the counter
party favor
party favour
souvenir consisting of a small gift given to a guest at a party
party line a telephone line serving two or more subscribers
party wall a wall erected on the line between two properties and shared by both owners
portfolio a large, flat, thin case for carrying loose papers or drawings or maps, usually leather, he remembered her because she was carrying a large portfolio
safe-deposit box
safety deposit box
deposit box
a fireproof metal strongbox (usually in a bank) for storing valuables
stock exchange
stock market
securities market
an exchange where security trading is conducted by professional stockbrokers
account the quality of taking advantage, she turned her writing skills to good account
account importance or value, a person of considerable account, he predicted that although it is of small account now it will rapidly increase in importance
theoretical account
a hypothetical description of a complex entity or process, the computer program was based on a model of the circulatory and respiratory systems
pension plan
pension account
retirement plan
retirement savings plan
retirement savings account
retirement account
retirement program
a plan for setting aside money to be spent after retirement
individual retirement account
a retirement plan that allows you to contribute a limited yearly sum toward your retirement, taxes on the interest earned in the account are deferred
portfolio a list of the financial assets held by an individual or a bank or other financial institution, they were disappointed by the poor returns on their stock portfolio
written record
written account
a written document preserving knowledge of facts or events
a record or narrative description of past events, a history of France, he gave an inaccurate account of the plot to kill the president, the story of exposure to lead
bill account invoice an itemized statement of money owed for goods shipped or services rendered, he paid his bill and left, send me an account of what I owe
open account an unpaid credit order
short account the aggregate of short sales on an open market
party line the policy of a political group, He won in a vote along party lines
news report
story account write up
a short account of the news, the report of his speech, the story was on the o'clock news, the account of his speech that was given on the evening news made the governor furious
deposit a payment given as a guarantee that an obligation will be met
a statement that makes something comprehensible by describing the relevant structure or operation or circumstances etc., the explanation was very simple, I expected a brief account
report account the act of informing by verbal report, he heard reports that they were causing trouble, by all accounts they were a happy couple
party an occasion on which people can assemble for social interaction and entertainment, he planned a party to celebrate Bastille Day
birthday party a party held on the anniversary of someone's birth
cocktail party an afternoon party at which cocktails are served
house party a party lasting over one or more nights at a large house
tea party a party at which tea is served
a Hizballah
Lebanese Hizballah
Party of God
Islamic Jihad Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine
Revolutionary Justice Organization
Organization of the Oppressed on Earth
a Shiite terrorist organization with strong ties to Iran, seeks to create an Iranian fundamentalist Islamic state in Lebanon, car bombs are the signature weapon
Hizb ut-Tahrir
Freedom Party
the most popular and feared Islamic extremist group in central Asia, advocates `pure' Islam and the creation of a worldwide Islamic state
Islamic Group of Uzbekistan
Islamic Party of Turkestan
a terrorist group of Islamic militants formed in , opposes Uzbekistan's secular regime and wants to establish an Islamic state in central Asia, is a conduit for drugs from Afghanistan to central Asian countries
Khmer Rouge
Party of Democratic Kampuchea
Communist Party of Kampuchea
a communist organization formed in Cambodia in , became a terrorist organization in when it captured Phnom Penh and created a government that killed an estimated three million people, was defeated by Vietnamese troops but remained active until
Kurdistan Workers Party
Kurdistan Labor Pary
Partiya Karkeran Kurdistan
a Marxist-Leninist terrorist group of Kurds trying to establish an independent Kurdish state in eastern Turkey
Revolutionary People's Liberation Party
Revolutionary People's Liberation Front
an extreme Marxist terrorist organization in Turkey that is opposed to NATO and the United States, attacks Turkish security and military officials
brokerage firm
securities firm
a stock broker's business, charges a fee to act as intermediary between buyer and seller
market securities industry the securities markets in the aggregate, the market always frustrates the small investor
portfolio a set of pieces of creative work collected to be shown to potential customers or employers, the artist had put together a portfolio of his work, every actor has a portfolio of photographs
work party
an organized group of workmen
party a group of people gathered together for pleasure, she joined the party after dinner
masquerade party
a party of guests wearing costumes and masks
dinner party
a party of people assembled to have dinner together, guests should never be late to a dinner party
garden party
lawn party
fete champetre
a party of people assembled for social interaction out of doors
bachelor party stag party held for a bachelor (usually on the night before he is married)
stag party
a party for men only (or one considered suitable for men only)
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116 Bewertungen 5


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Ein Wertpapierdepot oder genauer Wertpapierdepotkonto ist im Bankwesen ein Konto, über das Wertpapiergeschäfte abgewickelt und Wertpapierbestände geführt werden. Bei Investmentfonds wird der Begriff Anlagekonto verwendet.

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