
Wetterbeobachtungsstation Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Wetterbeobachtungsstation f meteo.
Wetterbeobachtungsstationen pl
weather observation station
weather observation stations
Wetterbeobachtungsstation f meteo.
Wetterbeobachtungsstationen pl
weather observation station
weather observation stations
Haarrisse pl (wetterbedingt)
weather cracking
wetterbedingt adj meteo.
wetterbedingt adv meteo.
because of weather conditions
Haarrisse pl
wetterbedingte Haarrisse
weather cracking
wetterbedingte regenbedingte Absage; regenbedingter Abbruch (einer Veranstaltung) f
rainout (cancellation of an event due to bad weather) Am.
wetterbedingter Ausweichtermin m; Ersatztermin m bei wetterbedingter Absage
rain date
Wetterbedingungen pl, Wetterverhältnisse pl, Wetter n
widrige Wetterbedingungen
Wetterbedingungen Null
Null aviat.
weather conditions
adverse weather conditions
zero weather conditions
weather conditions
Wetterbedingungen pl; Wetterverhältnisse pl; Wetter n
widrige Wetterbedingungen
Wetterbedingungen Null Null aviat.
weather conditions
adverse weather conditions
zero zero weather conditions
sich akklimatisieren; sich an neue Wetterbedingungen gewöhnen v med.
sich akklimatisierend; sich an neue Wetterbedingungen gewöhnend
sich akklimatisiert; sich an neue Wetterbedingungen gewöhnt
to acclimatize acclimatise Br.; to acclimatize acclimatise Br. yourself; to acclimate Am. to new weather conditions
acclimatizing acclimatising; acclimatizing acclimatising yourself; acclimating to new weather conditions
acclimatized acclimatised; acclimatized acclimatised yourself; acclimated to new weather conditions
Wetterbedingungen pl; Wetterverhältnisse pl; Wetter n
widrige Wetterbedingungen
Wetterbedingungen Null Null aviat.
weather conditions
adverse weather conditions
zero zero weather conditions
günstig; vorteilhaft; positiv adj (für)
günstiger; vorteilhafter
am günstigsten; am vorteilhaftesten
zu günstigen Bedingungen
günstige Wetterbedingungen
eine positive Wirkung auf jdn. haben
etw. in einem günstigen Licht zeigen
favourable Br.; favorable Am.; benign; benignant (to)
more favourable favorable
most favourable favorable
on favourable terms
favourable benign weather conditions
to have a benignant effect on sb.
to show sth. in a favourable light
rau; harsch; hart; streng; beißend adj meteo
harsche raue Wetterbedingungen
ein strenger Winter
schneidende Kälte
beißende Hitze; sengende Hitze
fierce; harsh
fierce weather conditions; harsh weather conditions
a harsh winter
fierce cold
fierce heat; ferocious heat
Wetterbeobachtung f
Wetterbeobachtungen pl
weather observation
weather observations
weather observation
Wetterbeobachtung f meteo.
Wetterbeobachtungen pl
weather observation; meteorological observation rare
weather observations; meteorological observations
weather observations
Radar m,n
Flugzeugträger-Anflugradarsystem n; Flugzeugträger-Anflugradar m,n
Höhenmessradar m,n
monotonfrequenzmodulierter Radar
Nahbereichsradar m,n
Navigationsradar m,n
Ortungs- und Verfolgungsradar n,m
Präzisionsanflugradar m,n
Sekundärradar m,n; Aktivradar m,n; aktive Ortung und Abstandsmessung
Wetterbeobachtungsradar m,n
Zielerfassungsradar großer Reichweite; PAR-Radar
Zielverfolgungsradar m,n; Verfolgungsradar n; Feuerleitradar m,n FLR
radar; radio detection and ranging
carrier-controlled approach radar; CCA radar; radar for a carrier-controlled approach system
height-finder radar
chirp radar
short-range radar
navigation radar
acquisition and tracking radar
precision approach radar
secondary radar
weather observation radar
perimeter acquisition radar PAR
target tracking radar; targeting radar; tracking radar; missile tracking radar MTR ; fire-control radar FCR
Wetterbeobachtungssatellit m meteo.
Wetterbeobachtungssatelliten pl
meteorological satellite
meteorological satellites
Satellit m (Satellitentechnik)
Satelliten pl
Aufklärungssatellit m mil.
Ballonsatellit m
Echtzeit-Rückmeldesatellit m
Mehrzwecksatellit m
Wetterbeobachtungssatellit m; Wettersatellit m
Satellit für Verteidigungszwecke
im Satelliten
stationärer Satellit; äquatorialer Synchronsatellit
Satellit als Librationspunkt
Satellit als Relaisstation
Satellit auf äquatorialer Umlaufbahn
Satellit auf geneigter Bahn
Satellit auf niedriger polarer Umlaufbahn
Satellit auf polarer Umlaufbahn
Satellit für angewandte Technik
Satellit für Direktempfang
Satellit mit geringer Sendeleistung
Satellit mit Richtungsstange
Satellit zur Regelung des Luftverkehrs
Satellit zur Regelung des Ãœberseeluftverkehrs
satellite (satellite engineering)
reconnaissance satellite
balloon satellite
real-time repeater satellite
utility satellite
meteorological satellite; weather satellite
defence satellite
stationary (equatorial) satellite
libration point satellite
repeater satellite
equatorial orbiting satellite
inclined orbit satellite
low altitude polar orbiting satellite
polar orbiter
application technology satellite ATS
satellite for direct reception
low-capacity satellite
long-boom satellite
air traffic control satellite
transoceanic air traffic control satellite
Schiff n naut.
Schiffe pl
Ausflugsschiff n; Rundfahrtschiff n
Fabrikschiff n
Großraumschiff n
Lotsenschiff n; Lotsenversetzboot n; Lotsenboot n
Wartungsschiff n
Werkstattschiff n
Wetterbeobachtungsschiff n
ab Schiff
ein Schiff aufgeben; ein Schiff verlassen
ein brennendes Schiff verlassen
Das Schiff fährt in die Karibik fährt auf der Donau.
ship; boat
ships; boats
excursion ship; sightseeing boat; tour boat; tourist vessel
factory ship
large capacity ship; large capacity carrier
pilot boat; pilot vessel
maintenance ship
repair ship
ocean weather ship; weather ship
ex ship
to abandon a ship
to abandon a burning ship
The ship sails for the Caribbean sails on the Danube river.
Wetterbeobachtungsstation f meteo.
Wetterbeobachtungsstationen pl
weather observation station
weather observation stations
Wetteransager m, Moderator m, der den Wetterbericht ansagt, Wetterfrosch m
Wetterbericht m, Wettervorhersage f
Wetterberichte pl, Wettervorhersagen pl
weather forecast, weather report
weather forecasts, weather reports
weather forecast
weather report
Lagebericht m; Bericht über den aktuellen Stand die neuesten Entwicklungen; aktueller Überblick m
der neueste Wetterbericht
täglich die aktuellen Immobilienangebote erhalten
update on things on the matter; update
the latest weather update
to receive daily updates on homes for sale
Wetteransager m; Moderator m der den Wetterbericht ansagt; "Wetterfrosch" m
Wetterbericht m; Wettervorhersage f meteo.
Wetterberichte pl; Wettervorhersagen pl
weather forecast; weather report
weather forecasts; weather reports
Wettervorhersage f; Wetterprognose f; Wetterbericht m meteo.
Wettervorhersagen pl; Wetterprognosen pl; Wetterberichte pl
kurzfristige Wettervorhersage; kurzfristige Prognose
langfristige Wettervorhersage; langfristige Prognose
numerische Wettervorhersage f
allgemeine Flugwettervorhersage
Flughafenwettervorhersage f
Flugwettervorhersage f
Gebietswettervorhersage f
Klimavorhersage f
Kürzestfristprognose f
Landewettervorhersage f (Kurzzeitwettervorhersage für Flugplätze)
Vorort-Landewettervorhersage f (Kurzzeitwettervorhersage für Flugplätze)
Flugplatzwettervorhersage f; Flugplatzvorhersage f
Wettervorhersage für den Ausweichflugplatz
weather forecast; weather prognosis; weather report; meteorological report
weather forecasts; weather prognoses; weather reports; meteorological reports
short-period weather forecast; short-range weather prognosis
long-period weather forecast; long-range weather prognosis
numerical forecasting
general aviation forecast GAFOR
airport weather forecast
flight weather forecast; aviation weather forecast; airways forecast
area forecast
climate forecast
very-short-range forecast
terminal aerodrome forecast TAF (short-period forecast supplied to airfields)
trend-type (landing) forecast; landing forecast (short-period on-site forecast supplied to airfields)
aerodrome forecast
alternate-aerodrome forecast
weather forecasts
Flugwetterbesprechung f; Wetterbesprechung f aviat.
Flugwetterbesprechungen pl; Wetterbesprechungen pl
meteorological briefing; met briefing coll.
meteorological briefings; met briefings
Wetterbesserung f meteo.
improvement in the weather
wetterfest; wetterdicht; wetterhart; wetterbeständig; witterungsbeständig adj
resistant to weather; weather-resistant; weatherproof
wetterfest; wetterdicht; wetterhart; wetterbeständig; witterungsbeständig adj
resistant to weather; weather-resistant; weatherproof; weathertight (of a building); non-weathering
Festigkeit f; Beständigkeit f; Widerstandsfähigkeit f; Resistenz f (von Werkstoffen gegenüber chemischer, mechanischer, thermischer Einwirkung)
Abriebfestigkeit f; Abriebbeständigkeit f
Abriebfestigkeit f; Beständigkeit gegen raue Behandlung
Abziehfestigkeit f; Haftvermögen n (bei gedruckten Schaltungen) electr.
Alterungsfestigkeit f; Alterungsbeständigkeit f
Berstfestigkeit f
Beständigkeit gegen(über) Salzsprühnebel
Beständigkeit gegen(über) Pilzbefall
Biegefestigkeit f
Biegeschwingfestigkeit f; Biegeschwingungsfestigkeit f
Bruchfestigkeit f
Chemikalienbeständigkeit f; Beständigkeit gegen Chemikalieneinwirkung; Chemikalienresistenz f; chemische Widerstandfähigkeit f; chemische Beständigkeit f
Druckfestigkeit f
Druckfestigkeit gegen inneren Ãœberdruck
Durchstoßfestigkeit f
Formaldehydbeständigkeit f
Formfestigkeit f; Formbeständigkeit f; Verformungswiderstand m
Frostfestigkeit f; Frostbeständigkeit f
Glutfestigkeit f; Glutbeständigkeit f
Hitzebeständigkeit f; Wärmebeständigkeit f; Beständigkeit gegen(über) Hitze Wärme
Kältefestigkeit f; Kältebeständigkeit f
Knickfestigkeit f
Knitterarmut f; Knitterwiderstand m textil.
Korrosionsbeständigkeit f; Korrosionssicherheit f
Kratzfestigkeit f
Kriechfestigkeit f techn.
Laugenrissbeständigkeit f (Metallurgie) techn.
Leimfestigkeit f (Papier)
Lösungsmittelfestigkeit f; Lösungsmittelbeständigkeit f
Quellfestigkeit f; Quellbeständigkeit f (Gummi, Textilien)
Reibefestigkeit f textil.
Reißfestigkeit f
Righeit f (Formbeständigkeit fester Körper)
Saugfestigkeit f; Saugwiderstand
Schlagfestigkeit f; Schlagbeständigkeit f
schmutzabweisendes Verhalten
Schwingfestigkeit f; Schwingungfestigkeit f
Stauchfestigkeit f (beim Walken) textil.
Störfestigkeit f telco.
Temperaturwechselbeständigkeit f; Unempfindlichkeit gegen schnellen Tempereaturwechsel
Thermoschockfestigkeit f; Thermoschockbeständigkeit f
Verschlackungsbeständigkeit f (Metallurgie) techn.
Verschleißfestigkeit f; Verschleißbeständigkeit f; Verschleißhärte f
Wärmeübergangswiderstand m
Weiterreißfestigkeit f; Weiterreißwiderstand m
Witterungsbeständigkeit f; Wetterbeständigkeit f; Beständigkeit gegen(über) Wettereinwirkung
Zugfestigkeit f; Dehnungswiderstand m
resistance (of materials to chemical, mechanical, thermical action)
resistance to abrasion; abrasion resistance
scuff resistance
resistance to peeling; peeling strength
resistance to ageing Br. aging Am.; ageing Br. aging Am. resistance
resistance to bursting; bursting strength
resistance to salt spray
fungus resistance
resistance to bending; bending strength; flexural strength; cross-rupture strength
resistance to bending under vibration; bending vibration strength
resistance to breaking; resistance to fracture; breaking strength
resistance to chemical attack; chemical resistance
resistance to pressure; pressure resistance
resistance to internal pressure
resistance to perforation; resistance to puncture
resistance to formaldehyde
resistance to deformation; deformation resistance
resistance to freezing; frost resistance
glow resistance; incandescence resistance; stability at read heat
resistance to heat; heat resistance; high-temperature strength; thermal endurance; high-temperature stability; heat stability; thermal stability
resistance to cold; low-temperature stability
resistance to buckling; buckling strength
resistance to creasing
resistance to corrosion; corrosion resistance; anticorrosion property
scratch resistance
resistance to creep; creep resistance
resistance to caustic cracking (metallurgy)
resistance of paper due to sizing; imperviousness of paper due to sizing
resistance to solvents; solvent resistance
resistance to swelling; swelling resistance (rubber, textiles)
resistance to rubbing
resistance to tearing; resistance to breaking (on tearing); tear resistance; tearing resistance; treating strength
resistance to elastic deformations
resistance to suction; suction strength
resistance to impact; resistance to shock; impact strength
resistance to soiling
resistance to oscillations; resistance to vibrations
resistance to crushing
resistance to jamming
resistance to thermal shock; thermal-shock resistance
resistance to thermal shocks; thermal shock strength
resistance to slagging (metallurgy)
resistance to wear; wear resistance
resistance to heat transfer; heat transmission resistance
resistance to tear propagation; tear propagation resistance; tear growth resistance
weathering resistance; resistance to atmospheric corrosion; long outdoor life in all kinds of weather conditions
resistance to extension

Deutsche Wetterbeobachtungsstation Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Wetterbeobachtungsstation Synonym nachschlagen

Englische weather observation station Synonyme

weather  ablate  abrade  be safe  be unflappable  beat the game  beat the system  bring to  calm weather  climate  clime  cold weather  come through  come up fighting  come up smiling  erode  fair weather  flanking  forces of nature  fray  frazzle  fret  get home free  glancing  good weather  halcyon days  haul  haul off  haul the wind  haul to  haul up  head to windward  heave to  hold fast  hold out  hold up  hot weather  keep safe  lateral  lee  leeward  live through  macroclimate  make heavy weather  microclimate  next-beside  not budge  outride  persevere  rainy weather  remain firm  ride  ride it out  ride out  rub off  sail to windward  side  sideling  sidelong  sideward  sidewards  sideway  sideways  sidewise  skirting  stand fast  stand firm  stand pat  stay put  stick it out  stormy weather  tatter  the elements  tide over  triumph  uphelm  wear  wear away  wear down  wear off  wear out  wear ragged  weather deck  weather helm  weather out  weather sheet  weather side  weather tack  weather the storm  weather wheel  weatherboard  win out  win through  windiness  windward  windward ebb  windward flood  
weather eye  X-ray eye  custodianship  custody  eagle eye  gimlet eye  guard  guardedness  guardianship  invigilation  keen eye  lookout  monitoring  observance  peeled eye  penetrating eye  proctoring  prudence  qui vive  sea legs  seamanlikeness  seamanliness  seamanship  sharp eye  shipmanship  stewardship  surveillance  vigil  vigilance  wariness  watch  watch and ward  watchful eye  watchfulness  watching  
weather map  Lambert conformal projection  Mercator projection  Miller projection  aeronautical chart  air mass  anticyclone  astronomical chart  atlas  azimuthal equidistant projection  azimuthal projection  cartographer  cartography  celestial chart  celestial globe  chart  chorographer  chorography  climatic chart  cold front  cold sector  conic projection  contour line  contour map  cyclone  cylindrical projection  front  general reference map  globe  gnomonic projection  graphic scale  grid line  hachure  heliographic chart  high  high-pressure area  hydrographic chart  index  isobar  isoline  isometric  isometric line  isopiestic line  isotherm  isothermal line  latitude  layer tint  legend  longitude  low  low-pressure area  map  map maker  map projection  mapper  meridian  occluded front  parallel  photogrammetrist  photogrammetry  photomap  phototopography  physical map  polar front  political map  polyconic projection  projection  relief map  representative fraction  road map  scale  sinusoidal projection  special map  squall line  stationary front  terrain map  terrestrial globe  thematic map  topographer  topographic chart  topography  transportation map  warm front  weather chart  wind-shift line  
weather the storm  be safe  be unflappable  beat the game  beat the system  bounce back  come around  come back  come round  come through  come to  come up fighting  come up smiling  get about  get home free  get over  get well  hold fast  hold out  hold up  keep safe  live through  make a comeback  make heavy weather  not budge  outride  persevere  pull round  pull through  rally  recover  remain firm  revive  ride  ride it out  ride out  stand fast  stand firm  stand pat  stay put  stick it out  survive  tide over  triumph  weather  weather out  win out  win through  
weather vane  April showers  Proteus  aerological instrument  anemograph  anemometer  anemometrograph  anemoscope  aneroid barometer  aneroidograph  barograph  barometer  barometrograph  chameleon  cloud shapes  cock  feeler  glass  hurricane-hunter aircraft  hygrometer  kaleidoscope  mercury  moon  pilot balloon  probe  quicksilver  radiosonde  random sample  recording barometer  rolling stone  sample  shifting sands  sound  sounder  straw vote  the weather  trial balloon  vacuometer  vane  water  weather balloon  weather instrument  weather satellite  weathercock  weatherglass  wheel of fortune  whirligig  wind cone  wind indicator  wind sock  wind vane  wind-speed indicator  
weatherboard  beam  billet  board  boarding  brick  clapboard  cord  cordwood  deal  driftwood  face  firewood  glass  glaze  hardwood  lath  lathing  lathwork  log  lumber  panelboard  paneling  panelwork  paper  plank  planking  plyboard  plywood  pole  post  puncheon  revet  shake  sheathe  sheathing  sheathing board  sheeting  shingle  sideboard  siding  slab  slat  slate  softwood  splat  stave  stick  stick of wood  stone  stovewood  thatch  three-by-four  tile  timber  timbering  timberwork  two-by-four  veneer  wall in  wall up  wallpaper  weather  weather deck  weather helm  weather sheet  weather side  weather tack  weather wheel  windward  windward ebb  windward flood  wood  
weathercock  April showers  Proteus  Vicar of Bray  anemograph  anemometer  anemometrograph  anemoscope  barometer  chameleon  cloud shapes  cock  feeler  formalist  kaleidoscope  mercury  moon  pilot balloon  probe  quicksilver  random sample  rolling stone  sample  shifting sands  sound  sounder  straw vote  temporizer  the weather  timepleaser  timeserver  trial balloon  trimmer  vane  water  weather vane  wheel of fortune  whirligig  wind cone  wind indicator  wind sock  wind vane  wind-speed indicator  
weatherproof  airtight  ballproof  bombproof  bulletproof  burglarproof  corrosionproof  dampproof  fire-resisting  fireproof  flameproof  foolproof  hermetic  holeproof  impervious to  insulate  leakproof  noiseproof  proof  proof against  punctureproof  resistant  rustproof  shatterproof  shellproof  soundproof  tight  waterproof  watertight  

Wetterbeobachtungsstation Definition

(a.) Made or done in pleasant weather, or in circumstances involving but little exposure or sacrifice
(a.) Appearing only when times or circumstances are prosperous
(n.) The act or the faculty of observing or taking notice
(n.) The result of an act, or of acts, of observing
(n.) Hence: An expression of an opinion or judgment upon what one has observed
(n.) Performance of what is prescribed
(n.) The act of recognizing and noting some fact or occurrence in nature, as an aurora, a corona, or the structure of an animal.
(n.) Specifically, the act of measuring, with suitable instruments, some magnitude, as the time of an occultation, with a clock
(n.) The information so acquired.
(n.) The act of standing
(n.) A state of standing or rest
(n.) The spot or place where anything stands, especially where a person or thing habitually stands, or is appointed to remain for a time
(n.) A regular stopping place in a stage road or route
(n.) The headquarters of the police force of any precinct.
(n.) The place at which an instrument is planted, or observations are made, as in surveying.
(n.) The particular place, or kind of situation, in which a species naturally occurs
(n.) A place to which ships may resort, and where they may anchor safely.
(n.) A place or region to which a government ship or fleet is assigned for duty.
(n.) A place calculated for the rendezvous of troops, or for the distribution of them
(n.) An enlargement in a shaft or galley, used as a landing, or passing place, or for the accomodation of a pump, tank, etc.
(n.) Post assigned
(n.) Situation
(n.) State
(n.) The fast of the fourth and sixth days of the week, Wednesday and Friday, in memory of the council which condemned Christ, and of his passion.
(n.) A church in which the procession of the clergy halts on stated days to say stated prayers.
(n.) One of the places at which ecclesiastical processions pause for the performance of an act of devotion
(v. t.) To place
(n.) The state of the air or atmosphere with respect to heat or cold, wetness or dryness, calm or storm, clearness or cloudiness, or any other meteorological phenomena
(n.) Vicissitude of season
(n.) Storm
(n.) A light rain
(v. t.) To expose to the air
(v. t.) Hence, to sustain the trying effect of
(v. t.) To sail or pass to the windward of
(v. t.) To place (a hawk) unhooded in the open air.
(v. i.) To undergo or endure the action of the atmosphere
(a.) Being toward the wind, or windward -- opposed to lee
(a.) Beaten or harassed by the weather
(n.) A turn of the cable about the end of the windlass, without the bits.
(a.) Eaten into, defaced, or worn, by exposure to the weather.
(v. t.) To nail boards upon so as to lap one over another, in order to exclude rain, snow, etc.
(a.) Kept in port or at anchor by storms
(a.) Driven by winds or storms
(v. t.) To defend from the weather

weather observation station / weather observation stations Bedeutung

the act of observing, taking a patient look
observation the act of making and recording a measurement
Stations of the Cross
(Roman Catholic Church) a devotion consisting of fourteen prayers said before a series of fourteen pictures or carvings representing successive incidents during Jesus' passage from Pilate's house to his crucifixion at Calvary
radio observation an observation made with a radio telescope
air base
air station
a base for military aircraft
beach wagon
station wagon
wagon estate car
beach waggon
station waggon
a car that has a long body and rear door with space behind rear seat
booster booster amplifier
booster station
relay link
relay station
relay transmitter
an amplifier for restoring the strength of a transmitted signal
broadcasting station
broadcast station
a station equipped to broadcast radio or television programs
bus terminal
bus depot
bus station
coach station
a terminal that serves bus passengers
dressing station
aid station
(military) a station located near a combat area for giving first aid to the wounded
fire station
a station housing fire apparatus and firemen
first-aid station a station providing emergency care or treatment before regular medical aid can be obtained
foul-weather gear protective garment that is intended to keep the wearer dry and warm in bad weather
gasoline station
gas station
filling station
petrol station
a service station that sells gasoline
observation tower
lookout station
a structure commanding a wide view of its surroundings
naval installation
shore station
military installation servicing naval forces
observation dome lookout consisting of a dome-shaped observatory
observation station a station set up for making observations of something
a coin-operated telephone
police station
police headquarters
station house
a station that serves as headquarters for police in a particular district, serves as a place from which policemen are dispatched and to which arrested persons are brought
power station
power plant
an electrical generating station
public toilet
comfort station
public convenience
convenience public lavatory
toilet facility
wash room
a toilet that is available to the public
pump house
pumping station
a house where pumps (e.g. to irrigate) are installed and operated
radio station station for the production and transmission of AM or FM radio broadcasts
railway station
railroad station
railroad terminal
train station
train depot
terminal where trains load or unload passengers or goods
remote terminal
link-attached terminal
remote station
link-attached station
a terminal connected to a computer by a data link
sampling station
an observation station that is set up to make sample observations of something
service station a station where gasoline and oil are sold and facilities are available for repairing or maintaining automobiles
sheet tack mainsheet
weather sheet
(nautical) a line (rope or chain) that regulates the angle at which a sail is set in relation to the wind
space station
space platform
space laboratory
a manned artificial satellite in a fixed orbit designed for scientific research
station a facility equipped with special equipment and personnel for a particular purpose, he started looking for a gas station, the train pulled into the station
Station of the Cross a representation of any of the stages in Christ's journey to Calvary
subway station a terminal where subways load and unload passengers
television station
TV station
station for the production and transmission of television broadcasts
weather deck
shelter deck
upper deck having no overhead protection from the weather, but sheltering the deck below
weather map
weather chart
(meteorology) a map showing the principal meteorological elements at a given time and over an extended region
weather radar radar that is able to detect clouds and precipitation
weather satellite
meteorological satellite
a satellite that transmits frequent picture of the earth below
weather ship an oceangoing vessel equipped to make meteorological observations
weather strip
weather stripping
a narrow strip of material to cover the joint of a door or window to exclude the cold
weather vane
wind vane
mechanical device attached to an elevated structure, rotates freely to show the direction of the wind
whistle stop
flag stop
way station
a small railway station between the principal stations or a station where the train stops only on a signal
weather eye
vigilant attentiveness, he keeps a weather eye open for trouble
station the frequency assigned to a broadcasting station
the act of noticing or paying attention, he escaped the notice of the police
observation facts learned by observing, he reported his observations to the mayor
weather forecasting
predicting what the weather will be
weather forecast
weather outlook
a forecast of the weather
a remark expressing careful consideration
National Weather Service the federal agency in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration that is responsible for weather forecast and preparation of weather maps
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