
Wirkungsrichtung Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Wirkungsrichtung f phys.
direction of action; direction of effect
Wirkungsrichtung f phys.
direction of action; direction of effect
Dosis-Wirkungs-Zusammenhang m; Expositions-Wirkungs-Zusammenhang m envir. pharm.
dose-response relationship; exposure-response relationship
Schussfeld n, Wirkungsbereich m (einer Waffe) mil.
field of fire
Wirkungsbereich m
Wirkungsbereiche pl
sphere of action
spheres of action
sphere of action
Schussfeld n; Wirkungsbereich m (einer Waffe) mil.
field of fire
Tätigkeitsfeld n; Tätigkeitsbereich m; Wirkungsbereich m; Aufgabenkreis m adm.
Tätigkeitsfelder pl; Tätigkeitsbereiche pl; Wirkungsbereiche pl; Aufgabenkreise pl
field sphere of activity; field sphere of action; activity area
field spheres of activity; field spheres of action; activity areas
Verwaltungsbezirk m adm.; Zuständigkeitsbereich m übtr.
Verwaltungsbezirke pl; Zuständigkeitsbereiche pl
Das fällt in meinen Zuständigkeitsbereich.
Nach dem Krieg blieb der Nahe Osten sein Wirkungsbereich Arbeitsfeld.
bailiwick (historically jurisdiction of a bailiff)
This is my bailiwick.
After the war the Middle East remained his bailiwick.
Wirkungsbereich m
Wirkungsbereiche pl
sphere of action; effected area; domain
spheres of action; effected areas; domains
Zuständigkeitsbereich m; Zuständigkeit f (für etw.); Wirkungsbereich m adm.
mangelnde Zuständigkeit
örtliche Zuständigkeit
persönliche Zuständigkeit
sachliche Zuständigkeit
Zuständigkeit in Strafsachen
in die Zuständigkeit der Gerichte fallen
Überschreiten der Zuständigkeit (durch eine Behörde)
Aufgaben im eigenen Wirkungsbereich wahrnehmen
Angelegenheiten des übertragenen Wirkungsbereichs
Zuständig sind die Amtsgerichte Bezirksgerichte Ös.. jur.
jurisdiction (over sth.)
lack want of jurisdiction
local jurisdiction; venue Am.
personal jurisdiction
subject-matter jurisdiction
criminal jurisdiction
to fall within the jurisdiction of the law courts
excess of jurisdiction (by an authority)
to carry out functions within one's own jurisdiction
matters within the delegated jurisdiction
Jurisdiction is reserved to the local courts.
jds. Interessensgebiet n; jds. Wirkungsbereich m; jds. Arbeitsfeld m
Nach seinem Militärdienst blieb der Nahe Osten sein Wirkungsbereich Arbeitsfeld.
sb.'s bailiwick (area of interest or sphere of operations)
After his military service, the Middle East remained his bailiwick.
Schussfeld n; Wirkungsbereich m (einer Waffe) mil.
freies Schussfeld
field of fire
unobstructed field of fire
(festgelegter) Tätigkeitsbereich m; (festgelegter) Wirkungsbereich m adm.
scope of action
Tätigkeitsfeld n; Tätigkeitsbereich m; Tätigkeitsgebiet n; Wirkungsbereich m; Aufgabenkreis m adm.
Tätigkeitsfelder pl; Tätigkeitsbereiche pl; Tätigkeitsgebiete pl; Wirkungsbereiche pl; Aufgabenkreise pl
field sphere of activity; field sphere of action; area of activity; activity area
fields spheres of activity; fields spheres of action; areas of activity; activity areas
Zuständigkeitsbereich m; Zuständigkeit f (für etw.); Wirkungsbereich m adm.
mangelnde Zuständigkeit
örtliche Zuständigkeit
persönliche Zuständigkeit
sachliche Zuständigkeit
Zuständigkeit in Strafsachen
(vertraglicher) Ausschluss der Zuständigkeit eines Gerichts
in die Zuständigkeit der Gerichte fallen
Überschreiten der Zuständigkeit (durch eine Behörde)
Aufgaben im eigenen Wirkungsbereich wahrnehmen
Angelegenheiten des übertragenen Wirkungsbereichs
Zuständig sind die Amtsgerichte Bezirksgerichte Ös.. jur.
jurisdiction (over sth.)
lack want of jurisdiction
local jurisdiction; venue Am.
personal jurisdiction
subject-matter jurisdiction; jurisdiction of the subject-matter
criminal jurisdiction
(contractual) ousting of a court's jurisdiction
to fall within the jurisdiction of the law courts
excess of jurisdiction (by an authority)
to carry out functions within one's own jurisdiction
matters within the delegated jurisdiction
Jurisdiction is reserved to the local courts.
spheres of action
Expositions-Wirkungsbeziehung f biochem.
dose-response relationship
Wirkungsdauer f; Vorhaltezeit f
Dieses Narkotikum hat nur eine begrenzte Vorhaltezeit.
duration of action
This anaesthetic has only a limited duration of action.
Betätigungsfeld n; Handlungsfeld n; Wirkungsfeld n
Betätigungsfelder pl; Handlungsfelder pl; Wirkungsfelder pl
field of activity; sphere of activity
fields of activity; spheres of activity
Wirkungsintegral n; Hamilton'sche Wirkungsfunktion f phys.
action integral; principal function of Hamilton
Wirkungsgeschichte f von etw. art
history of the influence of sth.; history of sth.'s influence
Koeffizient, Wirkungsgrad
efficiency factor
Wirkungsgrad eines Systems
system effectiveness
Leistungsfähigkeit f, Wirkungsgrad m
Wirkungsgrad m
efficiency factor
Tuechtigkeit, Wirkungsgrad, Nutzwert
Wärmewirkungsgrad m; thermischer Wirkungsgrad
Wärmewirkungsgrade pl; thermische Wirkungsgrade
thermal efficiency
thermal efficiencies
Wirkungsgrad m; Gütegrad m techn.
thermischer Wirkungsgrad
Wirkungsgrad der Strahlführung und -formung
efficiency; efficiency factor
thermal efficiency
efficiency of beam guiding system and beam forming
arbeiten; agieren; operieren v
arbeitend; agierend; operierend
gearbeitet; agiert; operiert
mit Verlust arbeiten econ.
einen optimalen Wirkungsgrad erzielen techn.
Ich verstehe ihre Gedankengänge nicht.
Die Bande operiert auf belebten öffentlichen Plätzen.
Die Firma ist von Delaware aus tätig.
Das Geschäftsmodell der Firma besteht darin in entlegenen Gebieten touristische Dienstleistungen anzubieten.
to operate
to operate at a deficit
to operate at maximum efficiency
I don't understand how her mind operates.
The gang operates in busy public places.
The company operates from offices in Delaware.
The company operates by offering tourist services in remote areas.
Wirkungsgrad m phys. techn.
thermischer Wirkungsgrad
Wirkungsgrad der Strahlführung und -formung
efficiency factor; efficiency
thermal efficiency
efficiency of beam guiding system and beam forming
arbeiten; agieren; operieren v
arbeitend; agierend; operierend
gearbeitet; agiert; operiert
mit Verlust arbeiten econ.
einen optimalen Wirkungsgrad erzielen techn.
Ich verstehe ihre Gedankengänge nicht.
Die Bande operiert auf belebten öffentlichen Plätzen.
Die Firma ist von Delaware aus tätig.
Das Geschäftsmodell der Firma besteht darin, in entlegenen Gebieten touristische Dienstleistungen anzubieten.
to operate
to operate at a deficit
to operate at maximum efficiency
I don't understand how her mind operates.
The gang operates in busy public places.
The company operates from offices in Delaware.
The company operates by offering tourist services in remote areas.
photoelektrischer Wirkungsgrad m electr.
photovoltaic efficiency
energetischer Wirkungsgrad m techn.
energy efficiency
Carnot-Wirkungsgrad m chem.
Carnot efficiency
Minderleistung f (Nichterreichen des garantierten Wirkungsgrades) mach.
Minderleistungen pl
efficiency underrun; efficiency shortfall
efficiency underruns; efficiency shortfalls
Ursache-Wirkungskette f
Ursache-Wirkungsketten pl
Wirkungskette f
functional chain
Wirkungskraft f, Zugkraft f
Wirkungskräfte pl
Wirkungskraft f; Zugkraft f
Wirkungskräfte pl
Wirkungskraft f
Wirkungskraft, Zugkraft
Sphäre, Lebensbereich, Wirkungskreis
Bereich m adm. jur.
Bereiche pl
Anwendungsbereich m; Geltungsbereich m
Aufgabenbereich m; Wirkungskreis m
Geschäftsrahmen m
der Geltungsbereich Anwendungsbereich eines Abkommens
der (sachliche) Geltungsbereich Anwendungsbereich eines Gesetzes
persönlicher Geltungsbereich
außerhalb jds. Aufgabenbereichs liegen
einen örtlich begrenzten Wirkungskreis haben
unter den Anwendungsbereich Geltungsbereich eines Gesetzes fallen
scope of application
scope of one's function
scope of business
the scope of an agreement
the scope of law
personal scope
to be beyond the scope of sb.'s function
to be local in scope
to come fall within the scope compass of a statute
Wirkungskreis m
sphere (of activity)
Regelung f (bei geschlossenem Wirkungskreis) (Steuerungstechnik) techn.
closed-loop control (control engineering)
rückführungslose Steuerung f; automatische Steuerung f; Steuerung f (bei offenem Wirkungskreis) (Steuerungstechnik) techn.
open-loop control (control engineering)
Wirkungslinie f
line of action
null und nichtig, ungültig und wirkungslos, nicht gewertet
null and void
unwirksam, wirkungslos, erfolglos adj
unwirksamer, wirkungsloser, erfolgloser
am unwirksamsten, am wirkungslosesten, am erfolglosesten
more ineffective
most ineffective
wirkungslos, vergeblich, umsonst adv
to no purpose
wirkungslos adv
wirkungslos adv
völlig wirkungslos
without effect
lame duck coll.
unwirksam, wirkungslos, erfolglos
without effect
null und nichtig; ungültig und wirkungslos; nicht gewertet
eine Zulassung aufheben jur.
eine Ehe aufheben jur.
null and void
to declare a registration invalid null and void
to declare a marriage invalid null and void
etw. überflüssig wirkungslos unwirksam machen; etw. ausschließen v
überflüssig wirkungslos unwirksam machend; ausschließend
überflüssig wirkungslos unwirksam gemacht; ausgeschlossen
Die Einigung machte einen Streik überflüssig.
Bei guter Schulung werden sich viele Probleme erübrigen.
Diese Landesvorschriften sind aufgrund eines Bundesgesetzes unwirksam.
Der Vertrag schließt Klagen von Seiten der Auftraggeber aus.
to pre-empt; to preempt sth. (formal)
pre-empting; preempting
pre-empted; preempted
The deal preemted a strike.
A good training course will preempt many problems.
These state regulations are preempted by a federal law.
The contract preempts lawsuits by the clients.
unwirksam; wirkungslos; erfolglos adj
ineffective; noneffective
unwirksam; wirkungslos adj adm. jur.
außer Kraft sein treten
to be become inoperative
wirkungslos; vergeblich; umsonst adv
to no purpose
etw. überflüssig wirkungslos unwirksam machen; etw. ausschließen v
überflüssig wirkungslos unwirksam machend; ausschließend
überflüssig wirkungslos unwirksam gemacht; ausgeschlossen
Die Einigung machte einen Streik überflüssig.
Bei guter Schulung werden sich viele Probleme erübrigen.
Diese Landesvorschriften sind aufgrund eines Bundesgesetzes unwirksam.
Der Vertrag schließt Klagen von Seiten der Auftraggeber aus.
to pre-empt; to preempt sth. formal
pre-empting; preempting
pre-empted; preempted
The deal preempted a strike.
A good training course will preempt many problems.
These state regulations are preempted by a federal law.
The contract preempts lawsuits by the clients.
unwirksam; wirkungslos; ohne pharmakologische Wirkung adj pharm.
wirkungslos; untauglich adj
zu nichts führen, ein untaugliches Mittel sein
ineffectual; uneffectual rare; effectless archaic
to be ineffectual

Deutsche Wirkungsrichtung Synonyme

Englische direction of action; direction of effect Synonyme

direction  Zeitgeist  action  actuation  address  administering  administration  admonition  advice  advising  advocacy  agency  angle  animation  arrow  avenue  bearing  billhead  blaze  briefing  catechization  caution  caveat  charge  civil government  coaching  command  commission  compass needle  conduct  conducting  consultation  control  council  counsel  course  current  destination  dictate  didactics  directing  direction post  directions  directive  directorate  directorship  discipline  dispensation  disposition  dress rehearsal  drift  driving  edification  education  empery  empire  enlightenment  execution  exercise  exhortation  expostulation  final instructions  finger post  fist  form of government  functioning  general orders  glacial movement  governance  governing  government  guidance  guide  guideboard  guidepost  guiding  hand  handling  hortation  hour hand  idea  illumination  index  index finger  influence  information  injunction  inner-direction  instruction  instructions  lead  leadership  letterhead  line  lubber line  main current  mainstream  management  managing  manipulation  milepost  minute hand  mise-en-scene  monition  motion  motivation  mounting  movement  moving  name and address  needle  occupation  operancy  operating  operation  opinion  order  orders  other-direction  outlook  oversight  parley  pedagogics  pedagogy  performance  performing  pointer  pointing  political organization  polity  postal zone  practice  precept  prescript  prescription  private teaching  production  programmed instruction  prompting  proposal  recommendation  reeducation  regime  regimen  regnancy  regulation  rehearsal  reign  remonstrance  responsibility  road  route  rule  run  run-through  running  schooling  self-instruction  self-teaching  set  side  signboard  signpost  slant  sovereignty  spoon-feeding  stage management  staging  standpoint  steering  stimulation  stream  suggestion  superscription  supervising  supervision  sway  swin  
direction finder  Bourdon tube  Gyropilot  Gyrosin compass  HFDF  Mach meter  RDF  absolute altimeter  accelerometer  aerial reconnaissance camera  aerometer  aeroscope  air log  altigraph  altimeter  ammeter  anemograph  anemometer  anemoscope  aneroid  automatic pilot  autosyn  barometer  bombing locator  bombsight  calorimeter  card compass  chronometer  compass  control rod  evaporimeter  flight recorder  galvanometer  gosport  gosport tube  gyrocompass  gyroscopic compass  gyrostatic compass  horn  hub dynamometer  hygrograph  hygrometer  hypsometer  inclinometer  induction compass  inertial navigation system  joy stick  loran  magnetic compass  magnetic needle  meteorograph  micrometer  needle  octant  optical altimeter  ozonometer  photometer  pitot-static tube  pluviometer  potentiometer  pyrometer  quadrant  radar  radio  radio compass  radio direction finder  radiogoniometer  rate-of-climb indicator  recording hygrometer  robot pilot  sextant  shoran  spirit level  static tube  sting  strike radar scanner  sun compass  tachometer  thermograph  thermometer  thermostat  throttle  transit instrument  variometer  venturi tube  viscosimeter  wireless compass  yoke  

Wirkungsrichtung Definition

(n.) A process or condition of acting or moving, as opposed to rest
(n.) An act
(n.) The event or connected series of events, either real or imaginary, forming the subject of a play, poem, or other composition
(n.) Movement
(n.) Effective motion
(n.) Any one of the active processes going on in an organism
(n.) Gesticulation
(n.) The attitude or position of the several parts of the body as expressive of the sentiment or passion depicted.
(n.) A suit or process, by which a demand is made of a right in a court of justice
(n.) A right of action
(n.) A share in the capital stock of a joint-stock company, or in the public funds
(n.) An engagement between troops in war, whether on land or water
(n.) The mechanical contrivance by means of which the impulse of the player's finger is transmitted to the strings of a pianoforte or to the valve of an organ pipe.
(n.) The act of directing, of aiming, regulating, guiding, or ordering
(n.) That which is imposed by directing
(n.) The name and residence of a person to whom any thing is sent, written upon the thing sent
(n.) The line or course upon which anything is moving or aimed to move, or in which anything is lying or pointing
(n.) The body of managers of a corporation or enterprise
(n.) The pointing of a piece with reference to an imaginary vertical axis
(n.) Execution
(n.) Manifestation
(n.) In general: That which is produced by an agent or cause
(n.) Impression left on the mind
(n.) Power to produce results
(n.) Consequence intended
(n.) The purport
(n.) Reality
(n.) Goods
(v. t.) To produce, as a cause or agent
(v. t.) To bring to pass
(n.) Action by, or originating in, one's self or itself.

direction of action; direction of effect Bedeutung

human action
human activity
something that people do or cause to happen
action something done (usually as opposed to something said), there were stories of murders and other unnatural actions
course of action
a mode of action, if you persist in that course you will surely fail, once a nation is embarked on a course of action it becomes extremely difficult for any retraction to take place
maneuver manoeuvre evasive action an action aimed at evading an opponent
execution carrying out carrying into action
the act of performing, of doing something successfully, using knowledge as distinguished from merely possessing it, they criticised his performance as mayor, experience generally improves performance
change of direction
the act of changing the direction in which something is oriented
action the most important or interesting work or activity in a specific area or field, the action is no longer in technology stocks but in municipal bonds, gawkers always try to get as close to the action as possible
the act of setting and holding a course, a new council was installed under the direction of the king
reflex response
reflex action
instinctive reflex
innate reflex
inborn reflex
unconditioned reflex
physiological reaction
an automatic instinctive unlearned reaction to a stimulus
military action
a military engagement, he saw action in Korea
police action a local military action without declaration of war, against violators of international peace and order
instant replay
action replay
the immediate rebroadcast of some action (especially sports action) that has been recorded on videotape
group action action taken by a group of people
the act of managing something, he was given overall management of the program, is the direction of the economy a function of government?
direct action a protest action by labor or minority groups to obtain their demands
legal action
action action at law
a judicial proceeding brought by one party against another, one party prosecutes another for a wrong done or for protection of a right or for prevention of a wrong
action an act by a government body or supranational organization, recent federal action undermined the segregationist position, the United Nations must have the power to propose and organize action without being hobbled by irrelevant issues, the Union action of emancipating Southern slaves
class action
class-action suit
a lawsuit brought by a representative member of a large group of people on behalf of all members of the group
civil action legal action to protect a private civil right or to compel a civil remedy (as distinguished from criminal prosecution)
job action a temporary action by workers to protest management decision or to make demands
Abstract Expressionism
action painting
a New York school of painting characterized by freely created abstractions, the first important school of American painting to develop independently of European styles
action mechanism
the operating part that transmits power to a mechanism, the piano had a very stiff action
scene of action
a playing field where sports events take place
delayed action a mechanism that automatically delays the release of a camera shutter for a fixed period of time so that the photographer can appear in the picture
direction finder radio, determines the direction of incoming radio waves
field-effect transistor
a transistor in which most current flows in a channel whose effective resistance can be controlled by a transverse electric field
ground-effect machine
a craft capable of moving over water or land on a cushion of air created by jet engines
piano action action consisting of a system of levers that move a felt hammer to strike the strings when a key is depressed
pump action
slide action
action mechanism in a modern rifle or shotgun, a back and forward motion of a sliding lever ejects the empty shell case and cocks the firearm and loads a new round
an outward appearance, he made a good impression, I wanted to create an impression of success, she retained that bold effect in her reproductions of the original painting
effect force (of a law) having legal validity, the law is still in effect
action the trait of being active and energetic and forceful, a man of action
right of action the legal right to sue
sense of direction an awareness of your orientation in space
focal point
direction centering
the concentration of attention or energy on something, the focus of activity shifted to molecular biology, he had no direction in his life
possibility possible action
a possible alternative, bankruptcy is always a possibility
impossible action
an alternative that is not available
law of effect (psychology) the principle that behaviors are selected by their consequences, behavior having good consequences tends to be repeated whereas behavior that leads to bad consequences is not repeated
law of mass action (chemistry) the law that states the following principle: the rate of a chemical reaction is directly proportional to the molecular concentrations of the reacting substances
third law of motion
Newton's third law of motion
Newton's third law
law of action and reaction
action and reaction are equal and opposite
plan of action a plan for actively doing something
effect an impression (especially one that is artificial or contrived), he just did it for effect
sound effect an effect that imitates a sound called for in the script of a play
special effect an effect used to produce scenes that cannot be achieved by normal techniques (especially on film)
stage effect a special effect created on the stage
mass-action principle
mass action
(neurology) the principle that the cortex of the brain operates as a coordinated system with large masses of neural tissue involved in all complex functioning
direction a general course along which something has a tendency to develop, I couldn't follow the direction of his thoughts, his ideals determined the direction of his career, they proposed a new direction for the firm
action the series of events that form a plot, his novels always have a lot of action
the central meaning or theme of a speech or literary work
something that provides direction or advice as to a decision or course of action
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