
bek�mpft Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Studio n
Studios pl
Grafikstudio n
Mpdestudio n
Musikstudio n
graphics studio
fashion studio
music studio
Gelbholz n (Maackia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Asiatisches Gelbholz n (Maackia amurensis)
yellowwood (botanical genus)
Amur maackia
Amurtraubenkirsche f; Amurkirsche f (Prunus maackii) bot.
Amur chokecherry; Amur cherry; Manchurian cherry
Maar n geol.
Maare pl
maar; volcanic lake
maars; maare; volcanic lakes
Antillen-Gulden m (Währung in Curaçao und Sint Maarten) fin.
Karibischer Gulden m (vorgeschlagene Währung für Curaçao und Sint Maarten)
Netherlands Antillean guilder (currency of Curaçao and Sint Maarten)
Carribian guilder (proposed currency of Curaçao and Sint Maarten)
Maas f (Fluss) geogr.
Meuse (river)
Maastrichter Vertrag hist.
Maastricht Treaty
Fähnrich m zur See, Maat m, Marineunteroffizier m mil.
petty officer
Maat m naut.
Fähnrich m zur See; Maat m; Marineunteroffizier m mil.
petty officer
Maat m (Offizier auf einem Handelsschiff) naut.
Maate pl
mate (officer on a merchant ship)
Japanmakak m; Schneeaffe m; Rotgesichtsmakake m (Macaca fuscata) zool.
Japanese macaque; snow monkey
Makaken pl (Macaca) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
macaques (zoological genus)
Macadamiabäume pl (Macadamia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
macadamia trees (botanical genus)
Macadamianuss f cook.
Macadamianüsse pl
macadamia nut
macadamia nuts
Macadamiaöl n; Macadamianussöl n
macadamia oil; macadamia nut oil
hellroter Ara; Arakanga m (Ara macao) ornith.
scarlet macaw
Macau geogr.
Macau (mo)
Macau n MO geogr.
Macau n MO geogr.
(von der Bühne) abgehen v art
Macbeth geht ab.
to exit (leave the stage)
Exit Macbeth.
'Macbeth' (von Shakespeare Werktitel) lit.
'Macbeth' (by Shakespeare work title)
'Macbeth' (von Shakespeare Werktitel) lit.
'Macbeth' (by Shakespeare work title)
Titus Maccius Plautus (Komödiendichter im alten Rom) hist.
Titus Maccius Plautus (playwright of ancient rome)
Raubmöwen pl (Stercorarius) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Antarktikskua f (Stercorarius maccormicki)
Chileskua f (Stercorarius chilensis)
Falkenraubmöwe f (Stercorarius longicaudus)
Große Raubmöve f; (Stercorarius skua)
Schmarotzerraubmöwe f (Stercorarius parasiticus)
Spatelraubmöwe f (Stercorarius pomarinus)
Subantarktikskua f; Braune Skua f (Stercorarius antarcticus)
skuas (zoological genus)
South-Polar skua
Chilean skua
long-tailed skua
great skua
Arctic skua
pomarine skua
Antarctic skua; subantarctic skua; brown skua
Thunfische pl; Tunfische pl; Thons Thone pl Schw. (Thunnus) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
weißer Thun; Langflossenthun(fisch) (Thunnus alalunga)
Gelbflossenthun(fisch); Ahi (Thunnus albacares)
Schwarzflossenthun(fisch) (Thunnus atlanticus)
roter großer Thun Blauflossenthun(fisch) nordatlantischer Thun(fisch) (Thunnus thynnus)
südlicher Blauflossenthun(fisch) (Thunnus maccoyii)
nordpazifischer Blauflossenthun(fisch) (Thunnus orientalis)
Großaugenthun(fisch) (Thunnus obesus)
Langschwanzthun(fisch) (Thunnus tonggol)
tunas; tunnies (zoological genus)
albacore (fish tuna); Pacific albacore; albicore; longfin (tuna tunny); pigfish; albies; binnaga
yellowfin tuna
blackfin tuna
giant bluefin tuna; Northern bluefin tuna; Atlantic bluefin tuna
Southern bluefin tuna
Pacific bluefin tuna
bigeye tuna
longtail tuna
Thunfische pl; Tunfische pl; Thons Thone pl Schw. (Thunnus) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
weißer Thun; Langflossenthun(fisch) (Thunnus alalunga)
Gelbflossenthun(fisch); Ahi (Thunnus albacares)
Schwarzflossenthun(fisch) (Thunnus atlanticus)
roter großer Thun, Blauflossenthun(fisch), nordatlantischer Thun(fisch) (Thunnus thynnus)
südlicher Blauflossenthun(fisch) (Thunnus maccoyii)
nordpazifischer Blauflossenthun(fisch) (Thunnus orientalis)
Großaugenthun(fisch) (Thunnus obesus)
Langschwanzthun(fisch) (Thunnus tonggol)
tunas; tunnies (zoological genus)
albacore (fish tuna); Pacific albacore; albicore; longfin (tuna tunny); pigfish; albies; binnaga
yellowfin tuna
blackfin tuna
giant bluefin tuna; Northern bluefin tuna; Atlantic bluefin tuna
Southern bluefin tuna
Pacific bluefin tuna
bigeye tuna
longtail tuna
Mazeral n; Maceral n geol.
Mazeralen pl; Maceralen pl
maceral (coal); component Am.; constituent
macerals; components; constituents
Pseudobulweria-Sturmvögel pl (Pseudobulweria) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Salomonensturmvogel m (Pseudobulweria becki)
Tahiti-Sturmvogel m (Pseudobulweria rostrata)
Macgillivray-Sturmvogel m (Pseudobulweria macgillivrayi)
pseudobulweria petrels (zoological genus)
Beck's petrel
Tahiti petrel
MacGillivray's petrel; Fiji petrel
Macgillivraysturmvogel m ornith.
Macgillivray's Petrel
MacGuffin m; McGuffin m (Begriff von Hitchcock für ein handlungstreibendes Element das für sich genommen uninteressant ist) art
MacGuffin; McGuffin
MacGuffin m; McGuffin m (Begriff von Hitchcock für ein handlungstreibendes Element, das für sich genommen uninteressant ist) art
MacGuffin; McGuffin
Abblaseeinrichtung f (ins Freie) mach.
Abblaseeinrichtungen pl
atmospheric relief system
atmospheric relief systems
Abblasehaube f mach.
Abblasehauben pl
(atmospheric) relief hood
relief hoods
Abblaseleistung f mach.
discharge capacity
Abblaseventil n mach.
Abblaseventile pl
(atmospheric) relief valve
relief valves
Abfahrvorgang m mach. (Kessel)
shutdown procedure
Abfangtau n (Befahreinrichtung) mach.
safety rope
Abgasverlust m mach. (Kessel)
flue gas loss
Abhitzekessel m mach.
Abhitzekessel pl
waste heat boiler, waste heat recovery boiler
waste heat boilers, waste heat recovery boilers
Abklingbehälter m mach.
Abklingbehälter pl
decay tank
decay tanks
Abklingwärme f mach.
decay heat
Ablassleitung f, Ablaßleitung f alt (Kessel) mach.
Ablassleitungen pl, Ablaßleitungen pl
drain, drain line
drains, drain lines
ablassschieber m, Ablaßschieber m alt (Spülkammer) mach.
ablassschieber pl, Ablaßschieber pl
sluice gate
sluice gates
Ablaufschräge f (Rollgang) mach.
inclined roller table
Ablaugekessel m mach.
Ablaugekessel pl
liquor-fired boiler
liquor-fired boilers
Abnahmeversuch m mach. (Kessel)
Abnahmeversuche pl
acceptance test
acceptance tests
Abscheideflasche f, Abscheidegefäß n mach. (Kessel)
Abscheideflaschen pl, Abscheidegefäße pl
separating vessel
separating vessels
Abschlämmleitung f (Kessel) mach.
Abschlämmleitungen pl
blowdown pipe
blowdown pipes
Abschlämmung f (Kessel) mach.
Abschlämmventil n (Kessel) mach.
Abschlämmventile pl
blowdown valve
blowdown valves
Absenkung f (Kesseldehnung) mach.
downward expansion, downward thermal growth
Absetzbecken n (Entaschung) mach.
Absetzbecken pl
settling tank
settling tanks
Absperrschieber m mach. (Bunker, Silo, Trichter)
Absperrschieber pl
slide gate valve, shutter valve
slide gate valves, shutter valves
Absperrschieber m mach. (Steckschieber)
Absperrschieber pl
guillotine damper
guillotine dampers
Abspritzpumpe f mach. (Siebbandanlege)
Abspritzpumpen pl
screen wash pump
screen wash pumps
Abstreicher m mach. (Siebtrommel)
Abstreicher pl
doctor blade
doctor blades
Abströmhaube f mach. (E-Filter)
Abströmhauben pl
outlet hood
outlet hoods
Abströmkante f mach.
Abströmkanten pl
trailing edge
trailing edges
Abstützkonstruktion f mach.
Abstützkonstruktionen pl
support structure
support structures
Abweichung f mach. (Qualität)
Abweichungsbericht m mach. (Qualität)
Abweichungsberichte pl
non-conformance report
non-conformance reports
Anbaumotor m mach.
Anbaumotoren pl
flange-mounted motor
flange-mounted motors
Anfahranlage f mach. (Kessel)
Anfahranlagen pl
start-up (bypass) system
start-up systems
Anfahrentspanner m mach.
Anfahrentspanner pl
start-up flash tank
start-up flash tanks
Anfahrkreislauf m mach.
start-up system
Anfahrsperrschieber m mach.
Anfahrsperrschieber pl
start-up gate valve
start-up gate valves
Anfahrzeit f mach.
start-up time
Ankerschuhhaube f mach.
Ankerschuhhauben pl
protective hood of anchor head
protective hoods of anchor head
Ankerzugstange f mach.
Ankerzugstangen pl
tie rod
tie rods

Deutsche bek�mpft Synonyme

Englische studio Synonyme

studio  AM station  FM station  RDF station  agency  atelier  barbershop  beauty parlor  beauty shop  bench  butcher shop  clear-channel station  company  concern  corporation  desk  direction-finder station  establishment  facility  firm  gallery  house  installation  institution  library  loft  office  organization  parlor  radio relay station  radio station  relay station  sail loft  shop  shortwave station  stacks  studio plant  study  sweatshop  ultrahigh-frequency station  work site  work space  workbench  workhouse  working space  workplace  workroom  workshop  worktable  
studious  absorbed  absorbed in  abstruse  academic  advised  aforethought  assiduous  attentive  autodidactic  bookish  buried in  careful  caught up in  civilized  college-bred  collegiate  considered  contemplating  contemplative  cultivated  cultured  deep  designed  devoted  devoted to  devoted to studies  diligent  donnish  dryasdust  educated  encyclopedic  engaged  engrossed  engrossed in  erudite  graduate  immersed in  industrious  intent  intent on  involved  learned  lettered  literate  lost in  mandarin  meditating  meditative  monomaniacal  monopolized  obsessed  occupied  owlish  painstaking  pansophic  pedantic  polyhistoric  polymath  polymathic  postgraduate  premeditated  preoccupied  prepense  professorial  profound  rabbinic  scholarly  scholastic  schoolboyish  schoolgirlish  sedulous  single-minded  sophomoric  studentlike  studied  studying  submerged in  swept up  taken up with  thorough  thought-out  tireless  totally absorbed  undergraduate  wise  wrapped in  wrapped up in  

bek�mpft Definition

(n.) The make or form of anything
(n.) The prevailing mode or style, especially of dress
(n.) Polite, fashionable, or genteel life
(n.) Mode of action
(v. t.) To form
(v. t.) To fit
(v. t.) To make according to the rule prescribed by custom.
(v. t.) To forge or counterfeit.
(n.) One who studies the fashions
(a.) Behaving like a fashion-monger.
(n.) The art or the science of drawing
(n.) The science and the art of tones, or musical sounds, i. e., sounds of higher or lower pitch, begotten of uniform and synchronous vibrations, as of a string at various degrees of tension
(n.) Melody
(n.) Harmony
(n.) The written and printed notation of a musical composition
(n.) Love of music
(n.) A more or less musical sound made by many of the lower animals. See Stridulation.
(pl. ) of Studio
(n.) The working room of an artist.

studio / studios / graphics studio / fashion studio / music studio Bedeutung

fashion characteristic or habitual practice
music musical activity (singing or whistling etc.), his music was his central interest
instrumental music music produced by playing a musical instrument
vocal music music that is vocalized (as contrasted with instrumental music)
music lesson a lesson in performing music
music medicine punishment for one's actions, you have to face the music, take your medicine
broadcasting studio a studio where broadcasts originate
computer graphics the pictorial representation and manipulation of data by a computer
fashion plate a plate illustrating the latest fashion in dress
fashion consumer goods (especially clothing) in the current mode
graphics the drawings and photographs in the layout of a book
music box
musical box
produces music by means of pins on a revolving cylinder that strike the tuned teeth of a comb-like metal plate
music hall
vaudeville theater
vaudeville theatre
a theater in which vaudeville is staged
music school a school specializing in music
music stand
music rack
a light stand for holding sheets of printed music
music stool
piano stool
a stool for piano players, usually adjustable in height
recording studio studio where tapes and records are recorded
studio workplace for the teaching or practice of an art, she ran a dance studio, the music department provided studios for their students, you don't need a studio to make a passport photograph
studio workplace consisting of a room or building where movies or television shows or radio programs are produced and recorded
studio apartment
an apartment with a living space and a bathroom and a small kitchen
studio couch
day bed
convertible consisting of an upholstered couch that can be converted into a double bed
manner mode
way fashion
how something is done or how it happens, her dignified manner, his rapid manner of talking, their nomadic mode of existence, in the characteristic New York style, a lonely way of life, in an abrasive fashion
any agreeable (pleasing and harmonious) sounds, he fell asleep to the music of the wind chimes
music (music) the sounds produced by singers or musical instruments (or reproductions of such sounds)
piano music the sound of music produced by a piano, he thought he heard piano music next door
music of the spheres an inaudible music that Pythagoras thought was produced by the celestial
fashion the latest and most admired style in clothes and cosmetics and behavior
haute couture
high fashion
high style
trend-setting fashions
Bachelor of Music
a bachelor's degree in music
Doctor of Music
a doctor's degree in music
piano music sheet music to be played on a piano
sheet music a musical composition in printed or written form, she turned the pages of the music as he played
graphics nontextual matter
photographs or other visual representations in a printed publication, the publisher was responsible for all the artwork in the book
music hall
a variety show with songs and comic acts etc.
music r an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner
monophonic music
music consisting of a single vocal part (usually with accompaniment)
polyphonic music
concerted music
music arranged in parts for several voices or instruments
black music
African-American music
music created by African-American musicians, early forms were songs that had a melodic line and a strong rhythmic beat with repeated choruses
classical music
serious music
traditional genre of music conforming to an established form and appealing to critical interest and developed musical taste
chamber music serious music performed by a small group of musicians
part music vocal music for several voices in independent parts (usually performed without accompaniment)
religious music
church music
genre of music composed for performance as part of religious ceremonies
musical composition
composition piece piece of music
a musical work that has been created, the composition is written in four movements
instrumental music music intended to be performed by a musical instrument or group of instruments
symphonic music
a long and complex sonata for symphony orchestra
dance music music to dance to
serial music
th century music that uses a definite order of notes as a thematic basis for a musical composition
twelve-tone music
-tone music
twelve-tone system
-tone system
a type of serial music introduced by Arnold Schoenberg, uses a tone row formed by the twelve semitones of the chromatic scale (and inverted or backward versions of the row)
marching music
genre of music written for marching, Sousa wrote the best marches
military march
military music
martial music
brisk marching music suitable for troops marching in a military parade
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