
dahin Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

bis dahin
by that time
bis dahin
by then
Geh dahin
jump in the lake
jagt dahin
trieb dahin
jagte dahin
dahin sausen
to sweep {swept; swept}
dahin sausen
to sweep {swept, swept}
dahin sausen v
to sweep {swept; swept}
schlendert dahin
schlenderte dahin
wie komme ich dahin
how do i get there
Wie komme ich dahin?
How do I get there?
Die Zeit rinnt dahin.
Time is slipping away.
bis dahin, bis nachher
till then
sind dahin auszulegen daĂź
are to be construed as
vordem; vormals; bis dahin adv
theretofore (formal)
vordem; vormals; bis dahin adv
theretofore formal
Geh dahin wo der Pfeffer wächst!
Jump in the lake!
sich dahin gehend äußern dass ...
to make a comment to the effect that
Geh dahin, wo der Pfeffer wächst!
Jump in the lake!
sich dahin gehend äußern, dass ...
to make a comment to the effect that
dort, da, dorthin, dahin adv
dort drĂĽben
over there
Keine zehn Pferde bringen mich dahin. ĂĽbtr.
Wild horses couldn't drag me there.
vorher; zuvor; davor; bis dahin; im Vorfeld adv
earlier; previously
dahinstehen v selten
Das steht noch dahin.
to remain to be seen
That remains to be seen.; That's not decided yet.
futsch sein ugs.; dahin sein; verschwinden v
to go out the window
bis dahin
eine bis dahin unerreichte technische Vollkommenheit
until then; till then coll.
a technical perfection not achieved till then
dahingehend; dahin gehend adv
sich dahingehend äußern, dass …
to the that effect
to make a comment to the effect that …
jagt dahin
jagte dahin
to skitter
dahingehend; dahin gehend adv
sich dahin gehend äußern dass ...
to the that effect
to say something to the effect that ...
dahinjagen v
jagt dahin
jagte dahin
to skitter
dort; da; dorthin; dahin adv
dort drĂĽben
von dort; von da; daher
over there
from there; thence (dated)
bis dahin; bisher adv
Er entdeckte eine bis dahin unbekannte Tierart
hitherto; previously; formerly
He discovered a hitherto unknown animal species.
woher adv
Woher ist er?
Wir mĂĽssen dahin zurĂĽck woher wir gekommen sind.
where ... from
Where's he from?
We must go back the way we came.
woher adv
Woher ist er?
Wir mĂĽssen dahin zurĂĽck, woher wir gekommen sind.
where … from
Where's he from?
We must go back the way we came.
dahintreiben v
treibt dahin
trieb dahin
to drift
dahintreiben v
Die Wolken treiben am Himmel (dahin).
to scud
The clouds are scudding across the sky.
dahinschlendern v
schlendert dahin
schlenderte dahin
to mosey
dort; da; dorthin; dahin adv
dort drĂĽben
von dort; von da; daher
Ja wen haben wir denn da?
over there
from there; thence dated
Well, look who's there!
so adv
so weit wie
so groß, dass …
so viele; dass …
(Bis dahin) so weit, so gut. Dann allerdings …
as; so
as far as
so big that …
so many that …
(Up to that point) so far, so good. Then, however, …
Das bleibt abzuwarten.; Das muss sich erst noch zeigen.; Das wird sich zeigen.; Das wird sich weisen. geh.; Das steht noch dahin. selten
That remains to be seen.; Only time will tell.; Time will tell.
sich dahinwinden, mäandern (Fluss)
sich dahinwindend, mäandernd
sich dahingewunden, mäandert
windet sich dahin, mäandert
wand sich dahin, mäanderte
to meander
Zusammenhänge pl (Gesetzmäßigkeiten und Vorgänge im Hintergrund)
die politischen ökologischen Zusammenhänge
neue und bis dahin nicht vermutete Zusammenhänge
the political ecological interactions
new and formerly unrecognized interactions
langsam vergehen, dahinkriechen v
langsam vergehend, dahinkriechend
langsam vergangen, dahingekrochen
vergeht langsam, kriecht dahin
verging langsam, kroch dahin
to lag
dösen; schlummern; dahindämmern; nafezen Süddt. v
dösend; schlummernd; dahindämmernd
gedöst; geschlummert; dahingedämmert
döst; schlummert; dämmert dahin
döste; schlummerte; dämmerte dahin
to doze
vorbeiziehen; vorbeirollen; dahinziehen v
vorbeiziehend; vorbeirollend; dahinziehend
vorbeigezogen; vorbeigerollt; dahingezogen
zieht vorbei; rollt vorbei; zieht dahin
zog vorbei; rollte vorbei; zog dahin
to roll by; to roll past
rolling by; rolling past
rolled by; rolled past
rolls by; rolls past
rolled by; rolled past
vorbeiziehen, vorbeirollen, dahinziehen v
vorbeiziehend, vorbeirollend, dahinziehend
vorbeigezogen, vorbeigerollt, dahingezogen
zieht vorbei, rollt vorbei, zieht dahin
zog vorbei, rollte vorbei, zog dahin
to roll by, to roll past
rolling by, rolling past
rolled by, rolled past
rolls by, rolls past
rolled by, rolled past
dahin sein; mit jdm. etw. vorbei sein v ugs.
Unsere Urlaubspläne sind dahin.
Mit den satten Gewinnen ist es seit dem Zusammenbruch der Weltwirtschaft 2008 vorbei.
Sein Schiff würde meines halbieren und mit mir wär's vorbei.
to go for a burton Br. coll. (old-fashioned)
Our holiday plans have gone for a burton.
Big profits have gone for a burton since the global economy collapsed in 2008.
His boat would cut mine in two and I'd go for a burton.
dahinsiechen; verkĂĽmmern; verfallen v
dahinsiechend; verkĂĽmmernd; verfallend
dahingesiecht; verkĂĽmmert; verfallen
siecht dahin; verkümmert; verfällt
siechte dahin; verkĂĽmmerte; verfiel
Sein Körper verfiel zusehends.
to waste away
wasting away
wasted away
wastes away
wasted away
His body was visibly wasting away.
dahin sein; mit jdm. etw. vorbei sein v ugs.
Unsere Urlaubspläne sind dahin.
Mit den satten Gewinnen ist es seit dem Zusammenbruch der Weltwirtschaft 2008 vorbei.
Sein Schiff würde meines in zwei Teile teilen, und mit mir wär's vorbei.
to go for a burton Br. coll. dated
Our holiday plans have gone for a burton.
Big profits have gone for a burton since the global economy collapsed in 2008.
His boat would cut mine in two and I'd go for a burton.
sterben; verscheiden; dahinscheiden; entschlafen v
sterbend; verscheidend; dahinscheidend; entschlafend
gestorben; verschieden; dahingeschieden; entschlafen
stirbt; verscheidet; scheidet dahin; entschläft
starb; verschied; schied dahin; entschlief
to pass away; to pass on; to pass over
passing away; passing on; passing over
passed away; passed on; passed over
passes away on over
passed away on over
sterben, verscheiden, dahinscheiden, entschlafen v
sterbend, verscheidend, dahinscheidend, entschlafend
gestorben, verschieden, dahingeschieden, entschlafen
stirbt, verscheidet, scheidet dahin, entschläft
starb, verschied, schied dahin, entschlief
to pass away, to pass by
passing away, passing by
passed away, passed by
passes away, passes by
passed away, passed by
etw. mit sich reiĂźen; mitreiĂźen; mitschleppen v
Die Strömung riss sie mit sich.
Der Wind trieb das Boot dahin.
Ich wurde von der Atmosphäre bei der Versteigerung mitgerissen und gab mehr Geld aus als geplant.
Wir mussten die ganze Zeit auch meine kleine Schwester mitschleppen.
to carry along () sth.
The current carried them along.
The wind carried the boat along.
I was carried along by the atmosphere of the auction and spent more than I had planned.
We had to carry along my little sister all the time.
zu diesem Zeitpunkt … schon; da … schon; da … bereits; da …längst; bis dahin adv
Da war es schon zu spät.
Da ist er längst über alle Berge.
Rufen Sie nächste Woche wieder an. Bis dahin müssten sie zu einer Entscheidung gekommen sein.
Ihr werdet bis dahin nicht zurĂĽck sein, oder?
by then
By then it was too late.
He will be gone by then.
Call again next week. They should have reached a decision by then.
You won't be back by then, will you?
plätschern; sich kräuseln; leicht wogen; dahinrieseln v
plätschernd; sich kräuselnd; leicht wogend; dahinrieselnd
geplätschert; sich gekräuselt; leicht gewogt; dahingerieselt
plätschert; kräuselt sich; wogt leicht; rieselt dahin
plätscherte; kräuselte sich; wogte leicht; rieselte dahin
to ripple
vorbeiziehen; vorbeirollen; dahinziehen v
vorbeiziehend; vorbeirollend; dahinziehend
vorbeigezogen; vorbeigerollt; dahingezogen
zieht vorbei; rollt vorbei; zieht dahin
zog vorbei; rollte vorbei; zog dahin
Doch in der letzten Kurve blockierte die Hinterachse, sodass … an ihm vorbeizog.
to roll by; to roll past
rolling by; rolling past
rolled by; rolled past
rolls by; rolls past
rolled by; rolled past
But his rear-axle locked in the last turn which enabled … to pass him.
etw. mit sich reiĂźen; mitreiĂźen; mitschleppen; dahintreiben v
Die Strömung riss sie mit sich.
Der Wind trieb das Boot dahin.
Ich wurde von der Atmosphäre bei der Versteigerung mitgerissen und gab mehr Geld aus als geplant.
Wir mussten die ganze Zeit auch meine kleine Schwester mitschleppen.
to carry sth.along
The current carried them along.
The wind carried the boat along.
I was carried along by the atmosphere of the auction and spent more than I had planned.
We had to carry along my little sister all the time.
bis (in, zu) prp, +Akkusativ
bis heute
bis jetzt
bis auf weiteres, bis auf Widerruf
bis jetzt, bisher
bis dahin
Lieferung bis (spätestens)
bis dahin, bis nachher
von Montag bis Freitag
bis 3 Uhr warten
bis in den Tod
bis wann?
nicht vor, erst
erst um 8 Uhr
erst nächste Woche
until, 'til, till, to, by
till this day, by today
until now, till now
until further notice, for the time being
by now
by then
delivery by
until then, till then
from Monday to Friday
to wait until three o'clock
till death
until when, till when
not until, not till
not until 8 o'clock, only at 8 o'clock
not until next week
bis (in; zu) prp; +Akk.
bis heute
bis morgen
bis jetzt
bis auf weiteres; bis auf Widerruf
bis auf
bis jetzt; bisher
bis dahin
Lieferung bis (spätestens)
bis dahin; bis nachher
von Montag bis Freitag
bis 3 Uhr warten
bis in den Tod
bis dass der Tod uns euch scheidet
bis wann?
Ihr werdet bis dahin nicht zurĂĽck sein oder?
Nächste Woche um diese Zeit bin ich in Urlaub.
until; 'til; till; to; by
till this day; by today
till tomorrow; by tomorrow
until now; till now; by now
until further notice; for the time being
(right) down to
by now
by then
delivery by
until then; till then
from Monday to Friday
to wait until three o'clock
till death
until till death do us you part
until when; till when
You won't be back by then will you?
By this time next week I'll be on holiday.
Trend m; Tendenz f; Strömung f
einen Trend entfernen (aus Daten)
allgemeiner Trend
eine gleichbleibende Tendenz (bei etw.)
eine rückläufige Tendenz (bei etw.)
eine steigende Tendenz (bei etw.)
sich dem Trend widersetzen; gegen den Trend gehen
einem Trend folgen
Der Trend geht in Richtung wärmere Winter.
Der Trend geht dahin mit dem Unterricht in einer zweiten Sprache frĂĽher zu beginnen.
Die Tendenz geht dahin dass der Browser Aufgaben ĂĽbernimmt die frĂĽher der Server geleistet hat.
to detrend (the data)
mainstream trend
a stable trend (in sth.)
a downward trend (in sth.)
an upward trend (in sth.)
to buck the trend
to follow a trend
The trend is towards warmer winters.
The trend is to start teaching a second language earlier.
The trend is that the browser does more of the work the server used to do.
hingehören; (an einen Platz) gehören v
hingehörend; gehörend
hingehört; gehört
Wohin gehören diese Teller?
etw. dahin zurücklegen, wo es hingehört
Dieser Stuhl gehört in die Küche.
Die DVD gehört ins oberste Regal.
Ein Kranker gehört ins Bett.
Gehört dieser Punkt wirklich auf die Liste?
Solche Leute gehören nicht ans Lehrerpult.
Ein Gegenstand gehört nicht zu den anderen.
Welche Karte gehört in welchen Schlitz?
Ich weiß, das gehört nicht hierher, aber ich habe eine biographische Frage.
to belong; to go (in a place)
belonging; going
belonged; gone
Where do these plates belong go?
to put sth. back where it belongs
This chair belongs in the kitchen.
The DVD belongs on the top shelf.
A sick person belongs in bed.
Does that item really belong on the list?
Persons like that do not belong in teaching.
One object does not belong with the rest.
Which card goes in which slot?
I know this doesn't belong go here, but I have a biography question.
hingehören; (an einen Platz) gehören v
hingehörend; gehörend
hingehört; gehört
Wohin gehören diese Teller?
etw. dahin zurücklegen wo es hingehört
Dieser Stuhl gehört in die Küche.
Die DVD gehört ins oberste Regal.
Ein Kranker gehört ins Bett.
Gehört dieser Punkt wirklich auf die Liste?
Solche Leute gehören nicht ans Lehrerpult.
Ein Gegenstand gehört nicht zu den anderen.
Welche Karte gehört in welchen Schlitz?
Ich weiß das gehört nicht hierher aber ich habe eine biographische Frage.
to belong; to go (in a place)
belonging; going
belonged; gone
Where do these plates belong go?
to put sth. back where it belongs
This chair belongs in the kitchen.
The DVD belongs on the top shelf.
A sick person belongs in bed.
Does that item really belong on the list?
Persons like that do not belong in teaching.
One object does not belong with the rest.
Which card goes in which slot?
I know this doesn't belong go here but I have a biography question.
Trend m; Tendenz f (hin zu zu etw. weg von etw.)
Trends pl; Tendenzen pl
allgemeiner Trend
Langzeittrend m
eine gleichbleibende Tendenz (bei etw.)
eine rückläufige Tendenz (bei etw.)
eine steigende Tendenz (bei etw.)
sich dem Trend widersetzen; gegen den Trend gehen
einem Trend folgen
einen Trend entfernen (aus Daten)
… und die Tendenz ist steigend
Der Trend geht in Richtung wärmere Winter.
Der Trend geht dahin, mit dem Unterricht in einer zweiten Sprache frĂĽher zu beginnen.
Die Tendenz geht dahin, dass der Browser Aufgaben ĂĽbernimmt, die frĂĽher der Server geleistet hat.
trend; tendency (towards sth. away from sth.)
trends; tendencies
mainstream trend
long-term trend
a stable trend (in sth.)
a downward trend (in sth.)
an upward trend (in sth.)
to buck the trend
to follow a trend
to detrend (the data)
… and the proportion is growing
The trend is towards warmer winters.
The trend is to start teaching a second language earlier.
The trend is that the browser does more of the work the server used to do.
erst; nicht eher frĂĽher als; nicht bevor; nicht vor
erst als; erst wenn
erst jetzt
erst dann
erst nach seinem Auftritt
Erst jetzt wissen wir ...
Erst als sie zu weinen anfing begriff ich ...
Er trat erst wieder 2005 in Erscheinung.
erst nächste Woche
erst um 8 Uhr
erst vor drei Tagen
erst gestern
erst jetzt; jetzt erst; nun erst
eine bis dahin unerreichte technische Vollkommenheit
Er kommt erst wenn du ihn einlädst.
Er kam erst als ...
Ich habe erst vor fünf Minuten davon gehört.
Sie fingen erst an als wir ankamen.
Ich glaube es erst wenn ich es sehe.
Wir haben Zeit. Wir mĂĽssen erst um 10 am Bahnhof sein.
only; not until; not till (past event); not before (future event)
only when
only now
only then; not (un)till then
not until after his performance
Only now do we know ...; Not until now did we know ...
It was only when she started to cry that I understood ...
He came to notice only in 2005.
not until next week
not until 8 o'clock; only at 8 o'clock
only three days ago
only yesterday
only now; but now
a technical perfection not achieved till then
He won't come until you invite him.
He did not come until ...
I heard nothing of it until five minutes ago.
They didn't start until we arrived.
I won't believe it till I see it.
There's no rush. We don't have to be at the station until 10.
Zeit f
Zeiten pl
zur rechten Zeit
zur rechten Zeit
angegebene Zeit
in nächster Zeit
die meiste Zeit des Jahres
die meiste Zeit
Zeit brauchen
jdm. Zeit lassen
sich Zeit lassen
Zeit und Ort bestimmen
die Zeit totschlagen; die Zeit vertreiben
die Zeit verbringen
sich die Zeit vertreiben
seine Zeit vertrödeln
die Zeit vertrödeln
eine schöne Zeit haben; viel Spaß haben
eine tolle Zeit haben; sich groĂźartig amĂĽsieren
in kurzer Zeit
vor kurzer Zeit
eine schöne Zeit haben
Zeit vergeuden
viel wenig Zeit fĂĽr etw. aufwenden auf etw. verwenden geh.
Zeit zu gewinnen suchen; Zeit schinden
eine lange Zeit schönen Wetters
der Zahn der Zeit
zur rechten Zeit
absolute Zeit
höchste Zeit
wenn ich Zeit finde; (immer) wenn es mir meine Zeit erlaubt geh.
sobald ich Zeit habe
Es ist höchste Zeit, ins Bett zu gehen.
Alles zu seiner Zeit!
eine Zeit hindurch
Es wird wohl langsam Zeit zu …
Die Zeit drängt.
Bis dahin ist noch lange Zeit.; Da ist es noch lange hin. ugs.
Es ist höchste Zeit.; Es ist höchste Eisenbahn. humor.
Es ist allerhöchste Zeit Eisenbahn ugs., dass der Direktor eine Entscheidung trifft.
Die Zeit arbeitet fĂĽr ihn.
Das kommt schon mit der Zeit.
Das braucht einfach seine Zeit.
in due time
in good season
indicated time; time indicated
some time soon; in the near future
most of the year
most of my his her our their time
to take time
to give sb. time
to take up time
to set time and place
to kill time
to spend the time
to while away the time
to while away one's time
to fritter away time; to faff slang
to have a nice time
to have a whale of a time fig. coll.
in a little while
a short time ago
to have a good time; to have a blast coll.
to waste time
to spend much little time on sth.
to play for time
a long spell of fine weather
the ravages of time
absolute time
about time; in the nick of time
when my time allows (it)
as soon as I have time
It's high time to go to bed.
All in good time!
throughout a period (of time); for a time
I guess it's time to …
Time presses.; Time is pressing.; Time is short.
That's still some time away.; That's still a long time away.; That's still a long way off.
It is high time.
It's more than high time that the manager made a decision.; It's more than high time for the manager to make a decision.
Time is on his side.
Time will take care of that.
Only time will take care of that.

Deutsche dahin Synonyme

bis  dahin  Âbis  nachher  
dahin  Âdorthin  
bis dahin  bis nachher  
dahin  dorthin  

Englische by that time Synonyme

by  abeam  abreast  accommodated to  according to  adapted to  adieu  adjusted to  after  agreeable to  agreeably to  all through  along by  alongside  among  answerable to  around  as to  aside  at  back  beside  by dint of  by means of  by use of  by virtue of  by way of  bye-bye  conformable to  congruent with  consistent with  farewell  from  good-bye  hereby  herewith  in  in accordance with  in agreement with  in compliance with  in conformity with  in correspondence to  in harmony with  in keeping with  in line with  in lock-step with  in obedience to  in reserve  in step with  in uniformity with  in virtue of  near  nearby  next to  nigh  on  over  passing by  passing through  per  proper to  round  round about  so long  suitable for  thanks to  thereby  therewith  through  to  toward  uniform with  upon  via  whereby  wherewith  wherewithal  with  
by all means  OK  Roger  absolutely  all right  alright  alrighty  amen  and no mistake  as you say  assuredly  at all events  at any rate  aye  certainly  clearly  da  decidedly  decisively  definitely  distinctly  exactly  fine  for a certainty  for a fact  for certain  for sure  forsooth  good  good enough  hear  in truth  indeed  indeedy  ja  just so  mais oui  most assuredly  most certainly  naturally  naturellement  nothing else but  of course  okay  oui  positively  precisely  quite  rather  really  right  righto  sure  sure thing  surely  to a certainty  to be sure  truly  unequivocally  unmistakably  very well  well and good  why yes  yea  yeah  yep  yes  yes indeed  yes indeedy  yes sir  yes sirree  
by and by  after a time  after a while  afterward  afterwards  anon  before long  behind  betimes  by destiny  directly  ere long  fatally  hopefully  imminently  in a moment  in a while  in aftertime  in due course  in due time  in the future  infra  later  latterly  next  predictably  presently  probably  proximo  shortly  soon  subsequently  tomorrow  
by and large  all in all  all things considered  almost entirely  altogether  approximately  as a rule  as a whole  as an approximation  at large  broadly  broadly speaking  chiefly  commonly  effectually  en masse  essentially  generally  generally speaking  in general  in the main  mainly  mostly  normally  on balance  on the whole  ordinarily  overall  predominantly  prevailingly  roughly  roughly speaking  routinely  speaking generally  substantially  usually  virtually  
by chance  accidentally  as it chanced  at haphazard  at intervals  at random  by a fluke  by accident  by fits  by good fortune  by hazard  by snatches  capriciously  carelessly  casually  desultorily  erratically  fitfully  for some reason  fortuitously  haphazardly  hit or miss  in snatches  in some way  in spots  incidentally  indiscriminately  irregularly  perchance  promiscuously  randomly  sloppily  somehow  somehow or other  spasmodically  sporadically  unmethodically  unpredictably  unsystematically  
by choice  before  by election  by vote  electively  first  freely  gratuitously  in preference  independently  optionally  preferably  rather  rather than  sooner  sooner than  spontaneously  voluntarily  willfully  without coercion  
by degrees  bit by bit  by inches  by inchmeal  by slow degrees  by snatches  degreewise  drop by drop  foot by foot  gradatim  grade by grade  gradually  in detail  in driblets  in installments  in lots  in small doses  in snatches  inch by inch  inchmeal  little by little  part by part  piece by piece  piecemeal  slowly  step by step  
by design  advisedly  calculatedly  consciously  contemplatedly  deliberately  designedly  in cold blood  intentionally  knowingly  meditatedly  on purpose  pointedly  premeditatedly  purposefully  purposely  purposively  voluntarily  willfully  with full intent  with intent  with malice aforethought  with purpose  wittingly  
by means of  by  by dint of  by use of  by virtue of  by way of  helped by  hereby  herewith  in virtue of  on  per  thanks to  thereby  therewith  through  upon  via  whereby  wherewith  wherewithal  with  
by no means  God forbid  I refuse  I will not  at no hand  au contraire  count me out  far from it  impossible  in no case  in no respect  in no wise  include me out  never  no  no matter what  nohow  not a bit  not a jot  not a speck  not a whit  not an iota  not at all  not likely  not much  not nearly  nothing doing  noway  noways  nowhere near  nowise  on no account  on no condition  quite the contrary  to the contrary  under no circumstances  
by product  afterbirth  afterclap  aftercrop  aftereffect  afterglow  aftergrowth  afterimage  aftermath  afterpain  aftertaste  consequence  consequent  corollary  derivation  derivative  descendant  development  distillate  effect  event  eventuality  eventuation  fruit  harvest  issue  legacy  logical outcome  offshoot  offspring  outcome  outgrowth  placenta  precipitate  product  result  resultant  secundines  sequel  sequela  sequence  sequent  side effect  side issue  spin-off  upshot  
by the way  a propos  accidental  aimless  apropos  apropos of  by the by  by-the-way  casual  desultory  deviative  digressive  discursive  en passant  episodic  excursive  for example  in passing  incidental  incidentally  loose  maundering  occasional  par exemple  parenthetical  parenthetically  rambling  roving  speaking of  wandering  
by virtue of  after  because of  by  by authority of  by dint of  by means of  by reason of  by use of  by way of  considering  due to  hereby  herewith  in consideration of  in view of  in virtue of  on  on account of  owing to  per  thanks to  thereby  therewith  through  upon  via  whereby  wherewith  wherewithal  with  
by way of  all through  around  by  by dint of  by means of  by use of  by virtue of  hereby  herewith  in virtue of  on  over  passing by  passing through  per  round about  thanks to  thereby  therewith  through  upon  via  whereby  wherewith  wherewithal  with  
bygone  ago  antiquated  antique  archaic  belated  blown over  by  bypast  dated  dead  dead and buried  deceased  defunct  departed  elapsed  erstwhile  expired  extinct  finished  forgotten  former  gone  gone glimmering  gone-by  has-been  irrecoverable  lapsed  late  lost  no more  obsolete  of old  of yore  old  old-time  old-timey  olden  oldfangled  once  onetime  out-of-date  over  passe  passed  passed away  past  quondam  run out  sometime  vanished  whilom  wound up  
bylaw  act  bill  canon  decree  dictate  dictation  edict  enactment  form  formality  formula  formulary  institution  jus  law  legislation  lex  measure  ordinance  ordonnance  prescript  prescription  regulation  rubric  rule  ruling  standing order  statute  
bypass  Autobahn  US highway  alley  alleyway  ambages  arterial  arterial highway  arterial street  artery  autoroute  autostrada  avenue  avoid  back door  back road  back stairs  back street  back way  belt highway  bestride  blind alley  boulevard  burke  by-lane  bypath  byroad  bystreet  byway  camino real  carriageway  causeway  causey  chaussee  circuit  circumbendibus  circumferential  circumnavigate  circumvent  close  corduroy road  county road  court  crescent  cross  cul-de-sac  dead-end street  detour  deviate  deviation  digress  digression  dike  dirt road  drive  driveway  evade  excursion  expressway  ford  freeway  get ahead of  get round  give the go-by  go across  go around  go by  go round  go round about  gravel road  highroad  highway  highways and byways  ignore  interstate highway  lane  local road  main drag  main road  make a detour  mews  motorway  overstride  parkway  pass  pass by  pass over  pave  paved road  pike  place  plank road  primary highway  private road  right-of-way  ring road  road  roadbed  roadway  roundabout  roundabout way  route nationale  row  royal road  secondary road  shoot ahead of  side door  side road  side street  sidestep  skirt  speedway  state highway  step over  straddle  street  superhighway  terrace  thoroughfare  through street  thruway  toll road  township road  turnpike  wynd  
bystander  TV-viewer  abutter  adjoiner  attestant  attestator  attester  beholder  bird-watcher  borderer  cojuror  compurgator  deponent  drugstore cowboy  earwitness  eyewitness  gaper  gazer  gazer-on  girl-watcher  goggler  immediate neighbor  informant  informer  kibitzer  looker  looker-on  neighbor  neighborer  observer  ogler  onlooker  passerby  perceiver  percipient  seer  sidewalk superintendent  spectator  spectatress  spectatrix  swearer  tangent  televiewer  television-viewer  testifier  video-gazer  viewer  voucher  watcher  witness  
byway  Autobahn  US highway  alley  alleyway  arterial  arterial highway  arterial street  artery  autoroute  autostrada  avenue  back door  back road  back stairs  back street  back way  belt highway  blind alley  boulevard  by-lane  bypass  bypath  byroad  bystreet  camino real  carriageway  causeway  causey  chaussee  circumferential  close  corduroy road  county road  court  crescent  cul-de-sac  dead-end street  departure  detour  deviation  digression  dike  dirt road  discursion  drive  driveway  episode  excursion  excursus  expressway  freeway  gravel road  highroad  highway  highways and byways  interstate highway  lane  local road  main drag  main road  mews  motorway  parkway  pave  paved road  pike  place  plank road  primary highway  private road  right-of-way  ring road  road  roadbed  roadway  roundabout way  route nationale  row  royal road  secondary road  side door  side path  side road  side street  sidetrack  speedway  state highway  street  superhighway  terrace  thoroughfare  through street  thruway  toll road  township road  turnpike  wynd  
byword  adage  ana  analects  aphorism  apophthegm  apothegm  appellation  appellative  axiom  binomen  binomial name  burning shame  butt  byname  byword of reproach  catch phrase  catchword  cliche  cognomen  collected sayings  cry  cryptonym  current saying  denomination  derision  designation  dictate  dictum  dirty shame  disgrace  distich  dupe  empty title  epigram  epithet  eponym  euonym  expression  fad word  fair game  figure of fun  fool  game  gazingstock  gnome  goat  golden saying  handle  honorific  humiliation  hyponym  jest  jestingstock  joke  label  laughingstock  low-down dirty shame  maxim  mockery  moniker  monkey  moral  mot  motto  name  namesake  nomen  nomen nudum  oracle  parable  pet expression  phrase  pithy saying  precept  prescript  proper name  proper noun  proverb  proverbial saying  proverbs  reproach  saw  saying  scandal  scientific name  secret name  sentence  sententious expression  shame  shibboleth  slogan  sloka  sobriquet  stock  stock saying  style  sutra  tag  target  tautonym  teaching  text  title  toy  trinomen  trinomial name  verse  victim  vogue word  watchword  wisdom  wisdom literature  wise saying  witticism  word  words of wisdom  

dahin Definition

Benting time
() The season when pigeons are said to feed on bents, before peas are ripe.
(n.) Duration, considered independently of any system of measurement or any employment of terms which designate limited portions thereof.
(n.) A particular period or part of duration, whether past, present, or future
(n.) The period at which any definite event occurred, or person lived
(n.) The duration of one's life
(n.) A proper time
(n.) Hour of travail, delivery, or parturition.
(n.) Performance or occurrence of an action or event, considered with reference to repetition
(n.) The present life
(n.) Tense.
(n.) The measured duration of sounds
(v. t.) To appoint the time for
(v. t.) To regulate as to time
(v. t.) To ascertain or record the time, duration, or rate of
(v. t.) To measure, as in music or harmony.
(v. i.) To keep or beat time
(v. i.) To pass time
(a.) Honored for a long time
(n.) A tabular statement of the time at which, or within which, several things are to take place, as the recitations in a school, the departure and arrival of railroad trains or other public conveyances, the rise and fall of the tides, etc.
(n.) A plane surface divided in one direction with lines representing hours and minutes, and in the other with lines representing miles, and having diagonals (usually movable strings) representing the speed and position of various trains.
(n.) A table showing the notation, length, or duration of the several notes.

by that time Bedeutung

time the continuum of experience in which events pass from the future through the present to the past
pursuit sideline
spare-time activity
an auxiliary activity
time and motion study
time-and-motion study
time-motion study
motion study
time study
work study
an analysis of a specific job in an effort to find the most efficient method in terms of time and effort
waste of time the devotion of time to a useless activity, the waste of time could prove fatal
time exposure exposure of a film for a relatively long time (more than half a second)
harvest time
the season for gathering crops
haying time
the season for cutting and drying and storing grass as fodder
break time out
a pause from doing something (as work), we took a -minute break, he took time out to recuperate
free time
spare time
time that is free from duties or responsibilities
character printer
character-at-a-time printer
serial printer
a printer that prints a single character at a time
line printer
line-at-a-time printer
printer that serves as an output device on a computer, prints a whole line of characters at a time
page printer
page-at-a-time printer
a printer that prints one page at a time
time-ball a ball that slides down a staff to show a fixed time, especially at an observatory
time bomb
infernal machine
a bomb that has a detonating mechanism that can be set to go off at a particular time
time capsule container for preserving historical records to be discovered at some future time
time clock clock used to record the hours that people work
time-delay measuring instrument
time-delay measuring system
chronoscope for measuring the time difference between two events
time exposure a photograph produced with a relatively long exposure time
time-fuse a fuse made to burn for a given time (especially to explode a bomb)
time machine a science fiction machine that is supposed to transport people or objects into the past or the future
time-switch a switch set to operate at a desired time
time of origin
the oldness of wines
rhythm as given by division into parts of equal duration
light time distance measured in terms of the speed of light (or radio waves), the light time from Jupiter to the sun is approximately minutes
space-time continuum
the four-dimensional coordinate system ( dimensions of space and of time) in which physical events are located
time series a series of values of a variable at successive times
pulse-time modulation modulation of the time between successive pulses
time sheet a record of the hours worked by employees
time signal a signal (especially electronic or by radio) indicating the precisely correct time
time signature
musical time signature
a musical notation indicating the number of beats to a measure and kind of note that takes a beat
good time
a highly pleasurable or exciting experience, we had a good time at the party, celebrating after the game was a blast
time a person's experience on a particular occasion, he had a time holding back the tears, they had a good time together
semantic error
run-time error
runtime error
an error in logic or arithmetic that must be detected at run time
an instance or single occasion for some event, this time he succeeded, he called four times, he could do ten at a clip
time zone any of the regions of the globe (loosely divided by longitude) throughout which the same standard time is used
double time a doubled wage (for working overtime)
time and a half a rate of pay that is . times the regular rate, for overtime work
installment plan
installment buying
time plan
a system for paying for goods by installments
time deposit account
deposit account
a savings account in which the deposit is held for a fixed term or in which withdrawals can be made only after giving notice or with loss of interest
time deposit a certificate of deposit from which withdrawals can be made only after advance notice or at a specified future date
time loan a loan that is payable on or before a specified date
time note a note that specifies the time (or times) of repayment
time draft
time bill
a draft payable at a specified future date
real-time processing
real-time operation
data processing fast enough to keep up with an outside process
time-scale factor the ratio of the simulation time to the time of the real process
time constant the ratio of the inductance of a circuit in henries to its resistance in ohms
time sharing (computer science) the use of a central computer by many users simultaneously
time bomb
ticking bomb
a problematic situation that will eventually become dangerous if not addressed, India is a demographic time bomb, the refugee camp is a ticking bomb waiting to go off
hard time
rough sledding
a difficulty that can be overcome with effort, we had a hard time getting here, analysts predicted rough sledding for handset makers
big time the highest level of an occupation (especially in entertainment)
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