
demokratiepolitisch Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

demokratiepolitisch adv pol.
from a democratic perspective; in terms of democratic policy
demokratiepolitisch adv pol.
from a democratic perspective; in terms of democratic policy
Demokrat m, Demokratin f
Demokraten pl, Demokratinnen pl
Demokrat m; Demokratin f
Demokraten pl; Demokratinnen pl
entgegen +Dat.; im Gegensatz zu
entgegen der landlÀufigen Meinung den Schlagzeilen
entgegen der Auffassung der Regierung
im Gegensatz zur letzten Studie
Im Gegensatz zu den Demokraten glaube ich nicht dass ...
pace (rarely used)
pace the normal belief the headlines
pace the government
pace contrary to the previous study
Pace the Democrats I do not believe that ...
Demokratie f pol.
Demokratien pl
parlamentarisch adj
parlamentarische Demokratie
parliamentary democracy
parlamentarische Demokratie
parliamentary democracy
Außenhaut f; HĂŒlle f; Gerippe n
das ausgebrannte Gerippe eines GebĂ€udes mit eingestĂŒrztem Dach
Die Demokratie wurde ausgehöhlt und es ist nur mehr die HĂŒlle ĂŒbrig.
a burned-out shell of a building with the roof having fallen in
Democracy has been hollowed out and only the shell remains.
BĂŒrgerdemokratie f; partizipatorische Demokratie f pol.
participatory democracy
Grundsatz m; Lehrsatz m; Grundpfeiler m; Eckpfeiler m phil.
GrundsÀtze pl; LehrsÀtze pl; Grundpfeiler pl; Eckpfeiler pl
einer der Grundpfeiler der Demokratie
one of the basic fundamental tenets of democracy
Muster n; Vorbild n
Muster pl; Vorbilder pl
das Musterbeispiel einer Demokratie
a paragon of democracy
Name m
Namen pl
Namen in eine Liste eintragen
ein Name der Wunder wirkt
eingetragener Name
eine Interessenvertretung die diesen Namen verdient
Darf ich nach Ihrem Namen fragen?
Der Name ist Programm.
Nach ihrer Scheidung fĂŒhrte sie weiterhin den Familiennamen ihres Ex-Mannes.
Wir haben zwei Karten auf den Namen Viktor reserviert.
Das Kfz ist auf meinen Namen zugelassen.
Ich nehme Sie im Namen des Gesetzes fest.
Es gab immer schon Verbrechen die im Namen der Religion verĂŒbt wurden.
Das Land ist nur dem Namen nach eine Demokratie.
Diese Anhaltezentren sind eigentlich verkappte GefÀngnisse.
Ihre Ehe war de facto schon vor fĂŒnf Jahren am Ende.
Diese Kugel war fĂŒr mich bestimmt.
Wir haben da etwas gekocht das genau das Richtige fĂŒr Euch ist.
to enter names on a list
a name to conjure with
registered name
an interest representation worthy of the name
May I have your name?
The name captures the spirit of our vision programme.
After her divorce she continued to bear her ex-husband's family name.
We reserved two tickets in the name of Viktor.
The motor vehicle is registered in my name.
I arrest you in the name of the law.
There have always been crimes that were committed in the name of religion.
The country is a democracy in name only alone.
These detention centres are actually prisons in all but name.
Their marriage was over in everything but name five years ago.
That bullet had my name on it.
We have a dish with your name on it!
Schwachstelle f ĂŒbtr.
die Achillesferse der Demokratie ĂŒbtr.
underbelly fig.
the soft underbelly of democracy fig.
StĂ€rkung f; Festigung f; Verankerung f; Konsolidierung f (von etw.) ĂŒbtr.
eine politische Konsolidierung
die Festigung der Demokratie
die Festigung von Londons Stellung als globales Finanzzentrum
eine StÀrkung des Arbeitsmarkts
die StÀrkung von Frieden und StabilitÀt in der ehemaligen jugoslawischen Republik
die Verankerung des europÀischen Sozialmodells
consolidation (of sth.)
a political consolidation
the consolidation of democracy
the consolidation of London's position as a global financial centre
an employment market consolidation
the consolidation of of peace and stability in the former Yugoslav Republic
the consolidation of the European social model
andere pron
Noch jemand Tee?
Einige mögen die Demokratie verantwortungsbewusst andere moralisch und wieder andere populÀr.
Any others for tea?
Some people like democracy responsible others moral and still others popular.
parlamentarisch adj pol.
parlamentarische Demokratie f
parlamentarisches System
parlamentarische Begleitung f (politischer Vorhaben)
parlamentarische Kontrolle
parliamentary democracy
parliamentary system
parliamentary monitoring (of political projects)
parliamentary scrutiny oversight
reprÀsentativ; typisch; bezeichnend adj
reprÀsentative Demokratie
typische HandelsgeschÀfte
representative democracy
representative commercial transactions
jdm. einer Sache zu etw. verhelfen v
jdm. zu einer Anstellung verhelfen
jdm. zur Flucht verhelfen
jdm. zu seinem Recht verhelfen
jdm. zum Sieg verhelfen
jdm. zum Erfolg zu seinem GlĂŒck verhelfen
einem Institut zu großen Fortschritten verhelfen
einer Firma zur MarktfĂŒhrerschaft verhelfen
der Demokratie zum Durchbruch verhelfen
einem Ereignis zu einem Platz auf der Titelseite der Zeitungen verhelfen
Das Praktikum hat mir zu einer besseren Arbeitsmoral verholfen.
to help sb. sth. (to) achieve sth.; to give sb. sth.; to help sb. on the road to sth.; to enable sb. sth. to achieve sth.
to help sb. find a job
to help sb. escape
to help sb. in securing his rights; to give sb. justice
to help sb. to win; to give sb. victory
to help sb. on the road to success happiness
to help an institution to make vital progress
to help to make a company market leader
help democracy to become established
to bring an event onto the front page of the papers
The traineeship has given me a better work ethic.
etw. stillschweigend voraussetzen; etw. als selbstverstĂ€ndlich erachten betrachten voraussetzen; etw. fĂŒr selbstverstĂ€ndlich halten
gesetzt adj
Noch nie war es so selbstverstÀndlich einen PC zu Hause stehen zu haben.
Wir nehmen es als selbstverstÀndlich (hin) dass wir einen unerschöpflichen Vorrat an sauberem Wasser haben.
Demokratie ist fĂŒr uns mittlerweile selbstverstĂ€ndlich geworden.
Du kannst sicher sein dass er Montag frĂŒh zu spĂ€t kommt. Das ist immer so.
Du kannst dich drauf verlassen dass sie kommt. Sie lÀsst sich kein gutes Essen entgehen.
to take sth. for granted
taken for granted
Never before has having a PC in the home been so taken for granted.
We take having an endless supply of clean water for granted.
We have come to take democracy for granted.
You can take it for granted that he will be late on Monday morning. He always is.
You can take it for granted that she will show up. She never misses a good meal.
der Eckpfeiler f; der Grundpfeiler n; das Fundament n von etw. ĂŒbtr.
Wahlen sind der Eckpfeiler der Demokratie.
Das sind die Grundpfeiler der Gesellschaft.
Ehrlichkeit ist das Fundament einer guten Beziehung.
the bedrock of sth. fig.
Elections are the bedrock of democracy.
These are the bedrocks of society.
Honesty is the bedrock of a good relationship.
Musterbeispiel n (+Gen. fĂŒr etw.); Musterexemplar n +Gen.; Muster (an etw.)
ein Mustergatte
das Musterbeispiel einer Demokratie
Er ist ein Muster an Selbstdisziplin.
perfect example; perfect specimen; paragon; model (of sth.)
a model husband
a paragon of democracy
He is a model of self-discipline.
Name m ling.
Namen pl
Doppelname m
Firmname m (kath.) relig.
Jungenname m Norddt. Mitteldt.; Bubenname m SĂŒddt. Ös. Schw.
Kosename m
MĂ€dchenname m
jds. lediger Name; jds. MĂ€dchenname
Rufname m
Taufname m relig.
Theatername m
Vorname m
Zuname m; Familienname m; Nachname m
Zwischennamen m; zweiter Vorname m
Namen in eine Liste eintragen
ein Name, der Wunder wirkt
eingetragener Name
eine Interessenvertretung, die diesen Namen verdient
Darf ich nach Ihrem Namen fragen?
Der Name ist Programm.
Nach ihrer Scheidung fĂŒhrte sie weiterhin den Familiennamen ihres Ex-Mannes.
Wir haben zwei Karten auf den Namen Viktor reserviert.
Das Kfz ist auf meinen Namen zugelassen.
Ich nehme Sie im Namen des Gesetzes fest.
Es gab immer schon Verbrechen, die im Namen der Religion verĂŒbt wurden.
Das Land ist nur dem Namen nach eine Demokratie.
Diese Anhaltezentren sind eigentlich verkappte GefÀngnisse.
Ihre Ehe war de facto schon vor fĂŒnf Jahren am Ende.
Diese Kugel war fĂŒr mich bestimmt.
Wir haben da etwas gekocht, das genau das Richtige fĂŒr Euch ist.
double name
confirmation name
boy's name; boy name
pet name
girl's name; girl name
sb.'s maiden name
calling name
baptismal name; Christian name
theatre name; theater name
first name; forename; given name; prename obs.
surname; family name; last name
middle name
to enter names on a list
a name to conjure with
registered name
an interest representation worthy of the name
May I have your name?
The name captures the spirit of our vision programme.
After her divorce she continued to bear her ex-husband's family name.
We reserved two tickets in the name of Viktor.
The motor vehicle is registered in my name.
I arrest you in the name of the law.
There have always been crimes that were committed in the name of religion.
The country is a democracy in name only alone.
These detention centres are actually prisons in all but name.
Their marriage was over in everything but name five years ago.
That bullet had my name on it.
We have a dish with your name on it!
SpannungsverhÀltnis n
SpannungsverhÀltnisse pl
das SpannungsverhÀltnis zwischen Kapitalismus und Demokratie
im SpannungsverhÀltnis von Tradition und Moderne
tension; strained relationship
tensions; strained relationships
the tension between capitalism and democracy
within the strained relationship between tradition and modernity
StĂ€rkung f; Festigung f; Verankerung f; Konsolidierung f (von etw.) ĂŒbtr.
eine politische Konsolidierung
die Festigung der Demokratie
eine Verfestigung Konsolidierung der Preise econ.
die Festigung von Londons Stellung als globales Finanzzentrum
eine StÀrkung des Arbeitsmarkts
die StÀrkung von Frieden und StabilitÀt in der ehemaligen jugoslawischen Republik
die Verankerung des europÀischen Sozialmodells
consolidation (of sth.)
a political consolidation
the consolidation of democracy
a consolidation of prices
the consolidation of London's position as a global financial centre
an employment market consolidation
the consolidation of of peace and stability in the former Yugoslav Republic
the consolidation of the European social model
Verunglimpfung f; Verhöhnung f; Beschmutzung f +Gen.
die Verunglimpfung seiner Person
die Beschmutzung meines guten Namens
rassistische Bemerkung f
eine Verhöhnung der Demokratie
jdn. verunglimpfen etw. in den Schmutz ziehen
slur on against sb. sth.
a slur on his character reputation
a slur on my good name
racial slur
a slur on democracy
to cast a slur on sb. sth.
etw. (öffentlich) Ă€ußern; erklĂ€ren; bekunden geh.; kundtun geh.; beteuern v
Ă€ußernd; erklĂ€rend; bekundend; kundtund; beteuernd
geĂ€ußert; erklĂ€rt; bekundet; kundgetan; beteuert
Ă€ußert; erklĂ€rt; bekundet; tut kund; beteuert
Ă€ußerte; erklĂ€rte; bekundete; tat kund; beteuerte
wenig Begeisterung zeigen
seine Liebe zu ihr beteuern; sich ihr erklÀren geh. veraltend
seine Unschuld beteuern
Sie Ă€ußerte zeigte sich erstaunt ĂŒber den Erfolg des Films.
Er Ă€ußerte zeigte sich zufrieden mit den bisherigen Fortschritten.
Weit mehr Verbraucher erklÀren, dass ihnen ethische Aspekte wichtig sind, als tatsÀchlich ethisch vertretbare Produkte kaufen.
Der Trainer bekundete sein vollstes Vertrauen in die FĂ€higkeiten der Mannschaft.
Ihr erklÀrtes Ziel ist die StÀrkung der Demokratie in diesem Land.
to profess sth. formal (declare openly)
to profess little enthusiasm
to profess his love for her
to profess your innocence
She professed herself amazed at the success the film has had.
He professed himself satisfied with the progress so far.
Far more consumers profess to care about ethical aspects than actually purchase ethically acceptable products.
The manager Br. coach Am. professed full confidence in the team's abilities.
Their professed aim is to encourage democracy in this country.
andere pron
Noch jemand Tee?
Einige mögen die Demokratie verantwortungsbewusst, andere moralisch und wieder andere populÀr.
Any others for tea?
Some people like democracy responsible, others moral, and still others popular.
beginnend; entstehend; unfertig; noch unausgereift; unausgegoren adj
eine unausgegorene Idee
eine noch unausgereifte Demokratie
inchoate formal (not fully developed or not well thought-out)
an inchoate idea
a still inchoate democracy
jdm. einer Sache zu etw. verhelfen v
jdm. zu einer Anstellung verhelfen
jdm. zur Flucht verhelfen
jdm. zu seinem Recht verhelfen
jdm. zum Sieg verhelfen
jdm. zum Erfolg zu seinem GlĂŒck verhelfen
einem Institut zu großen Fortschritten verhelfen
einer Firma zur MarktfĂŒhrerschaft verhelfen
der Demokratie zum Durchbruch verhelfen
einem Ereignis zu einem Platz auf der Titelseite der Zeitungen verhelfen
Das Praktikum hat mir zu einer besseren Arbeitsmoral verholfen.
to help sb. sth. (to) achieve sth.; to give sb. sth.; to help sb. on the road to sth.; to enable sb. sth. to achieve sth.
to help sb. find a job
to help sb. escape
to help sb. in securing his rights; to give sb. justice
to help sb. to win; to give sb. victory
to help sb. on the road to success happiness
to help an institution to make vital progress
to help to make a company market leader
help democracy to become established
to bring an event onto the front page of the papers
The traineeship has given me a better work ethic.
etw. stillschweigend voraussetzen; etw. als selbstverstĂ€ndlich erachten betrachten voraussetzen; etw. fĂŒr selbstverstĂ€ndlich halten v
gesetzt adj
Noch nie war es so selbstverstÀndlich, einen PC zu Hause stehen zu haben.
Wir nehmen es als selbstverstÀndlich (hin), dass wir einen unerschöpflichen Vorrat an sauberem Wasser haben.
Demokratie ist fĂŒr uns mittlerweile selbstverstĂ€ndlich geworden.
Du kannst sicher sein, dass er Montag frĂŒh zu spĂ€t kommt. Das ist immer so.
Du kannst dich drauf verlassen, dass sie kommt. Sie lÀsst sich kein gutes Essen entgehen.
to take sth. for granted
taken for granted
Never before has having a PC in the home been so taken for granted.
We take having an endless supply of clean water for granted.
We have come to take democracy for granted.
You can take it for granted that he will be late on Monday morning. He always is.
You can take it for granted that she will show up. She never misses a good meal.
Demokratiedefizit n pol.
democratic deficit
Vorenthalten n von BĂŒrgerrechten pol.
die Verhinderung der WahlrechtsausĂŒbung; Ausschluss vom Stimmrecht
der Ausschluss von Entscheidungsprozessen
Demokratieentzug m
disenfranchisement; disfranchisement rare
the disenfranchisement from voting; voter disenfranchisement
the disenfranchisement from decision making processes
the disfranchisement from the democratic process
Feindlichkeit f (in Zusammensetzungen) soc.
Demokratiefeindlichkeit f
Deutschfeindlichkeit f; Deutschenfeindlichkeit f
Frauenfeindlichkeit f
Kinderfeindlichkeit f
animosity; hostility (in compounds)
hostility to democracy
hostility towards against Germans
hostility towards women
hostility to children
demokratiepolitisch adv pol.
from a democratic perspective; in terms of democratic policy
jds. DemokratieverstÀndnis n; jds. demokratiepolitischer Zugang m pol.
sb.'s understanding of democracy
demokratisch adj
demokratisch adv
nicht demokratisch
nicht demokratisch
nicht demokratisch
Demokratische Partei f (der USA) pol.
Democratic Party (United States)
Demokratische Republik Kongo (Zaire) geogr.
Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire) (cd)
Korea, Demokratische Volksrepublik geogr.
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of (kp)
P'yongyang, Pjöng-Jang (Hauptstadt von Korea, Demokratische Volksrepublik)
P'yongyang (capital of Korea, Democratic People's Republic of)
Lubumbashi (Stadt in Demokratische Republik Kongo)
Lubumbashi (city in Democratic Republic of the Congo)
CDU : Christlich-Demokratische Union
Christian Democratic Union
DDR : Deutsche Demokratische Republik hist.
GDR : German Democratic Republic, East Germany
Christlich-Demokratische Union f (CDU) pol.
Christian Democratic Union
Freie Demokratische Partei f (FDP) pol.
Liberal Democratic Party
Deutsche Demokratische Republik
German Democratic Republic
Christlich-Demokratische Union f CDU pol. Dt.
Christian Democratic Union
Deutsche Demokratische Republik f DDR hist.
German Democratic Republic GDR ; East Germany
Freie Demokratische Partei f FDP Dt. pol.
Liberal Democratic Party
Kongo m (Demokratische Republik Kongo); Zaire CD (Kfz: ZRE ) geogr.
Congo (Democratic Republic of the Congo); Zaire
Nordkorea n (Demokratische Volksrepublik Korea) KP geogr.
North Korea (Democratic People's Republic of Korea)
Laos n (Demokratische Volksrepublik) LA (Kfz: LAO ) geogr.
Laos (People's Democratic Republic)
Lubumbashi (Stadt in Demokratische Republik Kongo) geogr.
Lubumbashi (city in Democratic Republic of the Congo)
Christlich-Demokratische Union f CDU pol. Dt.
Christian Democratic Union
Deutsche Demokratische Republik f DDR hist.
German Democratic Republic GDR ; East Germany
Freie Demokratische Partei f FDP Dt. pol.
Liberal Democratic Party
Kongo m (Demokratische Republik Kongo); Zaire CD (Kfz: ZRE ) geogr.
Congo (Democratic Republic of the Congo); Zaire
Nordkorea n (Demokratische Volksrepublik Korea) KP geogr.
North Korea (Democratic People's Republic of Korea)
Laos n (Demokratische Volksrepublik Laos) LA (Kfz: LAO ) geogr.
Laos (Lao People's Democratic Republic)
Vietnam n VN geogr.
Demokratische Republik Vietnam DRV ; Nordvietname n hist.
SĂŒdvietnam n hist.
Viet Nam; Vietnam
Democratic Republic of Vietnam; North Vietnam
South Vietnam
Kinshasa (Hauptstadt der Demokratischen Republik Kongo)
Kinshasa (capital of Democratic Republic of the Congo)

Deutsche demokratiepolitisch Synonyme

Englische from a democratic perspective; in terms of democratic policy Synonyme

from  against  away from  barring  discounting  ex  except  excepting  exception taken of  excluding  exclusive of  for  leaving out  less  minus  not counting  off  out  out of  save  without  

demokratiepolitisch Definition

(a.) Pertaining to democracy
(a.) Relating to a political party so called.
(a.) Befitting the common people
(n.) Of or pertaining to the science of vision
(n.) Pertaining to the art, or in accordance with the laws, of perspective.
(a.) A glass through which objects are viewed.
(a.) That which is seen through an opening
(a.) The effect of distance upon the appearance of objects, by means of which the eye recognized them as being at a more or less measurable distance. Hence, aerial perspective, the assumed greater vagueness or uncertainty of outline in distant objects.
(a.) The art and the science of so delineating objects that they shall seem to grow smaller as they recede from the eye
(a.) A drawing in linear perspective.
(n.) Civil polity.
(n.) The settled method by which the government and affairs of a nation are, or may be, administered
(n.) The method by which any institution is administered
(n.) Management or administration based on temporal or material interest, rather than on principles of equity or honor
(n.) Prudence or wisdom in the management of public and private affairs
(n.) Motive
(v. t.) To regulate by laws
(n.) A ticket or warrant for money in the public funds.
(n.) The writing or instrument in which a contract of insurance is embodied
(n.) A method of gambling by betting as to what numbers will be drawn in a lottery

from a democratic perspective; in terms of democratic policy Bedeutung

about-face volte-face
reversal policy change
a major change in attitude or principle or point of view, an about-face on foreign policy
scorched-earth policy the target company defends itself by selling off its crown jewels
linear perspective
the appearance of things relative to one another as determined by their distance from the viewer
defense program
defense policy
defence program
defence policy
a program for defending a country against its enemies
tax program
tax policy
a program for setting taxes
policy a plan of action adopted by an individual or social group, it was a policy of retribution, a politician keeps changing his policies
beggar-my-neighbor policy
beggar-my-neighbour policy
beggar-my-neighbor strategy
beggar-my-neighbour strategy
a policy of promoting oneself at the expense of others, used especially of national policy, the United States has pursued a beggar-my-neighbor policy
view perspective
a way of regarding situations or topics etc., consider what follows from the positivist view
policy insurance policy
written contract or certificate of insurance, you should have read the small print on your policy
floating policy
an insurance policy covering loss of movable property (e.g. jewelry) regardless of its location
policy a line of argument rationalizing the course of action of a government, they debated the policy or impolicy of the proposed legislation
economic policy a government policy for maintaining economic growth and tax revenues
fiscal policy a government policy for dealing with the budget (especially with taxation and borrowing)
social policy a policy of for dealing with social issues
foreign policy a policy governing international relations
trade policy
national trading policy
a government's policy controlling foreign trade
open-door policy
open door
the policy of granting equal trade opportunities to all countries
zero-tolerance policy any policy that allows no exception, a zero-tolerance policy toward pedophile priests
contradiction contradiction in terms (logic) a statement that is necessarily false, the statement `he is brave and he is not brave' is a contradiction
Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Popular Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
a Marxist-Leninist group that believes Palestinian goals can only be achieved by revolutionary change, in the DFLP took over a schoolhouse and massacred Israeli schoolchildren
Khmer Rouge
Party of Democratic Kampuchea
Communist Party of Kampuchea
a communist organization formed in Cambodia in , became a terrorist organization in when it captured Phnom Penh and created a government that killed an estimated three million people, was defeated by Vietnamese troops but remained active until
Council on Environmental Policy the executive agency that advises the President on protecting the environment
Democratic Party the older of two major political parties in the United States
Democratic-Republican Party a former major political party in the United States in the early th century, opposed the old Federalist party, favored a strict interpretation of the constitution in order to limit the powers of the federal government
Social Democratic Party a political party in Germany and Britain (and elsewhere) founded in late th century, originally Marxist, now advocates the gradual transformation of capitalism into democratic socialism
States' Rights Democratic Party
a former political party in the United States, formed in by Democrats from southern states in order to oppose to the candidacy of Harry S Truman
Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria
a republic in northwestern Africa on the Mediterranean Sea with a population that is predominantly Sunni Muslim, colonized by France in the th century but gained autonomy in the early s
Sri Lanka
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
a republic on the island of Ceylon, became independent of the United Kingdom in
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Belgian Congo
a republic in central Africa, achieved independence from Belgium in
East Germany
German Democratic Republic
a republic in north central Europe on the Baltic, established by the Soviet Union in , reunified with West Germany in
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Ethiopia is a republic in northeastern Africa on the Red Sea, formerly called Abyssinia
North Korea
Democratic People's Republic of Korea
a communist country in the northern half of the Korean Peninsula, established in
Lao People's Democratic Republic
a mountainous landlocked communist state in southeastern Asia, achieved independence from France in
Sao Tome and Principe
Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe
Sao Tome e Principe
Sao Thome e Principe
St. Thomas and Principe
island nation in the South Atlantic off the west coast of Africa, achieved independence from Portugal in , has enormous offshore oil reserves
policy maker someone who sets the plan pursued by a government or business etc., policy makers often make the right decision for the wrong reason
the amount of money needed to purchase something, the price of gasoline, he got his new car on excellent terms, how much is the damage?
status with respect to the relations between people or groups, on good terms with her in-laws, on a friendly footing
talk terms
discuss the terms of an arrangement, They negotiated the sale of the house
representing or appealing to or adapted for the benefit of the people at large, democratic art forms, a democratic or popular movement, popular thought, popular science, popular fiction
democratic characterized by or advocating or based upon the principles of democracy or social equality, democratic government, a democratic country, a democratic scorn for bloated dukes and lords- George du Maurier
policy-making concerned with policy, not administration
Democratic belong to or relating to the Democratic Party, Democratic senator
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