
durchschnittliche Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

durchschnittliche Qualität
fair quality
durchschnittliche Laufzeit
average maturity
durchschnittliche Auslastung
average utilization
durchschnittliche fixe Kosten
average fixed cost
durchschnittliche Gesamtkosten
average total cost
durchschnittliche Niederschläge
average rainfall
durchschnittliche Schadensgroesse
average size of loss
Laufzeit f
durchschnittliche Laufzeit
average maturity
durchschnittliche KlĂĽftigkeitsziffer f geol.
mean average of crevasse distance
Gesamtkosten pl
durchschnittliche Gesamtkosten
total costs; overall costs
average total cost
Gesamtkosten pl
durchschnittliche Gesamtkosten
total costs, overall costs
average total cost
Fixkosten pl; fixe Kosten
durchschnittliche fixe Kosten
fixed costs
average fixed cost
Fixkosten pl, fixe Kosten
durchschnittliche fixe Kosten
fixed costs
average fixed cost
Stichproben-Runlänge f statist.
durchschnittliche Stichproben-Runlänge
sample run length
average sample run length ARL
Stichproben-Runlänge f statist.
durchschnittliche Stichproben-Runlänge
sample run length
average sample run length ARL
Lohnniveau n
Lohnniveaus pl
ein angemessenes Lohnniveau
das durchschnittliche Lohnniveau
wage level; standard of wages
wage levels; standards of wages
a proper level of earnings
the average wage level
Betriebsdauer f; Nutzungsdauer f; Lebensdauer f techn.
Ein Fernsehapparat hat eine durchschnittliche Lebensdauer von 10 Jahren.
working life; operating life; service life; life cycle; life span
A TV set has an average lifespan of 10 years.
Hausgebrauch m; Alltagsgebrauch m (durchschnittliche AnsprĂĽche)
fĂĽr den Hausgebrauch reichen genĂĽgen
'Kannst du gut singen spielen?' 'So fĂĽr den Hausgebrauch"
everyday needs; simple needs
to be enough for everyday simple needs
"Are you a good singer player?' 'I do moderately well.'
Hausgebrauch m; Alltagsgebrauch m (durchschnittliche AnsprĂĽche)
fĂĽr den Hausgebrauch reichen genĂĽgen
„Kannst du gut singen spielen?“, „So für den Hausgebrauch“
everyday needs; simple needs
to be enough for everyday simple needs
"Are you a good singer player?', 'I do moderately well.'
durchschnittlich adj; Durchschnitts…
durchschnittliche Auslastung
durchschnittliche Schadensgröße
durchschnittlicher Preisaufschlag
durchschnittlicher Stichprobenumfang
average utilization eAm.; average utilisation Br.
average size of loss
average markup
average sample number
Lebensdauer f; Nutzungsdauer f; Betriebsdauer f techn.
voraussichtliche mittlere Nutzungsdauer
Ein Fernsehapparat hat eine durchschnittliche Lebensdauer von 10 Jahren.
working life; operating life; service life; life cycle; life span; life
anticipated average life
A TV set has an average lifespan of 10 years.
durchschnittlich adj; Durchschnitts...
durchschnittliche Auslastung
durchschnittliche Schadensgröße
durchschnittlicher Preisaufschlag
durchschnittlicher Stichprobenumfang
average utilization eAm.; average utilisation Br.
average size of loss
average markup
average sample number
durchschnittlich adj, Durchschnitts...
durchschnittliche Auslastung
durchschnittliche Schadensgröße
durchschnittlicher Preisaufschlag
durchschnittlicher Stichprobenumfang
average utilization
average size of loss
average markup
average sample number
Körperbau m; Statur f; Wuchs m geh. (Person, Tier)
von kräftiger imposanter Statur sein
ein Mann von Ihrer Statur
eine schlanke durchschnittliche Statur haben
Sie hat den idealen Körperbau für eine Kurzstreckenläuferin.
physique; stature; build (person, animal)
to be of powerful imposing stature
a man of your stature; a man of your inches
to be of slim medium build
She has an ideal physique for a sprinter.
der Personalbestand m; der Personalstand m; die Beschäftigtenzahl f; die Mitarbeiterzahl f; die Mitarbeiterkopfzahl f Dt. econ.
die durchschnittliche Mitarbeiterzahl
Einsparung von Mitarbeitern durch Einsatz an verschiedenen Arbeitsplätzen
Wie (hoch) ist der aktuelle Personalstand?
the number of staff; the number of employees; the number of persons employed; the number of personnel; the employment figure; the headcount
the average number of staff
decreased headcount through cross-utilisation of staff
What's the latest headcount?
Qualität f; Güte f; Eigenschaft f; Beschaffenheit f
Qualitäten pl; Eigenschaften pl
annehmbare Qualität f
durchschnittliche Qualität
erstklassige Qualität f
erste Qualität
erste Wahl f
zweite Wahl f
handelsübliche Qualität f
hervorragende Qualität f
schlechte Qualität f; geringe Qualität f
acceptable quality
fair quality
first-class quality
choice quality
best quality
second-rate quality
commercial quality
outstanding quality
poor quality
Qualität f; Güte f; Eigenschaft f; Beschaffenheit f
Qualitäten pl; Eigenschaften pl
annehmbare Qualität f
von bester Qualität
durchschnittliche Qualität
erstklassige Qualität f
erste Qualität
erste Wahl f
zweite Wahl f
handelsübliche Qualität f
hervorragende Qualität f
schlechte Qualität f; geringe Qualität f
acceptable quality
of the best quality
fair quality
first-class quality
choice quality
best quality
second-rate quality
commercial quality
outstanding quality
poor quality
Grundstock m (an Wissen Fertigkeiten), grundlegende Kenntnisse Fertigkeiten pl; Vorkenntnisse pl (in einem Fachgebiet); Grundverständnis n (für ein Fachgebiet)
ohne grundlegende Kenntnisse in Biochemie
grundlegende Erfahrungen und Kenntnisse
ein solider Grundstock an Strickkenntnissen
einen hervorragenden Grundstock in Mathematik an mathematischem Verständnis vermittelt bekommen
Der durchschnittliche Leser hat Vorkenntnisse auf diesem Gebiet ein Grundverständnis für dieses Gebiet.
grounding (in a subject)
without a basic grounding in biochemistry
a grounding of experience and knowledge
a solid grounding in the basics of knitting
to receive an excellent grounding in mathematics
The readers have a grounding in that subject.
groß; breit; etabliert; vorherrschend; massentauglich; Massen…; Mehrheits…; regulär; Regel… adj soc.
die groĂźen Parteien
die groĂźen Fluggesellschaften
die etablierte Kultur; die Massenkultur; die Populärkultur
der durchschnittliche Verbraucher; der typische Konsument; Otto Normalverbraucher Dt.
die Mehrheitsmeinung
die Mehrheitsgesellschaft
ein breites Publikum art
ein massentaugliches Produkt; ein Produkt fĂĽr einen breiten Abnehmerkreis
Unterhaltung fĂĽr ein breites Publikum; Massenunterhaltung
the mainstream parties
the mainstream airlines
mainstream culture
mainstream consumers
mainstream thinking
mainstream society
a mainstream audience
a mainstream product
mainstream schools
mainstream classes
mainstream entertainment
Laufzeit f jur. fin.
durchschnittliche Laufzeit
Laufzeit eines Abkommens
Laufzeit eines Darlehens Kredits
Laufzeit einer Frist
Laufzeit einer Hypothek
Laufzeit eines Mietvertrags
Laufzeit eines Patents
Laufzeit eines Vertrags
Laufzeit eines Wechsels
Laufzeit der Zinsen
Abkommen mit unbegrenzter Laufzeit
Anleihen mit einer Laufzeit bis 5 jahre
Wechsel mit einer Laufzeit von maximal 6 Monaten
während der Laufzeit des Vertrags
Das Abkommen hat eine Laufzeit von 15 Jahren.
Die Laufzeit des europäischen Patents beträgt 20 Jahre ab Anmeldedatum.
term; duration; currency; life; maturity fin.
average maturity
duration currency of an agreement
term maturity of a loan
running of a period (of time)
mortgage time
duration currency life of a lease
life lifetime of a patent
term duration of a contract
term currency life tenor of a bill of exchange
running of the interest
agreement for an indeterminate period
bonds with maturities of up to 5 years
bills having maturity dates not exceeding 6 months
for the duration of the contract
The agreement is for 15 years.
The term of the European patent shall be 20 years from the date of filing of the application.
(unterwegs) verloren gehen; auf der Strecke bleiben; sich (unterwegs) verabschieden (Person); zurĂĽckbleiben (Person); ausfallen (Person) v ĂĽbtr.
Traditionen die langsam verloren gehen
Viele Agenturen sind in der Rezession auf der Strecke geblieben.
Viele Interessenten haben sich bereits wieder verabschiedet.
Der durchschnittliche Leser wird sich verabschieden wenn die FachausdrĂĽcke anspruchsvoller werden.
Der ehrgeizige Reformplan ist wieder versandet in der Versenkung verschwunden.
Die Stärksten bekommen den Löwenanteil und die Schwächsten bleiben auf der Strecke.
to fall go by the wayside fig.
traditions that are falling by the wayside
A lot of agencies fell by the wayside during the recession.
Many prospective customers have fallen by the wayside.
The average reader will fall by the wayside as the terminology becomes more complicated.
The ambitious reform plan has fallen gone by the wayside.
The strongest get the lions share and the weakest go to the wall.
(unterwegs) verloren gehen; auf der Strecke bleiben; sich (unterwegs) verabschieden (Person); zurĂĽckbleiben (Person); ausfallen (Person) v ĂĽbtr.
Traditionen, die langsam verloren gehen
Viele Agenturen sind in der Rezession auf der Strecke geblieben.
Viele Interessenten haben sich bereits wieder verabschiedet.
Der durchschnittliche Leser wird sich verabschieden, wenn die FachausdrĂĽcke anspruchsvoller werden.
Der ehrgeizige Reformplan ist wieder versandet in der Versenkung verschwunden.
Die Stärksten bekommen den Löwenanteil und die Schwächsten bleiben auf der Strecke.
to fall go by the wayside fig.
traditions that are falling by the wayside
A lot of agencies fell by the wayside during the recession.
Many prospective customers have fallen by the wayside.
The average reader will fall by the wayside as the terminology becomes more complicated.
The ambitious reform plan has fallen gone by the wayside.
The strongest get the lions share and the weakest go to the wall.
Kosten pl; Ausgabe f; Aufwand m; Spesen pl; Unkosten pl ugs. fin.
Kosten pl; Ausgaben pl; Aufwendungen pl; Auslagen pl
alle Kosten; jegliche Kosten
allgemeine Kosten
horrende Kosten
auf Kosten von
auf meine Kosten
laufende Kosten; laufende Ausgaben
abzugsfähige Ausgaben; Spesen
durchschnittliche Kosten; StĂĽckkosten pl
erhöhte Kosten
rasant steigende Kosten
variable Kosten
verrechnete Kosten
einmalige Ausgaben
zusätzliche Kosten
kleine Auslagen
mit groĂźen Kosten
zu enormen Kosten
alle weiteren Kosten
Kosten senken
die Kosten auf jdn. (anteilsmäßig) aufteilen
bei etw. Kosten senken
sich in (groĂźe) Unkosten stĂĽrzen ugs.
kostensparend; Kosten sparend
die Kosten ĂĽbernehmen; die Kosten tragen (fĂĽr)
der eingeklagte Betrag samt aufgelaufenen Kosten samt Anhang Ă–s. s.A.
alle Kosten die der geschädigten Partei entstanden sind
alle zusätzlichen Kosten tragen
Unkosten von der Steuer absetzen
expense; cost
any costs; the full cost
overhead charges
fiendish costs
at the expense of
at my expense
current expenses; running costs
allowable expenses
average costs
increased costs
soaring costs
variable costs; running costs
allocated costs
non-recurring expenses
additional costs
petty expenses
at great expense
at vast expense
any other expenses
to reduce costs
to split apportion the costs among between sb.
to cut costs of sth.
to go to (great) expense
cost-saving; at low cost
to bear the expense; to bear the costs; to accept the costs (of)
the sum claimed plus accrued costs
any expenses whatsoever incurred by the aggrieved party
to bear any additional costs
to set costs off against tax
Kosten pl; Ausgaben pl (fĂĽr etw.) econ.
Vorlaufkosten pl; Vorabkosten pl
alle Kosten; jegliche Kosten
allgemeine Kosten
beeinflussbare Kosten
chargenabhängige Kosten
horrende Kosten
unvorhergesehene Sonderausgaben
auf Kosten von
auf meine Kosten
durchschnittliche Kosten; StĂĽckkosten pl
erhöhte Kosten
rasant steigende Kosten
variable Kosten
verrechnete Kosten
einmalige Ausgaben
zusätzliche Kosten
mit groĂźen Kosten
zu enormen Kosten
alle weiteren Kosten
mit einem Kostenvolumen von …
Kosten senken
die Kosten auf jdn. (anteilsmäßig) aufteilen
bei etw. Kosten senken
sich in (groĂźe) Unkosten stĂĽrzen ugs.
kostensparend; Kosten sparend
die Kosten (fĂĽr etw.) ĂĽbernehmen; die Kosten (fĂĽr etw.) tragen; fĂĽr die Kosten +Gen. aufkommen
die Kosten über die betriebsgewöhnliche Nutzungsdauer verteilen
der eingeklagte Betrag samt aufgelaufenen Kosten samt Anhang Ă–s. s. A.
alle Kosten, die der geschädigten Partei entstanden sind
alle zusätzlichen Kosten tragen
Unkosten von der Steuer absetzen
cost (of sth.); expense (for sth.)
upfront costs
any costs; the full cost
overhead charges
controllable cost
batch-level costs
fiendish costs
contingent expenses
at the expense of
at my expense
average costs
increased costs
soaring costs
variable costs; running costs
allocated costs
non-recurring expenses
additional costs
at great expense
at vast expense
any other expenses
at a cost of …
to reduce costs
to split apportion the costs among between sb.
to cut costs of sth.
to go to (great) expense
cost-saving; at low cost
to bear the costs; to accept the costs (of sth.)
to spread the costs over the useful life
the sum claimed plus accrued costs
any expenses whatsoever incurred by the aggrieved party
to bear any additional costs
to set costs off against tax

Deutsche durchschnittliche Synonyme

durchschnittliche  Temperatur  ÂDurchschnittstemperatur  ÂTemperaturdurchschnitt  
durchschnittliche Temperatur  Durchschnittstemperatur  Temperaturdurchschnitt  
Weitere Ergebnisse für durchschnittliche Synonym nachschlagen

Englische fair quality Synonyme

fair  Christian  Junoesque  Mardi Gras  OK  Saturnalia  Saturnian  acceptable  accommodating  adequate  admissible  advantageous  affable  affably  agreeable  agreeably  alabaster  alabastrine  albescent  all right  amiable  amiably  amicable  amicably  amply endowed  appropriate  apt  attentive  attractive  auspicious  auto show  average  balanced  balmy  banquet  bazaar  beauteous  beautiful  becoming  beneficial  benevolent  benign  benignant  better than nothing  betwixt and between  blameless  bleached  blissful  blissfully  blond  blooming  blossoming  blowout  boat show  bon  bonny  booming  braw  bright  bright and fair  bueno  built  built for comfort  buxom  callipygian  callipygous  calm  candid  capital  carnival  charming  chaste  cheerful  cheerfully  civil  clarion  clean  cleanly  clear  clement  cloudless  cogent  comely  commendable  commercial complex  common  compatible  complaisant  condign  congenial  considerate  cordial  cordially  courteous  cream  creamy  creditable  curvaceous  curvy  dainty  decent  decipherable  defensible  deferential  delicate  deserved  deservedly  desirable  detached  dirt-free  disinterested  disinterestedly  dispassionate  dispassionately  do  dry  due  dulcet  dull  duly  dun-white  eggshell  elegant  emporium  en rapport  enchanting  enjoyable  enjoyably  equal  equally  equitable  equitably  erect  estimable  ethical  even  evenhanded  evenly  excellent  exhibit  exhibition  expedient  exposition  exquisite  exuberant  fair and pleasant  fair and square  fair to middling  fairish  fairly  famous  fastidious  fat  favorable  favoring  feast  felicific  felicitous  festival  festive occasion  festivity  fete  field day  fiesta  fine  fit  flaxen-haired  flea fair  flea market  flourishing  flowering  foreseeable  fortunate  free  fresh  fruiting  full of integrity  full of promise  gala  gala affair  gala day  genial  genially  glaucescent  glaucous  goddess-like  going strong  golden  good  good enough  good-look  
fair game  a leg up  butt  byword  byword of reproach  chance  clear stage  derision  dupe  fair field  figure of fun  fool  game  gazingstock  goat  jest  jestingstock  joke  laughingstock  liberty  mockery  monkey  occasion  opening  opportunism  opportunity  place  room  scope  stepping-stone  stock  target  time  toy  victim  
fair shake  Tweedledum and Tweedledee  candor  cricket  dead heat  deadlock  draw  even break  even chance  fair play  fair-mindedness  fairness  fifty-fifty  good sportsmanship  half a chance  knotted score  neck-and-neck race  odds  photo finish  sportsmanlikeness  sportsmanliness  sportsmanship  square deal  square odds  stalemate  standoff  the fair thing  the handsome thing  the proper thing  the same  tie  toss  toss-up  touch and go  
fair spoken  adulatory  bland  blandishing  blarneying  buttery  cajoling  complimentary  courtierly  courtly  disarming  fawning  fine-spoken  flattering  fulsome  glib  gushing  honey-mouthed  honey-tongued  honeyed  ingratiating  insincere  insinuating  mealymouthed  obsequious  oily  oily-tongued  slimy  slobbery  smarmy  smooth  smooth-spoken  smooth-tongued  smug  soapy  soft-soaping  soft-spoken  suave  suave-spoken  sycophantic  unctuous  wheedling  
fair to middling  betwixt and between  dull  fair  fairish  indifferent  insipid  lackluster  mediocre  medium  middling  moderate  modest  namby-pamby  of a kind  of a sort  of sorts  passable  respectable  so-so  tedious  tolerable  vapid  wishy-washy  
fair trade  appraise  assess  balance of trade  big business  business  business dealings  commerce  commercial affairs  commercial relations  dealing  dealings  evaluate  fair-trade agreement  fair-trading  flexible supports  free trade  industry  intercourse  managed prices  market  marketing  mercantile business  merchantry  multilateral trade  price  price controls  price supports  price-fixing  prize  quote a price  rate  reciprocal trade  rent control  restraint of trade  rigid supports  small business  the business world  the marketplace  trade  traffic  truck  unilateral trade  valorization  valorize  valuate  value  
fair weather  Saturnia regna  Saturnian age  age of Aquarius  bright side  brightness  broiling sun  calm weather  canicular days  cheerfulness  climate  clime  cold weather  dog days  era of prosperity  forces of nature  golden age  golden era  golden time  good times  good weather  halcyon days  heat wave  heaven  heyday  high summer  hot wave  hot weather  humid weather  macroclimate  microclimate  midday sun  midsummer  millennium  muggy weather  palmy days  piping times  prosperity  rainy weather  reign of Saturn  rosy era  stormy weather  stuffy weather  sultry weather  summer  sunniness  sunny side  sunshine  sunshiny weather  the elements  utopia  vertical rays  warm weather  weather  windiness  
fairly  a bit  a little  absolutely  acceptably  actually  adequately  after a fashion  appreciably  at any rate  at best  at least  at most  at the least  at the most  at the outside  at worst  comparatively  completely  decently  decipherably  deservedly  detectably  disinterestedly  dispassionately  duly  equally  equitably  evenly  extremely  fair  fair to middling  fairishly  fairly well  honestly  impartially  impersonally  in a manner  in a measure  in a way  in part  in some measure  incompletely  indifferently  justifiably  justifiedly  justly  kind of  leastwise  legibly  mediocrely  meetly  merely  middling well  middlingly  mildly  moderately  modestly  more or less  not comprehensively  not exhaustively  objectively  only  part  partially  partly  passably  positively  presentably  pretty  pretty well  pro tanto  properly  purely  quite  rather  readably  really  relatively  respectably  rightfully  rightly  satisfactorily  scarcely  simply  slightly  so far  so-so  some  something  somewhat  sort of  sufficiently  thus far  to a degree  to some degree  to some extent  tolerably  totally  unexceptionably  upon even terms  utterly  veritably  very  virtually  visibly  warrantably  warrantedly  well enough  without distinction  
fairness  achroma  achromasia  achromatosis  advantageousness  agreeability  agreeableness  albescence  albinism  albino  albinoism  anemia  ashiness  assured probity  auspiciousness  becomingness  beneficialness  benevolence  benignity  blamelessness  blondness  bloodlessness  bonniness  cadaverousness  candor  canescence  chalkiness  character  chloranemia  class  cleanness  cogency  comeliness  creaminess  cricket  deathly hue  deathly pallor  decency  desert  detachment  dimness  disinterestedness  dispassionateness  dullness  equitability  erectness  estimableness  evenhandedness  excellence  expedience  exsanguination  fadedness  faintness  fair play  fair shake  fair-mindedness  favorableness  fineness  first-rateness  frostiness  ghastliness  glaucescence  glaucousness  good character  good sportsmanship  goodliness  goodness  grace  grizzliness  haggardness  healthiness  helpfulness  high ideals  high principles  high-mindedness  hoariness  honesty  honor  honorableness  hypochromia  hypochromic anemia  immaculacy  impartiality  indifference  integrity  irreproachability  irreproachableness  justice  justness  kindness  lactescence  leukoderma  lightness  lividness  merit  milkiness  moral excellence  moral strength  muddiness  neutrality  niceness  nobility  objectivity  paleness  pallidity  pallidness  pallor  pastiness  pearliness  personableness  pleasantness  pleasingness  principles  prison pallor  probity  profitableness  pureness  purity  quality  rectitude  reputability  respectability  rewardingness  righteousness  sallowness  sickliness  sickly hue  sightliness  silver  silveriness  skillfulness  snowiness  soundness  sportsmanlikeness  sportsmanliness  sportsmanship  square deal  stainlessness  superiority  the fair thing  the handsome thing  the proper thing  unbiasedness  unimpeachability  unimpeachableness  unopinionatedness  unprejudicedness  unspottedness  uprightness  upstandingness  usefulness  validity  value  virtue  virtuousness  vitil  
fairway  Astroturf  airstrip  approaches  apron  archery ground  artificial turf  athletic field  badminton court  baseball field  basketball court  billiard parlor  bowling alley  bowling green  channel  clearway  common  course  court  cricket ground  croquet ground  croquet lawn  diamond  field  flight deck  football field  glaciarium  golf course  golf links  grassplot  green  greenyard  gridiron  grounds  gym  gymnasium  ice rink  infield  landing deck  landing strip  lawn  links  outfield  oval  park  playground  playing field  playroom  polo ground  pool hall  poolroom  putting green  racecourse  racket court  rink  road  runway  sea lane  seaway  ship route  skating rink  soccer field  squash court  steamer track  stretch  strip  tennis court  track  turf  village green  waterway  
fairy  Ariel  Befind  Corrigan  Finnbeara  Mab  Oberon  Titania  air  auntie  banshee  bi-guy  bisexual  brownie  bubble  bull dyke  butch  catamite  chaff  chicken  chip  cluricaune  cobweb  cork  down  dust  dwarf  dyke  elf  elfin  elfish  elflike  ether  faery  fag  faggot  fairy queen  fairyish  fairylike  fay  feather  femme  flit  flue  fluff  foam  fricatrice  froth  fruit  fuzz  gnome  gnomelike  gnomish  goblin  gossamer  gremlin  gunsel  hob  homo  homophile  homosexual  homosexualist  imp  invert  kobold  leprechaun  lesbian  mote  nance  ouphe  pansy  pathic  peri  pixie  pixieish  pooka  puca  puck  punk  pwca  queen  queer  sapphist  sponge  sprite  spume  straw  sylph  sylphid  sylphidine  sylphine  sylphish  sylphlike  sylphy  thistledown  tribade  
fairy godmother  Maecenas  Santa Claus  almoner  almsgiver  ancestral spirits  angel  assignor  attendant godling  awarder  backer  bestower  cheerful giver  conferrer  consignor  contributor  control  daemon  demon  donator  donor  familiar  familiar spirit  feoffor  financer  funder  genius  genius domus  genius loci  giver  good angel  good genius  grantor  guardian  guardian angel  guardian spirit  guide  household gods  imparter  invisible helper  lady bountiful  lares and penates  lares compitales  lares familiaris  lares permarini  lares praestites  lares viales  manes  ministering angel  numen  patron  patroness  penates  philanthropist  presenter  settler  special providence  subscriber  sugar daddy  supporter  testate  testator  testatrix  totem  tutelar god  tutelary  vouchsafer  
fairy tale  Marchen  Western  Western story  Westerner  adventure story  allegory  apologue  bedtime story  blague  cock-and-bull story  detective story  exaggeration  fable  fabliau  falsehood  falsity  fantasy  farfetched story  farrago  fib  fiction  fish story  flam  flimflam  folk story  folktale  gest  ghost story  half-truth  horse opera  legal fiction  legend  lie  little white lie  love story  mendacity  mystery  mystery story  myth  mythology  mythos  nursery tale  parable  pious fiction  prevarication  romance  science fiction  shocker  slight stretching  space fiction  space opera  story  suspense story  tale  tall story  tall tale  taradiddle  thriller  trumped-up story  untruth  white lie  whodunit  work of fiction  yarn  
fairyland  Agapemone  Arcadia  Big Rock-Candy Mountain  Canaan  Cloudcuckooland  Cockaigne  Eden  Eldorado  Erewhon  Garden of Eden  Goshen  Happy Valley  Land of Youth  Laputa  Never-Never-land  Neverland  New Atlantis  Pandemonium  Quivira  Shangri-la  Utopia  Zion  arcadia  cloudland  dreamland  dystopia  elfenfolk  faerie  fairyfolk  heaven  kakotopia  kingdom come  land of dreams  land of enchantment  land of faerie  land of plenty  land of promise  lotus land  millennium  paradise  promised land  shee  sidhe  the good folk  the little people  utopia  wonderland  

durchschnittliche Definition

(superl.) Free from spots, specks, dirt, or imperfection
(superl.) Pleasing to the eye
(superl.) Without a dark hue
(superl.) Not overcast
(superl.) Free from obstacles or hindrances
(superl.) Without sudden change of direction or curvature
(superl.) Characterized by frankness, honesty, impartiality, or candor
(superl.) Pleasing
(superl.) Distinct
(superl.) Free from any marked characteristic
(adv.) Clearly
(n.) Fairness, beauty.
(n.) A fair woman
(n.) Good fortune
(v. t.) To make fair or beautiful.
(v. t.) To make smooth and flowing, as a vessel's lines.
(n.) A gathering of buyers and sellers, assembled at a particular place with their merchandise at a stated or regular season, or by special appointment, for trade.
(n.) A festival, and sale of fancy articles. erc., usually for some charitable object
(n.) A competitive exhibition of wares, farm products, etc., not primarily for purposes of sale
(a.) Having fair or light-colored hair.
(n.) A block, or ring, serving as a guide for the running rigging or for any rope.
(a.) Unprejudiced
(a.) Well-disposed.
(a.) Made or done in pleasant weather, or in circumstances involving but little exposure or sacrifice
(a.) Appearing only when times or circumstances are prosperous
(n.) State of prosperity.
(n.) The condition of being of such and such a sort as distinguished from others
(n.) Special or temporary character
(n.) That which makes, or helps to make, anything such as it is
(n.) An acquired trait
(n.) Superior birth or station
(n.) In plastering, a particularly good troweled surface.

fair quality Bedeutung

fair ball (baseball) a ball struck with the bat so that it stays between the lines (the foul lines) that define the width of the playing field
fair catch (American football) a catch of a punt on the fly by a defensive player who has signalled that he will not run and so should not be tackled
carnival fair funfair a traveling show, having sideshows and rides and games of skill etc.
quality control maintenance of standards of quality of manufactured goods
fair trade trade that is conducted legally
fair trade trade that satisfies certain criteria on the supply chain of the goods involved, usually including fair payment for producers, often with other social and environmental considerations
a sale of miscellany, often for charity, the church bazaar
book fair
bazaar at which books are sold or auctioned off in order to raise funds for a worthy cause
craft fair a fair at which objects made by craftsmen are offered for sale
fair hearing a hearing that is granted in extraordinary situations where the normal judicial process would be inadequate to secure due process because the person would be harmed or denied their rights before a judicial remedy became available (as in deportation or loss of welfare benefits)
quality an essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone, the quality of mercy is not strained--Shakespeare
quality caliber
a degree or grade of excellence or worth, the quality of students has risen, an executive of low caliber
high quality
the quality of being superior
low quality
an inferior quality
parental quality a quality appropriate to a parent
maternal quality
the quality of having or showing the tenderness and warmth and affection of or befitting a mother, the girl's motherliness made her invaluable in caring for the children
paternal quality
the benignity and protectiveness of or befitting a father, the gentleness and fatherliness of the strange old man eased her fears
vanity fair a vain and frivolous lifestyle especially in large cities
quality tone
(music) the distinctive property of a complex sound (a voice or noise or musical sound), the timbre of her soprano was rich and lovely, the muffled tones of the broken bell summoned them to meet
fair chance
sporting chance
a reasonable probability of success
fair use the conditions under which you can use material that is copyrighted by someone else without paying royalties
a characteristic property that defines the apparent individual nature of something, each town has a quality all its own, the radical character of our demands
ability to make judgments free from discrimination or dishonesty
fair copy a clean copy of a corrected draft
fair-trade agreement an agreement (illegal in the United States) between the manufacturer of a trademarked item of merchandise and its retail distributors to sell the item at a price at or above the price set by the manufacturer
fair-trade act formerly a state law that protected manufacturers from priceutting by allowing them to set minimum retail prices for their merchandise, eliminated by the United States Congress in
fair deal
square deal
fair treatment
fair a competitive exhibition of farm products, she won a blue ribbon for her baking at the county fair
book fair
fair organized by publishers or booksellers to promote the sale of books
fair gathering of producers to promote business, world fair, trade fair, book fair
fair sex
women as a class, it's an insult to American womanhood, woman is the glory of creation, the fair sex gathered on the veranda
fair game
a person who is the aim of an attack (especially a victim of ridicule or exploitation) by some hostile person or influence, he fell prey to muggers, everyone was fair game, the target of a manhunt
fair weather
sunshine temperateness
moderate weather, suitable for outdoor activities
meadow saxifrage
Saxifraga granulata
rosette-forming perennial having compact panicles of white flowers, Europe
decline in quality
process of changing to an inferior state
quality high social status, a man of quality
quality of life your personal satisfaction (or dissatisfaction) with the cultural or intellectual conditions under which you live (as distinct from material comfort), the new art museum is expected to improve the quality of life
fair join so that the external surfaces blend smoothly
very pleasing to the eye, my bonny lass, there's a bonny bay beyond, a comely face, young fair maidens
surpassing in quality, top-grade ore
(used of hair or skin) pale or light-colored, a fair complexion,
quality of high social status, people of quality, a quality family
fair free of clouds or rain, today will be fair and warm
fair (of a baseball) hit between the foul lines, he hit a fair ball over the third base bag
fair just free from favoritism or self-interest or bias or deception, conforming with established standards or rules, a fair referee, fair deal, on a fair footing, a fair fight, by fair means or foul
fair-minded of a person, just and impartial, not prejudiced
fair-and-square just and honest
gained or earned without cheating or stealing, an honest wage, an fair penny
(of a manuscript) having few alterations or corrections, fair copy, a clean manuscript
favorite, the fair-haired boy of the literary set
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