
emissionsfrei Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

emissionsfrei adj envir.
emissionsfrei adj envir.
erste Emission
first issue
par emission
zweite Emission
second issue
Aktienausgabe f, Emission f, Effektenemission f
Emission f
Emission f
Emissionen pl
punktuelle Emissionen
diffuse Emissionen
point source emissions
non-point source emissions
Aktienausgabe f; Effektenemission f fin.
Aktienausgaben pl; Effektenemissionen pl
erste Emission
issue(ing) of shares Br.; issuance of stocks Am.; share stock issue
issue(ing)s of shares; issuances of stocks; share stock issues
first issue
Ausgabe f (Banknoten); Emission f (Wertpapiere); Begebung f (Wertpapiere); Ausstellung f (Ausweise Schecks) (von etw.)
issuance; issue (of sth.)
Emission f von Bezugsrechtsscheinen; Optionsanleihe f; Optionsschuldverschreibung f fin.
warrant issue; warrant bond
Option f auf vorzeitige RĂŒckzahlung einer Emission fin.
thermionisch adj phys.
thermionische Emission f
thermionic emission
Aktienausgabe f; Aktienemission f; Effektenemission f (Börse) fin.
Aktienausgaben pl; Aktienemissionen pl; Effektenemissionen pl
erste Emission
(stark) ĂŒberzeichnete Aktienemission
issue(ing) of shares Br.; issuance of stocks Am.; share issue; stock issue (stock exchange)
issue(ing)s of shares; issuances of stocks; share issues; stock issues
first issue
oversubscribed share issue
Ausgabe f (Banknoten); Emission f (Wertpapiere); Begebung f (Wertpapiere); Ausstellung f (Ausweise, Schecks) (von etw.)
issuance; issue (of sth.)
Emission f
Emissionen pl
punktuelle Emissionen
diffuse Emissionen
Treibhausgasemissionen pl
point source emissions
non-point source emissions
greenhouse gas emissions
ausgegebenes Wertpapier n; ausgegebene Aktie f; Emission f fin.
Neuemissionen pl
stark ĂŒberzeichnete Neuemissionen von kleinen oder jungen Unternehmen
issued security; issued share (of stock); issue
new issues
hot issues
aufgefordert werden etw. zu tun; gehalten angehalten sein etw. zu tun geh.; etw. tun mĂŒssen; etw. zu tun haben v (Person)
aufgefordert werden etw. zu unterlassen; etw. zu unterlassen haben; auf etw. verzichten mĂŒssen
Die tschechische Republik wird aufgefordert ihre Emissionen zu verringern.
Die Besucher sind angehalten die Gehwege zu benutzen.
Was wird von mir verlangt wenn ich zusage?; Was muss ich tun wenn ich zusage?
Alle Kandidaten werden zu einem kurzen Test gebeten.
Der Betrag den die Eltern zu zahlen haben ist erhöht worden.
to be required to do sth. (person)
to be required to refrain from doing sth.
The Czech Republic is required to reduce its emissions.
Visitors are required to use the walks.
What will I be required to do if I accept?; What will be required of me if I accept?
All candidates will be required to take a short test.
The amount that parents are required to pay has been raised.
zum Beispiel z. B. ; beispielsweise; etwa; zum Exempel veraltet adv
Viele meiner Freunde viele von meinen Freunden waren dort, zum Beispiel Greta und Phillip.
Mein GedÀchtnis lÀsst mich im Stich. Ich vergesse beispielsweise oft, wo ich mein Auto geparkt habe.
Klaus etwa hÀtte anders reagiert.
Nehmen wir beispielsweise an, du hast einen reichen Klienten.
So hat beispielsweise die WelternÀhrungsorganisation berechnet, dass die Landwirtschaft weltweit die HÀlfte aller Methan-Emissionen verursacht.
for example e.g. (exempli gratia); for instance; to give an example; to give an instance
A lot of my friends were there Greta and Phillip, for example.
My memory is failing. For example, I will often forget where I have parked my car.
Klaus, for instance, would have reacted differently.
By way of example, let's say you have a rich client.
By way of example, the FAO has has calculated that, globally, agriculture generates half of all methane emissions.
Immission f; schÀdliche Einwirkung f von Emissionen auf Mensch und Umwelt envir.
pollution input; pollution impact; detrimental impact of emissions on humans or the environment; immission rare
aufgefordert werden, etw. zu tun; gehalten angehalten sein, etw. zu tun geh.; etw. tun mĂŒssen; etw. zu tun haben v (Person)
aufgefordert werden, etw. zu unterlassen; etw. zu unterlassen haben; auf etw. verzichten mĂŒssen
Die tschechische Republik wird aufgefordert, ihre Emissionen zu verringern.
Die Besucher sind angehalten, die Gehwege zu benutzen.
Was wird von mir verlangt, wenn ich zusage?; Was muss ich tun, wenn ich zusage?
Alle Kandidaten werden zu einem kurzen Test gebeten.
Der Betrag, den die Eltern zu zahlen haben, ist erhöht worden.
to be required to do sth. (person)
to be required to refrain from doing sth.
The Czech Republic is required to reduce its emissions.
Visitors are required to use the walks.
What will I be required to do if I accept?; What will be required of me if I accept?
All candidates will be required to take a short test.
The amount that parents are required to pay has been raised.
Emissions-Pressekonferenz f fin.
share issue press conference
Aufgeld n; Agio n (Wertpapiere) fin.
Anleiheagio n
Agio aus Aktienemission
Ausgabeaufgeld n; Ausgabeagio n; Begebungsaufgeld n; Begebungsagio n; Emissionsaufgeld n; Emissionsagio n
Devisenaufgeld n
Aufschlag auf den Kassakurs
premium; agio (securities)
premium on bonds
premium on capital stock
offering premium; issuing premium; issue premium
premium on exchange
premium on spot rate
investment bank
issuing bank
issuing house
Emissionsbank f, WĂ€hrungsbank f fin.
bank of issue
Emissionsbank f; WĂ€hrungsbank f fin.
Emissionsbanken pl; WĂ€hrungsbanken pl
bank of issue
banks of issue
terms of issue
Emissionsprospekt m; Aufstellung f der Emissionsbedingungen (Börse) fin.
offering prospectus; offering memorandum; offering circular Am. (stock exchange)
Ausgabebedingungen pl; Begebungsbedingungen pl; Emissionsbedingungen pl (Börse) fin.
offering terms (stock exchange)
Emissionsbereich m electr.
emitter zone
Emissionsbereich (Halbl.)
emitter zone
EmissionsflÀche f; Emissionsbereich m
EmissionsflÀchen pl; Emissionsbereiche pl
emission area
emission areas
Schichtröntgen n; Computertomografie f; Computertomographie f CT med.
Einzelphotonen-Emissionscomputertomographie f
Positronen-Emissionstomographie f
X-ray computed tomography X-ray CT ; computed axial tomography CAT ; computed tomography scanning; CT scanning; computed tomography CT ; computer tomography CT
single-photon emission computed tomography SPECT
positron-emission tomography PET
Ausgabetermin m; Ausgabedatum n; Ausgabetag m; Begebungstermin m; Begebungsdatum n; Begebungstag m; Emissionstermin m; Emissionsdatum n; Emissionstag m (Börse) fin.
Ausgabetermine pl; Ausgabedaten pl; Ausgabetage pl; Begebungstermine pl; Begebungsdaten pl; Begebungstage pl; Emissionstermine pl; Emissionsdaten pl; Emissionstage pl
date of issue; issue date (stock exchange)
dates of issue; issue dates
Emissionsfaktor m envir.
Emissionsfaktoren pl
emission factor
emission factors
EmissionsflÀche f
EmissionsflÀchen pl
emission area
emission areas
emissionsfrei adj envir.
Ausgabezeitraum m; Ausgabefrist f; Begebungsfrist f; Emissionszeitraum m; Emissionsfrist f; Zeichungszeitraum m; Zeichnungsfrist f (Börse) fin.
AusgabezeitrÀume pl; Ausgabefristen pl; Begebungsfristen pl; EmissionszeitrÀume pl; Emissionsfristen pl; ZeichungszeitrÀume pl; Zeichnungsfristen pl
offering period (stock exchange)
offering periods
Nebel m astron.
Nebelwolken pl
außergalaktischer Nebel
bipolarer Nebel
diffuser Nebel
Dunkelnebel; Dunkelwolke
Emissionsgasnebel; Emissionsnebel
galaktischer Nebel
Hantelnebel; Dumbbellnebel (im Sternbild Fuchs)
Krebsnebel; Crabnebel (im Sternbild Taurus)
leuchtender Gasnebel
Mondsichelnebel; Sichelnebel (im Sternbild Schwan)
Pferdekopfnebel (im Sternbild Orion)
planetarischer Nebel
Pulsarwindnebel m
Reflexionsnebel m
Ringnebel (im Sternbild Leier)
Seifenblasen-Nebel (im Sternbild Schwan)
Trifidnebel (im Sternbild SchĂŒtze)
nebulae; nebulas
extragalactic nebula
bipolar nebula
diffuse nebula; irregular nebula
dark nebula; absorption nebula
emission nebula
field nebula
galactic nebula
gaseous nebula
Dumbbell Nebula
Crab Nebula
glowing nebula
Crescent Nebula
Horsehead Nebula
planetary nebula
pulsar wind nebula
reflection nebula
annular nebula
Ring Nebula
Soap Bubble Nebula
spiral nebula
Trifid Nebula
investment banking
issue of securities
EmissionsgeschÀft n fin.
issuing business; underwriting business
Wertpapier- und EmissionsgeschÀft n fin.
investment banking Am.
sich (durch etw. von jdm. etw.) unterscheiden v
sich unterscheidend
sich unterschieden
es unterscheidet sich
es unterschied sich
es hat hatte sich unterschieden
Die neue Fassung unterscheidet sich stark gewaltig deutlich erheblich von der alten.
Seine Ansichten unterscheiden sich kaum von denen seiner Eltern.
Französisch unterscheidet sich in dieser Hinsicht von Italienisch.
Die Vorstellungen der Eltern ĂŒber die Kinderbetreuung können weit auseinanderklaffen.
Ein Minimalpaar ist ein Wortpaar, das sich nur durch ein Element unterscheidet.
Manager unterscheiden sich in ihrer FĂ€higkeit, mit Stress umzugehen.
Die GeschmÀcker sind verschieden, besonders in Bezug auf Frauen.
Inwiefern unterscheidet sich das DepositengeschÀft vom EmissionsgeschÀft?
to differ (from sb. sth. in sth.)
it differs
it differed
it has had differed
The new version differs widely greatly markedly considerably from the old one.
His views hardly differ from those of his parents.
French differs from Italien in this respect.; French and Italian differ in this respect.
Ideas on childcare may differ significantly between parents.
A minimal pair is a pair of words which differ only in one element contain a difference of only one element.
Managers differ from one another in their ability to handle stress.
Tastes differ, especially in women.
How does deposit banking differ from investment banking?; How is deposit banking different from investment banking?
Emissionsgrad m envir.
Emissionsgrade pl
degree of emission
degrees of emission
Emissionsgrenzwert m envir.
Emissionsgrenzwerte pl
emission standard
emission standards
Schadstoffgrenzwert m; Emissionsgrenzwert m envir.
Schadstoffgrenzwerte pl; Emissionsgrenzwerte pl
Grenzwert fĂŒr Luftschadstoffe
emission limit value; emission limiting value; emission limit
emission limit values; emission limiting values; emission limits
air quality limit value; air quality limiting value
Emissionshandel m; Handel m mit Emissionsrechten (Klimaschutz)
emissions trading (climate protection)
carbon trade; carbon emissions trading
Emissionshandelsstelle f
emissions trading authority
Ausgabejahr n; Begebungsjahr n; Emissionsjahr n (Börse) fin.
year of issue (stock exchange)
Emissionskataster m envir.
Emissionskataster pl
emission register
emission registers
Emissionskataster m envir.
Emissionskataster pl
emission inventory
emission inventories
Emissionskonsortium n fin.
Emissionskonsortien pl
underwriting syndicate
underwriting syndicates
Begebungskonsortium n; Emissionskonsortium n; Platzierungskonsortium n (Börse) fin.
Begebungskonsortien pl; Emissionskonsortien pl; Platzierungskonsortien pl
issuing group; issuing syndicate (stock exchange)
issuing groups; issuing syndicates
Ausgabekosten pl; Begebungskosten pl; Emissionskosten pl fin.
issue cost; offerning costs (stock exchange)
Erstausgabekurs m; Erstausgabepreis m; Ausgabekurs m; Ausgabepreis m; Begebungskurs m; Begebungspreis m; Emissionskurs m; Emissionspreis m (Börse) fin.
Erstausgabekurse pl; Erstausgabepreise pl; Ausgabekurse pl; Ausgabepreise pl; Begebungskurse pl; Begebungspreise pl; Emissionskurse pl; Emissionspreise pl
initial offering price; initial price; offering price; issuing price; issue price (stock exchange)
initial offering prices; initial prices; offering prices; issuing prices; issue prices
market of issue
Emissionsmessung f envir.
Emissionsmessungen pl
measurement of emissions
measurements of emissions
Begebungsmethode f; Emissionsmethode f; Emissionstechnik f (Börse) fin.
Begebungsmethoden pl; Emissionsmethoden pl; Emissionstechniken pl
issuing method (stock exchange)
issuing methods
Emissionsminderung f envir.
diminution of emissions
Emissionsnorm f adm. envir.
emission standard
issue price
issuing price
rate of issue
Emissionsquelle f; Emittent m envir.
Emissionsquellen pl; Emittenten pl
source of emission; emitter
sources of emission; emitters
Emissionsrate f
Emissionsraten pl
emission rate
emission rates
Emissionsrechte pl
emission rights; emissions allowances
Emissionsrechtehandel m pol. envir.
emissions trading
Emissionsschwemme f fin.
deluge wave of new issues

Deutsche emissionsfrei Synonyme

Englische emission-free Synonyme

emissionsfrei Definition

(n.) The act of sending or throwing out
(n.) That which is sent out, issued, or put in circulation at one time
(a.) Free from the power of love.
(superl.) Exempt from subjection to the will of others
(superl.) Not under an arbitrary or despotic government
(superl.) Liberated, by arriving at a certain age, from the control of parents, guardian, or master.
(superl.) Not confined or imprisoned
(superl.) Not subjected to the laws of physical necessity
(superl.) Clear of offense or crime
(superl.) Unconstrained by timidity or distrust
(superl.) Unrestrained
(superl.) Not close or parsimonious
(superl.) Exempt
(superl.) Characteristic of one acting without restraint
(superl.) Ready
(superl.) Invested with a particular freedom or franchise
(superl.) Thrown open, or made accessible, to all
(superl.) Not gained by importunity or purchase
(superl.) Not arbitrary or despotic
(superl.) Certain or honorable
(superl.) Privileged or individual
(superl.) Not united or combined with anything else
(adv.) Freely
(adv.) Without charge
(a.) To make free
(a.) To remove, as something that confines or bars
(a.) To frank.
(v. t.) To make free.
(a.) Done by the hand, without support, or the guidance of instruments
(a.) Open-handed
(a.) Open
(n.) One who gratifies his appetites without stint
(n.) Unrestrained indulgence of the appetites.
(n.) The doctrine or practice of consorting with the opposite sex, at pleasure, without marriage.
(n.) One who believes in or practices free-love.
(n.) An imperfect female calf, twinborn with a male.
(a.) Yielding free gold or silver
(a.) Not perplexed
(a.) Pertaining to, or advocating, the non-extension of slavery
(a.) Accustomed to speak without reserve.
(a.) Swimming in the open sea
(a.) Speaking without reserve.
Free will
() A will free from improper coercion or restraint.
Free will
() The power asserted of moral beings of willing or choosing without the restraints of physical or absolute necessity.
(a.) Free from payment of scot
(a.) Not to be injured by shot
(a.) Free from charge or expense

emission-free Bedeutung

foul shot
free throw
penalty free throw
charity toss
charity throw
charity shot
an unhindered basketball shot from the foul line, given to penalize the other team for committing a foul
free kick (soccer) a place kick that is allowed for a foul or infringement by the other team
extramarital sex
free love
sexual intercourse between individuals who are not married to one another
positron emission tomography
using a computerized radiographic technique to examine the metabolic activity in various tissues (especially in the brain)
free time
spare time
time that is free from duties or responsibilities
free trade international trade free of government interference
North American Free Trade Agreement
an agreement for free trade between the United States and Canada and Mexico, became effective in for ten years
a noisy fight in a crowd
pardon free pardon
the formal act of liberating someone
the act of emitting, causing to flow forth
free-tailed bat
freetailed bat
small swift insectivorous bat with leathery ears and a long tail, common in warm regions
field-emission microscope electron microscope used to observe the surface structure of a solid
free house a public house that is not controlled by a brewery and so is free to sell different brands of beer and ale
free throw lane a lane on a basketball court extending from the end line to feet in front of the backboard, players may not enter this lane during a free throw
positron emission tomography scanner
PET scanner
a tomograph that produces cross-sectional Xays of metabolic processes in the body
weight free weight
exercising weight
sports equipment used in calisthenic exercises and weightlifting, it is not attached to anything and is raised and lowered by use of the hands and arms
grace grace of God
free grace
(Christian theology) the free and unmerited favor or beneficence of God, God's grace is manifested in the salvation of sinners, there but for the grace of God go I
free living a lifestyle given to easy indulgence of the appetites
free fall
a sudden sharp decrease in some quantity, a drop of points on the Dow Jones index, there was a drop in pressure in the pulmonary artery, a dip in prices, when that became known the price of their stock went into free fall
free will
the power of making free choices unconstrained by external agencies
free phagocyte a phagocyte that circulates in the blood
free nerve ending microscopic sensory nerve endings in the skin that are not connected to any specific sensory receptor
free association a thought process in which ideas (words or images) suggest other ideas in a sequence
nonparametric statistic
distribution free statistic
a statistic computed without knowledge of the form or the parameters of the distribution from which observations are drawn
free thought
the form of theological rationalism that believes in God on the basis of reason without reference to revelation
free press a press not restricted or controlled by government censorship regarding politics or ideology
rural free delivery
free government delivery of mail in outlying country areas
free morpheme
free form
a morpheme that can occur alone
free verse
vers libre
unrhymed verse without a consistent metrical pattern
free list a list of commodities that are not subject to tariffs
parenthesis-free notation a notation for forming mathematical expressions that does not use parentheses to delimit components
free fall the ideal falling motion of something subject only to a gravitational field
emission the occurrence of a flow of water (as from a pipe)
gluten-free diet diet prescribed to treat celiac disease, eliminates such foods as wheat and rye and oats and beans and cabbage and turnips and cucumbers that are rich in gluten
low-sodium diet
low-salt diet
salt-free diet
a diet that limits the intake of salt (sodium chloride), often used in treating hypertension or edema or certain other disorders
free people
people who are free, the home of the free and the brave
Free French
Fighting French
a French movement during World War II that was organized in London by Charles de Gaulle to fight for the liberation of France from German control and for the restoration of the republic
Free World antiommunist countries collectively
Free Soil Party a former political party in the United States, formed in to oppose the extension of slavery into the territories, merged with the Liberty Party in
market economy
free enterprise
private enterprise
laissez-faire economy
an economy that relies chiefly on market forces to allocate goods and resources and to determine prices
free port a port open on equal terms to all commercial vessels
free port
free zone
an area adjoining a port where goods that are intended for reshipment can be received and stored without payment of duties
Free State Orange Free State a province in central South Africa that was colonized by the Boers, named Free State in
free state any state prohibiting slavery prior to the American Civil War
Old Line State
Free State MD
a Mid-Atlantic state, one of the original colonies
free electron electron that is not attached to an atom or ion or molecule but is free to move under the influence of an electric field
free agent
free spirit
someone acting freely or even irresponsibly
free agent (sports) a professional athlete who is free to sign a contract to play for any team
free lance
self-employed person
a writer or artist who sells services to different employers without a long-term contract with any of them
free-liver someone who gratifies physical appetites (especially for food and drink) with more than the usual freedom
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