
erforderlicher Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

erforderlicher Geldbetrag
requisite money
erforderlicher Geldbetrag
requisite money
die er als erforderlich erachtet
that he may consider necessary
die eventuell erforderlich sind
he may have to fulfill
as may be necessary
erforderlich machen
erforderlich, notwendig
erforderlich, notwendig, Erfordernis
erforderlich, um ihm zu ermöglichen
necessary to enable him
für den Vorgang erforderlich
required for the operation
ist erforderlich
is necessary
soweit erforderlich
where required
welche erforderlich sind
which are necessary
welche erforderlich sind
which he shall have to fulfill
wie normalerweise erforderlich sind
as normally necessary
wie sie normalerweise erforderlich sind
as are normally necessary
erforderlich, notwendig adj
erforderlich adv
gleichzeitig erforderlich
notwendig, nötig, erforderlich adj
am notwendigsten, am allernotwendigsten
für notwendig halten
more necessary
most necessary
to consider necessary
unbedingt erforderlich
absolutely necessary
länger als erforderlich
longer than can be helped
länger als erforderlich hinausschieben
to defer sth. longer than necessary
was erforderlich ist
what is necessary
erforderlich; notwendig adj
erforderlich; nötig; geboten adj
mit der gebotenen Vorsicht
mit der gebotenen Eile
mit der nötigen gebotenen Sorgfalt und Sachkenntnis
im Sinne der Kostendämpfung geboten sein
Es ist erforderlich ...
Bei der Verabreichung von Betablockern ist besondere äußerste Vorsicht geboten.
required; needed; called for; due
with all due caution
with all due despatch; with sufficient urgency
with due care and skill
to be called for in the interest of cost control
It is required ...
Particular extreme caution is called for when administering beta-blockers.
erforderlich adj
erfordern; erforderlich machen v
erfordernd; erforderlich machend
erfordert; erforderlich gemacht
erfordert; macht erforderlich
erforderte; machte erforderlich
to necessitate
gleichzeitig erforderlich adj
notwendig; nötig; erforderlich adj
am notwendigsten; am allernotwendigsten
wenn nötig; falls erforderlich
unbedingt nötig
notwendig sein
immer wenn es erforderlich ist
die nötigen Vorbereitungen treffen
für notwendig halten
more necessary
most necessary
if necessary
strictly necessary
to be necessary
whenever necessary
to make the necessary arrangements
to consider necessary
notwendig; erforderlich adj (für)
prerequisite (to)
sofern adv; vorausgesetzt dass; solange wie
sofern nicht; vorausgesetzt dass nicht
sofern er nicht absagt
sofern nichts Gegenteiliges bekannt
sofern nichts Anderweitiges vereinbart ist; sofern nicht anderweitig vereinbart
Wenn ich von Ihnen nichts Gegenteiliges höre nehme ich an dass meine Anwesenheit nicht erforderlich ist.
so long as; as long as; provided (that)
provided he doesn't call it off; as long as he doesn't call it off
unless I hear to the contrary
unless otherwise agreed
Unless I hear to the contrary from you I assume my attendance is not required.
unabdingbar; unbedingt erforderlich (für etw); dringend geboten adj
Verkaufstalent ist für den Erfolg einer gewerblichen Tätigkeit unabdingbar.
Es ist unerlässlich dass wir jetzt zu einer Entscheidung kommen.
Ihre Anwesenheit ist unbedingt erforderlich.
Verstärkte Kontrollen sind dringend geboten.
imperative (to sth.)
Sales skills are imperative to the success of a business.
It is imperative for us to come to a decision now.
It is imperative that you be should be present.
Reinforced controls are imperative.
Einzelfallbetrachtung f
eine Einzelfallbetrachtung erfordern
Es ist in der Regel eine Einzelfallbetrachtung erforderlich.
case-by-case consideration; individual examination
to require a case-by-case analysis
It generally needs to be considered case by case.
Postversand m
je nach Dauer des Postversands
Nachweis des Postversands erforderlich.
postage; postal shipping
depending on postage times
Proof of postage is required.
erforderlich; nötig; geboten adj
mit der gebotenen Vorsicht
mit der gebotenen Eile
mit der nötigen gebotenen Sorgfalt und Sachkenntnis
im Sinne der Kostendämpfung geboten sein
Es ist erforderlich …
Bei der Verabreichung von Betablockern ist besondere äußerste Vorsicht geboten.
required; needed; called for; due
with all due caution
with all due despatch; with sufficient urgency
with due care and skill
to be called for in the interest of cost control
It is required …
Particular extreme caution is called for when administering beta-blockers.
nötigenfalls; wenn nötig; falls erforderlich; erforderlichenfalls adm. adv
if necessary; if required
notwendig; nötig; erforderlich adj
am notwendigsten; am allernotwendigsten
unbedingt nötig
notwendig sein
immer wenn es erforderlich ist
die nötigen Vorbereitungen treffen
für notwendig halten
es notwendig erscheinen lassen (Sache)
necessary; needful dated
more necessary
most necessary
strictly necessary
to be necessary
whenever necessary
to make the necessary arrangements
to consider necessary
to suggest this is necessary (matter)
dafür notwendig; dafür erforderlich; gefordert; unvermeidlich iron. adj
die dafür notwendige Erfahrung
die geforderten Fähigkeiten
Nach dem Aufstehen trank er seine unvermeidliche Tasse Kaffee.
prerequisite (only before noun)
the prerequisite experience
the prerequisite skills
He had his prerequisite cup of coffee after getting up.
sofern adv; vorausgesetzt, dass; solange wie
sofern nicht; vorausgesetzt, dass nicht
sofern er nicht absagt
sofern nichts Gegenteiliges bekannt
sofern nichts Anderweitiges vereinbart ist; sofern nicht anderweitig vereinbart
Wenn ich von Ihnen nichts Gegenteiliges höre, nehme ich an, dass meine Anwesenheit nicht erforderlich ist.
so long as; as long as; provided (that)
provided he doesn't call it off; as long as he doesn't call it off
unless I hear to the contrary
unless otherwise agreed
Unless I hear to the contrary from you, I assume my attendance is not required.
soweit; in dem Maße Umfang Ausmaß wie jur.
soweit Artikel 30 nicht etwas anderes bestimmt
soweit dies zur Bekämpfung der Geldwäsche erforderlich ist
Sofern und soweit Bestimmungen dieser Vereinbarung …
Zwangsmaßnahmen werden in jenen Fällen und in dem Umfang angewendet, wie sie nach inländischem Recht vorgesehen sind.
to the extent as that
except to the extent that Article 30 provides otherwise
to the extent necessary to combat money laundering
If and to the extent that any provisions of this Agreement …
Coercive measures are applied in the instances and to the extent as are provided for by national law.
unabdingbar; unbedingt erforderlich (für etw); dringend geboten adj
Verkaufstalent ist für den Erfolg einer gewerblichen Tätigkeit unabdingbar.
Es ist unerlässlich, dass wir jetzt zu einer Entscheidung kommen.
Ihre Anwesenheit ist unbedingt erforderlich.
Verstärkte Kontrollen sind dringend geboten.
imperative (to sth.)
Sales skills are imperative to the success of a business.
It is imperative for us to come to a decision now.
It is imperative that you be should be present.
Reinforced controls are imperative.
etw. erforderlich nötig notwendig machen v
to necessitate sth. formal
erforderliche Genauigkeit
required accuracy
erforderliche oder übliche Vorgänge
necessary or customary operations
erforderliche Schritte
steps to be taken
erforderliche Vorbildung
educational requirements
erforderliche Vrobereitungen
necessary preparations
notwendige Mittel, erforderliche Mittel
necessary means
Zuschlag für zusätzlich erforderliche Arbeit
excess work allowance
Beulsicherheit f
erforderliche Beulsicherheit
vorhandene Beulsicherheit
safety against local buckling, safety against bulging
required safety against bulging
existing safety against bulging
erforderliche Eingabe
solicited input
erforderliche Grenzpapiere
documents required
erforderliche Papiere
documents required
Beulsicherheit f
erforderliche Beulsicherheit
vorhandene Beulsicherheit
safety against local buckling; safety against bulging
required safety against bulging
existing safety against bulging
Genauigkeit f; Exaktheit f; Treffgenauigkeit f
mit peinlicher Genauigkeit
geforderte Genauigkeit; erforderliche Genauigkeit
Acht-Bit-Genauigkeit comp.
Genauigkeit der Grundriss- und Höhendarstellung
with rigorous accuracy
required accuracy
eight-bit accuracy
accuracy of ground and height representation
erforderliche Mindestbeteiligung f adm.
qualifying participation; qualifying interest
Schritt m
Schritte pl
Schritt für Schritt; Schritt um Schritt
ein Schritt in Richtung ...
im Schritt
im gleichen Schritt und Tritt
gemessenen Schrittes
Schritt halten mit
einen Schritt machen
aus dem Schritt kommen
im Gleichschritt sein
kleine Schritte machen; kurze Schritte machen
erforderliche Schritte
die ersten Schritte machen
den ersten Schritt tun
den zweiten Schritt vor dem ersten tun übtr.
ein großer Schritt nach vorn
ein Schritt in die richtige falsche Richtung
jdm. (bei etw.) (immer) einen Schritt voraus sein
step by step; little by little
a step towards
in step; at walking pace
in step
with measured step
to keep step with
to take a step
to break step
to be in step
to take small steps
steps to be taken
to take one's first steps
to make the first move
to try to run before one can walk; to put the cart before the horse fig.
a big step up the ladder fig.
a step in the right wrong direction
to be keep stay one step jump ahead of sb. (in sth.)
Voraussetzung f; Grundvoraussetzung f; Vorbedingung f (für)
Voraussetzungen pl; Grundvoraussetzungen pl; Vorbedingungen pl
die Voraussetzungen erfüllen
Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse für dieses Studium sind ...
prerequisite (to; for)
to fulfill the prerequisites
Prerequisites for this study are ...
Vorbereitung f (von etw.) adm.
Vorbereitungen pl
als Vorbereitung zu
in Vorbereitung i.V.
Vorbereitungen treffen
erforderliche Vorbereitungen
preparation (of sth.)
in preparation for
in preparation in prep.
to make preparations
necessary preparations
Vorbildung f school
berufliche Vorbildung
erforderliche Vorbildung
educational background
vocational training; technical qualification(s)
educational requirements
Eigenmittelanforderungen pl; erforderliche Eigenleistung f econ.
capital adequacy requirements; required capital contribution; equity requirement
Genauigkeit f; Exaktheit f; Präzision f; Schärfe f
mit peinlicher Genauigkeit
geforderte Genauigkeit; erforderliche Genauigkeit
Acht-Bit-Genauigkeit comp.
Genauigkeit der Grundriss- und Höhendarstellung
einfache Genauigkeit f
doppelte Genauigkeit f
mehrfache Genauigkeit f
übergroße Genauigkeit f
mit doppelter Genauigkeit comp.
mit einfacher Genauigkeit comp.
mit äußerster Präzision
etw. auf 15 nm genau messen
accuracy; exactness; exactitude; precision; preciseness
with rigorous accuracy
required accuracy
eight-bit accuracy
accuracy of ground and height representation
short precision
long precision
multiple precision
with rigorous precision
to measure sth. with a precision of 15 nm
Grundvoraussetzung f; Voraussetzung f; Vorbedingung f (für etw.)
die Voraussetzungen erfüllen
Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse für dieses Studium sind …
necessary requirement; requisite (for sth.); prerequisite (to sth. for sth.)
to fulfil fulfill the prerequisites
Prerequisites for this study are …
Schritt m
Schritte pl
Schritt für Schritt; Schritt um Schritt
ein Schritt in Richtung …
im Schritt
gemessenen Schrittes
Schritt halten mit
einen Schritt machen
aus dem Schritt kommen
kleine Schritte machen; kurze Schritte machen
erforderliche Schritte
die ersten Schritte machen
den ersten Schritt tun
den zweiten Schritt vor dem ersten tun übtr.
step by step; little by little
a step towards
in step; at walking pace
with measured step
to keep step with
to take a step
to break step
to take small steps
steps to be taken
to take one's first steps
to make the first move
to try to run before one can walk; to put the cart before the horse fig.
Vorbereitung f (von etw.)
Vorbereitungen pl
Weihnachtsvorbereitungen pl
in Vorbereitung auf etw.; zur Vorbereitung +Gen.
in Vorbereitung (sein) i. V.
Vorbereitungen für etw. treffen
erforderliche Vorbereitungen
preparation (of sth.)
Christmas preparations
in preparation for sth.
(to be) in preparation in {prp} .
to make preparations for sth.
necessary preparations

erforderlicher Definition

Blood money
() Money paid to the next of kin of a person who has been killed by another.
Blood money
() Money obtained as the price, or at the cost, of another's life
(n.) A piece of metal, as gold, silver, copper, etc., coined, or stamped, and issued by the sovereign authority as a medium of exchange in financial transactions between citizens and with government
(n.) Any written or stamped promise, certificate, or order, as a government note, a bank note, a certificate of deposit, etc., which is payable in standard coined money and is lawfully current in lieu of it
(n.) In general, wealth
(v. t.) To supply with money.
(n.) One who coins or prints money
(n.) One who accumulates money or wealth
(n.) The act or process of making money
(a.) Affording profitable returns
(a.) Sussessful in gaining money, and devoted to that aim
(n.) That which is required, or is necessary
(a.) Required by the nature of things, or by circumstances

requisite money Bedeutung

waste of money money spent for inadequate return, the senator said that the project was a waste of money
money laundering concealing the source of illegally gotten money
money cowrie
Cypraea moneta
cowrie whose shell is used for money in parts of the southern Pacific and in parts of Africa
money box
a strongbox for holding cash
money belt belt with a concealed section for holding money
savings bank
coin bank
money box bank
a container (usually with a slot in the top) for keeping money at home, the coin bank was empty
cash cow
a project that generates a continuous flow of money
money market a market for short-term debt instruments
smart money people who are highly experienced or who have inside information, the smart money said Truman would lose the election
anything indispensable, food and shelter are necessities of life, the essentials of the good life, allow farmers to buy their requirements under favorable conditions, a place where the requisites of water fuel and fodder can be obtained
money handler
money dealer
a person who receives or invests or pays out money
money changer
one whose business is to exchange the money of one country for that of another country
silver dollar
money plant
satin flower
Lunaria annua
southeastern European plant cultivated for its fragrant purplish flowers and round flat papery silver-white seedpods that are used for indoor decoration
money wealth reckoned in terms of money, all his money is in real estate
big bucks
big money
a large sum of money (especially as pay or profit), she made a bundle selling real estate, they sank megabucks into their new house
easy money
gravy train
income obtained with a minimum of effort
easy money the economic condition in which credit is easy to secure
tight money the economic condition in which credit is difficult to secure and interest rates are high
prize swag
dirty money
goods or money obtained illegally
prize money any money given as a prize
hearth money
Peter's pence
an annual contribution made by Roman Catholics to support the papal see
soft money political contributions made in such a way as to avoid the United States regulations for federal election campaigns (as by contributions to a political action committee)
blood money paid to a hired murderer
conscience money payment made voluntarily to reduce guilt over dishonest dealings
ransom money
money demanded for the return of a captured person
blood money a reward for information about a murderer
hush money a bribe paid to someone to insure that something is kept secret
blood money compensation paid to the family of a murdered person
punitive damages
exemplary damages
smart money
(law) compensation in excess of actual damages (a form of punishment awarded in cases of malicious or willful misconduct)
ship money an impost levied in England to provide money for ships for national defense
entrance fee
admission charge
admission fee
admission price
price of admission
entrance money
the fee charged for admission
sum of money
amount of money
a quantity of money, he borrowed a large sum, the amount he had in cash was insufficient
smart money money bet or invested by experienced gamblers or investors (especially if they have inside information)
earnest money
money given by a buyer to a seller to bind a contract
seed money capital needed to set up a new business or enterprise
money supply the total stock of money in the economy, currency held by the public plus money in accounts in banks
cheap money credit available at low rates of interest
money order
postal order
a written order for the payment of a sum to a named individual, obtainable and payable at a post office
money the most common medium of exchange, functions as legal tender, we tried to collect the money he owed us
money the official currency issued by a government or national bank, he changed his money into francs
token money coins of regular issue whose face value is greater than their intrinsic value
paper money
folding money
paper currency
currency issued by a government or central bank and consisting of printed paper that can circulate as a substitute for specie
metal money
coins collectively
Maundy money specially minted silver coins that are distributed by the British sovereign on Maundy Thursday
fiat money money that the government declares to be legal tender although it cannot be converted into standard specie
pocket money
pin money
spending money
cash for day-to-day spending on incidental expenses
ready cash
cold cash
ready money
money in the form of cash that is readily available, his wife was always a good source of ready cash, he paid cold cash for the TV set
silver spoon
old money
the inherited wealth of established upperlass families, he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, she is the daughter of old money from Massachusetts
necessary for relief or supply, provided them with all things needful
for love or money
for anything
for any price
for all the world
under any circumstances, she wouldn't give up her pets for love or money
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