
festhalten Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

hold down
to hold tight
adhere to
to retain
festhalten an
to hang on to
festhalten an
keep at
festhalten an
hold to
festhalten an
hang on to
festhalten an
adhere to
sich festhalten
hold on
Festhalten n
Festhalten n
sich festhalten an
hold on to
Festhalten, Anhänglichkeit
sich aneinander festhalten
to hold each other; to hold one another
festhalten (an einer Idee)
to cherish
sich aneinander festhalten
to hold each other, to hold one another
etw. (schriftlich) festhalten
to record sth.; to document sth.
(sich) festhalten, haften (an)
to cling {clung, clung} (to)
sich aneinander festhalten v
to hold each other; to hold one another
Festhaften, Festhalten, Anhaengen
etw. (schriftlich) festhalten v
to record sth.; to document sth.
Namen feststellen, Namen festhalten
secure the name
halten, festhalten, innehalten, besitzen
to hold down, to hold tight, to hold on
holding down, holding tight, holding on
held down, held tight, held on
festhalten an v
to hang on to
hanging on
hanged on; hung on
festhalten an v
to hang on to
hanging on
hanged on, hung on
Festhaften n; Festhalten n; Anhaftung f (an)
adherence (to)
Festhaften n, Festhalten n, Anhaftung f (an)
adherence (to)
Festhalten n (RegelverstoĂź beim Ballsport) sport
holding (breach of the rules in ball sports)
protokollarisch adv
etw. protokollarisch festhalten
on record; in the mionutes; according to protocol
to take sth. down in the minutes
Strecktau n (zum Festhalten auf einem Schiff) naut.
manrope (for support on a ship)
etw. beibehalten v; an etw. festhalten; bei etw. bleiben v
to cleave to sth. formal
Klemmbacke f (zum Festhalten von WerkstĂĽcken) techn.
Klemmbacken pl
gripping die
gripping dies
festhalten v
jdn. fest in den Armen halten
to grasp
to grasp sb. in one's arms
festhalten (an); beharren (auf)
festhaltend; beharrend
festgehalten; beharrt
to cleave {cleaved clave; cleaved} (to)
festhalten (an), beharren (auf)
festhaltend, beharrend
festgehalten, beharrt
to cleave {cleaved, clave, cleaved} (to)
Anhalten n; Festhalten n (von etw.)
Festhalten fremder Schiffe durch die Marine
arrest (of sth.)
arrest of foreign vessels by the Navy
festhalten (an); beharren (auf) v
festhaltend; beharrend
festgehalten; beharrt
to cleave {cleaved, clave; cleaved} (to)
protokollarisch adv (in Form eines Protokolls) adm.
etw. protokollarisch festhalten
on record; in the minutes
to take sth. down in the minutes
hartnäckig adj
sich hartnäckig halten
hartnäckig an etw. festhalten
etw. hartnäckig festhalten
to be tenacious
to be tenacious of sth.
to hold sth. in a tenacious grip
internieren, festhalten
internierend, festhaltend
interniert, festgehalten
to intern
festhalten, verhaften, verwahren
festhaltend, verhaftend, verwahrend
festgehalten, verhaftet, verwahrt
to detain
hartnäckig; beharrlich; standhaft; eisern adv
standhaft kämpfen
an seinen Ăśberzeugungen eisern festhalten
to fight tenaciously
to cling tenaciously to your beliefs
unerschĂĽtterlich; unbeirrt; unbeirrbar; unentwegt adj
an etw. unbeirrbar festhalten
seinen Weg unbeirrt fortsetzen
unswerving; undeviating
to be unswerving in sth.
to follow an unswerving course
unerschĂĽtterlich, unbeirrt, unbeirrbar, unentwegt adj
an etw. unbeirrbar festhalten
seinen Weg unbeirrt fortsetzen
unswerving, undeviating
to be unswerving in sth.
to follow an unswerving course
festhalten v
an etw. festhalten
sich an etw. festhalten
an einer Idee einem Prinzip festhalten
to hold down; to hold tight; to hold on
holding down; holding tight; holding on
held down; held tight; held on
to hold onto sth.
to hold oneself onto sth.
to hold fast to an idea a principle
beharrlich; hartnäckig adj (Person)
auf etw. beharren; an etw. festhalten
in schweren oder hartnäckigen Fällen von Schuppenbildung med.
to be persistent in sth.
in severe or persistent cases of dandruff
festhalten an; treu bleiben; fest bleiben v
festhaltend an; treu bleibend; fest bleibend
festgehalten an; treu geblieben; fest geblieben
to abide by {abode; abode}; to stick with {stuck; stuck}
abiding by; sticking with
abode by; stuck with
festhalten an, treu bleiben, fest bleiben v
festhaltend an, treu bleibend, fest bleibend
festgehalten an, treu geblieben, fest geblieben
to abide by {abode, abided, abode, abided}, to stick with {stuck, stuck}
abiding by, sticking with
abided by, abode by, stuck with
Ich möchte festhalten anmerken, dass …; Bleibt festzuhalten festzustellen, dass …
Der Minister hat sich - das muss (auch) gesagt werden - redlich bemĂĽht.
Let it be said that …
The minister has, let it be said, made great efforts.
etw. stabilisieren; festigen; fest (sicher) machen v
stabilisierend; festigend; fest machend
stabilisiert; gefestigt; fest gemacht
eine Leiter festhalten
to steady sth.
to steady a ladder
jdn. (an einem Ort) festhalten (am Weggehen Weglaufen hindern) v
Der Reporter wurde am Kontrollpunkt mehrere Stunden lang festgehalten.
to hold sb.; to detain sb. (in a place)
holding; detaining
held; detained
The reporter was held at the checkpoint for several hours.
apodiktisch; absolutistisch; dogmatisch adv (keine Abweichung duldend) pej.
dogmatisch an einem Grundsatz festhalten
„Ich brauche nichts zu ändern.“, sagte er apodiktisch.
to adhere dogmatically to a principle
'I don't have to change anything', he said dogmatically.
hartnäckig; beharrlich; zäh adj
zähe und ausdauernde Tiere
eine zähe Schlacht
Vorstellungen, die sich hartnäckig halten
sich hartnäckig halten
hartnäckig an etw. festhalten
hardy and tenacious animals
a tenacious battle
tenacious ideas
to be tenacious
to be tenacious of sth.
an etw. festhalten; bei etw. bleiben; sich an etw. halten; fest bleiben bei v
festhaltend; bleibend; sich haltend; fest bleibend
festgehalten; geblieben; sich gehalten; fest geblieben
to adhere to sth.
adhering to
adhered to
jdn. etw. loslassen v (nicht mehr festhalten)
er sie lässt los
ich er sie lieĂź los
jds. Arm loslassen
Er lieĂź los und ich fiel um.
Lass mich los!
to let go of sb. sth.; to let me you him her it us them go
letting go
let go
he she lets go
I he she let go
to let go of sb.'s arm
He let go and I fell.
Let me go!
festhalten an; bleiben bei; sich halten an; fest bleiben bei
festhaltend an; bleibend bei; sich haltend an; fest bleibend bei
festgehalten an; geblieben bei; sich gehalten at; fest geblieben bei
to adhere to
adhering to
adhered to
festhalten an, bleiben bei, sich halten an, fest bleiben bei
festhaltend an, bleibend bei, sich haltend an, fest bleibend bei
festgehalten an, geblieben bei, sich gehalten at, fest geblieben bei
to adhere to
adhering to
adhered to
auf etw. beharren; an etw. festhalten v
beharrend; festhaltend
beharrt; festgehalten
beharrt; hält fest
beharrte; hilet fest
auf seinem Standpunkt verharren
an seiner Meinung festhalten
to persist in sth.
to persist in one's viewpoint
to persist in one's opinion
Dokumentation f; Aufstellung f (schriftliches Festhalten)
Dokumentationen pl
tabellarische Dokumentation
eine genaue Aufstellung der Kosten
Die Dokumentation des Vorfalls strotzt vor Schlampigkeitsfehlern.
documentation (recording) (of sth.)
tabular documentation
a careful documentation of the costs
The documentation of the incident is filled with inaccuracies.
Akte f; Akt m Ă–s. adm.
Akten pl
etw. zu den Akten legen
etw. auf Akte halten; etw. evident halten Ă–s.; etw. in Evidenz halten Ă–s.
etw. aktenmäßig erfassen festhalten
Holen Sie mir die Akte den Akt Ă–s..
file; record
files; records
to put sth. on file; to file sth. away
to keep sth. on file; to keep a record of sth.
to place take sth. on record
Get me the file.
Dokumentation f; Aufstellung f (schriftliches Festhalten)
Dokumentationen pl
Ereignisdokumentation f
tabellarische Dokumentation
eine genaue Aufstellung der Kosten
Die Dokumentation des Vorfalls strotzt vor Schlampigkeitsfehlern.
documentation (recording) (of sth.)
event documentation
tabular documentation
a careful documentation of the costs
The documentation of the incident is filled with inaccuracies.
Akte f; Akt m Ă–s. adm.
Akten pl
etw. zu den Akten legen; ad acta legen veraltend
etw. auf Akte halten; etw. evident halten Ă–s.; etw. in Evidenz halten Ă–s.
etw. aktenmäßig erfassen festhalten
Holen Sie mir die Akte den Akt Ă–s..
file; record
files; records
to put sth. on file; to file away () sth.
to keep sth. on file; to keep a record of sth.
to place take sth. on record
Get me the record of the case.
halten, bereithalten, beibehalten, festhalten v
haltend, bereithaltend, beibehaltend, festhaltend
gehalten, bereitgehalten, beibehalten, festgehalten
ich halte
du hältst
sie hält
sie hielt
sie hat
hatte gehalten
sie hielte
to hold {held, held}
I hold
you hold
she holds
she held
she has
had held
she would hold
jdn. internieren; jdn. in Gewahrsam nehmen; jdn. in einer Kaserne einem Lager festhalten v
internierend; in Gewahrsam nehmend; festhaltend
interniert; in Gewahrsam genommen; festgehalten
interniert; nimmt in Gewahrsam; hält fest
internierte; nahm in Gewahrsam; hielt fest
to intern sb.
etw. (Abstraktes) einfangen; festhalten; wiedergeben v
einfangend; festhaltend; wiedergebend
eingefangen; festgehalten; wiedergegeben
fängt ein; hält fest; gibt wieder
fing ein; hielt fest; gab wieder
die allgemeine Stimmung einfangen
die Schönheit der Landschaft einfangen
to capture sth.; to encapsulate sth. (abstract)
capturing; encapsulating
captured; encapsulated
captures; encapsulates
captured; encapsulated
to capture the general mood
to encapsulate the beauty of the landscape
halten; bereithalten; beibehalten; festhalten v
haltend; bereithaltend; beibehaltend; festhaltend
gehalten; bereitgehalten; beibehalten; festgehalten
ich halte
du hältst
er sie hält
ich er sie hielt
wir sie hielten
er sie hat hatte gehalten
ich er sie hielte
Halt dich an meiner Hand fest!
to hold {held; held}
I hold
you hold
he she holds
I he she held
we they held
he she has had held
I he she would hold
Hold onto my hand!
alt adj (gewohnt, unverändert)
am Alten festhalten hängen
alles beim Alten (be)lassen
Du bist immer noch der Alte.
Doris ist nicht mehr die Alte.
Er ist wieder ganz der Alte.
Es bot sich uns das alte gewohnte Bild.
Es ist dort alles beim Alten.
Bei den Zahlungsmitteln wird alles beim Alten bleiben.
usual; unchanged
to cling to the old ways
to leave everything as it is; not to change anything
You haven't changed.
She's not the Doris I used to know.
He's back to his usual self.
It was the usual scene.
Nothing has changed there.
The means of payment will appear unchanged.
alt adj (gewohnt unverändert)
am Alten festhalten hängen
alles beim Alten (be)lassen
Du bist immer noch der Alte.
Doris ist nicht mehr die Alte.
Er ist wieder ganz der Alte.
Es bot sich uns das alte gewohnte Bild.
Es ist dort alles beim Alten.
Bei den Zahlungsmitteln wird alles beim Alten bleiben.
usual; unchanged
to cling to the old ways
to leave everything as it is; not to change anything
You haven't changed.
She's not the Doris I used to know.
He's back to his usual self.
It was the usual scene.
Nothing has changed there.
The means of payment will appear unchanged.
ein Luftfahrzeug am Boden festhalten aviat.
Hunderte FlĂĽge wurden wegen einer sich ausbreitenden vulkanischen Aschenwolke eingestellt.
Der Ballon konnte wegen starken Winds nicht starten.
Von Norwich abgehende Flüge können wegen eines Streiks nicht starten.
Sämliche Flugzeuge haben Startverbot bis sich der Nebel lichtet.
to ground an aircraft
Hundreds of flights were grounded due to a plume of volcanic ash spreading.
The balloon was grounded by strong winds.
All planes out of Norwich have been grounded by a strike.
All planes are grounded until the fog clears.
ein Luftfahrzeug am Boden festhalten v aviat.
Hunderte FlĂĽge wurden wegen einer sich ausbreitenden vulkanischen Aschenwolke eingestellt.
Der Ballon konnte wegen starken Winds nicht starten.
Von Norwich abgehende Flüge können wegen eines Streiks nicht starten.
Sämtliche Flugzeuge haben Startverbot bis sich der Nebel lichtet.
to ground an aircraft
Hundreds of flights were grounded due to a plume of volcanic ash spreading.
The balloon was grounded by strong winds.
All planes out of Norwich have been grounded by a strike.
All planes are grounded until the fog clears.
an etw. festhalten; einer Sache treu bleiben; fest zu einer Sache stehen v
an festhaltend; einer Sache treu bleibend; fest zu einer Sache stehend
an festgehalten; einer Sache treu geblieben; fest zu einer Sache gestanden
am ursprĂĽnglichen Termin festhalten
seinem Entschluss treu bleiben
Er ist sich (selbst) immer treu geblieben.
to stick to by sth. {stuck; stuck}; to cling to sth. {clung; clung}
sticking to by; clinging to
stuck to by; clung to
to stick to the original date
to stick to your resolution
He has always stuck to his principles.
an etw. festhalten; einer Sache treu bleiben; fest zu einer Sache stehen v
an festhaltend; einer Sache treu bleibend; fest zu einer Sache stehend
an festgehalten; einer Sache treu geblieben; fest zu einer Sache gestanden
am ursprĂĽnglichen Termin festhalten
seinem Entschluss treu bleiben
Er ist sich (selbst) immer treu geblieben.
to stick to by sth. {stuck; stuck}; to cling to sth. {clung; clung}
sticking to by; clinging to
stuck to by; clung to
to stick to the original date
to stick to one's decision
He has always stuck to his principles.
etw. protokollieren; dokumentieren; schriftlich niederlegen; schriftlich festhalten v adm.
protokollierend; dokumentierend; schriftlich niederlegend; schriftlich festhaltend
protokolliert; dokumentiert; schriftlich niedergelegt; schriftlich festgehalten
protokolliert; dokumentiert; legt schriftlich nieder; hält schriftlich fest
protokollierte; dokumentierte; legte schriftlich nieder; hielt schriftlich fest
to record
jdn. etw. ergreifen und festhalten; gepackt halten; umfassen; umklammern v
ergreifen und festhaltend; gepackt haltend; umfassend; umklammern
ergriffen und festgehalten; gepackt gehalten; umfasst; umklammert
jdn. an der Gurgel gepackt halten
jdn. fest in den Armen halten
Ich ergriff den TĂĽrknauf und zog so fest ich konnte.
Ich umklammerte das Geländer und versuchte, nicht hinunterzuschauen.
to grip sb. sth.; to grasp sb. sth.
gripping; grasping
gripped; grasped
to grip sb. by the throat
to grasp sb. in your arms
I gripped the door handle and pulled as hard as I could.
I gripped the rail and tried not to look down.
jdn. etw. ergreifen und festhalten; gepackt halten; umfassen; umklammern v
ergreifen und festhaltend; gepackt haltend; umfassend; umklammern
ergriffen und festgehalten; gepackt gehalten; umfasst; umklammert
jdn. an der Gurgel gepackt halten
jdn. fest in den Armen halten
Ich ergriff den TĂĽrknauf und zog so fest ich konnte.
Ich umklammerte das Geländer und versuchte nicht hinunterzuschauen.
to grip sb. sth.; to grasp sb. sth.
gripping; grasping
gripped; grasped
to grip sb. by the throat
to grasp sb. in your arms
I gripped the door handle and pulled as hard as I could.
I gripped the rail and tried not to look down.

Deutsche festhalten Synonyme

aufzeichnen  Âfesthalten  
(fest)klammern  (an)  Âfesthalten  
beharren  (auf)  Âfesthalten  (an)  ÂverbeiĂźen  (an)  
(sich)  halten  (an)  Âbleiben  bei  Âfesthalten  an  
aufschreiben  Âdokumentieren  Âniederschreiben  Âschriftlich  festhalten  
Dogmatismus  Âunkritisches  Festhalten  an  Lehrmeinungen  und  Glaubenssätzen  
buchen  Âeintragen  Âerfassen  Âfesthalten  Âspeichern  Âverbuchen  
Weitere Ergebnisse für festhalten Synonym nachschlagen

Englische hold down Synonyme

hold  abandon  abduction  abide  abort  absorb  absorb the attention  abstain  accent  accent mark  accommodate  account  account as  accumulate  acropolis  adhere  adhere to  adjudge  adjudicate  admit  advance  advantage  adverse possession  affirm  afford support  agglomerate  agree to  agree with  allege  allow  alodium  amass  announce  annunciate  answer  apply  apprehension  approve of  archives  argue  armory  arrest  arrestation  arsenal  ascendancy  assemble  assert  assever  asseverate  assimilate  assume  attic  authority  avail  aver  avoid  avouch  avow  back  back up  backlog  balance  ballast  bank  bar  basement  bastion  bay  be  be afraid  be consistent  be enfeoffed of  be equal to  be extant  be found  be in existence  be judicious  be met with  be possessed of  be present  be seized of  be the case  be there  be true  be truthful  beachhead  bear  bear hug  bear up  belay  believe  beset  bide  bin  bite  blockhouse  boast  bolster  bolster up  bonded warehouse  bookcase  booth  bosom  bottle up  box  box up  brace  breathe  bridgehead  bridle  bunch  bunker  buoy up  burgage  buttery  buttress  cage  call  cancel  capture  care  cargo dock  carry  carry on  castle  catch  catch up  catching  cavity  cease  cell  cellar  cellarage  cellule  chamber  character  charge  charisma  charm  check  cherish  chest  citadel  claim  clamp  clasp  claws  cleave  cleave to  clench  clinch  cling  cling to  clinging  clip  cloister  closet  clot  clout  cluster  clutch  clutches  coagulate  coal bin  cohere  collaring  collect  colony  command  compartment  compel  complete  comprehend  comprise  conceal  conceive  condone  conduct  confine  conform to fact  congeal  conglomerate  consequence  conservatory  consider  constrain  contain  contend  continue  continue to be  control  convene  convoke  cool  cool off  coop  coop in  coop up  cork up  count  count in  countenance  counterbalance  coup  cover  cradle  crate  credit  crib  crutch  crypt  cumulate    
hold back  abstain  abstain from  arrest  avoid  avoid excess  backpedal  backwater  begrudge  bit  block  bottle up  brake  bridle  check  clip the wings  close the hand  confine  conserve  constrain  contain  control  cool  cool off  countercheck  curb  curtail  dam up  damp  dampen  decelerate  delay  deny  detain  dispense with  do without  dompt  drag  draw rein  ease off  ease up  eat sparingly  eat to live  enjoin  eschew  exercise self-control  forbear  forgo  govern  grudge  guard  hinder  hold  hold aloof from  hold at bay  hold down  hold fast  hold in  hold in check  hold in leash  hold off  hold out on  hold up  husband  impede  inhibit  intercept  interfere  intermeddle  interrupt  intervene  keep  keep back  keep by one  keep from  keep in  keep in check  keep in hand  keep in reserve  keep in store  keep on hand  keep out  keep under control  keep within bounds  keep within compass  keep within limits  lag  lay by  lay under restraint  let alone  let down  let go by  let up  live plainly  lose ground  lose momentum  lose speed  make late  meddle  moderate  mortify the flesh  never touch  not touch  not use  obstruct  oppose  pass up  preserve  prohibit  pull  pull in  put apart  put aside  put by  reef  refrain  refrain from  rein  rein in  relax  repress  reserve  resist  restrain  retain  retard  retrench  save  save up  scotch  set apart  set aside  set back  set by  shun  slack off  slack up  slacken  slow  slow down  slow up  snub  spare  stand aloof from  stay  stop  straiten  suppress  take in sail  throttle down  waive  withhold  
hold by  abide by  act up to  adhere to  attend to  be faithful to  comply with  conform to  do justice to  fill  follow  fulfill  heed  keep  keep faith with  live up to  make good  meet  observe  regard  respect  satisfy  
hold cheap  be above  be contemptuous of  care nothing for  contemn  deride  despise  disdain  disparage  disprize  dump on  feel contempt for  feel superior to  hold beneath one  hold in contempt  insult  look down upon  misprize  put down  rank low  ridicule  scorn  set at naught  sneer at  sneeze at  sniff at  snort at  think nothing of  
hold down  asphyxiate  bit  bottle up  bridle  censor  check  choke off  clamp down on  constrain  cork  cork up  crack down on  crush  curb  damp down  deprive of freedom  disenfranchise  disfranchise  dominate  drown  enslave  enthrall  extinguish  gag  hold back  hold captive  hold in  hold in bondage  hold in captivity  hold in leash  hold in subjection  inhibit  jump on  keep down  keep under  kill  lead captive  make dependent  muzzle  peonize  pour water on  put down  quash  quell  quench  repress  shut down on  silence  sit down on  sit on  smash  smother  squash  squelch  stanch  stifle  strangle  stultify  subdue  subject  subjugate  subordinate  suffocate  suppress  take captive  throttle  vassalize  withhold  
hold everything  abide  await  bide  bide the issue  dally  dawdle  delay  dillydally  hang about  hang around  hold on  hold your horses  linger  loiter  mark time  sit tight  sit up  stay  stay up  stick around  take time  tarry  wait  wait a minute  wait and see  
hold fast  adhere to  arrest  be unflappable  bear up  bite  bridle  check  clasp  cleave to  clench  clinch  cling  cling like ivy  clip  clutch  come up fighting  constrain  contain  control  cool  cool off  curb  curtail  decelerate  dig in  dompt  embrace  enjoin  freeze to  get home free  govern  grapple  grasp  grip  gripe  guard  hang in  hang in there  hang on  hang on to  hang tough  hinder  hold  hold at bay  hold back  hold in  hold in check  hold in leash  hold on  hold on to  hold out  hold tight  hold up  hug  inhibit  keep  keep back  keep from  keep hold of  keep in  keep in check  keep under control  lay under restraint  live through it  live with it  never let go  never say die  nip  not budge  not give up  prohibit  pull  pull in  rein  rein in  remain firm  restrain  retard  retrench  ride it out  set back  slow down  snub  stand fast  stand firm  stand no nonsense  stand pat  stand the gaff  stand up  stay it out  stay put  stay the distance  stay with it  stick  stick close  stick fast  stick it  stick it out  stick out  stick to  stick to it  stick with it  straiten  take what comes  tough it out  weather  weather the storm  withhold  
hold forth  debate  declaim  demagogue  discourse  elocute  explain  exposit  expound  extend  harangue  hold out  lecture  monologize  monopolize the conversation  moralize  mouth  offer  orate  out-herod Herod  perorate  point a moral  preach  prefer  present  proffer  put up  rabble-rouse  rant  read  read a lesson  recite  rodomontade  say aside  sermonize  soliloquize  spiel  spout  submit  tender  think aloud  think out loud  tub-thump  
hold good  afford proof of  ascertain  be consistent  be demonstrable  be irrefutable  be logical  be reasonable  be the case  be true  be truthful  bring home to  cinch  clinch  conform to fact  demonstrate  determine  establish  figure  fix  follow  follow from  have a case  hold  hold together  hold true  hold up  hold water  make good  make out  make sense  nail down  prove  prove out  prove to be  prove true  remain valid  remove all doubt  set at rest  settle  settle the matter  show  stand the test  stand to reason  stand up  stick together  wash  
hold in contempt  be above  be contemptuous of  belittle  bring down  bring into discredit  bring low  care nothing for  contemn  cry down  dare  debase  decry  degrade  denigrate  deprecate  depreciate  deride  derogate from  despise  detract from  disapprove of  discommend  discredit  disdain  disgrace  disparage  dispraise  disprize  disvalue  dump on  feel contempt for  feel superior to  get fresh  get smart  have a nerve  have the cheek  have the gall  hold beneath one  hold cheap  insult  knock  look down upon  make bold  make little of  minimize  misprize  presume  put down  rank low  reflect discredit upon  ridicule  run down  scorn  set at naught  slight  sneer at  sneeze at  sniff at  snort at  speak ill of  submit to indignity  take liberties  taunt  think nothing of  
hold off  abstain  adjourn  be dilatory  beat back  beat off  blench  block  boggle  brush off  chase  chase away  chase off  check  continue  counter  cut  defer  delay  demur  dismiss  dispense with  do without  drag out  drive away  drive back  extend  falter  fend  fend off  fight shy of  filibuster  flinch  forbear  forgo  gain time  hang  hang back  hang fire  hang off  hang up  have qualms  hesitate  hinder  hold at bay  hold back  hold over  hold up  keep at bay  keep back  keep in hand  keep off  lay aside  lay by  lay over  let alone  make bones about  make time  not touch  not use  obstruct  pack off  parry  pause  pigeonhole  play for time  postpone  procrastinate  prolong  prorogate  prorogue  protract  pull back  push aside  push back  put  put aside  put back  put off  put on ice  quail  rebuff  rebut  recess  recoil  refrain  refuse  repel  repulse  reserve  save  scruple  send away  send off  send packing  set aside  set by  shelve  shift off  shrink  shy  shy at  sleep on  snub  spare  spurn  stall  stall for time  stall off  stand over  stave off  stay  stick at  stickle  stooge around  stop  strain  stretch out  suspend  table  take a recess  talk against time  temporize  thrust back  turn aside  turn back  waive  ward off  waver  wince  
hold office  alternate  be in office  be the incumbent  cover  do a hitch  do a stint  do a tour  do time  enlist  fill an office  fill in for  have a go  have tenure  keep a watch  occupy a post  re-up  reenlist  relieve  serve time  sign up  spell  spell off  take turns  time off  
hold on  abide  adhere  adhere to  agglomerate  aim  aim at  await  be caught short  be short  bear up  belong  bend  bide  bide the issue  bite  bucket  bucketshop  bunch  carry on  cease not  clasp  cleave  cleave to  clench  clinch  cling  cling to  clip  clot  cluster  clutch  coagulate  cohere  come up fighting  congeal  conglomerate  continue  continue to be  dally  dawdle  defeat time  defy time  delay  deposit margin  determine  dillydally  direct  directionize  drag on  dwell  embrace  endure  exist  extend  fix  fix on  freeze to  go along  go long  go on  grapple  grasp  grip  gripe  grow together  hang about  hang around  hang in  hang in there  hang on  hang on to  hang together  hang tough  hold  hold everything  hold fast  hold on to  hold out  hold steady  hold tight  hold together  hold up  hold your horses  hug  jog on  keep  keep going  keep hold of  keep on  last  last long  last out  level at  linger  live  live on  live through  live through it  live with it  loiter  maintain  make a killing  make a scoop  margin up  mark time  mass  miss the market  never cease  never let go  never say die  nip  not give up  operate  overstay the market  perdure  perennate  persist  play the market  plunge  point  point at  point to  present  prevail  pyramid  remain  run  run on  scalp  scoop the market  set  sight on  sit tight  sit up  slog on  solidify  speculate  stag  stag the market  stagger on  stand  stand up  stay  stay it out  stay on  stay put  stay the distance  stay up  stay with it  stick  stick around  stick it  stick it out  stick out  stick to  stick to it  stick together  stick with it  subsist  survive  sustain  take a flier  take hold of  take time  tarry  tide over  tough it out  trade on margin  train  train upon  turn  turn upon  venture  wait  wait a minute  wait and see  wear  wear well  
hold out  abide  balk  be proof against  be unflappable  be unmoved  be unwilling  bear up  bear up against  beg off  bide  boycott  carry on  come up fighting  continue  continue to be  decline  decline to accept  defeat time  defy  defy time  die hard  dig in  disagree  disallow  disclaim  dissent  dwell  endure  exist  extend  get home free  give  go on  go on strike  go out  hang in  hang in there  hang on  hang tough  hold  hold fast  hold forth  hold on  hold out against  hold up  keep  keep on  keep up  last  last long  last out  live  live on  live through  live through it  live with it  lock out  maintain  negate  negative  never say die  not back down  not budge  not buy  not consent  not flag  not give up  not hear of  not submit  not think of  not weaken  offer  perdure  perennate  persevere  persist  picket  pose  prefer  present  prevail  proffer  put up  rebuff  refuse  refuse consent  reject  remain  remain firm  repel  repudiate  repulse  resist  resist entreaty  resist persuasion  revolt  ride it out  run  run on  say nay  say no  see it out  shut it down  sit down  slow down  stand  stand aloof  stand fast  stand firm  stand no nonsense  stand out  stand pat  stand the gaff  stand up  stay  stay it out  stay on  stay put  stay the distance  stay with it  stick  stick fast  stick it  stick it out  stick out  stick to it  stick with it  stickle  strike  submit  subsist  survive  sustain  sweat it out  take it  take no denial  take what comes  tarry  tender  tide over  tough it out  turn down  vote nay  vote negatively  walk out  wear  wear well  weather  weather the storm  withstand  
hold out on  bosom  classify  conceal  file and forget  hold back  in petto  keep  keep back  keep between us  keep buttoned up  keep close  keep dark  keep from  keep in ignorance  keep mum  keep secret  keep snug  keep under wraps  make no sign  never let on  not give away  not tell  play dumb  secrete  veil  withhold  
hold over  adjourn  continue  defer  delay  drag out  extend  hang fire  hang up  hold off  hold up  lay aside  lay by  lay over  pigeonhole  postpone  prolong  prorogate  prorogue  protract  push aside  put aside  put off  put on ice  recess  reserve  set aside  set by  shelve  shift off  sleep on  stand over  stave off  stay  stretch out  suspend  table  take a recess  waive  
hold together  accord  act in concert  act together  adhere  affiliate  agglomerate  agree  ally  amalgamate  answer to  assent  associate  assort with  band  band together  be consistent  be in league  be of one  be the case  be true  be truthful  be uniform with  bunch  check  chime  clasp  cleave  clinch  cling  cling to  clot  club together  cluster  coact  coagulate  coalesce  cohere  coincide  collaborate  collude  combine  come together  communicate  concert  concord  concur  confederate  conform  conform to fact  conform with  congeal  conglomerate  connect  consist with  consolidate  conspire  converge  cooperate  correspond  do business with  dovetail  embrace  fall in together  federate  fit together  freeze to  fuse  get heads together  get together  go partners  go together  go with  grasp  grow together  hang on  hang together  harmonize  hit  hold  hold good  hold on  hold true  hold up  hold water  hook up  hug  intercommunicate  interlock  intersect  jibe  join  join in  join together  keep together  knit  league  league together  lock  make common cause  mass  match  meet  merge  overlap  parallel  partner  persist  play ball  prove out  prove to be  prove true  pull together  put heads together  reciprocate  register  register with  remain valid  respond to  set  sing in chorus  solidify  sort with  square  square with  stand the test  stand together  stand up  stay  stay put  stick  stick together  take hold of  tally  team up  throw in together  tie in  tie up  unite  unite efforts  wash  work together  
hold true  be consistent  be the case  be true  be truthful  conform to fact  hold  hold good  hold together  hold up  hold water  prove out  prove to be  prove true  remain valid  stand the test  stand up  stick together  wash  
hold up  adjourn  advertise  afford support  air  arrest  back  back up  backpedal  backwater  be consistent  be proof against  be the case  be true  be truthful  be unflappable  bear  bear out  bear up  bear up against  blazon forth  bleed  bleed white  block  bolster  bolster up  boost  bottle up  brace  brake  brandish  bridle  buoy  buoy up  buttress  carry  cast up  check  clip  clip the wings  come up fighting  commit robbery  confine  conform to fact  constrain  contain  continue  control  cool  cool off  countercheck  cradle  crutch  curb  curtail  cushion  dam up  damp  dampen  dangle  decelerate  defer  defy  delay  demonstrate  detain  display  dompt  drag  drag out  draw rein  ease off  ease up  elevate  emblazon  endure  enjoin  erect  escalate  exhibit  exploit  extend  finance  flash  flaunt  fleece  float  float high  flourish  fund  get by  get home free  give support  gouge  govern  guard  hack it  hang fire  hang in  hang in there  hang on  hang tough  hang up  heave  heft  heighten  heist  hijack  hike  hinder  hoick  hoist  hold  hold at bay  hold back  hold fast  hold good  hold in  hold in check  hold in leash  hold off  hold on  hold out  hold over  hold together  hold true  hold water  impede  inhibit  intercept  interfere  intermeddle  interrupt  intervene  jerk up  keep  keep afloat  keep back  keep from  keep in  keep in check  keep under control  keep up  knock over  knock up  lag  lay aside  lay by  lay over  lay under restraint  lend support  let down  let up  levitate  lift  lift up  live through it  live with it  lob  loft  lose ground  lose momentum  lose speed  mainstay  maintain  make late  manifest  meddle  meet requirements  moderate  mug  never say die  not budge  not flag  not give up  not weaken  obstruct  oppose  overcharge  overprice  overtax  parade  pass  pass muster  perk up  pigeonhole  pillow  postpone  profiteer  prohibit  prolong  prop  prop up  prorogate  prorogue  protract  prove out  prove to be  prove true  pull  
hold water  afford proof of  ascertain  be consistent  be demonstrable  be irrefutable  be logical  be reasonable  be the case  be true  be truthful  bring home to  cinch  clinch  conform to fact  demonstrate  determine  establish  figure  fix  follow  follow from  have a case  hold  hold good  hold together  hold true  hold up  make good  make out  make sense  nail down  prove  prove out  prove to be  prove true  remain valid  remove all doubt  set at rest  settle  settle the matter  show  stand the test  stand to reason  stand up  stick together  wash  

festhalten Definition

(n.) The hold or grip of an anchor, or that to which it holds.
(n.) Hence: Firm hold: security.
(n.) The whole interior portion of a vessel below the lower deck, in which the cargo is stowed.
(v. t.) To cause to remain in a given situation, position, or relation, within certain limits, or the like
(v. t.) To retain in one's keeping
(v. t.) To have
(v. t.) To impose restraint upon
(v. t.) To maintain in being or action
(v. t.) To prosecute, have, take, or join in, as something which is the result of united action
(v. t.) To receive and retain
(v. t.) To accept, as an opinion
(v. t.) To consider
(v. t.) To bear, carry, or manage
(n. i.) In general, to keep one's self in a given position or condition
(n. i.) Not to more
(n. i.) Not to give way
(n. i.) Not to fail or be found wanting
(n. i.) Not to fall away, desert, or prove recreant
(n. i.) To restrain one's self
(n. i.) To derive right or title
(n.) The act of holding, as in or with the hands or arms
(n.) The authority or ground to take or keep
(n.) Binding power and influence.
(n.) Something that may be grasped
(n.) A place of confinement
(n.) A place of security
(n.) A character [thus /] placed over or under a note or rest, and indicating that it is to be prolonged

hold down Bedeutung

choke hold
a restraining hold, someone loops the arm around the neck of another person in a tight grip, usually from behind, he grabbed the woman in a chokehold, demanded her cash and jewelry, and then fled
hold-down a limitation or constraint, taxpayers want a hold-down on government spending
taking hold
the act of gripping something firmly with the hands (or the tentacles)
the act of grasping, he released his clasp on my arm, he has a strong grip for an old man, she kept a firm hold on the railing
wrestling hold a hold used in the sport of wrestling
scissors hold
scissor hold
scissor grip
scissors grip
a wrestling hold in which you wrap your legs around the opponents body or head and put your feet together and squeeze
cargo area
cargo deck
cargo hold
hold storage area
the space in a ship or aircraft for storing cargo
grip handgrip
the appendage to an object that is designed to be held in order to use or move it, he grabbed the hammer by the handle, it was an old briefcase but it still had a good grip
hold keep a cell in a jail or prison
hold a stronghold
hold power by which something or someone is affected or dominated, he has a hold over them
understanding of the nature or meaning or quality or magnitude of something, he has a good grasp of accounting practices
a state of being confined (usually for a short time), his detention was politically motivated, the prisoner is on hold, he is in the custody of police
time lag
time during which some action is awaited, instant replay caused too long a delay, he ordered a hold in the action
hold keep from exhaling or expelling, hold your breath
stretch out put out extend hold out
stretch forth
thrust or extend out, He held out his hand, point a finger, extend a hand, the bee exserted its sting
hold down restrain, please hold down the noise so that the neighbors can sleep
persist hang in
hang on
hold on
be persistent, refuse to stop, he persisted to call me every night, The child persisted and kept asking questions
hold on stop c stop and wait, as if awaiting further instructions or developments, Hold on a moment!
hold up
cause to be slowed down or delayed, Traffic was delayed by the bad weather, she delayed the work that she didn't want to perform
hold remain committed to, I hold to these ideas
stand for
hold still for
tolerate or bear, I won't stand for this kind of behavior!
hold assert or affirm, Rousseau's philosophy holds that people are inherently good
hold view as
take for
keep in mind or convey as a conviction or view, take for granted, view as important, hold these truths to be self-evident, I hold him personally responsible
hold hold the attention of, The soprano held the audience, This story held our interest, She can hold an audience spellbound
seize clutch get hold of affect, Fear seized the prisoners, The patient was seized with unbearable pains, He was seized with a dreadful disease
get through
get hold of
be in or establish communication with, Our advertisements reach millions, He never contacted his children after he emigrated to Australia
hang on
hold the line
hold on
hold the phone line open, Please hang on while I get your folder
hold f concur
be in accord, be in agreement, We agreed on the terms of the settlement, I can't agree with you!, I hold with those who say life is sacred, Both philosophers concord on this point
hold forth
talk at length and formally about a topic, The speaker dissertated about the social politics in th century England
stand pat
stand firm
hold firm
stand fast
refuse to abandon one's opinion or belief
declare adjudge
hold b
declare to be, She was declared incompetent, judge held that the defendant was innocent
hold d obligate
bind by an obligation, cause to be indebted, He's held by a contract, I'll hold you by your promise
hold out
stand firm
stand up or offer resistance to somebody or something
hold off resist and fight to a standoff, Dallas had enough of a lead to hold the Broncos off
defend guard hold protect against a challenge or attack, Hold that position behind the trees!, Hold the bridge against the enemy's attacks
check turn back
hold back
hold back, as of a danger or an enemy, check the expansion or influence of, Arrest the downward trend, Check the growth of communism in South East Asia, Contain the rebel movement, Turn back the tide of communism
hold aim, point, or direct, Hold the fire extinguisher directly on the flames
drink alcohol without showing ill effects, He can hold his liquor, he had drunk more than he could carry
get hold of
get into one's hands, take physically, Take a cookie!, Can you take this bag, please
hold on
hold firmly
take hold
have or hold in one's hands or grip, Hold this bowl for a moment, please, A crazy idea took hold of him
hold support
hold up
be the physical support of, carry the weight of, The beam holds up the roof, He supported me with one hand while I balanced on the beam, What's holding that mirror?
cling to
hold close
hold tight
hold firmly, usually with one's hands, She clutched my arm when she got scared
confine hold
to close within bounds, limit or hold back from movement, This holds the local until the express passengers change trains, About a dozen animals were held inside the stockade, The illegal immigrants were held at a detention center, The terrorists held the journalists for ransom
hold cover as for protection against noise or smell, She held her ears when the jackhammer started to operate, hold one's nose
hold fast
bind stick
stick to
stick to firmly, Will this wallpaper adhere to the wall?
take hold of
take hold of so as to seize or restrain or stop the motion of, Catch the ball!, Grab the elevator door!
hold carry bear support or hold in a certain manner, She holds her head high, He carried himself upright
throw have
make give
organize or be responsible for, hold a reception, have, throw, or make a party, give a course
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